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Capital University of Science and Technology

Department of Computer Science

HMSE2033– Technical Report Writing

Mid Term (BS-SE)

Semester: Spring 2021 Max Marks: 20

Date: 22 May 2021 Time: 1 ½ Hours (90 Minutes)

Instructor: Asma Qandeel

General Instructions:
 Attempt all questions as instructed.
 All parts of this exam collectively carry 20% weightage towards the final evaluation.
 This examination is being conducted in extra ordinary circumstances, so we expect
that all students will exhibit higher moral standards.
 Each student shall be required to write his/her Name, Registration Number,
Signature & Sheet Number on the top of each page.
 On the first page of answer sheets of each part, you must write and sign the following
honor statement
I, -------------------------------------------------, Registration No. ----------------- pledge on
my honor that I have not given or received any unauthorized assistance during this
examination. I understand that in case any such practice is detected, I may be awarded
‘F’ grade in the course.

Student Sign: _______________________ Dated: ___________

 After the expiry of the exam time, students shall upload the answer sheets after
scanning them carefully.
 All the images of the answer sheet must be packed as a pdf file with the name of the
file as your registration number.
 Two identical answer sheets may lead to the award of ‘F’ for both the students in the
 There are TWO questions in this paper on TWO pages.
 Attempt all questions. In 90 minutes time, 15 Minutes are for paper submission so
complete your paper within 75 Minutes.

Name: Reg. No.

CLO: 1 – Part 1
A. Write note on the following. (10)
I. Formal Report
II. Informal Report

CLO: 2 - Part II

B. Write a memo format report for the following case study (10)

Case Study: Assume yourself a software engineer and write a review report to your manager
and analyze the current need of LAN system in the software house for the increased need of
existing cost system.

Good Luck😊

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