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As soon as the horse carriage start moving, Viscount Schwart began to

“This is my old friend, Cain Silac, a knight from the Imperial’s Third
Knight Squad.”
“Ah…yes,” I answered while looking on my knees so I won’t glared on
that damn Cain. To cast a hateful glare on someone you first meet is really
suspicious. However …., an old friend? Seems like this bastard Viscount
Schwart can’t be considered as a good person. Having prejudice isn’t a
good behavior, but there’re some people that said same kind of people
always folk together, right?
“Today Miss Epheria is really quiet.”


Don’t talk to me! There’s nothing to be talk between us!

“I heard recently Miss got sick.”

“That’s right.”

“As your fiancee, I should have visited you. My apologies.”

“It’s fine.”

I gave short replies with my head still hanging down. After some
thoughts, this man didn’t even show up when his fiancee unconsciously lied
on bed. He’s absolutely an asshole.
After that, we engaged in small daily talks and I gave brief answers until
I feel drowsy. Boring. I refrain myself to yawn and shift my gaze to look
outside through the window. I feel familiar with the street view of the
capital city that hasn’t changed from before. Well, that’s for sure since I had
only left around one month.
The building we just passed, is clearly a snack shop owned by Michael.
Michael is one of low-level knights in Holy Knight Squad. His parents run
a famous snack shop in Caper Street. But, Caper Street is located far from
my destination. I turned my head and look at Viscount Schwart.
“Viscount Schwart.”


“Are we heading to the right place?”

And more importantly, does he know where I want to go? I never told
My question didn’t make him panic and he calmly answered, “The main
road and the roads around it are closed for horse-carriages because of
funeral procession. Therefore, we have to turn around for a bit.”
“Is that so?”

I tilt my head and continue to look outside the window. Are the roads
really closed due to the funeral procession? Even so, our direction is really
strange… although the roads around the main road are closed, we could
take the horse carriage as near as possible and then walk a bit, right? Why
should we turn around?
This is really suspicious!

Regardless, they clearly have other motives. It will be easier to run away
when the horse carriage is moving, but…. it has already come to this point,
how about I follow their plan a bit?
The bastard who sat before me would become a little hindrance, even
though the Viscount isn’t a problem, but it will be easy for me to escape
from them by simply avoiding and not oppose them directly. I would be in
big trouble if the place where we headed to is full of men wielded weapons.
But they wouldn’t make any detailed preparations to take care of a weak
girl, would they?
After the horse carriage moved a bit longer, the horse carriage stop on a
street that was very far from the main road where the funeral procession
will be held.
“Let’s go!”

Viscount Schwart got out from the carriage first then reached out his
hand to me. All this time, I never knew that letting others to guide me,
made me unpleasant. I can walk by myself without holding other’s hand. I
hate to see myself blatantly regarded as a weak person who needs other’s
cares. Well… a woman indeed is weak, but…. well, Silla is usually weak
though, but…
Nonetheless, all the ladies I’ve accompanied seems happy.

They really feel happy, right? With mixed feelings, I got out from the
carriage by myself. In front of me was an inn. An inn, mhm, that is an inn.
Not a hotel but a small inn that’s too small and too dirt-cheap to be visited
by nobles. This place is suitable for secret meetings without anyone noticed
it …
Is there perhaps any secret meetings here?

I hope we would meet with those who probably made the contract with
Demon King.
“Do you have any business at this kind of place?”

The Viscount smirked mysteriously because of my question. “Right, I

need to meet someone here. Would you join me inside for a bit, Miss?”
There’re still plenty of time, so there’s no reason for me to decline. I
nodded and walked into the inn.
Vol.1 Chapter 1 Part 5
Source: Secret Dreamer Translation


Its very quiet inside the inn. This was not the time when the customers
came to visit, but still this felt very suspicious even if I included that reason.
Moreover… not to say the inn’s owner, I don’t even see any waiters. A
sense of something malicious spread inside it.
“Where’s the person you need to meet?”

“On the second floor,” the Viscount said while leading the way. “Please
follow me.”
“Is it fine for me to join you?”

Viscount Schwart let out a meaningful smirked again and nodded. “Of
course. Ah, it will be a problem if Miss didn’t come.”
Is it really related to the contract? If thats the case, then the mystery is
started to unfold. After I swept a glance at the bastard that followed in, I
followed the Viscount upstairs. I hope that bastard Cain is involved too.
Even if he only involved in a really small matter, at least he would be
expelled because of the matter related to Demon King.
The room shown by the Viscount was a spacious bedroom. I glanced
around the room and turned to the Viscount to ask.
“Seems like the person you want to meet hasn’t come.”

There’s no one inside. I don’t want to be late to the funeral procession,

when will the person come?
The Viscount tried to hold in his laughter when he heard my question,
but he failed and finally he laughed out. “That’s enough. You don’t have
to pretend anymore.”
What kind of nonsense this asshole spout?

“I don’t understand what you mean.”

Don’t save all the explanations just for yourself, share them with me! The
Viscount seemed offended hearing my words.
“You never thought to come out just fine after you followed me here
willingly by yourself, right?”

Whats wrong with this place? This is an inn …, ah…, it couldn’t be…

I just come to realized that I’m a woman, ughh…, I mean… I looked like
a normal woman and the man before me is the asshole fiancee with bad
reputation, and also the place where we are now is an inn that neither could
be seen nor could be heard by other people. Oh, I see. I have heard this kind
of situation for several times.
“So your purpose is to defiled me, isn’t it?”

The perpetrator was taken aback by my words.

“Could it be that you really didn’t realized?”

Well, I could possibly not knowing anything, you know? I almost had
zero experience being courted by men with both good and bad intentions.
Doesn’t mean that my experience is completely none though. The main
problem was all of them thought I was a man. Most of them step back as
soon as I said I’m a woman.
So this had no relation with the Demon King, right? Hah… I feel
discouraged. I put down my parasol and steal a glance at that bastard Cain
who stood by the door. I can make use of the parasol as weapon, but it
would be broke after being used once. What a shame…
“Both of you will come to me altogether?”

I will be troubled facing that bastard altogether, so I have to escape

through the window. My question made the Viscount looked at Cain with
delightful expression.
“That woman gave a nice suggestion. I have no objection

though.” “I’m not interested. I’ll be waiting downstairs.”

He answered without any change of expression and left the room. Seeing
he left and kindly closed the door tightly, made me feel appreciate towards
him as much as a flea’s booger. Many thanks, I will beat this rapist asshole
“Thats too bad.”

Viscount Schwart licked his lips while moving a step to my direction. I

stared at his disgusting face that still laughing, and sneakily clenched my
“All this time, you always ran way like a wild cat, but today you’re
really well-behaved. Have you given up?”
After hearing his cunning words, I feel sorry for the deceased Silla. In
that household she had already suffered a lot, but she still being chased by
this filthy fiancee outside. I won’t pity him even for a bit, at least to console
“Viscount Schwart.”

“Hm? I don’t have any intention to back down after we arrived here, so
it’ll be better for yo–“
“Keep your mouth shut!”
That bastard Cain shouldn’t came up here because of the screaming. I hit
the Viscount’s epigastrium with my fist that has been strengthened by holy


If I hit right into any vital area, he won’t be able to even let out a scream.
Soon after he could only gasped for air and fell on the floor. I can silenced
my opponents by making them out of breath if I hit their epigastrium. If
they couldn’t even breath properly, how could they scream?
“I don’t enjoy torturing others.”

I passed by that asshole who rolled over the floor while gasping for air, to
the bed. As I tore off the bed sheets to make use of them to tied him up and
to stuffed his mouth, that asshole started to adjust his breathing. I returned
to him and gave him a light kick to his epigastrium again.

“There’s revenge I need to avange and also there’re some things I

want to ask. Don’t worry! I won’t kill you.”
Well, I can do nothing if I accidentally kill him though. Once again I told
you, I don’t like to torture others. Futhermore in the church, there’re other
people in charged to do that kind of thing, so I didn’t need to do it myself.
Let me warn you, they’re really ruthless.

I dragged the Viscount from the floor and sat him on a chair. After I was
done tying up his hands and legs, and also stuffed his mouth, I gave him
some slaps on his cheek until he completely awake from his half stupor.
“Hmmph! Hmph!”

“My dear Viscount Schwart.”

I smiled softly.
“You’ll die if you scream, you know? Before that bastard Cain come
here, I will escape through the window after I smashed your head, so you
better give up on any ideas you have in your head! No one will believe
that a weak girl would be able to kill a man without any weapons.
Probably that bastard Cain will become a scapegoat. Thats why, I hope
you can think wisely.”

Every words I spoke is full of honesty, especially the one I said about
making that bastard downstair to become a scapegoat. After his eyes darting
around, the Viscount reluctantly nodded his head. I took off the bundle
from his mouth after making sure he understood my words.
“Kheuk, what do y–?”


I lifted my clenched fist to let him see.

“I ask and you answer.”

I gave him a friendly warning but the Viscount started to wriggle with
resentful expression on his face.
“After what you have done, do you think you c–“

“Tsk, seems like we still can’t have a nice talk.”

I stuffed his mouth again.

“Its unlikely you’ll obediently spill the beans when you’re just gotten
hit twice, right? I think I’ve misjudged. I should have snapped your arms
and legs one by one.”

“It’s okay…it’s okay… don’t worry! I won’t cut them. I don’t have a
sword so I could only break your bones. It’s really nothing to be worried
about right?”
Well, I won’t really cut his legs or arms even if there’s any sword here.
Maybe it’ll be enough to cut about one to two fingers, but there’ll be too
much blood spurting out if I cut his arms or legs. I have to avoid any
possibilities from getting my dress drenched in blood if I go to the funeral
procession. Moreover, that’s my funeral, at least I need to keep my
“As I saw it, seems like you’re a right handed.”

At first, I intended to be kind and aimed for his left hand, but now I
won’t give any mercy, so I hold his right hand. The Viscount kept
struggling and shaking his head.
“What the f*ck? You said before that you wouldn’t hold back
anymore, so do I!”
The real Silla must be helpless when facing this asshole. Well, she
wouldn’t obediently coming along with him like I did in the first place
though. I hold onto this rapist’s right hand tightly and twisted it to the
opposite direction.

“Now, it’s your leg turns.”

“Emmh! Emmhhh!”

“I don’t understand what you said. Talk properly you motherf***er!”

Although he would only burdened other people by using a stretcher when

he walked later, but I still have to break his leg, the right side too. For the
leg parts, I twisted his knee. After I finished, the Viscount’s face became
red and many cold sweat appeared. His bloodshot eyes showed extreme
horror. Great. Now we could have a smooth conversation.
“How about we start another talk? This time I’ll crush your bones
until they couldn’t recover if you blabber nonsense. If the bones are
then they could recover quickly, but if they got smashed into pulp, those
would be hard to recover even by using holy magic.”
Broken bones could be treated using bandage and could be healed faster
by receiving treatment from holy magic, if he had lots of money. After
considering those points, I think I was being too kind.
As I took away the bundle that got wet with his saliva from his mouth,
this time he’s only breathing heavily without saying anything. I appreciate
“So, whats your relationship with the Countess?”

The Viscount swallowed his saliva and answered while stuttering, “S-she
promised me a p-part of land i-if I ‘take care’ of y-you…”
“And both of you made a deal? But, your way of talking is really
brazen, isn’t it?”
“Ah, I mean … Miss Epheria.”

“Good. In short, both of you will only snatched my inheritance after

you get married with me?”
“… yes. But, Miss didn’t comply obediently to the plan… so the
Countess asked me to sullied Miss by force…”
“Thats all?”

“T-thats all!”

I couldn’t find any deceit on his despaired face. Of course it’s possible
that he deceived me, but in reality he’s just planning to defiled me. In the
end, perhaps Viscount Schwart is only being used by the Countess?”
“Do you know anything else about the Countess?”

“W-what kind of information?”


“About that… I think Miss would probably know much more…”

Ughh… did I just get a useless information? What a shame. I clicked my

tounge while picking up the parasol that was left on the floor.
“I warn you. Don’t ever think to talk about todays matter to anyone.
No one would believe you that your hands and legs were broken by a
woman without any weapon, that would only makes your reputation
plummeted to the lowest. One more thing, you must cancel our
engagement. Except if you want to get beaten to death on your first
By all means, I never intend to stay silent to be wedded to him. I would
definitely buried him alive before the wedding ceremony.
I stared at the Viscount who was nodding enthusiastically for a moment
before walking to the window.
In the past, I could easily jumped down from second floor, but now I
think I need to be extremely careful. This body endurance is really low, one
wrong move and my neck probably would be sprained.
I opened the window widely and lifted up half of my skirt to be able to sit
on the windowstill. There’s a small alley without any signs of people
outside the window. I concentrated my holy power into whole of my legs
before jumped out.

Vol.1 Chapter 1 Part 6
Source: Secret Dreamer Translation


It hurts!! Damn it!!! I forgot I’m wearing heels right now! I screamed
inside my heart and hopping around in pain. Although I didn’t wear pointed
heels, but because of the shoes I wore is really stiff, my heel pressed on the
hard shoe soles. If not for the protection from the holy power, my heel
probably would be broken to pieces.
Ugh, right now I have to run away before get caught.

It would be troublesome if Cain noticed what I had done. I looked up at

the opened window for a while then immediately left the small alley.
The Capital’s road during the day seems quite empty. I’m still far from
the main road, but I don’t have a single penny so I could only open the
parasol and keep walking. Duh, I also have to return to the mansion by foot.
I really miss Snowy. Snowy wouldn’t easily let strangers ride on him
because he is a fierce pure breed holy horse. I doubt he could find another

Would he be fine when he heard about my death?

I feel moved thinking about how Snowy might have been waited for me
to come back. I wish I could take him with me, but it would be impossible
before I could prove that I’m Roel. It feels like something heavy being
pressed inside my heart whenever I recalled that we got into a quarrel
because he stubbornly wanted to accompany me before I went inside the
Demon King’s castle. My poor Snowy… I’m truly sorry for treated you
badly until the end.
I staggeringly walked while thinking of my dear horse without realized
there started to have many people walking around me. There could be seen
a group of soldiers lining up orderly on the main street lead to the palace.
“They even have Imperial Army here. Wow, it turns out they really
care about it.”
I folded up my parasol and observed my surroundings.

The audience varied from the olds and the youngters to men and women.
They’re roaming around at the side road, but most of them are the young
noble ladies. All their faces looked gloomy and some of them could be
heard sobbing while wiping away their tears with their handkerchiefs.
“I can’t believe it. He’s still very young…”

“Sir Roel! How could you left me behind like this?!”

“I still have a box of letters that I have yet sent to him! Sniffs!”

Hah! I already knew, but I really am popular. Indeed I’m a woman and
even if I’m a man, I still couldn’t get married because I’m a holy knight.
Even so, the ladies gathered together to express their sorrow. Among the
ladies, there’re also little girls and married women. I feel uncomfortable
because I saw many people sadden because of my death. Besides, I’m still
alive although my body got swapped with another … I feel a little guilty.
Suddenly, someone from across the road shouted, “They’re coming!”

The funeral procession? After the shout, those who were roaming around
in the middle of the road, with terrifying speed, quickly got themselves into
the crowd at the side road.

Whats there to see about the funeral procession that made them squeezed
in like this? I was being pushed around before finally I could reached the
front. I’m sticking out my head beside the army that were organizing the
audience. By doing so, I could see the funeral procession coming closer.
The Holy Knights that were wearing their white ceremonial uniform,
carrying a white marble stone coffin. The Holy artifact placed onto the
coffin, shines brightly upon being basked in sunlight. I stared at the scene in
the middle of people that were in their silence mourning.

The coffin wasn’t being carried by the servants or the relatives, but the
colleagues while moving the corpse, as the last honor to the deceased. By
doing so, it also elevate the impression of the deceased when he’s alive.
Hence, some people will say that the deceased had lived a good life before
Therefore I give you guys my most sincere gratitude from my heart. But
why …?!”
Those damn brats…!

Why did you guys make that kind face?

Those faces that I remember clearly in my mind look gloomy and make
me feel my stomach being turned upside down. I know they would be sad
because being left behind by someone close to you is really painful.
Even so, I never thought that those grown up men could make that kind
of face. They looked like some lost children.
And those shameful idiots are all my past that has been taken away from
me by death. Now I’m just a stranger without any bit of relation to them.
I’m lying inside that coffin and soon will be buried inside the soil. That’s

My feelings are completely a mess right now…

I could easily guess how severe the wrinkle on my current face is,
without checking the mirror. I shouldn’t have come to my funeral
procession. I shouldn’t have seen the expression of those I left behind…
The coffin passed in front of me who was bitting hard my lips. For a
moment, I felt the urge to shove off the coffin. I want to laugh at those brats
who looked like they had lost everything in this world, while shouted,
“What are you crying over this silly shell?!”
In reality, my neck would get slashed by my comrades’ sword before I
could get closed to the coffin.
While I was busy bitting my lips with messed up feelings, the funeral
procession continue to proceed, distancing itself from the real main
character. Some people from the crowds followed behind the funeral
procession, while the rest started to disperse one after another to continue
with their lives.
At the place where the army lined up to maintain the audience, I stand
there blankly for a while.


Sofia greeted me with bright face as soon as I reached the mansion with
staggering steps. The sun is almost setting. I nodded without any
enthusiasm and look at her.
“Why does Miss return alone… without horse carriage? Eh, it’s
impossible for Miss to return without horse carriage, right? Miss went
together with Viscount Schwart afterall.”
“Mhm… well,” I answered awkwardly. I recalled about Viscount
Schwart that have been completely forgotten in my memory. I wonder…
how does he end up after all that happened? Most likely, that bastard Cain
would took care of him and returned him to his home. Hearing my
dispirited voice, Sofia turned panic and immediately held my hand to
support me.
“My Godnesses, what happened to you Miss? Lets go inside!”

“I’m fine.”
“What do you mean by you’re fine?! Miss looks really pale right now!
Miss’ face has become as white as blank paper.”
Is it really that bad huh? This is really embarrassing. Damn it! As a holy
knight who always participated to eradicate the Demon King, this is trully
humiliating. Death always haunted down on every our steps and that made
us who were under the guidance of the Goddess, forgot those fear. Death is
something I have always faced, but why… just why did I suddenly become
agitated and depressed? Isn’t my soul still alive and well?
“It’s okay. I’m really fine. I’m just tired. There’s nothing to worry
The one who were in misfortune is Viscount Schwart, not me. My
answer that sounded a bit cheerful made Sofia relieved.
“Let’s quickly go inside and take a rest! I’ve prepared the bath for
Miss. Oh right, did Miss manage to watch the funeral procession
“Yeah… it was really crowded.”

“Thats for sure. Many young ladies adored Sir Roel after all. People
said that even Her Highness Princess Evellyn fainted when she heard
about Sir Roel’s death.”

That little princess? The memories of that cute little princess come to my
mind. The twelve years old princess who always insisted to be married to
me after she becomes an adult, made me feel emotional and melancholic
again. I’ve done nothing wrong, but why do I feel like I’m the bad guy
here? Damn it!
After I took a bath and had my dinner, I come to a decision.

I must return!

How could I thought about starting a new life after saw those brats’ sad
faces! There’a nothing wrong to live as a holy knight once more. Truthfully,
to be a holy knight is a very respected and honorable job and also I’ve got
many comrades who were always there listening to all my stories and
complains. Thats more than enough.
“That being said, first I have to meet with the High Priest, but…”

I muttered softly while staring blankly at the room ceiling with my body
lied down on the bed. The High Priest who can communicate with the
Goddess would be able to recognize my soul. That being said, unless you’re
someone with high authorities within the church, it’s almost impossible to
meet the High Priest as a mere Count’s daughter. Except for a very special
I have to find an opportunity on the Holy Blessings Day.

Holy Blessings Day is a day to commemorate the time when the Goddess
arrived on the mortal realm. On that day, those who served the Goddess
would gather inside the main hall of the Central Church and would be
blessed by the High Priest. It goes without saying that any normal citizens
couldn’t get inside, and only the priests and holy knights are permitted
In other words, I need to become a clergy. Its not difficult to be a clergy,
anyone can be one as long as they possess holy power.
The High Priest might not be able to recognize me if our distance is too
It’s obvious that new clergies would be placed in the most corner area.
Let alone my soul, probably my face couldn’t be seen either. There’s
another more efficient way to meet the High Priest other than finding an
opportunity on the Holy Blessings Day.

Its none other than the Inauguration Ceremony of the Holy Knights.

The inauguration for the holy knights and the priests would be done by
the High Priest. However, even if you’re a genius, you need to passed one
year of probation period to officially become a holy knight. In average, the
probation period usually goes for 4-5 years and it coudn’t be done if your
ability is lacking.
In conclusion, 1 year, another 1 year of probation period…
unconsciously I clutched my head.
“I feel like giving up…”

Probationary knights has the word ‘knight’ in it and sounds cool, but in
reality, they aren’t any different with servants. That means that I have to
serve my subordinates at least for a year!! Nonetheless, with the unique
traits of my holy power, I might not be able to even become a lowest clergy.
Urghh, it’s really complicated.
Damn! Rather than doing it all over again, it would be better if I punished
the Count who cooperated with the Demon King and inherited all the
Count’s wealth then I’ll donate all of them to the church.
I could easily reach my goal if only I could say, “I want to donate a
large sum of money and get a blessings from the High Priest!” Although
being blessed by the Goddess, in the end we are still mere humans. We
need money to fill our stomachs!

I still have three months until the Holy Blessings Day and I would just
need to enter the church at any costs … so lets take over the Count’s
By doing so, I can avenge Silla Epheria, donate to the church, and prove
my identity. Kill three birds with one stone! That’s really a perfect plan. I
praised myself and buried my face onto the pillow.
Vol.1 Chapter 2 Part 1
Source: Secret Dreamer Translation


The fact that the eldest daughter of Count Epheria got poor treatments
could also be seen at the food being served. I looked at the lunch menu that
only consist of potato cream soup and two sliced of bread while clicking my

Are these the food that being served in a wealthy household? For real!? I
highly doubt it. The food served at the church were much better than these!
The food for the priests are almost similar to these, but some meats are
always present in holy knights’ meals because we need much more energy
to do our tasks.
“The Count… ermm… I mean my father… I want to meet him.”

I tore the bread while saying it to Sofia who was standing besides me.
Though he is my father, I have never seen his face even once.

Sofia appeared to be confuse by my

words. “Master never visited Miss.” “But

I’m her daughter though.”

“If Master considered Miss as his daughter, how could Master let Miss
got treated badly?”
“Thats right…” I mumbled while staring at the simple design of the
dinning table. What could you expect from the father who even didn’t care
about her daughter’s meals? Moreover, Silla’s fiancee was a rapist.
“Futhermore, these days Master didn’t meet anyone other than the
head butler and Madam. Eventually the Madam could spread her
“How about the Countess… ah, I mean my stepmother.”

“Miss can meet her anytime. But it will be the best not to meet her.”

Hearing Sofia words, I recalled my brief encounter with the Countess.

What Sofia said is right. The Countess can’t be take down easily. Still, I
have to come inside the tiger’s den to catch one, right?
“Seems like it’s inevitable because I need to meet her at least once. I
broke my engagement.”
“… WHAT?!”

Sofia widen her eyes in amazement.

“M-Miss has broken the engagement?”

“Yeah, it seems like he didn’t really like me.”

It couldn’t be that he still intended to proceed with engagement after

went through all that things, right? If he could still say that he still likes the
woman who broke his arm and leg, I would suggest him to go to the church
for psychology examination.
“It has ended just like that, but I still have to tell her even though she’s
my stepmother, don’t I?”
“That’s… right, but… the Viscount really agreed with

it?” “He said he didn’t want to meet me anymore.”

Well, I didn’t hear him said it directly from his mouth though, but he
should have thought the same, I guess? Except if he has gone insane. It
can’t be that he’s a pervert who loved getting beaten, right?
Sofia looked extremely happy that she’s clapping her hands when she
heard me.
“Congrats, Miss! Finally Miss could get away from that disgusting
leecher! Of course the Madam should be inform about this! But, what
made the Viscount given up?”
“We had a small talk.”

I’m not lying, we did talk a bit.

“Turns out that bastard could be reasoned with.”

Well, although he agreed to it after I broke his arm and leg.

Sofia gave an inquiring looks but didn’t ask any further.

“Well, whatever! Anyways this is a really good news. I wonder what

kind of face would the Countess makes when she heard of it.”
Sofia smiled widely with expecting looks on her face.

It’s still the same as usual, the Countess enjoyed her time leisurely by
having some tea in the middle of the flower garden. She looked like a
dignified and charming noble lady from outside, but within her was a
ruthless person that ordered a man to rape her step-daughter. No wonder
Sofia called her as the great grandmother of the Demons. Hahh…Seriously.
“I come here because there’s something I should inform you

of.” The Countess moved her lips into a smile and offered me to

sit. “Have a sit.”

As I sat before her, she’s pouring the tea for me by herself. I took a sip of
the orange-goldenish tea and started to talk.
“Viscount Schwart.”
“I know it very well that you don’t like Viscount Schwart.” That woman
continued her speech with loving tone as if she’s my birth mother. “Even
so, isn’t it too much to have him murdered?”
“… What?”

I was caught off guard that I asked in my bewildered state. I widen my

eyes at the Countess. What did she just say…?
“… murdered?”

“Yes. Viscount Schwart was murdered yesterday.”

He died…? No, wait! I remember that I didn’t give him any fatal
wounds. I just broke his arm and leg so it’s not possible to cause any
bleedings. And also, my hits to his body didn’t injure any of his internal
organs. Moreover, wasn’t that bastard friend of his in downstairs below?
How could he died?
“… he’s still fine when I left him,” I said with a frown.

I did injure him, but I didn’t give him any fatal injury that endangered his
life. I’m completely sure as I’m an expert with many experiences of beating
others for about 10 years.
“Besides, you were talking as if I’m really the one who killed the
The Countess nodded while keeping her gentle smile.

“Because you’re indeed the murderer.”

“Don’t spout nonsense! How could a girl who was only bring a
parasol, killed a healthy grown up man? Futhermore, the Viscount was
not alone. Sir Cain Silac, the Imperial Knight, were also there. It’s
impossible to deal with both of them using my own strength.”

Perhaps the former me could do it, but with my current self, I would have
a hard time if both of them attacking together. I was able to deal with
Viscount Schwart because I was lucky that Cain left us alone. If it was the
other way, I would definitely escape through the window.
“Any normal person with decent brain, wouldn’t doubt my innocence.”

I said it firmly. Logically speaking, it was impossible and I truly didn’t

murder him.
“But, dear…”

The Countess’ gentle voice floated in the air.

“There is a witness that could give a testimony for your crime.”

“A Witness…”

It can’t be …! There’s only one person I could think of to become a

witness in this situation. The bastard who schemed against my subordinate,
that ended in my subordinate got dishonorably dismissed. It seems like he
use similar method back then. Without me realized, I gritted my teeth.
“Sir Silac?”

“Turns out you already knew! Well, if you’re the real murderer,
naturally you could guess.”
“I just make a guess based on the situation. Besides, even without any
illness, I’m all for them to see that I’m just a mere weak girl.”
Even though there’s a witness or whatever it could be… Silla Epheria is
not Roel, the holy knight, and doesn’t have any abilty to kill Viscount
How could it be for Silla to be able to killed a grown up man with her
weak arms and legs, even more couldn’t even thrust a chicken? Anyone
could easily knew this was a trap. I stared coldly to the lady before me.
“I understand you wish to drive me out of Epheria household, but you
shouldn’t resort to this kind of scheme.”
First it was a rape attempt, and now turned into a scapegoat for a murder
case? Her visciousness runs too deep that it made me shuddered. I never
expected she even wanted to destroy a girl’s life just to possess the Count’s
household! Even if they weren’t related by blood, Silla is still her daughter
and she had known her since she was a child. It’s been almost 20 years…
even a stray dog that always wandered around the street would made many
people took a pity of it. She’s really cold-hearted.
“Scheme? Your words are too brazen.”

“You have no right to say that.”

She was someone who could turned white to black and black to white
openly. But, don’t you ever think that I won’t retaliate.
The Countess sighed and looked at me with pitiful gaze.

“You’re really someone who didn’t deserve to be

protected.” “Protected…?!”

There’s a limit in deceiving others by using cheap tricks! For goodness

sake, who in the world was the real murder? How could she talked
nonsense? I’m completely sure the woman in front of me is the one who
ordered for the Viscount to be killed. I tried to suppress my anger because
of the thick-skinned Countess, but instead she sighed for the second time.
“Indeed it was too difficult for you to injured Viscount Schwart by
yourself. Didn’t you have accomplices?”
“Accomplices? I went alone, didn’t I?”

“Yes thats right! You pretended that you went alone and tricked the
Viscount into your trap.”
“It’s the opposite.”

“The opposite.”
The Countess tilted her head innocently as if it was the first time she
heard about it. Woah…I’m impressed. She really knew no shame.
“Yes. Viscount Schwart pretended he would accompany me to see the
funeral procession but instead he brought me to an isolated inn and
admitted that he wanted to defiled me.”

As soon as Sofia who was standing anxiously not too far from me, heard
it, she inhaled sharply. Meanwhile, the Countess’ expression didn’t change
in the slightest, because she’s undoubtedly the mastermind behind this.
“Hm? So there’s also that kind of occurance. But, it is still odd, isn’t

“Yes. The Silla that I knew, wouldn’t followed the Viscount to go

inside the inn without any reasons.”
Ugh… T-that…I have no argument to counter her. A normal noble lady
won’t ever do something reckless on her own like I had done.
“… I was forced to come inside.”

“You were forced to come inside, but you could came out safely, hm?”

“I waited until I got a chance and jumped out of the window.”

“You jumped from the second floor while you were wearing a dress
and heels?”
“That was because I was really desperate at that time. Jumping out
from second floor is something doable, isn’t it?”
“Your words just now implied that a 19 years old noble lady could
jumped from second floor and escaped from two men that went after you
while you were wearing high heels?”
I’m really angry, but that was indeed unbelievable. If I admitted that I
have enough strength to deal with one to two men, she would definitely
accused me as the murderer. F*ck. I’m screwed. What should I do now?
Should I just cry? Or should I hold back and try to make a deal with the
Countess? The last choice seems tempting, but there’s still the Count. Up to
this point, I’m still not sure who is the real mastermind behind all of these.
It wouldn’t be a problem if the Countess was the real mastermind, but if it
was the otherwise, she was nothing but a pawn that could be discarded
While I was being indecisive, I sensed someone approaching.


Almost at the same time as I rose up from my sit suddenly, I didn’t dare
to move anymore. The Countess’ neck was within my reach, but if I dared
to reach out my hand and killed her, I couldn’t escape either. I diverted my
gaze on the Countess and looked at the approaching man.

Cain Silac. His sword that has been unsheathed, lifted up towards me. If
the sword had not been unsheathed, perhaps I still have a slim chance, but
reality turned its back to me. Its just impossible for me to confront this
bastard with untrained body and without any weapon in hands!
“What bussiness does an Imperial Knight have here?”

That bastard Cain’s gaze fall upon the Countess for a moment then
shifted to me while talking with rigid tone.
“I come to arrest the murderer of Viscount Schwart.”

F*ck! You’re the real murderer, a**hole! The damn someone who could
possibly killed the Viscount in that situation is no other than the bastard in
front of me. Without the need to arrest innocent person, you could just
crawled to the prison on your feet.
“Arresting the murderer isn’t your duty.”
Vol.1 Chapter 2 Part 2
Source: Secret Dreamer Translation


I glared at him while talking through my gritted teeth. We’ve public

security forces, haven’t we? Why not assigned any weak public security
officer but instead this bastard always appeared before me? If my opponent
was this bastard, I couldn’t escape and had to be locked up in the prison
without any chance to resist.
“I took over the duty of the public security forces because the victim is
my friend.”
“A friend of a rapist? Does it mean that at least you are a marauder?
Or maybe a murderer?”
I knew it was useless to show my hatred to the so called witness while I
was being a scapegoat, but I just couldn’t take it anymore. My heart boiled
with anger and at the very least I should say something to irritate him.
Cain’s face stayed the same without any change in his expression even
though I’ve said something improper that could be considered as cursing.
Perhaps he is not a marauder, but it’s true that he is a murderer.
“Sir Cain, please take care of my poor daughter.”

I really almost couldn’t hold back from cursing out the Countess. The
Countess nodded slightly to Cain with her motherly expression. I nearly
threw up seeing her fake face that was completely different from her real

I glanced at the anxious Sofia and walking passed Cain.

“I can go by myself so don’t touch me.”

Even if you only stood silently near me, it made me trembling with anger.

Without pressing any further, Cain followed after me.


Usually the nobles would be put in house arrest until the day of the trial if
they committed a crime. For cases such as rebellion, anything related to
rebellion, and murdering, the perpetrators would get arrested directly and
thrown in prison. I’m not an exception either, as I became a scapegoat in a
murder case. Thus, I became one of the few noble ladies that were detained
in the prison.
ly, I had captured and thrown some criminals to prison, but now this is
my first time ever to enter the prison.
I stared blankly at the grey gloomy walls and sighed. There was only an
old single bed inside this stone-walled room without any window. At least,
there was still a bed because this was a prison made for nobles. If I was to
be put inside the prison for commoners, there would be only some repeated
used hay.
I shouldn’t expect the house to send some useful goods, so its inevitable
that I will lead a harsh life until the trial.
This prison didn’t have any facilities, so the prisoners had to relied on
goods that were sent to them except for basic food. But, I highly doubt my
loving stepmother willingly sent some goods for me. Sofia probably wanted
to come, but would the Countess gave her permission to go? That’s unlikely
Rather than that, the biggest problem here is the upcoming trial.

I slowly walked in circle inside the prison while pondering about it.
Frankly speaking, I had a very low chance to be ruled as innocent party at
the trial. Not to mention having an Imperial Knight came forward as a
witness was putting me in a very disadvantageous position. In addition, they
must had fabricated all the evidences and bribed many people to accuse me
as the real murderer. Whereas, I don’t have any witness, evidences, or even
someone that could defend me. There was only a helpless maid at my side.
It was as if I was at the edge of a cliff.
If I was ruled as guilty, would I be sentenced to death?

Since I wasn’t charged for accidental homicide, but premeditated

homicide, I would definitely be sentenced to death. If only I could
miraculously get a special amnesty then I could avoid the death penalty.
Tsk… tsk… in a short span of time I almost died, and now my life is at
risk again. On top of that, my body had died and buried inside the soil.
I’m trully unwilling to accept the death penalty just like that! If I had to
die, I would dragged the Count, Countess, and that bastard Cain to
accompany me on my way to hell.
It had already reached to this point, is running away my only way out?

Perhaps I could only run away then hide somewhere around the
mountains for about one year to train my body. After that, I will return to
have my revenge on all of them. F*ck! Just you wait, Cain Silac! I will give
you my favor and especially just for you, I’ll strangle you to death by
To proceed with the plan, it would be better to do it after the trial was
done and I was sent to the church to receive last blessings before I was put
to death. Who knows perhaps there might be a miracle fall upon me before I
died? I know every corner of the church very well, so it would be easy for
me to sneak out and escape. I felt bad for inflicted the church out of my
will. But the kind-hearted Goddess would definitely be merciful. This
humble loyal devotee of Yours almost facing an unjust death, so You would
be forgiving right?

I was almost done arranging my plan, when I heard some foot steps came
close from behind the bars. Soon after, two guards appeared, accompanied
by the sounds of clinking keys.

“It’s this woman, isn’t it?”

“There is only one noble lady inside the prison. It must be her.”

What again now? The guards who were arguing between themselves,
opened my prison bar. I took two steps back and stared at them. Seems like,
it was not lunch time yet.
“What business do you guys have here?”

One of them made some disgusting chuckles.

“Esteemed Miss’ mother asked us to treat Miss kindly.”

“The main purpose is for Miss not to talk nonsense in the trial.”

Sigh… stepmother sent two dogs because she was worried of her
stepdaughter’s sufferings in the prison. How kind of her. I wouldn’t be
bored when I was waiting for the day of the trial if I passed the time by
raising these dogs, right? Even though they were men, but they were just
some guards. If they were to be compared to a low-tier soldier, they were
indeed much better, but their abilities weren’t on a par with the leader of
public security forces. Furthermore, a low-tier knight and the great general
of public security forces were on the same level.

In summary, I could easily handle these dogs in front of me with my

current body condition.
“You don’t have to be afraid, Miss.”

One of them started to came closer to me. The bar was still on locked. I
need to move quickly so the bastard behind couldn’t ran away.
“If you keep stay silent, we could enjoy our ti–

heuk!” I hit his Adam’s apple then kicked his head.


The guard who stood behind, was in a dazed after saw his friend fell on
the ground. Before he realized what had happened, I seized the chance to
pull his arm and flipped him over my body then threw him on the ground.


That’s a piece of cake. Oh shit! Look! Many dust floated around in the
“Damn yo–arghh!”

The first fallen bastard wanted to get up with quivering arms but I won’t
let him so I hit his jaw. He fell again on to the ground and groaning in pain.
I step on the other guard’s head and walked to close the bar. When I turned
around, the two dogs sent by my stepmother, got up with dumb expression
all over their faces. I grinned at those brats.
“I’m really happy to spend my time with you guys. How about we do
something fun all day long? Hm?”
One day was enough for me to change these wild stray dogs who
couldn’t recognize their master into obedient trained military dogs. I
slightly bent my back and rubbed my fist while looking at them.
And just like that two days have passed…
Vol.1 Chapter 2 Part 3
Source: Secret Dreamer Translation



Suddenly a dejected voice that I was already familiar with, came out of
nowhere. The owner of the voice was none other than my personal maid,
Sofia. Huh? I thought it would be hard for her to visit me, but in just two
days she came. I opened the prison bar excitedly upon seeing her. Sofia
brought a large basket with her and hesitantly hugged me.
“Miss…are you okay?”

“I lived pretty well here.”

The surroundings inside my prison went through few changes in these

two days. The worn-out bed stayed the same, but the bedsheet has changed
into a clean new one. And also I got a sturdy desk and chair even though
they’re old furnitures. Before Sofia’s arrival, I sat on the desk and played a
card game with Robert, one of the guards I beat last time.
“You won again, Sis?”

(T/L: he called her ‘noona’ which mean ‘older sister’. In Korea, this is
how a man called his older sister (between siblings and closed acquitance).
In this case, although Silla is much younger, they respect her as their elder
hence the using of noona)

Gale, the second guard that also got beaten, was the guard who lead Sofia
to my prison. As soon as he entered the prison, he walked closer to me and
Robert while letting out a small chuckle.
Sofia was really confused as to why they called me ‘Sis’. It’s nothing
weird actually. Judging from their looks, they shouldn’t call me ‘Sis’ but
“Argh, don’t mention it! Ol’ sis didn’t even hold back for once.”

Robert grumbled while mixing up the cards on the desk. The only
entertainment for holy knights was playing card games! You guys need
another ten years of training in order to defeat me. I returned to the desk
and sat then gave a signal for Sofia to come closer.
“How’s the situation at the mansion?”

Sofia glanced a bit at the guards who were busy shuffling up the cards
and chattering, then answered, “… nothing have changed from before. It
was as if Miss never existed in the first place.”
“How about the Countess?”

“She didn’t say anything to me other than ordered me to visit Miss.”

The Countess herself sent Sofia here? Probably she wanted to know
about how I was doing since she didn’t get any report from these two
guards she had bribed.
“Tell her that my condition is really bad and have been lying sick that
you’re afraid I couldn’t make it this time.”
“What?” With disagreeing face, Sofia said, “Miss is perfectly fine,
“It would help me if you said like that.”

It wouldn’t do me any good if the Countess knew I lived just fine here
like a fish that returned to the ocean after getting caught. This fact could be
used to make things harder for me in the trial and she would gave more
troublesome obstacle. Thats why it would be better to let her assumed my
condition was bad. Who knows, maybe she would lower her guard on me.
Well, even though it was unlikely for her to do that.
Sofia nodded although she didn’t like the idea. “Fine. I will report as
you’ve said. But…”
Suddenly her big eyes trembled with fear.

“The trial… there won’t be any problem, right?”

How could it be as you said? No need to ask further, I’m totally cornered
from all side. Although I thought like that inside my heart, but I didn’t say it
out. Instead, I smiled widely and patted Sofia’s shoulder.
“It’s okay. There won’t be any problem. You don’t have to worry about
anything, so you can go home now and wait patiently for my return.”
It seems like she need to wait for about a year for my return.
Nonetheless, I absolutely won’t die. I never planned to die, not even in the
slightest and not even as little as an ant’s shit because of this annoying

I tried to make Sofia calmed down until she finally left my jail after she
anxiously stared at me for a while. As soon as she left, now it was Gale that
gave me a worried look while playing with the cards in his hands.
“Erm… are you really going to be fine?”

Woah, look at him! The brat had turned silly after getting beaten. He
actually worried about me. I felt a bit proud.
“Nah… it’s fine! I won’t die easily. Don’t worry!”

Looks like I said exactly the same thing before entering the Demon
King’s castle, but well… I’m not completely died, right? However, I felt
bitter whenever I recalled my comrades tearful faces. This time I will do my
best not to die.


The day of the trial…

Although all of these were the result of some kind of manipulations, but
for a case with solid evidences and witnesses would immediately proceed
for a trial. Since most people didn’t even know what trully happened, the
only thing the judge did was announcing the guilty verdict.

The trial would be held at the Third Court, a special court where all trials
for severe criminal cases being judged. I had been there before. But of
course not as the suspect, but as the victim or the witness. I adhere the
Goddess so I always lived my life in the right path. Well…but now here I
am, standing in the trial as the main suspect for a murder case… damn! I
will sue all of them for defamation. A holy knight’s dignity is much more
valuable than any high noble’s!

Ugh… I’m worried what the High Priest would say when he know about
this. The Cardinal would reprimanded me ruthlessly. Or… maybe I should
just continue my life without exposing my identity ever?
Even if I was free of charge because I just tried to defend myself, I still
would be put under surveillance for a year. The main suspect should be the
Countess, but this bastard Cain also played a role in this mess. This was the
second time that bastard Cain succeed playing this trick on me. Haha.

There were only a few people came to watch the trial inside the spacious
court room. The judges and the court secretary sat in the middle and me as
the suspect, sat at the left side under the public security forces surveillance.
The right side was where the plaintiffs or witnesses and informants sat, but
I don’t see anyone except a prosecutor. Has he not arrived yet? I would be
glad if he didn’t come.
“The prosecutor hereby reporting to the trial that the murderer of
Viscount Skyin Schwart is Silla Epheria.”
As the prosecutor read out his report, the trial started.

Silla Epheria, the eldest daughter of Count Epheria, was not satisfied
with her fiancee, Viscount Schwart. Right here, the servants from the
Count’s household came to testify, and suddenly Silla got a low-standing
boyfriend out of nowhere. And there’s a lazy looking man appeared on the
Countess’ order and stated that Silla Epheria seduced the pitiful Viscount
Schwart into the arranged inn. Then followed by the appearance of the inn
owner and the waiters who were nowhere to be seen at that time. They
testified that Viscount Schwart was brutally murdered in broad daylight.

And just like that, the trial continued. I stared at the new boyfriend I’ve
never met in my whole life and other witnesses as if I was watching a
theater play. Interesting… as long as I wasn’t the protagonist though.
“Now we will hear the defense of Silla Epheria after we heard the last
witness’ testimony.”
…, it was neatly arranged that I was rendered speechless. Better focus on
my escape plan then. The prosecutor looked at the witnesses list and his
face turned panic.
“Erm… Initially Sir Cain Silac, the Imperial Knight, would come as a
witness, but… seems like suddenly he ran into an urgent matter when the
trial was about to start.”
“That means, the witness’ testimony ended here?”

“It was written that someone will come on behalf of Sir Cain, but his
At the same time, the door connected to the witness area, opened and a
man walked inside. Everyone inside the court room, including me, looked
at that man with widen eyes. That man was the bastard Cain’s proxy?!
Vol.1 Chapter 2 Part 4
Source: Secret Dreamer Translation


Other than Imperial Knights, the Emperor has another set of special
fangs. It is none other than the Special Task Squad, renowned as the
Emperor’s Watch Dogs. The members were selected purely based on one’s
ability. It’s different from normal knights that were granted the knighthood
because of their noble backgrounds. Anyone from middle class to upper
class nobles could easily became a knight even though they didn’t have the
abilities. Meanwhile, to join the Special Task Squad, you need to have
decent abilities. No matter if you were a noble, commoner, or even an ex-
criminal, you could apply to join.
As a result, the Special Task Squad is reffered as the strongest military
organization in the entire empire and this man is the leader of those crazy
bunch. The leader of Special Task Squad, Captain Jullius Rizar.
And that man…

“Eeeek!!” Many people looked startled by his presence.

The man who claimed to be my boyfriend accidentally looked straight to

Captain Jullius and immediately startled as if he was looking at ghost and
quickly bowed his head. That’s it! He’a famous for that fierce look on his

In the past, a cute looking junior in Holy Knight Squad even dared to
refused an errand while screaming, “I’m scared to death by the ferocious
looks of the Leader of Special Task Squad! I refuse to run an errand to
their camp!”
“How could you survive in this harsh world if you had a heart as weak
as rabbit?” I said that to my junior while clicked my tongue and smacked

(T/N: rabbit is a weak hearted animal. It will die soon if they received a
shock hence the used of that euphemism to call someone a coward.)
I already felt irritated when I heard people claimed The Special Task
Squad to be stronger than us, the Holy Knights and presumed them as the
most powerful squad in the Empire. On the other hand, my junior blabbered
such nonsense saying he was scared witless of him in front of me…
Thinking back about it, I still feel irritated even now. Based on our abilities,
the Holy Knight Squad shouldn’t be understimated either. Why would
people said the Special Task Squad is the strongest? Futhermore, we never
had a match with them because they were part of Imperial Knights too so
we must not attacked each other.
Wait a minute! Right now I’m not the leader of holy knight!

Does it mean we could have an unofficial match? I focused my sight on

Captain Jullius. Arghh damn it! Even so, it’s obvious that I would lose in
my current state. Backthen, I should have thrown my glove at him before
going to the Demon King’s castle, while saying, “I might die this time, so
let’s have one last match!”
I could only shut my mouth because even if I had a match with him right
now, I would not feel satisfied either. Suddenly I met his gaze by chance. I
noticed he had a pair of pale grey eyes. Although he was said to have
ferocious looks, but it wouldn’t be any problem if you hardened your heart
and ignored all the voices that said, “Hey!! You will die if you face that
mad dog! Quickly run!”

In short, someone with big guts or someone who had three to four times
near-death experiences, wouldn’t get affected by Captain Jullius’ ferocious
looks. To be honest, his eyes color are really pretty. Well, my emerald
green eyes are much more pretty though.
“That…ahem. Sir Jullius Rizar.”
The prosecutor cleared his throat once and began to talk.

“Is it true that you came here on behalf of Sir Cain Silac as witness?”

“I do come as witness–“

Captain Jullius turned his head to look at the prosecutor.

“But not as a proxy.”


“I’m here to give my testimony on what I saw myself that day.”

He saw it himself? But I didn’t notice him there at that time. It can’t be…
he was there when that bastard Cain killed Viscount Schwart?
It’s not just me, but the prosecutor also gave suspicious look.

“Would you mind to explain?”

“On the day Viscount Schwart was killed, I saw Miss Silla Epheria
jumped out from the inn’s second floor, then she was hopping around in
pain. Before she ran with all her might towards the main road, Miss Silla
Epheria looked up at the second floor for a bit.”

Say what!? That guy really saw me on that day!

“Then I heard Viscount Schwart yelled some cursed words. So Miss

Silla Epheria is not the murderer.”
I don’t know where he hid himself in that small desolate alley, but… this
is a very good chance I never expected. Immediately I exclaimed without
any hesitation, “What Captain Jullius has said is right! I escaped from
Viscount Schwart through the window! I don’t know what happened
afterwards. And also about that foolish-looking man who claimed to be
my boyfriend, this is the first time I ever saw him.”
“Then… Viscount Schwart…”
“I have no idea on how he died because he was still alive when I left
him. I suggest you better asked Sir Cain Sillac. He was still inside the inn
on first floor when I took my leave.”

Although I’ve said his name, it’s unlikely he would get into trouble. But
still… I want to do it. The prosecutor seemed to be in doubt while looking
back and forth between me and Captain Jullius. What now? I have already
gave my explaination, what else did he hestitate for? Did he accept any
bribe from the Countess?
“If that’s how it is, now…”

“I think you need to verify the truth of the testimonies given by the
witnesses because a contradict testimony appeared. For now, let’s begin
with the questioning.”

After I’m done saying those words, I immediately closed my mouth. The
bastard Cain isn’t here, while those weakling-liars have to face Captain
Jullius. The result is obvious.
As I expected, the man who claimed to be my boyfriend and those fake
witnesses lost their spirits and gave up.
“The murdering charge against Silla Epheria considered to be invalid
due to lack evidences.”
The judge announced the end of the trial along with the court ruling.
Now that I’m free, I exited the court room with light steps without any
burden. However, before I could go any further, someone’s shadow could
be seen blocking my way.
“Miss Epheria.”


I looked upwards, staring at Captain Jullius, the man who stood before
me, with smiles all over my face. Thanks to you, I don’t have to live in
wilderness and hunt for wild animals to eat. I really feel grateful.
“Whats wrong? Ah, I need to express my gratitude. Thank you for
helping me.”
After he stared at me who was smiling at him in admiration, he started to
talk. “Could you spare some of your time, Miss?”
“That’s not a difficult request. Captain Jullius must have known that
I’ve got lots of free time in my hands because my death sentenced was

I don’t need to return to prison anymore and I have lots of free time.
Captain Jullius nodded and lead the way, while I followed behind him.
Vol.1 Chapter 3 Part 1
Source: Secret Dreamer Translation


At first I thought he would just find any decent place to chat, but it turns
out he asked me to ride a horse-carriage that has been waiting for us. I’m
curious on where he would bring us to, but I think there won’t be many
places he could visited.

On second thought, this is the first time I stay close to him.

In comparison to Imperial Knights Squad, I rarely met any knights from

Special Task Squad. Thats probably due to only a few members of Special
Task Squad were nobles. The nobles in Special Task Squad were not even
made up to half of the entire squad, so they were rarely seen in any
Imperial’s private events. I had done several errands to deliver things to the
Special Task Squad in my early days as a knight, but at the time, Captain
Jullius had not joined yet. I secretly observed the man before me that might
be my rival.

Jet-black hair, pale grey eyes, age estimated to be under 30, and as
someone who were taken in by the Emperor himself from who knows
where, his origins is mystery. However, his ability is no doubt the best of
the best among the Imperial Knights. He had never even once lost in the
ranking match between Imperial Knights that was being held every 3 years.
There were some rumors about him such as an illegitimate son of the
Emperor that was kept as secret, a descendant of other race that came from
different continent, and the most ridiculous one was saying actually, he’s
not ordinary human. Besides he didn’t even look similar with the Emperor.
“Are we heading to the palace?”
“That’s right.”

Hmm… seems like we were heading to the Special Task Squad’s

headquarters inside the palace. I might not know the reason, but it doesn’t
mean I couldn’t guess. The palace, huh? Hmm… I paid a brief visit there
before going to exterminate the Demon King.
“Is the Crown Prince doing well?”

I’m sure the curse had gone for good, but it’s possible there would be any
side effects left behind. Captain Jullius stayed silent for a while before
answering, “Physically he’s well.”
“That means psychologically, there’s a problem?”

“Seems like His Highness was blaming himself.”

Blaming himself?ah, perhaps…

“Because of what had happened to Sir Roel?”

Because I died to save him?

Captain Jullius nodded his head in affirmation.


“I think His Highness shouldn’t blame himself. I’m sure Sir Roel would
never wish His Highness to feel that way. Nonetheless, when someone
became a knight, he must be ready to face any inevitable dangers anywhere
and anyti–“
“Miss! Don’t speak nonsense!” He coldly cut my words in harsh tone.

I shut my mouth and stared at him. When I saw how he tried to conceal
his anger that could be seen on his face, an irritating feeling emerged from
inside my heart. The person who died is me and I myself have already said
it’s not a problem at all! So what?! Not only those brats, but also this brat,
why did all of them fuss over someone who’s already died?! You don’t have
to grieve too much and let the dead leave for afterlife peacefully, alright?!

When we were engulfed in silence, the horse-carriage passed by the

palace’s main gate and shortly after came to stop. I lifted my dress a bit and
went down from the carriage. The headquarter of Special Task Squad came
into my sight. It was a three-story building that was built with sturdy grey
“This way.”

Captain Jullius kept his words short and continued leading the way. It has
been a long time since the last time I visited this place. I followed him
climbing up the stairs and as I made a step passing through the main


I felt an immersed killing intent towards me. And in the next moment, a
sword flung straight directly aiming my nape. It’s already too late for me to
avoid it by going forward or sideways, so all I could do is immediately
lowered my body on my knees. In next second, the sword blade passed by
above my head. Fck! I quickly scanned the surroundings area to find the
attacker rather than cursing inside my heart.
As soon as I noticed a thin-built man hiding behind the entrance door, I
quickly stood up and dashed to where the man was hiding. I used one of my
hands as support against the floor and stretched out one of my legs then
swiftly lay a kick towards the hiding man.


Damn! I hit him, but it’s not even strong enough! I managed to kick his
shank bone, but it only startled him, it’s not strong enough to make him fell.
If only I was in my original body, at least his bones would be broken. Fck
it! I quickly turned around my body and gathered my holy power to
increase my strenght before throwing a punch to him. Unfortunately, this
time that damn brat successfully dodged my fist and he quickly jumped
backwards in retreat.

The familiar call made my moves came to a halt. Captain? Certainly he

didn’t call for me, that means he called Captain Jullius? That damn brat is a
member of Special Task Squad?
“Seems like she’s not the one. She uses holy power.

But–“ The brat continued talking in cheeky manner. “Her

ability is extra-ordinary.”

Immediately, I straightened my body and tidied up some wrinkles on my

dress and then glared at that brat. To detect if someone possessed holy
power could only be done by some high-leveled priests. Actually it didn’t
mean that there’s no exception, but… could that brat be considered as a rare
exception? Or…an expert tracker? It’s not difficult to guess whether
someone has holy power, when a weak girl suddenly released an unsual
enormous strenght. Well, I’m more inclined towards the last reasoning
“She used holy power.”

Captain Jullius muttered softly while sizing me up.

I also resolutely returned his gaze. So what if I used holy power? What
are you going to do? There were many people who possessed holy power
didn’t become a clergy. Moreover, a clergy couldn’t marry. That’s why,
there’re many cases about nobles that have to carry on the bloodline,
continued to live as normal citizen even though they had holy power.
However, they couldn’t use the holy power properly because they didn’t get
any training from the church and the only benefit they got from having holy
power was they had healthier body compared to a normal person.
Arghh! Anyway that’s not important right now! With hasty steps, I
walked to Captain Jullius who was still pondering over it.
“Please lend me your sword!”

“…, what?”

“Seems like there’s a misunderstanding on your side. Now that the

misunderstanding has been settled, someone needs to repay his debt.”
I extended my hand in demand to Captain Jullius while glaring at the
yellow-haired brat who was standing quite far from us. He had aimed at
other’s neck before, so now let me use his neck as my target. Someone said
if you got slapped, you need to return it with a punch. But I’m fine with
‘give as good as ones gets’.
“I don’t have any weapon and it’s impossible to beat that bastard with
bare hands, so lend me your sword. Isn’t he your subordinate?”
It’s within reason as the leader is bound to take responsibilities of the
subordinate’s mistakes. That’s why, quickly hand it over! Give me your
sword! I wiggled my extended hand in demand of his sword while looking
up at his face. Captain Jullius hesitated for a moment before reaching out
his hands to his waist.
Seeing what Captain Jullius’ was going to do, made the yellow-haired
brat freaked out and exclaimed, “C-Captain! That’s Calitus! Captain
doesn’t intend to lend Calitus to that woman, right?!”
Ah…I just realized. I looked down and saw the sword in Captain’s hand.
Even though the sword’s scabbard looks common, but the sword is Calitus,
one of the Imperial’s treasured sword, same goes with the holy sword,
Altaire. I have heard before that the leader of Special Task Squad, Captain
Jullius, owned it. That’s great! I’m sure I could beat that damn yellow-
haired brat.
“You’re right. He indeed has done something impudent to Miss.”

No matter how that brat pleading to the Captain, it’s all remained in vain.
Captain Jullius handed over his sword to me. Yeah!
“Damned brat! Prepare to die!”

I swiftly turned my body around and unsheathed the sword. Clang! The
sounds of the unsheathed sword could be heard clearly and made anyone
who heard it got goosebumps. This sword isn’t too heavy nor too light. It’s
just felt right when I held it as if I had used it in my whole life even though
this is my first time to hold this sword. ly, I never understood why people
always made a fuss over a good weapon, but now I understand the reason
when my body became weak. By using this sword, not only a normal
knight, I could even defeat a high-tier knight easily.
“Captain! You’re too much! My sword couldn’t withstand your
That yellow-haired brat started to run away with dejected face when he
saw me holding the sword. Damn brat!
“Hey, you! Stop right there!”

How could a grown up man like him running away without trying to
resist even for a bit? After I threw the scabbard to Captain Jullius, I took the
sword in my right hand, while I used the other hand to lift the corner of my
dress, and then I started chasing that damn brat. But the brat was really
agile. Moreover, he quickly disappeared when I searched my way because
this was his territory. Damn it!
“…, he’s really fast.”

Without me realized, I’ve reached another side of the building when I

was chasing the yellow-haired guy. As I looked around, this place seems to
be a training ground. I was thinking to return without any results to Captain
Jullius’ place. But…when I saw the sword in my hand, my mind seems to
grow some weird ideas.
Should I take it away and run?

I stared at the sword’s dazzling thin blade and I didn’t realize my mouth
started to drool. In the past, I might be uninterested in weapons, but now I
really want this sword! Calitus is a treasured sword that was famous for its
extra-ordinary ability to cut anything and it could even cut enemy’s sword.
What I really need right now is the strenght to face enemies. There’re other
things that I was lacking as well compared to my old self but physical
strenght is my main concern right now. If I was not strong enough, I would
definitely be cornered as soon as my weapon clashed with the enemy’s
weapon. Eventually, I had to avoid or block enemy’s weapon, but I don’t
need to worry about my physical strenght and I could directly cut off
enemy’s weapon with Calitus.

The more I considered it, this sword looked better than ever.

Actually, the holy sword Altaire is the most powerful sword against
demons, but it’s different matter when used against normal human. The
holy sword has drawback compared to the other three treasured sword. For
us the Holy Knights, the holy sword is the most suitable sword because
most of the time we deal with demons or monsters.
They must had brought Altaire back safely, right?

As a matter of fact, I did destroyed the holy sword, but it could be

restored to its original form. They just had to collect all the fragments and
placed them on the altars then in few days, it would be restored perfectly.
Now that the funeral is done, the church must be busy to prepare an
inauguration for the new leader of the Holy Knight Squad after the holy
sword had been restored. Based on my prediction, the top three strong
candidates were…

Right then, could be heard someone was exclaiming in surprised. When I

lifted my head, I saw a young man in his teens staring at me, or to be
precise, he was staring intently at the sword in my hands.

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