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Swmbols for Ciocls and Powers

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Oerth Journal 10 Page 5
Of Oerth and Altar
Heironeous: The Invincible One
By Russell S. Timm
(The Invincible One, Champion of Right-
ful Combat)
Intermediate Power of Mt. Celestia, LG
Heironeous’ Avatar (Paladin 37, Ranger 25)
Portfolio: Chivalry, Honor, Justice, Valor, Heironeous is portrayed as an extraordinarily
Daring, War handsome, youthful, and tall man, with coppery skin and
Pantheon: Oeridian/Common auburn hair to go with his brilliant amber eyes. However,
Aliases: None he has the power to create illusions which make him ap-
Domain Name: Mt. Celestia/Mercuria/The Fields of pear otherwise, most often as a young boy, a mercenary
Glory soldier, or an old man. In these guises, he is garbed ap-
Superior: None propriately, but he always wears his suit of fine, magical
Allies: Pholtus, St. Cuthbert silver chainmail. Heironeous does not speak often, but
Foes: Erythnul, Hextor when he does, his is a rich, commanding voice that can
Symbol: Silver lightning bolt be heard clearly even in a high wind. At his birth,
Wor. Align: LG, LN, NG Heironeous’s skin was imbued with a secret solution,
which protects him from many weapons, magical and non-
Heironeous (HI-roan-ee-us) is the champion of magical alike. His personal weapon is a great silver battle
rightful combat and chivalrous deeds. He is the patron axe which can shrink as small as three inches or grow to
Power of those who fight for honor, justice, and the fair, as large as five feet in length. He has unrestricted access
good order of things. As the patron deity of chivalrous to the spheres of Animal, Combat, Divination, Healing,
fighters and honorable warriors, Heironeous is a constant Plant, and Protection.
thorn in the side of the evil gods. Numerous are his quests
against evil, and Heironeous is never slow to leave the AC -9; MV 21 HP 217 THAC0 1 #AT 3 DMG:
Seven Heavens and move around the Prime Material Plane 1d10+15
to aid the forces of law and goodness. MR: 80% SZ M (6’6")
Although the Champion of Rightful Combat STR: 20 DEX: 20 CON: 20 INT: 18 WIS: 19 CHA: 19
works against all gods of evil, he attempts to thwart the Spells Pal: 3/3/3/3 R:3/3/3
works of his half-brother, Hextor in particular. In the be- Saves: PPDM 3 , RSW 5 , PP 4 , BW 4 , Sp 6
ginning of time, Hextor chose to follow evil instead of
good, just so that he might spite his brother and be oppo- Special Att/Def: The Invincible One’s favored method
site to him, and Heironeous has never forgiven him. An- of combat is to enter melee directly with his great axe,
other notable enemy is Erythnul the Many, a being who is Vanguarding, an unbreakable battle axe +4 given to him
easily given to grudges, and although what initially started by his patron Powers long ago. Heironeous observes all
this emnity is unknown, there are several epic confronta- the proper etiquette in battle (never striking an unarmed
tions in recorded history between avatars of the two Pow- or fallen opponent, etc.) and rules of war expected of the
ers within the Flanaess. Indeed, it is even said that once honorable warrior, even when his opponents may not.
Heironeous fought both Hextor and Erythnul on the same On the battlefield, he wears another gift from
field of battle, and triumphed (though clergy of Erythnul ages gone by, the Awesome Mail of Morality, a set of fine
and Hextor each preach that their own diety fought chainmail +5. This legendary armor rivals elven chain
Heironeous to a draw, and he escaped only through trick- with its fine nature, and is enchanted with an awe power.
ery). At will, Heironeous can invoke this power, which causes
all evil creatures of less than 5 HD or levels to cower and
Oerth Journal 10 Page 6
flee from the sight of Heironeous, and all other evil crea- ers, leaders, and paladins rather than the common war-
tures to do the same if they fail a save vs. spells at –2. rior, but this as changed since the Wars. The Champion
Heironeous can loose a bolt of energy from the of Rightful Combat is widely revered throughout the
Positive Material Plane. He can draw and loose these bolts nonevil lands of the Flanaess, as his dual role as a war-
as often as once every seven rounds, but he can cast no rior and protector attracts many worshippers. Wherever
more than seven bolts in any given week. Creatures from one can find individuals who are willing to fight for the
the Prime Material Plane suffer 5-30 points of damage, cause of goodness, one will find the clergy of Heironeous.
creatures from the Inner Planes 5-20, 10-60 points of dam- Heironasar, as the clergy are known, are particu-
age to inhabitants of the Lower Planes, and 15-90 points larly warlike, always wearing chainmail if possible. They
of damage to natives of the Negative Material Plane. (A seek combat against all things evil, and will do anything
wand of negation or a sphere of annihilation may absorb in their power to harm the servants of Hextor. Generally
and negate the stroke without harm). These bolts strike the church is well received by most, despite the warlike
single targets within 70', and are not magical in nature, tendencies of the priests; their arrival often preludes the
so magic resistance is not applicable. destruction of local evil forces. This is not so for all re-
Heironeous is also impervious to most weapons; gions though; in the former lands of the Great Kingdom
those of less than +2 value shatter upon contact with him, these priests have difficulty even surviving.
causing no damage, while +2 weapons inflict only 25% Places of worship of Heironeous are usually
damage. Those weapons of +3 enchantment inflict half adorned with blue trappings, silver, and occasionally win-
their normal damage, and only +4 or better weapons can dows of colored glass depicting scenes of Heironeous tri-
cause full damage to the Champion of Rightful Combat. umphant. A copper statue of the deity, armed with a sil-
Additionally, all special weapon abilities (vorpal, sharp- ver battle axe and covered in silver mail, with seven sil-
ness, wounding, etc.) will not function against this ava- ver bolts radiating from behind his head, is usually placed
tar. behind the altar. Services to Heironeous include trium-
phal singing of battle hymns, offerings to the temple’s
Other Manifestations statue, and sharing of strengthening foods- meat, full bod-
Omens from Heironeous generally take the form ied red wine (in moderation, of course) and spiced, stewed
of silver lightning bolts from the sky, weapons breaking kara fruit.
for no apparent reason, and wavering images of the god The faith of Heironeous is very organized on both
appearing in pools. Heironeous usually grants omens be- a local and regional level. The priesthood has a military
fore major battles, making to the priest clear whether or organization and maintains excellent armories and sys-
not he carries the god’s blessing. Heironeous sometimes tems of communication. Positions within the church hi-
manifests his favor upon a worshipper in the form of a erarchy are distributed equally among the various clergy
shimmering radiance, which acts as a cloak of bravery. types, and rank is determined by individual merit and
He may also manifest a ghostly set of silver chainmail achievements. Those priests who work hardest at fight-
upon a supplicant which acts as a potion of invulnerabil- ing the forces of evil through word and deed, while ex-
ity for up to a turn. Heironeous is served by gold, silver, emplifying those characteristics Heironeous himself rep-
and bronze dragons, as well as lammasu, blink dogs, resents may go farthest within the church. Older priests
cooshee, enheirar, and ki-rin. are valued and revered for their strategic skills and expe-
rience, and act as teachers to the younger clergy mem-
bers. Females are welcome in the faith, but are nowhere
The Church near as common as males. In addition to many dual-classed
Clergy: Cleric (35%), Crusader (30%), warriors, there are many elves and half–elves in the clergy.
Specialty Priests (35%) Members of all races who would seek to fight evil and
live by the virtues of the Invincible One are also wel-
Alignment: LG, LN, NG
come, though these are extremely rare and generally
Turn Undead: C: Yes, Cru:No, SP: Yes frowned upon by their native cultures.
Cmnd Undead: C: No, Cru:No, SP: No The clergy wear dark blue robes with silver trim
to indicate station, which is (in ascending order): Page,
All clergy of Heironeous receive the Religion Acolyte-at-Arms, Squire, Axewarden, Knight, Knight-
non-weapon proficiency for free. Justicier, Knight-Cavalier, Captain, High Captain, and
Worshippers of Heironeous are found every- Lord-Marshal. The head of the faith is known as The
where, but a chapel to this Power is particularly likely Honorable and Righteous Silver General, the Seventh Bolt
where those who follow military professions or do heroic of Heironeous. Once every seven years, all the major
deeds are present. Heironeous is a Power revered by offic- temple heads gather at the temple of the current Silver
Oerth Journal 10 Page 7
General and elect a new head of the faith. Such a person Major Centers of Worship: Heironeous has a great deal
must exhibit moral virtue, leadership ability, vision, wis- of strength in many of the lands within the Flanaess, most
dom, and combat prowess. notably in some of the northern lands. In the south his
strength wanes, and in the Great Kingdom his clergy is
Dogma: Heironasar are to strive in upholding law and practically non-existent, as these lands are dominated by
order for the good of all peoples, while relentlessly perse- the faith of Hextor. The largest congregations of clergy
cuting the evil and unjust. Members of the clergy are to exist in several places; the Silver Citadel in Thornward,
serve as role models for their fellow man, and embody the Cathedral of Valor in Chendl, the Court of Seven Bolts
the principles of their patron Power, whether on the battle- in Rel Mord, and the fortress known as the Dragon’s Heart
field or in the temple. Priests and other members of the in Irongate are all bastions of the Invincible One.
church should set the example for daring and valor in
combat, and be obey the code of chivalry, even when en-
gaged with the enemy if possible. Service to Heironeous Affiliated Orders: It is known that at least two major
is service to others, whether they be fellow clergy, family, orders of knights have worked closely with the church of
soldiers, superiors, or other good peoples of the Flanaess. Heironeous, and that the priests often employ the service
Evil has become a plague on Oerth, a festering wound of noble adventurers. The first is the Vanguard Valiant,
which is constantly swelling with pestilent infection and an order of paladins and warriors who operate out of
decay. Clergy are to oppose the teachings and activities of Furyondy, and range as far south as the Lost Lands of
the faith of Hextor above all other evil Powers, for these Sterich and Geoff. The other is the Invincible Order of
are reprehensible men for whom might makes right, and the Silver Bolt, which is composed of every class that
for whom war is a means to oppress and terrorize good serves Heironeous. This Order maintains a vigil over the
peoples. The servants of Hextor subvert and twist the con- former lands of the Great Kingdom from within Nyrond.
cepts of chivalry and honor into deceit and cowardice, In addition, the Knights of the Holy Shielding and the
treachery and betrayal, and are to be battled on sight if Knights of the Watch have strong ties to this faith, as
possible many of their members venerate the Champion of Right-
ful Combat.
Day-to-Day Activities: All priests of Heironeous are
expected to tithe at least 50% of their monthly income to Priestly Vestments: These priests wear robes of dark blue
the church. They must practice with the sword and axe with silver trim to indicate station. Such trim usually
alike, preparing themselves to battle evil in any situation. includes silver bars on the sleeves of the robes, the num-
They are to maintain vigilance against the forces of evil, ber of which are proportional to the priests’ rank within
especially those of Hextor, with whom they persecute with- the church hierarchy. Such priests often wear silver
out mercy. It is not uncommon for large groups of these chainmail for services on Godsday, and may wear cer-
priests to form adventuring parties to further the causes emonial helms and carry ceremonial axes for special holi-
of the clergy. days or occasions, such as a crusade or declaration of war.

Holy Days/ Important Ceremonies: The Heroes’ March, Adventuring Garb: The only requirement for these
held on the first Freeday in the month of Coldeven, in priests is that they wear chain mail whenever possible.
countries where Heironeous’ worshipers may show them- These priests are also fastidious in keeping their armor
selves without fear of danger. All of the adventurers and and weapons in good repair, and generally keep their garb
honorable soldiers in the town will gather in the town clean and well kept. Priests of this clergy favor blues and
square, and from there march around the town, waving
banners and flags, cheered on from crowds of spectators.
When the march is complete all of the priests return to
their temple and await the coming of young people who
wish to join the order. Those who are found worthy are
initiated in the training, which takes one full year. At the
end of this time (when they have reached the next He-
roes’ March) the new priest is permitted to join in the
march, but must wear chain mail and wield a battle axe,
symbolic of his initiation in the order.
Oerth Journal 10 Page 8
purples of multiple shades, and tend to try to acquire a and has a duration of 5 rounds. Valiants also have access
few pieces of jewelry with sapphires or amethysts in them. to the fourth-level spells cloak of bravery and detect lie.

Specialty Priests (Valiants) Valor’s Deadly Strike

Requirements: Strength 16 or Constitution 16 or (Alteration)
Dexterity 16, Wisdom 9 Sphere: Combat
Prime Req: Strength, Constitution, or Dexterity; Level: 4
Wisdom Range: Touch
Alignment: Lawful Good Components: V, S, M
Weapons: Any. Valiants must take a proficiency Duration: 1d6+3 rounds
in the battle axe at first level. Casting Time: 5
Armor: Chainmail & Shield Area of Effect: Caster
Major Spheres: All, Combat, Guardian, Healing, Law, Saving Throw: None
Necromancy, Protection, War This spell is a priestly version of the spell known
Minor Sphere: Divination, Summoning, Wards as Tenser’s deadly strike (W3). This spell improves the
Magical Items: Same as Paladin martial prowess of the caster. All melee attacks made by
Req. Profs: None the caster are at the usual chance to hit, but every suc-
Bonus Profs: None cessful attack does maximum damage for the duration of
¨ Elves, half-elves, and dwarves may become Valiants the spell. This spell will work with any other spell that
¨ Valiants receive Constitution hit point adjustments enhances fighting ability. The spell affects only hand-
to their Hit Dice as if they were warriors. Also, Val- held melee weapons or hurled weapons, but not device-
iants may take any proficiency from the Warrior propelled missle weapons.
Group at no extra cost. The material component for this version of the
¨ Valiants may turn undead as if a cleric of two levels spell is a set of claws from a predator.
less than their current level.
¨ Valiants may wield holy swords like a paladin, though
it is rare to find one in the possession of a Valiant. Spellshield of the Righteous
¨ At 1st-level, Valiants receive a +2 bonus to their saves (Abjuration)
vs. magical fear. Sphere: Protection
¨ At 4th-level, Valiants may cast cloak of bravery (P4) Level: 5
upon themselves once per day. Range: Touch
¨ At 5th-level, Valiants may detect evil at will similar Components: V, S, M
to the ability possessed by a paladin. Duration: 1 rd./level
¨ At 6th-level, Valiants become immune to all forms Casting Time: 1 round
of magical fear and strength reducing magic or at- Area of Effect: 1 creature
tacks (ray of enfeeblement, a shadow’s strength drain, Saving Throw: None
etc.) This spell is similar to Serten’s spell immunity
¨ At 7th-level, Valiants may make three melee attacks and was designed to aid Heironasar in their fights against
every two rounds. the servants of Hextor and other evil faiths. The recipient
¨ At 9th-level, Valiants may cast valor’s deadly strike of this spell receives virtual immunity to any spells or
(P5) with maximum duration 1x/day. magical effects from one caster or creature designated at
¨ At 11th-level, Valiants may cast a bolt of glory 1x/ the time of casting. Such a creature also receives a nor-
week. mal saving throw against those spells or effects which
¨ At 13th-level, Valiants may make two melee attacks allow none. The protection gives a bonus to saving throws
every round. according to spell or effect level as follows:
¨ At 17th-level, Valiants may cast invoke lightning (P7)
1x/week. Spell or Effect Level Saving Throw Bonus
1st - 3rd +9
Hieronasar Spells 4th - 6th +7
7th - 8th +5
Priests of Hieroneous may cast a third-level vari- 9th +3
ant of axe storm of Clangeddin (P4, DD, pg. 53) called
axe storm of Heironeous. The two spells are identical in The material component of this spell is the
all ways, save that Hieroneous’ affects only the caster, priests’ holy symbol and a sapphire of at least 500 gp
Oerth Journal 10 Page 9
Bolt of Glory
(Invocation/Evocation) Invoke Lightning
Sphere: Combat
Level: 6
Sphere: Combat
Range: 20 yards
Level: 7
Components: V, S, M
Range: 180 yds.
Duration: Instantaneous
Components: V, S, M
Casting Time: 9
Duration: 7 rounds
Area of Effect: One creature
Casting Time: 7 rounds
Saving Throw: ½ damage Area of Effect: 1 creature/rd.
By casting this spell, the priest channels a bolt Saving Throw: ½ damage
of divine energy against one creature. No attack roll is This spell is a bane to the forces of evil on the
needed, and magic resistance does not apply. Creatures open battlefield, and its’ casting has caused said forces to
struck suffer varying damage, depending on their home break morale and run for cover more than on one occa-
plane of existence and nature. sion. When the priest begins to cast the spell, a small,
dark cloud begins to form high above the priest’s head.
Creature’s Home Plane Damage
Seven rounds later, the spell reaches its’ peak, and the
Prime Material Plane 5d6
dark cloud crackles with thunder and silver flashes of
Elemental Planes or
lightning. Beginning on the eighth round, the priest may
Outer Planes of Neutrality 5d4
call down a silver stroke of lightning upon a single indi-
Positive Material Plane or
vidual or creature of evil alignment. With a successful
Outer Planes of Good None
attack roll by the caster, the spell inflicts 1d6 points of
Outer Planes of Evil,
lightning damage to the target; a successful save vs. spell
undead creatures 10d6
reduces the damage by half. This spell ignores metal ar-
Negative Material Plane 15d6
mor, so the only modifications to Armor Class are those
Astral or Ethereal Plane 4d6
due to magic, non-metal armor, or Dexterity. This spell
continues for six subsequent rounds, and the priest may
A saving throw vs. spell is allowed for half-dam-
elect to strike the same target again or a new target within
age. Denizens of the Lower Outer Planes, undead, and
range. Priests of Hextor suffer a –2 penalty to their sav-
creatures form the Negative Material Plane make their
ing throws against this spell.
saving throws at –2.
Due to the powerful nature of this spell, it is never
The material component of this spell is a small
granted to a particular priest more than once per week.
amber rod banded with bronze.
The material component of this spell is seven
This spell was presented in the From the Ashes
blessed quartz rods and the priest’s holy symbol.
boxed set by Carl Sargent, Reference Card #5.
Of Oerth and Altar
The Early History of the Velverdyva & the
Origin of Cuthbert
By Sam Weiss
The Velverdyva Before -400 CY Nehron, who allied with the Attla and Fian Tarb
Prior to the Twin Cataclysms and the Migrations against the Ur-Flan of Woe as they moved across
of the Oeridians, the lands of the Velverdyva the central lands, and forced their way across the
valley were divided between five main nations. Ritensa River.
In the north, the lands between the Crystal River
and the Veng River were the home of the Fian The Coming of the Voll & the Destruction
Tarb clan of Flan. They were nomadic wanderers of Tycheron
who followed the bison herds in the area. The Voll were the first of the western Oeridian
Along the shores of the Nyr Dyv, and tribes to try to escape the Thundering Horde, and
extending about halfway to the Att River, the the only significant one to make it through the
lands were under the control of the Ur-Flan of Fals Gap before the Thundering Horde pursued
the Isles of Woe. The Ur-Flan of Woe suffered them. They passed the Lorridges around -400 CY,
significant losses from this passage, leaving the and followed the Fals River to a place near
Ur-Flan of Tycheron as the dominant power in modern day Mitrik before spreading out across
the region. the open plains. They forced the Na Fearaigh
From the Crystal River to the Velverdyva south taking the rich fields for themselves, which
River as far south as the Dapple Wood, the Olven they called the Vales of Luna for the Olven
Kingdom of Luna shared what was then the Kingdom just over the river. Unlike the eastern
southern reaches of the Vesve Forest with the Oeridians they didn’t try to cross the river,
Flan Attla clan. Both peoples worshipped Ehlonna believing they could follow the River to its mouth
and Trithereon, and they were closely allied before continuing east. The Tycheronese, with
against the Ur-Flan of the Isles of Woe and their rivals from the Isle of Woe still weakened
Tycheron. from the passage of the eastern Oeridians, were
The plains south of the Velverdyva River able to gather their forces, and halt the advance of
to the Fals Gap and both banks of the Velverdyva the Voll near the area of modern day Devarnish.
below the Dapple Wood were claimed by the Ur- When the Thundering Horde followed, the Voll
Flan of Tycheron, who ruled the Na Fearaigh, were trapped between the Horde and the
herdsmen who followed Rao. Tycherones, and again subjugated by the
The Ur-Flan of Woe and Tycheron were Thundering Horde.
constantly at war with each other, and regularly After subduing the Voll, the Thundering
raided their neighbors for slaves. The Kingdom of Horde continued forward, their momentum
Luna, the Attla, and Fian Tarb were generally driving the Tycheronese back as far as the Iron
friendly, as neither held much interest in the Wood where the Tycheronese were able to hold.
lands of the other. The balance of power had been The leader of the Horde, Krogosh Mak, turned
significantly disrupted with the passage of the and crossed the Velverdyva River, bypassing most
eastern Oeridian tribes, particularly the Aerdi and of the defenses. To aid in breaking the defenses
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the Tycheronese had raised, Krogosh Mak had the remained where they were, and spread out in the
forest burned, destroying thousands of square plains south of the Velverdyva to rule the
miles, and breaking their defensive lines. remnants of the Voll and Na Fearaigh for the self-
Unfortunately the massive destruction brought proclaimed heir of Krogosh Mak. This choice
the Kingdom of Luna and their Attla allies into proved profitable for those lesser tribes, when a
the war, and the advance of the Horde slowed as generation later the Old Faith druids of the
they fought armies to the north and the east. The Gnarley Forest emerged to take their vengeance
delays caused Krogosh Mak to order more of the on those who had despoiled the forests of the
forest fired, to block the armies of Luna and the lower Velverdyva River. The majority of the
Attla. Thus allowing the Horde to obliterate the leading Nzuergth tribe was slaughtered, the
lower reaches of the Velverdyva River on their survivors fleeing north where they forced a
way to Tycheron. In -307, after a year long siege, passage along the Ritensa River until they found
the walls of Tycheron were thrown down, and sanctuary in the Fellreev Forest. This left the
the city razed, but Krogosh Mak was slain in the minor tribes with no competition for the rich
final battle, and the Horde began to break up. lands and human slaves except each other. None
was able to rise to a position of dominance, and
The Splintered Horde & the Conquest of the lands were divided into dozens of petty tribal
the Valley holdings.
As the Thundering Horde broke up, the various
groups set out to conquer different parts of the The Death & Rebirth of Cuthbert
valley. Among the slaves taken by the Thundering Horde
The majority of the Hoch-Jebli went north was a young initiate of Delleb named Cuthbert.
along the Nyr Dyv, destroying the Ur-Flan of Few slaves of the Horde lasted long, but Cuthbert
Woe. Near modern day Gorsend they split into endured, surviving the torments of his captors
two groups. The larger part followed the Hargrak through raw strength of will. He outlived the
tribe across the Crystal River where they drove Horde, witnessing the death of Krogosh Mak and
out the Fian Tarbh. The smaller part followed the the razing of Tycheron, and saw the Horde split
Gerregak tribe remained south of the Crystal apart afterwards, though he remained a slave of
River, enslaving the former subjects of the Ur- the Euroz who claimed the place of Krogosh Mak.
Flan of Woe, eventually crossing the Ritensa and During the long years of his enslavement,
slowly expanding towards the Artonsomay. Cuthbert found no place for the reason or
The majority of the Euroz continued the learning he once embraced. Survival was the only
war against the Kingdom of Luna and the Attla. thing that mattered. To the amusement of his
Although divided into five major tribes1 they captors he blamed the Flan slaves for his
were able to remain united long enough to suffering, and not only ignored their suffering,
conquer the central regions before settling down but would add to it if it meant making his own
to despoil the forest and fight each other. life easier. He would turn in Flan trying to escape,
The last major Euroz tribe, the Nzuergth and became a trusted overseer, pushing those
remained by the mouth of the Velverdyva. Those under him to meet all the requirements of the
lesser tribes ruled a motley assortment of minor Horde.
tribes of Euroz and Jebline, including most of the As he grew older and his strength faded he
Jebli, too weak to follow the others north, or too looked for an opportunity to strike back at those
afraid of being dominated by them. Instead they who had enslaved him and were sure to feast on
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his body the moment they thought he was no had no obvious interest, and denying there was
longer strong enough to serve as an overseer. It any reason for them to care about the other.
was then that his redemption occurred. The Old Cuthbert replied that he had a responsibility to
Faith druids of the Gnarley Forest had planned help, whether or not he was directly affected or
their vengeance on the despoilers of the forest for not, and explaining how they would both benefit
many years. As their forces infiltrated the fortress from actively working together instead of simply
of the Euroz, two people saw them – a lone Eiger not fighting. The two men than transformed into
guard, and the aged Cuthbert. Recognizing in the Rao and Delleb, and told Cuthbert that he had
dark-skinned invaders he had spent years failed in his responsibility to his fellow men
oppressing for the Euroz a chance at vengeance, during his life, but that he was being given a
Cuthbert engaged the Eiger alone, armed with second chance. They would instruct him, and
only the stout billet of wood the Euroz allowed then return him to Oerth to minister to both
him to control the other slaves. The enraged Eiger peoples, freeing them from their servitude to the
made short work of the elderly Cuthbert, Euroz and Jebline. Cuthbert spent many years
crushing him to the ground then turning to raise with them, studying the ways of both, and
the alarm, but the delay had been enough as a learning just how much both people had in
savage wolf companion to one of the druids raced common. When he was ready, they allowed the
up and tore out the Eiger’s throat. The druids reincarnation to carry him back to Oerth.
swarmed through the camp, slaughtering nearly
the entire tribe. The few survivors fled, finding The Legend of Cuthbert
sanctuary deep beneath the ground in the hidden Cuthbert was returned to Oerth sometime around
caves of Blackthorn. As for Cuthbert, the druids -200 CY. He was shocked to discover that he had
found his broken body, his life fading as his blood been gone for more than a lifetime, and more
soaked the earth around him. His reputation was shocked at the state of the Voll and Na Fearaigh.
well known, but as they were preparing to leave Just as he had done before he died, they spent
him, an elder druid declared he was to be their efforts struggling to be the favored slaves
returned to Beory to finish atoning for his sins. rather than working together to free themselves.
One of them stepped forward and ended Cuthbert set himself to the task of instructing
Cuthbert’s misery with a silver sickle as the elder them in the ways of reason and commonsense.
intoned the ritual of reincarnation. Cuthbert Cuthbert traveled to a small village. There
would be reborn, although not immediately. he preached to the people, telling them how by
According to the stories told by his working together they could be stronger than the
followers, Cuthbert woke up to find himself in a Euroz and Jebline that oppressed them. But the
field far from any sign of war. Nearby, he heard people mocked Cuthbert, questioning his words
two men arguing, a Flan shepherd and an of peace while he carried a cudgel as a weapon. As
Oeridian horseman. As they disputed who was to they taunted him one of the Euroz overseers
graze their herd first, the animals were wandering entered the village and threatened Cuthbert,
off, many into dangerous situations. Cuthbert brandishing his sword and telling him to leave or
leaped forward, chastising them both for their be slain. Cuthbert lifted up his cudgel and smote
foolish arguing while the herds they were the Euroz telling the people, “Preach quietly, but
supposed to be caring for came to harm while have a large cudgel handy.” And the people knew
untended. The men turned on Cuthbert, wisdom, and joined Cuthbert in throwing out
challenging him for showing concern where he their oppressors.
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Cuthbert traveled to another village and beaten.” And the people knew wisdom, and
again preached his message. But the people were joined Cuthbert in defeating the oppressors.
afraid, telling him that a mighty chieftain led the Cuthbert traveled further, and came to a
Hoch-Jebli, and nothing could stop him. Cuthbert village where the people lived in fear. They
stood forth when the oppressors came, the refused Cuthbert’s entreaties, turning them aside
memory of his death hanging over him. But his with clever excuses. Refusing to listen to him and
mission would permit no hesitation. Hefting his resist the oppressors who never took so much as
cudgel he approached the chieftain, commanding to threaten their existence. But when the
it to leave the village in peace. The chieftain, clad oppressors came they stripped the village bare,
in plate from head to toe, a frightful helm on his and the people in search of Cuthbert, begging his
head, mocked Cuthbert, telling him his cudgel assistance to help them survive the winter,
would be useless against his defenses. The repenting of their previous unbelief. Cuthbert
chieftain charged, and Cuthbert smote him upon lifted up his cudgel and smote their leader, telling
the head, felling him in one blow, telling the the people “Salvation is better than smart
people “Enlightenment can penetrate even the answers.” And the people knew wisdom, and
helm of iron.” And the people knew wisdom, and joined Cuthbert to drive off the oppressors, and
joined Cuthbert in throwing out their oppressors. take back their goods.
A man now sought to advance himself at Cuthbert then came to another village
the expense of Cuthbert and the people. He went where the people had already freed themselves,
to the Euroz, telling them of Cuthbert and asking and pursued a good and true path. But they were
for a reward for revealing his location. The Euroz proud, and their leader spoke loudly, brandishing
mocked him, and struck him many blows until he his staff, claiming they did not need to work with
told them with only his life as a reward. The man any others as their strength was so great.
then went to the Hoch-Jebline, and did the same. Cuthbert preached anyway, warning them that
Where again, he was met with the same brutal the oppressors were still numerous, and would
treatment. Finally, he fled to Cuthbert, telling overthrow any who stood alone and relied only
him that the Euroz and Hoch-Jebline knew of on their strength. And their leader mocked
him and were coming, and demanding a reward Cuthbert, saying he would yield only to one who
for warning him. Cuthbert lifted up his cudgel defeated him in battle. Cuthbert lifted up his
and smote the man, telling the people “Capricious cudgel, and smote him, telling the people “Some
behavior brings knots to the heads of those good folk can only understand one thing.” And
lacking wisdom.” And the people knew wisdom, the people knew wisdom, and joined Cuthbert to
and joined Cuthbert to resist the oppressors. resist the oppressors.
Cuthbert then rallied the people, but had And so it came to pass that the people
them conceal themselves from the approaching grew strong, and began to drive the oppressors
armies. As the Euroz and Hoch-Jebline armies out. But some had taken the words of Cuthbert so
approached, Cuthbert stepped forth, and asked deeply they felt concern for the fate of those
which of them were to take him. The oppressors driven off. Some questioned whether they should
fell to fighting amongst themselves, destroying go to war at all. But Cuthbert spoke to them,
each other as Cuthbert held the people back until allaying their fears, saying “Evil which cannot be
both were weak enough to be defeated by his removed must be eliminated. And the people
small force, telling them “Foolishness can be knew wisdom, and joined Cuthbert in driving the
oppressors from the land.

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For a half a century Cuthbert ministered they allied with the Dwur of the Lortmils and the
to the Voll and Na Fearaigh, freeing many from Noniz of the Kron Hills into whose lands the
their servitude. When he was an elderly man he Euroz and Jebline had fled. With them they built
spoke to his followers one last time, cautioning the town of Verbobonc on the ruins of the
them against backsliding in his absence, and ancient Tycheronese fortifications that had forced
charging them to finish liberating all the lands in the Thundering Horde to cross the river. To the
the name of reason. With that he walked down northeast, they allied with the Olven survivors of
the road and was never seen again. the Kingdom of Luna, who were quite pleased to
find allies in their three hundred year war against
The Faith of Cuthbert the Euroz that had destroyed their homeland. For
Despite his warning the people began to forget his most of the next century, the faithful of Cuthbert
message almost immediately. As a generation fought alongside the Highfolk, driving the Euroz
grew up that had never heard the message from to the Att River.
Cuthbert directly and his first followers grew old, In the last decade of the 1st century CY,
the people fell back into foolishness, and many the ancient wizard Keraptis disappeared from his
villages were retaken by the Euroz and Jebline. stronghold in White Plume Mountain. With him
Half a century after his disappearance, it seemed gone the forces of the Great Kingdom, the nation
as though his efforts would be completely wasted. founded by the eastern Oeridian tribe of Aerdi,
Then a faithful follower, the first among many to swept across the northern shore of the Nyr Dyv,
come, channeled divine magic in the name of and crossed the Ritensa River. They drove the
Cuthbert. His followers spread quickly, rallying Hoch-Jebli out, forcing them onto the harsh
the people with Cuthbert’s message of prairies beyond the Veng River, and sent the
cooperation, and leading them to battle for their remaining Euroz fleeing along the western shore
freedom. They soon split off a separate branch to of Whyestil Lake to the Dulsi River and Opicm
minister to those who joined them when the River. As the new invaders spread out among the
missionaries and crusaders were away converting unorganized villages of the Voll and Na Fearaigh,
new villages and driving off the Euroz and Jebline the followers of Cuthbert advised the people to
unbelievers. The faith spread from the river south cooperate with the newcomers as they did with
to the Lortmils, driving the Euroz and Jebline each other. The lands that would become Veluna
away. The lack of any organization above that of were peacefully incorporated into the new
village slowed their growth, and also led to the Viceroyalty of Ferrond in 100 CY. In later years,
formation of a third branch of the faith to ensure attempts to impose Aerdi culture and suppress the
the doctrine remained true after the missionaries local culture would lead to conflicts with the faith
had gone forward to free others. Finally, nearly a of Pholtus, and Cuthberran support for the
century after the first clerics had appeared, the independence of the Viceroyalty of Ferrond. he
faithful gathered and build their first grand history of that is told in other books.
temple and school at Mitrik. It became a focal
point for the faith in the valley, and enabled them
1 - The five northern Euroz tribes are the Blighted Grove
who later settled the northern Vesve, the Broken Bone who
to spread the faith further despite the continuing
settled the Fellreev, the Kazgund (Dripping Blade) who
independence of each town and village. settled the lands around the Opicm River and the northern
With the fertile lands of the Vale of Luna shore of the Whyestil Lake, the Urzun (Huergth) who
secured, and with a base for the faith at Mitrik, settled the Howling Hills, and the Kraugth who settled the
the missionary effort spread further. To the south, lands around the Dulsi River.

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It is said that Hextor is also despised by the Lords of the
  Nine, the Archdukes of Hell. Tales say that he was once (and
     some say still is) one of their devilish number, but was
banished for his metamorphosis into a true god. He fled to
Acheron, where he marshals his armies across his iron realm,
By Will McPherson The Scourge. Other tales tell of the Archdukes aid in Hextor's
( ascension. His priests neither deny nor confirm these tales,
but they do say that their god was not banished from the
Hextor Hells, but departed on his own accord. It is known that Hextor
(Champion of Evil, Herald of Hell, Scourge of Battle) occasionally travels to the Hells, and even visits the plane of
Mechanus, or Nirvana, on occasion.
Intermediate Power of Acheron, LE Of all the Champion of Evil's foes, none are more hated
by Hextor than Heironeous, his good-aligned sibling. When
Portfolio: War, Discord, Conflict, Fitness, Massacres, they were offered a choice of paths to follow by the other
Tyranny gods, Heironeous followed the path of Law and Goodness.
Aliases: None Hextor, who had always hated his brother, chose the path of
Domain Name: Avalas/The Scourge Evil, just to spite Heironeous.
Superior: None The two appeared evenly matched, but Heironeous was
Allies: Erythnul continually victorious over his brother. Tales say that the
Foes: Heironeous, Lords of the Nine (Archdukes of Hell), Archdukes, anxious to increase their power, came to
Pholtus, Zilchus Heironeous and offered him their infernal power. Hextor
Symbol: Six red arrows, fanning outward or held in a gauntlet accepted and was granted his six arms and other, less obvious,
Wor. Align: LE, LN, NE powers. With these limbs he was nearly invincible in combat,
able to stand against Heironeous and any other god. The
Hextor (HEKS-tohr) is the six-armed Oeridian god of Archdukes were too clever, though, for with this newfound
war and discord, and the patron of evil warriors. He is power, Hextor was quick to break his ties to the Hells, thus
commonly worshiped in the lands of the Great Kingdom. depriving the Archdukes of the powerful tool they had
Hextor differs from his bloodthirsty ally, Erythnul, in his desired.
organized approach to warfare and bloodshed. Additionally, Hextor is malicious and spiteful, going to great lengths
his worshipers tend to be members of the evil eastern armies to harm or slight anyone who has offended him. He is also
instead of bandits and raiders motivated by bloodlust. recognized as one of the foremost generals among the gods,
Numerous assassins and mercenaries also worship Hextor, as with strategic and tactical skills unmatched save for
do many evil nobles and tyrants. Heironeous. Hextor's arrogance is great indeed, but he is not
The Herald of Hell is said to be fearless in battle, even so proud that he thinks himself invulnerable to sedition. He
when outmatched. He is combative and powerful, often sees threats where they do not exist, and will end such
moving those around him to strife and conflict with his mere "threats" quickly and violently.
presence. He has an interesting relationship with Erythnul, On the Outer Planes, Hextor resides on an enormous
another god of combative tendencies and great power. The iron block which forever drifts through the void of Acheron.
two would seem to be opposites, as one promotes the violence A great iron-clad fortress serves as his capital, and endless
and bloodlust of battle, and the other is a strategic planner and armies of his faithful wage war against each other and anyone
conqueror. Long ago they forged an agreement, saying that else that comes within their reach. In a twisted mockery of
neither would move against the other, and if the other fell into Valhalla, any who die in these battles are raised again to fight
times of need, they would be aided by the other. Trust is anew - only as skeletons and zombies. The subjects of
foreign to these two powers, and both expect the treaty to be Hextor's realm live, and die, for battle.
broken without warning. At present both are exceptionally
powerful, their strength boosted by the chaos and bloodshed Hextor's Avatar (Fighter 32, Thief 24)
of the Flanaess-wide Greyhawk Wars. Hextor loves to travel the Prime Material Plane in avatar
Hextor is disliked by the Churches of Pholtus and form, creating conflict, war, and discord, aiding the forces of
Zilchus, both of whom were greatly reduced in power in the law and evil, and opposing good. He especially seeks to
Great Kingdom. The worship of Pholtus was banned overthrow and destroy the temples and servants of his brother
completely from the lands of Aerdy (as described in Ivid the and chief enemy, Heironeous.
Undying) by Overking Ivid V, and the church of Hextor no Hextor may appear as a man of comely appearance if he
longer faces any religious opposition within those lands. so wishes, hiding four of his arms in illusion. He is light of
Zilchus's priests have also been limited within the Aerdy skin and dark of hair, and his eyes are as black as onyx. In
lands, though not to the extent of the followers of Pholtus. this form Hextor is charming, well spoken, and intellectually
Their temporal power remains strong, however, through their well-rounded, able to make conversation on any topic and
influence on the mercantile house of Darmen. appearing knowledgeable on any subject. His true form is
much more horrific: gray-skinned and lank-haired, with
gruesome eyes rimmed with red bulging from a hideous The Church
visage. He carries many weapons and wears armor decorated Clergy: Cleric (10%), Crusader (35%), Specialty Priests
with skulls. In this form he shows all six arms, and fights with (55%)
all of the deadly power available to him.
Alignment: LN, LE, NE
Turn Undead: C: No, CR: No, SP: No
AC -5 (-8); MV 24; Hp 200; THAC0 -10; #AT 2,4 or 6;
Cmnd Undead: C: No, CR: No, SP: -4
Dmg 1d4+8/ 1d4+8 (bucklers)/ 1d8+10 (fork+2)/ 1d8+11
(scimitar +3)/1d6+11 (flail+2)/ 2d4+11 (Morningstar +3) (All
All priests of Hextor are required to have the blind-
weapons: str +6, spec.+2)
fighting non-weapon proficiency, which they may learn
MR 90%; SZ M (6'6")
without penalties from group crossovers. They also receive,
Str 18/00, Dex 19, Con 20, Int 18, Wis 16, Cha 18 or 1
free of charge, the religion (Oeridian) and religion (Common)
Spells: W: None P: None
non-weapon proficiencies. At the DM's option, they may also
Saves: PPDM 3; RSW 5; PP 4; BW 3; Sp 6
be familiar with the Flan, Suel or Baklunish religions.
Although it is neither required or given as a bonus
Special Attacks/Defenses proficiency, many Hextorians have the music proficiency, and
In combat Hextor has many weapons at his disposal. He are familiar with the playing of various wind instruments,
uses two great bows for missile combat, each of which fires horns, and drums. The clergy of Hextor includes humans
+3 shafts barbed with iron, and inflict 10-15 points of damage (75%), half-orcs (20%), and evil humanoids (5%).
on a hit. In melee he uses two spiked bucklers and four other The clergy of Hextor is powerful but vile. They are
weapons. If he so wills, the bucklers may be used as weapons, spread across the Flanaess, and cause war and discord
but otherwise Hextor has four attacks every round. Typically wherever and whenever they can. In the Great Kingdom they
he wields the following weapons: two bucklers, military fork are the strongest religious (and some say military) force, and
+2, scimitar +3, footman's flail +2, and a morningstar +3. He have tremendous influence and power. The priests will
wears +3 armor, bringing his AC to -8. Hextor wears his holy sometimes rise up in great numbers, leading armies of
symbol around his neck, which can act as a symbol of Hate humanoids and humans into enormous conflicts that result in
and Discord once per day. Hextor also carries the Trumpet of massive deaths. A few of these forces have even included
Acheron, which can be sounded once every six days. When large numbers of the undead, whom Hextor shows some
used, it summons 6d10 skeletons to serve the avatar's will. preference for.
Once every six years, it can be blown to summon an undead Clerics and crusaders are common within the highly
horde of 60-600 skeletons and 30-300 zombies. structured church hierarchy. The clerics, called the
Hextor can only be harmed by +3 or better magical Battleguard, are the defenders of the faith. They have the
weapons. He is proficient in all melee and missile weapons, responsibility of the church's welfare on their shoulders, and
and is specialized in the use of the buckler, military fork, make convenient scapegoats for the specialty priests, the
scimitar, footman's flail, and morningstar. Hounds of Hell, whenever something should go wrong. Over
the last few years the Battleguard's numbers have greatly
Other Manifestations declined (they now make up only about 10% of the clergy).
Although Hextor rarely manifests himself outside of his Lately, the Hounds of Hell have begun to give the clerics
avatars, he is known to send his trumpets of war to faithful more privileges and positions of power, in hopes of restoring
priests who are truly in need of his aid. These trumpets play the defensive branch of the church.
ghostly, haunting melodies. The trumpets cannot be harmed, The crusaders, called the Scourges of Hextor, are the
and their music will animate all those slain by the priest church's most militarily powerful branch. They are the
within 30 feet as maximum hit point juju zombies. The officers and leaders of the church armies, and are thus in a
zombies will serve the priest for 1 hour, after which they position of great power. They are correspondingly fairly
collapse into dust. A priest will never be so aided twice in numerous, making up about 35% of the Hextorian priest
their lifetime. population. For years the Hounds of Hell have been trying to
Other manifestations of Hextor include grisly omens of limit the power of the Scourges, to little or no effect.
warning; stones bleeding; strange, haunting melodies played The specialty priests of Hextor are called the Hounds of
by some vile, ghostly trumpet; the sounds of battle; skulls Hell. They are the most numerous and visible part of the
appearing in the air. clergy of Hextor, making up more than half of all of the
Hextor is served by various types of devils; undead priesthood, and more than 90% of the top echelon of
(especially those slain in battle), including skeletons, leadership. Hounds of Hell are masters of strategy and tactic,
zombies, and lawful evil intelligent undead; spiders; both in and out of battle. In addition to great skill at arms,
nightmares; hellhounds; myrlochar (soul spiders); reaves; they are accomplished at psychological warfare and sabotage.
shadowdrakes; sword spirits; tso; hellcats; bonespears; Thoroughly and irreedemably evil, the Hounds of Hell are
bladelings; and kytons. Furthermore, Hextor still commands responsible for much misery throughout the Flanaess.
the service of some baatezu, although these are generally Within the Church itself there is a great schism between
reviled and hated by those fiends who serve the Dark Eight or two factions. This internal strife began during the Greyhawk
Lords of the Nine. wars, when Patriarch Krennden of Medegia supported the
Censor of that land in rebellion against the Overking of the shrine does. Note that creation of multiple temples or shrines
Aerdy. After Medegia was razed by the forces of Ivid V, does not attract additional followers above 9th level.
Krennden fled to the northeast. Now he has earned the Novices of Hextor are known as the Weaponless. Full
following of many of the priests of Hextor who dwell outside priests are known as the Children of Discord. In ascending
of Naelax lands in the remnants of the Great Kingdom. Many order of rank, the titles used by the priests of Hextor are
powerful animuses (evil unliving creations of the priests of Buckler, Fork, Scimitar, Flail, Morningstar, and Patriarch.
Hextor) have sworn allegiance to Krennden, making him a The leader of the church is called the Patriarch General.
powerful force. Krennden hopes to take Rauxes and make Certain independant and high-level specialty priests, charged
himself the new Patriarch General of the faith, replacing with spreading discord, are known as the Arms of Hextor.
Patriarch General Pyrannden of Rauxes. Pyrannden believes There are never more than six of these priests at one time.
that only the Herzog of North Province, Grenell, has the
power to unify Aerdy under the church of Hextor. Grenell has Dogma: War and conflict are the food and drink of a
developed his own church hierarchy within North Province, true life. Everything as a challenge in which the worthy must
however, and does not desire an alliance with Pyrannden until prove how fit they are and how capable and dominant they
all the Aerdy lands are restored to some form of order. can be. Only those truly blessed by Hextor can be completely
Outside of the remnants of the Great Kingdom, where successful in life, but even they must prove their worthiness
his priests and followers are so numerous that any insult or through combat. Once one has won their place through
slander to the church could incur their wrath, the clergy of combat, they must keep it by ruling with an iron fist.
Hextor is widely despised. Even the briefest sight of one of While skill in combat is very important to the priests,
the Hounds of Hell riding through a village is cause for alarm, the ability to cause conflict is just as important, if not more
and prayers for safety are quickly offered to powers of so. Ideally, these priests are master manipulators and cruel
protection. The Hounds have earned this reputation from the liars, capable of creating discord between even the most
battles that seem to follow them wherever they go. passive groups, while at the same time being masters of the
At 9th-level a priest of Hextor is permitted to construct a blade. Hextor's servants despise and hate cowards and
temple or shrine to the Champion of Evil if he has acquired pacifists alike, seeing them as unfit to live.
sufficient funds. A temple or shrine must always be built on
the site of some great massacre or battle. It is not unheard of Day-to-day activities: On a daily basis all worshipers
for a particularly devout priest to arrange for a massacre at of Hextor partake in strenuous exercise and combat practice.
some ideal building spot, and then follow with the They also sing short hymns to Hextor before combat, and will
construction of the temple. Typical shrines to Hextor are follow various ceremonies with the blowing of wind
round towers, some forty or more feet high and twenty or instruments (usually horns and trumpets). Often the lower-
thirty feet in diameter. There is never more than one entrance, ranking priests are required to perform menial tasks given to
and multiple arrow slits can be found around the structure's them by their superiors. Disobeying a superior is rare (and
walls. The true shrine is located at the top of the tower, and usually fatal) unless the superior is challenged and slain.
contains a statue of Hextor in his hellish form. Next to the Favors are rarely granted by these priests, and on those rare
statue is the sacrificial altar and a long horn hanging from the occasions there is always a price attached to them.
ceiling by chains. In ceremonies to Hextor the horn is blown Priests of the faith are expected to tithe 5% of their
after a sacrifice, signalling to the god that a sacrifice has been annual income to the church. Tithes and taxes are levied by
made. A shrine often serves as barracks to a small military or the priests upon the peasants of the Great Kingdom to help
mercenary force (between 10 and 20 individuals) dedicated to support the immense Church armies maintained by the
Hextor. Hextorian clergy.
Temples are much larger structures, based around a
central worship hall. The main hall is a rectangular structure Important Ceremonies: Holy days are for the weak,
that is approximately 100' long by 40' wide. On the sides of say the Hextorians, and thus they make no use of them (they
the building are six shrines (see above), all connected to the do celebrate the anniversaries of particularly horrific battles
main structure. Naturally the cost of creating one of these and massacres). However, their religion is rich with
temples is far greater than a simple shrine. Correspondingly, ceremonies. At least once every month (on any day), a priest
the number of followers attracted by such a temple is much must make a sacrifice in a shrine or temple. If made in the
greater. form of objects, at least 500 gp worth of valuables must be
For the purposes of attracting followers, a shrine will sacrificed. If in the form of living creatures, one prisoner of
bring in about 3d6 first level fighters 50% of the time, while war (or any other combat) must be sacrificed on the altar.
25% of the time it will attract 2d6 first level fighters and one Following any sacrifice, the priest must play a melody on a
first level specialty priest of Hextor. 15% of the time it will wind instrument of some kind (generally trumpets, horns, or
attract 1d8 first level fighters, one fifth level fighter, and one flutes). Iron gongs are struck, chants called out, and
first level specialty priest of Hextor, and 10% of the time it unspeakable rituals occur in honor of the Herald of Hell.
will attract 1d6 first level fighters, one fifth level fighter, and When great victories are won by the clergy and its
one fifth level specialty priest of Hextor. A temple gains the armies, all prisoners taken are marched to the closest temple.
same kinds of followers, only about 1d4+2 times as many as a There, one by one, they are decapitated and their heads
thrown into great pyramids outside of the building. Such arrows of hate and discord in red, lower level priests are only
pyramids of gore are often burnt by the priests in great permitted grey ones.
Adventuring Garb: When in action, Hextorians prefer
Major Centers of Worship: The Hextorians are at their to wear chain mail adorned with metal skulls and images of
strongest in the Great Kingdom, where Hextor is honored and their god.
held high amongst the ranks of gods. His temples appear
openly in that land and his priests flaunt their power. The Specialty Priest (Hound of Hell)
temples and shrines of the Scourge of Battle are hard to find
in other areas of the Flanaess, but they are present, as are his Requirements: Strength 15 or Dexterity 15, Wisdom 10
infernal priests. Prime Req: Strength or Dexterity, Wisdom
There are numerous temples of Hextor that are notable Alignment: LE
for their size and importance. On the grounds of Palace of Weapons: Any bow, flail, fork, morning star, scimitar, staff-
Rauxes is one of the greatest temples to Hextor, where sling
Patriarch-General Pyrannden dwells. It is heavily guarded by Armor: Chain, Scale, Plate
priests, common warriors, and an elite guard. There are also Major Spheres: All, Combat, Elemental (Fire), Healing,
four guardian statues here made entirely from coagulated Law, Necromantic, War
blood, each as strong as a flesh golem. The temple also Minor Spheres: Creation, Summoning
houses the Church's most prized artifact: The Unholy Magical Items: As clerics and thieves
Bloodshield of Hextor. Req. Profs: Blind-fighting
Another temple of note is the Cathedral of Carnage, Bonus Profs: None
located on Massacre Hill in Medegia. It is said that the priests
of Hextor took a thousand refugees from the crushed city of  Half-orcs may become specialty priests of Hextor. They
Pontylver, and slew them all atop the hill. The Patriarch may not multi-class.
Ishzar, who had ordered the mass execution, animated the  Hextorians are able to spend proficiency slots to become
bodies into headless zombies, and had them build the specialized in weapons, just like a member of the fighter
cathedral. It is currently inhabited by the depraved priests character class.
responsible for its creation. Reminiscent of a great keep, it
 Priests of Hextor are trained in the arts of thieving and
matches the grand fortresses of Rauxes in size. Atop every
stealth (especially in assassination), and upon gaining
battlement are tall pikes on which the heads of the Cathedral's
sixth level in priestly ability they gain one level of thief
undead builders are impaled. The heads are prevented from
ability as well. Thereafter, every two levels of
completely decaying by Ishzar's magic. It is said that the
advancement as a priest indicate a single level of
headless zombies are now the Cathedral's undead guardians,
advancement in thief skills. The maximum level of thief
and that they are still a thousand strong. Ishzar is not
ability without dual-classing is 6th level, which is
presently allied with any of the internal factions of the
attained at 16th. These thiefly abilities do not require that
Hextorian Church; he is biding his time and waiting for one
the priest earn any extra experience points.
side to take the initiative and make its move.
 At 3rd level a Hound of Hell gains + 1 to his strength
Affiliated Orders: Naturally, the Church armies of score (maximum of 19).
Hextor are vast and powerful. Most of the warriors in the  At 5th level the Hound of Hell may cast a ray of
employ of the Hextorian Church are armed and equipped with enfeeblement once per day.
weapons that can be wielded by the specialty priests
themselves. Numerous armies, mercenary bands, and  At 8th level the priest of Hextor may cast a fear spell
adventuring groups of evil nature are also in league with this once per day.
clergy; the Hextorians are more than generous in their funding  At 9th level the Hound of Hell gains the power to inflict
of such organizations, and in exchange wield a great deal of double damage in combat once per day, for 1 round per
military influence, spread throughout the Flanaess. level of the priest.
In addition, certain Patriarchs of Hextor are also known  At 12th level the Hound of Hell may cast a symbol of
to be powerful masters of the undead. These include Patriarch pain once per week.
Ishzar and Patriarch Moralto (of North Province), both of
whom command large forces of undead. Certain animuses are  At 14th level the priest may cast a symbol of discord
also loyal to the church, and give the priesthood their full once per day.
support. Patriarch Grenell, the Herzog of North Province, also
has a large following. Hextorian Spells
In addition to the specialty spells below, certain high
Priestly Vestments: Hextor's priests wear black robes level priests of Hextor are able to create the undead being
adorned with white skulls or grey visages embroidered upon known as the animus. The process cannot be completed
them. Only the higher-level priests (8th level and up) have without the aid of outer-planar fiends, and involves powerful,
undefined magics along the lines of quest magic. Details on
individual animus can be found within the Ivid the Undying Sphere: Combat
online sourcebook, available at TSR's website. Range: 0
Hextorians also have access to the spells blood mantle, Casting Time: 3
blood rage (Powers & Pantheons, pg. 21), analyze opponent Components: V,S
(Powers & Pantheons, pg. 46), and holy flail (Faiths & Area of Effect: 1d6 arrows
Avatars, pg. 160). Duration: 6 rounds
Saving Throw: None
Hextor's Fitness
(Alteration) By means of this spell the Hound of Hell may create 1d6
magical red arrows. These arrows are filled with a powerful
Sphere : All, Combat magic, and must be fired as normal arrows before the spell's
Range : Touch duration ends and the arrows vanish. These powerful missiles
Components: V,S will inflict (assuming that all of them strike their marks) a
Casting Time : 1 total of 6d6 points of damage. This damage is rolled before
Duration : 1 turn / level any of the arrows are fired, and the damage rolled is divided
Area of Effect : 1 subject evenly among the number of arrows created. Thus if the
Saving Throw : None damage rolled was 28, and the number of arrows created was
4, each arrow would inflict 7 points of damage on a hit.
When this spell is employed, the caster (or other Strength and specialization bonuses apply to this damage, but
subject) grows in height, weight, and strength, while at the no spells may be cast on the arrows of war to enhance them
same time gaining a temporary boost in Strength and further. The caster need not be the one to fire the missiles, but
Constitution scores. Note that general appearance does not no good aligned being may touch them without destroying
otherwise change, so the individual is recognizable. For every them (and suffering damage as if struck).
2 levels possessed by the caster of Hextor's fitness, the subject
can, at the caster's option, gain 1 inch of height, 10 pounds of Evil Arm of Hextor
weight, and for every 6 levels one point each of Strength and (Enchantment/Charm)
Constitution - this effective gain does not add to hit points
gained from an enhanced Constitution. Higher strength scores Sphere : Charm
grant the recipient bonuses to attack and damage rolls, but Range : 1 mile/level
enhanced strength and constitution scores cannot exceed 18. Components: V,S,M
Casting Time : 1 turn
Blood Groove Duration : Special
(Alteration, Enchantment/Charm) Area of Effect : 20 creatures/level
Sphere: Combat, Necromancy Saving Throw : Neg.
Range: Touch
Casting Time: 6 While the Hextorians are all very fond of battle,
Components: V,S sometimes there are armies just too big to defeat with
Area of Effect: One edged weapon available forces. For such armies the priests of Hextor use his
Duration: 2 rounds/level evil arm, which robs the priests' enemies of all hope and
Saving Throw: Special desire to continue moving against the forces of Hextor.
The spell is cast initially around a brazier specially
By casting the blood groove spell, a Hextorian priest prepared by the priest. In the brazier are 1,000 gp worth of
may enchant an edged weapon (sword, dagger, axe, etc.) so special incense, which are burned during the casting. The
that its surface becomes jagged and lined with blood grooves smoke produced in the braziers grows and thickens, forming
(hence the name of the spell). The enchanted weapon into a great arm of black cloud, which ends in a sinister hand.
becomes far more formidable in combat, and whenever it hits, This arm-like black cloud climbs through the sky, heading
the victim must make a save vs. spell at -2 or suffer from slowly towards the target military force, which may consist of
bleeding wounds. Bleeding wounds produced by blood up to 20 creatures per level.. When the shadow of the arm's
groove will bleed for 1d6 rounds, and on each round cause an hand falls upon the target force, all individuals within the
extra 1d4 points of damage to the wounded person per force must make saving throws versus spells.
wound. Everyone who fails their saving throw is affected by the
Blood groove cannot be used on weapons that are spell, and must immediately halt movement for the day. These
already magical, and it cannot be used on weapons that are individuals will refuse to march into battle, and argue and
not edged (includes maces and flails). bicker with one another. Every day after the first day of being
affected, another saving throw versus spells is made by all of
Arrows of War the individuals still under the influence of the spell; three
consecutive failed saving throws in three days indicates that
outright battle has taken place among the discordant troops.

Hands of Hextor

Sphere : Combat
Range : 0
Components: V,S
Casting Time : 6
Duration : 1-4 rounds/level
Area of Effect : Caster
Saving Throw : None

By use of this spell the caster causes the immediate

growth of two new pairs of arms, allowing him or her the
opportunity to launch a great many attacks on an opponent.
The arms will grow instantaneously, and the caster's clothing
will reshape itself to allow the arms the same
adornement(non-magical in nature, of course) that the priest's
real arms have. These four new arms can be used as the priest
wills, and may wield weapons without penalty, subject to
normal proficiency requirements. They may also be used to
carry bucklers, which is often a strategy used by priests
casting this spell.
Each arm has 15 hit points that are separate from the
caster's, and can be destroyed by a dispel magic spell for each
arm. The arms are otherwise 100% magic resistant.

Wave of Carnage
(Alteration, Invocation/Evocation)

Sphere : Combat, War

Range : 100 yards
Components: V,S,M
Casting Time : 1 round
Duration : Instantaneous
Area of Effect : 40' radius
Saving Throw : Neg.

The deadliest spell available to the Hounds of Hell is the

wave of carnage, which has the power to destroy large
numbers of 0-level, 1st-level, or 1 hit die creatures. All
creatures within the radius of the spell with 1 hit die/level or
lower must make saving throws versus death magic or be
slain, covered with bleeding wounds from head to toe. Note
that this spell does not discriminate from one low-level
creature from another; a Hextorian can slay his own allies by
using it. The spell is named the wave of carnage because the
creatures are affected in the order that they are closest to the
caster; creatures closer to the caster are affected first, giving
the effect of appearing similar to a "wave" of slain creatures.
The material component of this spell is a small figurine
of Hextor studded with 10,000 gp worth of gems, along with a
small scourge and the priest's holy symbol.
!    In the years following the Twin Cataclysms, the Suel and
their pantheon suffered as the different cultures of Oeridian,
  !" Suel, Flan, and Bakluni mingled into one, and worship of the
Flan god Nerull ascended among the common folk of the
#$!# Flanaess. Despite the eventual recovery of fragments of Suel
culture and the rise of such Suel-born nations as Keoland and
the Urnsts, however, worship of the Lady of Book and Bone
by Nathan Irving ( steadily declined, reaching its low point around 200 CY. At
Wee Jas that time, and after decades of consideration, the priests of
Wee Jas instituted a new policy, becoming far more vocal in
(The Taker, the Lady of Book and Bone, the Dark-Eyed
their advocacy of Wee Jas. The Taker, they proclaimed, was
a goddess of order and law. She took no souls before their
Intermediate Power of Acheron, LN
appointed time, doing only what was lawful and proper. This
Portfolio: Magic, Hidden Lore, Vanity, Law, Death, the was in stark contrast to Nerull, the Reaper, who was said to
Dead (particularly lawful dead) stride the Flanaess searching for souls to cut down. Wee Jas,
Aliases: Asiji (pre-Rain of Colorless Fire name of an avatar in the careful politicking of her church, was the goddess of
of Wee Jas, and not in common use) those who died in bed asleep and peaceful, while Nerull
Domain Name: Tintibulus/Patterned Web brought only pain and suffering, the agonizing and unrestful
Superior: None deaths of suicide and murder.
Allies: Lendor, Jascar, Bralm, Phaulkon
This promise of a peaceful passing appealed to many of the
Foes: Syrul, Llerg
peasants and other common folk, and Wee Jas' fortunes have
Symbol: A skull surrounded by flames
slowly improved from that time. At the moment, Wee Jas
Wor. Align: LN, N, LE, NE
holds influence over the deaths of lawful beings, those who

ee Jas (WEE Jas) is the Suel goddess of law, die as the result of law (executions and such), and those who
vanity, magic and death. She is worshipped by die in a peaceful and serene manner. Her servants guide those
wizards of Suel descent or training, souls to their final resting places in the Outer Planes and into
necromancers of all stripes, and anyone who the protection of their patron power, or to the Outlands where
commonly deals with the dead (undertakers and the like). In the atheists, agnostics, and those without a favored power end
addition, she is venerated and placated anywhere Suel culture their journey. Nerull lays claim to the deaths of chaotic and
has survived, particularly the Sheldomar Valley, the Amedio neutral beings and those who die in an untimely manner or as
Jungle, among the Frost, Ice, and Snow barbarians, the Suel the result of unlawful or violent action (murder and suicide).
of the south-east, and the Duchy of Urnst. These souls are at much greater risk, and unless a servant of
the soul's god arrives to escort them to the Outer Planes, they
The Taker is a staunch advocate of law, and like most of the
may be stolen away to Nerull's realm to feed his servants and
Suel powers, judges others not by their affiliation with weal
or woe, but by their sense of order or chaos. She is on good
terms with most lawful powers of her pantheon, both good The Dark-Eyed Goddess's involvements with Boccob are far
and evil, and has poor relations with the less lawful members, less certain. Neither deity will acknowledge the presence of
particularly Llerg and Syrul. She shares a strong relationship the other for good or ill, and the two priesthoods maintain a
with Lendor (who is described as her father in the older, pre- careful neutrality between them.
Rain myths), and enjoys the company of Jascar and Phaulkon
Wee Jas is invariably haughty and condescending to mortals,
(despite the latter's chaotic beliefs). Rumors of her romantic
and is never amused by petty diversions or distractions,
involvement with Norebo continue to circulate, despite her
though she may sometimes be persuaded to listen by an
priesthood's stout denials of this (priests of Norebo wink,
extraordinary gift, or a subtle appeal to her vanity. Her
nod, and grin broadly while heartily denying any such
growth as a goddess of death and law has awoken Wee Jas to
the possibility of acquiring more power, and it is this greed
Wee Jas's relations with Nerull, The Reaper, deserve special that has caused the shift toward evil in her alignment.
consideration. The two have an intense but subtle rivalry, a
centuries-long contention over the portfolio of the dead and Wee Jas's Avatar
death itself. Wee Jas's interest in this area, though reported by (Mage 35, Priest 30)
several sources to be only a few centuries old, is thought by Wee Jas always appears as beautiful human woman in her
more knowledgeable sages to hearken back to the aftermath early twenties, with ebony or scarlet hair and pale skin. Her
of the Rain of Colorless Fire and the deaths of so many most striking characteristics are her eyes; almond-shaped
mortals in the Suel Imperium by magical means. This pools of darkness with bone-white, skull-shaped pupils. She
irrevocably linked magic and death in the minds of the wears beautiful and expensive gowns, changing them
survivors, and imbued Wee Jas with the portfolio of death instantly to suit her whim. She will sometimes create a gown
and the dead.
as a gift to a woman, usually one who is about to go into a extends to bronze, silver, gold, and steel dragons) and lawful
dangerous situation on Wee Jas' behalf where she may be undead (wights, wraiths, spectres, mummies, and ghosts) to
open to attack or assault. The gown acts as a cloak of do her bidding and act as her representatives. The tasks she
protection +3 for the next 72 hours, and confers a +3 bonus sets for these creatures cannot violate their alignment. She
to all saving throws. Wee Jas favors spells from the spheres also numbers among her extra-planar servitors fiends
of Elemental Fire, Healing (reversed) Law, and Necromancy (primarily abishai, erinyes, hamatula, and osyluth baatezu,
and from the schools of Illusion/Phantasm, but sometimes arcanaloths, never tanar'ri); einheriar (fallen
Invocation/Evocation, and Necromancy, although she can Suel soldiers and wizards); imps; maelephants; maruts;
cast spells from any sphere or school. aasimars; noctrals; and observers.
AC -5; MV 13; Hp 205; Thac0 4; #AT 1; Dmg 1d10 or as The Church
spell; MR 90%; SZ M (5'9") Str 18, Dex 23, Con 21, Int 24,
Wis 23, Chr 23, Com 24 Spells: W: U/U/U/U/U/9/9/8/8* Pr: Clergy: Cleric, speciality priest, monk, wizard
12/12/10/13/13/9/8 Saves: PPDM 2; RSW 3; PP 5; BW 7; Sp Clergy's Align.: LN, N, LE, NE
4 Turn Undead: C: No, SP: No, Mon: No, Wiz: No
Command. Undead: C: Special, SP: Special, Mon: No,
* Numbers assume one extra necromancy spell per level. Wiz: No
Special Att/Def: Wee Jas knows every wizard spell of every All clerics (including multi-classed clerics), monks, and
level and every priest spell of fifth-level and lower, as well as specialty priests receive religion (Common, Suel) as a bonus
every priest spell from the spheres open to her worshippers. nonweapon proficiency. Wizard clergy receive spellcraft as a
She may cast 9 spell levels worth of magic per round (to a bonus nonweapon proficiency, and they are required to
maximum of three spells per round), mixing them as she sees purchase religion (Common, Suel) as well (at a cost of 1
fit with regard to type, level, and effect, and casting them as a nonweapon proficiency slot).
30th level wizard. She may cast an unlimited number of first
through fifth-level wizard spells per day, nine sixth and Wizards, monks, clerics, and specialty priests of Wee Jas are
seventh-level spells, and eight wizard spells of eighth and all welcome within the hierarchy of the faith, and each has an
ninth-level. assigned place within it. Warriors of the faith are either
temple guards or part of the soldiery of the church,
She cannot be harmed by non-magical missiles or weapons, depending on their inclination (these are discussed further
and in addition to her magic resistance, has around her a under affiliated orders). Lawful bardic worshippers of Wee
permanent globe of invulnerability which cannot be Jas, known as Keepers, likewise have a place of their own
dispelled, rendering her immune to magics of first through within the hierarchy, as messengers between the different
fourth levels, even from devices. She may make this globe temples and recorders of the lore of the common people.
glow at will, with a potential brightness equal to a sunburst
from a wand of illumination. The magical forces that Wee Jas is not a commonly worshipped goddess in the
surround her also empower her low armor class. Flanaess, and her followers are infrequent at best. She is
sometimes worshipped, and often placated, by wizards and
As the goddess of death, all undead are under her total spellworking bards, sages, morticians, and others who must
command, but she prefers to command only the lawful or choose to work with the dead. Her faithful are seen as
undead, and will usually destroy or drive off chaotic and aloof and slightly sinister by the common people, and their
neutral undead. reputation has not been improved by the recent actions of the
Scarlet Brotherhood. In the lands of Sunndi, Idee, Ahlissa,
Other Manifestations Onnwal, and the Lordship of the Isles her clergy have been
Wee Jas sometimes appears as a fiery will o' wisp to lead a suspected of collusion with the Scarlet Brotherhood, and
person or persons to a particular site or object (but characters these accusations (though unproven) have turned many
are warned, she pays little attention to, and never sets off, any against her faith.
traps, spells, or devices along the way that may affect the
The leader of the Wee Jas faith in the Flanaess is called the
party). She may also appear as a flickering ebony radiance
Archon, and the high priests of each temple are titled
highlighting a site or object, or a flame-shrouded skull that
Archites. Lesser members of the faith are titled Archpriest X
can unleash spells as her avatar. She enjoys the trappings of
(where X is the member's name). Forms of address include
wealth and may look favorably on those who sacrifice such
Blessed (for general use, when one is unsure of the exact rank
things to her. She prefers star sapphires above all other
or responsibilities of the priest), and in exact titles are
gemstones, and those who win her favor may find themselves
(ascending order of rank): Spiritwatcher, Soulguide,
gifted with one of these stones. Black sapphires, fire opals,
Deadspeaker, Soulbringer, High Spiritwatcher, High
and crown of silver are also symbols of Wee Jas and/or her
Soulguide, High Deadspeaker, High Soulbringer, and Lord
High Spiritmaster. These titles are the same across the length
Wee Jas prefers to summon lawful dragons (primarily blue, and breadth of the Flanaess, although certain conservative
green, emerald, and sapphire breeds, although her influence
temples continue to use the Suel titles, rather than their some survive as mummies or even guardian ghosts). These
Common tongue translations. undead maintain their standing and position in the Church,
and are addressed as Taken on the rare occasions they are
Clerics of Wee Jas are a minor part of the clergy (15%). They
addressed by the living. It is suspected that a the Archon of
often maintain the smaller shrines and temples, or are
Wee Jas may call upon a secret council of lichs that normally
assigned duties assisting and guarding the specialty priests of
lie, neither awake nor asleep, beneath the White Temple in
Wee Jas.
Niole Dra until their advice and council is sought.
Monks are likewise uncommon in Wee Jas' clergy (15%), and
Dogma: Order before all. Knowledge brings power, power
all those in service to the Taker are members of the Order of
brings strength, strength brings order. The rules of magic are
the Patterned Web. It is their task to guard and preserve the
the rules that govern the universe; understand them, and
accumulated lore and knowledge of the church. The
nothing is beyond reach. Know the order of the world and
Monastery of the Ebon Flame, in the Hellfurnaces south of
your place in it. Accept that progress and advancement come
the Yeomanry and west of the Tors, is home to the
not through luck or blind fortune, but by knowing the laws of
Grandfather of Mysteries, the leader of the Order.
the world (social, political, legal, magical, etc.) and following
Wizards (mostly necromancers and diviners) are the smallest them dutifully.
portion of the clergy (10%). They conduct research and
The clergy of Wee Jas are governed by centuries of laws,
experimentation in the name of the goddess of Book and
decisions, rules, and edicts carefully recorded and organized
Bone. A few live at the various temples and monasteries, but
by their predecessors. These strictures govern everything
most prefer solitary lives, keeping in contact with one another
from the hierarchy of the church to the amount of time
by magical means, or via the bardic heralds of the faith. The
acolytes may sleep (6 hours) to naming the foes and allies of
wizards are all members of the A'ath Ulkiam, an ancient
the faith (Iuz is a foe, the church of Rao a respected ally).
order that predates the Twin Cataclysms.
This adherence to procedure, more than anything, is the
Specialty priests hold a clear majority in the clergy, hallmark of Wee Jasian dogma and policy. Everything, they
outnumbering all of the other orders combined (60%). They believe, has rules, and to follow those rules is to succeed.
are the favored servants of Wee Jas, and the Archon of Wee
Day-to-day activities: Priests of Wee Jas perform dual roles.
Jas (the leader of all the sects, orders, and temples together) is
They are collectors of magical knowledge and artifacts, and
always chosen from their ranks, as are the lesser archites (or
young acolytes spend many long hours transcribing arcane
high priests) of each subordinate temple.
lore (failed priests often seek employment as scribes). Older
The relationship between undead and the priests of Wee Jas priests perform their own research into the secrets of magic,
is a complex one. The Taker views any disturbance of these or supervise (and assist) their allied wizards in doing the
spirits as an infringement upon her will, and so her priests same.
(both specialty priests and clerics) must gain her permission
They are also guardians of the dead, and the principal
to command any undead, under any circumstances. Failure to
officiator at funerals. Many low-level priests travel the
do this brings swift retribution (typically the loss of all but
Flanaess, performing funeral services for a small fee, or
first-level spells) until atonement is made. A second violation
simply saying a few words in exchange for food and supplies.
results in the errant priest's excommunication from the faith.
Others are stationed in catacombs and graveyards, to
Lower-level priests may seek to divine her will by casting
maintain and those areas, and guard against defilers and
augury or divination (this use overrides the spells' normal
functions), but the chance of receiving any answer at all is
only 40% and 60%, respectively. The omen spell (2nd-level Important Ceremonies: The most important ceremony to
priest spell, sphere: All, Divination, Prayers from the the followers of Wee Jas, and indeed almost all Suel, is the
Faithful, pg.121-122) is more appropriate and is more likely Day of Fire on the 28th of Patchwall, originally said to mark
to be answered, but not all of Wee Jas' clergy are granted the invocation of the Rain of Colorless Fire and the
knowledge of this spell. Priests utilizing a commune spell are subsequent deaths of 90% of the population of the Suel
guaranteed an answer, and may ask other questions as per the Imperium. Over the centuries, the ritual has lost much of its
normal use of the spell. original meaning, and it is celebrated throughout the Flanaess
as a time to placate and honor all the dead. It is also a time to
Petitioners are more likely to be granted permission to
renew oaths, forge agreements, and take oaths and pledges
command unthinking undead and undead under the command
(often of vengeance). It is worth noting that undead attacks
of a chaotic being. She is less likely to grant permission to
from the Sea of Dust on the watchtowers of the Order of
command lawful undead (see list above), intelligent undead,
Bone peak around this time.
and spellcasting undead (thus, the effective chance of being
granted permission to command a Lawful Evil lich mage is Twilight is a time of great power to worshippers of the Taker,
somewhat lower than 0%). and special ceremonies are usually timed to reach their
culmination around this point in the day though the
Occasionally, members of Wee Jas' faith are allowed to
summation may consume an additional two or three hours.
continue beyond death as undead, typically lichs (although
Major Centers of Worship: All temples, shrines, and other pieces of information they come across, which are later
places of worship to the Dark-Eyed Lady are ranked transferred to the permanent records of their home temple.
according to their size. The White Temple of Wee Jas, in The symbol of the Keepers is a black circle on a grey
Niole Dra, houses the Archion of Wee Jas, and is the only background.
holy place of that goddess currently active accorded the
Priestly Vestments: Priests of Wee Jas wear ornate and
status of a Temple of the First Circle (at least three others
expensive robes or gowns, usually cut to enhance the
were destroyed in the fall of the Suel Imperium, and one,
wearer's physical attributes. They favor white, crimson,
near current day Rel Deven, was razed during the Oeridian
silver, and black, but will wear deep blue or gold attire if
invasion six hundred years ago). Temples in Hookhill, Lo
Reltarma, Radigast City, Rel Astra, and Scant are accorded
the rank of Temple of the Second Circle. Temples of the When performing official functions in a temple, the
Third Circle are located in most major cities where the Suel ceremonial garb consists of a number of layered silken robes
settled in great number, Temples of Fourth Circle (those with (the exact number and cut dictated by rank), so that the priest
only a few permanent priests), are scattered about the appears wrapped in mist or fog. Evil priests of Wee Jas wear
Flanaess, and Temples of the Fifth Circle, being no more than white vestments and neutral priests grey vestments. When
wayside shrines, may be located nearly anywhere. The Wee Jas allowed good-aligned priests (some centuries ago),
location of each of these is recorded in tomes (copies of they wore robes of deepest ebony interwoven with strands of
which are stored in Niole Dra, the Monastery of the Ebon silver, some of which are still preserved in the older temples.
Flame, and each of the Temples of the Second Circle), and Older robes (of all hues) are often magically treated to
once a year a visit is paid to each one for the purpose of prevent damage and aging, and a few of these robes have
inspection, re-consecration, and (in the case of Temples of been recovered from dungeons and caverns after decades or
the Fifth Circle), confirmation of the shrine's very existence. centuries, intact and ready to be worn.
A single stark tower of volcanic stone overlooks the Solnor Adventuring Garb: Few priests of Wee Jas go adventuring,
Ocean, 90 leagues north of the Sablewood, at the very tip of and those that do are expected to carry and don their
the Thillronian Peninsula. Called the Dokkhulder, or Dark ceremonial vestments whenever they officiate a ceremony or
Hall. Studiously avoided by the local Cruskii barbarians, this engage in spellcasting in the name of the Lady of Book and
fell structure is somehow tied to the Dark-Eyed Goddess, for Bone. If this is impractical (as it often is), they instead carry a
mages in service to her are sometimes seen making their way simple silk scarf (the color of which reflects the priest's
there, usually in the company of a bardic Keeper. alignment), and wear ordinary but well-tailored suloise-styled
clothing. Under no circumstance may a specialty priest or
Affiliated Orders: The most important orders affiliated with
mage dedicated to Wee Jas wear armor or bear a shield for
the Church of Wee Jas are the Order of Bone, the Company
defensive purposes. Priests who question the Dark-Eyed
of the Invisible Fire, and the Keepers. The former two are
Goddess' ability to protect her faithful by doing so often find
warrior orders, and open to any warrior of lawful or true
themselves unable to cast all but the simplest spells until they
neutral alignment devoted to the Taker, while the latter is a
bardic order.
The Order of Bone is comprised of temple guards and Specialty Priests (Archpriests)
defenders, and those charged with maintaining the sanctity of Requirements: Intelligence 13, Wisdom 11
any ground sacred to Wee Jas (primarily graveyards and Prime Req: Intelligence, Wisdom
battlefields). In addition to their posts throughout the Alignment: LN, LE
Flanaess, the Order of Bone maintains several watchtowers Weapons: Dagger, dart, knife, quarterstaff, sling
on the outskirts of the Sea of Dust, near the most commonly Armor: None
used trails from the east. Their symbol is a skull against a Major Spheres: All, astral, charm, divination, elemental
crimson background. (all), guardian, healing, law, necromantic, protection,
The Company of the Invisible Fire, formed in the wake of the summoning, thought, time
Twin Cataclysms, is a mobile force that safeguards the Minor Spheres: Combat, sun, wards
wizard followers of Wee Jas, investigates magical Magical Items: As priests or wizards
occurrences, and acts as guards for any extended travel by a Req. Profs: None
superior (level 7+) priest of Wee Jas. Their symbol is a silver Bonus Profs. Spellcraft
outline of a flame on a white background.  Almost all of Wee Jas's worshippers are human or
The Keepers are the most enigmatic and smallest of the non- partially so, as most of the demihumans of the Flanaess who
clerical orders associated with the Church. Its members are might be inclined to worship her (olve and gnomes),
all lawful neutral or true neutral bards devoted to Wee Jas. remember far too well the treatment their peoples received at
The Keepers travel from one temple to another, delivering the hands of the Suel invasion a millennium ago. A few half-
messages, information, and spell lore. In addition, they keep olves in the Spindrift Isles and Keoland have become priests
scrupulous logs of their travels, chronicling any interesting or priest/mages of Wee Jas.
 Archpriests command undead as though they were 2 (detailed in Powers & Pantheons, pg. 34, in the entry for
levels higher when they have requested and received Wee Jergal), and the third-level spell spell shield (detailed in
Jas' approval. Prayers from the Faithful, pg. 81, under the entry The
Sceptre of Mystra.)
 Archpriests have extensive knowledge of the destinations
of the spirits of the departed. This information is known as Third Level
netherworld knowledge (this is identical to the netherworld
knowledge nonweapon proficiency from the Complete Book Ability Alteration* (alteration)
of Necromancers.) Sphere: Combat, Necromancy
Netherworld Knowledge: Archpriests must make an ability Level: 3
check against their Wisdom score minus three to successfully Range: 0
use this proficiency. Through their extensive training and Components: V
education, archpriests are informed about the cosmology and Duration: 1 turn + 5 rounds/lvl
organization of the Outer Planes, and how it relates to the Casting Time: 6
Flanaess, focusing primarily on the destinations of souls after Area of Effect: Caster
death. In addition, archpriests learn about the types and Saving Throw: None
behaviors of the beings that inhabit the Outer Planes, By means of this spell, the priest may enhance one or more of
including modrons, baatezu, tanar'ri, and eladrins. With a his physical abilities by temporarily suppressing another
successful use of this proficiency, netherworld knowledge physical ability. The priest may "spend" ability points from
can reveal the specific weaknesses and natural immunities of one physical ability in order to gain ability points in another.
beings from the Outer Planes. Netherworld knowledge can The ratio is 2 points expended to 1 gained. No ability score
also be used to classify the exact type of extraplanar creature can be reduced below 8 by this spell, nor can racial
encountered with a successful ability check. maximums or minimums be exceeded. Exceptional strength
 Archpriests gain a +1 bonus to all saving throws vs. is possible, but costs 2 points per 10% gain. Example: a priest
spells. with Strength 17 and Dexterity 16 could "spend" up to 8
points of Dexterity to increment Strength to 18/30 (17 to 18
 Archpriests receive a -1 bonus to their casting times, to a to 18/10 to 18/20 to 18/30).
minimum of casting time of 1.
*This spell was originally presented in the From the Ashes
 At 6th level, the priest may learn and cast first and boxed set by Carl Sargent, Reference Card #6.
second-level wizard spells from the Enchantment/Charm and
Illusion/Phantasm schools. Peace of Wee Jas (necromancy)

These spells are cast as if the priest were a wizard of the same Sphere: Necromancy
level. For example, a 7th-level archpriest casts wizards spells Level: 3
as a 7th-level mage. Archpriests pray for their wizard spells Range: Touch
instead of studying to memorize them, and chosen wizard Components: V, S, M
spells replace priest spells potentially available for use that Duration: Permanent
day. (In other words, the wizard spell occupies a priest spell Casting Time: One turn
slot.) Area of Effect: One corpse
Saving Throw: None
 At 9th level, the archpriest may learn wizard spells of up
to fourth-level from the schools of Enchantment/Charm, This spell, a traditional part of funeral services for the clergy
Illusion/Phantasm, Alteration, and Invocation/Evocation, of Wee Jas and those who pay for it, grants the soul of the
subject to the learning restrictions above. departed a certain amount of protection from disturbance.
Any remains consecrated by this spell are immune to the
 At 12th level, the archpriest may cast raise dead, and, effects of fourth-level and lesser spells that would animate or
provided she has the approval of Wee jas, the subject otherwise disturb the eternal rest of the departed, including
automatically succeeds their resurrection survival check, and skeletal servant and animate dead. Speak with dead is
nor do they lose a point of Constitution (although it still likewise prevented, unless cast by a servant of a deity of the
counts towards determining the maximum number of times a dead (on Oerth, either Wee Jas or Nerull). It also guarantees
subject may be returned to life.) the soul will not rise as a ghoul, ghast, wight, wraith, shadow,
 At 16th level, archpriests may learn wizard spells of up to or other lesser undead (those with 6 HD or less), regardless of
sixth-level from the aforementioned schools. the method of death. It is no protection against the possibility
of the deceased rising as a more powerful undead,
Wee Jasian Spells particularly a ghost, vampire, or mummy.

In addition to the spells listed below, all priests of Wee Jas The material component is a thin silver chain, at least one
have access to the third-level spell determine final rest foot long, laid across the bare chest of the corpse (the chain is
customarily bound around the body before it is dressed). If remaining undisturbed, plus or minus 5% per level of the
the chain is removed after the spell is cast, the spirit gains a spell caster above or below 12th-level, and plus or minus 5%
saving throw vs. magic (as the soul's former class and level) per level of the infecting vampire or wizard (if a lich) below
to determine if the spell continues unbroken. This spell has or above 12th level. Example: a 14th level priest (2 levels
no effect if cast on a living being, or an already risen spirit or above 12th, so +10%) casts guarded soul on a 18th level
corpse. wizard (6 levels above 12th, so -30%) who had made
preparations for lichdom. 50% + 10% - 30% = 30%. The
Fifth Level spirit of wizard has only a 30% chance of remaining safely
Grace of Wee Jas (a.k.a. Kelemvor's grace; Pr 5, Protection, dead, as her soul struggles against the priest's spell to achieve
Prayers from the Faithful, pg. 91.) Casting this spell on a undeath.
living being is not considered an attack and does not require In addition to the above protections, the caster may secure an
the permission of the Taker. Casting the spell on an undead extra-planar guardian to the spirit, typically a fiend or
for purposes of rendering it vulnerable to attack is considered celestial, though certain corpses are rumored to be protected
an attack, and casters must receive permission from Wee Jas by elementals of unusual power. The spell does not summon
before undertaking such action. a guardian that is up to caster but by force, bribery, or
Improved Ability Alteration (alteration) bargaining, the caster and guardian-to-be must agree on a
duration of time (typically not less than 99 years nor more
Sphere: Combat, Necromancy than 999) and recompense, if any.
Level: 5
Range: Touch The guardian remains primarily on the ethereal plane, alert to
Components: V any force disturbing their charge, for the duration of their
Duration: 1 turn + 5 rounds/lvl task. The guardian may leave the vicinity of the remains
Casting Time: One round (roughly a thousand-foot radius) only if an outside force
Area of Effect: One subject threatens their guardianship, in which case they may travel
Saving Throw: None any distance to combat it. Guarded soul magically links the
guardian and the remains, allowing the guardian instant
By means of this spell, the priest may enhance one or more of awareness of any creature, spell, or force that disturbs their
the subject's physical abilities by temporarily suppressing charge.
another physical ability. The subject may "spend" ability
points from one physical ability in order to gain ability points If the spell is broken or the duration expires, the guardian is
in another. The ratio is 2 points expended to 1 gained. No freed to depart, taking any treasure it has accumulated from
ability score can be reduced below 6 by this spell, although grave-robbers (a.k.a. adventurers). If the guardian is defeated,
racial maximums and minimums can be exceeded. it forfeits any treasure accumulated and returns to its home
Exceptional strength is possible, but costs 2 points per rank plane, the compact ended (although the spell still protects the
gained. Example: a priest casts improved ability alteration on remains from animation). It is not possible to have two
a warrior with Strength 17 and Dexterity 16. The warrior guarded soul spells (and guardians) on the same set of
could "spend" up to 10 points of Dexterity to increase remains.
Strength to 18/00 (17 to 18 to 18/51 to 18/76 to 18/91 to Wee Jas occasionally prevents the successful casting of this
18/00). spell, particularly if the subject spirit is likely to rise as a
Sixth Level lawful vengeful spirit (one with a purpose or goal beyond
murder and mayhem). This is most true in the case of
Guarded Soul (necromancy) wronged spirits who wish to exact a final retribution upon
Sphere: Necromancy their malefactors, or those driven to complete a final task or
Level: 6 duty before they rest forever.
Range: Touch The material component of guarded soul is a continuous
Components: V, S, M chain of silver which must encircle the protected corpse at
Duration: Permanent least three times, and is positioned against the subject's skin.
Casting Time: One hour
Area of Effect: One corpse Thanks to Eric L. Boyd for assistance with this article.
Saving Throw: None
A more powerful version of peace of Wee Jas, guarded soul
renders the remains of the deceased immune to any spell,
device, or creature that attempts to animate or communicate
with the departed soul. In addition, it prevents the corpse and
spirit from rising as any sort of undead except a lich or
vampire. In the latter cases, the spirit has a 50% chance of
Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 3

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

OF OERTH AND ALTAR illusions and rarely uses necromantic magic as he finds that type of
magic distasteful.
Olidammara: The Laughing Rogue
Special Att/Def: Although the powers of various avatars of
by Russell S. Timm ( Olidammara may vary, there are some features that are usually
Olidammara present. The Prince of Bards generally tries to avoid combat, but if
(The Laughing Rogue, Prince of Bards, The Merry-Eyed Trickster) his hand is forced he has a wide array of items to assist him.
Olidammara has a damage reduction of 20/+2. In addition to the
Lesser Power of the Material Plane, N(c)
spells Olidammara can cast as a bard, he can also cast the following
Portfolio: Music, Revelry, Roguery, Tricks/Jokes, Wine/Spirits
spells as a 20th level sorcerer; passwall (3x/day); transmute rock to
Aliases: None
mud (2x/day); and telekinesis (1x/day).
Domain Name: Prime Material Plane/ Highcask Vale
Superior: None Olidammara’s signet ring, The Last Laugh, grants both the powers of
Allies: Lydia, Lirr, Myhriss a ring of protection +6 and a cloak of resistance +6, and is said to be one
Foes: Zagyg of his favorite treasures, stolen from the hoard of some Abyssal
Symbol: A laughing mask lord. The gold ring is inscribed with many smiling masks and is
Wor. Align: NG, CG, N, CN adorned with a large round emerald. The ring also allows the
Laughing Rogue to ignore damage reduction, regardless of the
Olidammara (oh-lih-dam-MAH-rah) is a deity of light-hearted enchantment of the weapon he uses at the time.
revelry and celebration, and enjoys few things more than a good
joke and a bottle of wine. He also takes enjoyment in providing a Olidammara also possesses a musical stringed instrument of great
respite to the common man in dark times. Olidammara has some power. The device, the Kanteel of the Oldest, is useable only by bards
devout worshippers, but these are vastly exceeded by the number of great experience (20th level or greater) or certain other deities.
of people who are less dedicated to exclusive worship of the Prince The Kanteel possesses the following powers, useable once per day;
of Bards. Throughout the Flanaess, from rustic hostels and small charm person; charm monster; fog cloud; dispel magic; emotion; major
shrines to city temples, wherever people enjoy drinking and creation; programmed image; and vision. All effects are as if cast by a
carousing, the clergy of Olidammara find a niche. Religious 30th level sorcerer.
depictions of The Laughing Rogue often hide the face of the Prince
Another favorite treasure of Olidammara is his mask that allows
of Bards, concealing his visage in a hood or behind his holy symbol,
a laughing mask. him to completely change his physical appearance for as long and
as often as he wishes. The mask, The Mimic’s Veil, is not discernible
Olidammara’s only enmity is with Zagyg, stemming from his when it is worn, and from whom the Laughing Rogue liberated his
imprisonment sometime in the 5th century C.Y. by the Mad prize is unknown.
Archmage. The Laughing Rogue has exacted his revenge on at least
one occasion, and now considers his relations with Boccob’s When Olidammara was trapped by Zagyg, the Mad Archmage
servitor one of an amusing diversion. Olidammara avoids making forced him into the shape of a animal with a carapace as
enemies, though like most trickster deities, he annoys many of his
fellow pantheon members. He is on good relations with both Lydia
and Lirr, as all three are patrons of bards, and has a healthy rivalry
with Norebo, as the two often compete for worshippers among
thieves. He is on very good terms with Myhriss, the Maid of Light
and Dark, and the stories say he often keeps her company.
Olidammara’s Avatar
Olidammara always appears as a young man, though he
sometimes disguises himself as a tinker or peddler, sometimes as a
foppish wastrel, and frequently as a fledgling sell-sword. His actual
appearance is said to be as follows: middling height, slender build,
chestnut hair and beard worn rakishly, complexion with an olive
tint, and merry eyes of sparkling emerald which lend him one of
his oft-used titles. Olidammara wears green and gold as his favorite
colors, and is much given to laughter and petty tricks. Although
only armored with a leather vest and high leather buskins, The
Laughing Rogue has no lack of protection due to the
enchantments upon these garments and a special ring he possesses.
Olidammara may cast spells from all schools, though he favors Ecjoy, priestess of Olidammara, changes water to wine for an upcoming festival.

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 4

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

punishment for attempting to steal Zagyg’s treasure trove. Even among the various clergy types, and rank is more akin to
though Olidammara escaped this fate, he retains the ability to popularity; those with the most ale are the most popular. Within
create a horny shell on his back. Beneath this cover, the Laughing the clergy, rank is usually established by age and achievement, no
Rogue can use his spells to escape, leaving the shell to cover his matter who wins the popularity contests among the congregation.
getaway. The carapace acts as a large shield +3. Older priests are valued and revered for their skills and wisdom,
and act as advisors to the younger clergy members. Females are
Other Manifestations equally welcome in the faith, and are just as common as males.
The Laughing Rogue has several means of showing his favor. An Members of any race that would live life “one hand in the trap, one
inexplicable urge to smile and laugh, usually before some type of hand on the bottle” as the saying goes, are welcome in this faith,
musical performance or errand of mischief bodes well for those especially if they provide copious amounts of ale or wine.
who favor black and emerald green. Likewise, an otherwise Novices are known as Short(beer)s, with higher ranking clergy
inexplicable performance gone sour or an untimely headache members usually awarding themselves the titles (in ascending
before drinking the wine cellar dry is good cause for the clergy rank): Draft, Lager, Porter, Stout, and finally Keg (or Cask, if
member to give pause and reconsider his or her actions.
female). Heads of temples are
Sometimes Olidammara manifests as a song with no origin or as a
quiet laughing voice. Olidammara is served by all manner of one hand in the referred to as Voice, regardless of
mischievous sylvan creatures, including brownies, sprites, trap, one hand on level. Such titles may be expanded as
leprechauns, satyrs, grig, atomies, faux faeries, faerie dragons, and appropriate, so one might hear a
the bottle high- ranking cleric referred to as
“Cask So-and-So of Town Such-and-
The Church Such, Sweet Voice of the Merry-Eyed Trickster, Holy Wineberry
Worshippers of Olidammara are found throughout the Flanaess, and Laugh of Fireseek". It is often considered an insult for a non-
but chapels and shrines to this Power are interspersed throughout worshipper to call a member of the clergy Shortbeer, and doing so
rustic areas as well as towns and cities. There are few major centers is likely to make one a target for some prank.
of worship. Olidammara is a Power revered by people from all Dogma: Olidammarans are to bring merriment to all. In good
walks of life, and most are glad when his priests are present to times, people should celebrate and share their happiness and
bring laughter and song. Wherever one can find enough wealth, be it spiritual or material. In times of darkness, people
individuals who are willing to drink and celebrate in the presence should make merry lest they succumb to despair. One must not go
of a government willing to let it happen, one will find the clergy of through life without experiencing laughter or joy on a daily basis;
the Laughing Rogue. to make others laugh at your expense is a good thing; to make them
Olidammarans, as the clergy are known, are a particularly merry laugh at someone else’s expense is a better thing. Nothing is sacred
and lighthearted lot. They are determined to enjoy life and drag but that which an individual holds near and dear to themselves.
everyone else along for the ride, be it sober, drunk, kicking and Music is the voice of the soul, and not merely an art for art’s sake,
screaming, or otherwise. Generally the church is well received by but rather a way to express yourself in a manner that all creatures
most, though local authorities and the clergy of some other Powers may understand you.
could do without them. Generally, this clergy currently thrives
from the Domain of Greyhawk through the breadth of the Day-to-Day Activities: The priests of Olidammara spend much of
Sheldomar Valley. their time in reflective thought and performing music to uplift
people’s spirits. In urban centers, they always seem to get
Places of worship of Olidammara usually revolve around small themselves involved in social events where alcoholic spirits are
festhalls in urban areas or small shrines elsewhere. Such halls are involved, and are just as likely to be providing as imbibing said
often well (but inexpensively) decorated, and have many dimly lit spirits. Clergy also spend an equal amount of time plotting trouble,
areas to aid them in defense should they need it (as most of the getting into trouble, and getting out of trouble, usually with the
clergy and many of the worshippers are very good at hiding). Often local authorities and/or lawful clergy of other Powers.
vines run rampant along the outside of such buildings, and even
inside shrines or open sections of larger buildings. Services to Holy Days/ Important Ceremonies: There is but one holy
Olidammara are light-hearted affairs, as they include much festival sacred to the clergy, who hold little sacred, and drink and
singing, chanting, and other forms of music, in addition to feasts make merry on any excuse. The Last Laugh celebrates the day
and the mandatory consumption of alcoholic beverages. when Olidammara escaped the clutches of Zagyg the Mad. This
day changes every year and is announced during Needfest. Who
The faith of Olidammara is largely disorganized. The faith is more actually makes the announcement is unknown, but by the end of
akin to a fraternal order with chapters scattered “from the Needfest all clergy are aware of the date. On this day, at least one
’Furnaces to the Sable,” a reference to the Hellfurnaces in the far clergy member from every shrine or congregation must attempt to
southwest and the Sablewood in the far northeast of the Flanaess. get him or herself thrown into jail and escape by the time the sun
Positions within the church hierarchy are distributed equally rises the next Godsday. Failing to escape is taken as a bad omen, and
l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002
Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 5

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

the one who fails to escape is not allowed to drink and make merry Prankster Prestige Class
during the following services; in addition, he or she must serve Hit Die: d8
fellow clergy members during the services. Succeeding is reason
for a truly riotous affair, and this is the time when the fine bottles Requirements/Restrictions Class: Ability to cast 3rd level
of wine and casks of ale that have been hidden away for a special divine spells; must already be a cleric of Olidammara. For purposes
occasion are consumed. As one can imagine, some truly legendary of calculating levels for spell duration and similar effects, levels of
escapades have happened throughout the Flanaess on this holiday, cleric and Prankster stack.
and those of surpassing difficulty often draw the blessings of Ability Scores: The total ability modifiers for Dex, Wis, and Cha
Olidammara himself. must be at least +5. Pranksters are more agile, witty, and personable
Major Centers of Worship: There are few dedicated chapels or than most clergy.
shrines to Olidammara, but those that do exist are located in large Alignment: CN, CG.
towns or cities. There are two pre-eminent rustic hostels that are
rumored to exist. Winespill is supposedly a large church nestled Domains: Same as cleric of Olidammara (Chaos, Luck, Trickery).
somewhere in the Kron Hills southeast of Devarnish. Legend is Weapon and Armor Proficiency: Pranksters may use any
that the spirits flow in such volume that none but The Merry Eyed weapon allowed to Rogues. They can’t afford to carry around
Prankster can contain it with his cup. Kanteel House was rumored greatswords and the like. Pranksters also may not wear any armor
to lie southwest of Badwall and word has it that it was destroyed in heavier than Light armor. A Prankster who does not observe either
Turrosh Mak’s offensive some time in 583 C.Y. Since that time the of these strictures incurs a -6 enhancement penalty on all rolls,
House of Revels in Waybury has slowly gained in prominence similar to bestow curse. Pranksters may also use a shield.
among the faith.
Skills: A total of 10 ranks in Hide, Move Silently, Bluff, Diplomacy,
Affiliated Orders: There are no known affiliated orders associated Perform, Heal, and Disguise.
with the clergy of the Laughing Rogue. Obviously, his clergy are on
good terms with many bardic organizations across the Flanaess, Feats: Great Fortitude.
but none are specifically associated or sponsored by the church per Turning Undead: Drinking and revelry has nothing in common
se. with the undead, and so Pranksters suffer a -8 competence penalty
Priestly Vestments: The priests wear vestments of brown, green, to their Turn Undead checks.
black, and all combinations thereof. They tend to favor loose Magic Items: Pranksters are considered clerics for purposes of
garments and robes that are useful for concealing things. There is what magic items they may or may not use.
very little hierarchy apparent in the clergy’s style of dress, and
indeed, this seems to be the case. Class Skills
Adventuring Garb: There is no required dress code, though The Prankster’s class skills (and the key ability for each skill) are
priests tend to favor the same colors they might wear at a service. Bluff (Cha), Concentration (Con), Craft (Int), Diplomacy (Cha),
Although they enjoy collecting all manner of gems and jewelry, Disguise (Cha), Heal (Wis), Hide (Dex), Knowledge (arcana) (Int),
they seem to hold a special place in their hearts for emeralds, and Knowledge (art & music) (Int), Knowledge (ceremony) (Int),
often the green gems adorn many of the higher-ranking clergy. Knowledge (folklore) (Int), Knowledge (gaming) (Int), Knowledge

Class Level Base Attack Fort Ref Will Special

1 +0 +2 +0 +2 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Divine Boon, Domain Spell (Euphoria)
2 +1 +3 +0 +3 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Improved Spontaneous Casting,
Domain Spell (water to wine)
3 +2 +3 +1 +3 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, The Laughing Rogue’s Veil
4 +3 +4 +1 +4 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Domain Spell (inebriate)
5 +3 +4 +1 +4 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, The Laughing Rogue Laughs Last
6 +4 +5 +2 +5 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Inebriate Soul, Domain Spell (carapace)
7 +5 +5 +2 +5 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Emerald Eyes & Silver Tongue
8 +6/+1 +6 +2 +6 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Alter Form
9 +6/+1 +6 +3 +6 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, Free Spirit, Domain Spell (blessed libation)
10 +7/+2 +7 +3 +7 +1 level of existing divine spellcasting class, change self

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 6

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

(history) (Int), Knowledge (monster lore) (Int), Knowledge (plant Free Spirit: At 9th level, Pranksters are continually under the
lore) (Int), Knowledge (religion) (Int), Move Silently (Dex), effects of both a freedom of movement spell and a nondetection spell.
Perform (Cha), Profession (Wis), Search (Int), Scry (Int), and This is a supernatural ability.
Spellcraft (Int).
Change Self: A 10th level Prankster may change self at will, and
Class Features duplicate any person well enough that they get a +20 circumstance
bonus to their Disguise check. The only feature that will give a
Domain Spells: Beginning at 1st level, Pranksters are granted
Prankster of this level away is that the priest always has emerald
access to new spells, which are considered to be Domain spells for
eyes while using this ability, no matter what measures he or she
the purposes of the extra spell clerics get per day per spell level as
may use to make it appear otherwise. This is a free action and a
well as for the purposes of Improved Spontaneous Casting.
supernatural ability.
Divine Boon: At 1st level, Pranksters receive a +2 divine bonus to
their saves vs. poison. This is a supernatural ability. New Domain Spells
Improved Spontaneous Casting: Beginning at 2nd level,
Pranksters may channel the spell energy of a prepared spell into Enchantment
either a healing or Domain spell of equal level or lower. This is a Level: Clr 2
free action and does not provoke an attack of opportunity. Actually Components: V, S, DF
casting the spell still follows the rules for spellcasting. Casting Time: 1 action
Range: 10 ft
The Laughing Rogue’s Veil: At 3rd level, Pranksters may change
Target: One humanoid
self 1x/per day for every three levels of experience they have
Duration: One round/level
attained, including levels as a cleric. This is a free action and a
Saving Throw: Will negates
supernatural ability.
Spell Resistance: Yes
The Laughing Rogue Laughs Last: At 5th level, Pranksters may
cast Tasha’s uncontrollable hideous laughter or babble 1x/day for every When this spell is cast, the priest breathes a cloud of visible
three levels they have attained as a Prankster. This is a spell-like green and shimmering silver gas upon his intended target, similar
ability. to the breath weapon of a faerie dragon. The affected target must
then make a Will save or be affected. Affected targets act in a
Inebriate Soul: Pranksters can accurately assess the age and manner similar to a confusion spell; as long as the target is left alone,
quality of any alcoholic beverage they taste, and also determine if he or she will be oblivious to his or her surroundings and react to
such a beverage has been doctored or poisoned. Due to the regular unseen hallucinations in a blissful manner, smiling all the whilst.
frequency of alcohol consumption, Pranksters are treated as if they
possessed a +1 Con for every level of experience they have attained
for the purposes of effects of alcohol in their system. In addition, Water to Wine
they receive a +1 to their saving throws against ingested poisons for Alteration
every three levels of experience they have attained. This is an Level: Clr 3
extraordinary ability. Components: V, S, M, DF
Emerald Eyes & Silver Tongue: At 7th level, Pranksters eyes turn Casting Time: 1 action
emerald green if they are not already so. Pranksters may use a their Range: Close (25 ft + 5ft/2 lvls)
emerald gaze once per day to add a +5 circumstance bonus to any Target: One gallon of liquid/level
Charisma based check as a free action. In addition, Pranksters of Duration: Special
this level may invoke an ability similar to a potion of glibness, adding Saving Throw: None
a +30 bonus to one Bluff check once per day. This is a supernatural Spell Resistance: Yes
When this spell is cast, the priest causes a like volume of water
Alter Form: At 8th level, Pranksters may polymorph self into an or other liquid to become any of a variety of wines or other
inanimate object 1x/day. The latter spell often takes the form of alcoholic beverages, randomly determined by the DM. Such wines
some type of instrument or drinking vessel and lasts for 1 spoil within 24 hours, and unlike the spell create food & water, this
turn/level of the priest. Such an object may not occupy more than duration may not be extended by the use of a purify food & drink
1 cubic foot of volume/level or weigh more than 2 pounds/level of spell. For each experience level the priest has attained, one gallon
the priest. Priests may still talk normally and cast spells with a of water is turned into wine. (It is known that entire congregations
verbal component only. This is a supernatural ability. have cooperated to turn public pools and fountains into open vats
that may be enjoyed by all.) The material component of this spell is
a bunch of grapes.

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

Volume II, No. 2 Issue 13 7

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

Inebriate quarters cover, though it does not move out of the way when you
attack, providing the same cover to your enemies (and making this
spell not as useful as shield in that respect). You designate half the
Level: Clr 4 battlefield as being blocked by the carapace and you can change the
Components: V, S, M, DF defensive orientation of the carapace as a free action on your turn.
Casting Time: 1 action The carapace is otherwise considered a wall of force, though it may
Range: Close (25 ft + 5ft/2 lvls) be damaged by weapons of +3 or greater enchantment and can take
Target: One target/level 50 points of damage before being destroyed. Gaze attacks cannot
Duration: 1 minute/level penetrate the carapace. The material component for this spell is a
Saving Throw: Will negates/ Fort (see below) small turtle shell, which is not consumed in the casting of the spell.
Spell Resistance: Yes
Whether for simple amusement or self- Blessed Libation
defense, this spell allows the caster to affect one
or more individuals and induce a state of
intoxication similar to that produced by Level: Clr 7
alcohol. If the victim fails his Will save he or Components: V, S, M, DF
she is affected. The victim immediately begins Casting Time: 10 minutes
to exhibit the symptoms of a drunken stupor, Range: Close (25 ft + 5ft/2 lvls)
which progressively worsens as the spell Target: One gallon of liquid/level
continues. A flushed face, sweating, bloodshot Duration: 12 hours
eyes, blurred vision, loss of coordination, Saving Throw: None/Fort (see below)
increased aggressiveness, and an increasing Spell Resistance: Yes (harmless)
vociferous and slurred manner of speech are all
potential manifestations associated with this This spell is a variant of the spell heroes’
spell. Beginning the first round, the victim incurs a feast and differs in the following regards.
-1competence penalty to attack, saving throws, and Rather than summoning forth a great a feast,
ability checks, but does receive a +1 morale bonus to this spell is cast upon a large quantity of some
saves vs. fear and 5 temporary hit points. Every minute alcoholic beverage. Anyone who drinks at least
this spell continues, the target(s) must make another one pint is subject to all the benefits of heroes’ feast,
Will save or the competence penalty increases by one. At and thus this spell can potentially affect a greater
the end of the spells’ duration, the victim must make a Fort save number of people. However, those that drink from the
or pass out for 1 minute after the spell expires. The material blessed libation are affected by an inebriate spell, except
component of this spell is an alcoholic beverage, which must be there is no Will saving throw and the competence penalty
consumed by the priest when casting. increases every hour rather than minute. Participants may make a
Fort save at the end of the 12 hours to avoid passing out, though
odds are nothing short of a dragon will be able to avoid this. The
Carapace material component of this spell is a large quantity of ale, wine, or
Evocation [Force]
Level: Clr 6
Components: V, S, M, DF
Casting Time: 1 action
Range: Personal
Target: You
Duration: 1 minute/level (D)
This spell brings into existence a visible and opaque
hemispherical wall of force similar to a carapace of certain animals,
like a turtle or armadillo. This spell is similar to a shield spell in
certain respects. The carapace intercepts attacks, providing three-

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2002

Oerth Journal

Of Oerth and Altar


The Radiant Force
By Paul M. Rokuskie (
Pelor justice,  valor)  who  is  a  servitor  of  Pelor.  Pelorʹs 
strength  and  healing  ability  brings  hope  to  those 
(The Great Source, The Mighty Healer, ravaged  by  the  evil  that  plagues  the  land,  with  many 
The Radiant Force, The Sun Father, The warriors and commonfolk now turning to his faith.  
Shining One) Pelor  is  a  powerful  deity  whose  caring  attitude 
Greater Power of Elysium, NG  towards  all  creatures,  especially  the  poor  and 
Portfolio:  Sun, Light, Strength, Healing  deprived, has earned him the title of The Great Source. 
Aliases:  None  Pelorʹs  goodness  shines  through  the  darkness  and 
Domain Name:  Elysium/Amoria/Lightʹs Blessing  brings life and warmth to those in need. Pelorʹs charity 
Superior:  None  is unmatched by any other power in the multiverse as 
Allies:  All  good  deities  (except  Pholtus),  he will aid any creature in need. He is highly regarded 
especially  Mayaheine,  Zodal,  by the other healing powers in the multiverse and gets 
Joramy, Rao, and Kord  along well with Ishtar (greater deity of love, war) and 
Foes:  All  evil  deities,  especially  Mishakal  (greater  deity  of  healing,  beauty,  life, 
Tharizdun,  Nerull,  Incabulos,  Iuz,  fertility, knowledge) on Elysium.  
Vecna, and Kyuss.  Also Pyremius,  With  deities  that  have  a  following  on  Oerth,  Pelor 
Wee Jas, Xan Yae, and Pholtus  “respects”  Kordʹs  (intermediate  deity  of  athletics, 
Symbol:  Golden  face  of  a  bearded  man  sport,  brawling,  strength,  courage)  strength  and 
with sapphire eyes  courage  in  his  battles  against evil.  Pelor  is  not  jealous 
Wor. Align:  Any good  in  sharing  this  aspect  with  another  Oerth  power 
because  he  realizes  that  there  is  strength  in  numbers. 
Pelor  also  respects  Joramyʹs  (lesser  deity  of  fire, 
Pelor  (Pay‐lore)  is  the  great  Sun  God  (sun,  light, 
volcanoes, wrath, anger, quarrels) power over fire and 
strength,  healing)  and  source  of  what  is  good  in  all 
how she uses it to burn evildoers and bring light into 
things. His symbol is the golden face of a bearded man 
the dark areas of Oerth where the sun can never reach. 
with  sapphire  eyes.  Those  who  wish  to  relieve 
He also finds a kindred spirit in Zodal (lesser deity of 
suffering,  or  bring  warmth  and  light  to  the 
mercy,  hope,  benevolence),  because  they  both  try  to 
despondent, worship him.  
help the less fortunate. On occasion these two powers 
Pelorʹs worship has changed slightly since the end 
will  work  together  to  help  the  greater  good.  This  is 
of the Greyhawk Wars. Previously, most people across 
especially  easy  since  Zodal  also  has  his  realm  on 
the  Flanaess  regarded  Pelor  as  a  gentle  and  peaceful 
Elysium’s first layer as well. 
deity  whose  clerics  helped  the  sick  and  needy. 
Pelorʹs largest concern is towards those deities and 
However,  during  the  Greyhawk  Wars,  people  turned 
their  servants  that  employ  darkness  or  try  to  destroy 
to  the  wrathful  aspect  of  his  personality,  as  Pelorʹs 
life. He has a particular hatred for undead of all kinds 
radiance  drives  out  the  great  darkness  that  seems  to 
and attempts to seek them out and destroy them.  
have befallen the land. Pelor is looked upon as a tower 
The Sun Father’s greatest enemy is Nerull (greater 
of  strength  beaming  with  goodness.  This  is  exhibited 
deity  of  death,  darkness,  murder,  underworld), 
by  the  cult  of  Mayaheine  (demi‐god  of  protection, 

Volume II, Issue 16

because he represents the opposite of everything Pelor  high summer is always in season. Many people believe 
stands for and finds good in the multiverse. Incabulos  that  they  are  on  Krigilla,  the  first  layer  of  the 
(greater deity of plagues, sickness, famine, nightmares,  Beastlands,  and  not  Elysium  until  they  see  the  tamed 
drought, disasters) is also greatly despised because he  nature  of  the  land.  A  section  of  the  River  Oceanus 
brings sickness and famine to the people, which Pelor  branches off from the main body of the river and flows 
tries to cure. The Lord of Pestilence’s alliance with  The  through  this  realm.  The  branch  eventually  loops  back 
Reaper  is  also  another  reason  for  Pelorʹs  repugnance  to the River Oceanus and cuts the realm into sections. 
towards these two abominations of evil.   These sections comprise mainly agricultural endeavors 
Tharizdun (intermediate deity of eternal darkness,  by  the  people  that  live  in  the  realm.  The  banks  of  the 
decay,  entropy,  malign  knowledge,  insanity)  is  river  are  dotted  with  small  villages  of  petitioners  and 
considered  an  enemy  as  well,  but  since  his  planar  followers  of  The  Shining  One.  These  planar 
imprisonment,  Pelor  has  not  had  to  worry  too  much  followers  include:  assimon  of  all  types,  many 
about  him.  But  Pelor  does  take  an  active  role  in  guardinals and a few quasars, humans, elves, halflings 
making  sure  that  Tharizdun  stays  where  he  is  right  and  assimar  as  well  as  good  aligned  flying  creatures. 
now.  The  multiverse  is  a  much  better  place  with  The  The  constant  light  of  the  realm  has  rejuvenating 
Destroyer out of the way. Wee Jas (intermediate deity  properties  in  it.  Any  time  a  creature  helps  another  in 
of magic, death, vanity, law) is the least loathed of all  need,  the  light  that  bathes  this  realm  will  heal  the 
the  evil  powers  of  Oerth,  but  because  she  controls  charitable individual for 1d8 points.  
undead  forces,  Pelor  counts  her  as  an  enemy  as  well.  Pelor  spends  his  time  flying  on  a  great  ki‐rin, 
Pyremius  (lesser  deity  of  fire,  poison,  murder)  is  accompanied by a flight of eagles, searching out those 
detested  because  of  his  carefree  attitude  towards  life,  in  need.  The  petitioners  of  this  realm  will  aid  any 
something  Pelor  cannot  stand.  Xan  Yaeʹs  (lesser  deity  traveler  that  passes  through.  They  will  see  to  the 
of  twilight,  shadows,  stealth,  mental  power)  power  medical attention of any creature that has goodness in 
over  twilight  and  shadows  annoys  Pelor  as  well. This  their  hearts.  Everyone  is  expected  to  help  their 
is a corruption of his gift of sunlight and He is irritated  neighbors  as  well  as  strangers  in  times  of  need  or 
by  such  a  use  of  his  power.  Vecna  (demi‐god  of  crisis. 
destruction,  evil  secrets)  and  Kyuss  (hero  deity  of   
creation  and  mastery  of  undead)  are  both  reviled  for  Pelor's Avatar (Priest 35)
their  undead  nature.  Each  has  created  numerous  Pelorʹs  avatar  appears  as  a  middle‐aged  human  male 
undead servitors and brought great darkness to Oerth.    with  exceptional  looks.  His  flowing  blond  hair,  beard 
Iuz  (demi‐god  of  deceit,  pain,  oppression,  evil)  has  and mustache appear to be made of pure light dancing 
recently been added to Pelorʹs list of enemies since the  in  the  wind  like  sea  grass  in  the  ocean  current.  His 
time  of  the  Greyhawk  Wars.  The  great  amount  of  avatar  has  a  muscular  yet  thin  body  with  slender 
suffering that was caused by the Old One’s armies and  hands. His soft golden colored face, sapphire eyes and 
the  excessive  number  of  undead  employed  in  his  soothing  voice  reveal  a  compassionate  man  with  a 
tactics  has  outraged  Pelor  immensely.  All  these  evil  gentle demeanor.  
deities  are  considered  perversions  and  Pelor  does  Pelor  wears  a  suit  of  golden  chain  mail  armor, 
everything within his power to see them fall.   known  as  Radiant  Glow  that  reflects  the  rays  of  the 
Pelor also has an ongoing feud with Pholtus of the  sun. Pelor also carries Solar Vigor and Luminous Orb, 
Blinding Light (intermediate deity of light, resolution,  a  golden  longsword  and  shield  with  him  at  all  times. 
law,  order,  inflexibility,  sun,  moons).  Because  of  These  items  (armor,  sword  and  shield)  have  been 
Pholtusʹs  unyielding  ways,  he  has  made  it an  issue to  rumored  to  been  made  by  the  greatest  skilled  good 
challenge  Pelor  for  the  title  of  sun  god  of  Oerth  and  deities  of  the  forge  from  the  essence  of  the  Quasi‐
will not back down. This rivalry has not turned into an  Elemental Plane of Radiance. In combat he will employ 
all  out  battle,  but  time  could  spark  this  into  a  larger  these  extraordinary  items  with  deadly  force  showing 
conflict.  mercy only to those that request it. All undead and evil 
Pelorʹs realm is known as Lightʹs Blessing and can  lower planar creatures are extremely susceptible to the 
be  found  on  Amoria,  the  first  layer  of  Elysium.  A  overwhelming  force  of  light  and  goodness  that  the 
perpetually  cloudless  sky  allows  constant  sunlight  to  avatar of Pelor exudes. Any of these creatures that get 
bathe  this  huge  realm  of  rolling  hills,  meadows  and  within  30  feet  of  the  avatar  will  suffer  2d6  points  of 
woodlands.  The  bright  sun  is  always  in  the  noon  damage every round with no save.  
position  making  it  warmer  in  this  realm  than  the  rest   
of Elysium. It appears from the plant and wildlife that  AC ‐8; MV 15; HP 240; THAC0 3;   #AT 1 

Oerth Journal

DMG: 1d8 + 15  (long sword)  The Church

MR: 95%; SZ   M   (6ʹ)  Clergy:  Clerics (70%), Specialty Priests (30%) 
STR: 24  DEX: 19  CON: 18  INT: 20  WIS: 22  CHA: 20  
Alignment:  Any good 
Spells: P & W 
Turn Undead:  C: Yes, at priest level +1; 
Saves: PPDM 2 , RSW 2 , PP 2 , BW 2 , Sp 2 
SP: Yes, at priest level +1. 
Command Undead:  C: No, SP: No 
Special Att/Def: Pelor is completely immune to all 
forms  of  light‐based  magic  like  prismatic  spray, 
All  priests  of  Pelor  receive  the  healing  and  religion 
continual  light,  etc.;  energy  reducing  magic  like  an 
proficiencies free of charge. They are required to learn 
undeadʹs  touch,  enervation,  etc.;  evil  necromantic 
herbalism and cooking, but receive no penalties due to 
magic  like  vampiric  touch,  harm,  etc.;  and  from 
class. Clerics and specialty priests can turn undead as 
sensory  deprivation  magic  like  darkness,  blindness, 
if they were 1 level higher. The clergy of Pelor is made 
up  primarily  of  humans  with  a  few  elves,  half‐elves 
He is able to cast priest spells from all spheres and 
and halflings rounding out the church.  
wizard  spells  that  deal  with  light  or  strength.  These 
Pelorʹs  clericy  is  probably  one  of  the  most  wide 
include the power word and prismatic spells. Pelor can 
spread throughout all the Flanaess. A temple or shrine 
also cast bolts of pure light every round, which causes 
to  the  Great  Source  can  be  found  in  every  city,  town, 
2d10 points of damage to most creatures (no save) and 
village or  port  of  the  non‐evil  nations of  the  Flanaess. 
burns  undead  and  lower  planar  creatures  for  4d10 
A  token  shrine  or  temple  can  be  found  in  the 
points of damage, no save but magic resistance counts.  
ʺreligiousʺ  districts  of  the  larger  cities,  but  most 
In melee combat, Pelor wears Radiant Glow, which 
temples are usually found in the poorer sections.  This 
acts  like  chain  mail  +5  with  a  special  ability  to  emit  a 
is  where  the  priests  spend  most  of  their  time  and 
glowing  sphere  of  light  equal  in  intensity  to  the  sun. 
resources and the temples are usually the center point 
Any creature within 100 feet and gazing at Pelor when 
for impoverished areas. Pelorʹs priests are best known 
he  makes  this  attack  must  make  a  save  vs.  breath 
for  their  work  with  the  poor  and  sick.  The  priests 
weapon  or  be  permanently  blinded  by  the  beams. 
travel  around  the  countryside  and  city  ghettos 
Even  a  continual  darkness  spell  will  not  protect  the 
bringing food, healing and aid to those that require it. 
viewer.  His  weapon,  Solar  Vigor,  acts  like  a 
The common  people consider the priests as saviors of 
combination  dancing  sword  and  vorpal  sword,  while 
the downtrodden and less fortunate.  
Luminous  Orb  acts  like  a  large  shield  +5  with  the 
Since the end of the Greyhawk Wars, reliance and 
power  of  an  explosive  light  burst  similar  to  an  attack 
need  for  charity  has  been  great.  With  so  many 
from a double strength wand of illumination. Pelor can 
displaced peoples and those that suffered tragic losses 
only be hit by +3 or better weapons. 
in the numerous battle campaigns, the clericy has been 
spread  quite  thin  in  recent  years.  The  upkeep  of  the 
Other Manifestations temples and shrines in the ʺreligiousʺ districts has been 
Pelor  sometimes  disguises  himself  as  an  average 
lax,  as  the  clerics  spend  most  of  their  time  helping 
looking  middle‐aged  human  male  with  blond  hair,  so 
others  and  not  worrying  about  the  state  of  their 
that he can walk among the common folk and use his 
churches. This gives the appearance of neglect, but the 
healing abilities on the poor and infirm. Occasionally a 
people  realize  that  the  priests  of  Pelor  are  spending 
person  will  hear  a  story  of  a  charitable  stranger  who 
their  time  and  money  on  them  and  not  a  building. 
came  to  town,  gave  all  he  had  while  taking  no 
Instead of fixing the churches, money is being spent on 
payment  in  return,  and  then  just  vanished.  These 
converting  the  temples  into  soup  kitchens,  hospitals 
stories are rumored to refer to Pelor. 
and  orphanages.  Only  a  small  section  is  left  in  each 
temple  for  the  priests  to  hold  services  to  the  Great 
Source. This determination to help the common people 
has  been  noticed  and  many  people  have  joined  the 
faith. When space is not available in the ʺtemplesʺ, the 
priests  get  permission  from  the  local  authorities  to 
convert  abandoned  buildings  into  overflow  centers. 
These  are  becoming  the  major  centers  of  worship  for 

Volume II, Issue 16

The  temples  that  do  remain  in  service  are  very  but  have  an  inner  strength  that  never  allows  them  to 
unimpressive.  They  are  usually  a  stone  or  wooden  give  up.  When  most  other  people  are  abandoning  a 
structure  painted  bright  yellow  with  a  wooden  roof  situation, these priests remain in the thick of it to help 
that  can  be  opened  up  to  allow  natural  sunlight  to  those in great need.  
enter  during  the  day.  If  this  is  not  possible,  large  The  clergy  is  ordered  by  the  following  titles, 
reflectors are used to bring sunlight into the interior of  representing the different intensities of light that push 
the  temple,  where  they  are  bounced  into  a  polished  back  the  darkness  of  evil  and  ignorance  as  the  priest 
metal  ceiling,  giving  the  illusion  of  bright  daylight  progresses  along  the  path  to  greater  enlightenment, 
inside  the  temple.  The  interior  walls  are  also  painted  charitable  heart  and  stronger  will.  Titles  are  broken 
with  the  same  bright  yellow  color  as  the  exterior,  into  four  categories.  Novices  (0‐Level)  of  Pelor  are 
brightening the atmosphere of the temples. The altar is  called  Wicks.  Priests  of  1st  to  5th  level  are  known  as 
always  made  from  polished  metal  that  glows  in  the  Glows.  The  proper  way  of  addressing  the  priest  is 
sunlight.  The  only  lavish  aspect  of  the  church  is  a  ʺGlowing  Brother  or  Sister  (name  here)ʺ.  Priests  of  6th 
stained glass window behind the altar that depicts the  to 10th level are known as Beams {ʺBeaming Brother or 
Mighty  Healer  in  full  glory.  Special  sets  of  reflectors  Sister  (name  here)ʺ}.  Priests  of  11th  to  13th  level  are 
are  placed  so  that  sunlight  is  always  shining  through  known  as  Luminous  Healer  {Luminous  Healer  (name 
the stained glass window and reflecting off of the altar.  here)}. And a priest of 14th level or higher is referred to 
Natural  shires  can  be  found  in  many  places  as Mighty Sun {Mighty Sun (name here)}. The head of 
throughout the Flanaess, especially near poor villages.  the  clergy  is  whoever  happens  to  be  the  highest  level 
These  shrines  are  always  found  in  open  areas  where  priest  in  the  church.  They  are  known  as  the  ʺHis  (or 
sunlight  is  plentiful.  The  shrines  are  identified  by  the  Her)  Prismatic  Radiance,  the  Mighty  Healing  Father 
stone  altar  that  is  covered  with  a  yellow  cloth  and  a  (or Mother) of Light and Goodness.  
polished metallic plate or bowl on the top. A cleric or  Dogma: Shine brightly so that evil may be pushed 
follower  of  Pelor  usually  watches  over  the  shrine  to  away from your radiant strength. The light of purpose 
ask for contributions to the poor. Those that donate are  shall save thee. Give everything you have to the poor, 
given a blessing and if a cleric is present, the donator is  infirm,  starving  and  homeless  as  an  example  of 
healed of any ailment that the priest is able to remedy,  selflessness. No good deed goes without reward. Only 
as long as they are not evil.  through  the  light  of  day  can  all  be  seen  as  it  truly 
Clerics  are  responsible  for  the  upkeep  of  the  should  be.  Bring  this  warming  light  to  those  that  feel 
temples  and  shrines.  During  these  trying  times,  there  left in the cold. 
are  only  a  token  number  of  clerics  to  be  found  in  the  Day‐to‐day activities: Help the poor, heal the sick, 
ʺreligiousʺ  district  temples  because  most  are  in  the  feed  the  hungry,  collect  alms  from  the  rich  to  give  to 
soup  kitchens,  orphanages  and  makeshift  hospitals.  the  less  fortunate.  The  priests  run  the  homeless 
The  few  that  remain  go  door  to  door  amongst  the  shelters,  soup  kitchens  and  hospitals.  Their  major 
richer  sections  of  cities,  towns  and  villages  to  ask  for  duties  are  to  comfort  the  sick  and  bring  the  light  of 
alms for the poor. The clerics are also known to stand  truth  to  those  around  them.  Priest  lead  by  example, 
near  the  busier  sections  of  town  and  take  up  and  the  goodness  and  inner  strength  they  show  is 
collections for the poor. When not asking for alms, the  what  brings  new  members  to  the  faith.  This  is  how 
priests  remain  quiet,  kindly  people,  but  will  always  they preach, by doing good deeds and celebrating the 
carry  a  weapon  of  some  type.  In  these  difficult  times,  warming light of Pelor. 
people are known to take advantage of the priests and  Important  Ceremonies:  Services  to  Pelor  involve 
attempt to rob them of their charity money.   hymn  singing,  communal  prayer,  and  the  dispensing 
Specialty  priests  are  responsible  for  traveling  of  alms  to  the  needy  (and  the  collection  of  alms  from 
outside the ʺnormalʺ areas and helping the needy, sick  the well‐to‐do). The 1st of Readying is the Festival of St. 
and poor in the many diverse areas of the Flanees. The  Bane.  This  day  has  particular  significance  because  of 
specialty  priests  usually  concentrate  their  efforts  in  Pelorʹs hatred for undead, and as a token all attempts 
hard  to  reach  or  far  away  locations  where  the  need  to  turn  undead  are  made  at  +1.  Priests  usually  go  to 
may  be  great.  During  the  Wars,  these  priests  spent  areas  of  known  hauntings  and  attempt  of  remove  the 
most of their time on the front lines helping those that  evil blight.  
were  wounded  in  battle  or  forced  to  flee  their  homes.  The 4th of Richfest (Midsummer Day) is the holiest 
Because  of  the  constant  danger,  many  priests  did  not  day of the year. Being the longest sun filled day of the 
survive  their  valiant  efforts  to  comfort  the  wounded  year, clerics of Pelor celebrate by renewing their vows 
and  sick.  These  specialty  priests  are  not  only  selfless, 

Oerth Journal

and  indoctrinating  new  members  into  the  Church  of  single  open  hand  holding  a  golden  orb  and  Mighty 
the Great Source.   Sunʹs have a single clenched fist inside in a golden orb. 
The  7th  of  Readyʹreat  is  the  Festival  of  Hope.  This  The  head  of  the  church  wears  a  multi‐colored  set  of 
day  is  set  aside  for  the  priests  to  hear  the  petitions  of  robes  and  a  shiny  golden  helm  during  official 
common  people  and  the  plights  that  they  suffer.  ceremonies  and  yellow  robes  with  multi  colored 
Priests  are  dispatched  to  help  these  poor  people  in  trimming  at  all  other  times.  A  pair  of  open  hands 
their time of need and specialty priests take on quests  inside a golden orb with 8 multi‐colored rays shooting 
to route out evil or undead.  off  in  the  direction  of  the  major  compass  points  is 
Major  Centers  of  Worship:  Temples  and  shrines  emblazed over the heart on the robes of the head of the 
can  be  found  in  the  poor  sections  of  every  city,  town,  church. 
village and port in non‐evil lands of the Flanaess. The  Adventuring  Garb:    Golden  chain  mail  or  yellow 
larger  the  city,  the  greater  the  presence  but  there  is  a  dyed leather armor are preferred by the more militant 
fair  representation  in  most  areas  of  Oerth.  Being  the  followers.  Robes,  cloaks  and  regular  clothes  are 
sun  god,  Pelor  is  worshiped  most  often  on  days  that  preferred  by  the  followers  most  interested  in  healing. 
offer clear skies.  Carrying  a  shield  is  optional,  but  it  will  have  a  great 
Affiliated  Orders:  The  Brothers  and  Sisters  of  sun emblazoned upon it. The most important aspect of 
Mercy  (affiliated  with  priests  of  Zodal)  run  the  soup  any  non‐priestly  attire  is  that  there  must  always  be 
kitchens and orphanages in the established towns and  yellow in the outfit. It doesnʹt matter if it is a hat, scarf, 
villages. This group is made up of rogues, priests and  or  shoes  but  the  priest  must  wear  a  yellow  article  of 
followers interested in helping the less fortunate.   clothing that is easily seen by casual observation.  
The  Order  of  Healers  run  the  hospitals  in  these   
towns  as  well,  but  they  also  venture  forth  into  the  Specialty Priests (Illuminators)
countryside  to  aid  the  sick.  This  group  is  primarily  Requirements:  Strength 14, Wisdom 14 
made  up  of  specialty  priests  and  followers  proficient 
Prime Req:  Strength, Wisdom 
in healing. They gained wide renown during the Wars 
Alignment:  NG 
and  are  the  most  recognized  part  of  the  Church  of 
Weapons:  flail,  mace,  morningstar,  staff, 
Pelor.  This  also  makes  them  the  least  represented 
because  they  took  the  greatest  losses  from  the  evil 
Armor:  Leather or chain 
creatures  that  would  attack  them  as  the  combed  the 
Major Spheres:  All,  Charm,  Creation,  Elemental 
battlefields for wounded.  
(Air),  Guardian,  Healing, 
The  Knights  of  Mighty  Light  consists  of  specialty 
Necromantic, Protection, Sun 
priests,  fighters  and  rogues.  This  is  a  relatively  new 
Minor Spheres:  Divination,  Elemental  (Fire), 
organization  in  the  church  of  Pelor.  This  group  has 
Summoning, Wards 
two  missions:  destroy  evil  and  undead  wherever  it 
Magical Items:  As priests (wand of illumination) 
hides itself and protect the Order of Healers. Since the 
wars,  the  need  for  healers  has  increased  because  of  Req. Profs:  Herbalism, Cooking 
poor  sanitation;  diseases  introduced  from  foreign  Bonus Profs:  Healing, Religion 
countries  and  diminished  food  supplies.  The  Knights   
have pledged themselves to protect the Healers as they  ™ At  1st  level,  all  healing  spells  do  at  least  median 
seek out wounded on the battlefields or wherever they  healing  (5  hp  for  cure  light  wounds,  9  hp  for  cure 
may  go.  Their  second  mission  is  to  destroy  evil  serious  wounds,  16  hp  for  cure  critical  wounds,  heal 
everywhere.  Since  Iuz  has  created  a  large  force  of  cures  all  but  1‐2  hp);  priests  gain  a  +2  to  saves  vs. 
undead to serve in his army, the Knights have made it  all  ʺevilʺ  necromantic  spells  (i.e.:  spectral  hand, 
their duty to locate these forces and bring the burning  vampiric  touch,  contagion,  enervation,  finger  of  death, 
light of Pelor upon these unholy creations. Members of  etc.);  and  all  priests  are  considered  to  be  one  level 
the Knights are quite extreme in their views and have  higher when attempting to turn undead 
no tolerance for those that deal with undead or wish to  ™ At  3rd  level,  the  priest  can  automatically  cast 
harm innocent people with darkness and evil.  continual light a number of times equal to their level 
Priestly  Vestments:  All  clerics  wear  yellow  robes,  without  losing  or  sacrificing  a  slot  for  any 
gold‐trimmed  for  specialty  priests.  Glows  have  a  memorized spells 
golden  orb  emblazed  over  their  hearts,  Beams  have  a  ™ At  5th  level,  the  priest  automatically  saves  vs. 
golden  orb  with  4  rays  shooting  forth  in  the  direction  spells  that  deprives  them  of  sight  (darkness, 
of the major compass points, Luminous Healers have a  blindness, etc.) 

Volume II, Issue 16

™ At  7th  level,  the  priest  can  cast  strength  on  6d8  points  of  damage.  The  material  components  are 
themselves (1/day) {W2}  the priest’s holy symbol and a prism. 
™ At  9th  level,  the  priest  can  cast  fly  on  themselves   
(1/day) {W3}  Glow of Life
™ At 10th level, the priest is allowed a saving throw  7th Level  
to  escape  level  loss  from  an  undead.  Priests  must  Range:  10 yards 
make  a  straight  save  vs.  breath  weapon  (no  Components:  V, S 
magical  plusses)  to  avoid  the  level  drain  (melee  Duration:  1 round / level 
damage is still incurred regardless of save)  Casting Time:  1 turn 
™ At  12th  level,  the  priest  can  cast  fire  shield  on  Area of Effect:  30‐foot sphere 
themselves (1/day)   Saving Throw:  Special 
™ At  14th  level,  the  priest  can  cast  prismatic  spray   
(1/week)     This  spell  opens  a  temporary  portal  to  the 
  Positive  Energy  Plane  and  creates  a  sphere  of  golden 
Pelor's Spells light  that  bathes  creatures  with  a  healing  glow.  The 
Vigor light that shines through heals all those within the area 
4th Level   of  effect  for  2d6  points  each  round  as  well  as  curing 
Range:  0  diseases  and  neutralizing  poisons  after  one  round  in 
Components:  V, S, M  the  light.  Creatures  that  stay  within  the  area  of  effect 
Duration:  1 day / level  after reaching full hit points will be able to retain these 
Casting Time:  1 turn  extra  points  for  2d10  turns  after  leaving  the  spell’s 
Area of Effect:  1 creature / level  influence.  But,  any  creature  that  gains  more  than 
Saving Throw:  None  double their normal maximum hit points will explode 
  ‐‐  their  bodies  consumed  by  the  enormous  amount  of 
This spell enables the priest to help the sick and infirm  positive energy they absorbed. The resulting explosion 
feel  better.  This  special  blessing  relieves  the  suffering  will  end  the  spell  as  well  as  cause  6d4  +  24  points  of 
of  numerous  creatures  by  numbing  them  to  the  pain  damage  to  all  those  within  a  30‐foot  radius  of  the 
and  relieving  the  symptoms  of  their  illnesses.  While  sphere  when  it  explodes,  save  vs.  breath  weapon  for 
under  the  influence  of  this  spell,  creatures  can  act  half damage. Any creatures connected to the Negative 
normally as if they were healthy. This spell also heals  Material  Plane  (such  as  undead)  will  be  utterly 
the  affected  creatures  for  1d4  points.  The  material  destroyed if they enter the sphere. 
components  are  the  priest’s  holy  symbol  and  holy 
Sun Strike
5th Level  
Range:  80 yards 
Components:  V, S, M 
Duration:  Instantaneous 
Casting Time:  8 
Area of Effect:  10‐foot  radius  by  20‐foot  high 
Saving Throw:  ½ 
This  spell  creates  a  glowing  column  of  blinding  light 
that  burns  those  caught  within  its  area.  The  column 
will  cause  anyone  within  it  to  suffer  6d4  points  of 
damage  with  a  save  vs.  Spell  for  half.  Those  that  fail 
the  save  by  more  than  6  are  also  blinded  for  1d6 
rounds  from  the  light.  Undead  and  Lower  Planar 
creatures  are  more  susceptible  to  this  spell  and  incur 

Obedience realized the threat to the Brotherhood that Wastri
     presented and he acted quickly. Proclaiming Wastri a traitor
and heretic, he sentenced him, and any who would join him,
" +, , to death. A clash between the Brotherhood and the forces of
Wastri ensued, and pitched battle raged in Kro Terlep and the
  surrounding areas for nearly a month. In the end Wastri was
forced off of the Tilvanot Highlands, and he and those
By Russell S. Timm followers who still lived descended into the depths of the Vast
( Swamp to establish the temple complex known as the Sacred
Polystery, which was finished a few years later.
Wastri is in the infancy of his immortal status, having
Wastri ascended to full demipower status sometime in the early 570's
C.Y. It is known that Wastri was one of the nine demipowers
(The Hopping Prophet, Hammer of Demi- imprisoned beneath the Tower of Magic by another fellow
demipower, Zagyg the Mad. Based upon what is known of
this incident, it is speculated that when he was liberated
through means unknown, only then did Wastri emerge as a
Demi-Power of the Prime Material Plane
true demipower. Before this, it is assumed that Wastri was
Portfolio: Bigotry, Self-Deception, Amphibians
only a powerful mortal, or at most a quasi-diety. After his
Aliases: Wug'gi (bullywugs), Krabek (grung), Suujok
release, Wastri fled back to the Vast Swamp to reorganize his
followers and begin to plot revenge on Zagyg. Of course, the
Domain Name: Prime Material/The Sacred Polystery
fact that the Mad Archmage was partially responsible for
Superior: None
Wastri's new found power meant little to the Hammer of
Allies: None Demihumans; someone would pay for his outrageous
Foes: Zagyg, Trithereon, Corellon Larethian, Moradin imprisonment, and over the years the city that Zagyg built, the
Soulforge, Garl Glittergold, Yondalla the Provider, Beltar, Free City of Greyhawk, has suffered in his stead.
Lolth Wastri has been active in the few decades since his
Symbol: Grey Toad emergence from the ruins of Castle Greyhawk; He has
Wor. Align: LN, N, LE, NE, CE expanded his "congregation" and is worshipped by the
bullywugs as Wug'gi, a bizarre frog god, who encourages the
Wastri (WAS-tree) is a minor deity of unknown origin, bullywugs destructive behavior; Wastri also serves as the
and among humans is worshipped by slavers, certain monastic chief diety of the monotheistic grung in the form of Krabek,
orders, and those who have a hatred of demihumans. It is he who is portrayed as a large female grung, and Suujok among
who preaches the ultimate superiority of mankind, at the the grippli, who is a small female frog-like diety. Other dieties
expense of humanoids and demi-humans. In religious in the grippli pantheon include an evil snake god (Beltar) and
depictions, Wastri is typically portrayed in a manner similar spider goddess (Lolth).It is important to note that these
to his avatar form (see below). humanoids do not associate Wastri, the human diety, with
Although the origin of Wastri is shrouded in mystery their own dieties; this would not sit well with the grippli and
and rumor, some things have come to light within the past the bullywugs.
decade. This information is only known to a priveleged few, Wastri has no real allies, but in the short span as a
and was revealed by a high ranking member of the Scarlet demipower he has made some powerful enemies. The heads
Brotherhood.It seems Wastri once belonged to the now of the demihuman pantheons all oppose Wastri, though
infamous and secretive organization sometime in the early 6th collectively they do not consider him a serious threat to the
century C.Y. Although not overly bright, Wastri lacked little survival of any of the demihuman races in the Flanaess;
in ambition and discipline, and progressed through the ranks Wastri simply possesses neither the power or resources to
of the monastic order to assume some noteworthy status, but enact his agenda of genocide on a large scale. Among the
certainly nothing extraordinary. This changed as of Fireseek human powers, Trithereon is the most active in opposing the
546 C.Y., however, when Wastri returned from an expedition doings and tenets of the Hopping Prophet and encourages his
into the Vast Swamp after several years absence. Standing at clergy to actively remove the presence of the clergy of Wastri
the gates of Kro Terlep, he stood at the head of a large through either coercion or force. Anyone remotely associated
contingent of bullywugs, grung, and other batrachian with Zagyg is subject to death, including all the residents of
creatures, in addition to some humans. the Free City of Greyhawk. It is unknown whether Zagyg
Reading edicts from a thick tome of malign nature, the reciprocates this antipathy, but sentiment among religious
physically mutated Wastri preached his now familiar dogma scholars holds that it is unlikely. Lastly, Wastri has a growing
to the Brotherhood and finished by proclaiming himself the mutual antipathy with Beltar and especially Lolth. Wastri has
savior and guide of the not only the Suel, but of the whole no love of demihumans, including those of the Underdark,
human race. He then called upon the Father of Obedience to and has no respect for Lolth. The differences with Beltar may
step down as head of the Brotherhood and for all human stem from the Suel pantheons division over Law and Chaos,
citizens of Kro Terlep to join him or perish. The Father of
and relations between the two are also not helped by the fact Wastri can speak with any amphibian, and command
that both powers take affronts to themselves and their them as he wishes. He is able to summon any or all of the
followers very personally. following creatures, one per turn, once per week. The
creatures appear one round after being summoned;
Wastri's Avatar (Monk 20, Thief 10)
Wastri can often be found roaming the Vast Swamp in 10-40 bullywugs
and around the Sacred Polystery, hunting down any demi- 2-20 giant toads
humans unfortunate enough to cross his path. Wastri's 2-8 poisonous toads
primary avatar form is known as the Hopping Prophet. He 1-4 ice toads
appears as a well built, if not oddly proportioned, bald male
that has somehow mutated to become both less and more than These creatures are always the largest of their kind
human. He has a hunched gait, bulging eyes, and splotched (maximum hp) and are fearsome in combat (+1 to hit and to
skin, in addition to a plethora of warts. Wastri dresses in damage rolls).
parti-colored clothing of gray and dull yellow, wearing no Under usual conditions, Wastri is accompanied by the
armor, relying on his speed and evasive agility instead. He is Immaculate Image, three Greater Servants (Abbots, Fathers,
unmistakable due to his batrachian features and odd gait, a or Masters), a pair of Champions, and a pair of huge toads.
repulsive being with an odd croaking voice to match. Still, he
can move quickly enough and hop for considerable distance Other Manifestations
with ease and accuracy. Wastri, like most deities in the Flanaess, keeps his direct
The other avatar form of Wastri is that of a massive gray interactions with mortals limited, and therefore his avatar is
toad, well over 10' in length. This form has been referred to as not found outside the Vast Swamp. (Indeed, it is unknown
the Gray Maw, by a fortunate soul who was lucky enough to whether Wastri has ventured in avatar form outside of the
escape after seeing it. In either form, Wastri can cast spells Vast Swamp since his liberation in 570 C.Y.) Therefore, his
from any sphere, though he is highly unlikely to cast any priests and others are more likely to encounter his
spells while rampaging as the Gray Maw. manifestations, which most often are a chorus of croaking
frogs, which indicates displeasure or failure, or sometimes a
AC -3; MV 18 Hp 3 HP 129 THAC0 8 #AT 2 small gray toad, which may lead the priest somewhere or
DMG: 2d6 + 6 or 2d6+2 simply vanish. The most common manifestation, though, is a
MR: 50% SZ M (6') glowing red glaive-guisarme in the likeness of Vaktra, which
STR: 18 DEX: 22 CON: 19 INT: 10 WIS: 20 CHA: 2 (20 to may point a certain direction and then disappear, leading the
amphibians) priest on. Rarely, the manifestation may move towards the
Spells P: 12/12/11/10/7/5/2 weapon of the priest and merge with it; the weapon then
Saves: PPDM 2 , RSW 6 , PP 5 , BW 8 , Sp 7 either shatters (indicating displeasure, obviously), or begins to
glow with a red enchantment, which then fades in a few
Special Att/Def: Wastri's preferred method of attack is rounds. Such a weapon will then be permanently under the
to use Vaktra, his famous glaive-guisarme+4, a weapon that effect of an enchanted glaive spell, as if cast by the wielder.
has sent more than its share of demi-humans to the nether
regions. He especially enjoys catching and impaling THE CHURCH
demihumans with its long end spike. Wastri is also quite Clergy: Clerics (10%), Specialty Priests (45%), Crusaders
capable in unarmed combat, being the equivalent of a grand (45%)
master in martial arts and wrestling. Alignment: LN, LE
In addition to his normal attacks and spells, Wastri can Turn Undead: C: Yes ( if neutral) SP: No Cru: No
utter a croak that acts as a confusion spell upon all creatures Cmnd Undead: C: Yes ( if evil) SP: No Cru: No
within 40 feet who hear the sound, unless a successful save
vs. Spell is made. Wastri also can cast a warts enchantment All clergy of Wastri receive the Religion proficiency for
that covers the victim with huge, knobby warts unless a free. All clergy of Wastri can speak a secret language known
successful save vs. Spell is made. The warts make it difficult as Wastongue, which is only understandable by other
to grasp any weapon or other object (50% chance per round members of Wastri's priesthood.
to drop the weapon or object)and the victims Charisma drops All clergy are familiar with the use and creation of
to 3. The affected individual must also save vs. Paralysis poisons; all crusaders and some higher level clergy members
(mind affecting bonuses apply) or fall into a dejected state of know how to make a special poison only used by members of
hopelessness for 2-12 rounds. Finally, Wastri can cast a the faith and their servants.
dampness spell over an area of one square mile, lasting for a This poison is known as shukta, made from poisonous
duration of 5-60 rounds. The dweomer reduces the effective frog and grung skins, boiled at a low temperature with oils
range of archery, limits visibility to 60 yards, extinguishes and pitch from trees endogenous to the southern swamps of
normal fires, and reduces the effect of magical fires by 50%. Oerik. The end result is a clear sap that acts as a contact
Each of these spell-like powers can be used once per poison (onset 1 min, dmg 2-8/2-16). Each application is good
day. for a 6 hour period, or -6 strikes with the weapon, whichever
comes first. Although most priests do not use it, some clerics ascending order): Hunter, Slayer, High Slayer, Great Scourge,
have no compunctions about using it, and one will most Champion, Grand Warlord, and the High Holy Master of
definitely find it in the possession of a crusader of Wastri. Extinction (single highest level crusader of Wastri). Clerics
Wastri is not well known throughout the Flanaess, and are generally referred to as Brother or Sister, preceded by the
worship of Wastri is not common. It is mostly concentrated in title "Older" or "Younger", depending upon who is
and around the Vast Swamp, though it has supposedly spread addressing them.
to the Hool Marshes and possibly elsewhere, though this Dogma: Wastri is perfection. Strive to be like Wastri.
would most likely be in the southern regions of the Flanaess. Obey your superiors without question. They are closer to
Most places of worship are dim, dark and chilly, akin to perfection than you, and have the wisdom and experience you
monasteries with large developed underground complexes. lack. Instill discipline in yourself, even as others instill it in
Considering the history of Wastri, most of his worshipers are you, for only with great discipline may you achieve
Suel or at least partly so, though all humans are welcome into perfection. Respect all amphibians, for they are your brethren
his faith. Clergy members are known as Wastriggi, though among animals, and hold the secrets to perfection. Learn from
they are also known by less affectionate names by those who the toad and the frog, and emulate them; doing so you shall
do not venerate Wastri. In northern areas, Wastriggi have not progress in your own self evolution to the state of perfection
exactly endeared themselves to the common populace, but you seek.
they aren't considered a threat either; Something more akin to Humanoids are stupid, undisciplined, and inferior. They
misguided cultists or fringe lunatics. There have been isolated are only fit to serve humanity, but must be shown with force
instances where more militant Wastriggi have traveled north who are their masters, for the iron fist and the whip is all they
in campaigns of terror, but these are few and far between. On understand. Demi-humans are cunning and evil. They are
the other hand, some clergy have given a good name to jealous of humanity's destiny to rule all it purveys, and will do
themselves by acting as self appointed protectors of the all in their power to thwart you and Wastri. All demi-humans
human race, and striking out on forays against the likes of are to be slain on sight, and the extermination of demi-
drow. humankind is to be pursued until not one lives.
In the southern regions of the Flanaess, especially The premise of Wastri is simple, if not bizarre; Humans
bordering the Azure Sea, the story is completely different. are superior to all other sentient races. Humanoids are only fit
Here the presence of the Wastrian faith is more prevalent, and to serve the needs of humans, and demi-humans are only fit to
the clergy are better able to pursue their doctrines. The threat be slain - especially dwarves, gnomes, and halflings.
the Wastriggi represent is well appreciated, especially by the Amphibians, being superior to all other animals, are sacred to
demihumans of the area, who view the Wastriggi as they do the faith, and are to be held in esteem.
the Scarlet Brotherhood, just not as powerful, but far worse. Day-to-Day Activities: Wastriggi spend much of their
A special note should be made of the relationship time in reflective thought and concentration, in an effort to
between the Scarlet Brotherhood and Wastriggi. Although achieve perfection through discipline. All help to breed and
these two factions appear similar in nature, they are deadly maintain superior toads; it is rumored that some of these
enemies. Neither side has forgotten what transpired less than monsters appear remarkably human, just as some of Wastri's
50 years ago, and their geographical proximity doesn't help followers appear toad-like. Crusaders spend more time honing
matters. One will find that Brotherhood members are loathe to their martial abilities and combat tactics. They are often
enter the Vast Swamp unless in large numbers, and for good absent from their temples for weeks at a time, out hunting
reason. their species enemy, enemies of the faith, or monsters that
Specialty priests and the crusaders hold all the positions might threaten the temple. Clerics journey far and wide to
of power within the church heirarchy, and are generally recruit followers and acquire wealth, items, and knowledge
considered separate branches, though relations between the useable by the faith as a whole.
two are very good, and support each other well. Clerics of Holy Days/Important Ceremonies: Wastriggi have a
Wastri are left out in the cold in this regard, so many of them few important holidays and festivals which they celebrate.
are found in the more northern reaches of Wastrian worship, Ceremonies honoring Wastri involve sacrifices, strange
where they can make more of a name for themselves as musical instruments, and croaking chants. The first is the
adventurers. Festival of the Blood Moon,which occurs on the 11th of
Women are welcome in the Wastrian faith, but generally Coldeven. Known by the faith as Velvengluud, this holiday is
not as common as males; though there is the occasional cleric one in which all clergy are to set out on a great hunt,
and specialty priest, most woman are crusaders, who usually capturing demihumans and other enemies of the faith, and
have had a bad experience with demihumans in their past. sacrificing them to Wastri. Of note, lately the Wastriggi in the
Specialty priests are clad in gray, though some have southern Vast Swamp have been getting into violent clashes
yellow stoles that denote their rank, which is (in ascending with agents and forces of the Scarlet Brotherhood, and not a
order): Hopeful (dun clad), Least Servant, Acolyte, Adept, few have ended up on the altar the past few years.
Curate, Lesser Servant, Priest, Abbot, Father, Master (leader The 15th of Goodmonth is known to Wastriggi as
of a temple), and the Immaculate Image (single highest level Wuhdlok, or the Great Imprisonment. This marks the day in
specialty priest of Wastri). Crusaders wear yellow cloaks 563 C.Y. when Zagyg the Mad Archmage, imprisoned Wastri
inscribed with runes that denote their rank, which is (in in the Tower of Power, through "trickery, deceit, and
conspiracy from the powers of the universe itself", or so Armor: Any
Wastriggi are taught. This begins a mourning period of 7 Major Spheres: All, Combat, Guardian, Healing, Law, Wards
days, one for each year of imprisonment, in which all Minor Spheres: Protection, Necromantic
Wastriggi assume a state similar to hibernation. This is a Magical Items: As Crusader
greatly held secret, as many temples and strongholds are Req. Prof: None
highly vulnerable during this time (though not defenseless!). Bonus Prof: Tracking
The 10th of Harvester is known to Wastriggi as Hunter/Slayers are Crusaders with the following additions;
Mahdmagleeh, or the Day of Liberation, marking the day in  At 1st level, Hunter/Slayers can communicate with
570 C.Y. when Wastri was liberated from the Tower of all amphibians.
Power, through means unknown. This is a day of great
rejoicing, feasting and rest. During the evening, great  At 1st level, the crusaders are known as Hunters.
choruses of frog-like chants can be heard for miles as all Before progressing to 2nd level, a Hunter must
clergy gather to "sing" praise to Wastri. choose a demihuman race as his or her species
Major Centers of Worship: Certainly the largest and enemy; this is the same in all respects as a ranger's
most powerful temple is the complex known as the Sacred species enemy. The Hunter is now known as an
Polystery, the domain of Wastri himself, and lies deep within Elfhunter, Dwarfhunter, etc., depending on his
the Vast Swamp. Not a single living thing approaches within species enemy. The Hunter may not progress to 3rd
10 miles of the temple without Wastri knowing about it. level without killing a member of his or her species
There are other major temples rumored to exist in the Hool enemy, upon which he or she gains the title of
Marshes and Hepmonaland, as well as ruined temple Slayer, preceeded by his species enemy (Elfslayer,
complexes in the Gnatmarsh and even as far north as the Cold etc.)
Marshes.  Although Hunter/Slayers can wear any armor and
Affiliated Orders: Due to the bizarre nature of Wastri, use any weapon, there are definite preferences in
there are no knightly or military orders which are sponsored both areas. Certainly all crusaders are expected to
by, or that venerate, Wastri outside of those who are his learn the glaive-guisarme. As far as armor goes,
clergy. There are the rare members of other classes who serve since crusaders are, by and large, found slogging
Wastri, or who adventure with clerics of Wastri, though; through hot swampy areas on hunts, it would be very
These are generally nown as referred to by the title "Cousin" rare to see a crusader in anything heavier than
by the Wastriggi. chainmail. If they are in heavier armor, they are
Priestly Vestments: Priests and crusaders of Wastri are either defending a temple or en route to attack a
generally bald and clean shaven, regardless of sex. Priests fortified enemy stronghold (such as a dwarven
generally wear dun or gray loose fitting robes that allow fortress.)
freedom of movement, and sometimes wear sandals, though
most often will be seen barefooted. Crusaders are often found
in armor, and wear the yellow cloaks that denote their rank.
Specialty Priests (Batrachs)
Higher level priests wear gray and yellow robes, and also
Requirements: Dexterity 15, Constitution 12, Wisdom 9
wear yellow stoles during religious ceremonies and holidays.
Prime Req.: Dexterity, Wisdom
Clerics are generally found far from the major religious
Alignment: LN
centers and therefore dress appropriately for the society that
Weapons: All Hammers, Short Bow, Whip, Glaive-Guisarme,
they happen to be in. They may dress in garments of gray and
yellow during holidays, but otherwise look no different from
Armor: None
those around them.
Major Spheres: All, Animal, Charm, Elemental Earth,
Adventuring Garb: The various clergy are restricted in
Elemental Water, Plant, Summoning
terms of armor they can wear, but generally speaking
Minor Spheres: Combat, Divination, Healing, Necromantic
crusaders and clerics try to get the best armor available.
Magical Items: As Druid
Crusaders always wear yellow cloaks, but clerics may
Req. Prof: Swimming
generally wear whatever they desire; they usually have some
Bonus Prof: Survival (Swamps)
yellow or gray somewhere though, but otherwise are not
noticeably different from clerics of any other faith.  Batrachs must be human.
 Batrachs, and all clergy of Wastri, may use a Horn of
PRIESTS the Vast Swamp with no adverse effect.
 Although not allowed to wear armor, Batrachs are
Crusaders (Hunters/Slayers) similar to monks in their ability to avoid blows
through misdirection and positioning. To reflect this,
Requirements: As Crusader their base AC improves by 1 point at every even
Prime Req.: As Crusader level to a maximum base AC of 2 at 14th level. Their
Alignment: LE progression can also be observed in a strange
Weapons: Any hunched gait, that becomes more pronounced as
Batrachs advance in level. Also similar to monks, Sphere: Protection, Animal
Batrachs begin play as specialists in either martial Level: 2
arts or wrestling at 1st level, and progress in their Range: Touch
chosen skill a a monk; at 5th level, they are Components: V, S, M
considered a master, at 9th level, a high master, and Duration: 2rds. + 1 rd./level
at 13th level a grand master. Casting Time: 6
 At 1st level, Batrachs can communicate with all Area of Effect: 1 creature
amphibians. Saving Throw: None

 Beginning at 2nd level, Batrachs can blend into the A variant of the 2nd level priest spell barkskin , the
background as if wearing a ring of chameleon power, recipient of this spell develops a rough, knobby covering over
being effectively invisible at 10%/lvl, up to a his body similar to a toad. This lowers the base AC of the
maximum of 90% at 9th. This power takes a round recipient by 2 plus 1 point for every 3 levels of the caster. In
to use and the priest must be still and silent for this addition, the recipient receives a +2 to saves versus attack
power to be effective. forms which are physical in nature. This spell does not
 At 3rd level, Batrachs can pass without trace as a function with armor or any other form of magical protection.
druid through swamps and marshes. The material components of this spell are the caster's
holy symbol and a piece of skin from a toad.
 At 7th level, Batrachs can shapechange as a druid
into any batrachian creature, including giant or
monstrous variants (such as a fire toad), 2x/day. Enchanted Glaive
 At 10th level, Batrachs can cast confusion (P7)
1x/day. Sphere: Combat
Level: 3
Components: V, S, M
Leap of Faith Duration: 1 rd./level
(Alteration) Casting Time: 1 rnd
Area of Effect: Caster's weapon
Sphere: Combat Saving Throw: None
Level: 1 This spell enables the caster to temporarily enchant a
Range: Touch normal glaive guisarme (though there are rumors that other
Components: V,S,M non-magical weapons may be enchanted) into the equivalent
Duration: 1 rd./level of a magical weapon with a +1 bonus for every five levels of
Casting Time: 3 the caster. The enchantment is obvious, as it causes the blade
Area of Effect: Creature touched to glow with a red radiance, shedding light equivalent to a
Saving Throw: None torch. An additional bonus is the fact that due to Wastri's
blessing, the enchanted glaive inflicts double damage dice
Similar to the 1st level wizard spell jump, this spell upon all demihumans.
empowers the individual touched when the spell is cast to The material component of this spell is a non-magical
leap twice per round for the duration of the spell. Leaps can glaive, the caster's holy symbol, and a vial containing a
be up to 20 feet forward or straight up, but not backward; mixture of toad poison, the blood of a demihuman, and the
horizontal leaps have a minimum arc of about 2 feet for every spit of the priest, which is then applied to the blade.
ten feet traveled, but can have an arc as high as 45 degrees;
indeed this is often the case as priests of Wastri are taught a Wugla (Summon Holy Servants)
fighting style utilizing this spell consisting of a leap-strike- (Conjuration/Summoning)
leap away. When utilizing this style, the priest adds +3 to his Sphere: Summoning
initiative and attack and damage rolls are at +1; the priest then Level: 3
may leap away from the defender 3 segments after executing Range: Special
his attack. Components: V, S, M
The material component for this spell is a frog or toad Duration: 2 rds./level
leg, which is consumed by the priest. Casting Time: 6
Area of Effect: 15 yd radius
Wartskin Saving Throw: None
By means of this spell the caster conjures 1d6 gray-
skinned bullywugs which appear anywhere within the spells
area of effect, as desired by the caster. They attack the caster's
opponents to the best of their ability until he commands that Hachi Wugla (Divine Gift of Holy Servants)
the attacks cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters (Conjuration/Summoning)
are slain. These creatures do not check morale and vanish Sphere: Summoning
when the spell duration expires or when they are slain. If no Level: 6
opponents exist to fight, the summoned creatures can perform Range: Special
other duties if they are able. Components: V, S, M
The material components for this spell are the caster's Duration: 2 rds./level
holy symbol and a crushed gemstone worth at least 50 gp. Casting Time: 9
Area of Effect: 30 yd radius
Cander Wugla (Improved Summoning of Holy Saving Throw: None
(Conjuration/Summoning) By means of this spell the caster conjures 2d10 gray-
Sphere: Summoning skinned bullywugs and 1d8 gray giant poison toads which
Level: 4 appear anywhere within the spells area of effect, as desired by
Range: Special the caster. They attack the caster's opponents to the best of
Components: V, S, M their ability until he commands that the attacks cease, the
Duration: 2 rds./level spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These
Casting Time: 7 creatures do not check morale and vanish when the spell
Area of Effect: 20 yd radius duration expires or when they are slain. If no opponents exist
Saving Throw: None By means of this spell the caster to fight, the summoned creatures can perform other duties if
conjures 2d4 gray-skinned bullywugs and 1d3 gray giant they are able.
poison toads which appear anywhere within the spells area of The material components for this spell are the caster's
effect, as desired by the caster. They attack the caster's holy symbol and a crushed gemstone worth at least 500 gp.
opponents to the best of their ability until he commands that
the attacks cease, the spell duration expires, or the monsters Hutu Matha (Hopping Madness)
are slain. These creatures do not check morale and vanish (Enchantment/Charm)
when the spell duration expires or when they are slain. If no Sphere: Charm
opponents exist to fight, the summoned creatures can perform Level: 6
other duties if they are able. Range: Touch
The material components for this spell are the caster's Components: V, S, M
holy symbol and a crushed gemstone worth at least 100 gp. Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 9
Munder Wugla (Masterful Summoning of Holy Area of Effect: 1 creature
Servants) Saving Throw: Neg.
This aptly named and insidious spell is known to few
Sphere: Summoning
outside of the faith of Wastri, and is useable only by the
Level: 5
highest-level priests of that faith. If an individual is touched
Range: Special
by this spell and fails his saving throw vs. spells (mind-
Components: V, S, M
affecting bonuses apply); he is immediately ensorcelled and
Duration: 2 rds./level
charmed; He acts as if he were under a charm person spell
Casting Time: 8
(W1) with regard to the caster. As if this were not bad
Area of Effect: 25 yd radius
enough, the affected individual also is afflicted with a
Saving Throw: None
delusional insanity that he is a toad, a belief which slowly
develops over the course of the next six months.
By means of this spell the caster conjures 2d6 gray-
skinned bullywugs and 1d4 gray giant poison toads which
appear anywhere within the spells area of effect, as desired by The material components of this
the caster. They attack the caster's opponents to the best of
their ability until he commands that the attacks cease, the spell are the caster's holy
spell duration expires, or the monsters are slain. These
creatures do not check morale and vanish when the spell symbol and a vial containing
duration expires or when they are slain. If no opponents exist
to fight, the summoned creatures can perform other duties if
portions of a potion of delusion,
they are able.
The material components for this spell are the caster's
a philter of love, elixir of
holy symbol and a crushed gemstone worth at least 100 gp. madness, toad blood, and holy
water, which is broken on the
victim after casting.

   "gift of fate", had existed since the beginning of the Oerth,
but it was Xan Yae's revelation that allowed mankind to truly
tap its boundless power. Knowing that the development of
 ! the power was largely indiscriminate, she ordered her clergy
"  to take advantage of it, a task they set to with ambition and
by Erik Mona (
The Edel was confusing to the D'ai Shaton, for it
developed at random and very infrequently, to Baklunish,
Oeridians and even among the hated Suel, who even then

he relationship between gods and men among the
attempted to enslave their northern neighbors. Those found
remnants of the Baklunish Empire, as a whole, is
to be gifted, regardless of nationality, were usually
perhaps the most practical of all such veneration on
kidnapped and taken to the Mosque of Symmetry (located in
Oerth. Most Bakluni can be said to be truly
the heart of what would become the Dry Steppes), where
pantheistic, and though certain gods such as Al-Akbar and
they were taught to harness their power with secrets passed
the four elemental forces are probably the most widely
from the lips of the goddess herself. These new initiates were
honored of these beings, few hold such an enduring place in
labeled the Abid dal Xan, or "gifted of the mistress", and
the hearts of the Baklunish people as does Xan Yae, the
they soon rose to ranks of power within the D'ai Shaton.
Mistress of Perfection. As a physical and mental
personification of perfection, Xan Yae is seen as the ideal,
Several centuries later, when the chaos of civil war
the form for which all should strive.
within the empire consumed nearly a third of the D'ai Shaton,
the caliph of the time spent three days and nights in council
In this way, Xan Yae is considered the driving spirit
with her goddess, until a plan had been formulated to protect
of humanity. As legends tell, it was the Bakluni drive to gain
her followers from further violence. Weeks later, Xan Yae's
a sliver of her perfection that saw the inception of the
caliph personally chose several of the most able and fit of the
Baklunish Empire so very long ago, and, though the lands
D'ai Shaton to become a cadre of perfectly trained warriors.
are now largely fractured, she still stands as a marker against
She named them D'ai Shatain, and their training began on the
which all achievements are measured.
first official day of the restabilized empire.
Perhaps because Xan Yae has shared such a strong
With the help of the Abid dal Xan, the order
tie to the Bakluni, she has often directly intervened in their
developed a complicated weaponless combat known as
affairs. Though her manipulations are never overt, she has
Da'shon, falling hail. Since rain was sparse in the region, and
been known to favor the Bakluni over all the races of Oerth,
hail even less infrequent, the D'ai Shatain likened their forms
and has subtly aided their struggles in the past. On at least
to the unexpected powers of nature and the elements. As the
one occasion, this has brought firm reprimands from the
D'ai Shaton had long preached that weapons were a
other gods, and while she no longer enjoys personal visits
hindrance to the perfection of mankind, the development of
with her temporal caliphs, she is perhaps the most "active" of
Da'shon as a form of weaponless combat was essential, and
the Baklunish deities.
the order soon became renowned as deadly but honorable
protectors of the D'ai Shaton clerics. The Abid dal Xan were
Her clergy, the D'ai Shaton, are as old as the empire
seen as the perfect representation of Xan Yae's mental
itself, and have served in the capacity of official state
aspect, and now the D'ai Shatain were viewed as the perfect
religion (though the clergy of Al-Akbar currently enjoys such
representation of her physical aspect. Like the mentalists
a position) and arbiters of common law. As Xan Yae is
before them, these new fighting monks rose to positions of
acknowledged by the Bakluni as perfection incarnate, so are
power within the established clergy.
her clerics seen as nearly flawless specimens of humanity.
Such rapid advancement didn't sit well with all of
They are, of course, far from the true status of the
the members of the D'ai Shaton, specifically those among the
ideal exemplified by the Mistress of Perfection herself, but
Abid dal Xan who had come to expect certain promotions
their rigid adherence to her doctrines and veneration of her
within the clergy after a given amount of progress or service.
form has pleased her considerably, and Xan Yae has granted
The advent of an entirely new branch of the order changed
her caliphs several advantages over the enemies of the
the structure of the whole considerably, and it is highly likely
that many a qualified individual was passed up at this time in
favor of the more influential members of the D'ai Shatain.
One such gift is the Edel, the practice of controlling
Such occurrences bothered the mentalists, but all complaints
the ambient energies of the mind, which was said to have
were met with the same cold response.
been revealed to the D'ai Shaton nearly a millennia before
the first battles of the great war with the Suel. The Edel, or

The Caliph was indeed great, some of the Abid dal army. It seemed as though the Suelite Imperator, having long
Xan stressed, but can she read the thoughts of another? Is she ago used the land to its maximum potential, held it now only
able to lift objects with a simple thought? How could she not as a favor for some small and largely insignificant lordling.
have foreseen the destruction that ushered in the new age of In an effort to increase his status within the empire, that
the Baklunish Empire? Many among those bearing the Edel lordling had harbored heretics of the Baklunish Empire.
had warned the Caliph of the oncoming danger, but she had
ignored them. Was it possible that the Mistress' one chosen Seeing the tense situation at risk here while
representative on Oerth could be so imperfect? Within a appreciating the strategic value of the Jafel (mental powers
decade, nearly half of the Abid dal Xan looked upon the rarely developed amongst the Suel), the Suel Imperator
Caliph, and her D'ai Shatain, with contempt. offered a full company of soldiers to the petty noble. The
Abid dal Xan, scrying from their monasteries to the north,
The first among the Abid dal Xan to abandon the discovered with horror that, once they had organized in the
D'ai Shaton brought worried looks from the Caliph's nearby Suel city of Pardos, this company would be difficult
advisors. The man, one Daiid, had been one of the greatest to overcome. The Bakluni needed a small strike force if a
trainers among the psions. He had used the original teachings full-scale war was to be averted.
of the mistress herself and expanded them in creative and
highly successful ways. Though the lifestyle of the entire Relations between the Bakluni and Suel had
order could best be described as acetic, Daiid had been a worsened considerably in the previous centuries, and open
celebrity within the D'ai Shaton. When three lesser trainers warfare was a regular, if half-hearted, occurrence. The newly
likewise left the order, the Caliph herself was said to have established Padishah-Kings understood the significance of
spent the better part of a week attempting to contact her the Jafel's treason, and wished to act quickly. They conferred
patron. She was, however, unsuccessful, and the following with the elemental Mage-Priests and, at the Caliph's
year saw almost a third of the Abid dal Xan across the suggestion, decided to send the D'ai Shatain against the Jafel
empire follow Daiid's example. The Caliph had their names and their Suel handlers.
read aloud in the Mosque of Symmetry, and she branded
each individual an infidel, Jafel, and called for their capture. Only one monastery to Xan Yae existed within a
week's ride of the Suel state, but it sent its full complement
The year, as the Bakluni measured them, was 2143. of perfect warriors. All told, 38 men, under the wise
Things would not improve. command of Zuoken, a full master of Da'shon, rode south to
confront the Jafel and their twisted controller. When they
The Suel, still bitter over the internal squabbles that arrived, however, they learned of a horrible deception.
had seen their best chance at Bakluni conquest pass them by,
looked upon the Jafel and smiled. Many of the Jafel fell in The Jafel were among the most powerful and
with neighboring Suel nobility and, for a price, conducted promising of the Abid dal Xan, and their independence from
psychic espionage on the Baklunish Empire. Certainly not all Xan Yae's instructions had allowed them to experiment with
of the Jafel defected so, and it is known that this information their powers in new and dangerous ways. When the D'ai
brought some three score of the heretics crawling back on Shatain arrived at the outskirts of the capital town of the Suel
their knees, begging the Caliph for forgiveness. History does state, they realized that one of the infidels had used her
not record their fate. power to confuse the Abid dal Xan's spies. The Imperial
Company did not ready in Pardos, for they were already at
Magical scrying had long been used by both the their destination! Perhaps worst of all, Daiid himself stood at
Suel and the Bakluni. Indeed, it was a popular theory in the the head of the assembly. Disheartened by this development,
southern empire that the Abid dal Xan existed solely for the Zuoken nonetheless ordered his small retinue ahead and,
purpose of espionage, though this was staunchly denied by without a single weapon between them, the D'ai Shatain of
the D'ai Shaton. As the situation developed, it appeared as Sefin Monastery confronted the Suel host.
though little could be done to staunch the oncoming flow of
horrible violence. Finally, pressed into action by the The battle lasted nearly a full day and, at the end,
circumstance that surrounded them, the D'ai Shaton ordered Zuoken stood alone amongst great carnage. He had survived
certain of the Abid dal Xan to probe into the affairs of their a thousand cuts and twice as many blows. It seemed indeed
southern neighbors. that he had been favored by the Mistress of Perfection
herself. Others in his company had fought well, too, but none
The state into which the Jafel had fled was one of lived to see the following morning. Zuoken returned to the
the northern holds of the Suel people and, while technically Mosque of Symmetry to much aplomb. He met with his
considered a border front, its land had been overfarmed and brothers and sisters of the D'ai Shatain and told them of a
its forests cut to the stumps. It was a veritable wasteland message he had received from Xan Yae herself. He was to
which, for whatever reason, held a remarkably small standing travel to the Dramidj Ocean without boat or weapon,

whereupon he would receive further instruction. He told Tsing-Chu, and even amongst the Changa of the south,
them of his battle, of his reliance upon Da'shon and the aid of though little is known and still less can be proven.
Xan Yae. He told them that he would return in 38 nights.

In the weeks that followed, the D'ai Shaton scoured The Ascension of Zuoken
the coast of the Dramidj, but no sign of Zuoken could be
found. On the night of the 38th day, Zuoken did return. In The legend of Zouken's voyage to the shores of the
the minds of the most proficient D'ai Shatain and Abid dal Dramidj and beyond is a common tale told by Baklunish
Xan, a vision of Zuoken entreated them to leave the clergy of mothers to inspire their children. It is said that the warrior,
Xan Yae and devote themselves completely to mental and upon reaching the azure waters, received a vision of the
physical mastery. He suggested the Ulsprue mountains, to distant Pinnacles of Azor'alq. Having no boat upon which to
the north, and delineated the plans for four monasteries to be cross the distance, he stepped carefully upon the water and,
built there by hand. He named the warriors under his with only his trust in the infallability of his mistress, he
watchful eye the Al D'ai Shatain and the mental masters and walked across the churning waves to the spires of Bakluni
mistresses the Zefim. lore.

On the following morn, those who had had the Upon reaching the central spire, he single-handedly
vision feared the reaction of their leaders amongst the D'ai combatted aquatic creatures of all varieties, including several
Shaton. To their surprise, it seemed as though many of the types of rare and unknown dragons. He then climbed the
clergy had experienced similar messages. Indeed, those so spire without a rope or pitons, again trusting the vision he
visited by Zuoken were given a glorious feast and were had been granted by Xan Yae herself. Upon the summit,
peacefully released the following week. They embarked Zuoken braced himself for his most arduous challenge yet,
upon the journey to the Ulsprues together and, upon reaching for atop the spire, the legendary Azor'alq, Guardian of the
the highlands, they split up into four monasterial groupings. Shrine of Pools, awaited with his brace of paladins.
Within the year, four new structures stood on those
mountains, each led by two individuals, one representing the Instead of giving the servant of Al-Akbar the fight
Al D'ai Shatain and one representing the Zefim. that had been planned for him, Zuoken instead parleyed with
Azor'alq, and the two became fast friends. In this way,
The organization of the followers of Zuoken has Zuoken is the only mortal known to have tread upon the
survived more or less intact since the months of its inception. home of the Baklunish gods.
Decades after their formation, when economic and political
considerations had enflamed the relations between the Suel Upon entering the Shrine of Pools, Zuoken was
and the Bakluni, Zuoken's followers refused to enter the greeted with the spinning vortices that led to the personal
conflict. They remained aloof, declaring the wars the pursuit realms of each god venerated by the Bakluni. In the center,
of those ridden with the imperfections of mundane life and he saw the golden-hued portal that led to the tower of
the burden of wealth, and remained in their Ulsprue Al-Zarad. There was the largest portal, that of Al-Akbar
monasteries. Two of the those structures were destroyed in himself. Directly opposite, the dull black gate to the realm of
the Invoked Devastation, their surviving members becoming Tharoth, the Reaper, throbbed its painful ambiance.
the D'ar es Shalim, Those Without Homes. These men and Concentrating intently, he chose correctly the portal of his
women traveled in all directions, ministering to those of their mistress, and was instantly transported to her fantastic lair.
faith and, in the worst of times, once again serving as
protectors of the D'ai Shaton. They helped the refugees of There, he met with Xan Yae herself, as well as
the magical destruction settle in Zeif and beyond and, in this several other guests, including the enigmatic Catlord. This
way, a relatively small cult gained wide appreciation within conglomeration of divine beings set him on a journey
the remains of greater Bakluni society. throughout the planes that would test if he truly represented
the utmost ability in physical and mental mastery. These
Their organization has changed little since then, trials were difficult, but Zuoken passed each in turn, and Xan
save that the term D'ar es Shalim has expanded to include Yae released an amount of divine energy into Zuoken
those of the Al D'ai Shatain and Zefim who travel the world sufficient to elevate him to the status of demigodhood.
in search of its secrets. These men and women can be found
as far East as the lands of the Schnai, though such mingling To this day, Zuoken's clergy celebrates their god's
with Suel is extremely rare. There is a known, but small, trials in the 38 day Cycle of Azor'alq, which also honors
monastery in the Duchy of Urnst and many more enclaves each member of Zuoken's original monastery that died on the
across the Flanaess. To the West, who knows? Some speak field of battle. Likewise, the Pinnacles of Azor'alq are
of followers of Zuoken in the lands of the Suhfang Kingdom, considered a holy site to the clergy.

The followers of Zuoken remain on good terms with Oerth in that they are not, as such, a clergy. Though the
the priests of Al-Akbar, and this arrangement has followed monasterial leaders of the past are said to have regularly
them to the Flanaess, where the church of Pelor has acted as contacted their patron, such conference has not been
one of their greatest benefactors. celebrated for many decades.

Zuoken's "clergy" is based upon unswerving faith in

Xan Yae and Zuoken: Relations Da'shon and the teachings of Zuoken, which were taken from
Sefin Monastery (somewhere in the Sulhaut Mountains,
All evidence suggests that Xan Yae and Zuoken are though the exact location has been lost to antiquity), copied
the closest of allies. In fact, Zuoken's area of concern is diligently, and stored in the four original monasteries. Highly
entirely within that of his mistress. Therefore, their magical artifacts in their own right, the scrolls stored in the
relationship is similar to that shared by Boccob and Zagyg. southernmost Ulsprue monasteries are believed to have
Since the Invoked Devastation/Rain of Colorless Fire, Xan survived the Devastation, though the thieves that stole them
Yae has been bound not to interfere in the events of Oerth. In centuries ago apparently brought the secret of their current
many ways, Zuoken and his followers are her way of location to the grave.
breaking that covenant.
Because the doctrines of their master implore them
Since the Twin Cataclysms, the Mistress herself to rise to the pinnacle of human ability, and become as
almost never confers with the Caliph of the D'ai Shaton. perfect as Zuoken himself (though even the most devout
Instead, she relays her messages through Zuoken and, in declare Xan Yae somewhat more successful than even their
times of great need, the demigod has actively interfered in master) without the aid of gods, Zuoken does not grant his
the events of Oerik (though recent events seem to have worshippers magical ability in the form of spells. Instead, it
changed this -- see below). Since the goals of the duo are so is believed that he allocates a portion of his considerable
personal and esoteric, however, the need for such action is power to all of the Al D'ai Shatain and Zefim, and though
scant, indeed. such a relationship cannot be proven, to claim as much to a
monk of the order is to invite an angered challenge.
The relations between the clergies are somewhat
different, however, as the D'ai Shaton scarcely holds The duties of Zuoken's followers are many, though
conference with the distant worshippers of Zuoken. Those the ultimate cause in all things is to improve oneself. For this
among the Al D'ai Shatain and Zefim who travel away from reason, they are often seen as selfish, though such a
the Ulsprues, however, are often housed in the mosques of distinction is not entirely accurate. Philosophically, Zuoken
the D'ai Shaton. Both the Abid dal Xan and D'ai Shatain still taught an extension of Xan Yae's own teachings; true
exist, but they are seen today as inferiors to the followers of perfection can only come when each side of an issue is
Zuoken who, both because of their isolation and force of considered, and a balance is struck.
will, have devoted themselves more fully to perfection. The
D'ai Shaton at large has subtly changed their focus over the Specific duties vary from monastery to monastery,
years, so that the "twilight" aspect of their worship has now from Al D'ai Shatain to the Zefim. Generally, it is the
eclipsed the mental and physical mastery aspect, though the responsibility of all monks to instruct their lessers in the
shift has been minor and extended over a vast stretch of time. ways of Zuoken and the rigorous training of Da'shon.
Secondary responsibilities include tending to the monasterial
grounds, seeing to the elderly (because of their emphasis on
The Al D'ai Shatain and Zefim physical perfection, many monks of the Al D'ai Shatain fear
aging, and this duty prepares them for the times when their
Organization, Function and Duties backs will no longer be straight, their muscles no longer
taut), and general support of the D'ai Shaton. There are
The hierarchy of the organized followers of Zuoken nomissionaries among Zuoken's stoic followers.
can be broken into two groups. Each monastery (there are
currently three major monasteries operating on Oerik, with
several of lesser importance found primarily among the Zuoken's Monasteries
Baklunish states) is ruled by two individuals, one from the Al
D'ai Shatain and one from the Zefim. These individuals are There are three well-known monasteries to Zuoken
said to represent the closest to physical or mental mastery of on Oerik, though it is certainly possible to find his followers
all residents of the monastery. far from these secluded locations. The first, and perhaps
most influential of these structures is located on a mountain
The Al D'ai Shatain and Zefim differ from the peak in the northernmost spur of the Ulsprue Mountains.
organized followings of nearly every deity presiding over

This, the Falla-nil Monastery, is home to the most decade, a large pilgrimage to the shores of the Dramidj is
powerful among the Zuoken's adherents. It is within the walls initiated. Since relations between the northern Baklunish and
of Falla-nil that the original scrolls of Zuoken rest, heavily the roving bands of Paynim warriors are often strained, large
protected by both traditional magic and the mental wards of bands of friendly horsemen escort the monks to the border of
the Zefim. Indeed, the current Zefim leader is likely the most Zeif, a task for which they are paid handsomely.
powerful psionic individual ever to have lived, as her
incredible ability has been greatly augmented by careful The D'ar es Shalim, on the other hand, are likely to
study of the scrolls. This has caused some rivalry between be found in any location of the continent, especially since
her counterpart, the leader of Falla-nil's Al D'ai Shatain, but they have been sent out from the monastery, or are relatives
little but petty disagreements have been the result. of the original D'ar es Shalim, those monks and psions who
lost their homes in the Invoked Devastation. This latter sect
Some sixty miles south rests the Azor-khem of the traveling monks has been in decline since the great
monastery, which is said to have been the favorite visitation wars, and they are often Al D'ai Shatain and Zefim in name
site of Zuoken. Because the patron has not been seen in over only, knowing little or nothing of the teachings of Zuoken.
eighty years, this monastery has fallen into disfavor by its
northern brethren. Though few would dare speak such, many The D'ar es Shalim were such until relatively
believe that the monks of Azor-khem in some way alienated recently. In the mid-570's, several hundred monks of the Al
their divine patron. D'ai Shatain and Zefim entered Keoland from Geoff,
seemingly in search of something. These individuals caused
Far, far to the east, the Flannae-tel Monastery is few problems, and aside from a casual distrust, the folk of
situated in a valley of the Cairn Hills. Technically a part of the kingdom paid them little mind. In CY 573, a large
the Duchy of Urnst (even after the recent treaty that divested number of these D'ar es Shalim convocated in Niole Dra,
much of the hills to the care of Greyhawk), the monks here where they later split into several factions. Each of these
pay a heavy tithe, and were largely unaffected by Duke groups traveled in a different easterly direction. The largest
Justinian Lorinar's anti-religious edicts that directly resulted arrived in Leukish in 576, supplementing the small group
in the Temple Coalition Revolt of CY 571. This final that had established Flannae-tel several decades earlier.
structure was built in CY 517 by a group of D'ar es Shalim,
who encountered little trouble from the Duke. These new D'ar es Shalim, called the "Seekers" by
their eastern neighbors, consulted sages in nearly every
It is not known why these homeless monks chose major city of the Flanaess, though bribes of rich gems and
this site, so near the Lake of Unknown Depths, but it is valuable coins have endeared the continued silence of these
known that the monks and psions stationed there are given learned sages on the matter ever since. Though no easterners
unswerving support by their western cohorts. seem to know what exactly it is, it is thought that the D'ar es
Shalim still seek that which eludes them.
The current leader of Flannae-tel's Al D'ai Shatain,
Master Li Hon (who, strangely, is said to be from the The coincidence of the arrival of the Seekers and
Far-West), is a frequent visitor to Leukish, and a boon the discovery of the Scarlet Brotherhood has not been lost on
companion of Warnes Starcoat, Magical Councilor to the some scholars. The monks definitely hold no love for their
Joint Courts of Urnst. It is even said that a fantastic scrying Suel counterparts, and act to unravel their deception on all
device was installed in the monastery by the Court Mage fronts.
shortly before the Greyhawk Wars. Master Li Hon has been
a great supporter of both Duke Karll Lorinar and the
Archmage, and is said to have been involved in assembling Zuoken's Secrets
the cadre of wizards now stationed in Leukish Castle.
Few among even the highest echelons of the D'ai
Shatain know what has happened to their master. Indeed,
The D'ar es Shalim such questions have torn rifts in the relations between the
western monasteries, and these rivalries are likely to increase
The Al D'ai Shatain and Zefim are a monastic in the future. The heads of the orders do know more than
orders, and are thus unlikely to come into widespread contact they are willing to admit, however, and the distrust between
with a given resident of Oerik, especially if that individual the groups is now intentionally perpetuated by monasterial
resides in the Flanaess. Still, Al D'ai Shatain and Zefim will leaders of both Falla-nil and the Azor-khem in a fictional
occasionally be encountered in cities with high Baklunish schism designed to keep their lessers in the dark. It is a
populations. Because of their proximity to the Ulsprues, dangerous game, but one the monastic leaders feel is
Ulakand and Kester are frequent rests for monks traveling necessary in order that their ways might survive.
north. During the 38 day Cycle of Azor'alq, held every

The most powerful among the upper tiers of the [Part Two of this article will include notes on the modern
society have determined the date of Zuoken's disappearance clergies of Xan Yae and full details of the Al D'ai Shatain,
at some time in CY 505. Until the establishment of Zefim, D'ai Shaton, D'ai Shatain and Abid dal Xan with
Flannae-tel, the order's knowledge of the Flanaess was information on their specific abilities and traits.]
incomplete. Early leaders there, however, discovered a major
clue regarding the whereabouts of Zuoken.

At the time of their master's disappearance, several

other divine beings worshipped east of the Crystalmists had
also vanished. The most noticeable of these, of course, was
the cambion Iuz, Lord of the cursed Middle Lands. Because
the divinity of this being was not at that time known, and
several impostors appeared in the following years, this alone
would have been little cause for the monks' celebration.
Further research revealed that Merikka, a minor patron of
agriculture much honored by the peasant folk of Keoland and
her former satellites, had also been removed from her

The monks saw a connection between these events,

but the politics of the feud between monasteries prevented
any action on behalf of the order's leaders. Then, in CY 570,
both Merikka and the True Iuz returned to Oerth, thus
proving a connection between the two. Zuoken, however,
remained in obscurity.

Convinced that the followers of Merikka would

know something of their patron's ordeal, the monastic leaders
"awarded" hundreds of Al D'ai Shatain and Zefim with the
title "D'ar es Shalim", and ordered them to travel east. When
it later became obvious to these men and women that the
ineffectual priestesses of Merikka knew nothing of their
lady's travails, another answer was sought.

From Keoland, this group split into several factions.

One of these groups traveled north, to gain council with Iuz.
This group was seen entering the fane gates of Dorakaa, and
have not been seen since. It is not likely that they survived
the encounter.

Those who remain in the Flanaess still seek the

whereabouts of their master. Through careful investigation,
they have learned that his manifestation in part is held
captive somewhere east of the Lortmils. That territory,
however, spans thousands upon thousands of leagues, and
they have been long in the searching.

In fact, many D'ar es Shalim grow weary of the

search. Some have begun to loose faith in the perfection of a
captured master, and have hired themselves out as
mercenaries. These individuals are held in great contempt by
those with the will to continue, but doubts have crossed the
mind of even the most vigilant seeker. For now, they
continue to seek the whereabouts of their master, in hopes
that their order might become truly perfect again.
Casting Time: 1 standard action
Range: 30 ft.
Targets: You and one willing creature within 30 ft.
Duration: 10 min./level
Saving Throw: None
Spell Resistance: No

You forge a telepathic bond with another creature with an

Intelligence score of 6 or higher. The bond can be established
only with a willing subject. You can communicate telepathi­

Illus. by J. Pavelec
cally through the bond regardless of language. No special
power or influence is established as a result of the bond. Once
the bond is formed, it works over any distance (although not
from one plane to another).

The two new deities described below may play significant
roles in a psionic campaign.

Demigod (Neutral)
Once a human martial
artist, Zuoken attained
such mental and phys­
ical perfection that
he ascended into god­
hood several centuries
ago. His clerics watch
over psionic creatures,
safeguarding them from
harm and offering psionic
training to all who show ap­
titude. Zuoken encourages
his followers to be disciplined,
serene masters of their minds and
bodies. His symbol is a striking
fist, and his favored weapon is the
Portfolio: Monks, mental powers.
Domains: Knowledge, Mind,
Strength, War.
Cleric Training: Zuoken’s followers study his harmoni-
ous philosophies at the foot of a master, often in a monastery

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far from civilization. Training consists of long dialogues be­ they are often slavemasters, controlling both the living
tween master and students, punctuated by rigorous practice (with psionics) and the undead (with spells and negative
sessions and physical conditioning. energy channeling).
Quests: Zuoken sends his followers into the world to Ilsensine promises power and dominion to all who follow
improve themselves and advance the cause of it, so sometimes creatures other than mind flayers
psionics. Typical missions include rescuing a (especially evil psions) will form cults dedicated to
psionic family from superstitious villagers, the deity.
hunting down a mind flayer assassin with Ilsensine’s favored weapon is the tentacle
a taste for psion brains, and finding a long­ (or an unarmed strike for followers who
lost psionic artifact known as the Orb aren’t mind flayers).
of Gerendelik. Portfolio: Mental dominion, magic.

Prayers: Prayers to Zuoken are Domains: Evil, Law, Knowledge,

short and poetic, and many use Magic, Mind.
strange sentence structure, mixing Cleric Training: Ilsensine’s cler­
up the words in a way confusing ics are rare enough that each novitiate
to nonbelievers. A common beginning learns in a one-on-one apprenticeship
to a prayer is “Zuoken, me to the pin­ with a senior cleric. A would-be cleric
nacle take . . .” is often treated as little better than
Temples: Zuoken’s monas­ a thrall until he proves himself,
teries are generally far from learning to cast divine spells by
civilization, but because they imitating his master.
serve as psionic training centers, Quests: Ilsensine’s clerics often
their locations are not secret. Many handle a mind f layer community’s
temples are guarded by an order of thrall-slaves, and they are also useful
monks, the Fists of Zuoken (see page for dealing with the undead. Followers
144), who are drawn by the demigod’s of Ilsensine act as medics for mind flayer
Illus. by W. England

serene philosophy. hunting parties, sneak onto the surface

Rites: The followers of Zuoken world to acquire unusual slaves, and
make a point of meditating at every match wits against powerful githyanki
full moon, because it is said that and githzerai psions.
Zuoken himself ascended to godhood by Prayers: Ilsensine’s followers pray to her
climbing a silvery staircase to the moon. telepathically, holding their tentacles utterly
Herald and Allies: Zuoken generally sends a still as a means of showing respect.
thought slayer as his herald. His planar allies are rasts, Temples: Temples to Ilsensine are generally small,
couatls, and Huge elementals of any kind. nondescript shrines in an out-of-the-way corner of a
mind flayer community. Because most mind flayers would
ILSENSINE rather join with the community’s elder brain than serve
Greater Deity (Lawful Evil) Ilsensine in the afterlife, religion isn’t central to mind
Ilsensine is the god of the mind flayers and the patron of flayer culture.
all who enslave others’ thoughts. It appears as a massive, Rites: When a particularly tasty brain is consumed, it’s
disembodied brain with an emerald glow and countless customary to pray to Ilsensine and use leftover brain ichor
tentacles stretching off into the darkness. Ilsensine de­ to trace Ilsensine’s symbol (a brain with two tentacles) on a
mands that mind flayers enslave and consume the “cattle” nearby surface.
(other races) that surround them. Its clerics provide a Herald and Allies: Ilsensine generally sends a thought
measure of healing to mind flayer communities, and slayer as its herald. Its planar allies are succubus demons,
cerebriliths, and marilith demons.

The descriptions of Zuoken and Ilsensine given here use a new Herald: A deity’s herald is the kind of creature it often
format (which is also employed in Complete Divine and other sends to the Material Plane when it needs to intervene in
supplements). Most of the categories of information are self­ mortal affairs.
explanatory—in fact, many of them closely mirror the way deities Allies: A deity’s allies are the creatures it sends in response
are described in the Player’s Handbook—but two terms are new to lesser planar ally, planar ally, and greater planar ally spells,
and are defined below. respectively.

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Oerth Journal 10 Page 39
Of Oerth and Altar
Trithereon: The Summoner
By Creighton Broadhurst
(The Summoner, The Hunter, The Inescapable, The Trithereon were one and the same then this would ex-
Vengeful One) plain why he is known as “The Summoner.”
Intermediate Power of the Beastlands, CG Trithereon’s faith is currently the fastest grow-
Portfolio: Individuality, Liberty, Retribution, ing in the Flanaess, apart from St. Cuthbert’s which is
Self-Defense, Protection, Revenge also enjoying a considerable influx of converts. His wor-
Pantheon: Common (Oeridian?) ship is concentrated in disputed areas and borderlands
Aliases: None such as the Geoff/Gran March border, Sunndi, the
Domain Name: Arborea/Olympus/Hunter’s Hall Highfolk, northern Furyondy, and in the Ulek states where
Superior: None humans fight alongside dwarves and elves to hold back
Allies: Kord, Rudd, Krovis (quasi-deity) the might of Turrosh Mak. Most of these converts are
Foes: Pholtus and other strictly lawful found amongst exiles displaced from their homes. In-
deities, including St. Cuthbert, Bralm, Allitur, and Wee habitants of Geoff, Bissel, Sterich and the states of the
Jas; slave-owners, dictators, and those who deprive former Iron League can all be found within the ranks of
others of their freedom. the priesthood. Many former inhabitants of the Shield
Symbol: A pursuit rune Lands also worship Trithereon, and their dispersion
Wor. Align: NG, CG, N, CN throughout the Flanaess has further spread his worship.
He has even found converts in the Yeomanry, an extremely
Trithereon “The Summoner” is the power of lawful land. (Most of these are individuals who oppose
individuality, self-protection and freedom. His symbol, the slave-holding tactics of the Sea Princes and the Scar-
the pursuit rune, illustrates the deity’s, and his servant’s, let Brotherhood)
dedication to strive for freedom and to destroy those who Although open warfare between Trithereon’s
seek to curtail others freedom and liberty. He is a venge- followers and lawful good sects is unknown, isolated acts
ful god to whom the end justifies the means. of violence against those deemed to be tyrannical or overly
Scholars suspect that originally he was of repressive are not uncommon. His priests are renown
Oeridian origins. It is thought in learned circles that his for whipping small bands of followers into a frenzy and
worship stems from the time of the Bakluni/Suel conflict then turning them loose to find those who oppose their
from which the Oeridians fled into the central Flanaess. deity’s values. Among the faithful this is referred to as
Some scholars go further than that; theorising that “street justice”. Authorities of areas in which this is prac-
Trithereon was at one time a hero-god in the way that tised almost always take a dim view of this practise. In-
Kelanen is now. deed, in the City of Greyhawk the faith is on the brink of
“The Chronicle of Secret Times”, penned by being banned unless it modifies its activities quickly.
Uhas Neheli, records several myths told to the author by The only lawful sect that priests of Trithereon
the peasant folk of central Keoland relating the deeds of are cordial to is the fledgling church of Mayaheine, demi-
an Oeridian hero called Trithenon, who fought against goddess of protection, justice and valor. This sect has
tyranny and oppression several centuries before the done much to defend those in peril in borderlands, and
Oerid’s migration into the Sheldomar Valley. One tale this has impressed many priests of Trithereon although
relates how Trithenon was instrumental in delivering the they still find the Sons and Daughters of Mayaheine stuffy
Oerids into present-day Ull after fleeing a great enemy and overly regimented. In disputed areas these sects have
or conflict. Uhas notes, however, that he believes this actually allied themselves with each other in times of
tale to have no basis in fact. Other myths surrounding need. In the northern Sheldomar Valley both priesthoods
Trithenon include tales of monstrous animals fighting have links to the Knights of the March, a secret society
alongside him. Uhas theorised that if Trithenon and dedicated to keeping Hochoch free, and to the freeing of
Oerth Journal 10 Page 40
Trithereon’s enemy must answer him one question
Trithereon’s Avatar (Ranger 30, Illusionist 25, Priest truthfully or be trapped for 100 years. To use this
20) power the baton must be grasped firmly and brought
Trithereon appears as a tall, red-gold haired, into contact with the target while the wielder wills
well built young man with grey eyes. He is normally the creation of the plane. This takes one round, dur-
encountered wearing pale blue or occasionally violet ing which the baton-wielder may take no other ac-
clothes under a suit of golden chain mail. He is always tions.
armed with Freedom’s Tongue, a broadsword; Krelestro,
a broad-bladed spear whose name means Harbinger of When he enters combat Trithereon prefers to
Doom in ancient Oeridian, and a sceptre known as the strike first, from a distance, with his most powerful and
Baton of Retribution which he carries at his waist in a destructive spells. When he has subdued as many of his
wide girdle of gold-studded leather. opponents as possible, he will melee with the intention
He has access to all the wizardly schools except of touching his intended target with the Baton and trans-
necromancy and abjuration. As a priest he has access to porting them to a demi-plane of his own creation.
the spheres of All, Astral, Combat, Guardian, Healing, He does not summon his monstrous allies lightly,
Protection, Summoning, Chaos, Charm, Necromantic, as they fight for him of their own free will. As Trithenon,
Sun, Travellers. As a vengeful deity he prefers to he is said to have rescued them shortly after the Oerids
memorise spells that kill or injure. Trithereon rarely claimed modern-day Ull as their own. A Bakluni sor-
grants a second chance. cerer had created for three intelligent, magical constructs
to act as his servants. He used them to rule his holdings.
AC-4; MV24; HP183; THAC0 –2 (base); #AT2 Dmg by Trithenon slew the sorcerer who had been capturing
weapon +7 MR magic resistance; SZ M Str19, Dex 20, Oerids for other foul experiments, and discovering the
Con 19, Int 19, Wis 19, Cha 19 constructs’ intelligence, determined to set the automa free.
Spells P: 12/11/11/9/7/5/2 W: 5/5/5/5/5/5/5/5/4 Once this was accomplished, the constructs freely and
Saves: PPDM 2; RSW 3; PP 4; BW 4; Sp 4 willingly pledged their alliegance to the Summoner.
He can summon his three beastly allies,
Special Att/Def: Trithereon possesses several unique Nemoud, Harrus and Ca’rolk once per day. Each beast
items, which he carries with him at all times: takes a full round to summon. They are 100% loyal and
Krelestro (Harbinger of Doom). Krelestro is a will serve him to the best of their abilities. He can also
broad-bladed spear +7, with a oaken shaft purportedly summon deva to assist him if the evil is truly great. If
engraved with the symbol of every natural creature in slain each of these creatures takes a full week to reform
the Flanaess, and a leaf-shaped bronze head. It can be in Hunter’s Hall, and cannot be called upon again during
thrown up to 90’ and will return to Trithereon’s hand in this time.
the same round. Nemoud the Hound: AC0 MV21 HD8 HP64
Freedom’s Tongue. Freedom’s Tongue is a +6 #Ats1 D4-16 SA fastens bite until killed SD struck only
broadsword of ancient design, which projects fear (as by magical weapons MR30%. Nemoud appears as a huge
the fourth-level wizard spell) in a 30’ radius to all oppo- bloodhound almost the size of a horse, with powerful
nents of the wielder. This effect can be negated by a jaws. He can track his prey as a 20th level ranger and is
successful saving throw vs. spells. never surprised. It can conceal itself so that it is 80%
Baton of Retribution. This golden sceptre bears likely to be undetected. Once Nemoud has successful
the Oeridian runes for freedom, revenge, and pursuit. bitten a target, it will locks its jaws into its prey until
The baton has several powers: either it or its prey is dead. This inflicts 16hp of damage
♦ It has the ability to locate any enemy of its owner a round. Nemoud’s jaws can only be prised apart when
anywhere in the multiverse unless that individual is the hound is dead. Instead of biting, the hound can expel
protected by extremely powerful cloaking magic. paralysing gas in a 10’x10’x10’ cloud. Those caught in
♦ Its wielder can summon deva to his side in time of this area must save vs. poison at -4 or be paralysed for 4-
great need by opening a gate. 16 turns. Nemoud can also fly at the rate given above,
♦ Grasping the sceptre allows travel to any location and can become ethereal at will.
on any of the planes of existence without error un- Harrus the Falcon: AC2 MV3/30 (flying) HD9
less that place is powerfully warded (by ninth-level HP72 #Ats2 or 1 D5-8/5-8 or 3-12 SD struck only by
or divine magic). magical weapons MR40% Harrus is a huge bird-like
♦ The baton’s strangest power is to warp the area sur- creature with large talons and a wickedly curved beak.
rounding it, creating a strange place utterly unlike Its vision is more acute than an eagle’s and it can plummet
anything the target has ever seen. Once in that place at a rate of 120". If it attacks in this way, bite damage
Oerth Journal 10 Page 41
and “to hit” are at +4. of the priest class. Lay worshippers can be of any class,
Ca’rolk the Sea Lizard: AC-1 MV3/27 HD10 but many are conjurers, good- or neutrally-aligned
HP80 #Ats1 or 1 D3-30 (bite) or 2-16 (tail swipe) SA thieves, and rangers.
over turns small craft SD struck only by magical weapons As befits a chaotic clergy the hierarchy of the
MR20% Ca’rolk is a terrible sight, a crocodilian reptile church is relatively simple. It consists of 4 basic levels,
fully 40’ in length from snout to tail. It normally bites the lowest of which are the Hopeful Initiates (1st – 3rd
but its tail can easily crush the ribs of a giant if need be. level). Next in the hierarchy are the Sacred Sons and
The creature is so strong that it can capsize boats: It has Daughters of Trithereon (4th – 6th level) followed by the
a 25% chance of capsizing a vessel of up to 40’ long, a leaders of the individual temples dedicated to Trithereon
50% chance of capsizing a 30’ vessel, a 75% chance of who are known as High Fathers or Mothers of Trithereon.
upsetting a 20’ vessel. Any vessel of 10’ or smaller is These individuals are normally of at least 7th level. Finally
automatically capsized. there are the Master Priests and Priestess. These powerful
folk lead the worship of Trithereon across whole countries
Other Manifestations: Trithereon manifests himself to and it is they whom the Knights of the Chase report to.
his followers during times of oppression or danger. A “Favored One’s” (a member of the clergy who
During these times he can cause the bells of his temples has put his hand inside the ceremonial flame and not
to ring, preferably when there is no wind so that the been injured) opinion is greatly respected among the rest
faithful know that it is a sign from him. During the fall of the clergy. In council his words carry more weight
of Geoff it is said that the bell of the Halls of the Hunter than others of his level. Many “Favored Ones” tattoo a
(the foremost church in Gorna) rang continuously for a pursuit rune on their forearm surrounded by flames. They
week. are particularly fanatical in the service of their god and
He has also been known to manifest his sign, some have received divine assistance from Trithereon
the pursuit rune, in the middle of the ceremonial flames himself.
of the faithful. This is normally taken to be a sign of Trithereon’s followers are viewed by the general
approval from the Hunter. Any worshipper putting his populace as hot heads with ready swords and tongues.
weapon hand into the flames and not suffering burns is Although not evil they can cause considerable disorder,
seen as particularly blessed. This is seen as a sign of making those in authority wary of them and their
Trithereon’s favor and marks the one so exposed as a practices. The bell ringing and constant weapon practice
“favored one”. means that only followers of Trithereon tend to live near
Very rarely weapons normally displayed in the the temple, as unbelievers are driven away by the almost
halls of worship move under Trithereon’s instruction, constant noise.
dancing through the air in a form of aerial combat. The Temples of Trithereon are built of durable stone
skill with which they are “wielded” and the ferocity of and are well able to resist attack. They are always built
the “combat” are seen as omens and clues by his priests. with an eye to defense, and all contain a bell tower from
Weapons so affected are viewed as religious artifacts by which the faithful can be called to worship. The bell in
the faith and if lost will be recovered at all costs. Weapons this tower is crafted out of solid gold and is the most
used by Trithereon in this manner are recognisable by valuable item in the temple unless the church is extremely
the pursuit rune burnt into their tip. A rare few of these poor. In this case the main goal of that temple will be to
weapons have thereafter exhibited magical abilities, accumulate enough money to commission such a bell.
including vorpal properties and the ability to “dance” as His priests are always battle ready, and his temples always
the sword of the same name. maintain extensive armories which to arm the faithful in
times of need. Many worshippers are trained warriors
The Church and so many temples also boast weaponsmiths and
Clergy: Cleric (20%), Crusader (40%), armorers dedicated to making weapons and armor for
Specialty Priests (40%) the faithful.
Alignment: CG
Turn Undead: C: Yes, Cru:No, SP: No
Cmnd Undead: C: No, Cru:No, SP: No

All clergy of Trithereon receive the Religion

non-weapon proficiency for free.
The hierarchy of the faith is quite simple.
Positions of power within the church are all reserved for
those who gain spells from their god, specifically members
Oerth Journal 10 Page 42
Dogma: The greatest good is freedom; Denial of this is Tors. His faith is also well established in Furyondy where
the greatest evil. To ignore this is a mortal sin. This evil it is led by Master Priestess Cataryna (a 13th -level
must be destroyed, as must all those who practice it. To priestess) who has established a major temple of the faith
achieve this no sacrifice is too dear; the end justifies the in Chendl, capital of the country. The Free City of
means. Greyhawk also has a temple dedicated to the Summoner,
The faithful have several sayings, three of which led by Janziduur Euroz-slayer. It is a small temple in
are detailed below: size, but until recently had much influence due to
♦ “Summoned by Trithereon” means that one has heard Janziduur’s control of a member of the ruling oligarchy,
the calling of The Hunter and joined the church. Laup Coburn. His worshippers also create a lot more
♦ “He has the eyes of Harrus” means that the object of trouble than their numbers would seem to allow.
the statement is considered to be very perceptive. After the fall of Geoff to the giant and humanoid
♦ “By the Baton” An oath of the faithful. hordes the semi-independent town of Hochoch has
“enjoyed” a large influx of the faithful. The existing
temple (The Hall of the Avenger’s Blade) has been rebuilt
Day-to-Day Activities: Each temple has a bell that is and expanded with the purchase of many of the
rung to call the faithful to worship. On normal days the surrounding buildings after it was destroyed by catapaults
bell is rung once at sunset. On Godsdays it is rung every in the Battle of Hochoch. Weapons practice and worship
hour on the hour from dawn until midnight. The ringing go on here daily. The leader, Master Priest Danollen
typically lasts for about one minute and tends to mean Redblade, a native of Geoff, constantly sponsors
that only followers of Trithereon live close to the temple. adventuring companies in their forays into Geoff. He
Services to Trithereon include the afore also dispatches small companies of faithful across the
mentioned bell ringing, the parading of new converts Javan to gather intelligence on events in his homeland.
(known as Hopeful Initiates) to the faith, the displaying
of weaponry and the veneration of ceremonial flames. Affiliated Orders:
In the west the priesthood favors martial displays of Knights of the Chase - Knights of the Chase
weaponry while in the central Flanaess veneration of the are either fighters or priests of Trithereon who rove
Ceremonial Flame is seen as central to the faith. The throughout a country seeking out those who oppress
priesthood also spends much time training their faithful others. Knights have been seen in Gran March, Hochoch,
in self-defence and in the use of weapons, notably the Sterich, the former lands of the Shield Lands and the
spear. The leader of the temple will also regularly lands of the former Iron League. Several individuals
harangue the faithful on the value of freedom. have also been reported to be active in the Almor area.
Tithes to Trithereon are typically steep although These individuals are very devoted to their deity,
there is no set percentage of a worshippers wealth that as theirs is a life of loneliness. Without exception these
must be donated. In areas where worshippers have been knights are extremely individualistic and used to acting
displaced from their homelands they give as much as on their own initiative. The only people that the Knights
they can afford, as they believe that this will allow them will take orders from are Master Priests or Priestess. They
to return to their homes quicker. The priesthood also are merciless opponents and relentlessly hunt down
hires adventuring parties to recover wealth for them and transgressors. Those caught are never turned over to
in borderlands hires them to strike deep into enemy the authorities but are dealt with by the Knight in
territory. Monies gained are spent on hiring men-at-arms question.
and for agitating for assistance from the country they All are mounted on war-horses and skilled in
shelter in to reclaim their homeland. both broad sword and shield. There is a disproportional
The clergy also organises “street justice” when number of half-elves and half-orcs within this order (many
it is able. In the countryside its priests act as spies and of whom are multi-classed) due to the unhappy
border patrollers, working with rangers and other circumstances surrounding the birth of many of these
woodsmen to ward against incursions by evil humanoids individuals.
or despots. The church recruits rangers in rural areas Members are normally encountered alone but
and thieves in towns to teach covert warfare techniques. groups have been encountered when some great
oppression needs to be overcome. They are easily
Major Centres of Worship: Major centers of worship distinguishable in their blue chain mail emblazoned with
for Trithereon focus around disputed borderlands and a silver pursuit rune. (A few of the knights have the
conquered territory. Western Gran March has many rune in etched in gold and this signifies an individual of
converts to the faith, as does the Yeomanry whose great prowess). Members will never turn away from those
worshippers are mainly clustered on the border with the in need of rescue or protection as this is seen as a terrible
Oerth Journal 10 Page 43
sin unless they are themselves guilty of oppression.
Church leaders can always request (and get) their Priestly Vestments: Priests of Trithereon wear purple
assistance. Once again as befits a chaotic order there are or dark blue robes, trimmed with silver or gold to indicate
no other organized groups affiliated with the church of their position in the church hierarchy. The more ornate
Trithereon. the trim, the more important the wearer. During
The Magsmen’s Brotherhood - The especially important events or ceremonies the priests wear
Magsmen’s Brotherhood before the Greyhawk Wars was golden red cassocks with the rune of pursuit emblazoned
the pre-eminent thieves’ guild in the western Sheldomar over the wearer’s heart in silver edged with gold.
Valley having sizeable contingents in all the cities of Geoff The possession of magical chain mail or a
and Sterich. When both countries fell to the advancing dancing broad sword brings great status to its owner.
humanoid and giant hordes the surviving Magsmen fled Priests always wear an amulet chased with gold on a
to western Keoland and Hochoch. The most senior golden chain in the shape of the pursuit rune. When
guildsman to escape to Hochoch was Cloyer Bulse, who going into battle they also typically wear blue surcoats
is both a Geoffite and a patriot famous for helping defeat over their chain mail with the symbol of their god
the menace of the Drow some years previously. Now older emblazoned proudly on its front and back.
and wiser he aids the Hall of Vengeance surreptitiously
both with intelligence of Hochoch and the surrounding Adventuring Garb: When adventuring Trithereon’s
area and with funds to help Danollen fight his war of priests are always ready for action. They wear blue or
liberation. Danollen is not aware of the true source of purple chain mail with the pursuit rune emblazoned over
this aid, thinking that Cloyer’s intermediary is a wealthy their heart signifying their devotion to the Hunter. Whilst
exiled merchant known as Jovan of the City of the “in the field” they must be ready at all times to assist
Hornwood those in need, particularly those at risk from oppression,
The Knights of the March - The Knights of slavery or who have suffered a great wrong. They will
the March can trace their roots back to the time of typically carry extra weapons to give to those in need.
Keoland’s northward expansion into Gran March and
Bissel. Originally led by Valerius the Chivalrous, they Speciality Priests (Avengers)
were an order mainly devoted to Heironeous. After the Requirements: Wisdom 9
successful conquest of Bissel around 400CY the order Prime Req: Wisdom
slowly began to be supplanted by the Knights of the Alignment: Chaotic Good
Watch. By 450CY they had all but ceased to exist, Weapons: Any, but priests of Trithereon must be
although the fortifications and towers built by them still proficient in spear and broadsword at 1st-level.
bore their sigil: the axe of Heironeous crossed with the Armor: Chainmail only
black lion of Keoland. Major Spheres: All, Astral, Combat, Guardian,
Beek Gwenders was one of the heroes who, along Healing, Protection, Summoning
with Clover Bulse and others, ended the menace of the Minor Sphere: Chaos, Charm, Necromantic, Sun,
Drow to Sterich after the capital was enclosed in a large Travellers
black bubble of fiendish design. So shocked was he by Magical Items: Any allowed to priests
what he witnessed beneath the Crystalmists that when Req. Profs: Riding
he returned to his native Hochoch he began to carefully Bonus Profs: Tracking
build a network of spies and informants dedicated to ♦ Humans, half-elves and half-orcs may be speciality
keeping the town and its environs free of all outside priests of Trithereon.
influence. The Knights now patrol the Rushmoors, the ♦ Speciality priests of Trithereon suffer no penalty to
Oytwood and the Dim Forest looking for signs of their tracking proficiency. (Under First Edition
humanoid encroachment. Before the wars they also used AD&D rules, priests of Trithereon track as a ranger
to range far into Geoff. A follower of Trithereon himself, of one level lower.)
many of Beek’s followers also venerate the Vengeful One. ♦ They can read wizard scrolls of any conjuration/
His agents mainly consist of mages, rangers and priests summoning spells. In addition, they can use any
of Trithereon although in the last few years a few of magical item that invokes conjuration magic. Note
Mayaheine’s faithful have also been accepted into the that any monster summoned must be rewarded for
Knight’s ranks. It should be noted that the Knights are its service.
also opposed to the influence the Gran March is exerting ♦ At 3rd-level a speciality priest of Trithereon can
over Hochoch. To this end Beek’s followers also watch backstab with an edged weapon for double damage,
the Gran March forces within Hochoch’s borders, which as a thief (but damage does not increase with level).
number a full Battle. ♦ At 5th-level priests of Trithereon may use monster
Oerth Journal 10 Page 44
summoning spells from the wizard lists as priest vs. the charm affect at +3. If the saving throw fails no
spells of the same level. further attempt can be made to break the spell until sunrise
♦ At 8th-level they may cast animal summoning I once on the next day.
per day. To cast this spell the priest needs only his holy
♦ At 12th-level, avengers may cast animal summoning symbol.
II once per day.
♦ At 16th-level, priests of Trithereon may cast animal Flight of Krelestro
summoning III once per day. (Enchantment)
Sphere: Combat
Tritherian Spells Level: 3
Locate Individual Range : 0
(Divination) Components: V, M
Sphere: Divination Duration: special
Level: 2 Casting Time: 7
Range : 0 Area of Effect: 1 spear
Components: V,S,M Saving Throw: None
Duration: 3rds/lvl This spell empowers a single spear that has been
Casting Time: 6 previously blessed by a priest of Trithereon. At the time
Area of Effect: 20 yds./lvl of casting the priest must be holding the spear. The spell
Saving Throw: neg. increases the spear’s range categories by a factor of three
This spell is a priestly modification of the 2nd- to 30/60/90, and grants a +3 to hit and damage. (Range
level mage spell locate object. It has two versions: penalties must still be observed). The effect lasts for 6
When cast normally it allows the priest to locate rounds or until thrown. As part of the casting the spear
any single known individual in the area of effect. The can be thrown in the same round that the spell is cast.
priest, and any worshippers of Trithereon, will see a blue
haze (much like a will o the wisp) that will lead him to Loosen Bonds
the target at a movement rate of 6. The priest must (Alteration)
concentrate on the individual he wishes find during this Sphere: Charm
time. Level: 3
Cast in reverse this spell hides the location of Range : 0
any single individual from scrying magic for 4 hours. Components: V
The material component for this spell is the Duration:1 round
priest’s holy symbol, and if cast in reverse a hair from Casting Time: 1 round
the individual to be hidden. Area of Effect: 10’ rds./lvl.
Saving Throw: None
Trithereon’s Mark By casting this spell the priest forces all bonds
(Charm) in the area of effect to expand slightly so that those trapped
Sphere: Charm can free themselves. The spell does not open locks but
Level: 2 would affect iron collars, rope and chains. After 1 round
Range : Touch has passed the bonds revert to their normal size, trapping
Components: V, S,M anyone still entrapped.
Duration: 2rds/lvl
Casting Time: 4 Track
Area of Effect: Individual (Divination)
Saving Throw: Neg. Sphere: Divination
Priests casting this spell must touch the recipient Level: 3
on the forehead with his right hand. The spell brings Range : 0
into being a pursuit rune centred between the recipients Components: V, S, M
eyes which lasts for 2rounds per level and fades at the Duration: 3rds/lvl
expiration of the spell. The rune confers +3 to all saving Casting Time: 7
throws against mind altering magic including such affects Area of Effect: 20’ R
as a vampires gaze. Saving Throw: None
If cast on a creature that is already charmed the Once invoked this spell allows the priest to
spell allows that individual to make another saving throw clearly see the tracks of the creature desired. The level
Oerth Journal 10 Page 45
of the priest casting this spells allows the tracking of Trithereon’s Retribution
creatures over a variety of terrain: (necromancy)
Sphere: necromantic
5th - 6th Soft or muddy ground Level: 5
7th - 9th Thick brush, vines or reeds Range : touch
10-11th Occasional signs of passage, dust Components: V, S
12th - 13th Normal ground, wood floor Duration: 1 day/caster lvl.
14th -15th Rocky ground or shallow water Casting Time: 6
16th + Deep water Area of Effect: 1 individual
Saving Throw: Neg.
The priests needs his holy symbol to cast the This spell is only used on those considered to
spell and to be able to visualize the creature to be tracked be wrongdoers when measured against the precepts of
or to know its name. All normal modifiers for tracking the faith. Those “eligible” include slave holders,
apply. dictators, brutal army officers and those who oppress
others. It can also be cast on those who have perpetrated
some terrible wrong.
Track Teleport To cast this spell the priest must physically touch the
(Divination) recipient.
Sphere: Divination This spell has two effects:
Level: 4 ♦ First, it places a pursuit rune on the recipient’s
Range: special forehead that cannot be removed.
Components: V, S ♦ Second, when the target commits an act of violence
Duration: 1 round aimed at the oppressed the target suffers a like
Casting Time: 4 amount of damage. This damage occurs in exactly
Area of Effect:1 individual the same place as it does on the original recipient.
Saving Throw: Neg. i.e. if a slave is struck in the face then the target will
Casting this spell allows the priest to be aware exhibit a similar bruise and take the same amount of
of the destination of any teleport or dimension door spell physical damage.
used in the previous round. The information is gained
in the form of a mental picture good enough for small If this spell is used improperly on a creature the priest
details to be made out. The caster must witness the spell must atone for his sin or loose all spell casting abilities
to be tracked to be able to effectively cast this spell, and be ejected from the priesthood. Priests will normally
otherwise there is only a 5% chance per caster level of be required to undertake a mission consummate to their
the right location being divined. A roll of 96-00 always abilities.
indicates failure, showing the priest an erroneous location. If the target creature makes its saving throw vs. spells
If the target creature makes its saving throw no then the spell has no effect. This saving throw is made
information about its location can be gained. The saving at -1 per 4 caster levels.
throw is made at -1 for every 3 levels of the caster.
Oerth Journal 11 Page 4 of 84

Of Oerth and Altar

Joramy, The Raging Volcano
By Paul M. Rokuskie (
Art by Greg Allen (
some way as to give offense, because she will not rest
Joramy until satisfaction has been achieved. She is relentless in
(Maiden of Disputes, Mistress of Heat, the pursuit of her sense of "right and wrong" and
doesn't care who gets in the way. She uses these
The Furious Inferno, The Raging qualities and directs them in a way to do the most good
Volcano) and strike a blow against those that would wish to harm
Lesser Power of the Elemental Plane of Fire, N her or her followers. She has offered Prince Zaaman
(NG) Rul sanctuary in her realm while he recuperates from
Portfolio: Fire, volcanos, wrath, anger, quarrels his terrible defeat against Imix. She also openly helps
Aliases: None Princess Sunnis conspire against the evil tyrant
Domain The Elemental Plane of Fire/The Ogremoch of the Elemental Plane of Earth. Both these
Name: Hearth evil powers have angered Joramy in the past and she
Superior: None will see them pay for this.
Allies: Kurell, Pelor, Sunnis, Zaaman Rul Joramy's home rests on the cusp of the
Foes: Beltar, Erythnul, Imix, Ogremoch, boundary between the Elemental Plane of Fire and the
Procan, Pyremius Para-Elemental Plane of Magma, where she has been
Symbol: Brass relief of a woman's face with seeking additional. On the Elemental Plane of Fire,
multi-colored fiery hair & ruby eyes Joramy has a passing relationship with Kossuth,
Wor. Align: N (NG) Tyrant-King of the fire elementals. They both leave the
other alone. She considers the efreet to be the greatest
Joramy (JUR-ah-mee) is the goddess of fire, threat next to Imix on the Elemental Plane of Fire
volcanos, wrath, anger and quarrels. Her holy symbol because of their evil attitudes and actions. Her
is a brass relief of a woman's face with multi-colored followers keep close tabs on these evil genies and their
fiery hair and ruby eyes. She is primarily worshipped vile City of Brass. From here the efreet, under the
by fire elementalists and sages interested in inner- leadership of the Grand Sultan, enslave anyone that
planar affairs. comes within their long grasp, even followers of
Joramy's clericy has seen a recent surge in Joramy. Many a poor efreet has suffered for such an
followers as her worship expands out of the volcanic outrage. Both parties keep a close eye on the other but
regions. These new followers are attracted to the anger hostilities have yet to grow in size. This could easily
and wrath aspects of Joramy's power because of the change if Joramy takes offense to anything the efreet
recent wars. Many people were displaced from their do in the future.
homes, had a personal loss of family or friends, and On the Para-Elemental Plane of Magma,
hold a great enmity towards those creatures that Joramy seeks to expand her worship. Her only rival for
brought this time of despair upon them. These people power is the supposed "Master of the Lava Mephits",
want to regain what they lost or make the people that Chilimbra. This evil tyrant cannot hold a candle to
caused their suffering pay. Joramy's followers offer a Joramy and many lava mephits and magmen are taking
way to accomplish what these people desire and set a to worship Joramy. This conversion is drawing the
good example based on what Joramy is like. attention of many other deities in the Inner Planes and
Joramy is an extremely passionate goddess. could bring about a conflict at some future point.
She takes her beliefs very seriously, is quick to anger Joramy also has some longstanding enmities
and will not give up easily. She doesn't believe in with a few other deities not found on the Inner Planes.
holding back her emotions or using diplomacy as a tool Her greatest enemity is with Pyremius, the Suel power
to accomplish her goals. She has an explosive temper of murder and fire, who stole his fire aspect from
and will push her point (either through combat, magic Joramy's ally Ranet after weakening her with poison.
or a heated debate) until she is satisfied with the Pyremius has corrupted Ranet's life-giving power and
outcome. And woe be the creature that crosses her in uses it to further the cause of murder and mayhem
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through arson and pyromania. Pyremius has also taken of Joramy's interest in the Para-Elemental Plane of
to sending omens and messages to followers of Joramy, Magma, her realm can exist in both Planes at once, if
enticing them to do his dirty work in Joramy's name. she so desires it to. The Hearth's primary feature is a
Erythnul started a conflict with Joramy because of his volcano of such enormity that no other can rival it
envy and hatred over Joramy's beauty and power. anywhere in the Multiverse. It is long rumored that this
Erythnul has repeatedly tried to thwart Joramy's plans is the birthplace of all Magma and that portals exist
for expansion by setting about schemes to endanger her deep within this realm that feed all volcanos around the
followers and mar her name. This has brought Joramy's Prime Material Plane and its many crystal spheres.
wrath and anger into the situation, and she will not rest Lava is constantly flowing from the volcano's center
until Erythnul has paid for his interference. Beltar and its uncountable vents. The smell of sulfur is so
requires the sacrifices of numerous creatures. Since pervasive in this realm that everyone must make a save
Joramy's followers live in some of the areas where vs. death magic every turn or pass out from the
Beltar's priests are, these unfortunate people have overwhelming stench. The petitioners that reside here
found their way onto to the sacrifical block. Joramy is are always in a constant state of anger and will take it
extremely angry about this practice and seeks to bring out on the first creature they encounter that gives them
the loss of her follower's lives as sacrifices to an end. offense. This could either be a rather harsh tongue-
These situations are ready to turn into all out wars with lashing or an all out fight. This realm is truly one of the
these clerics, and priests from either side will attack the many wonders of Elemental Fire and Magma at its
other upon sight. grandest.
Joramy has few allies among the native
Powers of Oerth. Because of the situations Joramy has Joramy's Avatar (Priest 25, Fighter 18)
with Pyremius, Erythnul & Beltar, Kurell keeps Joramy appears as a beautiful human woman
himself on Joramy's good side out of fear of her wrath cloaked in a robe made of lava that swirls with the
and nothing else. He is biding his time to extract randomness of the tides of magma. Her hair is wisps of
revenge for some personal slight he feels was made multi-colored fire (the colors depending on the
against him. Pelor, however, respects Joramy's wrath intensity of the flame) that dance around her perfectly
and ability to wield a strong source of heat and light to formed powder white face. Her fiery red ruby eyes
burn the forces of evil and drive out the darkness. He glisten from the heat and flames that surround her.
will sometimes aid Joramy in a cause directly related to When she speaks, a deep booming voice erupts from
Oerth, particularly one that will see an end to some her that sends shock waves to all those around her.
great evil or darkness. Joramy carries The Flaming Hand, a staff
Joramy has a long and storied past. Some of made of brass that is topped with a piece of pumice
the earliest legends about her are nearly two thousand formed into the shape of a clenched fist. At will, she
years old, and concern her role in creating an artifact can summon forth
known as Queen Ehlissa's Marvelous Nightingale. This Blazing Wrath, a two
item is partially named after the most notorious owner handed sword made of
of the item, Queen Ehlissa, who ruled with an iron fist pure fire that will not
for many centuries with the help of this item. Its only do normal sword
powers are a direct link to the numerous aspects of damage, but will also
Joramy and reflect this in its functions. The artifact has cause an additional
been lost for many centuries and would be a prize that 1d10 points of heat
any follower of Joramy would gladly kill for. damage. (This is in
In the past, the strength of Joramy's worship addition to Joramy's
has fluctuated greatly. At one time she was the most own personal body
prominent deity worshiped in the Hellfurnaces and the heat). She prefers to
surrounding area until the Rain of Colorless Fire use her spells and
(which she unjustly took some of the blame for because natural abilities before
of her fire aspect). When the migrating Suel passed resorting to the staff
through Slerotin's tunnel, they caused much destruction and sword, but she
in the underground areas of the Hellfurnaces and many will use either with
followers were killed or forced to serve new deities. deadly force.
Since that time her influence in the Flanees has been When Joramy wants to travel the Prime
slowly re-growing until recently. Material Plane and not be noticed she takes the form of
Joramy's Realm, known as The Hearth, can be a tall, beautiful, demure human woman in her early 20's
found on the Elemental Plane of Fire at the border of with bright red hair. She is very soft spoken but head
Fire and the Para-Elemental Plane of Magma. Because strong in all matters.
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kinds of spells. Any such spell used against Joramy,

AC -6; MV 15; HP 140; THAC0 3; #AT 1 however, will bring her full attention upon the creature
DMG: 1d8 + 4 (Staff) / 2d10 + 7 (2H Sword) casting them against her.
MR: 90% (45%); SZ M (6')
STR:18 DEX:19 CON:18 INT:22 WIS:18 CHA:18 Other Manifestations
Spells W: Any fire or earth spell; P: 11/11/10/10/9/8/4 Joramy will sometimes take the appearance of
Saves: PPDM 4 , RSW 2 , PP 5 , BW 2 , Sp 2 a powerful elemental creature to survey the
surrounding territory. At other times she will take the
Special Att/Def: Joramy is immune to all forms of fire form of a large geyser of lava erupting from the
and earth (spells, breath weapons, natural events, etc.). ground. Joramy also sends omens of warning in the
Because of the intense heat generated by the goddess, guise of minor volcanic eruptions, lava flowing in the
all those that stand within 30 feet of her (even those wrong direction, strange smells associated with fire or
with natural immunities to fire) will receive 1d10 lava or pumice turning back into lava.
points of heat damage every round, no save. For the On the Inner Planes, Joramy is served by
same reason, any magical weapon that hits her in numerous Fire and Magma creatures including: fire
combat will need to make a save vs. magical fire or be elementals, magma para-elementals, magmen, grues,
totally destroyed. Normal weapons get no save and are ruvkova, salamanders, azer, fire bats, rogue efreet, fire
automatically destroyed. Magical plusses will count to giants, and fire and lava mephits.
the save, and frost brands get an additional +3 to their
saves. Anything that Joramy willingly touches will
burst into flames and be destroyed unless a save vs. The Church
magical fire is made. She also has it within her power Clergy: Clerics (30%), specialty priests
to extinguish or intensify any fire source within her (70%)
sight, either magical or natural. Alignment: N or NG
The robe that Joramy Turn Undead: C: Yes, at priest level -2 ;
wears, known as Searing Mirage, SP: Yes, at priest level -2.
acts like a cloak of displacement; Command Undead: C: No, SP: No
The Flaming Hand is a +2 staff
of the elements, and Blazing All priests of Joramy receive the following
Wrath acts like a +3 two handed bonus proficiencies free of charge: fire building and
flame tongue. She can command survival, desert. They are required to learn blind
any fire or magma creature fighting and spellcraft without any penalties due to
within 100 feet of her to class. Clerics and specialty priests can turn undead as if
unfailingly do her bidding they were 2 levels less. The clergy of Joramy is made
without having to concentrate. up of humans, dwarves and gnomes.
These fire and magma creatures Joramy's clerics customarily stay in areas of
are also enhanced within her great heat and volcanic activity like the Hellfurnaces or
presence by 2 HD for the deep underground caverns open to lava flows, but her
duration of their time in Joramy's worship has become more widespread over the past
service. This increase affects few decades and made its way across the Flanaess.
THAC0, hit points, damage, size Recently her worship has been increasing in more
and saves. "unusual" areas like major cities and port towns. Most
Joramy can only be hit of the new areas of worship have been ravaged by the
by +3 or better magical weapons recent wars. Here, her priests are preaching the clericy
and has access to all fire and dogma but stressing certain aspects of Joramy's power
earth based spells, be they mage (anger, wrath and quarrels) to those smart enough to be
or cleric. These spells cast by enlightened by the instructing priests. These priests
Joramy's avatar receive an additional point of damage honor the Mistress of Fire with large bonfires that burn
per dice. She does not have access to water or air spells round the clock all year long in these "cold" areas. The
of any kind. strongest areas of worship, though, are still those
around volcanos, lava flows and hot springs.
Special Weakness: Being a creature of fire and heat, Natural shrines and temples are always
any water or cold based spell will have a greater effect located near a great source of heat like a lava pit,
on Joramy's avatar. These spells will cause an volcanic geyser or a huge bonfire. These areas are
additional point of damage per dice rolled and her always extremely hot and uncomfortable to those not
magic resistance is only 45% when dealing with these
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properly protected from there severe effects. No special strongly and passionately throw yourself into any
building is erected or unique design used to distinguish quarrel. Never let another stand in your way of what
these areas as a temple. Only the great force of nature you know as right for they shall feel my wrath. When
itself stands as testament to Joramy's great power. This you get involved in an argument or quarrel, you do so
is usually why her worship has remained in isolated with passion, emotion and especially anger. Heated
areas of the Flanaess until recently. arguments help you get closer to perfection. And if you
The clerics of Joramy are responsible for the get a little hot under the collar, heaven help the soul
maintenance of shrines, temples and holy areas and that stands in your way. They will get burned for their
perform all the necessary rituals in their upkeep. They efforts.
give guidance and counsel to the followers of Joramy
by interpreting omens and signs. They mediate disputes Day-to-day activities: Worshipers of Joramy usually
by becoming passionately involved and usually solve venerate the Mistress of Heat by arguing, getting
the problem through extreme measures. Because of the angry, avenging a wrong done to them or building
recent wars, many people have become receptive to fires. Nothing special is usually done to celebrate her
Joramy's priests and the attendance and interest in the on a daily basis. The priests will bless any cooking
temples has grown. fires and praise Joramy for the gift of heat and warm
Specialty priests are the ones that travel meals
around the Flanaess and spread the word of Joramy.
These representatives of the Mistress of Heat spend Important Ceremonies: When a volcano erupts, a
their days seeking out new forms of elemental fire great quarrel begins between powerful parties (war,
magic and those that employ it. They then try to arguments between priesthoods, families or countries)
convert these mages to their way of thinking so as to or some great injustice has been avenged, the priests
spread the word of Joramy faster. Since these potential will perform a special ceremony honoring Joramy's
converts deal with elemental fire already, half the power. In the natural areas of extreme heat described
argument is already won in the minds of these priests. earlier and in the temples dedicated to Joramy, grand
The specialty priests also seek out angry people and ceremonies are held every season when Celene and
areas of great quarrels to intercede and become Luna are both new moons {25th Readying, 18th
involved in. The potential for converts are enormous in Flocktime, 11th Goodmonth, 4th Ready'Reat}.
these people and these priests are right there to spread Sacrifices of expensive gems, valuable metals and rare
the word. stones are thrown into the heat source and impressive
The clergy is ordered by the following titles. displays of elemental fire magic are used to intensify
These names represent the many stages and intensities the natural flames and heat. This makes the ceremonies
that flames undergo as it progresses to becoming hotter around these areas (the bonfires can be over 40-foot of
and brighter. Titles are given at each new level burning material with the flames reaching well over
achieved up to 12th Level. Novices (0-Level) of Joramy 100-feet) more impressive and grand in the complete
are called Kindling. Priests begin with the title of darkness. The 11th day of Goodmonth is the holiest day
Wisps (1st Level) and continue on with Yellow Flame, of the year because it is one of the hottest days of high
Orange Flame, Red Flame, Blue Flame, Green Flame, summer. The only other days important to the faith are
White Flame, Flame Master, Flame Lord, Searing those honoring the anniversaries of great eruptions of
Lord, Illustrious Geyser and finally Grand Lava volcanos in the past. .
After this final title is achieved, any level Major Centers of Worship: The Hellfurnaces and the
advancement made by the priest beyond 12th Level, villages at their base have the largest concentration of
they will not receive a new title. The leader of the worshipers around the Flanaess. The great volcanos,
church (a priest of at least 12th level) is known as the lava pits and open geysers of the mountain range serve
Hearth Master in deference to Joramy's Realm name. as the numerous shrines and altars dedicated to Joramy.
There can only be one Hearth Master at any one time Here one can experience the full worship of the
but many Grand Lava Masters. The Hearth Master has goddess. In the major cities around the Flanaess where
achieved this position either through combat, great the Mistress's worship has grown (Hardby, Loftwick,
deeds done in the Mistress's name or passionately Greyhawk and Dyvers to name a few) there are either
arguing their way to the top. natural hot springs or great bonfires that the priests
maintain at roaring levels. These "city temples" are
Dogma: Fire is everything. It is the building block and enclosed in a red stone structure, (formed like an
ultimate destroyer of all, the end and the beginning of Olman-style temple or a stepped pyramid) which is
life. Emotions are the tides that flow with the ever- heated to unbearable levels by the natural event. The
changing currents of magma. Express your anger roof of the building is open to the sky so that the
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flames and wisps of heat escaping from the building representing the many colors of flame that they are
resemble a volcano erupting, which lights up the responsible to direct.
evening sky. Recently, priests have been investigating
the sites of natural forest fires that have burned Adventuring Garb: Priests of the Raging Volcano
hundreds of acres as other possible holy areas. may wear sturdy clothes and boots, but must wear their
sash or insignia of rank at all times. They cannot wear
Affiliated Orders: Several of Joramy's temples armor of any kind(including bracers) or bear shields,
maintain their own fighting and mage orders. The but may use other protective devices (bracers, rings,
Fellowship of the Hearth consists of fire elementalists cloaks, etc.). All priests will carry a blackened walking
and sages that seek out or research new forms of staff topped with a clenched fist, which may be used in
elemental fire magic or secrets of the Elemental Plane combat or abandoned for another weapon.
of Fire and Para-Elemental Plane of Magma. They use
this knowledge to defend the temples and followers of Specialty Priests (The Flaming Hand)
the Mistress as well as teaching these new skills to the Requirements: Strength 15, Constitution 15,
faithful. Members of the Fellowship are distinguished Wisdom 9
by the red coloring of their hair by dyes or berries, Prime Req: Strength, Constitution
even those members with natural red hair color. Alignment: N, NG
The Order of the Crimson Fury is a secret Weapons: Any flail, hammer, mace,
society made up of rogues that make sure that the morningstar, pick, staff
Maiden of Disputes' will is done. The Order is charged Armor: None
with inciting anger and quarrels in new areas of Major Spheres: All, Charm, Combat, Creation,
worship so that the specialty priests have receptive ears Elemental (Fire, Earth), Guardian,
to hear the word of Joramy. The Order also keeps Protection, Sun
established areas of worship in a state of anger and Minor Spheres: Divination, Healing, Necromantic,
heated arguments worthy of the Maiden. Members of Summoning
the Order carry a small symbol of a crimson colored Magical Items: Any available to priests and fire
female face with a look of anger somewhere on their elementalists
person. Req. Profs: blind-fighting, spellcraft
The Order of Knights of the Blazing Wrath is Bonus Profs: fire-building, survival; desert
made up of fighters and clerics. Their symbol is a two-
handed sword afire, and members of this order are • Priests gain major access to the Animal sphere
known to stoop to low deeds to acquire a two-handed while on the Elemental Plane of Fire or Para-
flaming tongue sword. The Knights of the Blazing Elemental Plane of Magma. They can only control
Wrath are charged with defending the holy areas and animentals (PlaneScape Monstrous Compendium
temples of the Raging Inferno. When an argument III, pg. 14-15)
needs to be resolved or some injustice needs to be • At 1st level, the priest will receive a +2 bonus to
avenged, the Knights go forth and bring the full wrath saves made vs. fire damage, a -2 vs. all cold and
of the Maiden upon the guilty. Sane people run in fear water related spells and is protected by a
from these knights as they bring the scourge of Joramy permanent endure heat spell
upon all that get in their way. Numerous adventuring • At 3rd level, the priest can use an ability similar to
companies have also taken Joramy as a patron, chiefly the 1st level mage spell taunt (1x/day) when
those whose treks regularly bring them deep into the involved in an argument
• At 5th level, the priest can use an ability similar to
the 2nd level mage spell ESP (1x/day) to help in a
Priestly Vestments: Priests will never wear any armor.
quarrel or argument
They wear light fitting clothes similar to a toga. These
• At 7th level, the priest can use an ability similar to
vestments are all colored white and a colored sash
the 3rd level mage spell suggestion (1x/day) to
corresponding to their level will display each priest's
influence a creature to become angry and
title. Once beyond the color range a design is
embalmed over the section of cloth near the heart. A
• At 9th level, the priest can learn and cast a mage
red flame forFlame Master, a black flame with a white
spell of 1st thru 3rd level that deals with the element
tipfor the Flame Lord, a green flame for the Searing
Lord, a column of golden flamesfor Illustrious Geyser of fire or magma. These spells replace a priest
spell of the corresponding level and must be
and an erupting volcano for the Grand Lava Master.
prayed for by the priest before they can be added
The Hearth Master wears a multi-colored toga
to their spell list
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• At 10th level, the priest can add an additional point Saving Throw: Neg.
of damage per dice on all fire-related spells and This spell allows the caster to cause one
targets receive a -1 to their saves vs. elemental fire intelligent creature to become so enraged that they halt
magic cast by the priest all other activities and attack the nearest creature with
• At 12th level, the priest can use an ability that has their hands or weapon, not spells. The targeted creature
the same effects as the magical item scarab of must make a save vs. spell (adjusted for wisdom) to
enraged enemies (once per week) avoid the effects of the spell. Those that fail their save,
• At 14th level, the priest can learn and cast a mage attack with an additional +1 "to hit" and damage for the
spell of 1st thru 5th level that deals with the element duration of the spell. If the creature makes the initial
of fire or magma. These spells replace a priest save, any subsequent attempt to use this spell on them
spell of the corresponding level and must be will afford the creature a cumulative +1 to their save
prayed for by the priest before they can be added vs. spell each time the priest tries to use this spell on
to their spell list them.

Joramy's Spells Frenzy (Charm)

3rd Level
Burning Eyes (Charm) Range: 0
1st Level
Components: V, S, M
Range: 10 yards Duration: 1 round/level
Components: V, S Casting Time: 7
Duration: Special
Area of Effect: The caster
Casting Time: 2 Saving Throw: Special
Area of Effect: 1 creature This spell allows the priest to make
Saving Throw: Neg.
themselves so angry that they attack all creatures in
This spell causes the priest's eyes to glow and melee with an additional +2 "to hit" and damage for the
look like flames. The caster must then concentrate on duration of the spell. They cannot cast or perform any
one creature within visual and sound range and make
other activities except fight in melee during the spells
eye contact. Once the creature makes eye contact with duration. The priest can choose to end their frenzy by
the priest and hear what they say, they must make a making a save vs. spell, adjusted for wisdom. If they
save vs. spell, adjusted for wisdom. Those that make
fail the save, they continue to fight. They can attempt
the save, nothing occurs and they can act normally. to end the spell every round with an additional +1 to
Those that fail the save vs. spell begin to argue with the their save to return to normal. If there are no further
priest. As long as the target creature can understand the
enemies to fight and the caster is still in their frenzy,
language the priest is speaking in and makes eye they will attack the nearest creature, even an ally, until
contact, they can be affected by the spell. The creature the spell ends or they make a save vs. spell. The
will continue to argue with the priest until they are
material component is the priest's holy symbol and a
either attacked, can no longer see or hear the priest or tooth from a wild or aggressive animal.
the priest ends his argument. If the argument is poor or
to complicated for the target creature, they receive
another save vs. spell with a +4 adjustment. Once a
Flaming Cloak (Protection, Elemental Fire)
creature makes their save, they can act normally. 3rd Level
Creatures without sight, unable to hear, undead of any Range: 0
sort, and magical Components: V, S, M
constructs are Duration: 1 round/level
unaffected by this Casting Time: 6
spell. Area of Effect: The caster
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a shimmering aura of flames
around the spellcaster, similar to the 4th level mage
spell fire shield. This spell creates an mirage effect that
Rage (Charm) tricks the vision of any creature that is looking and
2nd Level
attacking the caster. It appears that the caster is
Range: 80 yards standing in one area when in fact they are off a few
Components: V, S feet. This spell bestows similar effects of a cloak of
Duration: 1 round/level
displacement, or the spell displace self. The first
Casting Time: 5 targetted attack on the spellcaster automaticly misses,
Area of Effect: 1 creature
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and subsequent attacks receive a -2 penalty to hit. target within range. The flames give off light equal to a
Any targetted spell that is directed at the caster gives torch and do not cause any damage except as noted
the caster a +2 to their saving throw. Examples of these below. Once per round the priest may aim his hands at
are: touch spells, disintegrate, finger of death, etc. Area the target and send forth a burst of flame, attacking as a
effect spells, like a fireball, affect the caster normally. fighter of three levels higher (a 9th level priest attacks
Water or cold-based magic will cause double damage as a 12th level fighter.) If successful, the burst of
to the priest protected by this spell but it does not flame ignites any flammable items on the victim, and
reduce damage from fire-based spells. Undead, blind causes 1d4 points of damage per level of the caster
creatures, or magical constructs of any kind are (12d4 maximum), save vs. spell for half damage. The
unaffected by this spell. The material components are target of the spell only needs to save on the round that
the priest's holy symb ol and a 100gp ruby. they are hit with the flames. Multiple attacks on
multiple rounds require a saving throw each time. The
Antagonism casters' hands remain aflame until the duration of the
(Enchantment/Charm) spell is over. The caster may perform other activities in
Sphere: Charm lieu of hurling a fire burst that round, including spell
Level: 4 casting or combat with a weapon, though flammable
Range: 10 yards objects such as scrolls and material components may
Components: V, S catch fire.
Duration: 1 round/level The material component is the priest's holy
Casting Time: 7 symbol and a 50gp ruby, which is destroyed by the
Area of Effect: 30-foot radius of priest spell.
Saving Throw: Special
This spell causes all creatures within the area Boiling Blood
of effect that fail their save vs. spell (adjusted for (Alteration, Enchantment/Charm)
Wisdom) to become furious and argumentative. These Sphere: Charm, Combat
creatures will stop what they are doing, including Level: 5
fighting in melee and spell casting, etc. and argue with Range: 10 yards/level
the caster for the duration of the spell. The priest must Components: V, S, M
continue to argue with the creatures and perform no Duration: 1 round/level
other actions (spell casting, melee, etc.) or the targets Casting Time: 8
are allowed another save vs. spell adjusted for Wisdom Area of Effect: One Creature
with a +2 bonus. Creatures that are damaged by Saving Throw: Special
another creature or spell effect are also granted another This spell has two effects on the creature
save vs. spell. Those that make this second save can act being targeted with the spell. The first effect is that the
normally, those that fail, continue to argue until the creature goes into a berserker rage and attacks the
spell ends or one of the above mentioned criteria nearest creature to them every round, regardless of
occurs. them being a friend or foe. The initial saving throw is
made at a -2 penalty, adjusted for wisdom. The creature
is given a saving throw each round to see if they come
out of the rage. The longer the creature is under the
effects of the spell, the harder it is to break out of the
rage. After the first save, another -1 penalty is added
each round to the saving throw.
Flaming Hands Secondly, if the creature is under the effects of
(Invocation/Evocation) the spell for more than one round, their blood begins to
Sphere: Combat, Elemental Fire heat up at a rate of one degree per round. If the
creature's blood is heated up more than four degrees
Level: 4
Range: 10 yards before the effects of the spell end, the creature is
Components: V, S, M exhausted and unable to move. The creature must then
spend 3 turns for each degree to recover.
Duration: 1 round/level
Casting Time: 7 Example: the creature is affected for 6 rounds.
Area of Effect: One Creature They make their save and fall exhausted and must rest
for 2 and half-hours before they can do anything. If the
Saving Throw: 1/2
This spell allows the priest to ignite yellow creature's body temperature increases by eight degrees,
flames around their hands and then direct it at any it dies from the extreme change in body temperature.
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The material components are the priest's holy symbol, a warriors are destroyed they return to the Para-
piece of hardened lava and a 100gp ruby. Elemental Plane of
Magma. The caster
Heat Wave can summon 1d4
(Alteration) magma warriors. The
Sphere: Combat, Elemental Fire material component
Level: 5 for this spell is the
Range: 10 yards priest's holy symbol,
Components: V, S, M sulfur, phosphorus,
Duration: 1 round/level and a 500 gp ruby.
Casting Time: 8
Area of Effect: 40 feet wide, 20 feet high, 10 feet deep Transmute Stone to Lava (Alteration, Elemental
Saving Throw: Neg. Fire & Earth)
This spell creates a wall of heat that moves 6th Level
away from the priest at a rate of 10 feet per round. The Range: 100 yards
wave cannot be turned back towards the caster but a Components: V, S, M
cone of cold or other similar cold-based magic will Duration: Special
negate its effects. The wave increases the temperature Casting Time: 9
of the area effected by 90 degrees + 2 degrees/level of Area of Effect: 10-foot cube/level
the priest. The wave causes 2d4 + 1 point of damage Saving Throw: Special
per 2 levels of the priest (round down) with a save vs. The spell turns natural rock or stone into an
spell for half damage. (A 9th level priest would cause equal volume of magma. This spell works like all other
2d4 + 4 points of damage) Because of the intense heat, transmute X spells except for two major differences.
those that fail their save vs. spell also have their vision Creatures caught in the area of effect suffer an
affected. Creatures become disoriented and their automatic 2d10 + 5 points of damage each round they
movement rate is reduced by one third and their "to hit" are in the magma. Magical items that provide
probability suffers a -2 penalty for 1d6 rounds. This protection versus fire will reduce this damage by half.
spell does double damage to any cold using or All flammable items must make a save vs. magical fire
regenerating creatures and no damage to fire based or be destroyed. The only way to revert the magma
creatures. The material components are the priest's holy back to stone is by casting a dispel magic on the area or
symbol, pumice, and coal. by waiting 1d4 weeks for the magma to cool and
harden. The material components are a piece of
Magma Warriors (Abjuration, Summoning) pumice and an open flame.
Sphere: Elemental Fire, Summoning Volcanic Geyser (Alteration / Elemental Fire)
Level: 6 6th Level
Range: 0 Range: 120 yards
Components: V, S, M Components: V, S, M
Duration: 3 rounds/level Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round Casting Time: 1 turn
Area of Effect: 30 Feet Area of Effect: 60-yard radius
Saving Throw: None Saving Throw: Special
This spell enables the caster to summon This spell causes an area of the ground to
warriors from the Para-Elemental Plane of Magma. open up and vent volcanic lava for 2 rounds. All those
These warriors will protect the caster from physical within 30 yards of the eruption take 1d8 points of
harm for the duration of the spell or until they are damage for every 2 levels of the caster with a save vs.
destroyed. These special warriors fight with fire swords breath weapon for half damage. Creatures between 31
that inflict 1d10 points of damage, plus 2d4 points of and 60 yards take 1d8 points of damage for every 4
heat damage for all those within 10ft of the warrior. levels of experience of the caster, also with a save vs.
Any cold using, avian, or regenerating creatures take breath weapon for half damage. Those creatures that
double damage from these warriors. Any heat-using fail their save vs. breath weapon must make individual
creature will only take half damage from the weapon saves vs. magical fire for all their personal items.
and no heat damage. These warriors have an armor Flammable items receive a -4 to their save vs. magical
class of 2; the hit points of the priest and attack as fire. Lava continues to flow from the epicenter for 1
fighters 3 levels less than the caster's level. When the turn after the initial 2 round eruption, inflicting 2d8
Oerth Journal 11 Page 12 of 84

points of damage per round to those standing or

moving through the lava, no save. All those within 10
feet of the lava take 2d6 points of heat damage and 1d6
points of damage for those within 20 feet of the lava,
no save. The material component for this spell is a
piece of hardened lava and a red ruby worth 1,000 gp.


Prince Zaaman Rul is the Archomental of all
good Elemental Fire creatures; Imix is the Archomental
of all evil Elemental Fire creatures; Princess Sunnis is
the Archomental of all good Elemental Earth;
Ogremoch is the Archomental of all evil Elemental
Earth creatures. Archomentals are similar to Abyssal
Lords and are just one step below being a "true" deity.
TSR 2635 {Planescape Monstrous Compendium III,
pg. 16-21)
Kossoth, Tyrant King of the Fire Elementals
INNER PLANES, pg. 46; and FAITHS & A VATARS, pgs.
Pyremius is the Suel deity of Fire, Murder &
Queen Ehlissa's Marvelous Nightingale (1st
Edition DMG, pg. 160)
ragged robes of dead black lined with cloth of sickly orange
  and trimmed in nauseating moss green, he roams the Astral,
! " # $  " Ethereal, and Prime Material Plane, the last during darkness
only. He rides a huge nightmare of maximum hit points when
it pleases him to do so, and he is accompanied by six of the
By Russell S. Timm strongest night hags likewise mounted.
( Incabulos may cast spells from all schools and all
spheres. He detests the presence of bright light, and will not
Incabulos use any spells which create light as their primary effect (e.g.
continual light ) and is loath to use spells which create intense
(Black-Rider, Lord of Pestilence, Master of the Bitter Cup,
Lord of Evils) light as a side effect (e.g. fireball and lightning bolt).

Greater Power of The Grey Waste AC -9; MV 15 Fl 45 HP 393 THAC0 10 #AT 2

Portfolio:Evil, Plagues, Sickness, Famine, Drought, DMG: 1d6+6 or 2d4+6
Disasters, Nightmares MR: 95% SZ M (7 feet)
Aliases:Sevelkhar the Waster (Bakluni) STR:18 DEX:25 CON:21 INT:20 WIS:20 CHA:-3 (24 on the
Domain Name:The Grey Waste/Gholgorahk, The Socket of Grey Waste)
Woe Spells P: 14/14/12/11/10/10/9 W: 9/9/9/9/9/9/9/8/8
Saves: PPDM 2 , RSW 3 , PP 5 , BW 7, Sp 4
Special Att/Def: Although Incabulos rarely enters
Foes:Geshtai, Pelor, Phyton, Rao, Sotillion, St. Cuthbert,
melee combat (perhaps considering it trivial and a waste of
time), it is not due to any lack of ability. He delights in
Symbol:Eye of Possession
causing fear and misery, and amuses himself with those
Wor. Align:LE, NE, CE
foolish enough to challenge him. He often toys with mortals,
imparting a lesson in wisdom that is often the last one such
Incabulos (in-CAB-u-loss) is the power of evil sendings,
lesser beings ever learn.
feared by good and evil folk alike. The black-cloaked rider of
Incabulos has the abilities of a specialist necromancer,
the nightmares delights in woe and wickedness, and enjoys
including one additional spell per spell level, a -1 penalties to
being feared as much as being revered. Incabulos has few
opponents saving throws versus his necromantic spells, a +2
worshipers in the Flanaess, but many seek to propitiate him
to saves versus necromantic magic, a special speak with dead-
with offerings. This is especially true in lands ravaged by
like spell ability that may be invoked at will, and a +2 to
famine, where disease has spread from unburied bodies on
saves versus undead attacks. He has none of the weaknesses
battlefields, and where fear grips the common people.
of the common necromancer, however, and may cast spells
Despicable folk of all sorts venerate Incabulos, respecting his
from any school or sphere.
power and malignancy. Religious depictions of Incabulos
Incabulos may only be affected by +4 or greater
only begin to approach the true hideousness of his horrible
weapons, and he regenerates 2 hp per round. Incabulos has
visage, deformed body, and skeletal hands.
several other specialized attack forms in addition to his
Incabulos despises Rao and Pelor, and maintains a loose
considerable spell capabilities. Once per day he may cast an
alliance with Nerull for the purposes of opposing these two
improved sleep (W1) spell that affects twice as many
Greater Powers. The other deities he considers foes are of
HD/levels of creatures as the wizard spell, and may also affect
little consequence to him. It should be noted that Incabulos is
up to 8HD/8th level creatures. Once per day he may also cast
known to the Bakluni as Sevelkhar the Waster, Master of
permanent sleep spell upon any creature he touches ( a
Famine and Drought, the Poisoner of Wells. In the Bakluni
successful save vs. spells negates, mind affecting bonuses
culture, Sevelkhar is the eternal opponent of Geshtai, and
apply). Only an exorcism, limited wish, wish or similar magic
both are viewed as subservient to Istus, Our Lady of Fate.
will awaken the creature so affected.
This is contrary to the common belief of the Flanaess, where
If forced into melee, Incabulos is more than capable of
Incabulos is one of the few Greater Powers, an equal of Istus,
making his opponent regret such action, being a master of the
and vastly more powerful than Geshtai, a Lesser Power.
quarterstaff and bastard sword. His favorite weapon is his
staff of wounding and withering, said to be made of a
Incabulos' Avatar
petrified piece of the infinite tree Yggdrasil and covered with
(Priest 35, Thief 20, Necromancer 35)
the screaming faces of tortured souls. Combining the powers
of a staff of withering and a reversed staff of curing, this staff
Incabulos appears as a horrible looking man of
has no fewer than 60 charges, and only Incabulos may
indeterminate age, with skin tinged a sickly blue. He has a
recharge it. This weapon is extremely powerful, affecting any
twisted, nightmarish visage, deformed body , and skeletal
creature be it animal, plant, or extraplanar in nature. It is not
appendages. His pupilless eyes of dull yellow cast a
known if another being may wield it, for there is no recorded
harrowing gaze upon all he views, and the smell of death and
instance of anyone or anything doing so.
decay linger in the air wherever he goes. Clad in filthy,
Incabulos may also brandish a great bastard sword in afflicted with lycanthrope on purpose, considering it
battle if necessary or advantageous. Known as Evil Edge, this advantageous to their position in the church.
odd looking blade of enchanted flint from Hades is equivalent Worship of Incabulos is certainly not common, though
to a bastard sword of wounding +4; any creature struck by it one might be surprised at the number of people who plea and
must save vs. poison at -4 or die within 1 round from an propitiate him to avoid the attention of the Master of
insidious and horrible wasting disease. Disasters. Temples dedicated to Incabulos, be they in
Should Incabulos deign his opponents not worth the enlightened or forsaken lands, are always subterranean affairs,
effort, or in the extremely rare cases he is being and usually in desolate areas. It is the opinion of most
overwhelmed, he may gate in 2-8 night hags or 5-20 hordlings members of the faith that " out of sight is out of mind", as
once per day (but not both, or any combination of the two). even other evil priesthoods (notably Nerull's, who occupy a
These creatures serve willingly. similar niche in the food chain, so to speak) revile their
Other Manifestations Clergy members are known as Incabulites, both within
Manifestations of Incabulos are much more commonly the faith and to outsiders. Clergy are as likely to work alone
seen than his avatar, especially since Incabulos will not send as they are to work in a group, and a group of clergy in a
his avatar to a Prime Material Plane world during daylight given area are collectively known as a coven. Another
hours. This is not to say that his manifestations are that similarity between Incabulites and hags is the ability of higher
common, though Incabulos will not hesitate to remind his level clergy members to create eyes of possession; these items
priests of the price of failure, afflicting them with horrible are similar in power to hag eyes, and given to agents of the
nightmares, or rarely, a disease of some sort. (An interesting priesthood. Such items are not bestowed casually, and great
side note to this is that any priest of Incabulos who has care is taken to ensure that the bearer cannot reveal the source
renounced their worship of him has died within one year of a of such an item, through means both magical and mundane.
horrible wasting disease. Such priests are said by others of the Members of all sexes and races are welcome to join the
faith to have "Evil Edge hanging o'er them"). Incabulos will faith. Humans dominate the clergy, and comprise almost all of
also manifest as a bronze Eye of Possession, through which the specialty priests (who are known as Pathogens) and
he may speak or cast spells. mystics who venerate the Lord of Evil Sendings. Most clerics
Incabulos is served hags of all kinds, particularly night are also human, though there is the occasional half-orc, half-
hags, and hordlings. He may dispatch other creatures as his ogre, orc, or hobgoblin. Specialty priests are addressed as
ambassadors, including incarnates of covetousness, envy, Ambassador by peers and by the title "Your Malignancy" by
gluttony, lust, and sloth; maruts; dust and salt mephits; juniors. Clerics are addressed as Emissary by peers and by the
nightmares; tanar'ri (bulezua, succubi); vargouille; yeth title "Your Virulence" by juniors. Within a coven, senior
hounds; vaporighu; wastrels; bats (common, large, and huge); members address initiates as Larvae, with higher ranking
cloakers; feyrs; ghouls; formorian giants; grimlocks; clergy members usually awarding themselves the titles (in
lycanthropes of all species; mummys; gibbering mouthers; ascending rank); Acolyte, Deacon, Vicar, and finally Bishop.
magebanes; marrashi; parasites (all); ghost (ker); great ghuls; Heads of covens are referred to as Patriarchs or Matriarchs,
ghul-kin; dream-spawn (all); dreamweavers; dream stalkers; regardless of level. Such titles may be expanded with self-
and boowray. He sometimes show his disfavor with defaced important add-ons, and therefore one might hear a high
coins or scarred gems, upon which the victim can make out ranking cleric referred to as "His Most Dreaded Virulence,
the symbol of Incabulos in the scratches. The Black-Rider Patriarch of Pestilence and Famine, Bishop So-And-So.."
sometimes endows these with the ability to cause disease if Many of these titles are not official bestowals by the faith as a
they are given away as currency. whole, and recognition of status by other clergy members can
lead to deadly internecine strife.
The Church
Dogma: Clergy of this power are taught to spread as
Clergy: Clerics (30%), Mystics (5%), Shamans (5%), much evil as possible in the world, and be vigilant in
Specialty Priests (60%) opposing those who seek to do good. Priests are also
Alignment: LE, NE, CE instructed to prey upon the weaknesses of body and mind of
Turn Undead: C: No, My: No, Sha: No, SP: No other beings, and utilize these weaknesses to their advantage.
Cmnd Undead: C: Yes, My: No, Sha: Yes, SP: Yes Clergy of Incabulos derive great satisfaction in formenting
fear and hate, and making others commit evils for them.
All clergy of Incabulos receive the religion (common) Members of the faith are told to always seek to "put a dark
proficiency for free. shroud", as it were, over the true cause of great natural
Those who worship this power are intensely secretive; disasters, to ensure that Incabulos receives his due tribute.
many clergy members are paranoid to the point of insanity.
Fear and threats are used to maintain secrecy and the Day-to-Day Activities: Most priests spend much of
obedience of junior priests. Priests of Incabulos revel in their time increasing their personal power, influence, and
suffering, slow torture, and inflicting disease and misfortune material wealth coupled to acts of evil in the name of
(the grander the scale, the better). Many priests also become Incabulos. Such acts include kidnapping, slave-running, arms-
dealing, and undead-brokering. Priests of this power also love
manipulating people for their own use, using threats as well as Major Centers of Worship: The priesthood of
magically interfering with the integrity of people who might Incabulos is scattered throughout the Flanaess, with no major
be of use to them. Many priests also devote much time to recognized hierarchy. Major centers of worship only remain
researching diseases; what causes them, how they can make so for as long as their exists opportunity to sway the hearts
them more effective, and how they can best be delivered to and minds of common folk in places of despair.
large populations. To this end, such priests often work with
insects and animals, such as pigeons, bats, and of course, rats. Affiliated Orders: There are no knightly or military
More inventive priests may work with exotic vectors such as orders dedicated to Incabulos. There does exist, however, a
slimes, oozes, and even non-sentient undead. Clergy of this group known as the Bronze Cabal, who work with and
power are always plotting schemes to cause misery among the communicate with clergy and representatives of Incabulos.
masses, and are quick to capitalize on any natural disasters of Consisting of some sages, as well as some mages who have
the region, spreading rumors and encouraging placation to the interests in areas of necromancy and disease, members work
Lord of Evils. more towards the knowledge of disease and the causes behind
catastrophes such as famine and drought. The use of such
Holy Days/Important Ceremonies: Services to honor knowledge, however, is up to the one possessing it. In
Incabulos have weird humming and droning chants in the addition, many hags work with agents of Incabulos in
background. Multiple evils are celebrated by the faithful, spreading mayhem, and the odd werecreature may also work
while flickering black candles dimly light the altar areas, with a priest or priests of Incabulos.
sending a continuous thick and wretched smelling smoke into
the air. All vessels used in these ceremonies are of old bronze, Priestly Vestments: All clergy wear vestments of dull
bloodstone, or carnelian. There are no set times for daily or black embroidered with the Eye of Possession in verdigrised
weekly worship, as Incabulos encourages his worshipers to bronze, repeated in dull orange on the robes of higher level
commit acts of evil with as high of a frequency as possible. clergy. Name level specialty priests have orange trimming,
Many devotees keep their faith secret, and such secrecy is whereas name level clerics have green trimming. All priests
encouraged by high level clergy members. Therefore, holy possess special robes known as soulshrouds awarded by a
days and ceremonies celebrated by the faith as a whole are superior. Once a priest has been given one, he or she will
few and far between. keep it until death (and possibly beyond!), unless lost or
Like many other evil faiths in the Flanaess, Incabulites destroyed. Many priests often wear ritual masks with horrid
celebrate the Festival of the Blood Moon, which occurs on the visages as well.
11th of Coldeven. Incabulites usually make a point of
spreading their particular brand of evil, while worshiping in Adventuring Garb: Incabulites, being practical and
long ceremonies involving sacrifice and the like. An cautious to the point of paranoia, are masters of disguise and
interesting addendum to this is that Incabulites also take try to blend in with the culture of the area they live in. To this
particular pleasure in engendering the hate felt by other faiths extent they wear simple clothing, never trying to draw
during this time; it is generally held by members of the faith attention to themselves if possible. Some priests do have a
that one may receive the blessing of Incabulos by taking the penchant for acquiring jewelry and art objects which are
life of worshipers of another faith who actively oppose what made of bronze or feature carnelian or bloodstone. Priests of
Incabulos stands for, be they good or evil. Incabulos don't possess the greatest hygiene and are generally
The Feast of Famine also occurs during the winter a dirty and unkempt lot.
months in some isolated regions of the Flanaess. Clergy Although Incabulites are not inclined to be drawn into
members go without food on this day, and certain ascetics open combat, they are careful to wear armor and take any
may fast for a week. During this time, when surplus food is other protective measures necessary.
low, even the poorest farmer is wise to set aside an offering of
food to please Incabulos. If not, clergy members in the area
may receive a vision, commanding them to visit those villages
not paying proper respect; such visits often entail burning Specialty Priests (Pathogens)
granaries and killing livestock, along with painting the symbol
of Incabulos on some buildings, a sober reminder to the Requirements: Constitution 13, Wisdom 11
greedy and foolish. Prime Req: Wisdom
Another important holy week in the faith of Incabulos Alignment: NE
only occurs once every decade, and is known the Eye Weapons: Staff, Bastard Sword, Dagger, Sap, Garrote
Convene. Here all the higher level priests of Incabulos meet Armor: Any non-metal armor
in several areas throughout the Flanaess to contemplate in the Major Spheres: All, Animal, Astral, Guardian, Healing,
presence of a manifestation (or rarely an avatar) of Incabulos. Necromantic, Summoning, Thought, Weather
The purpose of this is to coordinate region-wide plots and Minor Sphere: Charm, Divination, Protection
schemes, to result in a disaster of some type on a grand scale, Magical Items: As Priest
be it a plague, famine, or drought.
Req. Profs: None Area of Effect: 1 creature
Bonus Profs: None Saving Throw: Neg.

 Pathogens may be of any race, though most are human By means of a simple gesture and a word or two, this
 Beginning at 1st-level, all Pathogens are immune to spell enables the priest to touch the intended victim with
natural diseases, including those caused by creatures such devastating effect. If the victim fails a save vs. spells at -3 , he
as green slime. Magical diseases still afflict these priests or she immediately goes unconscious, and enters a deep sleep.
as normal, though these priests receive a +4 to any save This sleep is permanent until magically dispelled, and
they have to make against disease. In addition, any creatures do age normally, and may even waste away while
disease cast by a Pathogen may not automatically be under this spell's effect. Such passing is far from peaceful
healed by the use of a cure disease spell. Rather, an though, as the victim undergoes horrible nightmares and
opposed check similar to that described under dispel visions of the worst sort; this is readily observable to others as
magic must be performed. If the attempt to cure the the victim rolls around, perspires, and even talks in their
disease is not successful, that particular healer may not sleep. This spell also ignores armor, and therefore only
attempt to cure the disease until he or she attains a new magical protections and Dexterity bonuses to Armor Class
level. (Of course, that may be too late for the victim.)At apply.
4th-level, Pathogens may cast cloak of fear (P4) upon
themselves once per day.
 At 5th-level, Pathogens may cast hypnotism (W1) 1x/day.
 At 7th-level, Pathogens may cast contagion (W4) 1x/day
 At 8th-level, Pathogens may cast wierding sleeptouch
 At 10th-level, any disease inflicted by a Pathogen
becomes even more potent; if an attempt to magically
cure the disease is made, and the caster fails, then he or
she not only may not attempt again until gaining a level,
but he or she also contracts the disease, and may not cure
himself or herself of that affliction! (This can be
absolutely lethal to small isolated communities with only
one low level cleric or priest.)
 At 13th-level, Pathogens may cast mummy rot (W5)
 At 18th-level, Pathogens may cast uncontrolled weather
(W9) 1x/week.
 At 20th-level, any disease inflicted by a Pathogen may
not be cured by any means short of a limited wish, wish
or a heal spell cast by a priest of at least 20th-level.

Incabulite Spells
It should be noted that, in addition to the following
spells, Incabulos also grants transmute cloud of pestilence
(P4, F&A pg.154), plague (P4, FtA card #6), water to dust
(P6), earthquake (P7), and tsunami (P7, PO:S&M) to all of
his clergy, regardless of sphere restrictions.

Wierding Sleeptouch

Sphere: Thought
Level: 5
Range: Touch
Components: V, S
Duration: Permanent
Casting Time: 1
Volume II, No. 4 Issue 15 3

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Norebo: The Daredevil ill luck, misfortune, insanity) because of the bad name he gives to
gambling and risk-taking. Ralishaz’s ability to take all the fun
by Paul M. Rokuskie ( out of living on the edge (and surviving) really bothers Norebo.
Norebo He hates Pyremius (lesser deity of fire, poison, murder) because the
(The Daredevil, The Lord of Peril, The Menace of Destiny, God of Blazing Killer poisoned Norebo’s daughter, Ranet, and stole her fire
Gambles) portfolio. And he hates Telchur (lesser deity of winter, cold, north wind)
because the Howl of the North imprisoned Norebo’s son Vatun in
Lesser Power of the Outlands, CN a secret demiplane over 700 years ago. Anytime Norebo can cause
Portfolio: luck, gambling, risks Ralishaz, Pyremius or Telchur a problem, he does so. Actually, most
Aliases: None of the stunts and crazy risks Norebo takes are to cause problems for
Domain Name: Outlands/ Fate’s Hazard all these different deities and their followers.
Superior: None
Allies: Wee Jas, Dalt, Rudd, Vatun Norebo does get along
Foes: St. Cuthbert, Pholtus, Kurell, Pyremius, Telchur, Ralishaz, with a few deities
any lawful deity however. Dalt (lesser
Symbol: A pair of 8-sided dice with a smiling mans face replacing god of portals, doors,
the “one” on each dice enclosures, locks. keys)
Wor. Align: Any non-lawful enjoys the company
of his father Norebo,
orebo (noh-REE-boh) is the patron Suel deity of especially when he tries
luck, gambling and risks. His symbol is a pair to thwart the Daredevil
of eight-sided dice with a smiling man’s face from gaining entry
replacing the “one” on each die. He is worshiped into some location.
most frequently in Suel-dominated areas and Most people would
is very popular among thieves, gamblers, think this father / son
performers, explorers and casino owners. relationship would be
Norebo is a very adventurous deity. There is nothing that he will volatile, but Norebo
not try regardless of the danger, the size of the feat or the seeming loves a challenge, and
impossibility of it. If there is something to be conquered, Norebo Dalt is always looking
will do it. He cares more about the risks involved in the “stunt” he to make a better lock.
attempts, than the wisdom in performing such an action. Being Also, Dalt and Norebo
the deity of luck usually helps in these endeavors, but most other are working together to
Powers consider him to be reckless and foolhardy. Norebo uses this find a way to free Vatun
perception to his advantage by propagating this belief and thereby from his imprisonment.
winning even greater acclaim for his most recent “performance.” With Norebo’s incredible luck and Dalt’s skill with doorways, these
His relationship with Wee Jas has kept his detractors guessing for two have an excellent chance of freeing Vatun. Rudd (demigod of
nearly 1,000 years. Most think he is trying to prove that opposites chance, good luck, skill) is also considered a friend. Norebo and Rudd
really do attract each other, or maybe he is risking it all for the most like to see who can outdo the other by proving they are the luckiest,
unattainable prize among the Suel pantheon, the love of the strict so a good spirited rivalry has blossomed. The lengths these two
death goddess. deities will go, to prove their point, are quite amazing.
Other than Wee Jas, Norebo disdains all those that follow the path Norebo will sometimes grant a boon of permanently increasing
of law. He enjoys sticking his nose into the business of any lawful the dexterity of some reckless worshiper that has impressed him
deity, regardless of their bent towards good, evil or neutrality, just by completing an impossible feat. Even though Norebo rarely
to throw havoc into their plans. He takes the most enjoyment from imparts this gift, it is still something that many devout followers
harassing St. Cuthbert and Pholtus. Out of all the lawful deities strive to receive. Or he will punish a follower for some grievous
of Oerth, these two are the most uptight in Norebo’s opinion. It transgression by permanently altering their dexterity for the
is even rumored that the animosity between St. Cuthbert and worse. One such offense would be using magic to harm or kill a
Pholtus is the result of some elaborate scheme by Norebo to keep target that is incapacitated, like casting hold person and then slitting
them off-balance so they do not join forces against the Lord of the held person’s throat. Norebo despises this behavior and will
Peril’s interests or those of other deities that disdain law. Norebo actively pursue any follower using such unsporting tactics. This
has a long-standing feud with Kurell (lesser deity of jealousy, revenge, is one of the few things that will bring the wrath of Norebo down
theft) over their shared area of concern, theft. Norebo, being the upon a follower. This change is either a sign that the recipient is
patron deity of thieves among the Suel, is jealously and relentlessly blessed or that they were cursed by the Menace of Destiny.
confronted by Kurell. But because of Norebo’s incredible luck, Norebo holds court in his realm in the Outlands called “Fate’s
Kurell’s plans always end in disaster for him and merely fuel his Hazard.” This realm is located near the gatetown of Glorium and
desire for revenge against Norebo. the Plane of Ysgard. The center of the realm is a huge town of
Norebo hates Ralishaz, Pyremius and Telchur for three very gambling halls and inns. There are numerous circus tents, open
different reasons. He hates Ralishaz (intermediate deity of chance, stable areas and fast moving rivers surrounding the town. The town
Volume II, No. 4 Issue 15 4

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2004

is set into a valley with high-reaching peaks that many brave souls bullets +5 he uses as ammunition. Norebo is able to make five melee
attempt to climb. There is no pass entering into the Realm; only attacks per round with Swift Providence, Fortunes Stake or his sling,
by coming over the mountains can one reach the town. Regardless or if he changes weapons in the middle of a round, then he may
of accessibility, the petitioners in the town never want for food or attack twice per round per weapon with any combination of the
other supplies. The shops are always full, as are the gambling halls. three. If Norebo uses another sling, then when he picks it up, it
People from all over the multiverse come here to try their luck at automatically becomes a sling +3 for 24 hours. His jet-black cloak
the tables. Many a great fortune has been won by those that are acts like a cloak of displacement as well as having the power of a robe
brave or foolhardy enough to make the trek into and out of the of eyes when Norebo so desires. With a word, the cloak can change
realm. color to any that Norebo fancies at the time. His black boots give
him the ability to fly at will and his gloves act like gloves of missile
Norebo’s Avatar snaring as well as gauntlets of swimming and climbing.
(Thief 25) Norebo can also be found with a number of other magical items at
AC -8; MV 18 / 36; HP 145; THAC0 5; #AT 5 his disposal at any given time. These items vary upon what was the
DMG: 1d6 + 12 (short sword) / 1d4 +13 (dagger) / 1-8 + 5 (sling most recent conquest the avatar undertook. (These are random and
bullets) should be chosen by the DM to suit the campaign.)
MR: 55%; SZ M (5’8”) Norebo can only be hit by +2 or better magical weapons.
STR: 20 DEX: 25 CON: 18 INT: 19 WIS: 10 CHA: 11
Other Manifestations
Norebo usually appears as a man of average looks, weight, and
height with common Suel features. His clothes are ordinary and Norebo will sometimes appear as a devastatingly-handsome Suel
drab, and his black cloak and gloves appear worn. In this form he man wearing a dark blue colored pair of wide-legged pantaloons
can keep a close watch on his followers and how they conduct and a loose-fitting blue shirt as well as a jet-black cloak and high
themselves in his “churches.” These garments hard boots, all made of the finest material.
actually help hide a very athletic build and An almost-invisible pair of gloves covers his
the short sword, dagger and sling that are Norebo will sometimes hands and seems to be his natural skin. In this
always at his side. Norebo also has the ability to appear as a devastatingly form, his long platinum hair is always placed
polymorph himself into animal forms, so he can handsome Suel man in a ponytail revealing an almost-albino face
keep tabs on his followers in secret outside the and deep violet eyes. When he speaks, his
“churches.” voice is thick with the ancient accent most
often used by the common people of the Suel Imperium.
Norebo carries Swift Providence, a black-bladed short sword with
Suel runes engraved along its blade and a gem-encrusted handle. On occasion Norebo will also take the form of a great crystal wyrm
Fortunes Stake is a dagger of exceptional size that is also black-bladed so as to bequeath a special double-strength luckscale to a worthy
with Suel runes along its blade. Norebo also wears a number of thief who steals it from the dragon’s lair. The most important thing
protective magical items that he has “liberated” from unworthy to remember is that regardless of what form Norebo takes, his true
owners or poorly-constructed dwellings during his many exploits identity cannot be seen unless Norebo wishes it. Only another
including bracers AC2, ring of protection +5, etc. Power can break through this natural ability.
Special Att/Def: Norebo’s avatar automatically makes all its saving
throws. His incredible luck always prevails in any situation The Church
regardless of the lack of preparation his avatar puts into the desired
outcome. He always comes out on top. Clergy: clerics (80%), specialty priests (20%)
Alignment: Any non-lawful
To “help” him with gambling, Norebo has the ability to alter any Turn Undead: C: No; SP: No
single roll of dice. He can change the outcome to the best possible Command Undead: C: No, SP: No
result for that particular situation. (This means he can change the
roll by as much as +3/-3 from what the result would have been.) His All priests of Norebo receive the following bonus proficiencies free
luck is almost complete (a 95% success rate) with this power, except of charge: disguise and gaming. They are required to learn blind
when he is intoxicated. (His success rate drops to 50% at that point. fighting and tumbling without any penalties due to class. Clerics
Also, if he rolls more than one die at once, then he can control and specialty priests cannot turn undead. Clerics and specialty
only one of them while drunk.) Norebo uses this ability constantly priests can use any weapon they pick up without a penalty for non-
when visiting one of his “churches.” Often Norebo inspires the proficiency when engaged in a dangerous or risky situation (DM
other gamblers to join in his outrageous streaks of luck. discretion). Clerics and specialty priests can hide in shadows, move
silently, climb walls, and remove traps as a thief of the same level.
Although Norebo has been known to carry many weapons, he As compensation for these “special abilities,” clerics and specialty
currently carries a short sword known as Swift Providence. This priests must earn an additional 10% in experience points to
weapon emulates a luckblade +3 and a short sword of quickness. His advance in level. The clergy of Norebo is made up of Suel humans
dagger, known as Fortunes Stake, emulates a longtooth dagger+4 and only, as no one outside “the remaining empire” has been exposed
a dagger of throwing. His sling +5 is made even deadlier with the to his clericy.
Volume II, No. 4 Issue 15 5

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2004

Even though Norebo is the patron deity of thieves, (and thieves are holy symbol in another Suel deity’s temple, to teaching youngsters
part of the ruling class on the Tilvanot Peninsula albeit the least the value of gambling. As long as there is some obstacle that has
powerful group), the leaders of the Scarlet Brotherhood discourage yet to be conquered, the work of the Menace’s chosen is never
open worship of him. They do this because of Norebo’s chaotic done. Also, interfering in the affairs of followers of lawful deities
and non-evil ways, his follower’s dependency on luck instead of and those hated by Norebo is an important activity. Even if it is a
strategy and the open hatred for clerics and followers of Pyremius minor intrusion, everything counts when you’re trying to disrupt
(a well-favored deity of Scarlet Brotherhood assassins, the second- something that is held as important or special to these people.
most-powerful group). These factors help make Norebo’s clericy
Important Ceremonies: Before and after any great “quest” to
quite small for such a popular deity of the common people.
top some feat, milestone or adventure or to do something that has
Only a handful of clerics and specialty priests reside in each city
never been done or attempted before, a great party is held for the
and village on the Tilvanot Peninsula. At the large full-pantheon
person taking up the challenge. These parties are always held in
temples in the cities, only one or two clerics can be found tending
one of the “churches” where much drinking, singing and gambling
the shrine to Norebo. This public display of worship is quite risky
occur. The owners of the establishment always gives their blessing
and serves only to invigorate the clerics.
over the endeavor and wish the heroes all good luck. There are no
The village barbarians are Norebo’s largest group of followers, particular days that stand out as important in the clericy, as each
with city thieves making up the next most numerous group. The day someone may try to top any previous record or endeavor, thus
barbarians venerate the “risks” aspect of Norebo’s portfolio, and making the old one unimportant. The clericy is more concerned
honor his name by undertaking many difficult feats and dangerous with what is happening now than in the past or future.
adventures The thieves worship the “luck” aspect of his portfolio
Major Centers of Worship: In the hidden city of Hesuel Ilishar
most of all. There isn’t one Suel thief that doesn’t invoke the name
is the main pantheonic church for all Suel religions not considered
of Norebo before attempting some “activity.”
important enough to have their own temple. Norebo has an
Churches of the Big Gamble are what the individual temples “official” shrine in this church. This small sanctuary is the largest
of Norebo are called on the Tilvanot Peninsula. These places of temple of its kind in all the Tilvanot Peninsula. There is also an
worship are in fact great inns and gambling halls. Here the three “unofficial” shrine in the Domain of the Cousins (the base of power
aspects of Norebo (luck, gambling, risks) are expressed in all their for thieves in the Scarlet Brotherhood) where the thief hierarchy
glory. Clerics are responsible for operating the numerous tables can worship their patron deity. All other temples are in gambling
and games that are played in these halls, serving the drinks and halls located around the Tilvanot Peninsula or in areas throughout
catering to the needs of the clientele. These duties allow the the Flanaess where the Suel immigrated after the Rain of Colorless
clerics to worship Norebo by gambling and putting themselves in Fire – such as Greyhawk City, Lendore Isle, the Wild Coast, the
harm’s way. The house profits are distributed amongst the clergy; barbarian states of the Thillonrian Peninsula, and the various cities
a percentage is kept in the coffers for the upkeep of the “temple,” of the Iron League.
and a small percentage is given to the Office of Arms. None of the
Affiliated Orders: Since the leaders of the Scarlet Brotherhood
games are rigged or slanted in the house’s favor. The clerics run the
look down on the followers of Norebo, the hierarchy has very
games fairly but take great risks with the house bets.
few official members of the church. Thus, the clericy has never
Specialty priests are usually the wealthiest gamblers at the organized any sects within the Brotherhood.
“Churches of the Big Gamble” and can most often be found at
Priestly Vestments: Brown or dark green robes are the preferred
the tables. These “high rollers,” as they are known, tend to take
choice of the clerics that work in the Churches of the Big Gamble.
numerous risks, gamble lots of money and have the longest
Brown robes are for the house dealers and game supervisors while
winning streaks that anyone could want. By playing the tables and
dark green is reserved for the most senior priest, usually the owner
winning a lot of money, they encourage people to gamble more by
of the church.
proving that the house can be beat. Specialty priests travel from
gambling hall to gambling hall, trying to draw bigger crowds into Adventuring Garb: Clerics can wear anything that they feel is
the establishments and increase their reputation as a fair place appropriate to the task they are working on.
to gamble. Or they travel to a town without a gambling hall, buy
property, open a Church of the Big Gamble, and then leave once the Specialty Priests (High Rollers)
hall is set up and has a suitable priest trained as its caretaker. Requirements: Dexterity 14, Wisdom no greater than 12
Dogma: Nothing ventured, nothing gained. Risking all you have, Prime Requisite: Dexterity
all the time, is the only way to better yourself and prove your Alignment: CN
worth. What others call reckless and foolhardy, we call exciting and Weapons: Any dagger, mace, sling
invigorating. May it be gambling, adventuring or anything; only Armor: Leather or chain
those lucky enough to survive the risks can be truly enlightened. Major Spheres: All, Chaos, Combat, Healing
Live life to its fullest or don’t live at all. Minor Spheres: Charm, Divination, Elemental (All), Guardian,
Numbers, Protection, Sun (rev), Travelers
Day-to-day activities: Working the gambling halls and inns Magical Items: As priest and thief
dedicated to Norebo are the main duties. When not working, do Req. Profs: blind-fighting, tumbling
anything that has a degree of risk to it. Anything from climbing the Bonus Profs: disguise, gaming
tallest trees with only your arms, to openly wearing the Daredevil’s
Volume II, No. 4 Issue 15 6

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2004

• At 1st level, the priest may attack twice per round with dagger Supreme Luck
or sling, can cast knock (1x/day), hide in shadows, move silently,
Level 5
climb walls and remove traps as a thief of their level (use table 19
Range: 0
in DMG for standard values)
Components: V
• At 3rd level, the priest can cast alter self or wizard lock (1x/day) Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
• At 5th level, the priest can cast dispel magic or phantom steed (1x/
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
• At 7th level, the priest’s dexterity is increased by 1 point
(to a maximum of 19) This spell allows a priest that is engaged in some dangerous or
risky activity automatically to make the next saving throw that
• At 9th level, the priest can cast polymorph self (1x/day) is related to the outcome of that activity or to avoid a potentially
• At 10th level, the priest can attack 3x/round with a dagger or crippling blow in melee combat.
sling and can cast seeming (1x/day)
• At 13th level, the priest can cast find the path (1x/day) Fortune’s Fool
Level 5
Range: 10 yards
Norebo’s Spells Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Fortune Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: One Person or Creature
Level 2
Saving Throw: Special
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M This spell gives the priest the ability to cause an opponent to re-
Duration: Instantaneous roll their next successful saving throw for 24 hours after the initial
Casting Time: 1 casting. The target of the spell gets a save vs. spell with a –1 penalty
Area of Effect: Special and an additional –1 to the save for every 5 levels of experience
Saving Throw: None of the priest to ward off this spell’s effect. Nothing happens to the
target if the save is made. Failing the save means that the next
This spell gives the priest the ability to blow on a pair of dice
time a successful save or ability check is made within 24 hours,
before making the roll in a gambling competition and increase the
the target must re-roll the dice one time and accept the new
odds of having a winner. There is a base increase of 25%, and for
outcome regardless of its consequences. All failed saves during the
every 3 levels of experience the priest has, there is a 10% increase
24-hour period are ignored until the first successful save is made.
in the roll being a winner. So at 6th level there is a 45% increased
The material components are the priest’s holy symbol and 100 gp
chance that the dice roll is a winner. The component is the priest’s
fairly won in a game of chance. The gold is consumed in the spell
holy symbol.

Fate’s Chance
Fortune’s Favorite
Level 3
Level 5
Range: 0
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, M
Components: V, M
Duration: Instantaneous
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1
Casting Time: 5
Area of Effect: Special
Area of Effect: One Person or Creature
Saving Throw: None
Saving Throw: None
This spell adjusts the next This spell allows the caster to give a friend or ally the chance to
roll of a die either by +1 or –1, re-roll their next unsuccessful saving throw. The effect lasts for 24
whichever will give the best result. hours from the time of casting and works on the first failed save or
This spell can be used either for ability check. The recipient cannot choose to hold the power for a
gambling or during the game. The later time in the 24-hour period; the power is automatic for the first
spell must be cast before the dice failed save. All successful saves and ability checks are ignored by
are rolled in either case. the spell until a failed save is rolled. The spell can only be cast once
The material component per 24-hour period on each recipient. The material component is
is the priest’s holy an item or money valued at 50 gp that was “liberated” during a
symbol. dangerous adventure. The item is consumed in the casting.
Volume II, No. 4 Issue 15 7

l;aksjofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmv erkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;snvasdkfjskladfl;aksjf ofoejlaksasdjflasjffoiojffklasv;jvlzm,.dmfqasjdlkasmvnaqojkasvxmvfgjafoqirjlaksvl;akmverkl;uweiorjsadklfja;sdjflkajd;jdfslksdfldslksoeoeo;azvxcvxdsggvzhjjhjuykjeroinvkldoia;klsdjf;lajdfoealkdjfl;asjdfasjdfoweijfaoelksdc,mxznvboitoiqna;sasdkfjskladfl;RonCarey2004

Level 6
Range: 0
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One Stone
Saving Throw: None
This spell creates a temporary luckstone. The stone lasts for 1 turn
per level of the caster. The luckstone acts exactly like the magical
item of the same name. The material components are the priest’s
holy symbol and a stone retrieved during a dangerous adventure.

Fortune’s Bane
Level 7
Range: 10 yards
Components: V, S, M
Duration: 1 day
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: One Person or Creature
Saving Throw: None
This powerful spell reduces all of the recipient’s die rolls, for
24 hours from the time of casting by –1. For every 5 levels of the
caster, the penalty is increased by an additional –1. Example, a 15th
level caster causes a –3 penalty to all die rolls for a 24-hour period
of time. The material components are the priest’s holy symbol and
an item or gem valued at 1,000 gp that was either won in a game of
chance or “liberated” from some dungeon or person by the caster
during an exceptionally-risky venture. The item is consumed in the
casting of the spell.
By Nathan Irving
Conversions by Rick Miller
Art by Jerry Minor
Ainatet was the goddess of bards, ethereal grace. Her long, golden hair items, and the abilities of 9th level
enchantments and charms, flowers, reached to her knees, restrained only enchanters. Ainatet herself carried
herbs, passions, and sylvan creatures by a circlet of silver and ribbons of no weapons, although her jewelry
in the ancient Suel Imperium. She precious metals, and her eyes were a was often composed of magical items
was Phyton’s sister and wife to vibrant green flecked with gold. She (a necklace of missiles, for instance.)
Norebo, the god of luck, and the two preferred simple gowns of silk and Ainatet favored flowers and the
were either madly in love or feuding a belt of emeralds. She was always forms of natural animals when
over a petty disagreement at any accompanied by two sylphs, each making her wishes known. She could
given time. She was given to flights with maximum hit points, magical appear as a flowering rose bush just
of fancy, spending months or years reaching full bloom, the scent from
pining away for some arcane item which soothed and calmed victims
or gift, only to quickly tire of it when of madness, fear, strong emotions,
she received it. She spent much of and berserk rages. Followers who
her time in avatar form on Oerth, found particular favor with her might
but rarely mingled with her human awaken to discover a fresh rose
followers, instead preferring to spend beside them -- this flower granted
her time in the wilds of the Imperium, the priest the ability to cast one
attended by sylphs, dryads, nymphs, particular spell (which could be of
and other fey folk. She was known a higher level than the priest may
to sometimes take a fancy to a normally cast), once per day, until
particularly attractive male priest or the rose wilted (typically in 1d4+3
worshipper of hers, and spirit him days). She could also appear as a
away for several months to be her rose or white colored glow (similar
lover - even today, a person who to that of a faerie fire spell) around
disappears without explanation may a favored object or person, or as a
be referred to as “Ainatet’s lover”. series of colored globes of light laid
Ainatet’s faith reached its highest out to indicate a path or course of
level several centuries before the action.
Twin Cataclysms, as interaction with Ainatet also acted through her
the barbarian tribes at the fringes of servants: aasimar; light aasimons;
the Imperium promoted travel and coure, firre and shiere eladrin; sylvan
interest in the natural world. Later, creatures; and sunflies.
she battled Syrul for control over
the growing number of Suel witches CAMPAIGN INFORMATION
- practitioners of magic reliant on Worship of Ainatet is preserved only
herbs, charms, potions, and other by the Cult of Roses that flourishes in
talismanic symbols to work their the Sheldomar Valley and is supported
spells. Wee Jas kept herself aloof by Ainatet’s surviving servants, a few
from this debate, since neither chaotic aasimar and eladrin. Their allotment
power appealed to her balanced of Ainatet’s divine essence is enough
nature, and the winner would serve to let them grant first and second
under her regardless. The conflict level spells, and abilities up to those
was not resolved before the Rain of of a 5th level priest. The leader of
Colorless Fire and Ainatet’s death. these servants, however, a tulani
eladrin, is growing older as the divine
APPEARANCE AND ATTIRE essence she harbors slowly fades,
Ainatet typically appeared as a tall, and unless someone appears to
enchantingly beautiful woman with replace the Rose Queen, or a potent
elven features and a bewitching, Ainatet source of divine essence is located,

Page 45 of 49
it is likely that even this last cult will or neutral sylvan creatures would for the moment. Learn the workings
cease to exist within a century. harm her, and evil ones had to be of the natural world and use them,
magically compelled or in the direct but remember to respect the earth as
AINATET (DEAD) service of an evil power (such as the source of this strength. Follow
(The Rose Goddess, the Fey Queen, Syrul, a tanar’ri lord, or the Queen of your heart.
the Lady of Passions) Air and Darkness.) Ainatet had little in the way of
Demipower of Ysgard, Chaotic Good formal teachings. Her priests
(with neutral tendencies) THE CHURCH espoused emotions and passions,
PORTFOLIO: Bards, Enchantments, All clerics, mystics, specialty though they shied from declarations
Flowers and Herbs, Passion priests, druids, and bards of Ainatet of vengeance and oaths of blood.
ALIASES: None received the religion (Suel) non- Equally important was the idea of a
DOMAIN NAME: Formerly: Ysgard/ weapon proficiency at no cost. select “harvesting”, of discovering
Flowering Forest The faith of the Fey Queen was the secrets of the natural world but
SUPERIOR: None not uncommon in its day. Bards taking only what is necessary and
ALLIES: Norebo, Phyton paid homage to her and Lydia; leaving the rest.
FOES: Syrul, the Queen of Air and rangers, woodcutters, hunters, and Day-to-Day Activities:
Darkness others who had dealings with the Rosepriests were the herbalists and
SYMBOL: A crimson rose, half- Good People honored her name with healers of many small villages and
opened Phytons’; and herb-witches, lovers, towns, and were often called upon to
WORSHIPPERS ALIGN: CN, N, CG, and others caught in the throes of bless children with the gifts of passion,
NG, bards. passion (or desiring to be so caught) creativity, and empathy -- though
venerated her. Still, as the “civilized” they rarely perform marriages, as
Ainatet’s Avatar boundaries of the Imperium advanced faithfulness and Ainatet were as
Female elven wizard 16, druid 14, and the sylvan forests declined, so compatible as night and day. The
bard 18 too did her church change. clerics in the larger cities performed
Stats Str 14, Dex 20, Con 15, Int 19, Ainatet’s church was initially many of the same duties, but of more
Wis 18, Chr 21, Com 23 divided three ways; 35% druids, 35% specialized natures. One cleric would
AC -3; MV 24; Fl 24; HP 150; Thac0 specialty priests, 20% clerics, and be an herbalist, and her companion a
10; #AT 2(spells); Dmg by spell; MR the remainder mystics and clerical midwife, and the third a font of lore
65%; SZ M (5’9”) bards (or Bards of the Flower). on songs, music, and bards.
Spells Druid: 8/8/7/6/3/2/1, Wizard: Druids concerned themselves with Holy Days/Important
5/5/5/5/5/3/2/1, Bard: 4/4/4/3/3/2 the dealings of the forest and the Ceremonies: Richfest, at
Saves PPDM 4, RSW 5, PP 5, BW 4, creatures within it, while clerics were Midsummer, was the occasion of
Sp 6 their counterparts in the cities and Ainatet’s holiest celebration. For five
Special Att/Def: The Rose Goddess larger towns. The specialty priests, days, the Rose Goddesses followers
could cast any spell, priest or wizard, or Rosepriests, were the keepers of were expected to meet and share
from the school of enchantment and the lore arcane, and most common in their learning (as well as indulge
charm, regardless of level or sphere the smaller villages and towns, where any whimsy that came to mind...)
(if a priest spell.) Opponents took a they acted as or assisted the local at the Celebration of Flowers.
-4 penalty to their saves vs. these herb-witches, healers, and midwives. Lesser priests and followers staged
spells. She could also cast any spell The mystics did much the same, but local gatherings, often at or near a
involving plants, flowers, or scent, kept to themselves, establishing no concurrent festival of Midsummer,
but opponents received only a -1 temples or churches, and assembling while the higher-level initiates
penalty to their saves due to Ainatet’s no congregations beyond an acolyte travelled to a regional conclave, and
narrow influence over this portfolio. or two. In later centuries, many the high priests of each order met at
Ainatet could use any charm or druids died or left, taking up worship a secret site in a celebration/party/
enchantment spell, at will. When of gods more opposed to the advance meeting sometimes attended by
administered by touch, victims of of farms and fields, and the numbers Ainatet herself.
a charm-type spell (charm person, of specialty priests swelled to assume Growfest was a lesser holiday
charm monster) did not receive their positions within the church. celebrated by the herb-witches
a saving throw. She often used CLERGY: Clerics, druids, specialty and good-aligned among Ainatet’s
emotion and similar spells to turn her priests, mystics, bards. worshippers as a time of rebirth,
attackers against one another. She CLERGY’S ALIGN: CG, CN, NG, N planting, and the escalation of
could summon any sylvan creatures TURN UNDEAD: C: Yes, SP: No, passions, and occasioned by the
within five miles, usually calling Mys: No, B: No Revelry of Roses. The more evil
treants, korreds, and other sturdy COMMAND UNDEAD: C: No, SP: followers preferred the Needfest holy
allies to combat opponents. No, Mys: No, B: No day, a secretive celebration of lust
The Rose Goddess was immune Dogma: That which cannot be and debauchery, and a traditional
to all spells and attacks utilizing achieved by strength may be won time for bringing dark plans and
emotions, sound, or music. No good through guile and persuasion. Live schemes to completion.

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Major Centers of Worship: The was usually painted or carved levels as she advanced in experience
Fey Queen’s followers were strongest onto a badge or amulet, always of (i.e., a 20th level priest of Ainatet
in the borderlands between the wood. Higher-level priests bore holy still casted 9 1st - 3rd level spells, 8
civilized heart of the Imperium and symbols carved from rose quartz; 4th level spells, and 7 5th level spells),
its wilderness outskirts, where virgin many of these had minor magical nor did it affect the acquisition of
forest and “barbaric” impulses co- abilities such as faerie fire or bless hit points, proficiency slots, saving
existed with the learning and lore that could be evoked thrice per day. throws, or special abilities.
of the Imperium. Until the Rain of Adventuring Garb: Adventuring
Colorless Fire, Ainatet’s stronghold priests of the Fey Queen dressed Rose priests gain the following
was in the temperate region north- for comfort, style, and protection, abilities:
east of the capital, between the in that order. Cloaks and tabards A +2 bonus to the non-weapon
Hellfurnaces (though they were not embroidered with the half-opened proficiencies of plant/fungi lore or
yet known by that name) and the rose of Ainatet were commonplace. identification, herbalism, singing,
Ullsprues. Lesser temples existed Armor and weapons were typically musical instrument, public speaking,
in the north-west and south-east light, well-maintained, and attractive. and similar proficiencies. These
corners. Ainatet’s existence was proficiencies had to be purchased
almost unknown, however, in the far SPECIALTY PRIESTS normally for this bonus to apply, and
south and south-west, where more (ROSEPRIESTS) additional slots conferred the usual
violent and primal regional gods REQUIREMENTS: Wisdom 12, bonus.
held sway over the natural world Intelligence 12, Charisma 14 Identify poisonous plants or fungi
and Lydia’s worship was strongly PRIME REQ: Charisma, Wisdom with 70% accuracy, +1% per level.
established among the bards and ALIGNMENT: Chaotic Good Speak with fairy creatures at will.
lore keepers. WEAPONS: club, dagger, dart, Cast either friends or taunt (as the
The Bower of the Rose is the quarterstaff, short sword, war first-level wizard spells) once per
only surviving place of worship hammer, footman’s mace, shortbow, day, by touch.
to the Lady of Passions, and was hand axe. Cast faerie fire once per day, (as
established a few centuries after the ARMOR: padded, leather, studded the first-level priest spell).
Twin Cataclysms, along the banks leather, brigandine, elven chain. At 3rd level, rosepriests may cast
of the Sheldomar River in Keoland. MAJOR SPHERES: All, Chaos, music of the spheres (as the second-
It persists nowadays only as the Charm, Creation, Divination, level priest spell from the Tome of
headquarters of the Cult of Roses, Elemental Air & Water, Healing, Plant, Magic) twice per day.
the last remnant of Ainatet’s faith. Protection, Summoning, Weather. At 5th level, they become immune
Affiliated Orders: Ainatet MINOR SPHERES: Animal, to the charm and enchantment
sponsored one militant order, the Elemental Earth, Necromantic, Sun, abilities of sylvan creatures, although
Company of the Glen, made up Time. they could be affected normally by
of fighters, rangers, and militant MAGICAL ITEMS: Any allowed memorized spells cast by such a
priests. This order evolved from a to priests or any items relating to creature.
single adventuring company several enchantments or charms. At 7th level, rosepriests can cast
hundred years before the destruction REQ. PROFS: None. emotion (as the 4th level wizard spell)
of the Suel Imperium, and slowly BONUS PROFS: Herbalism, Singing. twice per day. Targets of a music of
grew over the centuries as members the spheres spell were penalized in
inducted others into their order. It Humans and half-elves could both their saves versus emotion.
was based in the north-east, and become rosepriests of Ainatet, but At 9th level, rosepriests can
no members survived the Rain of the number of half-olven worshippers cast call woodland beings (as the
Colorless Fire. was never large, and sank drastically 4th level priest spell), with the
Priestly Vestments: For official towards the end of the Suel reign as following changes: the possibility
occasions, priests of Ainatet wore the olvenfolk deserted those lands of any particular creature being
flowing robes in hues matching those for ones to the east. within range was doubled; female
of local flowers. Metallic colors of As a demipower of the Outer rosepriests could not summon satyrs
gold, silver, bronze, and copper were Planes, Ainatet could not grant or treants and instead called upon
scorned in favor of natural tints. spells of greater than 5th level to 1d4 korreds, 1 nymph, or 1 sylph;
During the midsummer festival, her priests on the Prime Material male rosepriests could not summon
cloaks, headdresses, and sometimes Plane. Priests who traveled to dryads or a unicorn and instead called
even gowns were woven of flowers Ysgard could be granted 6th and 7th upon 1d4 korreds, 1 actaeon, (from
and herbs. level spells as usual. Priests in the the Mystara Monstrous Compendium
Priests of Ainatet generally dressed immediate presence of Ainatet’s Appendix #2501), or a leprechaun.
well, with fine gowns, blouses, vests, avatar could also be granted spells of
and trousers. Cotton was preferred 6th or 7th level, at her pleasure. This AINATETIAN SPELLS
to wool as a material. restriction did not prevent the priest All priests of Ainatet, including
The Rose Goddess’ holy symbol from casting more spells of the lower clerics, rosepriests, mystics, and

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clerical bards had access to the
following spells unless otherwise
noted. They were prayed for and
acquired as normal priest spells,
regardless of their actual level,
sphere, or school.
Note: Spells marked with a *
are considered 5th level spells for
purposes of how many may be
memorized per day, but cannot be
learned or cast until 12th level.

Sphere: Summoning
Level: 2
Range: Special
Components: V, S, M
Duration: Special
Casting Time: 1 round
Area of Effect: Special
Saving Throw: None
Casting this spell calls forth an
atomie sprite, which will carry a
short message or perform a minor
task for the priest. The atomie will
travel up to 10 miles per caster level
to deliver its message, and will only
appear and speak to the designated
recipient. The atomie will not engage Fey Messenger of Ainatet
in combat, or enter any area where
it is likely to be harmed or captured. This spell allows the caster in afforded another saving throw if they
If the message cannot be delivered evoke short-lived but intense feelings are likely to be killed while defending
within one day of reaching the of love or hate in the subject. The their loved one.
recipient (due to danger, range, or spellcaster must touch the subject The hate aspect of this spell causes
location), the atomie will return to of the spell and indicate the target the subject to become enraged
the spellcaster and report its failure. of their feelings. This target must by the actions, speech, and very
The spell ends at this point, and the be of a similar race to the subject presence of the target being. Unless
priest cannot send it to a different (humans, elves, and half-elves; restrained, the subject will assault
destination. The spell does dwarves, gnomes, and halflings; the target, although the hatred is
not function in urban settings or orcs, goblins, and hobgoblins; etc., so great that the subject abandons
underground, although variant spells etc...) They need not be attractive weapons, shields, and other
reportedly summon a booka (who will or otherwise extraordinary, although hindrances to pummel his victim.
not enter the wilderness) or glouras particularly repulsive targets may This also prevents the effective use
(found in Dragon #227, and who will afford the subject a bonus to their of spells or magical items requiring
not go aboveground) in such areas. saving throw. A target particularly concentration or command words.
The material component is a small attractive to the spell’s victim may The spell’s subject generally cools
bowl of sugared milk, a particularly result in a penalty to the saving once the target is pummeled into
delicious fairy treat. throw, at the DM’s discretion. submission (unconscious), or leaves
Victim’s affected by the love aspect the immediate area. It may be
PASSION CHARM of this spell will become instantly reawakened if the target returns
(Enchantment/Charm) infatuated and enthralled by the within the spell’s duration.
Sphere: Charm indicated target, attempting to get The material components of this
Level: 2 close to them, fulfill their desires, spell are rose petals for love, and
Range: Touch and generally behave as love-struck thorns for hate. The spell’s verbal
Components: V, S, M puppies. This does not affect and somatic components may be
Duration: 6 hours + 1 hour/level their combat abilities or immediate performed quietly, allowing this spell
Casting Time: 4 awareness, and may even assist to be cast in public with little chance
Area of Effect: 1 person them, particularly if their “beloved” is of detection.
Saving Throw: Negates in danger. Subjects of this spell are

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Other spells include the following fancy to a particularly attractive male
plant renewal (2nd level priest spell, priest or worshipper of hers, and
sphere: plant, Prayers from the spirit him away for several months to
Faithful, pg.24) be her lover - even today, a person
rosewater (2nd level priest spell, who disappears without explanation
sphere: healing, Prayers from the may be referred to as “Ainatet’s
Faithful, pg. 98.) Obviously, this lover”.
spell benefits worshippers of Ainatet Ainatet’s faith reached its highest
when cast by one of her clergy, not level several centuries before the
followers of Lathander. Twin Cataclysms, as interaction with
awakening (4th level priest spell, the barbarian tribes at the fringes of
sphere: protection, Prayers from the the Imperium promoted travel and
Faithful, pg.99.) Ainatet’s version interest in the natural world. Later,
of this spell has a reduced casting she battled Syrul for control over
time (5), and does not affect normal the growing number of Suel witches
or magical traps except to “halo” - practitioners of magic reliant on
the latter with a sickly green glow herbs, charms, potions, and other
(the trap remains un-triggered and talismanic symbols to work their
potent, however.) It has no effect on spells. Wee Jas kept herself aloof
magical webs or wizard locks. from this debate, since neither chaotic
emotion (as the fourth-level wizard power appealed to her balanced
spell.) nature, and the winner would serve
command monster* (6th level under her regardless. The conflict
priest spell, sphere: charm, Players was not resolved before the Rain of
Option: Spells & Magic, pg 176.) Colorless Fire and Ainatet’s death.
commune with nature* (as the 5th A shining light bourne from the
level priest spell.) dawn sparkles till the last of dusks
fall. On the path of the wild, one finds
beauty, truth, and everything needed

CONVERSION for life. Everything you need is around

you; the only danger is inside you.
GUIDE FOR 3.5E Live each day for the moment, love
freely and without rancor. Celebrate
AINATET (DEAD) each victory and venerate each
(The Rose Goddess, the Fey defeat.
Queen, the Lady of Passions), Clerics of Ainatet’s remain
CG (CN) demigoddess of primarily within the Cult of Roses
Enchantment, Flowers/ Herbs, that flourishes in the Sheldomar
Passion and Reverie Valley and is supported by Ainatet’s
Ainatet (I-nah-tet) was the goddess surviving servants, a few aasimar
of bards, enchantments and charms, and eladrin. Their allotment of
flowers, herbs, passions, and Ainatet’s divine essence is enough to
sylvan creatures in the ancient Suel let them grant first and second level
Imperium. She was Phytons’ younger spells, and abilities up to those of a
sister and once wife to Norebo, the 5th level priest. The leader of these
god of luck. servants, however, a tulani eladrin, is
Norebo and Ainatet were either growing older as the divine essence
madly in love or feuding over a petty she harbors slowly fades, and unless
disagreement at any given time. She someone appears to replace the Rose
was given to flights of fancy, spending Queen, or a potent source of divine
months or years pining away for some essence is located, it is likely that
arcane item or gift, only to quickly even this last cult will cease to exist
tire of it when she received it. She within a century.
spent much of her time in avatar form Domains Animal, Chaos, Plant;
on Oerth, but rarely mingled with her Weapons dagger, quarterstaff, short
human followers, instead preferring bow (m); Avatar Female human
to spend her time in the wilds of druid 16, bard 18, mystic theurge 10
the Imperium, attended by sylphs, *
dryads, nymphs, and other fey folk.
She was known to sometimes take a

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