Lesson Plan in Social Studies Grade III I. Objective

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Lesson Plan in Social Studies

Grade III
I. Objective

At the end of the period, the pupils are expected to:

A. define the different types of communities;
B. appreciate the different types of community through identifying the
community they live in; and
C. create a collage of the different types of the communities.

II. Subject Matter

A. Topic: The Different Types of Communities

B. Reference/s: Learn Bright Communities pp. 3-5
C. Materials: Visual aids, Pictures, Laptops, Videos, Powerpoint
D. Time Allotment: 15 Minutes
E. Strategy: Making Collage
F. Value Focus: Appreciating the community they are living in.

III. Procedures:

Teacher’s Activity Pupil’s Activity

A. Preparation

Dear Lord and Father of all, Thank you
for today. Thank you for ways in which
you provide for us all. For Your
protection and love we thank you. Help
us to focus our hearts and minds now on
what we are about to learn. Inspire us by
Your Holy Spirit as we listen and write.
Guide us by your eternal light as we
discover more about the world around
us. We ask all this in the name of Jesus.
Amen. Amen.

“Good Morning, Class!” “Good Morning, Ma’am.”

Checking of Attendance.

1. Review

Last meeting we talked about community

isn’t it?
Now let us review.
What is a a community? A community is a group of people living
or working together in the same area.

People in communities might go to the

same schools, shop in the same stores
and do the same things. They also help
each other and solve problems together.
If it’s a bigger, the people in it might not
always go to the same places, but they
might not always go to the same places,
but they might like or believe in the
same things.

2. Motivation

Present a community song with action

which is entitled “Roll over the ocean, (pupils joined the community song with
Roll over the sea” a fresh sing along and action)
action video.

Link: https://youtu.be/evKl-jfA1vo

3. Presentation

Present a short video presentation about

the Types of Community which are (selected students been ask to answer
Urban, Suburban, and Rural. And after the game)
which I will ask some pupils to answer
the game on the end of the video.

Link: https://youtu.be/KMZF1Xwcms4

Very good children!

Can you give your self a “good job clap?” (perform the good job clap)

B. Lesson Proper

What do you believe the definition of a

community and what different
communities look like? Answer it with
your own ideas.
(Volunteers stating their own
(Ask for volunteers) perspectives about the question being
1. Discussion
Do you have neighbors? They can live
close to you or far away. Everyone has a
neighbor because the whole world is
made up of people. People live in a
community, which is the place where
different groups of people live. They
could live close together or far apart. The
members of a small or large community
like a town, state, or country are called
citizens. In addition, citizens usually
follow the same rules. Rules are what
help people get along with each other,
guiding people to do things or not to do
things. Most community rules are called
laws. Stopping at a red light, and then
going when it turns green, are both rules.
It is important to follow laws and to be a
good citizen. Helping others may not be
a law, but by doing so you are being a
good citizen. Being a good citizen is
showing you are a responsible member
of the community. It shows you care
about the neighbors living in your
community, plus they will care about you
too. In most parts of the world, there are
three types of communities: urban,
suburban, and rural. Each type of
community is different, but each of them
has citizens, neighbors, laws, rules, and

URBAN: The city and the places around

• Large number of people and tall
• People live close together, very few
• High-rise apartment buildings and
town houses.
• Office buildings, taxi cabs, and buses
are in cities.
• Maybe a large park, swimming pool, or
rec center.
SUBURBAN: Medium-sized community,
near a large city.
• Different-sized homes, people drive or
bus to work.
• Homes with lawns, yards, and garages.
• Less people than a large city, with
some apartments.
• Many small parks, fields, and shopping
RURAL: Open land, farms and forests,
fewer homes.
• Houses are far apart, sometimes miles
• Most farms are in rural areas.
• Some community parks, fields, state
• People sometimes drive far to get to

The citizens living in the communities

come from different cultures and
backgrounds, and may have special
customs, traditions, and celebrations. All
of the communities have schools and
places where children can learn and play
with each other.

Even though there are several

differences in each type of community,
the adults and children living in each
place love to work, play, laugh, and have
fun with their families and neighbors.

Remember, each type of community

(urban, suburban, rural) may be a little
different, but each has citizens,
neighbors, laws, rules, and
responsibilities. Everyone in a
community must get along with each
other and respect each other’s

2. Recapitulation

So, we have discussed the different types

of the communities.

So, what are the different types of the

communities and explain each.

First, Diana. Can you give me 1 type of

community and explain it. First is the Urban it is the city and the
places around it.
Next, Joylyn. Can you give me another
type of community and describe. Then the suburban it is medium-sized
community, near a large city.
Lastly, Illmi. Can you give me the last
type of community and give further Last is the rural it is an open land, farms
explanation. and forests, fewer homes.

Good job, everyone. Let us give

yourselves a “Fireworks Clap”. (Perform the Fireworks Clap)

3. Application

So I guess it is clear to everybody.

Let us now proceed to our activity. (Students will actively participate to the
You will create a collage of the different
types of the communities and afterwards
I will be selecting students randomly to
present their work.

4. Valuing

Appreciating the community they living


IV. Evaluation

Instruction: Write the letters only before

the number. Match the description with
the correct community.

______1.) Farming community 1.C
______2.) Green lawns, backyards 2.B
______3.) Cows, horses, chickens 3.C
______4.) Large number of people in a 4.A
______5.) People drive or bus to work 5.B
______6.) High-rise apartment buildings 6.A
and town houses
______7.) Office buildings, taxi cabs, 7.A
______8.) Open land and forest, few 8.C
______9.) Medium-sized community, 9.B
near a city
_____10.) State fairs, community parks 10.C
and fields
_____11.) Large park, swimming pool, or 11.A
recreation center
_____12.) People drive far to get to 12.C
_____13.) Tall buildings 13.A
_____14.) Small parks, fields, shopping 14.B
_____15.) Many homes have garages 15.B

V. Assignment

Instruction: Copy your assignment in

your assignment notebook. Answer the

Part I:
Read about each person. Name their
type of community.
_____1. Noah was happy the meeting
was over. He went down the elevator
from the 15th floor. He decided to take a
taxi to a nearby restaurant. He had a big
lunch. He took the leftovers to his
apartment located a few blocks near his
work building.
____2. Ava woke early in the morning to
the sound of a rooster and ate a
breakfast of fresh eggs and milk.
Following breakfast, she walked about a
half mile to visit her friend, Jennifer.
____3. Ethan and Mia jumped into the
car with their mom and dad. Dad pulled
the car out of the garage and rode to the
ballfield a couple miles away. Along the
way, the parking lot of the nearby mall
was filled with cars. Their mom said they
would visit the store after the games.
Dad said he needed gas for the
lawnmower too.

Part II:
Match the definition to the correct word.

A. Citizen
B. Community
C. Laws
D. Responsible
E. Rules
F. Rural
G. Suburban
H. Urban

____1. Open land, farms and forests,

fewer homes.
____2. Medium-sized community, near a
large city.
____3. The city and places around it.
____4. Place where different groups of
people live.
____5. The members of a small or large
____6. Guide people to help them gar
along, to do or not do things.
____7. The name for most community
____8. You are this if you are being a
good citizen.

Any questions regarding your None, Ma’am.


Then let’s call it a day! Goodbye class! Thank you and goodbye Ma’am!

Prepared by:

Amoma, Joylyn
Alido, Diana Rose
Bacalso, Lykha Mea
Bacos, Amy Rose
Dela Tina, Angelo
Firdausy, Ilmi Aliya

Group 3 - BEED 3 A

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