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App Maker: Hackathon Phase 3 VHS Learning Page 1 of 2

Name: (Your first and last name) Course Name: (Name of this course)

Teacher: (Your teacher's name) Date: (MM/DD/YY)

Directions: Answer the following questions about your app:


Based on your prototype drawing, build a quick version of the screens which includes all elements
with their proper element IDs. Do not worry about design at all. This is purely to allow the programmer
the ability to test their code as they go along.

Click here to open app lab to the Hackathon.

Take screen shots of your initial screens and paste them here. They don't need to be perfect, nor
styled with final colors. You'll move them around and style them later.

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App Maker: Hackathon Phase 3 VHS Learning Page 2 of 2


Make sure to refer to grading rubric on how your app will be scored. 

Click this link to build your app.

When finished, please click the SHARE button and paste the link below. Make sure you test the
share link and verify it works on another person's phone or computer.

(click the SHARE button and paste the link to your app here)

Also paste all of the code here:

(copy paste the code here)

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