Eighth Canadian Edition: Organizational Behaviour: Concepts, Controversies, Applications

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Organizational Behaviour: Concepts, Controversies, Applications

Eighth Canadian Edition

Chapter 2
Perception, Personality,
and Emotions

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Chapter Outline (1 of 2)
◎ Personality
◉ What Is Personality?
◉ Measuring Personality
◉ Personality Determinants
◉ Personality Traits
◉ The Dark Triad
◉ Other Personality Attributes That
Influence OB
◎ Emotions
◉ What Are Emotions and Moods?
◉ Choosing Emotions: Emotional Labour
◉ Why Should We Care About Emotions in
the Workplace?

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Learning Outcomes (1 of 2)
1. Describe personality, the way it is measured, and
the factors that shape it.
2. Describe the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator
personality framework and its strengths and
3. Identify the key traits in the Big Five Personality
6. Demonstrate how the Big Five personality traits
predict behaviour at work.
7. Differentiate between emotions and moods.
8. Show the impact of emotional labour on employees.
9. Contrast the evidence for and against the existence
of emotional intelligence.
10. Identify strategies for emotion regulation and their
likely effects.

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Solve the test:


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Personality (1 of 4)

◎ What is Personality?
◉ The stable patterns of
behaviour and consistent
internal states that
determine how an
individual reacts and
interacts with others.

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◎ Personality Determinants
◉ Heredity
◉ Environmental factors
◉ Situational conditions
◎ Personality Traits
◉ Enduring characteristics
that describe an
individual’s behaviour.
○ The Myers-Briggs Type
Indicator (MBTI)
○ The Big Five Personality
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Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI)

◉ Personality test to determine how
people usually act or feel in particular

◎ Classifications:
◉ Extroverted (E) or Introverted (I)
◉ Sensing (S) or Intuitive (N)
◉ Thinking (T) or Feeling (F)
◉ Perceiving (P) or Judging (J)
◎ Combined to form 16 personality types:
◉ Three examples:

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[E]xtroversion –[I]ntroversion
◎ This deals with our flow of
◉ Extroverts are stimulated by
events and people external to
themselves. They show their
feelings, learn by talking, and
work well in groups.
◉ Introverts prefer private
reflection, self-examination, and
self-discovery. They hide their
feelings, prefer to work alone,
and learn by watching.

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[S]ensing – [IN]tuition
◎ This is how we learn
◉ Sensing people use their five
physical senses (sight,
hearing, touch, taste, and
smell) to interpret the world.
They like real-life examples,
prefer practical exercises, and
get the facts while possibly
missing the main idea.
◉ Intuitive people prefer to rely
on instincts. They work based
on hunches and feelings, use
Copyright their imagination,
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[T]hinking – [F]eeling
◎ This is how we make
◉ Thinking people use logic
and objective criteria. They
ask "Why?" and enjoy
◉ Feeling people use their
values and subjective
ideas. They use lots of
words, and they prefer
harmony, agreement, and
helping others.

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[J]udging – [P]erceiving
◎ This is how we deal with
the world.
◉ Judging people are
purposeful, and they like
structure, plans, rules, and
◉ Perceiving people take a
laid-back, relaxed
approach. They're flexible,
open to change, and like to

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The Big Five Model
◎ Five basic personality
◉ Extraversion
◉ Agreeableness
◉ Conscientiousness
◉ Emotional stability
◉ Openness to experience

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Big Five
Personality Traits

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How the Big Five
Traits Influence OB

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You are the manager of a small retail store and have decided to apply
the Big Five Model in order to understand your employees and their
work habits.

Mike Jackson, one of your newest employees, is an introvert. Which

of the following statements best describes Mike at work?
◎A) Mike will find music and noise distracting in the workplace.
◎B) Mike will be assertive and can stay engaged with customers for
long periods of time.
◎C) Mike is will engage with customers when they approach him,
but otherwise will focus quietly on his work.
◎D) Mike will be comfortable working alone for long periods of
◎E) Mike be reserved and not easily express himself to others.

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Jane Simpson rates low on conscientiousness. You
should expect she would
◎A) be easily distracted.
◎B) find comfort in the familiar.
◎C) be nervous, depressed, and insecure.
◎D) be comfortable with solitude.
◎E) be achievement oriented.

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The Dark Triad

◎ The Dark Triad – a group

of negative personality
◉ Machiavellianism
◉ Narcissism
◉ Psychopathy

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Degree to which an individual High Machs vs. Low Machs

pragmatic manipulate more
maintains emotional distance win more
believes that the ends can justify the are persuaded less
means persuade others more

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the tendency to be arrogant, have a narcissists tend to think that they are
grandiose sense of importance, better leaders than their colleagues; but
require excessive admiration, and their supervisors tend to rate them as
have a sense of entitlement. worse.

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◎ The tendency for a lack of concern for
others and a lack of guilt or remorse
when one’s actions cause harm.
◎ Related to the use of hard influence
tactics (threats, manipulation) and bullying
work behaviour (physical or verbal
◎ They may be cunning, which helps
them gain power in an organization,
but they do not use that power
toward healthy ends for themselves
or their organization.

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During an annual performance review, Monty Godfrey
commented: "When I look at myself and my
performance, I see that what I have achieved is
outstanding and something no one else in the
organization can achieve. Surprisingly, it has not won
me the admiration of my colleagues like it should have. I
also believe that I deserve a raise, since without me, this
place would likely fall apart." The personality trait that
best describes Michel is:
A) proactive personality.
B) monasticism.
C) elitism.
D) narcissism.
E) Machiavellianism.

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Other Personality Attributes That Influence

◎ Additional Personality
Attributes relevant to OB:
◉ Core Self-Evaluation
◉ Self-Monitoring
◉ Proactive Personality

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Core Self-Evaluation

Like or dislike themselves

People differ in the See themselves as effective,
degree to which they: capable, and in control of their

People with positive core Set more ambitious goals

Are more committed to their goals
self-evaluations perform Persist longer at attempting to
better because they: reach those goals

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An individual’s ability to adjust behaviour High self-monitors tend to:

to external, situational factors.
Pay closer attention to the behaviour of others
Be more capable of conforming than low self-monitors
Be more mobile in their careers
Receive more promotions
Be more likely to occupy central positions in an

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Proactive Personality
A person who identifies opportunities, shows
initiative, takes action, and perseveres until
meaningful change occurs.

Higher levels of job

People with a proactive performance
personality will have: Career success

Actions may be positive or negative depending

on the organization and situation.

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◎Ava never gives up; she
persists in what she is trying to
accomplish even when
setbacks occur. This shows her
◎A) personality.
◎B) moods.
◎C) core self-evaluation.
◎D) emotional dissonance.
◎E) self-esteem.
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