đọc đề bài + phân tích + viết phần còn lại ở cuối bài

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trang 184 đọc đề bài + phân tích + viết phần còn lại ở cuối bài

regarding the second graph, the number of......

increased..... with football being the most popular

the following years with a slight increase of 1 million at the end of the period. in contrast, participation in swimming
almost doubled to nearly 4 million children, and there was a near five-fold increase in the number of children doing
trang 185
phân tích đề bài + bài viết
suy nghĩ cách tiếp cân khác
trang 164

she has never been so happy in her life

he rarely smokes rarely does he smoke
she seldom went out of the village.... seldom did she go out...
ngay sau khi...thì... As soon as Matt started work, he resigned
= as soon as.... Barely
you were not only late for work, but ....tron
trong hoàn cảnh nào employees are not allowed to.....
cũng không under any circumstances
=never I was not told what the job involved at any time/ at any point
=not... under any circumstances


he was so happy that he burst into tears

it was so late that...

it was such a hot day that...

if you need my help.... should you need my help...

if i were you... were i you.... if i knew the answer...= if i were to know the answer..- were i to know...
--> as soon as....
as soon as we started , the fire....
than as soon as we set off, my....
had been than

trang 166
c a

b b



had Tom opened

did you pass

I see -------------

are members of the public allowed

is the equipment used

the equipment is not used ....under any circumstances.

did i think
was i i was never so pleased to ....
had i put

had i started

have i
do i like
it helps
do they see
did i realize
trang 167
had everyone left
is this

did i get
had i had
they showed
did i realize

was i fired they kept

no circumstances are photographs permitted

have we faced such a ....

when she removed her hat did i realize it was Vanessa

---- ----
no point during the show did the audience laugh

sooner had Patrick finished the email than he sent it

--- ------
until the last few minutes was it clear who was going to win the match

had Dennis passed his driving test when he had an accident

not until i read..

when /after i read the evening paper did i learn the result of the match

no circumstances will the president resign

no time during the trial did the accused show emotion

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