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Question 10

Part b
As can be clearly seen from the plots,

1. For different initial conditions we obtain different responses. This is because the
components of the state transition matrix that effect the state evolution change when the initial
state is changed. Therefore, the evolution of the state is dependent on the initial state.
2. For x(0)=[1,1,1]T, 𝜙1 rises exponentially while 𝜙2 and 𝜙3 decays exponentially to 0
3. For x(0)=[2/3,1,0]T, 𝜙1 and 𝜙2 decay exponentially to 0 while 𝜙3 remain at 0

Question 12 (a)

Plots of Distortion
Ground acceleration caused by 𝜏 = 0.4 will cause serious damage to the building as the distortion of
𝑦1 = 𝑥1 = 𝑞1 exceeds 0.8m. The other ground accelerations will not cause serious damage as the
distortion caused by those accelerations won’t exceed 0.8m.

Part b
Eigenvalues of A
# α=2 α=3 α=10
1 -0.6176 +29.2194i -0.9263 +29.2060i -3.0821 +28.9591i
2 -0.6176 -29.2194i -0.9263 -29.2060i -3.0821 -28.9591i
3 -0.3915 +20.8489i -0.5874 +20.8476i -1.9637 +20.8257i
4 -0.3915 -20.8489i -0.5874 -20.8476i -1.9637 -20.8257i
5 -0.0575 + 9.9851i -0.0862 + 9.9851i -0.2872 + 9.9852i
6 -0.0575 - 9.9851i -0.0862 - 9.9851i -0.2872 - 9.9852i
As 𝛼 is increasing from 2 to 10, we see that the real part of the eigenvalues of A move in the
negative real axis farther away from the origin. This increases the stability of the system which can
be seen in the plots, where the waveforms stabilize faster in the same time interval for higher values
of 𝛼 and for the same values of 𝜏.

Also, it can be seen that the distortion exceeds 0.8m (serious damage) for 𝜏=0.4 only for the
different values of 𝛼.


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