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Replacing real instruments with computers

Is it a good idea to replace real instruments with computers? No, the real question is, is it a
good idea to waste human skills and talents on some computer samples? It bothers me that art
workers are always underappreciated. Even now, they are almost replaced by computer-
generated samples. Although many people are throwing arguments about which one is better, I
think that musicians and real instruments will still be needed even if computers take over.

Music has many varieties and genres. Well, maybe some pop music nowadays mostly uses
midi instruments to fill their song, but we can’t forget about orchestras and bands. I guarantee
you, they won’t replace their instruments with midi devices, it’s just less interesting. They play
their instruments to express themselves and impress the audience, and I doubt that a midi
instrument could express their feelings. Midi instruments are computer-generated, they don't
have feelings. They could make a new sound to make songs interesting, but there’s nothing to it,
no emotion, just flat. I can’t imagine going to a concert but all the instruments came out of a
computer, no improvisation, just flat.
Moreover, computers are not perfect and no matter how much you rely on computers, you
will still need a musician. All the instruments you heard in the computer midi device are sampled
based on a musician. A musician came to a studio and recorded all those samples. But it’s all
samples, it can’t be as good as what humans can do. No drum machine created can do what
Travis Barker can do on a drum set. No bass program can do what Stanley Clarke can do. No
piano program can do what Herbie Hancock can do. Because midi instruments are all samples
and not real instruments. Computers can’t imitate human creativity and ideas, they can only do
what humans have already done before. But if I said that computers aren’t perfect then so do
humans, right? That’s why people could say “so we could just use computers that already
programmed the instrument's sounds, so it always sounds good no matter what, there won’t be
any flaws.” This leads to my third reason.

What about the musicians? What about all the kids that practiced for hours and hours to learn
music because that's what they like? I feel like we couldn’t just ditch them, they need
appreciation, they need this job field. Musicians lack appreciation. Pop music nowadays uses a
lot of midi instruments instead of hiring a real musician because it is way cheaper and way more
simple. Not only did they make musicians lose their job, but they also unintentionally insult
musicians, because they just make musicians think that all the struggle they went through is for
nothing. A musician could’ve been hired and gotten money from that, but instead, it was
replaced by a computer. If people replace musicians with computers, it just doesn’t feel fair. You
just buried a 15 years old teenager’s dream of becoming a well-known musician and made them
do things that they aren't passionate about. Some people love playing music and are born with
talent, it would be a shame for humanity to waste that. And isn't it just ironic? The device people
made to make human life easier is making some humans lose their jobs instead.

In conclusion, I believe that musicians and real instruments will still be needed even though
there’s an alternative like midi devices. Computers can never be perfect because nothing can beat
human creativity and ideas. And even if real instruments are replaced, musicians will always find
a way to do what they’re passionate about. They could become a music producer, content
creator, or songwriters. They will always be there, doing things they like, no matter what.

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