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Everything ni Tita Lacambra Ayala

Background of the Author

Tita Lacambra Ayala was a writer, poet and multimedia artist . She was born in Sarrat, Ilocos Norte but
grew up in Antamok, Benguet. She earned her Bachelor of Science in Education (BSE) Major in English,
minor in History, at the University of the Philippines in 1953.

Discussion of the story

In this story, the mother serves as the narrator. The story begins by describing what makes the narrator
awake in the morning and the things she does as soon as she wakes up. The story happened inside the
house. One morning, when the sun is burning with music coming from the neighbor's house. Nick the
husband and the father of the child, the mother, the maids and some children is in residence of the
house as mentioned in the story. Martha is one of the characters in the story and she is the only friend
of the mother. In the story, it is typical morning where everybody is busy preparing and starting the day
as a family. The bonding apart where there are some who is chitchatting that makes the situation quite
messy. There's this unusual thing where the mother is not getting along with her family where in fact it's
her duty to take care of them and the reason is she is not feeling well. She is roughly under medication
as she tries to kill herself when she gets tired of everything. The next thing happened when the children
arrive at half past 11 then they brainstorm about what happened to them with their mom. Finally,
withstand situation, the mother realized what she did was wrong and she appreciated what life she had
now. This is whom in her children and realize he's glad she's still alive and even though there's a lot of
chaos in her life. Still, it is nice to be the mother of her children.

Focus of narration

Vision focuses on the daily useful setup that is happening in a home and in a family. It is also focuses on
how the mother cope up at the low point of her life and how the world complicated. Struggle and
hardship are affiliated for being a mother but at some time satisfying.


One morning when the sun is burning away form the mountain ray with a music of playing from
neighbor's radio that causes the flame tree pearls falling. The place happened inside the house sure
there is a chaos in every part of it.

Characters delineation

Mother - the one who eventually got tired and overwhelmed of all the chaos that is happening in their
house and attempted to kill herself.

Nick- The husband and a father, circus strongman, eternal enemy and beloved.

Bikini, Dinky, and Mocha - the children

Martha- the Mother's friend that changes her identities with her numerous wigs and minidresses.

Subject matter

Everything is a story of a mother who is having a hard time to control everything in their house
especially when problem occur. They need to be the strongest person to hold back for her children rely
on her. There was also an issue of giving up which leads to attempt of suicide in time of her difficulties
and dissapointments.

Literary devices


- The sun burning away the mountain gray burning with the sun the morning breaking nicely.


- I'm in my bed turning over like a pancake. The made irony holding a soft boiled egg in her hand like
some kind of city stage. Silly soft boiled eggs sitting on a plate, touch it and it rolls over like an overcame


- Ghostly ghastly troublesome world.

A week Weslie wonky walking on my nightgown and out of town


- eternal, enemy and beloved


- mom, mommy, money


- I'm floating in my own private cloud

Stages of conflict


- One typical morning the mother is awake but still lying on her bed. She can hear the noise of her
children and her husband Nick who were busy preparing and also doing their morning routine on that
Rising action

- the mother having a hard time controlling everything that kindred to everything she finds on he'd


- A mother attempted to end he'd life by means of putting rat poison in her coffee because she feels
exhausted in the adversity and hardships happening in her life

Falling action

- Due to that incident, the mother was given privilege to excuse herself on the daily routine


- as times goes by, her children appreciate how blessed they are to have a mother like her. As they
came back home, she realized how hard life is and also how lucky she's alive after she attempted suicide.

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