Wisegot: Federal Physics 11Th Solved Excercises Mcqs

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1. What is the radian measu1·e
between the arms of watch at 5:00
7. The temperatures of two bodies
measured by a thermometer are ti =
A. l radian
(20 ±0.5) C and t-i = (SO ±0.5) C.
B. 2radians
The temperature difference and the
C. 3radians
error therein are
D. 4radians
A. (30±0.0) C
B. (30 ± 0.5) C
2. 1° = ____
C. (30±1)C
A. 0.01745 radian
D. (30±1.5) C
B. 1radian
C. 3.14 radian
8. (S.Om±4.0%) x (3.0s±3.3%) =
D. 2rr radian
A. I 5.0±13.2%
B. 15.0 ms±7.3%
3. T!be metJic prefix for 0.000001 is
C. 15.0±0.7%
A. Hecto

D. 15.0ms±15.3%
JB. Micro
C. Deca
O (2.0m ±2.0%)3
D. Nano
A. 8.0m3 ± 1.0%
B. 8.0 m3 ±2.0%
4. Which of the following is the
C. 8.0 m3 ±5.0%
CORRECT way of writing units?
D. 8.0m3±6.0%
A. 71 N ewton
B. 12 mgs
10. The number of significant figu1·es in
C. 8Kg
measurement of 0.00708600 cm are
D. 43 kg m·3

A. 3
B. 4
5. A student measures a distance
several times. The readings lie
c. 6

D. 9
between 49.8 cm and 50.2 cm. This
measurement is best reco1·ded as
11. How many significant figures does
A. (49.8± 0.2) cm.
1.362 + 25.2 have?
B. (49.8 ± 0.4) cm.
A. 2
C. (50.0±0.2)cm.
B. 3
D. 50.0± 0.4)cm.
C. 5
D. 8
6. The percent uncertainty in the
measurement of (3.76 ±0.25) m is
U. Compute the result to correct
A. 4%
number of significant digits
)3. 6.6%
C. 25%
A. 29m
D. 376%
. 28.8m
C. 28.81m
D. 28.813m

19. Uthe resultant of two vecto1·s, each

13. U 7.635 and 4.81 a1·e two significant
of magnitude A is also a magnitude
numbers. Theh' multiplication in
ofA. The angle between the two
significant digits is:
vectors will be:
A. 36.72435
A. 30°
B. 36.724
B. 45°
C. 36.72
C. 60°
D. 36.7
D. 120°
20. The magnitude of vector
14. Tille precision of the measm·emeot
A = 2i + J + 21c is
385,000 km is
A. IO.km
B. 5
B. 100 km
C. 3
C. 1000 km
D. l
D. 1000000 km
21. When Fr=3N and F= 5 N then Fv =

A. 6N
15. [M0L0T0] a1·e dimension of
B. 4N
A. strain O
C. 2N
B. refractive index
C. magnification
[). All of these
22.A meter stick is supported by a
knife-edge at the 50-cm mark. Arif
16. Tlbe dimensions of torque are
hangs masses of 0.40 kg and 0.60 kg
A. [MLT]
from the 20-cm and 80-cm marks'
B. [M2 L2T]
respectively. Where shouldAl'if

C. [ML2T-2]
hang a thil'd mass of 0.30 kg to keep
D. [ML2T�]
the stick balanced?
17. vectors lie with their tails at the
A. 20cm

same point. When the angle

B. 70cm
between them is increased by 20°
C. 30 cm
their scalar product bas the same
D. 25 cm
magnitude but changes from
23. If Ax= 1.5cm, Ay=-1.0 into which
positive to negative. The original
quadrant do the vectorA point?
amgle between them was:
A. I
A. 0 °
B. 60 °
C. ill
c. 70 ° D. IV
[)_ goo
18. Tille minimum number of vectors of 24. A • (Ax B) =?
unequal magnitude re.quired to A. 0
produce a zero resultant is B. 1
A. 2 C. AB
B. 3 D. A2B
C. 4
D. 5

25. Two forces of magnitude 20 N and 29. The following diagrams show a
SO N act simultaneously on a body. uniform rocl with its mi«lpoint on
Which one of the following forces the pivot. Two equal forces F are
cannot be a resultant of the two applied on the rnd� as shown in the
forces? Figure. Which diagram shows the
A. 20N rod in equilibrium?
B. 30N
C. 40N
X tF Ft
D. 70N Fl A.
26. If the dot product of two nonzero
Fl X lF F!
vectors A and B is zero then the F
magnitude of then· cross p1·oduct is C. X
A. 0 Correct answer: - C
B. l
C. AB 30. For which angle the equation
IA • Bl = IA x Bl is correct.

D. -AB
A. 3 0 °
27. T!he sum of magnitudes of two
forces is 16N. If the resultant force
is 8N and its direction is
O B. 45°
C. 6 0 °
D. 90 °
pe1-pendicular to minimum force
tbeo the forces are 31. What is the net torque on wheel
A. 6Nand l0N 1·adius 2 m as shown? 10 N
A. 10 N anticlockwise SN
B. 8Nand 8N
C. 4Nand 12N B. 10 Nm anticlockwise

D. 2Nand 14N C. 10 Nm clockwise

D. S Nm clockwise
28. Find the mass of the uneven 1·od

shown in the figure. Hits center of

gravity is 14 cm from end A 32. Which is correct equation for
is--- vector R

End A
B. R = Q - P
A. 100 g C. R = P + Q
B. 150 g D. None
C. 80 g
D. 5g 33. Which of the following
represents a vector ancl a scaiar

37. If you throw a ball downward,

then its acceleration immediately
Acceleration Deceleration after leaving your band, assuming
Force !Powen no air 1·esistance, is
Work Density A. 9.8m/s2 •
B. less tban 9.8 m/s2 •
34. Diagram shows four forces C. more than 9.8 m/s2 •
applied to circular object. D. Speed of throw is req11ired for
45N answer

38. The time rate of change of

momentum gives
A. Force
B. Impulse
C. Acceleration
D. Power

45N 39. The area between tbe velocity­
Which of following describes resultant O tlme graph is numerically equal
force and resultant torque on the
A. Velocity
B. Displacement
Resultant force Resultant torque C. Acceleration
A. None-Zero None-Zero
D. Time
B. None-Zero Zero
40. If the slope of veloci O ty-tim.e
C. Ze1·0 None-Zero
graph gradually decreases, then the

D. Zero Zero
body is said to be moving with:
35. A person walks first 10 km north A. Positive acceleration
a:md 20 km east, then the resultant B. Uniform velocity

C. Negative acceleration
vector is
D. ZERO acceleration
A. 22.36km
B. 22.46km
41. A 7.0-kg bowling ball
C. 25.23 km
expe1iences a net force of 5.0 N.
D. 20.36km
What will be its acceleration?
A. 35 m/s2 •
36. A ball is th1·own vertically
upwards at 19.6 mis. For its
B. 7.0m/s2
c,omplete trip (up and back down to
C. 5.0rn/s2
D. 0.71 m/s2c
the starting position), its ave1·age
speed is:
42. SI unit of impulse is:
A. 19.6m /s.
B. 9.8m/s. A. kgme
C. 6.5m/s. lB. Ns
D. 4.9m/s. C. Ns·L
D. Nm

47. A projectile is launched at 450 to

43. A ball with original momentum the horizontal with an initial
+4.0 kg x mis bits a wall and kinetic energy E. Assuming air
bounces straight back without resistance to be negligible what
losing any kinetic energy. The will be the kinetic energy of the
change in momentum of the ball is: projectile when it reaches its
A. +4Ns highest point?
B .. -4Ns A. 0.50£
C. +8Ns2 B. 0.71 E
D. -8Ns C. 0.70 E
D. E
44. A bocly is traveling with a constant
acceleration of 10 m s 2· • If S1 is the 48. To improve the jumping record
distance travele.d in 1st second and the long jumper should jump at
S2 Is the cUstance traveled in 2nd an angle of
second, which of the following A. 30°

slbows a correct relation between S1 B. 45°
an. d S2? C. 60°
A. S1 =S2
B. S1 =3S2
C. S2 = 3S1
O D. 90°

49. Range of a p1·ojectile on a

D. 2Si=3S1 horizontal plane is same for the
45. Dming projectile motion, the following pair of angles:
horizontal component of velocity: A. 15° and 18°
A. Changes with time B. 43° and 4 7°
B. Remains constant C. 20° and 80°

C. Becomes zero D. 52° and 62°

D. Increases with time SO. A car takes I how· to travel 100 km
along a main roacl and then hour to

46. A projectile is thrown t1·avel 20 Km alongside road. What

horizontally from a 490m high is the a,,enge speed of the car for
cliff with a velocity of 100 ms-1 the whole journey?
The time taken by projectile to A. 60 km b·1
reach the ground is B. 70 km h"1
A. 2.5s C. 80 km b-1
B. 5.0s D. 100kmh" 1
C. 7.5s 51. How is the motion of a body
ll). 10s affected by balanced and
unbalanced forces acting on it?

Velocity constant �elocity changes

Velocity changes Velocity c.han es

52. When a block of Wood of mass 2 kg D. None

is pushed along a horizontal flat
sul'face of a bench, the force friction 55. You push a heavy crate down a
is 4N. When the block is pushed ramp at a constant velocity. Only
along the bench with a force of 10N, fom· forces act on the crate. VVhkh
it moves with a constant force does the greatest magnitude of
A. Speed of 3 m s- 1 work on the crate?
B. Speed of 5m s-1 A. The force of friction.
C. Accel.eration of 3 m s-2 B. The force of gravity.
D. Acceleration of 5m s-2 C. The nonnal force_
53. The graph illustrates the motion or D. The force you _pushing.
an object
56. The force constant of a wire is k and
Speed that of another wire is 3k when both
the winis are stretched th1·ough same
X distance, if work done an "'I and

W2, then
A. W2 =Wl

!,'-----�-----•- ----+

O B. W2=9Wl
C. Wl=3W2
D. W2=3 Wl
Which features of the graph represent 57. Escape velocity on the surface of the
the distance traveled by the object earth is 11.2 kms-1• If the mass of the
while moving at a constant speed? eal'th increases to twice its value and
the radius of the earth becomes half
A. Areas the escape velocity is

B. Area S + area T A. 5.61cms- 1

C. Area T B. l l.2kms- 1
D. The gradient at point X C. 22.4 k:ms·'

54. The jow·ney of a car is shown in D. 33.61ans- 1

the velocity- time graph. How much 58. An example of non-conservative
distance it traveled? force is:
A. Electric force
B. Frictional force
C. Gravitational Force
D. Magnetic force
59. When the speed of yom· car is
doubled, by what factor does its
kinetic energy increase?
A. 2
B. 2
35 T(s) C. 4
D. 8
A. 1250 Ill
B. 2500m
C. 3120m

C. 4:1
60. One horse power is given by:
n. 1:4
67. A body ofmass 5 kg is moving with a
A. 746W
momentum of10 kg ms-1. A force of
B. 746KW
0.2 N acts on it in the direction of
C. 746MW
motion ofthe body for 10s. The
D. 746GW
increase in its kinetic energy is
61. Work is saicl to be negath1e when F A. 2.8J
and dare: B. 3.2 J
A. A Parallel C. 3.8J
B. Anti-Parallel D. 4.4 J
C. Perpendicular 68. Ifforce and displacement ofpa1·ticle
D. at 45° in the direction offorce a.re cloubled.
62. Two bodies ofmasses mt and 1ll2 Work would be
have equal momentum their kinetic A. Double
energies E1 and E2 are in the ratio B. 4 times

A. ../inf.:@. C. Half
B. ml:1112 D. 1/4 times
../m1 2 : ✓m2 2
63. The atmosphere is held to the ea1·th
69. The angular speed in radians/hours
fot• daily rotation ofour earth is?
A. 2rr
by B. 4rr
A. Winds C. rr/6
B. Gravity . rrl 12
C. Clouds 70. What is moment ofinertia ofa
D. The rotation of earth sphere

64. If momentum is increased by 20% A. .MRR

then K.E increases by B. 1/2.MRR
A. 44% C. 2/5.MRR

B. 55% D. l/2M�R
C. 66% 71. A particle is acted upon by a force of
D. 77% constant magnitude which is always
65. Ifthe K.E ofa body becomes four perpendicular to the velocity of
times ofthe initial value, then new particle. The motion ofthe pa1·ticle
momentum will takes place in a horizontal plane. It
A. Become twice its initial value follows
B. Become three times, its initial value A. Linear momenhun is constant
C. Become four times, its initial value B. Velocity is constant
D. Remains constant. C. t moves in a circular path
66. Two bodies with kinetic energies in D. particle moves in straight line
the ratio of 4 : 1 are moving with 72. A bocly moving in a ciI·cular pa th
equal lineai· momentum. The ratio of with constant speecl has
their masses is A. Constant acceleration
A. 1:2 B. Constant retardation
B. 1:1 C. Variable acceleration

D. Variable speed and constant 78. A solid cylinder of mass 1\11 and
velocity rndius R rolls down an incline
73. Ast onauts appear weightless in
r without slipping. Its moment of
space because inertia about an a..tjs through its
A. There is no gravity in space center of mass is MR2/2. At any
B. There is no floor pushing upwards instant while in motion, its rotational
C. Satellite is freely falling kinetic energy about its center of
D. There is no air in space mass is what fraction of its total
kinetic energy?
74. Which one is constant for a satellite A. 1/2
in orbit? B. 1/4
A. Velocity c. 1/3
B. K.E D. 2/5
C. Angular Momentum 79. Tuning of a radio set is an example
D. Potential Energy of
75. If the earth suddenly stops rotating A. Mechanical resonance

the value of 'g' at equator would: B. Musical resonance
A. Decrease C. Electrical resonance
B. Remain unchanged
C. Increase
D. Become Zero
O D. Free vibrations.
80. The heating and cooking of food
evenly by microwave oven is an
76. If solid sphere and solid cylinder of example of:
same mass and density 1·otate about A. S.H.M
their own axis, the moment of inertia B. Resonance
wru be gi·eate1· for C. Damped Oscillation
A. Solid sphere D. Free oscillation

IJ3. Solid cylinder 81. The time period of the same

C. The one thar has the largest mass pendulum at Karachi and Mw-re are
arrives first related as

D. The one that has the largest radius A. Tk =Tr.,{

arrives -first. B. Tk>TM
77. The gi·avitational force exerted on C. TK< T�r
an astronaut on Earth's sw·face is D. 2Tk =3TM
650N down. "'hen she is in the 82. In an isolated system the total energy
International Space Station, the of vibrating mass and spring is:
gravitational force on her is A. Variable
A. Larger, B. Low
B. Exactly the same, C. High
C. Smaller, D. Constant
D. Nearly but not exactly zero, or 83. While deriving the equation of time
E. Exactly zero period for simple pendulum which
quantity should be kept small:
A. Length of simple pendulum
C. Mass of simple pendulum

D. Gravitational acceleration g 90. When a transverse wave is reflected

84. Uthe pe1iod of oscillation of mass from the boundary of a denser to a
(l\{) suspended from a spring is 2s, rarer medium, it under goes a phase
then the pe1iod of mass 4M will be change of
A. l s A. 0
B. 2s B. rr/2
C. 3s C. rr
D. 4s D. 2 rr
85. The time period of a simple 91. Uthe tension in the string is doubled
pendulum is 2 seconds. If its length is and its mass per unit length is
increased by 4 times then its periocl reduced to half. Then the speed of
becomes transverse wave on it is
A. 16 s A. Doubled
B. 12 s B. Ha.lved
C. 8s C. One fourth
D. 4s D. Constant

86. To make the frequency double of a 92. Whlch one of the following
sp1ig oscillation, we have to: prope1·ties is not exhi.bited by the
A. Reduce the mass to one fourth
B. Quadruple the mass
C. Double the mass
O longitudinal waves?
A. Reflection
B. Inteiference
D. Half the mass C. Diffraction
87. The restoring force of SHM is D. Polarization
maximum when particle: 93. A sounding source and a listener are
A. Displacement is maximum both at rest relative to each other. U
B. Halfway between them wind blows from the listener

C. Crossing mean. position towards the source, then which one

D. At rest of the following of sound will
88. Two springs of spring constants and change?

are joined in series. The effective A. Frequency

sp1ing constant of the combination is B. Speed
given by C. Phase
A. (k1+k2)/2 D. wavelength
B. k1+k2 94. Which one of the following factors
C. k1k2/(k1 + k�) bas no effect on the speed of sound in
D. ✓klk2 a. gas?
89. When a wave goes from one medium A. Humidity
to another medium, which one of the B. Pressure
foJllowing characteristics of the wave C. Temperature
remains constant? D. Density
A. Velocity 95. There is no net transfer of energy by
B. Frequency particles of medium in
C. Wavelength_ A. Longitudinal wave
D. Phase B. Transverse wave
C. Progressive wave

D. Stationruy wave 101. Assume we can change the

96. Which one of the following could be equllib1ium state of a system via two
the frequency of ultraviolet different processes. Assume that the
radiation? initial and the final state are the
A. 1.0 X 1Q6 Hz same. Which of the quantities tiU,
B. 1.0 x 109 Hz tiQ, tiW, and tiT must be the same
C. 1.0 X 10 12 Hz for the two processes?
D. 1.0 x 10 15 Hz A. Only tiQ and tiW
97. When a stationary wave is formed B. Only tiQ and tiT
then its frequency is C. Only tiU and tiT
A. Same as that of the individual D. Only tiU and tiW
waves 102. In any process the maximum
B. Twice that of the individual waves amount of mechanical ene1·gy that
C. Half that of the individual waves can be converted to beat
D. That of the individual waves A. Depends upon the amount of
E. Triple that of the individual waves friction

B. Depends upon the intake and
98. The fundamental fi•equency of a
exhaust temperature
closed organ pipe is f. If both the C. Depends upon whether kinetic or
ends are opened then its
fundamental frequency will be
O potential energy is involved
D. Is 100 %
103. In an isothermal change, internal
B. 0.5f energy
C. 2f A. Decreases
D. 4/ B. Becomes zero
99. If the amplitude of a wave is C. Increases
doubled, then its intensity is D. Remains constant

A. Doubled 104. A thermos bottle containing hot coffee

B. Halved is vigorously shaken. Consider coffee as the
C. Q11adrnpled system, then its temperature

D. One fourth A. Increases

100. A sound source is moving towards B. Decreases below than 0°C
C. Remains the same
stationary listener with 1 / 10th of
D. Decreases
the speed of sound. The ratio of 105. Maximum work can be obtained in
appai·ent to real frequency is the process called
A. A. Cyclic

B. Isothermal
B. C. Adiabatic
D. Isochoric
C. [:or 106. A beat engine takes in 800 J of
D. �
heat at 1000 K and exhausts 600J of
heat at 400 K. What is the actual
efficiency of this engine?
A. 25%
B. 40%
C. 50%
D. 75%

107. If the temperature of the beat sow·ce

is increased, the efficiency of a
Carnot's engine
A. Increases
B. Decreases
C. Remains constant
D. First increases and then becomes
108. Triple point of water is
A. 273.16F
B. 273.16F
C. 372.16 K
D. 273.16 K
109. A.t·eal gas can be approximated to

an ideal gas at
A. Low density
B. High pressure
C. High density
D. Low temperature
110. If the ,ro)ume of the gas is to be
increased by 4 times, then
A. Temperature and pressure must be
B. At constant P the temperature must

be increased by four times

C. At constant T the pressure must be
increa· sed by four times
D. It cannot be increased

111. In which of the systems listed below

is the entropy decreasing?
A. A gas is cooled.
B. A plate is shattered.
C. An egg is scrambled.
D. A drop of dye diffuses in a cup of
112. If the temperatm·e of sow·ce and
sink of a Carnot engine having
efficiency n are each decreased by
1001{, then the efficiency
A. Remain constant
13. Increases.
C. Become 1.
D. Decreases

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