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Superman, Spiderman, Captain America, Zorro, ironman…ofcourse they are superheroes..

apparently these people

are with incredible power..excellent entertaining skills…too bad they only appear in screens.

Respected members and friends,

I’ll let you in on a little something, promise me you’ll keep the secret and do not make it obvious by turning around.
That person sitting behind you - is a superhero. Yes,Yes, you!

A very good morning/ afternoon I would like to bid to the chairperson, honorable judges, timekeepers and all the
members of the audience. It is my pleasure for having a chance on this fine day to present my speech, on “super

The moment the word hero is out from our lips the immediate and the instant thought will be a person that could
protect the world and us in it. When I was much younger, well,I’m young still..(laughs) I used to worship the movie
characters above.Well, the first eyeopening was my visit to the tall bronze sculpture near the parliament house in
Kuala Lumpur..yes ,the National Monument, a sculpture that commemorates Malaysian Militaries who sacrificed
themselves to fight for freedom. As my grandpa narrated me their sacrifices there was a strange feeling in me..that
urged me to pay my respect to our fallen heroes…that was a significant moment for me..from that point onwards I
started recognising every invisible heroes.

Dear members and friends,

Superheroes are those people on a pedestal who act out at the very signs of trouble. They are brave individuals who are
heroic not through the mere superpowers they possess but the kindness they exude.

Two years back when we were in Penang ,my mum accidentally dropped her purse somewhere. She only realised when
we were back in our room..upon knowing it she went histerical and there were lots of commotion going on..suddenly
the telephone rang and we were called to the lobby.There stood a man..whom my mother barely recognised. It was
one of the taxi drivers who took us on a ride.He saved our day. He returned her purse and hesitated profusely when my
father offered him handful of cash..there goes our another superhero.

Dear Respected audience,

There are another crowd of people in this team of heroes, I know them too well and respect them and honour them very
much. Prominently they are the biggest reason why I am here..they are none other than our beloved teachers.When I
wanted to speak my mind they gave me an opportunity..truly thankful for that but along the way I got too nervous and
I was about to give up but they never gave up on me. How much do you think it takes to destroy their patience? More
than all the power of wild children who run around singing anthems of mischief. Well..they’re relentless and will remain
determined to impart the knowledge to us.

Dear all,

I do have a question to you

Do you know these people who pick your trash up for you? The ones sweep the walkways and blow leaves
away. The ones who scrub and wipe filth away so we can relieve ourselves without irk and disgust. We should
be ashamed of ourselves, for these are the people who selflessly put themselves in service for our
comfort.These are the real superheroes. They work in the background, with very minimal compensation. I can
tell you this, the world would be a tragedy without them. Do you see why we need heroes?

Some of them work tirelessly in the front lines of sickness and disease. Here I would like to recall the relentless service
of Dr Wen Liang, the first to warn the deadly coronavirus outbreak in Wuhan, China,but he was accused for spreading
the news and targeted by police and became the victim of the goverment’s outrage. This didn’t stop him from working
around the clock in treating patients affected by the threatening virus. In the following days, his condition deteriorated
and claimed his life atlast. He dropped his own life to save another…he’s defnitely a superhero by my books.

Last but not least,

There are many heroes around us some among us and some as angels..I will never forget any one of them
and request you not too.The ones who battle with life every day due to chronic illness, disability, mental health
or any other circumstances.Despite anything, they fight for life with hopes of a better tomorrow. They never
surrender. They may fear the hardship but they bite the bullet and take life straight on. These are the
superheroes, and they may be the ones sitting next to you right now, or the one behind you. Or that person
could be you.

You unsung heroes who keep the wheels spinning. If you recognise one don’t hesitate to acknowledge them.

Say the magical word “Thank You”, so from one superhero to another, thank you. Thank you for being who

you are and giving meaning to the beautiful world we live in.

Thank you and have a great day… all the superheroes.

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