Instrument Tittle: Relationship Functioning Scale

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Instrument Tittle : Relationship Functioning Scale

There are many things that make humans human. One significant part is the ability to
frame and keep up with connections. These connections are totally essential for any of us to get
by, learn, work, love, and reproduce. Human connections take many structures however the
most serious, generally pleasurable and most difficult are those associations with family,
companions and friends and family. Inside this internal circle of personal connections we are
bonded to each other with emotional paste — bonded with love.

The Relationship Functioning Scale is a 60-item test that is divided with 3 subscales
(Expressiveness/ Love Languages, Solidarity and Contradictory) intended to assess general
satisfaction in a relationship. Each subscale consists of 20 items. This scale uses a 5 point
Likert scale which responders specify their level of agreement to a statement typically in five
points: (1);Never does this (2)Seldom do this; (3) Sometimes do this (4) Frequent do this (5)
Usually do this.

This scale measures an individual's impression of the nature of their relationship towards
other people. And also, the scale was developed to let the individual knows and increase their
awareness regarding the nature of viably passing on an idea or feeling (Expressiveness/ Love
Languages), understanding between and support for the individuals from a gathering (Solidarity)
and a conflict between people’s relationship that emerge out of a distinction in point of view,
mentalities, getting, interests, necessities and even in some cases insights. (Contradictory).

Gado, Rose Anne C.
Gonzales, Errol Jairus L.
Hernandez, Trizia Mae V.
Landicho , Vhersan I.
Lopez, Kisses B.
Expressiveness/ Love Languages 5 4 3 2 1

I am shy and timid and prefer things to stay the


I find it easy to get emotionally close to others

I like spending time, rather than receiving gifts

from my love ones

I want to merge completely with another person

I am comfortable without close emotional


I want to be completely emotionally intimate with


I like to receive written notes of appreciation,

rather than being hugged

I find it relatively easy to get close to others

I prefer talking personally than through phone

Seeing other people cry can easily make me feel

like I want to cry too

I feel comfortable just walking up to someone I

find interesting and striking up a conversation.

I am more inclined to follow your head than your


I rarely worry about whether you make a good

impression on people you meet.

My happiness comes more from helping others

accomplish things than your own

I usually prefer to be around others rather than

on your own.

I enjoy parties and social gatherings

I feel loved when someone I love or admire puts
his arm around me

In my social circle, I am often the one who

contacts your friends and initiates activities.

When someone has a problem, I start by offering

emotional support, rather than advice.

I prefer physical touch rather than words of


Solidarity 5 4 3 2 1

I am helpful and supportive to my family

I spend a part of my time doing things together

at home

In our family , we put a lot of effort into what we

do at home

My family are extremely supportive of one


We have a strong bond with each other

In our family we really get along well with each


I find it difficult to depend on other people.

I want to merge completely with another person

I am not sure that I can always depend on

others to be there when I needed them

I am comfortable depending on other people

I want emotionally close relationships.

I am comfortable having other people depend

on me.

I worry about being abandoned

I am somewhat uncomfortable being close to


I know that others will be there when I need


I regularly make new friends

I rarely try to introduce myself to new people

and mostly talk to the ones I already know

I find it easy to make friends.

I always tend to check in on my relatives and


I am ready to help and do favor for others for

someone important to me

Contradictory 5 4 3 2 1

I worry that I will be hurt if I allow myself to

become too close to others.
I worry about being alone.

I often worry that romantic partners don't really

love me

I find it difficult to trust others completely.

I worry about others getting too close to me.

I worry that others don't value me as much as I

value them.

My desire to merge completely sometimes

scares people away

I am nervous when anyone gets too close to


I often worry that romantic partners won't want

to stay with me.

I find that others are reluctant to get as close as

I would like

I worry about having others not accept me.

I often have a hard time understanding other

people’s feelings.

When someone has a problem, I start by

offering emotional support, rather than advice.

I tend to be demanding of others with a forceful


I prefer not to talk with someone when they did

something wrong.

I act confidently and even aggressively


I prefer to stay away from people who always

disagree with me

I don’t like to argue and make an effort to get

along with others

I might soothe others' feelings and preserve our

I always lean toward a direct discussion of the

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