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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
Field Technical Assistance Division
(DepEd Order NO. 83 s. 2012)


This tool aims to determine the SBM level of practice of the sixty-five (65) schools of this
division, which shall be used by the following:
a. School Heads – for self-assessment on the SBM level of practice.
b. Division Monitoring Team – for monitoring the schools on the implementation of SBM
c. Regional Field Technical Assistance Team – for validating the SBM level of practice of the


Name of School
School Address
School ID
Name of Principal
CP No.


A. Number of Enrolment


R Male Female Total Male Female Total Male Female Total
Kinder 0 VII 0 XI 0
E I 0 VIII 0 XII 0
II 0 IX 0 0
L III 0X 0 0
E IV 0 0 0
E V 0 0 0
L VI 0 0 0

TOTAL 0 0 0

B. Number of Teachers

Male Female Total

Junior High School
Senior High School
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
C. Performance Indicators

SY 2020 - 2021 SY 2021 - 2022 % of Increase

Kinder Elem JHS SHS Kinder Elem JHS SHS Kinder Elem JHS SHS
C Gross Enrolment
E Ratio
Net Enrolment

SY 2020-2021 SY 2021 - 2022 % of Increase

F Cohort Survival Rate
C Completion Rate
E School Leaver Rate
Y Dropout Rate

Transition Rate

NAT Grade 6 NAT Grade 10

SY 2016 - 2017 SY 2017 - 2018 % of Increase SY 2016 - 2017 SY 2017 - 2018 % of Increase

Solving Skills
L Information
I Literacy Skills
T (IL)

Skills (CT)
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City

Instruction: Tick () the circle based on the means of verifications (MOVs)/artifacts presented
by the respondent. Take note of the responses by applying DOD (Document
Analysis, Observation & Discussion) for the MOVs not indicated below for others.

A. LEADERSHIP AND 1. In place is a development plan (e.g. SIP developed

GOVERNANCE collaboratively by the stakeholders of the school and the
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score

SBM Level 1
The development plan o Enhance SIP with stakeholders
guided by the school's o Annual Implementation Plan (AIP)
vision, mission and goal
(VMG) is developed through
the leadership of the school
and the participation of
some invented community
SBM Level 2
The development plan is o Approved copy of ESIP/AIP
evolved through the shared o Signed resolutions of school and stakeholders
leadership of the school and highlighting the reviews of ESIP/AIP with photos showing
the community school personnel leading the development of plans
SBM Level 3
The development plan is
enhanced with the o Attachments of ESIP manifesting the community
community performing the stakeholders leading the approval of the resolutions and
leadership roles, and the development of plans with the assistance and support
school providing technical from the school
support o Others ______________________________________
2. The development plan (e.g. SIP) is regularly reviewed by the
school community to keep it responsive and relevant to
emerging needs, challenges and opportunities.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score

SBM Level 1
The school leads the regular o Copy of ESIP/AIP reviewed by school with narrative
review and improvement of Report and attachments
the developed plan
The school and community SBM Level 2
stakeholders working as full o Report on reviewed ESIP/AIP by school and stakeholders
partners, lead the continual with proper documentations
review and improvement of
the development plan
The community stakeholders SBM Level 3
lead the regular review and o Copy of scheduled ESIP/AIP review led by stakeholders
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
improvement process; the with proper documentations
school stakeholders o Others _______________________________________
facilitate the process
3. The school is organized by a clear structure and work
arrangements that promote shared leadership and governance
and define the roles and responsibilities of the stakeholders.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
SBM Level 1
The school defines the o Organizational structure like SGC, PTA, SSG, SPG,
organizational structure, Child Protection Committee, Grievance committee, BAC,
and the roles and Canteen Organization
responsibilities of
The school community SBM Level 2
collaboratively define the o Copy of roles and responsibilities of each stakeholder
structure and the roles and o Minutes of the meeting on the identification of roles and
responsibilities responsibilities of each stakeholder
Guided by an agreed SBM Level 3
organizational structure the o Approved organizational structure of stakeholders with
community stakeholders defined roles and responsibilities.
lead in defining the o Copy of School manual or handbook of operation
organizational structure o Others ____________________________________
and the roles and
responsibilities; school
provides technical and
administrative support
4. A leadership network facilitates communication between and
among school and community leaders for informed-decision-
making and solving of school-community wide learning
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score

A network has been SBM Level 1

collaboratively established o School Report Card
and is continuously o School Accomplishment Reports / Year End Report
improved by the school o Transparency and Accountability Board
community. o Minutes of the meetings (dissemination & reporting with
o Printed copy of EBEIS/LIS
o Compilation Student & Family Contact Details
The network actively SBM Level 2
provides established and is o Line of communication is open and manifested through
continuously improved by texts/calls, fb posting, group chats and other similar
the school community networks
o Presents, photos of tarpaulin postings and
o Files of issuances of memo/ memoranda, notice of
meetings, Resolution/letters
o Regular meetings with photos
The network allows easy SBM Level 3
exchange and access to o Published /list of Distributed school paper
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
information sources beyond o List of continual Improvements of projects
the school community. o Document on creation of schools and community
recognized networks like social media networks with
documentation and easy access to the school community
o Others ____________________________________
5. A long term program is in operation that addresses the long
training and development needs of school and community
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score

Development structures are SBM Level 1

in place and analysis of the o Copy of Staff Development Plan
competency and o Copy of OPCRF/IPCRF
development needs of o SLAC Session Plan
leaders is conducted; result o Copy of Program Implementation of INSET, Training
is used to develop a long- Matrix and Photos
term training and
development program
Leaders undertake training SBM Level 2
modes that are convenient o List of Child Protection Committee
to them (on-line, off-line, o Report on Accomplishment of SPG
modular, group or home- o Report of Students’ Rules of Discipline/Constitution &
based) and which do not By-Laws
disrupt their regular
functions. Leaders monitor
and evaluate their own
learning progress.
Leaders assume SBM Level 3
responsibility for their own o Progress Report on Learning and Development Program
training and development. o Report on training and mentoring leaders
School community leaders o Copies of long-term training and development plans
working individually or in o Others ________________________________________
groups, coach and mentor
one another to achieve their
Sub Total: Level 1 ___________ Level 2 ___________ Level 3 ___________
Percentage Weight of Leadership and Governance (30%): ____________________
B. CURRICULUM AND 1. The curriculum provides for the development needs of
INSTRUCTION all types of learners in the community.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
All types of learners of the SBM Level 1
school community are o Report on Child Mapping
identified, their learning o Students Portfolio
curves assessed; o Inventory Report on Physical Facilities
appropriate programs with o Printed Cop of Oral Reading PHIL-IRI results
its support materials for o Copy of Remedial Reading Support Program
each type of learner is o Copy of School Readiness Year-end Assessment Result
developed (SREYA)
o Portfolio Assessment in all learning area
Programs are fully SBM Level 2
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
implemented and closely o Compilation of Tests Papers and Table of Specification
monitored to address (TOS)
performance discrepancies; o Accomplishment Report on Curriculum
benchmark best practices; Programs/Projects
mentor potential leaders; o Monitoring Report on Instructional Progress
reward high achievement, o Documentation of best practices and implemented
and maintain environment projects, activities and programs (PaPs)
that makes learning o Copy of Staff Development Plan
meaningful and enjoyable
The educational needs of all SBM Level 3
types of learners are being o Report on Awards and Recognitions
met as shown by continuous o Copy of incentives and awards mechanism
improvement on learning o List of Teacher and Student Awardees in different
outcomes and products of discipline
learning. Teacher’s as well Intrinsic reward is evident through:
as student’s performance is o List of Awardees on highly motivated teachers and
motivated by intrinsic and students
extrinsic rewards. The o List of Awardees on internal stakeholders awards
school’s differentiated extrinsic Reward is evident through:
program is frequently o List of Awards, recognition, promotion and incentives for
benchmarked by other teachers
schools o List of Awards and distinction and even cash incentives
to students
o Others ________________________________________
2. The implemented curriculum is localized to make it more
meaningful to the learners and applicable to life in the
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
Local beliefs, norms, values, SBM Level 1
traditions, folklores, current o Compilation of Localized Curriculum
events and existing o Collection of Localized teaching devices and materials
technologies are o Compilation of history of municipalities and barangays
documented and used to o Documented stories of local heroes and successful people
develop a lasting in the community
curriculum. Localization
guidelines are agreed to by
school community and
teachers are properly
The localized curriculum is SBM Level 2
implemented and monitored o Teachers daily lesson log integrating the contextualized
closely to ensure that it and localized curriculum
makes learning more o Submitted output of students in any subject manifests the
meaningful and principle of contextualization and localization
pleasurable; produces o Documented community activities on local beliefs and
desired learning outcomes traditions
and directly improves
community life. Ineffective
approaches are replaced
and innovative ones are
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
Best practices in localizing SBM Level 3
the curriculum are o Filed copy of benchmarking activity with letters
mainstreamed and requesting permit for benchmarking by other schools
benchmarked by other o Logbook of visitors signatures/attendance
schools. There is marked o Documentation of benchmarking activity
increase in number of o Others ________________________________________
projects that uses the
community as learning
laboratory, and the school
as an agent of change for
improvement of the
3. A representative group of school and community
stakeholders develops methods and materials for
developing creative thinking problem solving.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
A representative team of SBM Level 1
school and community o Copy of organized Monitoring and Evaluation Team
stakeholders assess content o Indigenized lesson exemplars for IPED
and methods used in o Portfolio of performance output of learners
teaching creative, critical o Reports on classroom teaching and learning evaluation
thinking and problem
solving. Assessment results
are used as guide to develop
Learning materials and SBM Level 2
approaches to reinforce o Number of Contextualized curriculum
strengths and address o Number of Develop Modules/SIM of Teachers in the
deficiencies are develop and different learning areas
tested for applicability on o Copy of Inventory of Instructional materials
school, family and
Materials and approaches SBM Level 3
are being used in school, in o Reports on Classroom Observation
the family and in o Reports on performance and competencies of learners
community to develop o Collection of Action Plan or Research implemented with
critical, creative thinking results
and problem solving o Others _______________________________________
community of learners and
are producing desired
4. The learning system are regularly and collaboratively monitored
by the community using appropriate tools to ensure the holistic
growth and development of the learners and the community.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
SBM Level 1
A school-based monitoring o Compilation of Monthly Supervisory Report
and learning system is o Collection of Post-Observation Tools
conducted regularly and o Duly acknowledge monitoring report by the stakeholders
cooperatively; and feedback or letter of transmittal
is shared with stakeholders.
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
The system uses a tool that o Stakeholders conference
monitors the holistic o Filed copy of teacher-made holistic rubric of performance
development of learners. assessment of learners Stakeholders conference
The school-based SBM Level 2
monitoring and learning o Copy of School Learning Action Cell (SLAC) Plan
systems generate feedback o Compiled SLAC Session Guide
that is used for making o Approved Assessment Tool on total development of
decisions that enhance the learners
total development of the
A committee takes care of
the continuous improvement
of the tool.
The monitoring system is SBM Level 3
accepted and regularly used o Results of School-based monitoring of PAPs
for collective decision- o Monthly Accomplishment Report on Monitoring the
making. Implementation of PAPs.
The monitoring tool has o Others _______________________________________
been improved to provide
both quantitative and
qualitative data.
5. Appropriate assessment tools for teaching and learning are
continuously reviewed and improved and assessment results are
contextualized to the learners and local situation and the
attainment of the relevant life skills.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
The assessment tools are SBM Level 1
reviewed by the school and o Formative Test Results
assessment results are o Summative Test Results
shared with school’s o Copy of NAT/NCAE Results/English Language, literacy
stakeholders. and Numeracy Assessment (ELLNA)
o Copy of BEEA Results
o Minutes of Parent-Teachers Conference and attendance
sheet (with Photos optional)
The assessment tools are SBM Level 2
reviewed by the school o Report on the review of assessment tool by community
community and results are stakeholders are copy furnished
shared with community o Acknowledgement receipt of report by the community
stakeholders. stakeholders
School assessment results SBM Level 3
are used to develop learning o Copy of need Assessment report and recommendation
programs that are suited to o Cop of Action Plan on School Assessment Results
community, and customized o Number of Develop Learning Programs
to each learner’s context, o Others __________________________
results of which are used for
collaborative decision-
6. Learning managers and facilitators (teachers, administrators
and community members) nurture values and environments that
are protective to all children and demonstrate behaviors
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
consistent to the organization’s vision, mission and goals.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
Stakeholders are aware of SBM Level 1
child/learner-centered, o Availability of Guidance Room
rights-based, and inclusive o Availability of Clinic
principles of education. o Availability of Canteen
o Availability of CR in Classroom
o Availability of School Library
o Availability Reading Corners
o Availability Community Learning Center for ALS
o Posted Fires Exit Plan
o Copy of Fire Inspection Certificate
o Posted Evacuation Plan
Stakeholders begin to SBM Level 2
practice child/learner- o Learning Management System
centered principles of o Record of Special children with special needs
education in the design of o Collection of teacher-made modules, books and visual
support to education. aids
Learning managers and o Availability of audio-visual materials
facilitators apply the
principles in designing
learning materials
Learning environments, SBM Level 3
methods and resources are o Classroom conductive to learning; well-ventilated and
community driven, inclusive furnished with appropriate progressive and informative
and adherent to child’s materials (e.g. update bulletin boards, pupils’
rights and protection accomplishment charts, etc.)
requirements. o Compilation of curriculum guides, lesson plans, memos
Learning managers and DepEd orders
facilitators observe o Availability of Genderized and Clean Comfort rooms,
learners’ rights from and provision of recreational facilities
designing the curriculum to o Others ______________________________
structuring the whole
learning environment
7. Methods and resources are learner and community-friendly,
enjoyable, safe, inclusive, accessible, and aimed at developing
self-directed learners. Learners are equipped with essential
knowledge, skills, and values to assume responsibility and
accountability for their own learning.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
Learning programs are SBM Level 1
designed and developed to o Copy of School calendar of activities
produce learners who are o Records of parents’ involvement to reading program
responsible and o Records of Home Visitation conducted
accountable for their o MOA to the stakeholders and parents
Practices, tools and
materials for developing
self-directed learners are
highly observable in school,
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
but not in the home or in the
Practices, tools, materials SBM Level 2
for developing self-directed o Program monitoring report
learners are beginning to o Copy of Improved modules and instructional materials
emerge in the homes and in o Documentation on School managers tapped by
the community. community in sharing their expertise (e.g. as resource
The program is speakers, field demo, consultant, committee member,
collaboratively implemented etc.)
and monitored by teachers o Community leaders are invited to share their resources
and parents to ensure that it and expertise to the school during school activities
produces desired learners.
There is continuous SBM Level 3
exchange of information, o Minutes of the Meeting of the Regular conduct of internal
sharing of expertise and and external stakeholders.
materials among the o Utilization of improved modules on ALS curriculum
schools, home and o Operational Community Learning Centers for ALS
community for the o Others ______________________________
development of self-directed
The program is
mainstreamed but
continuously improved to
make relevant to emergent
Sub Total: Level 1 _______________ Level 2 ____________ Level 3__________
Percentage Weight of Curriculum and Learning (30%): _________________
C. ACCOUNTABILITY 1. Roles and responsibilities of accountable person/s and collective
AND CONTINOUS body/ies are clearly defines and agreed upon by community
IMPROVEMENT stakeholders
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
There is an active party that o Copy of the list of Organized PTA
initiates clarification of the o Copy of the Organized School Governing Council
roles and responsibilities in o Copy of the Organized School Faculty Club/ Association
education delivery. or non-teaching association with documentations
o Copy of the other stakeholders organization
o Copy of the List of BAC Members and Secretarial
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
The stakeholders are SBM Level 2
engaged in clarifying and o Signed Memorandum of Agreement with stakeholders
defining their specific roles o Notice of meetings & attendance sheets
and responsibilities. o Signed Minutes of the meetings with attachments of
memorandum, attendance, photos,
o Others ______________________________
2. Achievement of goals is recognized based on a collaboratively
developed performance accountability system; gaps are
addressed through appropriate action
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
Performance accountability SBM Level 1
is practiced at the school o Accomplishment Reports with CIPs and
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
level. recommendations in the school level
o Documentation of Best Practices on performance
o Certificate of Recognition as 1 Star on WinS (Water,
Sanitation, Hygiene in Schools)
A community-level SBM Level 2
accountability system is o Community level’s accountability system
evolving from school-led o Recognition scheme
initiatives. o List of awards and recognition programs with community
stakeholders participation
o Photos
o Certificate of Recognition as 2 Star on WinS
A community accepted SBM Level 3
performance accountability, o Programs of Community leaders initiative in giving
recognition and incentive awards and recognition
system is being practiced. o Certificate of Recognition as 3 Star on WinS
o Others ______________________________
3. The accountability system is owned by the community and is
continuously enhanced to ensure that management structures
and mechanisms are responsive to the emerging learning needs
and demands of the community.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
The school articulates the SBM Level 1
accountability assessment o School Report on the conducts orientation among school
framework with basic and community stakeholders supported by meeting
components, including agenda, minutes of the meeting, pictures and attendance
implementation guidelines sheet
to the stakeholders o Project Monitoring Report
o Filed M & E Findings as basis for AIP Adjustments
Stakeholders are engaged in SBM Level 2
the development and o OPCRF/IPCRF criteria and evaluation guidelines are
operation of an appropriate properly disseminated to the stakeholders, (supporting
accountability assessment documents- acknowledgement of the memo and
system. guidelines)
The school community SBM Level 3
stakeholders continuously o Filed Memo/letters and agenda
and collaboratively review o Minutes of deliberation among school and community
and enhance accountability stakeholders with documentations
systems’ processes, o Others ______________________________
mechanisms, and tools
4. Accountability assessment criteria and tools, feedback
mechanisms, and information collection and validation
techniques and processes are inclusive and collaboratively
developed and agreed upon.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
The school, with the SBM Level 1
participation of o Report on Feedback on Accountability Assessment
stakeholders, articulates an o Utilized and Crafted Assessment Tool on SBM
accountability assessment Framework
framework with basic o Minutes of the Meeting during the school’s dissemination
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
components, including to community on the assessment framework
implementation guidelines
to the stakeholders.
Stakeholders are engaged in SBM Level 2
the development and o Lists of Awards and Recognition Program
operation of an appropriate o Record of feedback of the stakeholders
accountability assessment o Serviceable Transparency Board
system. o Filed Report on Monthly MOOE Liquidation
o Monthly Report on Client Satisfaction Survey
Stakeholders continuously SBM Level 3
and collaboratively review o List of Recognition on the program duly acknowledged
and enhanced and approved assessment framework by the school and
accountability systems, community stakeholders
processes, mechanism and o Copy of Consultation agreements
tools. o Record of Assessment of PPAs
o Other _______________________________________
5. Participatory assessment of performance is done regularly with
the community. Assessment results and lessons learned serve as
basis for feedback, technical assistance, recognition and plan
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
School initiates periodic SBM Level 1
performance assessments o Nutritional Status (Baseline Report)
with the participation of o Analyze Monitoring and Evaluation Results Reported to
stakeholders. Stakeholders.
Collaborative conduct of SBM Level 2
performance assessment o Copies of Assessment with feedbacks from school and
informs planning, plan community stakeholders
adjustment and o Available Report on the identified CIGPs based on the
requirements for technical assessment
School-community SBM Level 3
developed performance o Solutions and recommendations are determined as a
assessment is practice and result of the identified CIGPs
is the basis for improving o Nutritional Status (End-line Report)
monitoring and evaluation o Other _________________________________
systems, providing technical
assistance, and recognizing
and refining plans.
Sub Total: Level 1 _______________ Level 2 ____________ Level 3__________
Percentage Weight of Accountability & Continuous Improvement (25%): _________________
D. MANAGAMENT OF 1. Regular resource inventory is collaboratively undertaken by
RESOURCES learning managers, learning facilitators, and community
stakeholders as basis for resource allocation and mobilization.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
Stakeholders are aware that SBM Level 1
a regular resource o Deed of Donations/Acceptance
inventory is available and is o School and community stakeholders are furnished with
used as the basis for resource inventory which is readily available in the office
resource allocation and of the school head
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
mobilization. o School Inventory of Resources
o Monthly Reports on Canteen Funds
Resource inventory is SBM Level 2
categorized by regularity, o Copy of Lists of Book of Donations
increased participation of o Documented Projects out from SEF Funds
stakeholders, and o MOOE is aligned with ESIP/WFP
communicated to the o Monthly Liquidation Report of MOOE
community as the basis for o Fire Exit Plan/ Fire Safety Permit
resource allocation and o Evacuation Plan
2. A regular dialogue for planning and resource programming, that
is accessible and inclusive, continuously engage stakeholders
and support implementation of community education plans
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
Stakeholders are invited to
participate in the SBM Level 1
development of an o DRRM Plan
educational plan in o Work Plan & Budget Matrix
resource programming, and o Brigada Eskwela Reports
in the implementation of the o Letter of invitation duly received
educational plan. o Minutes of the Meeting, attendance sheet with photos
Stakeholders are regularly SBM Level 2
engaged in the planning and o Adopt-A-School Program (ASP) Reports
resource programming, and o Partnership/Networking Activities
in the implementation of the o Approved Work and Financial Plan
education plan.
Stakeholders collaborate to SBM Level 3
ensure timely and need- o Copies of agreements and plans by the internal and
based planning and external stakeholders duly signed by them
resource programming and o Project proposals and resolutions duly signed by them
support continuous o Others __________________________
implementation of the
education plan.
3. In place is a community-developed resource management system
that drives appropriate behaviors of the stakeholders to ensure
judicious, appropriate, and effective use of resource.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
Stakeholders support SBM Level 1
judicious, appropriate, and o Copy of the duly Approved resource management system
effective use of resource of the school such as inventory of facilities and
equipment, documents of purchased materials
Stakeholders are engaged SBM Level 2
and share expertise in the o Copy of the meeting agenda, minutes, attendance sheets
collaborative development during the collaborative meeting of stakeholders
of resource management o Minutes of the Meetings conducted on resource
system. management system
Stakeholders sustain the SBM Level 3
implementation and o Progress Report of the School
improvement of a o PTA Certificate of Recognition for fund utilization
collaboratively developed, o Records reflecting expenditures aligned with ESIP/AIP
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
periodically adjusted, and o Others _____________________________
resource management
4. Regular Monitoring, evaluation, and reporting processes of
resource management are collaboratively developed and
implemented by the learning managers, facilitators and
community stakeholders.
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
Stakeholders are invited to SBM Level 1
participate in the o Letter of invitation duly acknowledged by stakeholders
development and o Attendance sheet
participation of monitoring, o Record of program certification of downloaded school
evaluation, and reporting funds (MOOE, SBFP, etc.)
processes on resource
Stakeholders collaboratively SBM Level 2
participate in the o Copies of the revised monitoring, evaluation and
development and reporting process duly approved by the stakeholders
implementation of o Record of monitoring of PPAs with the involvement of
monitoring, evaluation and the stakeholders
reporting process on
resource management.
Stakeholders are engaged, SBM Level 3
held accountable and o Reports made from the result of monitoring and
implement a collaboratively evaluation
developed system of o Plan of action in meeting the gaps or in addressing the
monitoring, evaluation and issues and concerns of the stakeholders on fund
reporting for resource management
management. o Records of satisfaction
o Others ____________________________________
5. There is a system that manages the network and linkages, which
strengthens and sustains partnership for improving resource
Indicators Evidences/MOVs/Artifacts Score
An engagement procedure SBM Level 1
to identify and utilize o Designation of coordinator for internal and external
partnerships with linkages
stakeholders for improving o Liquidation Reports
resource management is o Designation and Composition of BAC
Stakeholder support a SBM Level 2
system of partnerships for o Records of Expenditures aligned with ESIP/AIP
improving resource o Financial Statements Memorandum of Agreement is
management. forged between the school and the identified linkages and
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
An established system of SBM Level 3
partnership is managed and o MOA/MOU are operationalized and implemented (e.g.
sustained by the programs of activities, timetable, reports, attendance
stakeholders for continuous sheets and pictures)
improvement of resource o Copy of Audited Financial Statements
management o Documentation of Income and Generating Projects
o Others ___________________________________
Sub Total: Level 1 _______________ Level 2 ____________ Level 3__________
Percentage Weight of Management of Resources (15%): _________________

GRAND TOTAL : ____________________ LEVEL : _______________________________

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City
INTERVIEW GUIDE: (will be used by RO/SDO Validator)

A. Funding Sources (Aside from MOOE)


B. SBM-PASBE Implementation/ Assessment

1. Have you attended a Division Capacity Program?

2. When did you have it?
3. Have you conducted SBM Orientation in your school?
4. Who were the participants?
5. Have you done self-assessment?
6. How did you conduct it?
7. Who conducted it?
C. Issues & Concerns (This must be solicited through interview)

Priority Need Problems Met/Challenges TA Needed from the RO

D. What areas of concern that need significant improvement have you included in your re-
entry plan?
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City


SBM Dimension Cumulative Weight Result

Score Of
Validators Per
A. Leadership and Governance 0.30
B. Curriculum & Instruction 0.30
C. Accountability & Continuous 0.25
D. Management of Resources 0.15


Levels Numerical Rating Scale Description

Level 1 .5-1.4 Developing

Level 2 1.5-2.4 Maturing

Level 3 2.5-3.5 Advance

Monitored By:

__________________________ ______________________________
Signature over printed name Signature over printed name
DO Monitor Respondent

__________________________ ______________________________
Position Position

__________________________ ______________________________
Date Date
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region IX – Zamboanga Peninsula
Schools Division of Isabela City

Validated By:

__________________________ ______________________________
Signature over printed name Signature over printed name
RO Monitor Respondent

__________________________ ______________________________
Position Position

__________________________ ______________________________
Date Date

Prepared by:

Quality Assured by:

Recommending Approval:


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