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Abstract .....................................................................................................................................
CHAPTER 1: INTRODUCTION .............................................................................................

1.1 Purpose of SWEP .............................................................................................

1.2 Aims and Objectives of the Study .....................................................................................

CHAPTER 2: KNOWLEDGE GAINED ..................................................................................

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................

1.4 Discussion of Project 1 ......................................................................................................

1.5 Discussion of Project 2 ..................................................................................................................

CHAPTER 2: KNOWLEDGE GAINED ..................................................................................

2.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................

2.2 Discussion of Project 1 ......................................................................................................

2.3 Discussion of Project 2 ..................................................................................................................

CHAPTER 3: EXPERIENCE GAINED ..................................................................................

3.1 Introduction ........................................................................................................................

3.2 Discussion of Project 1 ......................................................................................................

3.3 Discussion of Project 2 ..................................................................................................................

3.4 Safety Measures ..................................................................................................................

CHAPTER 4: CONCLUSIONS RECOMMENDATIONS ..................................................................................

4.1 Conclusions ........................................................................................................................

4.2 Recommendation ......................................................................................................



The authorities of the National Universities Commission (NUC) approved of the Students Work
Experience Programme (SWEP), for Nigerian Universities and other institutions of higher learning; for its
students to undergo various training in their respective fields of studies. This scheme was brought about
by the inadequate practical experience gained by the students in higher institutions after graduation,
due to various factors such as: lack of relevant equipment and machineries in their institutions, etc. It is
therefore mandatory for all students offering relevant courses in Nigerian higher institutions to undergo
the SWEP program at their assigned period (level) and through the stipulated duration.

During this period a Log Book is required to document all the daily activities, a report is also drafted at
the end of the programme to document all the knowledge and the experience gained.


The Students’ Work Experience Programme (SWEP) helps in developing the students’ innovative,
creative abilities and skills relevant to their programme. It engages students in workshop and outdoor
manual labour so that they can appreciate the dignity of labour. This aspect of training is part of the
NUC approved programme for engineering students to produce competent Engineers and professionals
of excellence in the future. SWEP was designed not only to expose the students to skills acquisition but
also inculcate in them the development of right team spirit as well as expose them to rudimentary
expectations for the world of work. The major background behind the embankment of students in SWEP
was to expose them to the industrial environment and enable them develop occupational competencies
so that they can readily contribute their quota to national economic and technological.


The SWEP programme is necessary in giving the student an exposure to the field experience in his/her
discipline. It also serves as a prelude to the SIWES programme as mandated by the National Universities
Commission (NUC).

Not all Students who study Engineering in their Bachelor’s degree end up as Engineers or even
functioning in their respective fields. But the knowledge gained during the SWEP programme can be
used even outside the field of Engineering.

The programme encourages Students to research skills and other areas of academia that they otherwise
never would have been interested in.



Petroleum Engineering is a field of engineering concerned with the activities related to the production
of Hydrocarbons, which can be either crude oil or natural gas. Exploration and production are deemed
to fall within the upstream sector of the oil and gas industry. Exploration, by earth scientists, and
petroleum engineering are the oil and gas industry's two main subsurface disciplines, which focus on
maximizing economic recovery of hydrocarbons from subsurface reservoirs. Petroleum
geology and geophysics focus on provision of a static description of the hydrocarbon reservoir rock,
while petroleum engineering focuses on estimation of the recoverable volume of this resource using a
detailed understanding of the physical behavior of oil, water and gas within porous rock at very high


i. Drilling Engineering
ii. Completion Engineering
iii. Reservoir Engineering
iv. Petroleum Production Engineering

Drilling Engineering: manage the technical aspects of drilling exploratory, production and injection wells.

Completion Engineering: (also known as subsurface engineers) work to design and oversee the
implementation of techniques aimed at ensuring wells are drilled stably and with the maximum
opportunity for oil and gas production.

Reservoir Engineering: work to optimize production of oil and gas via proper placement, production
rates, and enhanced oil recovery techniques

Petroleum Production Engineering: manage the interface between the reservoir and the well, including
perforations, sand control, downhole flow control, and downhole monitoring equipment;
evaluate artificial lift methods; and select surface equipment that separates the produced fluids (oil,
natural gas, and water).


The crude oil that has been extracted over the past century was formed millions of years ago. Some
deposits were formed over 500 million years ago, with the newest deposit being approximately formed
over 50 million years ago. Crude oil was formed from the remains of tiny sea animals and plants and is
therefore a fossil fuel. Small marine animals and plants that died millions of years ago sunk to the
seabed or ocean floor where they decomposed and mixed with the sand and silt.

Small marine animals and plants that died millions of years ago sunk to the seabed or ocean floor where
they decomposed and mixed with the sand and silt.

The remains of the animals and plants were buried under layers of sand and silt on the seabed. Due to
the lack of oxygen on the seabed the bacteria feeding on the remains could not decompose the remains
of the animals and plants completely. The partially decomposed remains overtime formed into a large
mass. This over the course of millions of years was covered by multiple layers of sand, silt and mud.

As the depth of the sediment layers built up so did the weight of the sand and silt pressing down on the
layer of partially decomposed remains causing it to be compressed into a thinner layer.

Finally, the depth of the layers on top of the buried partially decomposed layer reaches thousands of
meters and the immense pressure exerted by the weight of these layers along with the natural heat
from the earth results in the formation of crude oil/petroleum.

While the mud and silt layers become heavier the forces applied causes the bottom layers above the
crude oil to turn into shale.

The oil is forced out from its original area of formation and travels upwards through the cracks and gaps
in the shale formation until it reaches a new impermeable rock formation called reservoir rock. The oil
lays trapped here until it is discovered and extracted.

Petroleum originates from a small fraction of the organic matter deposited in
sedimentary environments. Out of the average “source rock”, 99% is mineral
matter and 1% organic matter. Of this organic matter, 90% is kerogen and 10%
bitumen. This organic matter is usually a combination of marine- and
terrestrially-derived organic (plant) and zooplankton (animal), which
constitutes more than 95% of the life in the oceans. Terrestrial organisms are
mainly wind-blown spores and pollen, along with some woody debris from
rivers and swamps.

All living matter is composed of four main constituents, lipids, proteins,

carbohydrates and lignin.

These cover all organism-produced substances that are
practically insoluble in water. This encompasses fatty substances
such as vegetable oil, waxes and animal fats. Lipids are
structurally very similar to the non-aromatic NSO compounds.
Lipids are one of the main sources for petroleum.

These are high-order polymers made from individual amino
acids, and account for most of the nitrogen and sulfur
compounds in organisms. Therefore, most nitrogen and sulfur
containing compounds found in petroleum are derived from

This is a collective name for individual sugars and their polymers. The name is derived from the formula
C,(H,0), which suggests hydrated carbons. Carbohydrates are not important sources for petroleum.

These are widespread in plants and are characterized by their aromatic (phenolic) structures. They are
high molecular weight structures (polyphenols). The aromatic content of petroleum is
derived from this group.


The Depositional Environments are depressions where sediments got deposited. The eroded sediments
transported and deposited by water, glaciers, and wind.
Depositional Environments are mostly sedimentary environments. The layers of sediment that
accumulate in each type of depositional environment have distinctive characteristics, which provide
important information regarding the geologic history of an area.


There are four major types of depositional environments they are;
i. Continental
ii. Transitional
iii. Marine
iv. Other Categories

In continental deposits, it can be further classified into Alluvial, Fluvial and Lacustrine environment.

In transitional deposits, it can be classified into Deltaic, Tidal, Lagoonal and Beach environment.

In marine deposits, it can be classified into evaporative and glacial environments.

The continental environments are those environments which are present on the terrestrial plains of
continents. They are alluvial fans, fluvial environments (rivers), lacustrine environments (lakes), aeolian
or eolian environments (deserts), and paludal environments (swamps). On the continents,
sedimentation might be thought to begin with clastic materials, shed from the flanks of mountain

These alluvial fans are characterized by poorly sorted, boulder and gravel dominated debris of
conglomerates. Fluvial (river) faces include cross-bedded and rippled river sandstones and parallel or
cross-bedded floodplain mudstones (siltstones and clay shales). Lacustrine (lake) faces include sands
deposited at the mouths of rivers which empty into the lake, along the shoreline as well as muddy faces
on the deep lake bottom. In the continental environment, most sediment transport is accomplished by
the flows that move in response to the gravity.

The Transitional environments are those environments at or near where the land meets the sea.
Transitional sedimentary environments include deltas, beaches and barrier islands, lagoons, salt
marshes, and tidal flats. The tidal flats are low-lying areas that are alternately covered by water and
exposed to the air each day. The Transition zone between continents and marine environments.

The Marine environments are in the seas or oceans. The marine environments include reefs, the
continental shelf, slope, rise, and abyssal plain. The reefs are wave-resistant, mound-like structures
made of the calcareous skeletons of organisms such as corals and certain types of algae.
The most modern reefs are in warm, clear, shallow, tropical seas, between the latitudes of 30ºN and
30ºS of the equator. Thick accumulations of sand, silt and mud form in several sub environments,
including stream channels, flood plain, beaches, tidal flats, and sand bars.
From the beach outward, well sorted, clean, shoreface sandstones accumulate in the wave-dominated
near shore environment.

In this category there are about two types, they are Evaporite and Glacial deposition environments.
Evaporite is a name for water-soluble mineral sediment. This results the concentration and
crystallization by evaporation from an aqueous solution. There are two types of evaporate deposits:
marine, which can also be described as ocean deposits, and nonmarine, which are found in standing
bodies of water such as lakes. Evaporites are considered sedimentary rocks.


Studies of present depositional environments show that the optimum

requirements for accumulation and preservation of organic matter include:

i. A large supply of organic matter

ii. An intermediate rate of sedimentation of fine-grained material
iii. An oxygen-poor environment to reduce oxidation and aerobic microbial
iv. degradation of dead organic matter

Continental margins have all the requirements for organic accumulation.

Deltaic deposits have rapid sedimentation rate, but itis also an aerobic
environment causing degradation of the organic matter. The “beathonic zone”
of the continental margin has an anaerobic environment, but little organic
ratte or sedimentation, Therefore, within the continental margins, only
certain areas (lagoons, estuaries, deep basins within the margin) have both
‘organic contributions, sedimentation and a reasonable anaerobic environment.


As organic matter matures from “biopolymers” (lipids, lignins, et.) to something called geopolymers”
(nitrogenous and humic complexes), it is called kerogen. Kerogen is a general term describing any
insoluble organic ratte in sedimentary rocks. It insoluble in water, non-oxidizing acids and organic
solvents. It is best described as a heterogeneous, highly polymerized organic material, with a large
amount of inter-bound aromatic rings. Kerogen has a variety of different side-chains emanating from the
general aromatic nucleus. Kerogen is dispersed within sediments and is intimately associated (absorbed)
into the mineral rock.

There are three major types of kerogen
i. Type I
ii. Type II
iii. Type III
iv. Type IV

This type of kerogen is characterized by having a high initial hydrogen to carbon stomic ratio (H/C) of 1.5
or more, and allow oxygen to carbon atomic ratio (O/C) of less than 0.1. Type I kerogen has a hydrogen
index greater than 300 and an oxygen index less than 50.

Its primary source is from algal sediments such as lacustrine deposits. Type I kerogen is also called
alginite kerogen, containing high concentrations of alkanes and fatty acids. It is the best source for oil-
prone maturation, but unfortunately it is very rare.

This type of kerogen has a relatively high H/C ratio (1.0 to 1.4) and a ow 0/C ratio (0.09 to 1). Type I
kerogen has a hydrogen index between 200 and 300, and an oxygen index between 50 and 100 It
consists of abundant moderate length aliphatic chains and naphthenic rings. Ester bonds are common
and sulfur is present in substantial amounts.

Type I kerogen is also called exinite, and is usually associated with marine sediments, where
autochthonous organic matter (bacteria, phytoplankton and zooplankton) have been deposited ma
reducing environment. It is a good oil or gas prone kerogen; it is more common than alginate.

This type of kerogen has a relatively low HIC ratio (usually <1.0) and low O/C ratio (0. to 0.3). Type II
kerogen has a hydrogen index below 300 and an oxygen index above 100. It contains an important
proportion of polyaromatic muclei and haeteroatomic ketone and carboxylic acid groups, Aliphatic
{70ups are a minor constituent, usually consisting of longer chains originating from higher-order plant

The main source of this type of kerogen are continental plants found in thick detrital sedimentation
along continental margins. This type of kerogen is also called vitrinite. It is less favorable
for oil generation, but will provide a source rock for gas.

A “Type IV" kerogen also exists, which is nown as inertinite. This type of {kerogen is usually associated
with coal or organic matter that has been greatly oxidized.

All kerogen types experience chemical alteration during maturation. This results in the formation of
petroleum, and generally begins with the loss of oxygen, followed by hydrogen, to arrive a a form of
hydrocarbon. The terms “apropelic” and “humic” organic matter are often referred to when using
‘visual descriptions of kerogen. Humic material is thought to be derived from plant matter, while
sapropelic material originates from algae or plankton.
A lubricant is a substance that helps to reduce friction between surfaces in mutual contact, which
ultimately reduces the heat generated when the surfaces move. It may also have the function of
transmitting forces, transporting foreign particles, or heating or cooling the surfaces. The property of
reducing friction is known as lubricity.


The concept of ‘lubricating oils’ or lubricants is presumed to be derived from the time when humans
used tools. Lubricating oil has been used for a variety of purposes to prevent friction and corrosion on
the clashing surfaces, suppress heat generation, keep objects clean, and create insulation and rust-
preventive effects.

According to records, olive oil was used to move stone or lumber in constructing colossal buildings in
ancient Egypt; since then tallow which is animal fat was used as lubricant in the wheel axes of trams.
Grease which is used to describe lubricating materials originated from the Latin word ‘Grussu’ which
means fat because grease looked similar to fat in the early days.

In the Middle Ages as complicated machines made from iron and cooper were widely used, various
lubricating materials such as sperm oil, castor oil, peanut oil, and rape oil appeared. It was not intended
to no longer use vegetable oil or animal fat and they were adopted mostly based on the experience of
use instead of scientific analysis.

The history of modern lubricating oils began with the outset of oil drilling in Pennsylvania, the U.S. in the
nineteenth century. At that time sperm oil was used as lubricant for spinning and weaving machine, but
it was discovered incidentally that mixing with crude oil would extend the life of the machine to more
than ten years. Since then, lubricants started being rapidly replaced by crude oil-based lubricant

In the mass production era of the twentieth century, machinery became more complicated and
sophisticated, so that lubricating materials were needed to work in a harsh environment incomparable
to that of the past. Through World War I and II, automobiles, aircrafts, diesel locomotives, missiles, and
large vessels have been rapidly developed, driving the advancement of oil refining and lubricating
products. A solvent refining method was invented in the 1920s and the use of additives to enhance the
performance of lubricants proliferated across the industries in the 1930s.
In the 1950s, as a jet liner was introduced, the development of lubricants that work well even at the
temperature lower than 50 degrees below zero was needed, resulting in the emergence of synthetic oil
and multi-purpose oil. A hydrocracking method was developed in the 1970s and the more advanced
hydro-isomerization method was discovered in the 1990s, allowing the development and production of
a wide range of high-quality lubricants using mineral oil which can compete with fully synthetic oil.

Recently, environmental factors as well as performance are mainly considered to choose lubricants, and
industry stakeholders including chemists, engineers, oil refinery industry, and metallurgists continue
research in upgrading the performance of lubricating products.


In addition to industrial applications, lubricants are used for many other purposes. Other uses include
cooking (oils and fats in use in frying pans, in baking to prevent food sticking), bio-applications on
humans (e.g. lubricants for artificial joints), ultrasound examination, medical examination. It is mainly
used to reduce friction and to contribute to a better and efficient functioning of a mechanism.


i. A good lubricant generally possesses the following characteristics:

ii. A high boiling point and low freezing point (in order to stay liquid within a wide range of
iii. A high viscosity index
iv. Thermal stability
v. Hydraulic stability
vi. Demulsibility
vii. Corrosion prevention
viii. A high resistance to oxidation


i. Whereas approximately a third of the world’s primary energy consumption is attributed to

friction, and about 70 percent of equipment failures is blamed on lubrication breakdown and
wear loss;
ii. The potential environmental and economic benefits of tribological analysis are enormous. The
study and use of lubricant can help reduce total worldwide carbon emissions by decreasing
friction, extending the use of valuable resources, or reducing wear and thereby improving
equipment life.

iii. In 1977, the American Society of Mechanical Engineers estimated savings by friction reduction
of 10.9% of primary energy consumption or in monetary value, $16.2 billion U.S. at that time. In
1976, the German Federal Ministry of Research and Development estimated economic savings
of >2.0% of GDP [11] by reducing friction and wear losses.


Engine oil are evaluated based on their performance. There are many ways of classifying lubes; many
Original Equipment Manufacturers (OEMs) have different ways that are approved for standardization.
OEMs include:

Society of Automotive Engineers (SAE): They classify Oils by their rheological properties.

International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC): Japanese and American light-
duty manufacturers. It defines the engine oil requirement performance needed.
The International Lubricant Standardization and Approval Committee (ILSAC) also has standards for
motor oil. Introduced in 2004, GF-4 applies to SAE 0W-20, 5W-20, 0W-30, 5W-30, and 10W-30 viscosity
grade oils. In general, ILSAC works with API in creating the newest gasoline oil specification, with ILSAC
adding an extra requirement of fuel economy testing to their specification. For GF-4, a Sequence VIB
Fuel Economy Test (ASTM D6837) is required that is not required in API service category SM.

European Automobile Manufacturers Association (EAMA): It defines both oil performance and set

American Petroleum Institute (API): It defines the engine oil requirement to meet ILSAC performance.
Engine lubricants are evaluated against the American Petroleum Institute (API), SJ, SL, SM, SN, CH-4, CI-
4, CI-4 PLUS, CJ-4, CK, and FA, as well as International Lubricant Standardization and Approval
Committee (ILSAC) GF-3, GF-4, and GF-5, and Cummins, Mack and John Deere (and other Original
Equipment Manufacturers (OEM)) requirements.

These evaluations include chemical and physical properties using bench test methods as well as actual
running engine tests to quantify engine sludge, oxidation, component wear, oil consumption, piston
deposits and fuel economy. Originally S for spark ignition and C for compression, as used with diesel
engines. Many oil producers still refer these categories in their marketing.
The API sets minimum performance standards for lubricants. Motor oil is used for the lubrication,
cooling, and cleaning of internal combustion engines. Motor oil may be composed of only a lubricant
base stock in the case of mostly obsolete non-detergent oil, or a lubricant base stock plus additives to
improve the oil's detergency, extreme pressure performance, and ability to inhibit corrosion of engine
Engine oil plays many roles in allowing an engine to run properly over time. Here
are the most important ones:
The main role of engine oil is to lubricate the engine parts, which are constantly in friction. It thus
reduces friction which tends to increase part wear.
The energy lost through combustion and the friction between mechanical parts causes the engine
temperature to rise. Part lubrication provided by the engine oil helps to release the heat through the
lubrication circuit. It supplements the coolant, which can only cool certain parts of the engine.
While less known, the cleaning power of engine oil is fundamental. Microscopic deposits build up in the
engine and remain in suspension. They can consist of dust or combustion residue. Without engine oil,
the residue would clog the engine and decrease its performance. The flow of engine oil continuously
carries these impurities to the oil filter, where they are trapped.
Protection against corrosion
Fuel combustion generates corrosive acid that can damage metal parts in the engine. With the additives
added to modern engine oils, corrosion is slowed down. Nonetheless, over time, and in contact with
oxygen, engine oil may oxidize and no longer play its corrosion inhibiting role. That’s why engine oil
must be changed regularly.
Engine oil also enhances engine sealing, and more specifically the sealing of pistons and cylinders. A
protective layer is deposited between the various parts, sealing any clearances that may arise.

Properties of Engine Oil

(i) Viscosity. Viscosity analysis shows the presence of different type of contamination in used
engine oil. The products of oxidation and polymerization (these products can be both dissolved
and suspended) in the oil cause the increase the viscosity of used engine oil, in while a decrease
in the viscosity of engine oil shows the fuel contamination [8].

(ii) Pour Point. Pour point may be defined as the lowest temperature at which the oil will stop to
flow. Lubricating oil having low pour pint shows its good quality.
(iii) Flash Point. Flash point is the lowest temperature at which the vapors in air will burn
momentarily if ignited by flame or spark. A decrease in flash point indicates contamination by
dilution of lubricating oils with unburned fuel. Increasing of flash point indicates evaporation of
the light components from the lubricating oil [9].

(iv) Acidity or Neutralization Number. This is also one of the important chemical properties. It
shows the amount of alkali required to neutralize unit mass of the oil. Normally it increases due
to oxidation of lubricating oil.

(v) Ash Content. When the lubricating oil is completely burned, the remaining solid is called ash
and it shows the oil purity.

(vi) Carbon or Coking Test. This evaluates the solid residue obtained when the oil is heated to
complete vaporization and it refers to the amount of deposit formed.
(vii) Water Content. This test is done by distillation and indicates the amount of water emulsified
in the oil.

(viii) Fuel Contaminants. It is an amount of fuel (diesel, petrol, etc.) diluting in the lubricating oil
during automotive operation [10].

(xi) Cloud and Pour Points. Cloud point is the temperature at which paraffinic wax and other oils
are cooled under a given condition. Pour point is not a measure of the temperature at which the
oil ceases to flow under service conditions of a specific system. It is very important to users of
lubricants in low temperature environment.


Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) defines used oil as any oil that has been
refined from crude oil or any synthetic oil that has been used and as a result of such
use is contaminated by physical or chemical impurities. Simply put, used oil is exactly
what its name implies—any petroleum-based or synthetic oil that has been used.

During normal use, impurities such as dirt, metal scrapings, water, or chemicals can
get mixed in with the oil, so that in time the oil no longer performs well. Eventually,
this used oil must be replaced with virgin or re-refined oil to do the job at hand.
EPA's used oil management standards include a three-pronged approach to
determine if a substance meets the definition of used oil.


Used oils such as engine lubrication oil, hydraulic fluids, and gear oils used in cars,
bikes, or lawnmowers can pollute the environment if they are not recycled or
disposed of properly. Used oil must be managed properly by local waste
management authorities or automotive repair shops to prevent contaminating the
environment. Used oil filters pose similar waste concerns. If properly drained, they
can be safely recycled or disposed.

Some of the many reasons to reuse and recycle used oil include:

 Recycling used oil keeps it from polluting soil and water.

 Motor oil does not wear out—it just gets dirty—so recycling it saves a valuable
 Less energy is required to produce a gallon of re-refined base stock than a
base stock from crude oil.
 One gallon of used motor oil provides the same 2.5 quarts of lubricating oil as
42 gallons of crude oil.


1. It is slow to degrade.
2. It sticks to everything from sand beach to a bird’s feather.
3. It is a major source of contamination of water ways & can result in pollution of drinking water
4. To prevent long term damage like Chemical toxicity, Physical smothering of
organisms, etc.
5. To prevent short term damage


Mineral-based crankcase oil also known as spent or waste engine oil is a petroleum product composed
of a complex mixture of low and high molecular weight (C15 -C50) aliphatic and aromatic hydrocarbons,
metals and additives. It is a brown-to-black liquid produced when fresh engine oil is subjected to high
temperature and high mechanical strain inside the engine.

The chemical composition of the oil varies widely depending on the original crude oil, the refining
processes, types of additives and the efficiency of the engine. Others are the mechanical condition and
type of engine; the type of fuel used in the engine and the length of time the oil was used in the engine.
The hydrocarbon constituents are mainly straight and branched chain alkanes, cycloalkanes and
aromatics. Other components include small amounts of water, gasoline, antifreeze additives (examples
detergents, metallic salts such as molybdenum and zinc salts)

These compounds in the oil increases with continued use of the oil in the engine. The toxicity of waste
engine oils has been attributed to the nature of additives and the chemical decomposition products that
accumulate in the oil with use.

The uses of spent oil include:

1. Used oil can be re-refined into lubricants & processed into fuel oils.
2. It is used as raw materials for the refining and petrochemical industries.
3. Used as boiler fuel.
4. Used as furnace fuel.
5. It is used to suppress weed.
6. It is poured on the ground to suppress dust.
7. It is used in mold making.
8. It is used to prevent termite from destroying wood.
9. It is mixed with grease to produce gear oil.


1. It is insoluble in water.
2. It contains heavy chemicals.
3. It cannot degrade.
4. It sticks to everything.


1. Engines
2. Hydraulic Machinery
3. Gear Oil
4. Tricycle
5. Tractors, etc.


1. For lubrication
2. It prevents rust
3. It creates jobs
4. It is used as industrial burner oil
5. It reduces pollution


i. Mud Engineering Laboratory

ii. Reservoir Engineering Laboratory
iii. Core Analysis Engineering
iv. Simulation Engineering
v. Part Volume Temperature
Core Analysis Laboratory: Core samples from a well are analysed.

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