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CONCEPT OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION Children with various types of 's such as mental retardation, deafness or other hearing impairment , speech or language impairment, blindness, orthopedic impairment, autism, traumatic brain injury, poor body mechanics, and health impairment etc. have the right to develop their abilities in the democratic society. through the process of education. But usually these people have limited opportunities. ‘They need special education and special school to develop their abilities and skills. Because they cannot perform activities same as others. According to their inability the programme of physical education must be modified to receive maximum benefit ‘Today Adapted Physical Education is a sub-discipline of physical education. It deals with individualized programme developed for students, who require a specially designed programme of physical education. This programme includes physical fitness, motor fitness, fundamental motor skills and patterns, aquatic skills, dance skills, individual and group games and sports. fail EDUCATION uBeO 2 wen Scanned with CamScanner CHAPTER 4 PHYSICAL EDUCE x EQ] GINPTE Timetable and Satur x |) Unt-V Physi Actinty exteses x | ot -vesGMijsqSCAQdDehgvPSUDLEOLPOdI/viow FE Goode 11 A dass Meet jpkeit nis programme includes pnysicat tiness, motor titness, rundamentai motor skills and patterns, aquatic skills, dance skills, individual and group games and sports. DEFINITION OF ADAPTED PHYSICAL EDUCATION ) * Dts defined as “a diversified programme of developmental activities, games, sports and rhythms, suited to the interests, capacities and limitations of students with disabilities, who may not safely or successfully engage in unrestricted participation in the general physical education programme. PRINCIPLES OF ADAPTED PHYSCIAL EDUCATION eit ei exssBuge owe Scanned with CamScanner © scHsrten-arivscaLeDuce x | GrteT2tietaleand sabes x | Unt Phys Atiy tends x | ot econ -vesVsqGCACdehgvPSUDLIOLPOAI/view be BY Maps El Grade 1 Actew G Meot INCIPLES OF ADAPTED PHYSCIAL EDUCATION 1. Medical checkup: 2, The programs must be based on the interest of the students: 3. Equipments must be according to the needs of the students: 4. Specific environment must be provided: 5. A variety on different instructional strategies : 6. Rules should be modified according to the needs of the students: 7. Students, previous experiences must be considerbd. ° - Rom es —_— © = uo "Scanned with CamScanner iy tend | 1258) © cowrrer-amiviarcoucs x | EQ ertsTeTnetaleand sabes x | unity ‘le comvie/a/-esGMisqGCARACehgYPSUDLLZOSIVeW be RE Alps BB Gade Actor Meet 6. Rules should be modified according to the needs of the students: 7. Students, previous experiences must be considered. AIMS AND OBJECTIVES OF ADAPTIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION The aim of adapted or adaptive physical education is to help or aid differently abled students to achieve physical, mental, emotional and social growth proportionate to their potential through special, planned programme of regular physical education and recreational activities. Infact, its aim is to provide equal opportunity to the differently abled students to participate in physical education programmes, safely and successfully, in least restrictive environment. oH e@mae pn oe bee At Scanned with CamScanner sfaous > |) Une Pye sey sens > | soe BY Maps He 1 Adossw. GH Meet-jpketns OBJECTIVES OF ADAPTIVE PH) ENSURE SERVICES TO MEET SPECIAL NEEDS DEVELOP MOTOR SKILLS ENHANCE SELF-ESTEEM AND SELF-IMAGE ENSURE PARTICIPATION OF STUDENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMMES IMPROVE PHYSICAL FITNESS MOTIVATE STUDENTS TO PROTECT THEMSELVES PROMOTE SPORTSMANSHIP QUALITIES DEVELOP KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD MECHANICS IMPROVE SOCIAL ADJUSTMENTS Bo Scanned with CamScanner 12) Lowen amecALEOUC! 5 | GHPT Te and san %¢ | URI Aten 3 | be BP pe An. OF Meet jpheetoe © PROMOTE SPORTSMANSHIP QUALITIES ¢ DEVELOP KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD MECHANICS © IMPROVE SOCIAL ADJUSTMENTS 7 OBJECTIVES OF ADAPTIVE PHYSICAL EDUCATION There are following objectives of adapiv 1. ENSURE SERVICES TO MEET SI 9S: The main as well as foremost objective of adaptive or adapted physical education is to ensure that a differently abled student i provided with physical education services that meet hisher unique or special need appropriately. 2. DEVELOP MOTOR SKILLS: Another significant objective of adaptive physical education ito {develop motor skills of students with disabilities. Motor skills ar essential for performing not only specific tasks but dally routine activites ako. These skills enable physically disabled stents to become active and agile. 3_ENHANCE SELF-ESTEEM AND SELP-MAGE: To enhance self-esteem and self-image students ‘who are differently abled is another important objective of adaptive physical edeation, tn. ae, ll students ean do activities according to heir bilities, Set goal fr students, for example, to throw a ball 25 times. I they perform it easily after certain period of time their goals can be set higher. Ifthe goals Set are realistic then students can achieve them by working on their motor skills, thus inereasing theit self-esteem and selFimage. 4, BNSURE PARTICIPATION Another important objective of adaptive physical education is to ensure that each student actively IDENTS IN PHYSICAL EDUCATION PROGRAMMES ‘artiiatesin physical edueation programmes regularly at his/ter own evel and tht the stents integrated into the regular education programme whenever possible. on @wu ge Bugo owe Scanned with CamScanner 2 Toa anya |) Une Py ety an x | 12) sourm-anwscaccouc: x Bott I sleconvile/t/-vesGVisqGCAQaDehPSUDLDIPOAow be et tee BD WAdw. Qi Meteo Another important objective of adaptive physical education i fo ensre tht each stent actively panciptes in physic education programmes regularly at hisver own level and tht the student 5 Imtegrated into the regula edvation programme whenever posible ‘SL IMPROVE PHVSICAL FITNESS: To improve the physic fess feiferently abled students another vital objective of adapted or adaptive physical eduention. In fat, modified or adaptive ‘xersses ae provide in the programmes of adapted physical education to improve physi Fines 6. MOTIVATE STUDENTS 10 PROTECT THEMSELVES: The next important objective of adaptive piysical education sto mosivate differently abled students to protect themselves under any condition that may be aggravated trough certain physical activities, 7. PROMOTE SPORTSMANSHIP QUALITIES: To promote sportsmanship qualities among the citerenty abled students aso one ofthe major objetves of adaptive piyscal education, Paricpation in adaptive physial education programmes naturally improve sportsman qualities, 8. REVELOP KNOWLEDGE OF GOOD MECHANICS: To develop knowledge of good body mechanics i another important objective of adaptive physical education. In Tact, adaptive physical education helps ech individual to develop knowledge and sense of appreciation with regard to good body mechanics ‘UIMEROVE SOCIM, ADJUSTMENTS: To improve social adjustment among diferently abled students is another objective of adaptive physical education. Infact, social adjustments are essential especially in today’s society, Participation in programmes of adaptive physical education helps the diferent abled students to make social adjustments on Cn & use gare am ae ~~ Scanned with CamScanner ORGANIZATIONS PROMOTING ADAPTIVE SPORTS C SPECIAL OLYMPIC BHARAT; PARALYMPICS; DEAFLYMPICS, I SPEC RENEE HARAT of @ mee Bure Bowe At Scanned with CamScanner X& s.crapren arisen ove convfle/a/-veGVjeqGCAQdOehgPSUDLEOL OAV BF ope SPECIAL OLYMPIC BHARAT The concept of special Olympics was started by Eunice Kennedy Shi Kennedy, the former president of US.A She believed and was convinced that children with intellectual disabilities could be ‘exceptional athletes /sports persons and that, through sports they can realize their potential for growth and development. ‘Special Olympic Bharat is a movement that uses sports as a catalyst to change the lives of children and adults with intellectual disabilities or mentally retarded person. ‘This program began in 1987 as Special Olympic Indian and changed to Special Olympic sports federation for the Bharat in 2001. ia as a Nat ‘This is recognized by the Government ofl people with intellectual disabilities. At present due to this special Programme many coaches are working with more than 850000 athletes across In De A Scanned with CamScanner ile come -vesVisqgCACDehg¥PSUDL © sunrten 4c eoUCE > i cree waist Stns |) Un Psa acy oa iment of India asa National sports federation for the cla Programme many coaches are working with more than ‘850000 athletes seross India, SPECIAL OLYMPICS MISSION. ts mission sto provide training and organize sports competition throughout the yea for children and adults with intellectual disabilities, giving them persistent opportunities to develop physical fitness, demonstrate courage, experience joy and to participate in sharing oF gifts skills and friendship with their families, other Special Olympics athletes andthe community VISION. It is. movement which improves the lives of people with intellectual disabilities and in {um the lives of everyone they touch though sports taining and sports competition. t empowers people with intellectual disabilities to realise their fll potential and develop thee skills through intense sports taining and competition. OATH.“ let me win, but i ean not win, let me be brave in the attempt, GOAL. Its goal ist provide chance to differently abled people to develop physical fitness and I focus on their holistic development Scanned with CamScanner ov @m a xl + X) @ scourrenamivscaeoucs x | citeratinetbivandsyabus x |) Ui-v Phys Atty tend 1com/e/d/-vesGVisqGCAQdOehg»PSUDLOL divin BE caase Acne. Meet ve BE Mops GOAL. Its goat is 10 provide chance to differently abled people to develop physical fitness and Focus on their holistic development. ACHIEVEMENTS, {thas been organizing National Games in various disciplines since 2002, {thas organized various tournaments and championships such as National games, National Floor hockey, National Football, National table tennis, National volleyball, National basketball, and National badminton championship. A total of 885 athletes have participated inthe 8 world summer games and 5 World svnter games between 1987 and 2015. Its athletes have won 389 gold, 353 silver and 423 bronze medals in these "Neatly 383 Indian athletes have participated in Special Olympics Regional Asia Pacific Games. Competitions are organized at local, district, state, national and international I 12 © coupren-apurscateouce x Bi one ne 3 | Une ea tyne x | le comvie/d-vesGisqGCAQUOehgyPSUDLOLPOdtew te BP Nope El Gade 11Acinr mG Meet -jpkgot Lnstls greater self confidence A.Positve self image 5. Friendship 6. Inereased family support 7.1 helps build w 8. Promot 9, Build communities 1. PARALYMPICS MOVEMENT =~ a+ ADA on @ wz a BU ove Ann Scanned with CamScanner nyse Ac tents | ot X) © ccrurren-smnvsiacoucs xB cite lecomfierd/-vesGVijsqGCAQdOehg»PSUDLILpOU ew PARALYMPICS - Paralympies Games ar a major inlerational multi-sport evens forthe athletes with various disabilities such as athletes with mobility disabilities, amputation, blindness and cerebral pay. Paralympic Games are held at an interval of every four years following the Olympic Games. In 1960 first time they were organized in Rome, The headquarter of International Paralympic is situated at Bonn, Germany. The Intemational Paralympie(IPC) is responsible fr organizing Summer ad winter Olympic games, At present it comprises of 176 National Paralympic Committees OPENING CEREMONY — The opening ceremony begins with the hostn national anthem. March past by the athletes into the stain grouped according to thie nations They enter the stadium alphabetically. Host country enters last. Host nation presen its cultural programme, Formal opening ofthe games is announced. At lst Paralympic torch i brought into the stadium and passed on uni i caches tothe final torch bearer who finally Hight the ofthe host country’s flag and rendition ofits Paralympic lame. (CLOSING CEREMONY = ‘fer the conclusion of ll the sports events, the closing ceremony begins. Flag bearers from ‘ach participating country enter he stadium, followed by the athletes who enter tow ny national dstnetion. The Paralympic agi taken down, The games are officially closed and the Paralympic Name is extinguished International Paralympic Committee 1, It isa global governing body of the Paralympic Movement, Paralvmnie Games, 5 Scanned with CamScanner or @zm & 15) & scrmpten-armvsicareouce x | atrer2 Tinea ant slave x | C3 Un. Py Atv tee» | je coffee -vesGVingCAQDehgW?SUDLL pion be BE Hap EE] Gade Actas. GF Mest pci ny mauonatansuineuon sme rraympe Ha en down, He games are ONC COsEN Me the Paralympic fame is extinguished International Paralympic Committee 1. Itisa global governing body of the Paralympic Movement. 2. The Intemational Paralympic Committee organizes the summer and winter Paralympic Games. 3. Italso server as the International federation for nine sports, for which it supervises and coordinates the world championship and other competitions. 4, Its vision is ‘to enable Paralympic athletes to achieve sporting excellence and inspire and excite the world.” 5, It was established on 22 September, 1989. Its headquarter is in Bonn (Germany). Its main aim is to develop sports opportunities for all the people with an impairment from the beginner to the elite level CATEGORIES OF DISABILITY ae use oO Deen Cad or @ae Scanned with CamScanner 12 Bs. chanTER-4 pHYSC icaLeDuce x GJ anste xo ase teed% | le come 5 Vfile/4/1-vesGiisqGCAQdOehgyPSUBLIOLpOd mal Wien ube FBI Grade 11 Aches GH Mest 5, It was esta 5 bln 22 Soni eh an nain aim is to develop sports oppor forall he Geman ema erica. oeece CATEGORIES OF DISABILITY disability categories nent, Athletes with ‘Games though not eve" ntor disability loss of mpic including physical. ¥ 1 impairme one of these disabilities « sport can allow for vert srejudes impaired muscle Tength an parti disability cate tual functioning nysical and visual i ie Paralympic £8 Scanned with CamScanner XG s.cnnorer-apurscatoucs x | crizT2tmaatieandsjabuc | Une Pycal Aca elas x | + ‘| conve/d-vesGVisgGCAQGONGVPSUDLIOL ROU ie Bt ape Bade Act. GH Metin ‘whereas intellectual disability has been added to some Paralympic games. of movement in oe o more joint reduced. permanent, Impaired passive rane of movement Ran forexample de to arteosryposi: Hype of ons, oi ns and atte conditions, sh Limb defcene: Total or pial absence of bones of jolts a a sonsequsnse of au. sclden ines (bone cancer or congenial lin deiciency (eg. dys). ‘Leg length liference: Bone shortening in one legato congenital dsfieney or aun ‘Short stature: Reduced standing height due to sbnorna dimensions of bones of upper and ower limbs ‘ortru, forexample die to achondeopasia or grow homane dysfunction Hyperonia: Abnormal increas in muscle tension and a reduced bility ofa muscle to stetch du 3 Ataxia: Lack of co-ordination of muscle movements de toa neurological condition, sch as cerebral Pry, esi injury or male seers. Atos: Generally characterised by unblanced, voluntary movements sida det in maintaining @ ‘ymmetial posture, du toa neurological condition, suchas cerebral aly, bain injury oe mull sles optical pathy or the visual eres Infllectual npaiment: A inion in ineloctul fanetioning and sdapivebeaviou ap expressed in sneeptal stl and practical adaptive skills, which originates before hem t ) sanctioned events at Scanned with CamScanner + Deaflympies are Inter on @ns ae (EH 0 commen sonscacoucs x | Bors CB eseanrysea neonate | + fe et Moe BD ecflynnpPpics Deaflympies are Intemational Olympic Committee (10C) sanctioned events at which deaf athletes competes at an elite level 1OC-Sanctioned events (the Olympics, the Paralympics and the Spectal Olympics), the Deaflympics eannot be guided by sound (e- the starter's guns, bulthorn commands or referee whistles) Flags or any visual signals are used to alert the participant. ‘The games have been organized by the ICSD. “The international Committee of Sports for the Dea Since 1924, these games have been hel persistently after every four years. The first Games, held in Paris (France) in 1924, were also the first eer international sporting event for athletes with a disability. These games were not held twice due to World Wer I Scanned with CamScanner rates x | + wigand yaa 2 | Eur oe BE x @ scnarren-spisica rou: x | Bj one ase aps ER cinde Ais, OF Mastek + since 1924, these games have been held persistently atter every tour years. ‘The first Games, held in Paris (France) in 1924, were also the first ever international sporting event for athletes with a disability. These games were not held twice due to World War I. ‘The athletes who have a hearing loss of at least $$ decibel in their better ear are allowed to participate in Deaflympics. Hearing aid, cochlear implants, ete. are not allowed to be used in the competition ‘The motto of Deaflympics is ‘equality through sports”. The main purpose of Deaflympics is to provide opportunities to persons with hearing disability to participa in elite sports. Deaflympic Winter Games started in 1949. In 1924, in Paris, only 148 athletes from 9 uropean countries participated in these games, mes were officially called the “~uternational Games for the Deaf and sometimes these games were called the “Intemational Silent Games,” From 1966 to 1999 they were called the “World Games for the Deaf”, Occasionally, they were sd the “World Silent Games”. Since 2001, these games are known as a Till now, the Deaflympies have been hosted by 36 cities of Deaflympics is to provide opportunities to persons with hearing disability to partieipat 21 countries. The main purpos or @m ese u Re bow AE Scanned with CamScanner xo BBE) @ commer ams oucs x |B ctt9T Tne an la BE Mose Bude 1 Acts. Set also referred fo as the “World Silent Games", Sie 2001, these games are known as “Deattampies”. ‘© Tillnow, the Deaflympies have been hosted by 36 cities in 21 countries. The main purpo of Deaflympics isto provide opportunities to persons with hearing disability to participat. CONCEPT OF INCLUSION, ITS NEED AND IMPLEMENTATION at is why its called as The term ‘Inclusion’ is used in the field of education Inclusive Education, n fact, it isan approach to educate both normal and students With disabilities or with special educational needs together. Inclusive education n sharing the same physical space and interacting socially and academically. Ie can be stated that in this education differently abled children are educated with normal children within the same roof. It brings all students together in one Classroom and community. In inclusive education, students with special needs spend most of their time with non-special needs students Inclusion completely rejects the use of specific school or classrooms to sep students with disabilities trom students without disabilities. Due AS Rw ae Scanned with CamScanner vte BP Meps El Grade kebit Gt Mien :netusion completely rejects tne use OF specitic Schoo! or classrooms to separate students with disabilities from students without disabilities. NEED OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION Inclusive education provides perfect taining of real life, All students, with or without disabilities, lear to interact and work collectively. Indeed, in India, there isa dize need as well a importance of inclusive education. The need and importance of inclusive education are stated below- | EDRSHIEESTE Each and every individva has self-esteem. Generally, it may be soon that diffeenty abled individuals are less strong. Research studies conducted in this field indicate that after inclusion ina regular schoo! the students with disabilities have shown improvements in self-confidence. They display qualities of efficacy. They develop confidence in their ability to interact with one another and the society in which they live cation provides ample opportunites to have 2, FORBETTER SOCIAL SAILS AND COMMUNICATION: Inclusive better social relations among students with disabilities and without disabilities. As a matter of fact social sills are leamt properly through observation and imitation. Students with disabilities get a better Understanding ofthe world around them, They feet exhilarated about being part of the regular ‘community. A number of casestudies show that children with autism demonstrate change in their social behaviour while being with other children without disabilities. Their communication skills ae improved alot I eee DUCATION Scanned with CamScanner BEE ccnmoren-amsca. coves x | E cinerermeiean tame x | costa conv ald ves VieqGCAQdOePSUDLEL POM ew suribe BP Maps Bl Gade 11 Aces Mest pa NEED OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION 2.OREATERSENSITVITY: is usually observed that students without disabilities become more Sensitive by learning along with student with special nesds. They understand how words can hurt They practice patience and lear empathy. 4. FOR BETTER UNDERSTaN ‘Students with or without special needs in Inclusive schools lem that each and every individual has strengths aswell as weaknesses. They learn to appreciate these differences. ‘. EORBETTERSENSEOE BELONGINGMESS: Inclusive cdcaton is essential fr having a better sense of belongingness among students with and without special needs. It teaches the value of another human being-no matter what that person looks or sounds ke. Students with special needs enjoy the felng of belongingness, being loved, having relationship and friendships with students ‘without special needs. Stents without special needs also show increased awareness of tolerance and better understanding of other students with special needs 6. HIGHER ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT: Inclusive education is beneficial for the students with special nosds ‘because research studies conducted inthis field show that these students have done academically ‘well than in exclusive education IMPLEMENTATION OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN INDIA In India, the number Js or special needs is really dia, 9 = PUBPIB: 0° special nceds is really ally inclusive a “nee A | Scanned with CamScanner ita % | Usa ety ht 3 J ot te BP hope El Grade Acaiem Ot 6. HIGME ACADEMIC ACIEVEMENT:nlosve ede ation is benef forthe students with special neads because escrch staiies conducted inthis fd show thst hee students ave done academically IMPLEMENTATION OF INCLUSIVE "ATION IN INDIA In India, the number of children/persons with disabilities or special needs is really large. They have a number of problems in getting education especially inclusive ‘education. Now, itis important that inclusive education is implemented in India so that the benefits are enjoyed by all individuals. We know that there were many great scientists like Thomas Alva Edison, Albert Einstein and Grabam Bell who had learning disabilities. Considering the benefits that we could derive by educating children with special needs along with children without disabilities in inclusive education, Government of India should propose pointers that can build a strong as iment of India should well as effective education system inthe country. Gov emphasize on the following measures for effective implementation of inclusive ceduestion- I. The Right to Education 2. Teachers, especially in rural area to be trained well 3. Regular analysis of schools, curriculum and amenities 4 Parents should be taken as a resource. 5. For proper implementation of inclusive education in schools IMPLEMENTA BO be. He CATION IN INDIA eee owe x Scanned with CamScanner heoity tae 3 | BIH) © courrersomscn roves x | ED cree Tinea sin x | ED ui wate BP pe Gnd Aci GF Met pi 4. Parents should be taken as a resource. For proper implementation of inclusive education in schools IMPLEMENTATION OF INCLUSIVE EDUCATION IN INDIA 6. To enroll children with special needs in regular schools. 7.A suitable examination system and periodic evaluation of children with special needs. 8. Sincere efforts should be made to develop good relations between families. 9. For proper implementation of inclusive education, 10. Inclusive education should be flexible. 11, A school should form a support team. In conclusion it ean be said that the Government as well as the schoo! thers should lay due stress on the above-mentioned measures for effective implementation of inclusive education. SPECIAL NEEDS (COUNSELLOR. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, PHYSIOTHERAPIST, Sr lc on @ re eEBUBO Dw A6aw aw Scanned with CamScanner tus | nen cy BBIR] © scoorensmrsica coves x | orerermentleod te BP Mage Gade 8 Aden tip LL. A Scnoot snoula sorm a support team . In conclusion it can be said that the Government as well as the school thers should lay due stress on the above-mentioned measures for effective implementation of inclusive education [ROLE OF VARIOUS PROFESSIONALS FOR CHILDREN WITH SPECIAL NEEDS (COUNSELLOR. OCCUPATIONAL THERAPIST, PHYSIOTHERAPIST, PHYSICAL EDUCATION TEACHER, SPEECH THERAPIST AND SPECIAL EDUCATOR) The role of various profesional such as school counsellor, ecupatons therapist phy te, for children with special nec is ely vital. They bap and suppor sich eilden in {hei fal potent, improving their motor sil, giving abit to communicate properly and in promoting their mental vs wees physi health The deal othe role of varios professionals for Edren with spoil nests is sted + Stoo eousseion + HYSUTHERAPIST + QQCUPATIONALTHERAIST + PYSiEAL EDUCATION TenGHERS + SEEECH THERAPIST swe nomad exes = uBo Scanned with CamScanner

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