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United States Office of Solid Waste and

Environmental Protection Emergency Response 5104

Agency EPA 550-K-99-001
December 1999

Chemicals in Your

Part 1
Preface . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .3
Dealing with Chemicals: It's Everybody's Job . . . . . . . . .7
How Do I Build a Picture of Chemical Use in My
Community? . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .13
Hazard vs. Risk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21

Part 2
Stakeholders . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .29
Local Emergency Planning Committees (LEPCs) . . . . . . . . . .31
Citizens . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .33
Fire Departments . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .35
Public Institutions . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .37
Land Use Planners . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .41
Industry and Small Businesses . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .43
States . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .47
The Federal Role . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .49
For More Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .51
Part 1

Chemicals in Your Community

hemicals are an important
C part of the modern world.
They make our water safe to
drink, provide fuel for our cars,
increase the production from our
farms, and are often key parts of
products we use every day.
Many of the properties of chemi-
cals that make them valuable to
us, however, such as their ability
to kill dangerous organisms in
water and pests on crops, pose a
hazard to us and the environ-
ment if the chemicals are used or
disposed of improperly.
EPA is committed to providing you
with as much information as possible
about chemicals at your local businesses,
and other facilities, so that you can work
with local government agencies, citizen
groups, and business to ensure that the
chemicals in your community are used
safely. You can also ensure that facilities
and emergency responders are prepared
to respond appropriately to accidents.

2 3
Chemicals in Your Community

You and your family and neighbors are the This pamphlet:
people most at risk if chemicals in your • Summarizes the information you can
community are being used unsafely or obtain under EPCRA and CAA;
released into the environment. You are
in the best position to work with local • Tells you where to find it;
agencies to ensure that you, your neigh- • Tells you about other information you
bors, local agencies, and responders are may also find helpful; and
prepared to handle any accidents that do
happen. • Indicates how you can use these vari-
ous sources of information to build a
Two laws, the Emergency Planning and snapshot of chemicals stored and
Community Right-to-Know Act (EPCRA) released in your community.
and the Clean Air Act’s (CAA) chemical
accident prevention provisions (also called It also discusses how specific groups,
the risk management program), were such as fire departments, health care pro-
specifically designed to provide you with fessionals, State and local agencies, citi-
information on chemicals at individual zens, and industry can use the information
facilities, their uses, and releases. Many to improve the safety of our communities.
other EPA programs also have data avail-
able, as do States, local governments,
trade associations, public interest groups,
and individual facilities. Much of this
information is easily available on the
Internet; other information is available
from State and local agencies who receive
annual reports from facilities.

4 5
Chemicals in Your Community
Dealing with Chemicals:
It's Everybody's Job
he Emergency Planning and
T Community Right-to-Know
Act (EPCRA) and the Clean Air
Act (CAA) both require facilities
to report on hazardous chemicals
they store or handle, and both
provide for public access to
these reports. These laws help
build better relationships among
government at all levels, business
and community leaders, environ-
mental and other public-interest
organizations, and individual citi-
The laws recognize that citizens are
full partners in preparing for emergencies
and managing chemical risks. Each of
these groups and individuals has an
important role in making the program
• Local communities and State govern-
ments are responsible for understand-
ing risks posed by chemicals at the
local level, managing those risks,
reducing those risks, and dealing with

6 7
Chemicals in Your Community

emergencies. Developing • Citizens, health profes- explaining the hazards water, and soil from pollu-
emergency planning and sionals, public-interest involved in using chemi- tion. EPA works with
chemical risk management and labor organizations, cals, by opening communi- industry to encourage vol-
at the levels of govern- the media, and others cation channels with com- untary reductions in the
ment closest to the com- work with government and munity groups, and by use and release of haz-
munity helps to ensure the industry to use the infor- considering changes in ardous chemicals wherev-
broadest possible public mation for planning and their practices to reduce er possible.
representation in the deci- responding to emergencies any potential risks to
sion-making process. in the community. human health or the envi-
The Local Emergency • Facilities that use haz- ronment.
Planning Committee (LEPC) ardous chemicals are • The Federal government
develops and reviews the responsible for operating provides national leader-
community chemical emer- safely, using the most ship and assistance to
gency response plan and appropriate techniques States and communities to
receives annual inventory and technologies; gather- ensure they have the tools
reports. The State ing information on the and expertise necessary to
Emergency Response chemicals they use, store, receive, assimilate, and
Commission (SERC) and release into the envi- analyze all data, and to
reviews local emergency ronment and providing it take appropriate measures
response plans and to government agencies to reduce the risk of acci-
receives annual inventory and local communities; dents and chemical emis-
reports. LEPC and SERC and helping set up proce- sions. EPA helps facilities
contact names and phone dures to handle chemical comply with the laws'
numbers are available at emergencies. Some indus- requirements; it ensures try groups and individual the public has access to
companies have gone information on chemical
beyond the letter of the storage and releases as
law and have reached out well as other information
to their communities by to protect the nation's air,

8 9
Chemicals in Your Community

What Information is Available?

EPCRA and the Clean Air Act's Risk Material Safety Data Sheets (MSDSs). Risk Management Plans (RMPs).
Management Program provide an array Companies must submit copies of the Certain companies file chemical acci-
of complementary information: MSDSs or list of chemicals to the SERC, dent prevention plans that include a
LEPC, and local fire department. MSDSs summary describing the facility and its
Emergency Release Notification.
are available for more than 500,000 processes; the worst-case and other What's Available on the Internet?
Companies must immediately report
products that could create physical more likely accident scenarios; the facil-
accidental releases of certain chemicals Profiles of the extremely hazardous sub-
hazards or adverse health effects and ity's accident prevention practices; its
to the SERC and LEPC and file follow-up stances:
include the chemical identity, compo- emergency response program; a recent
reports. Minimum reportable quantities
nents of chemical mixtures, the physi- history of serious chemical accidents (if
vary from one pound to 10,000 pounds.
cal properties (e.g., boiling point), haz- any); and planned improvements to ERNS online (release reports by State
More than 1,000 chemicals are covered
ards (e.g., flammability, corrosivity, toxi- safety design or operations. You also by year):
by this requirement. You can find out
city), and health hazards. The SERC or will learn why accidents have happened
the name and quantity of the chemical;
LEPC can tell you which MSDSs facili- and find out what companies have done
the duration of the release; whether the Access to the on-line copies of MSDSs
ties have; and, they or the facility can to prevent recurrences.You can get
release was to air, water, or land; the maintained by a number of universities:
provide you with a copy of the MSDS. RMPs from EPA's Envirofacts database
potential health impacts; and who to
MSDSs do not have a standard format in a system called RMP*Info.
contact for more information.
and can sometimes be confusing. On- TRI and RMP data through Envirofacts:
Community Emergency Response Plan.
Annual Chemical Inventories. line databases, which often have multi- (Also available in
The LEPC has developed a community
Companies must file annual chemical ple versions of MSDSs for individual Envirofacts, data on facilities that have:
emergency response plan for chemical
inventory reports on hazardous chemi- chemicals, can help you find an MSDS • Permits to release substances to
accidents. You can review the plan,
cals they store on site above certain that is well organized and easy to read. water, in the Permit Compliance
which addresses facilities with certain
quantities, usually 10,000 pounds; System database.
Toxics Release Inventory (TRI). Certain quantities of 356 extremely hazardous
chemicals may be reported by hazard
facilities file annual reports on all substances (acutely toxic chemicals). • Permits to release hazardous pollu-
type or by name. The reports tell
releases of about 650 chemicals. The Your LEPC can provide information on tants to air, in the air release data-
where the chemical is located in the
data include estimates of the quantities which local facilities have been base.
facility, how much is stored, and who to
of chemicals released to air, water, and involved in the planning process.
contact in an emergency. This informa- • Permits to store and treat hazardous
land and otherwise managed as waste.
tion will allow you to map these facili- wastes, in the RCRA database.)
TRI data are available on-line. You can
ties and see where heavy concentra-
search for specific facilities or search TRI data also are available at
tions of chemicals are located. You can
for all facilities in a town, county, or,, and at
get copies of these reports from your
State., which maps the
location of facilities in a county or city.

10 11
Chemicals in Your Community
How Do I Build a Picture of
Chemical Use in My Community?
If you have Internet access, the easiest
way to begin is to search RMP*Info and
the TRI database for your city and county.
Use these to develop a list of facilities and
chemicals in your area. Ask your SERC or
LEPC to provide information from their
records on other facilities in the communi-
ty that have filed reports.
Annual chemical inventories (available
from the SERC and LEPC) are likely to be
the most comprehensive source because
they cover the largest number of chemi-
cals. But remember that some facilities
covered by other environmental regula-
tions may not be required to file these
inventories. The threshold for reporting
chemicals also varies among the regula-
tions and not all companies are required
to report information under every environ-
mental regulation. Some facilities may
report acutely toxic chemicals to help
LEPCs prepare local emergency response
plans, but are not required to file Risk
Management Plans. In some cases, chemi-
cals will be reported under TRI, but not
under any of the other rules because TRI
is based on the total quantity used during
the year, not the quantity on site at any
one time.

12 13
Chemicals in Your Community

teria in the water. Many industrial and

LandView commercial sites also use and sell chemi-
Another way to build your Indian Areas, Alaska Native lands,
comprehensive list of all the counties.
facilities that use or store haz- •EPA-regulated sites, a subset of the What's Missing?
ardous chemicals in your com- facilities, sites, and monitoring sta-
tions represented in five EPA databas- 1. Trade Secrets and Confidential Business
munity is to download your es including sites with air and water Information. Under the community right-
county information from the permits, sites handling hazardous to-know law, facilities are not required to
LandView web site: wastes, Superfund sites, and TRI facili-
disclose the identity of a chemical on a ties.
Toxic Release Inventory or an annual
tiger/landview.html. LandView •Selected demographic and economic inventory report if it is a trade secret, but
is a geographic reference, like information from the 1990 Census, and
they must indicate what type of chemical
an atlas. It displays: •Key geographic features of the it is. The risk management program
United States provided by the United
•A detailed network of roads, rivers,
States Geological Survey and other
allows facilities to withhold from their Risk
and railroads based on Census files. Management Plans any information that
Federal agencies.
•Jurisdictional and statistical bound-
LandView will give you a map which
would reveal confidential business infor-
aries — a set of generalized boundary mation. In practice, less than one percent
you can then fill in with data from
files for States, congressional districts,
metropolitan areas, Native American
other sources. of the facilities that have filed any of these
reports have claimed information as confi-
dential or trade secret. If a facility in your
You may be surprised at processors and food distribu- community has made such a claim, you
the variety of businesses that tion centers may have large may ask EPA to determine whether the
use and store hazardous quantities of ammonia in their claim is legitimate.
chemicals. While everyone refrigeration systems. Your 2. Facilities Not Required to Report. Some
generally knows that chemical local drinking water system facilities that handle hazardous chemicals
manufacturers and refineries and sewage treatment plant are not required to report information
have chemicals on site, many also store toxic chemicals that under community right-to-know laws. EPA
people don't realize that food are used to kill dangerous bac- recently exempted virtually all gas stations

14 15
Chemicals in Your Community

Data Limitations from EPCRA reporting

because the public and emer-
have surveyed traffic on
major roads and rail lines to
You should know that: gency responders are aware determine which chemicals
of the location of these facili- are being transported and
The TRI annual release reports are based on estimates, not actual measure-
ments. They also represent annual emissions; you cannot tell from the data ties and of the hazards of who is transporting them.
whether the chemicals were released in large amounts over a short period of gasoline. Likewise, facilities Most vehicles that carry haz-
time or in small amounts every day. Information on the rate of release is need- that handle relatively small ardous materials must be
ed to determine effects on human health and the environment. quantities of acutely toxic marked with placards that
The release estimates do not show the extent of human exposure. Many things chemicals and up to 10,000 identify the hazard class and
can happen to a chemical when it is released; these natural processes (e.g., pounds of other hazardous give a number that identifies
wind) make it difficult to determine the extent of actual exposure.
chemicals are not required to the specific chemical.
The initial reports on releases to LEPCs, SERCs, and EPA are often made while report. Many agricultural
the release is occurring. The data from those reports, such as in EPA’s 4. Non-Filers. Although envi-
chemicals are not subject to ronmental laws impose sub-
Emergency Release Notification System (ERNS), may not accurately reflect the
quantity released, the chemicals released, or the impacts. reporting under these rules, stantial penalties for facilities
as well. that fail to report, some com-
The quantities on site reported under EPCRA 312 and TRI are given in broad
ranges; it is not possible to tell the actual quantity. 3. Transportation. Chemicals panies may be unaware of
All the requirements limit the number of facilities covered, usually by including transported through your their reporting obligations.
only certain chemicals and setting thresholds below which reporting is not community by rail, barge, or When you develop a list of
required. TRI also covers facilities in only certain industrial sectors with more truck are not reported to facilities in your community
than nine employees. Other facilities may handle the same chemicals or may
handle other chemicals that could pose hazards.
EPA. You may assume that that have reported under
any of the chemicals you find these rules, you should check
The offsite consequence analysis data in the RMP are usually based on conserva-
at facilities in your locality whether other, similar facili-
tive assumptions about the accident scenario and weather conditions and on
conservative modeling; the distances reported are likely to overestimate the are moving through your ties exist in your community.
area potentially affected. community via railroad lines Work with those facilities and
or major highways. But, your LEPC to determine
chemicals also may be trans- whether they should also be
ported through your commu- reporting.
nity on the way to some
other location. Some LEPCs

16 17
Chemicals in Your Community

Information Sources What Do These Data Mean?

Type of Information Where Can I Get It? The presence of hazardous chemicals
does not necessarily mean that the com-
Facilities in city, county, State LEPC, SERC, Toxic Release Inventory munity is at risk. These chemicals can be,
(TRI) and RMP*Info (located in EPA
and usually are, handled safely. Many of
Envirofacts at
the substances covered by EPCRA pose lit-
Name and address of facility LEPC, SERC, EPA TRI and RMP*Info tle risk to the community because, even if
Contact names spilled, they will not migrate beyond the
facility; they may, however, pose risks to
Parent Company TRI and RMP*Info
workers at the facility. (Other right-to-
Quantities of chemicals on site LEPC, SERC, TRI database know regulations provide information to
workers on workplace hazards.) Some
Chemicals and quantities in processes RMP*Info chemicals are hazardous only if you are
exposed to them over a long period of
Annual releases to the environment TRI
time. Most of the chemicals are dangerous
Accidental or significant releases ERNS and RMP*Info only if people are exposed to them above
certain concentrations. For some of the
Physical properties of chemicals LEPC, SERC, on-line MSDS databases chemicals EPA has set standards detailing
Health and safety hazards
Exposure limits how much of the chemical can be released
safely to the air or water per hour or day.
Offsite consequence analysis RMPs The Occupational Safety and Health
Administration (OSHA) has set permissible
Prevention practices RMP*Info
exposure levels for workers for many
Hazard controls
chemicals that are generally included on
Wastes generated/recycled TRI MSDSs.

18 19
Chemicals in Your Community

Hazard vs. Risk

To evaluate the dangers these chemi-
cals may create for your community it is
useful to understand the difference
between hazard and risk.
Hazards in chemical properties gener-
ally cannot be changed. Chlorine is toxic
when inhaled or ingested; propane is flam-
mable. There is little that you can do with
these chemicals to change their toxicity or
flammability. Similarly, if you live in an
earthquake zone or an area affected by
hurricanes, earthquakes and hurricanes
are hazards. When a facility conducts a
hazard review or process hazards analysis,
it will identify hazards and determine
whether the potential exposure to the haz-
ard can be reduced in any way (e.g., by
limiting the quantity of chlorine stored on
Risk usually is evaluated based on sev-
eral variables, including the likelihood of a
release occurring, the inherent hazards of
the chemicals combined with the quantity
released, and the potential impact of the
release on the public and the environment.
For example, if a release during loading
occurs frequently, but the quantity of
chemical released is typically small and

20 21
Chemicals in Your Community

does not generally migrate off- assign a numerical value to at a facility that is a consider- stored, hazard controls, detec-
site, the overall risk to the risk. Generally, facilities and able distance from anyone tion systems, and mitigation
public is low. If the likelihood emergency planners estimate else, it might not merit any systems used for one facility
of a catastrophic release risk - in qualitative terms - as steps to reduce the likelihood. with those reported by similar
occurring is extremely low, high, medium, and low. Most facilities elsewhere. These
but the number of people who potential worst-case releases data may provide ideas on
could be affected if it are considered to be low risk, How Can Risk Be Reduced? how to improve safety.
occurred is large, the overall but that does not mean they Communities and facilities Facilities handling chemi-
risk may still be low because could not happen; it simply can work together to reduce cals that could pose risks to
of the low probability that a means that they are unlikely risk. Many companies have the public have a general duty
release will occur. On the to occur. Smaller releases already cut back on routine to identify the hazards of their
other hand, if a release occurs may be more likely, but may emissions, reduced the quanti- operations, design and oper-
relatively frequently and a have little effect on the sur- ties of chemicals stored, or ate safe plants, and be pre-
large number of people could rounding community and, switched to less hazardous pared to mitigate any releases
be affected, the overall risk to therefore, still would be con- chemicals. In all cases, that occur. The community
the public is high. sidered low risk. improved operations, such as can use the data available
The challenge for the com- better employee training, under the right-to-know laws
Can We Really Assess Risk? munity and for facilities is to operating procedures, and as a way to spark dialogue
decide which risks need to be preventive equipment mainte- with facilities to find out
EPA, under the right-to- reduced and where time and nance, can reduce risks and which risks need to be
know and accident prevention resources can best be spent. improve the efficiency of the reduced and how to do it.
regulations, does not require For example, a serious release business. EPA and OSHA have
facilities to assess risk. In may be very unlikely, but if it imposed such safe practices
most cases, the data that are could affect schools or hospi- requirements on facilities that
needed to estimate risk levels tals if it happened, a commu- handle the most hazardous
quantitatively do not exist. nity might decide to work with chemicals. Through RMP*Info,
Even when such data are the facility to reduce the risk. companies and communities
available, it is difficult to If the same release occurred can compare the quantities

22 23
Chemicals in Your Community

Prevention Program
WhatÕs in RMP*Info Provides a list of covered processes, the NAICS code (which identifies the
type of activity, such as petrochemical manufacturing), and the program level.
Besides basic facility information (name, location, contacts), RMP*Info pro-
If you want to review RMPs for similar facilities in your state or nationwide,
vides information on chemicals, processes, prevention practices, and acci-
search RMP*Info by the NAICS code.
dents. You can review the following information in RMP*Info when you call
up a facility’s RMP. Major hazards identified
Find out which major hazards are associated with a process. You can com-
pare the list to the hazards identified by other facilities in the same NAICS
Facility Information code using the same chemical (search RMP*Info by NAICS code and chemi-
Executive summary
Read a description of the facility—what it does and the chemicals it uses. Process controls in use
The summary describes the worst-case and alternative release scenarios, the Find out what kinds of process controls (safety measures) the facility uses to
general approach to preventing accidents, the five-year accident history, and reduce the risk of an accident. You can compare the controls to those identi-
steps being taken to reduce risks. fied by other facilities in the same NAICS code using the same chemical
(search RMP*Info by NAICS code and chemical).
Parent company name.
Find out if a facility is owned by a larger corporation. You can search Mitigation systems in use
RMP*Info by the parent company name to look at RMPs from other facilities Find out what kinds of mitigation systems (e.g., dikes, scrubbers) the facility
owned by the same company. uses to limit the quantity of the chemical accidentally released that reaches
the community. You can compare the systems to those identified by other
facilities in the same NAICS code using the same chemical (search RMP*Info
Chemical Information by NAICS code and chemical).
Detection systems
Process chemicals
Find out what kinds of systems the facility uses to detect releases early so
Find out which chemicals the facility has, the quantity of each chemical, the
they can respond quickly and limit the risk to you and your community. You
general hazard of the chemical (flammable or toxic), and number of covered
can compare the systems to those identified by other facilities in the same
processes. One chemical may appear in more than one process. If you want
NAICS code using the same chemical (search RMP*Info by NAICS code and
to review RMPs for similar facilities with the same chemical, search RMP*Info
by chemical and NAICS code (which identifies the industrial sector).
Accident history
Find details of serious accidental releases in the past five years. You can Emergency Response Program
learn when the accident occurred, what type of release it was (gas, liquid,
fire), what impacts it had (deaths, injuries, property damage), what caused Find out whether the facility has an emergency response plan and which local
the accident, and what the facility has done to prevent a recurrence. response agency the facility coordinates with to ensure a rapid and safe
response if an accident occurs.

24 25
Chemicals in Your Community

Part 2

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Chemicals in Your Community

Part 2: Stakeholders
Right-to-know laws have forged a clos-
er relationship among citizens, health pro-
fessionals, industry, public-interest organi-
zations, and the local, State, and Federal
government agencies responsible for
emergency planning and response, public
health, and environmental protection.
Under the provisions of EPCRA and the
CAA, all of these groups, organizations,
and individuals have vital roles to play in
making the laws work for the benefit of
everyone. The laws require facilities to
provide information on the presence of
hazardous chemicals in communities
directly to the people who are most affect-
ed, both in terms of exposure to potential
risks and the effects of those risks on pub-
lic health and safety, the environment,
jobs, the local economy, property values,
and other factors.
These "stakeholders" include people
who are best able to do something about
assessing and managing risks through
inspections, enforcement of local codes,
reviews of facility performance and, when
appropriate, political and economic pres-

28 29
Chemicals in Your Community
Local Emergency Planning
Committees (LEPCs)
This relationship between gone beyond these standards LEPCs are crucial to the success of
the data and community to create a higher level of safe- community right to know and can play a
action can best occur at the ty and performance. You can vital role in helping you understand chemi-
local level, through the work work with your local facilities cal information and other environmental
of the LEPC and other local to ensure that not only are data.
groups. For example, if a local they complying with State and LEPCs include local elected officials;
firm has reported the pres- Federal laws, but that they are law enforcement, civil defense, firefighting,
ence of extremely hazardous also moving beyond them to first aid, health, and local environmental
substances at its facility, sev- protect your community. and transportation agency employees;
eral accidents, substantial This section describes hospital staff; broadcast and print media
quantities of chemicals, and how each of the key groups journalists; community activists; and
continuing releases of toxic and organizations—as well as industry representatives.
chemicals, a community has individual citizens can use the
the data it needs to seek The LEPCs developed a community
information available under response plan to prepare for and respond
appropriate corrective action. these laws to fulfill the
In short, the laws open the to chemical emergencies, focusing on 356
promise of community right- extremely hazardous substances. The
door to community-based to-know laws: a safer, healthi-
decision-making on chemical plans are reviewed annually, exercised,
er environment for you and and updated. Because LEPC members rep-
hazards for citizens and com- your family.
munities throughout the resent the community, they are familiar
nation. with factors that affect public safety, the
environment, and the local economy and
EPA and States implement can help you understand the chemical haz-
and enforce a number of envi- ards and risks present in your community.
ronmental laws to protect you
and the environment, but The LEPC also receives emergency
these laws set minimum stan- release notifications and the annual haz-
dards. Many industries, stim- ardous chemical inventory information
ulated by right-to-know laws submitted by local facilities. They will
and public pressure, have make this information available to you

30 31
Chemicals in Your Community

What's In An Emergency Plan? Community right-to-know laws and reg-
ulations were written specifically with you,
An emergency plan includes:
the citizen, in mind. They are based on the
Identity and location of hazardous materials; principle that the more you and your
Procedures for immediate response to a chemical accident; neighbors know about hazardous chemi-
Public notification and evacuation or shelter-in-place procedures; cals in your community, the better pre-
pared your community will be to manage
Industry contact names; and
these potential hazards and to improve
Timetables for testing and updating the plan. public safety and health as well as envi-
ronmental quality. By volunteering to work
with your LEPC and engaging in a dialogue
upon written request. Facilities covered with local industry, you can play a major
by the CAA risk management program also role in making the laws work.
coordinate their on-site emergency The laws require industry and others
response plans with the LEPCs. If there is to give you information on potential chem-
more information that you want on partic- ical hazards and inventories, on releases
ular chemicals or facilities, the LEPC can of toxic chemicals into the environment,
request it on your behalf and can serve as on accident scenarios, and on prevention
a forum for discussions with community practices. There are several ways you can
groups, the public, and facilities. become involved in obtaining and using
this information to enhance the quality of
life in your community:
• Attend LEPC meetings and make sure
all appropriate groups are members.
Volunteer to serve on the LEPC as a
citizen representative.
• Make sure that the LEPC has obtained
all the information it needs from local

32 33
Chemicals in Your Community

Fire Departments
facilities to prepare a com- nity. This web site con- Fire departments are essential mem-
prehensive emergency tains links to other govern- bers of their LEPCs not only because they
response plan. ment and non-government are often the first to respond, but also
• Review and comment on web sites that may be of because fire departments have important
the emergency response interest. Many facilities expertise regarding chemical hazards and
plan, and ask questions may also have web sites emergency planning. Any responders who
about how procedures set that provide information will be involved in hazardous materials
out in the plan affect you, on safety policies and response will have specific training to han-
your family, or your place practices. dle such emergencies.
of business. • Call or visit facilities in Fire departments receive the same
• Ask for information from your community and ask if information about annual hazardous chem-
your LEPC or SERC about they have complied with ical inventories and MSDSs as LEPCs do.
chemical hazards, invento- the reporting, emissions, Having access to this information helps a
ries, and releases in your and prevention require- fire department responding to a chemical
community. Make sure ments of State and Federal emergency know which chemicals, as well
both the SERC and LEPC environmental laws. as their quantities and locations, to expect
have established proce- These laws give you the at the scene. A fire department can request
dures to make the informa- opportunity to become direct- additional, more specific information about
tion reported under ly involved in the decisions chemical inventories at a plant, and it can
EPCRA readily available to that affect your safety and also request an on-site inspection.
the public. Ask your LEPC health. Your knowledge of and Fire departments may find the emer-
what facilities are doing to participation in these pro- gency release notifications filed with the
reduce chemical hazards. grams can help ensure that LEPC and the five-year accident histories
• Use the national databas- they accomplish their goals in reported in the RMP useful in identifying
es available from EPA at your community. facilities in the area that are having acci- to dents even if those accidents have not yet
obtain information on required a response from fire fighters.
chemicals in your commu- Talking to the facilities about these smaller
accidents may help identify steps that can

34 35
Chemicals in Your Community

Public Institutions
CAMEOª Hospitals, schools, and State and local
governments can be vital to the success of
The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) and EPA developed a any emergency response action.
computer software program called CAMEO™ to help firefighters meet their informa- Ambulance crews and emergency room
tion management needs. CAMEO contains information about commonly transported
chemicals; an air dispersion model to evaluate accident release scenarios and evacu-
personnel must know how to transport
ation options; and several easily adaptable databases and computer mapping pro- and treat victims of exposure to hazardous
grams. Information on CAMEO can be obtained from chemicals. Schools and public buildings
should plan for emergencies. The informa-
tion available under EPCRA and the CAA
be taken to prevent more serious accidents can help these institutions prepare for
later. emergencies and identify opportunities for
risk reduction. Here are some ways public
Facilities subject to the RMP rule must institutions can participate in emergency
coordinate their emergency response plans planning and hazardous chemical risk
and activities with the local fire depart- reduction:
ment or LEPCs. Fire departments may
want to use the opportunity to review facil- • Join the LEPC, or at least learn who
ity plans and equipment, discuss joint represents public institutions on the
exercises, and consider whether the facili- committee and stay in contact with
ty can provide additional training or sup- that person.
port equipment when needed. Fire depart- • Inform the LEPC of sensitive facilities
ments may also want to review RMP infor- within the community (hospitals,
mation on detection and mitigation sys- schools, and nursing homes) that
tems at local facilities to determine how should be included in the emergency
these may facilitate a response. response plan. Know how they will be
notified in the event of an accident and
be prepared to respond. Become famil-
iar with plans for responding to fires
and other emergencies involving haz-
ardous chemicals.

36 37
Chemicals in Your Community

Health Professionals • Work with the LEPC to build an infor-

mation base about hazardous chemi-
cals in the community. Be sure that
Doctors, nurses, and other trained medical professionals who
hospitals and other medical personnel
serve in government health departments, hospitals, and private prac-
are familiar with chemical hazards that
tice should have a particular interest in the information available
exist in the community, with the steps
under EPCRA and the CAA. Combining their medical knowledge with
to take to treat people exposed, and
the specific information about chemicals obtained from the reports
with the actions needed to avoid cont-
can make them an important source of information about risks to the
public health in their communities. Here are some of the ways these
professionals can participate: • Use the information base to identify
• Volunteer to be a health professional representative on the LEPC. "hot spots," or potential problem areas
that warrant further investigation to
• Participate in programs to train medical personnel to deal with emergencies
involving chemical hazards (health professionals should contact their State training
determine if they represent unaccept-
officer through their LEPC or SERC for more information on training programs). able risks to the public health or the
environment. Use this information to
• Screen information submitted to LEPCs to determine if any acute or chronic health
effects may be associated with hazardous substances in their communities. Health work with industry on voluntary pro-
professionals may want to use this information to develop a list of hazardous sub- grams to reduce the amounts and
stances in the community and ensure that they or the hospitals and medical centers risks of hazardous chemicals used or
have copies of MSDSs for every chemical or have the web addresses to locate infor- released in the community.
mation on these chemicals quickly in case of an emergency. MSDSs and other data
available from EPA and other agencies provide emergency treatment data. Public institutions may also be subject
• Talk with representatives of local facilities to determine whether other chemical to the reporting requirements under
hazards are created by the chemicals that are present. For example, chemicals EPCRA and the CAA if they have the cov-
could react during a release to form other dangerous substances. ered substances above the thresholds for
each requirement. Water treatment and
wastewater treatment plants are particu-
larly likely to be subject to the rules.

38 39
Chemicals in Your Community

Land Use Planners

Anticipated Chemical Use One of the best ways to reduce risk to
the public from hazardous chemicals is to
The community and planners should question any new business locate the chemicals at a considerable dis-
seeking to locate in the community about their anticipated chemical tance from areas where the public lives,
use. Many types of facilities use hazardous chemicals: food distribu- shops, and plays. The information collect-
tors and cold storage facilities may have ammonia refrigeration sys- ed under community right-to-know laws
tems; some retailers store flammable gases. All of these can be han- provides land use planners, school boards,
dled safely, but placing them close to homes, schools, or hospitals property developers, and businesses with
may increase the risk unnecessarily. In some cases, risks are data they can use to make informed deci-
increased by locating facilities with hazardous chemicals close to each sions about where to locate new industrial
other; for example, allowing storage of explosive flammable gases next facilities and where to allow development
to a facility that stores chlorine for water treatment could increase the close to existing facilities that handle haz-
risk of a chlorine release. Planners can work with facilities to ensure ardous chemicals.
that storage at a site is not dangerously close to chemicals at adjacent Land use planning agencies and others
sites. involved in planning decisions should
work with the LEPC to develop maps that
locate facilities with chemical inventories.
The more likely scenarios (alternative
scenarios) reported in the RMPs may be
useful to planners. If facilities have report-
ed that these releases could travel a half
mile from the site before dispersing, plan-
ners may want to refrain from allowing
new residential development, nursing
homes, day care centers, or hospitals with-
in that area; school boards may want to
ensure that new schools are not located in
areas within the zones of alternative
release scenarios.

40 41
Chemicals in Your Community
Industry and Small
New industrial facilities will not have Hazardous substances are not found
filed information under these laws, but the only at large chemical plants and refiner-
data from similar facilities can be used to ies. They are also used routinely by other
develop estimates of how large a buffer manufacturers, by food processors and
zone is needed to protect the public. distributors, most of whom have refrigera-
Planners should ask the new facility about tion systems, by water treatment and
the chemicals and quantities it expects to sewage treatment plants, and by many
have on site. They and the facility owner small operations such as garages and dry
can work with the LEPC to develop esti- cleaners. Even if these chemicals are han-
mates of what a reasonable buffer would dled and used safely, they may be of con-
be. They can also look at RMPs submitted cern if stored or used improperly, or dur-
by facilities using similar types and quanti- ing an emergency such as a fire.
ties of these chemicals to determine what Facilities and the public should review
distances the chemicals may travel. RMP environmental data to determine which
data can also help both the community chemicals are being used in the immediate
and the facility determine what types of area. Even if a business does not handle
safety measures should be installed to any chemicals, it should be aware of any
help reduce the risk. nearby facilities that are handling haz-
ardous chemicals. A release of these
chemicals could affect the business's
workers, customers, and property. Talking
with the facility and with the LEPC can
ensure that should an emergency occur,
the business will know what to do to pro-
tect workers and customers.
The RMP data can help both the public
and industry assess its practices. You can
look at RMPs from other facilities in the
same sector with similar numbers of

42 43
Chemicals in Your Community

employees and determine the typical

Responsible Care¨ quantity of chemicals used and common
process controls, detection and mitigation
Besides complying with the law, some chemical manufacturers, distributors, and systems used, and training approaches.
other industries have developed codes of practice that address accident preven-
tion and community involvement. The Chemical Manufacturers Association has
Reviewing the prevention program data
adopted Responsible Care®, a set of management codes that address safety prac- may provide ideas for additional steps that
tices, product stewardship, and community involvement. The National could be implemented. Reviewing acci-
Association of Chemical Distributors has adopted the Responsible Distribution dent histories may indicate potential prob-
ProcessSM, which covers the same issues for the shipping and handling of chemi- lem areas that should be considered.
cals. These programs require trade association members to reach out to the pub-
lic and involve the community as a partner in managing chemical risks and plan- Safer operations are not only good for
ning for chemical emergencies. You should talk with your local facilities to see if the public, they are also more cost-effec-
they have adopted these codes or have similar programs. More information on
these codes is available online at and
tive and efficient for businesses.
Preventing accidents eliminates worker
injuries, as well as costly down-time and
clean-ups. Reducing routine emissions
cuts hazardous wastes that require treat-
ment and special care.

44 45
Chemicals in Your Community

Indian Tribes State agencies serve a
number of roles in collecting
• Help you identify other
sources of environmental
Because of the sovereignty of many Tribes that function as Tribal Emergency chemical information and data.
Indian tribes, Federally recognized tribes Response Commissions (TERCs) receive implementing environmental • Help you interpret the
may act as States, with the same respon- all reports on hazardous or toxic chemi- rules. In some States, all infor- data or identify experts
sibilities as States. cals, and citizens should go to the TERC mation will be collected by
for information. If, however, the tribe who can assist you in
Tribes may negotiate agreements with
has entered into an agreement with a
the same State agency; in understanding chemical
States in which they are located so that other States, different agen-
State, the agreement will designate who risks and risk reduction
the State assumes some or all of the
will receive reports and answer ques- cies may have the lead for methods.
responsibilities imposed by law.
tions. chemical inventories, TRI, and
RMP data. All of the agencies Data available under the
should, however, be members right-to-know laws can also be
of the State Emergency useful to State agencies, such
Response Commission, or as the State and regional
SERC, and, therefore, if you water authorities and air per-
are seeking information across mitting authorities. The RMP
all of the right-to-know rules, data can help water agencies
your SERC is a good starting identify patterns of chemical
point. It will either provide the use and practices among
information to you directly or water treatment and waste
tell which other State agency water treatment plants nation-
has the data and how to con- ally; with that information,
tact the right person. Besides they can help local water
providing you with informa- authorities improve their
tion submitted to it, the SERC knowledge of chemical stor-
can: age and handling.
• Ask for further information
from facilities about a par-
ticular chemical or facility.

46 47
Chemicals in Your Community

The Federal Role

States and local communities have the
primary governmental responsibility to
make community right-to-know programs
work. The Federal government, however,
also has important contributions to make.
The Federal government's major responsi-
bilities include:
• Providing guidance, technical assis-
tance, and training to States, communi-
ties, and industry;
• Enforcing the laws to ensure compli-
• Maintaining a national databases for
TRI reports and making the data acces-
sible to citizens;
• Ensuring that LEPCs have the informa-
tion they need to take appropriate
steps to reduce the risks in their com-
munities; and
• Collecting and distributing RMP data to
States, LEPCs, and the public.
The Federal government also has a
variety of responsibilities to regulate cer-
tain toxic and hazardous substances under
other Federal environmental and occupa-
tional health and safety laws.

48 49
Chemicals in Your Community

For More Information

For a list of names, addresses, and telephone
numbers for SERCs and LEPCs, check the
Right-to-Know Net web site at
For EPA regional EPCRA contacts, check
For RMP regional and State contacts, check
For access to EPA's on-line databases, check
State TRI program officials and EPA Regional
TRI contacts can be found at
TRI data releases can be ordered from the
National Service Center for Environmental
Publications (NSCEP) at:
Box 42419
Cincinnati, OH 45242-2419
(800) 490-9198
Fax: (513) 489-8695 or 8692
Online orders:
For general information about EPCRA and
CAA RMP, call the EPCRA Hotline at
(800) 424-9346.

50 51
United States Office of Solid Waste and
Environmental Protection Emergency Response 5104
Agency EPA 550-K-99-001
December 1999

Chemicals in Your

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