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Legal and Judicial Ethics

1) Statement 1: Law partnerships can sue and be sued.

Statement 2: The Chief Executive can, by executive order, admit a person to the practice of law.
a) Statement 1 is true; Statement 2 is false
b) Statement 1 is false; Statement 2 is true
c) Both statements are false
d) Both statements are true
2) Instance wherein a person not duly authorized as member of the bar can represent an accused in
a) to represent an accused in the Regional trial court in a locality where a duly licensed member
of the bar is not available
b) to represent an accused in the municipal trial court
c) to represent an accused, as an appointee, in criminal cases
d) to represent an accused in the municipal trial court in a locality where a duly
licensed member of the bar is not available
3) For resisting a lawful writ issued by Judge Neo to Atty. Ali involving Manuel's case, Atty. Ali
may be liable of:
a) Direct contempt
b) Indirect contempt
c) Civil contempt
d) Criminal contempt
4) Statement 1: In performing judicial duties, judges must take into consideration opinion from his
judicial colleagues and the public.
Statement 2: Judges shall not allow the use of their residence by a lawyer to receive clients of the
latter or of other lawyers.
a) Statement 1 is true; Statement 2 is false
b) Statement 1 is false; Statement 2 is true
c) Both statements are false
d) Both statements are true
5) Dissatisfied with the arguments presented by Atty. Denise in defense for the accused, Judge Paul
criticized the counsel and told her that she does not deserve to be part of the bar. Can the judge be
held liable administratively?
a) Yes, although Judge Paul is allowed to criticize Atty. Denise, he may not do so in an
insulting manner
b) Yes, he criticized Atty. Denise in front of her client
c) No, because it was one way of letting Atty Denise realize her mistakes
d) No, because it is his duty to ensure the administration of justice
6) Judge AC who is the presiding judge in Branch 77 in the Municipality of Smallville, was hired by
Marilet as her private counsel in her Estafa case filed in the Municipality of Whiteville. Judge AC
contends that she can represent Marilet because the latter’s case was not filed in her court and
said case was filed in another municipality located far from where she is designated. Is her
contention correct?
a) Yes, Judge AC can engage in private practice. It is in violation of her right to practice her
profession if she is not allowed to do so.
b) Yes, Judge AC can represent Marilet if Marilet choses her to be her counsel
c) No, Judge AC is prohibited by her profession to engage in private practice of law
d) No, Judge AC is prohibited from engaging in private practice of law based on public

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