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Currently, Indonesia has not been able to control the COVID-19 pandemic. Since the
announcement of the first COVID-19 case in March 2020, the number of reported daily cases
has continued to increase throughout 2020 to 2021. From this condition, it can be seen that the
living conditions of the Indonesian people have not fully recovered from the period before the
As we seen, most humans in this pandemic era have realized that they must minimize
interactions, even better if they isolate themselves. The current COVID-19 pandemic has forced
us to limit our activities outside in home. We also have to do the results of studying and working
from inside the house, in order to avoid and gather in crowded places.
so ,that the government regulates the policy of Large-Scale Social Restrictions (PSBB). This has
led to several changes in the ways and habits of the Indonesian people, especially in
communicating. This shows that the COVID-19 virus has changed our way of life, even though
the Covid-19 vaccine is already exists, there is no answer and certainty when the pandemic will
end soon because after being vaccinated, our activities will still be as usual during the pandemic.
Various social activities that previously we could do more freely, now have to be done by
implementing health protocols. Like we need wearing a mask, it is mandatory to wash your
hands and always provide hand sanitizer everywhere and keep your distance so you choose to
stay at home. This new life supports frequent virtual communication or work from home.

Activities carried out to avoid the pandemic outbreak cause problems in social life. Moreover,
with the stay-at-home policy, some people will get bored and switch to playing their cell phones
to click on social media accounts. And until now, social media has become the largest platform
used duringa pandemic such as TikTok, Facebook, Instagram and others.
Social media also shows us the acceleration of technology adoption and the development of new
technologies for humans to work and live in different conditions. In fact, various new things then
emerged and made it possible to change the future of humans, one of the technology we are
know is metaverse, that is new technology namely communication by virtual with use of an
avatar. However, for some people, all kinds of virtual world life is still far from reality.
Metaverse is always a matter of risk, control, because of data leaks.
In education, Another problem is the learning that is Feeling bored with the assignments is the
first problem that the students complain about most. Since they have to read and try to
understand those materials by themselves, problems encountered with the materials are hard to
cope with when there is no helping hand around. As far as economic problems are concerned, as
students use up their Internet credit on
daily basis, they need a substantial amount of credit, so their parents need to prepare more
money to support this need. Some parents feel reluctant to do this because the economic field is
slumped as one of the effects of the Covid-19 pandemic. Another problem is posed by Internet
access. In many rural areas the Internet signal still presents a big problem for students, as they
cannot easily find the signal in order to complete their assignments. The Internet problem has
especially affected the students living in the countryside.


However, the pandemic drastically decreases our social activity as it is harder to meet other
people amid the spreading virus. based on my experience in Quarantine and long periods of
isolation, especially for me as a student, will be exhausting. We are suddenly in a situation where
we have all the time in the world but are not sure how to make the best use of our time. This
pandemic situation changes a lot of my lifestyle such as refraining myself from going out and
start to cook my meals every day.
On the positive side, since I mostly stay at home and cook my meals, and exactlyI manage to
decrease my monthly expensewith every aspect of me during this important period of time just
like cleaning house while helping my parents, and I've got job and I worked part time as a
In quarantine, I also enjoyed watching virtual concerts of my favorite bands and study online
which is begin from nine to three in the afternoon. After studying online, I usually help my mom
cook in the kitchen.
before the pandemic I was doing daily activities such as going to school in Monday until friday, I
also doing assignments by group or individual, and I followed practicing in my major.

Changes in patterns and habits, especially studying can be put to good use by students, if
students have the will and determination to learn. Learning by online, we can freely study in
everywhere, and felxibility according to their individual desires.
Currently, there are many applications that support the learning process as well as information
technology developments Improved features on some social media, can be used for learning
media. For example on the TikTok application. This app is becoming more popular during the
pandemic. It is undeniable, the boredom that occurs while at home makes us as students finally
seek entertainment by scrolling applications that offer the convenience of making videos, as well
as providing additional features in the form of background music that adds to the addiction to not
stop scrolling . try to take advantage of the free time that can be filled with things that are
appropriate and of value. such as participating in online competitions, during a pandemic,
interactions are indeed limited, but that does not mean that self-motivation is dead.
In order to keep the spirit alive, one of them is by participating in competitions that are held
online. There are so many pamphlets scattered on social media about online competitions of
various types. There are some that are paid and even many competitions are held free of charge.
This, for the souls of students who are thirsty for competition, should be a golden opportunity to
stay productive during the pandemic. Although held online, productivity and creativity in
participating in online competitions can also increase students' fighting spirit. By participating in
competitions frequently, you will gain experience, hone your skills, expand your network, and
even if you are lucky you can get certificates, trophies, and coaching money, which of course
will be very useful.
Next , try to experiment, by taking advantage of the amount of free time. With the flexibility of
the online lecture system, it should be able to facilitate the potential of students to be more
innovative and creative. It can be realized by online to experiment. Experiments are not only
about complicated things and need extra thought. You can start with something simple and fun,
like creating inspiring digital content. That is by looking at cooking tutorials, making bouquets,
or making mask connectors and so on and then putting them into practice and content.
Of course, this will create a new experience and also have broad potential to make a field of
income from the results of the experiment. Why is that, because if the experiment is successful
and the results are interesting, it can also be promoted through social media. Student friends on
social media will be the first market. In addition, experiments also hone creativity and student
productivity is growing, so that it continues to increase innovation about marketed products. It is
possible that this will be a promising business. This is why, as a student, you must always dare to
try new things, not the other way around. Because by trying, at least the next opportunity will

This pandemic is about asking what we all want for the future, and what lessons we can take for
future crises to care for one another more and to think about solidarity.

For writer, the biggest enemy of this new lifestyle is boredom. Yes, if we spend most of our time
in the room every day doing the same things again and again, we could hit the limit where we
become exhausted from all of the class and assignment. So, to deal with this problem, I think it's
important to have your mean of entertainment for yourself. For example, looking for a new
hobby, or learning new interesting matters that you like, playing games, talk to your friends
through online means, or many more. Luckily, I found my new hobby which is cooking! Since I
began to cook all of my meals by myself since the pandemic hits.

Sometimes I also like to combine this cooking hobby with my photography hobby and take
pictures of my food.Hopefully, this pandemic will be over soon and everything could be normal
again. For now, the best thing that we could do is to stay at home and stay healthy

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