Kristiana Kysia L. Duyogan Bsce 2A Assessment 1

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Kristiana Kysia L.

Duyogan BSCE 2A


Review and Discussion. In a 1 whole sheet of paper, write your answer on the following questions.
Express your own thoughts. You may use additional paper if needed.

1. Why are engineers considered an important segment of society?

- Engineering is inextricably related to technology and its rise, which is why it
has played such a significant role in technical advancements such as computers,
healthcare devices, the internet, and so on. Engineers have also greatly enhanced
healthcare as a result of advances in medical technology.

2. What are expected of engineers in general?

- A competent general engineering graduate should be able to apply mathematics,

science, and engineering knowledge. the ability to plan and carry out studies as
well as evaluate and interpret data

3. In what current concerns are engineering outputs needed?

- Engineering outputs are required in every part of modern civilization, hence an

engineer is required in every area of society, from a general to a specialized level
(Mechanical-Aerospace). Agriculture (food production), pollution (air, water,
land, etc.), solid waste disposal (recycling), supplying people's needs (energy),
supplying the increasing demand for mobility (transportation), supplying the
increasing demand for communication facilities (telecommunications), and many
other issues are among the current concerns.

4. Which organization level requires the highest management skills for engineer

- At Various Levels, Management Skills are Required Unless, of course, the

engineer owns the company, the engineer will have a tiny possibility of
becoming the general manager or president of level one. The engineer manager
may be assigned to lead a small engineering unit within the company, but this
will be a rare occurrence. The engineer may be assigned to lead the engineering
division in level two firms. The engineer manager will now be aware of the
requirement for management abilities. Engineers with experience at level three
organizations have the best chance of becoming president or general manager. In
this circumstance, the engineer manager is unable to perform his or her duties
adequate management skills.

5. How may one become a successful engineer manager?

- There are 6 strength to become a successful engineer manager

1. Leadership

2. Decision Making

3. Responsibility

4. Communication

5. Attention to Detail

6. Delegation

Assignment/Research Activity. Research the following items and submit it in a magazine form.

1. Prepare a list of ten (10) engineers who became president or general manager of a
large company
- 1. Larry Page (Computer Engineer)
2. Satya Nadella’s (Electrical Engineer)
3. Vincent Roche (Electrical Engineer)
4. Jeff Bezos (Computer Engineer)
5. Elon Musk ( Chief Engineer at SpaceX)
6. Rex Tillerson
7. Jensen Huang ( Electrical Engineer)
8. Alan Mulally
9. Eric Schmidt (Software Engineer)
10. Dennis Muilenburg
2. Take a screenshot or cut a section in newspaper of a typical advertisement for a
pure engineering job (without management responsibilities)

2. Take a screenshot or cut a section in newspaper of a typical advertisement for an

Engineer Manager as a Lower Level Executive (Supervisor)
4. Take a screenshot or cut a section in newspaper of a typical advertisement for an
Engineer Manager as a Middle Level Executive

5. Take a screenshot or cut a section in newspaper of a typical advertisement for an

Engineer Manager as Top Level Executive

6. Take a screenshot or cut a section in newspaper of a typical advertisement for an

Engineer Manager
Case Study. Read and analyze carefully the Case Study given. Submit your case analysis using the form
attached herewith.



1.What college education will best suit to the three (3) sons of Mr.

2.How would Mr. Mallari convince his sons to enroll the courses he
wanted them to take?

3.How would Mr. Mallari start his own assembly plant?


1.To be able to determine the suitable college courses for the three (3)
sons of Mr. Mallari?
2.To convince the three (3) sons of Mr. Mallari to take the college courses
most preferred by him.
3.To realize Mr. Mallari’s goal of having his own well- established plant.

Suggested Solutions:

1.Mr. Andy Mallari should suggest to his three (3) children the following
courses to be taken by them, namely: Electrical Engineering,
Accountancy and Business Administration.
2.Mr. Andy Mallari should first consult his sons for their willingness to
participate in their father’s dream of having assembly a plant and
business that will flourish the same way his friend’s business did. If
they agree, he should pick the best course that would fit the
personality and interest of his sons so that at some point, they will
learn to love it. If at least one of them will not agree, he should at least
respect their decisions.
3.He should consult his friend for the detailed information about his
business as his benchmark. Mr. Mallari should take into account even
the smallest detail in the operation of his friend’s business. A single
mistake can ruin a perfectly crafted plan. The analysis part of the case
analysis will provide him a simple but firm foundation of action he can
perform in the future to sustain his current stability and to further
support the scheme he is planning to implement.


Based on the story of Mr. Mallari, our group concludes that an

experienced individual performs not only as a businessman but also an
efficient individual. He started as a small businessman until he became a
successful one. This transition certifies him as a maker and as well as a
father. If he will take necessary steps to fulfill his goal, he will need not to
worry about his future plans and the education of his sons.

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