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Physical world

1.The wave nature of electrons is used in which of the following devices?

(a) Photocell (b) Electron microscope (c) Tokomak (d) Aero plane
2.Heat engine and refrigerator work on scientific principle :
(a) Electromagnetic Induction (b)Bernoulli’s Theorem (c)Nuclear Fusion
(d)Laws of Thermodynamics
3.Consider the following statements and select the correct statement(s)
I. Optics deal with the phenomena involving light.
II. Unification means physical phenomena in terms of few concepts and laws.
III. Macroscopic domain of Physics deals with the constitution and structure of
matter at the minute scales of atoms and nuclei.
 (a)Only I (b)Only II  (c)I and II
4.The scientific principle involves in production of ultra high magnetic fields is
 (a)super conductivity  (b)digital logic  (c)photoelectric effect  (d)laws of
5.The branch of science which deals with nature and natural phenomena is called
 (a)Sociology  (b)Biology  (c)Civics  (d)Physics
6.The word Science originates from the Latin verb Scientia meaning
(a) to know (b)to see  (c)to experience  (d)to observe
7. Which of the following is a possible first step in applying the scientific method
(a) Conducting tests (b)Formulating a hypothesis (c)Formulation of a question 
(d)Building a theory
8.A scientific theory
(a) cannot be changed but can be reformulated (b)is fixed once and for all
because it is logical
(c)is changed to suit new fashion among scientists
(d)can be revised if required to fit new phenomenon or data
9.Wave picture of light failed to explain.
(a) the photoelectric effect  (b)polarization of light  (c)diffraction of light
(d)interference of light
 10.The scientific method is
(a) a prescribed method for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge
(b)A procedure for proposing new hypothesis
(c)a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge
 (d)A method for proposing new theories
11.A screw gauge with a pitch of 0.5 mm and a circular scale with 50 divisions is
used to measure the thickness of a thin sheet of Aluminium. Before starting the
measurement, it is found that when the two jaws of the screw gauge are brought
in contact, the 45th division coincides with the main scale line and that the zero of
the main scale is barely visible. What is the thickness of the sheet if the main scale
reading is 0.5 mm and the 25th division coincides with the main scale line?
(a)0.80 mm  (b)0.70 mm  (c)0.50 mm (d)0.75 mm
12. Atomic and molecular phenomena are dealt with by
(a)Newtonian Mechanics (b)fluid Mechanics (c)applied Mechanics (d)Quantum
13. The scientific method is
(a) a prescribed method for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge
(b) A procedure for proposing new hypothesis
(c) a body of techniques for investigating phenomena, acquiring new knowledge
(d) A method for proposing new theories
14.Which of the following is a possible final step in applying the scientific method
 (a)Formulating a hypothesis (b)Building a theory (c)Analysis of test results
(d)Formulation of a question
15.A scientific theory
(a) cannot be changed but can be reformulated (b) is fixed once and for all
because it is logical
(c) is changed to suit new fashion among scientists
(d) can be revised if required to fit new phenomenon or data
16. Heliocentric theory proposed by Nicolas Copernicus was
(a) replaced by circular orbits to fit the data better (b) replaced by elliptical orbits
to fit the data better
(c) replaced by elliptical orbits to fit the taste of new rulers of Italy
(d) replaced by parabolic orbits to fit the data better
17.Following are the readings obtained while measuring the diameter of a wire by
using the screw gauge0 mm is the main scale reading 52 divisions are the circular
scale reading. What is the diameter of the wire if 1 mm on the main scale is equal
to the 100 divisions on the circular scale
(a) 0.016 cm (b) 0.052 cm (c) 0.15 cm (d) 0.05 cm
18.From the given three fundamental constants, select the combination that gives
the dimension of length(i) Newton’s gravitational constant (G)
(ii) Speed of light in a vacuum (c)
(iii) Planck’s constant (h)
(a) 0.016 cm 0.052 cm 0.15 cm 0.05 cm  
19. Calculate the value of the dot product of the two vectors whose magnitudes
are 3 units and 4 units and their resultant is 1 unit.
(a) +6 units (b) 0 (c) -12 units (d) -1 unit
20.Which the following is a dimensionless quantity
(a) Refractive index (b) Gravitational constant (c) Velocity (d) Planck’s constant
21.Find the relative error of y, if y=x2
(a) △x/x (b)2△x/x (c)(△x)2x (d)(△x)2
22. Find the relative error of y, if y=x2
(a) △x/x (b) 2△x/x (c)(△x)2x (d)(△x)2
23. What is the dimensional formula of torque and energy
 (a)[ML-3T-2] [MLT-2]  (b)[ML2T-2 [MLT-2] (c)[ML2T-2] [ML2T2 (d)[MLT2] ML2T2]
24.Newtonian mechanics could not explain
(a) fall of bodies on earth  (b)Some of the most basic features of atomic
phenomena. (c)movement of planets (d)flight of rockets
25.What is the percentage error in the measurement of the kinetic energy of a
body, if there is a positive error of 50% in the speed of the body
(a)125% (b)30% (c)50% (d)100%
26. How many numbers of base SI units are there?
(a)5 (b)10 (c)7 (d)9
27.Physics is a
(a)Applied Science (b)Mathematical Science (c)Engineering Science (d)Natural
28.Just as a new experiment may suggest an alternative theoretical model, a
theoretical advance may suggest what to look for in some for in some
experiments. Which of the following experiments can be considered to support
this claim?
(a) Davisson and Germer Experiment (b) experimental discovery of positron
(c) scattering of alpha particle or the gold foil experiment (d) Michelson Morley
29.Wave picture of light failed to explain.
(a)the photoelectric effect  (b)polarization of light  (c)diffraction of light
(d)interference of light
30. What is central to the growth of physics?
(a) Qualitative descriptions (b) Conjectural descriptions (c Speculative
descriptions(d) Quantitative
31.According to Einstein’s theory, mass and energy are related as
(a) E = m/c (b) E = mc2 (c) E = mc (d) E = m/c2
32.Which is the strongest fundamental force of nature?
(a) Gravitational force (b) Weak nuclear force (c) Strong nuclear force (d)
Electromagnetic force
33.A scientific theory is accepted if
(a) The theory is approved by a panel of people after studying the theory only
(b) The theory is derivable from other theories logically.
(c) The theory is very simple elegant or very complicated
(d) Predictions of the theory are confirmed by experiments
34.The difference between nuclear forces and electromagnetic forces is that
(a) Nuclear forces have longer range compared to electromagnetic forces
(b) Nuclear forces are mediated by photons compared to gluons for
electromagnetic forces
(c) Nuclear forces do not depend on charge
(d) Nuclear forces are weaker compared to electromagnetic forces
35.Which force operates among the heavier elementary particles?
(a) Strong nuclear force (b) Electromagnetic force (c) Gravitational force (d)
Weak nuclear force
36.No physicist has ever “seen” an electron. Yet, all physicists believe in the
existence of electrons. An intelligent but superstitious man advances this analogy
to argue that ‘ghosts’ exist even though no one has seen one. How will you refute
his argument ?
(a) Science does not deal with ghosts because they don’t exist
(b) Electrons have been discovered by great scientists but no great scientist
claimed to find ghosts
(c) There is no scientific study of ghosts so they cannot exist
(d) Existence of electrons can be demonstrated by experiments but existence of
ghosts cannot be
37.On which laws, is the principle of rocket propulsion based?
(a) Newton’s first law of motion (b) Newton’s law of gravitation (c) Laws of
thermodynamics(d) None of
38.The sun releases energy coming from
(a) Weak electrical forces (b) Gravitational forces (c) Electromagnetic waves (d)
Strong nuclear forces
39.To get the law of free fall under gravity, it is better
(a) To create a real world experiment of feather and stone (b) To create a
situation where in the air resistance is not negligible (c) To create a situation
where in the air resistance is negligible(d) None of
a. A is false but R is true b. Both A and R are true and R is the correct
explanation of A
c. A is true but R is false d. Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct
explanation of A
40.Assertion A: Hydrogen is the most abundant element in the Universe, but it is
not the most abundant gas in the troposphere.
Reason R: Hydrogen is the lightest element.
41.Assertion A :Classical Physics mainly includes subjects like mechanics
,electrodynamics ,optics and thermodynamics.
Reason R: The macroscopic domain includes phenomena at the laboratory
,terrestrial and astronomical scales.
a. A is false but R is true b. Both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation
of A
c. A is true but R is false d. Both A and R are true but R is NOT the correct
explanation of A
42. Assertion A : Energy is a scalar quantity.
Reason R : All conserved quantities are scalars
43. Assertion A : Units of Rydberg constant R are m-1
Reason R: It follows from Bohr’s formula
44. Assertion A: Number of significant figures in 0.005 is one and that in
0.500isThree .
Reason R: This is because zeros are not significant
45. Assertion A : Mass , length and time are fundamental physical quantities.
Reason R: They are independent of each other
46. Assertion A : Density is a derived physical quantity .
Reason R : Density cannot be derived from the fundamental physical quantities
47 .Assertion A :Nowadays a standard metre is defined in terms of the wave
length of light.
Reason R : Light has no relation with length
48 .Assertion A: Out of three measurements l =0.7m ;l=0.70m and l=0.700m,
the last one is most accurate.
Reason R: In every measurement ,only the last significant digit is not
accurately known.
49. Assertion A :Wireless communication technology that followed the
discovery of the basic laws of electricity and magnetism.
Reason R: Technology gives rise to new physics.
50 .Assertion A: Parallax method cannot be used for measuring distances of stars
more than 100 light years away.
Reason R: Because parallax angle reduces so much that it cannot be
measured accurately.
  Chapter 3 Motion in a straight line
Q1. A body is moving along a straight line path with constant velocity. At an
instant of time the distance travelled by it is S and its displacement is D, then a) D
= S b) D > S c) D < S d) None of these
Q2. The location of a particle has changed. What can we say about the
displacement and the distance covered by the particle? a) Neither can be zero b)
One may be zero c) Both may be zero d) One is +ve, other is –ve
Q3. The displacement of a body is zero. The distance covered a) may or may not
be zero b) is not zero c) is zero d) depends upon the acceleration
Q4. The numerical ratio of displacement to distance for a moving object is a)
equal to or less than 1 b) always equal to 1
c) always less than 1 d) always more than 1
Q5. Which of the following can be zero, when a particle is in motion for some
time? a) Displacement b) None of these c) Distance d) Speed
Q6. If distance covered by a particle is zero, what can you say about its
displacement? a) It must be zero b) It cannot be zero c) It may or may not be zero
d) It is negative
Q7. Which of the following is a one dimensional motion ? a) Motion of train
running on a straight track b) Motion of satellite c) Motion of air particle d)
Motion of snake
Q8. The distance travelled by a body is directly proportional to the time taken. Its
speed a) remains constant b) decreases c) increases d) becomes zero
Remains constant
Q9. The slope of velocity-time graph for motion with uniform velocity is equal to
a) zero b) final velocity c) initial velocity d) none of these
Q10. A boy starts from a point A, travels to a point B at a distance of 3 km from A
and returns to A. If he takes two hours to do so, his speed is
(a) 3 km/h (b) zero (c) 2 km/h (d) 1.5 km/h
Q11. A 180 metre long train is moving due north at a speed of 25 m/s. A small
bird is flying due south, a little above the train, with a speed of 5 m/s. The time
taken by the bird to cross the train is (a) 10 s (b) 12 s (c) 9 s (d) 6 s
Q12. A boy starts from a point A, travels to a point B at a distance of 1.5 km and
returns to A. If he takes one hour to do so, his average velocity is
(a) 3 km/h (b) zero (c) 1.5 km/h (d) 2 km/h
Q13. A body starts from rest and travels with uniform acceleration on a straight
line. If its velocity after making a displacement of 32 m is 8 m/s, its acceleration is
(a) 1 m/s² (b) 2 m/s² (c) 3 m/s² (d) 4 m/s²
Q14. Which one of the following is the unit of velocity?
(a) kilogram (b) metre (c) m/s (d) second
Q15. A body starts from rest and travels for t second with uniform acceleration of
2 m/s². If the displacement made by it is 16 m, the time of travel t is
(a) 4 s (b) 3 s (c) 6 s (d) 8 s
Q16. The dimensional formula for speed is
(a) T-1 (b) LT-1 (c) L-1T-1 (d) L-1T
Q17. The dimensional formula for velocity is (a) [LT] (b) [LT-1] (c) [L2T] (d) [L-1T]
Q18. A body starts from rest and travels with an acceleration of 2 m/s². After t
seconds its velocity is 10 m/s . Then t is (a) 10 s (b) 5 s (c) 20 s (d) 6 s
Q19. The area under acceleration time graph gives a) change in velocity b) change
in acceleration c) distance travelled d) force acting
Q20. If a body travels with constant acceleration, which of the following
quantities remains constant ?
a) None of these b) Timec) Velocity d) Displacement
Q21. Velocity time curve for a body projected vertically upwards is
a) straight line b) ellipse c) parabola d) hyperbola
Q22. Two trains, each 40 m long are travelling in opposite direction with equal
velocity 20 m/s. The time of crossing is a) 1s b) 2s c) 3s d) Zero
23)A lift is coming from 8th floor and is just about to reach 4th floor. Taking
ground floor as origin and positive direction upwards for all quantities, which one
of the following is correc
(a) x < 0, v < 0, a > 0 (b) x > 0, v < 0, a < 0 (c) x > 0, v < 0, a > 0 (d) x > 0, v > 0, a < 0
24. A vehicle travels half the distance L with speed V1 and the other half with
speed v2, then its average speed is
25) In straight line motion the
A) acceleration is parallel(or antiparallel) to the velocity
B) acceleration is perpendicular to the velocity
C) acceleration is vertical, while the velocity can be in any direction
D) acceleration is vertical and the velocity is horizontal CORRECT ANSWER IS A
Q.26 Assertion : A body may be accelerated even when it is moving uniformly.
Reason : When direction of motion of the body is changing, the body must have
Q.27 Assertion : Displacement of a body may be zero when distance travelled by it
is not zero. Reason : The displacement is the longest distance between initial and
final position.
Q.28. Assertion : For one dimensional motion the angle between acceleration and
velocity must be zero. Reason : One dimensional motion is always on a straight
Q.29 Assertion : Displacement of a body is vector sum of the area under velocity–
time graph. Reason : Displacement is a vector quantity.
Q.30. Assertion : The position-time graph of a uniform motion, in one dimension
of a body cannot have negative slope.
Reason : In one – dimensional motion the position does not reverse, so it cannot
have a negative slope.
Q.31. Assertion : Position-time graph of a stationary object is a straight line
parallel to time axis. Reason : For a stationary object, position does not change
with time.
Q.32. Assertion : Velocity-time graph for an object in uniform motion along a
straight path is a straight line parallel to the time axis. Reason : In uniform motion
of an object velocity increases as the square of time elapsed.
Q.33 Assertion : The average and instantaneous velocities have same value in a
uniform motion. Reason : In uniform motion, the velocity of an object increases
Q.34 Assertion: The average velocity of the object over an interval of time is
either smaller than or equal to the average speed of the object over the same
interval. Reason: Velocity is a vector quantity and speed is a scalar quantity.
Q.35 Assertion : The speedometer of an automobile measure the average speed
of the automobile. Reason : Average velocity is equal to total displacement per
total time taken.
Q36 When a body is dropped from a tower, then there is an increase in its (i) mass
(ii) velocity (iii) acceleration (iv) potential energy
Q37 The dimensional formula for acceleration is (i) [LT2] (ii) [LT/2] (iii) [L2T] (iv)
Which one of the following is the unit of velocity?
(i) kilogram (ii) metre (iii) m/s (iv) second
Q39 The ratio of the numerical values of the average velocity and average speed
of a body is (i) unity or less (ii) less than unity (iii) unity (iv) unity or more
Q40 A particle is moving with a constant speed along straight line path. A force is
not required to (i) change its direction (ii) increase its speed (iii) decrease its
momentum (iv) keep it moving with uniform velocity
Q41 When a body is dropped from a tower, then there is an increase in its (i) mass
(ii) velocity (iii) acceleration (iv) potential energy
Q42. The dimensional formula for acceleration is
(i) [LT2] (ii) [LT/2] (iii) [L2T] (iv) [L2T2]
Q43. Which one of the following is the unit of velocity
(i) kilogram (ii) metre (iii) m/s (iv) second
Q44. The ratio of the numerical values of the average velocity and average speed
of a body is (i) unity or less (ii) less than unity (iii) unity (iv) unity or more
Q45. A particle is moving with a constant speed along straight line path. A force is
not required to (i) change its direction (ii) increase its speed (iii) decrease its
momentum (iv) keep it moving with uniform velocity
A)48.6 B)48.7 C)47.5 D)48
47)A bucket is placed in the open where the rain is falling vertically. If a wind
begins to blow at double the velocity of the rain, how will be the rate of filling of
the bucket change? (a) Remains unchanged (b) Doubled (c) Halved (d) Becomes
four times
48. Two particles start from rest simultaneously and are equally accelerated.
Throughout the motion, the relative velocity of one w.r.t. other is : (а) zero (b)
non-zero and directed parallel to acceleration (c) non-zero and directed opposite
to acceleration (d) directed perpendicular to the acceleration
5. Laws of Motion
1.The mass of a body which is equal to the ratio of the force acting on a body to
theacceleration produced in the body is
(a) the gravitational mass (b) the electromagnetic mass (c) the internal mass
(d) the inertial mass
2.A passenger sitting in a bus moving at uniform speed, feels pushed backward
whenever the bus is accelerated forward. This type of force is called
(a) Gravitational force (b) real force
(c) fictitious force or pseudo force (d) frictional force
3.Inside the nucleus, two protons are held together by a force which overcomes
therepulsion. This force is called
(a) gravitational force (b) electrostatic force (c) weak force (d) strong force
4.A block of wood is placed on a surface. A force is applied parallel to the surface
tomove the body. The frictional force developed acts
(a) normal to the surface upwards (b) normal to the surface downwards
(c) along the direction of the applied force
(d) opposite to the direction of the applied force
5.A body is placed on an inclined plane and has to be pushed down. The
angle made by the normal reaction with the vertical will be
(a) equal to the angle of friction (b) more than the angle of friction
(c) equal to the angle of repose (d) less than the angle of repose
6.Lubrication reduces friction because
(а) the relative motion is between the liquid and solid.
(b) laws of limiting friction are not applicable.
(c) lubricant molecules act as ball bearings.
(d) none of the above.
7.Which of the following is a self adjusting force?
(a) Limiting friction (b) Dynamic friction (c) Sliding friction (d) Static friction
8.Ratio of force and acceleration measures :
(a) inertia (b) velocity (c) impulse d) momentum
9.Rocket works on the principle of conservation of:
(a) energy(b) momentum (c) massn n(d) All of the above
10.Out of the basic forces , gravitational force
(a) ranks first in strengthn (b) ranks second in strengthn
(c) ranks third in strength
(d) ranks fourth in strength
11.A passenger in a moving bus is thrown forward when the bus is suddenly
stopped.This is explained
(a) by Newtons first law (b) by Newtons second law (c) by Newtons third law
(d) by the principle of conservation of momentum
12.The frame of reference attached to a satellite of the earth is
(a) an inertial frame (b) an absolute frame at rest with respect to the stars
(c) a non – inertial frame (d) a gravitational fram
13.A jet plane flying in atmosphere gets reaction from
(a) gravity b) atmosphere (c) gases ejected by the plan (d) gravity andatmosphere
14.A car sometimes overturns while taking a turn. When it overturn, it is
(a) the inner wheel, which leaves the ground first
(b) the outer wheel, which leaves the ground first
(c) both the wheels leaves the ground simultaneously
(d) either wheel, which leave the ground first
15.A bird dismounts on a stretched telegraph wire. The additional tension
produced in the wire is
(a) zero (b) equal to the weight of the bird
(c) greater than the weight of the bird (d) less than the weight of the bird
16.Which of the following should be constant for a body to have a constant
momentum?a Acceleration b Force c Velocity d All of the above
17.The second law of motion gives the measure of which of the following?
(a) Force (b) Acceleration (c) Momentum (d) Angular Momentum
18.A water tank filled upto 2/3 of its height is moving with a uniform speed. On
sudden application of the brake, the water in the tank would
(a) Move backward (b) Move forward (c) Come to the rest (e) Be unaffected
19.A passenger in a moving train tosses a coin which falls behind him. Observing
this statement what can you say about the motion of the train?
(a) Accelerated (b) Retarded (c) Along circular tracks (d) Uniform
20.Which one of the following is not an example of the third law of motion?
a) Walking b) Skiing c) Walking on a boat d) Cycling
21.A spherical ball of mass 10-6 kg hits a wall 1000 times per second normally
with avelocity of 1000 m/s and rebounds with same velocity along the initial
direction. Theforce experienced by the wall is
(a) 1 N (b) 4 N (c) 2 N (d) 8 N
22.The force required to produce an acceleration of 2 m/s² on a mass of 2 kg is
(a) 4 N (b) 10 N (c) 22 N (d) 18 N
23.A body of mass 5 kg is travelling with a uniform velocity of 2 m/s. Itmomentum
(a) 10 kg m/s (b) 7 kg m/s (c) 2 .5 kg m/s (d) 3 kg m/s
24.A bullet of mass 25 g moving with a velocity of 200 cm/s is stopped within 5
cm ofthe target. The average resistance offered by the target is
(a) 1 N (b) 2 N (c) 3 N (d) 4 N
25.A gun of mass 1000 kg fires a projectile of mass 1 kg with a horizontal velocity
of100 m/s. The velocity of recoil of the gun in the horizontal direction is
(a) 5 m/s (b) 0.1 m/s (c) 15 m/s (d) 20 m/s
26.A fireman wants to slide down a rope. The breaking load for the rope
is 34 th of the weight of the man. With what minimum acceleration should
the fireman slide down? Acceleration due to gravity is g.
(a) g4 (b) g2 (c) 34 g (d) zero
27.A body of mass 5 kg and surface area 18 cm² begins to slide down an
inclined plane when the angle of inclination is π6. If the surface area of the
same body is made double, keeping the mass unchanged, it will begin to
slide down when the angle of inclination is
(а) π3 (b) π2 (c) 2π3 (d) π6
28.Let two bodies be with masses 2kg and 5kg respectively. Let these bodies be at
rest with thesame force acting on them. Calculate the ratio of times that is
required by both the bodies to reach the final velocity.
(a)2:5 (b)25:4 (c)5:3 (d) 4:25
29.What is the velocity of a body of mass 5 gm if a force of 100 dynes acts
on the body for 10 seconds?
(a) 2000 cm/sec (b) 200 cm/sec (c) 20 cm/sec (d) 2 cm/sec
30.What is the accelerating force on the Diwali rocket if it ejects 0.05 kg
of gases per second at a velocity of 400 m/s?
(a) 20 N (b) 20 dynes (c) 1000 N (d) 22 dynes
31.A man stands on a weighing machine in the lift. When the lift is
stationary his weight is recorded as 40 kg. If the lift accelerates upwards
with an acceleration of 2 m/s2 what weight will the machine show?
(a) 40 kg (b) 48 kg (c) 42 kg (d) 32 kg
32.Two trolleys of mass m and 3m are connected by a string. When they
are compressed and released, they move off in opposite directions and
come to rest after covering a distance of S1 and S2 respectively.
Assuming the coefficient of friction to be constant, the ratio of S1: S2 is
(a) 1:9 (b) 1:3 (c) 3:1 (d) 9:1
33.On a body of 20 kg, a force of 10 N acts for 10 seconds. What is the
change in its momentum?
(a) 1000 kg m/s (b) 200 kg m/s (c) 100 kg m/s (d) 5 kg m/s
34.The speed of a car weighing 1500 kg increases from 36 km/h to 72 km/h
uniformly. What will be the change in momentum of the car?
(a) 15000 kg km/h (b) 15000 kg m/s (c) 54000 kg m/s (d) 54000 g m/s
35.The unit of measuring the momentum of a moving body is:
(a) m/s (b) kg m/s (c) kg m/s2 (d) N m2/kg2
36.A body of mass 5 kg is travelling with a uniform velocity of 2 m/s. Its
momentum is
(a) 10 kg m/s (b) 7 kg m/s (c) 2 .5 kg m/s (d) 3 kg m/s
37.What is the apparent weight of the body travelling upwards with an
acceleration of 2 m/s2 and has a mass of 10 kg?
(a) 198 N (b) 140 N (c) 118 N (d) 164 N
38.A bullet of 5 gms travels with a velocity of 100 m/sec. It penetrates a
wooden block up to 6 cm. What is the average force imposed on the
block by the bullet?
(a) 0 (b) 417 N (c) 830 N (d) 830 N
39.A parachutist weighing w strikes the ground with his legs fixed and comes to
rest with an upward acceleration of 3 g. What is the force exerted by him during
(a) w (b) 2w (c) 3w (d) 4w
40.A coin dropped in the lift takes time t1 to reach the floor when the lift
is stationary and time t2 when the lift moves with a constant
acceleration. Which of the following relation is true?
(a) t1>t2 (b) t2>t1 (c) t1=t2 (d) t1>>t2
Directions : Each of these questions contain two statements, Assertion and
Each of these questions also has four alternative choices, only one of which is the
correct answer.
You have to select one of the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below.
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for
(b)Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for
(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
(d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
Q.1. Assertion : On a rainy day, it is difficult to drive a car or bus at high speed.
Reason : The value of coefficient of friction is lowered due to wetting of the
Answer: (a) On a rainy day, the roads are wet. Wetting of roads lowers the
coefficient of friction
between the types and the road. Therefore, grip on a road of car reduces and
thus chances of skidding increase.
Q.2. Assertion : A rocket works on the principle of conservation of linear
Reason : Whenever there is change in momentum of one body, the same change
occurs in themomentum of the second body of the same system but in the
opposite direction.
Q.3. Assertion : An object can move with constant velocity if no net force actsit
Reason : No net force is needed to move an object with constant velocity.
Q.4 Assertion : If the net external force on the body is zero, then its acceleration is
zero.Reason : Acceleration does not depend on force.
Q.5. Assertion : For the motion of electron around nucleus, Newton’s second law
is used.Reason : Newton’s second law can be used for motion of any object.
Q.6.Assertion : Frictional forces are conservating forces.
Reason : Potential energy can be associated with frictional forces.
Q.7.Assertion : Impulse of force and momentum are same physical quantities
Reason : Both quantities have same unit.
Q.8. Assertion: Same force applied for the same time causes the same change in
momentum for different bodies
Reason: The total momentum of an isolated system of interacting bodies remains
Q.9.Assertion : A bullet is fired from a rifle. If the rifle recoils freely, the kinetic
energy of rifle is more than that of the bullet.
Reason : In case of rifle bullet system, the law of conservation of momentum
Q.10.Assertion: A cricketer moves his hands forward to catch a ball so as to catch
iteasily without hurting.
Reason: He tries to decrease the distance travelled by the ball so that it hurts less.
Work, Energy and Power
1. A man of 60 kg weight is standing at rest on a platform. He jumps up vertically a
distance of 1 m and the platform at the same instant moves horizontally forward
with the result that the man lands 1 meter behind the point on the platform from
where he took the jump the total work done by the man at the instant he lands is
(a) 300 J (b) 150 J (c) 600 J (d) zero
2. A body of mass 10 kg is travelling with uniform speed of 5 m/s. Its kinetic
energy is
(a) 25 J (b) 125 J (c) 1250 J (d) 1000 J
3. A quantity of work of 1000 J is done in 2 seconds. The power utilised is
(a) 998 W (b) 1002 W (c) 2000 W (d) 500 W
4. A body of mass 10 kg moving at a height of 2 m, with uniform speed of 2 m/s.
Its total energy is
(a) 316 J (b) 216 J (c) 116 J (d) 392 J
5. A body of mass 10 kg is initially at a height of 20 m above the ground. It falls to
a height of 5 m above the ground. Its potential energy in the new position is
(a) 490 J (b) 50 J (c) 100 J (d) 300 J
6. A uniform chain of length 2 m is kept on a table such that a length of 60 cm
hangs freely from the edge of the table. The total mass of the chain is 4 kg. What
is the work done in pulling the entire chain on the table?
(a) 7.2 J (b) 3.6 J (c) 120 J (d) 1200 J
7. An electric heater of rating 1000 W is used for 5 hrs per day for 20 days. The
electrical energy utilised is
(a) 150 kWh (b) 200 kWh (c) 100 kWh (d) 300 kWh
8. A gardener pushes a lawn roller via a distance of 20m. If he applies a force of
20kg weight in a direction inclined at 60° to the ground, then what will be the
work done by him? (g = 9.8 m/s^2)
a) 400J b) 1960J c) 250J d) 2514J
9. A body of mass 1 kg is rotating in a circular path of radius 1 m with constant
velocity of 5 rev/sec. The work done in one complete revolution is
a) 5 J b) 2.5 J c) 12.5 J d) 0
10. 1 J is the amount of work done on an object when a force of 1 N displaces it
along its line of action by
(a) 1 cm. (b) 1 m (c) 100 m (d)1 km
11. A body of mass 20 kg is initially at a height of 3 m above the ground. It is lifted
to a height of 2 m from that position. Its increase in potential energy is
(a) 100 J (b) 392 J (c) 60 J (d) -100 J
12. Two masses 1 g and 4 g are moving with equal kinetic energies. The ratio of
the magnitudes of their linear momenta is
a) 4: 1 b) 1: 2 c) 0: 1 d) 1: 6
13. A body of mass 100 kg falls from a height of 10 m. Its increase in kinetic
energy is a) 9800 J b) 1000 J c) 5000 J d) 3000 J
14. A marble moving with some velocity collides perfectly elastically head-on with
another marble at rest having mass 1.5 times the mass of the colliding marble.
The percentage of kinetic energy by the colliding marble after the collision is
(a) 4 (b) 25 (c) 44 (d) 67
15. A ball is dropped from a height of 1 m. If the coefficient of restitution between
the surface and ball is 0.6, the ball rebounds to a height of
(a) 0.6 m (b) 0.4 m (c) 1 m (d) 0.36
16. Calculate the energy loss in a perfectly inelastic collision if the mass of the
object is 40kg with velocity 4m/s hits the object of mass 60kg with velocity 2m/s.
(a) 440J (b) 110J (c) 392J (d) 48J
17. What is the average power required to lift a mass of 100kg to a height of 50m
in 50 seconds?(a) 980 (b) 100 (c) 50 (d) 5000
18. Calculate the final kinetic energy of a block of mass if the mass of the block is
10kg and has a constant velocity of 10m/s. The block of mass is subjected to a
retarding force of F = 0.1J/m
(a) 275J (b) 250J (c) 475J (d) 450J
19. A ball is thrown from a height of 20 m vertically downward and has an initial
velocity of v20. As the stone collides with the ground 50% of its energy is lost and
bounce back to the same height. What is the initial velocity?
(a) 28m/s (b) 20m/s (c) 10m/s (d) 14m/s
20. A marble moving with some velocity collides perfectly elastically head-on with
another marble at rest having mass 1.5 times the mass of the colliding marble.
The percentage of kinetic energy by the colliding marble after the collision is
(a) 4 (b) 25 (c) 44 (d) 67
21. The Bullet That Has Fired from a Gun Can Pierce a Target Due to Its
a) Heat energy b) Mechanical energy c) Acceleration d) Kinetic energy
22. The Work Done by the Centripetal Force for a Body Moving in a Circular Path
is __________?
a) Negative b) Zero c) Constant d) Positive
23. A light and a heavy body have equal momentum. Which one has greater K.E.?
a) The lighter body b) The heavier body c) Both have equal K.E.
d) Data given is incomplete
24. Kinetic energy, with any reference, must be
a) positive b) zero c) negative d) None of these
25. What is the SI unit of Work?
a) Joule b) erg c) g-cm d) Watt
26. During inelastic collision between two bodies, which of the following
quantities always remain conserved?
(a) Total kinetic energy. (b) Total mechanical energy.
(c) Total linear momentum. (d) Speed of each body
27. What is the unit of energy in SI system?
a) Joule b) erg c) Watt d) Newton
28. What is energy?
a) energy is the rate of change of work done; b) It is the ability to do work;
c) Both A and B; d) none of the above;
29. The rate of change of work is _______ .
a) Power b) Force c) Momentum d) Energy
30. In hydro electricity generation, water stored in a dam possesses:
(a) electrical energy (b) chemical energy (c) thermal energy (d) potential energy
31. Which of the following is correct?
(a) A fruit hanging from the tree possesses gravitational potential energy
(b) A running player acquires Kinetic Energy
(c) A piston with compressed air contains potential energy
(d) All of the above
32. In Force vs Displacement graph, what does the area under the curve
(a) Velocity (b) Acceleration (c) Force (d) Work done
33. Power of an agent is
(a) the rate of generation of energy. (b) the rate of transfer of energy
(c) the rate of consumption of energy (d) the rate of work done (e) All
34. Which of the following device converts chemical energy in to electrical
energy?a) Battery b) Loud Speaker c) Solar Cell d) Electric Motor
35. A runner, while moving, is facing a wind from the opposite direction. The work
done by the wind on runner will be
(a) Zero (b) negative (c) Positive (d) infinity
36. Which of the following does not have unit as Joule?
(a) Work done (b) Kinetic energy (c) Potential energy (d) Force
37. The person will have maximum Potential Energy, when?
(a) he is sleeping on the ground (b) he is sitting on the ground
(c) he is sleeping on the bed (d) he is standing on the roof
38. Expression for Power of an object is equal to:
(a) Power = Work done X Time (b) Power = Time/ Work done
(c) Power = Work done/Time (d) Power = Force X Displacement
39. A joule (J) is used as a unit of measurement for:
(a) Kinetic Energy (b) Potential Energy (c) Work done (d) All of the above
40. Which of the following is equal with Newton-meter?
(a) Joule (b) Horse Power (c) Watt (d) Pascal
Directions: Questions from 41 to 50 are assertion and reason questions. Each of
these questions contain two statements, Assertion and Reason. Each of these
questions also has four alternative choices, only one of which is the correct
answer. You have to select one of the codes (a), (b), (c) and (d) given below. (a)
Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for
(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for
assertion (c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect (d) Assertion is incorrect,
reason is correct.
41. Assertion: A work done by friction is always negative. Reason: If frictional
force acts on a body its K.E. may decrease.
42. Assertion: A spring has potential energy, both when it is compressed or
stretched. Reason: In compressing or stretching, work is done on the spring
against the restoring force.
43.Assertion: A force applied on the body always does work on the body.
Reason: If a force applied on a body displaces the body along the direction of
force work done will be maximum.
44. Assertion: A man rowing a boat upstream is at rest with respect to the bank.
He is doing no external work. Reason: Work done by constant force, W = F s cos θ.
45. Assertion: The work done in moving a body over a closed loop is zero for every
force in nature. Reason: Work done depends on nature of force.
46. Assertion: The rate of change of total momentum of a many particle system is
proportional to the sum of the internal forces of the system.
Reason: Internal forces can change the kinetic energy but not the momentum of
the system.
47. Assertion: The change in kinetic energy of a particle is equal to the work done
on it by the net force. Reason: Change in kinetic energy of particle is equal to
work done only in case of a system of one particle.
48. Assertion: Kinetic energy of a system can be increased or decreased without
applying any external force on the system. Reason: This is because K.E. =mV2/2,
so it independent of any external forces.
49. Assertion: Kinetic energy of a body is quadrupled, when its velocity is doubled.
Reason: Kinetic energy is proportional to square of velocity. If velocity is doubled
the K.E. will be quadrupled
50. Assertion: If the velocity of a body is tripled, then K.E. becomes 9 times.
Reason: Kinetic energy, K.E.=mv2/2
System of particle
1.A body of M.I. 3 kg m² rotating with an angular velocity 2 rad/s has the same
K.E. as a mass of 12 kg moving with a velocity of
(a) 1 m/s(b) 2 m/s(c) 4 m/s(d) 8 m/s
2.A particle performing uniform circular motion has angular momentum L. If its
angular frequency is doubled and its kinetic energy halved, then the new angular
momentum is
(a) L/2 (b) L/4 (c) 2 L (d) 4 L
3.A body of M.I. 3 kg m² rotating with an angular velocity 2 rad/s has the same
K.E. as amass of 12 kg moving with a velocity of
(a) 1 m/s(b) 2 m/s (c) 4 m/s (d) 8 m/s
4.Which is the wrong relation from the following?
a) T = I b) F = ma c) L = I w d) I = t a
5.A particle moves for 20 s with velocity 3 m/s and then moves with velocity 4 m/s
for. Another 20 s and finally moves with velocity 5 m/s for next 20 s. what is the
average Velocity of the particle?
a) 3 m/s b) 4 m/s c) 5 m/s d) Zero
6.For increasing the angular velocity of an object by 10%, the kinetic energy has to
be Increased by
a) 40% b) 20% c) 10% d) 21%
7.The pendulum consists of a sphere of mass m suspended with a flexible wire Of
length l. If the breaking strength of the wire is 2mg, then the angular
Displacement that can be given to the pendulum is
a) 30° b) 45° c) 60° d) 90°
8.A wheel has radius 10cm and is coupled by a belt to another wheel of radius
30cm. The smaller wheel increases its speed from rest at a uniform rate of π Rads-
2. The speed of larger wheel become 100 rpm after
a) 2s b) 5s c) 20s d) 10s
9.The torque of a force F = -3i^ + j^ + 5k^ acting at the point r = 7i^ + 3j^ + i^ is
a) 14i^ – 38j^ + 16k^ b) 4i^ + 4j^ + 6k^ c) -21i^ + 4j^ + 4k^ d) -14i^ + 38j^ – 16k^
10.Two rings have their moments of inertia in the ratio 2 : 1 and their diameters
Are in the ratio 2 : 1. The ratio of their masses will be
a) 2 : 1 b) 1 : 2 c) 1 : 4 d) 1 : 1
11.Moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder of length 0.5 M and radius 0.1 m about
its axis is ____ kg m2. (Mass of the cylinder is 2 kg).
a) 1 × 10^−2 b) 2 × 10^2 c) 1 × 10^−3 d) 2 × 10^−3
12.In case of a cone of height ‘h’, the height of its Centre of mass from its base is
____ if the cone is Hollow and ____ if the cone is solid.
a) h/3,h/3 b) h/3,h/4 c) h/4,h/3 d) h/4,h/4
13.The ratio of angular speeds of minute hand and
second hand of a clock is ____.
a) 1:24 b) 24:1 c) 1:60 d) 60:1
14.The centre of gravity of a 5 kg mass is located at (4, 5). If g = 10 m/ s2, torque
of weight about the origin is ____. Weight of the body acts along -y direction.
a)50 Nm b)100 Nm c) 150 Nm d) 200 Nm
15.A thin uniform, circular ring is rolling down an inclined plane of inclination 300
without slipping. Its linear acceleration along the inclined plane will be
(a) g/2 (b) g/3 (c) g/4 (d) 2g/3
16.A solid cylinder of mass 20 kg, has length 1 metre and radius 0.5m. then its
momentum of inertia in kg m² about its geometrical axis is
(a) 2.5 (b) 5 (c) 1.5 (d) 3
17.A wheel has a speed of 1200 revolutions per minute and is made to slow
down at a rate of 4 radians/s2. The number of revolutions it makes before coming
to rest is
a) 314 b) 722 c) 272 d) 143
18.A wheel is rotating at 900 rpm about its axis. When power is cut off it comes to
rest in 1 minute, the angular retardation in rad / sec is ___
a) π/2 b) π/4 c) π/6 d) π/ 8
19.The total energy of rolling ring of mass m and radius R
a) 3/2 mv² b) 1/2 mv² c) mv² d) 5/2 mv²
20.O is the centre of an equilateral triangle ABC. F1, F2 and F3 are three forces
acting along the sides AB. BC and AC as shown in figure. What should be the
magnitude of F3 so that the total torque about O is zero?
a) (F1 + F2)2 b) (F1 - F2) c) (F1 + F2) d) 2(F1 + F2)
21.Moment of inertia depends on
(a) Distribution of particles (b) Mass (c) Position of axis of rotation (d) All
22.If a body is rotating about an axis, passing through its centre of mass then its
angular momentum is directed along its
(a) Radius (b) Tangent (c) Circumference (d) Axis of rotation
23.A hollow cylinder and a solid cylinder having different mass diameter are
released from rest simultaneously from the of an inclined plane. Which will reach
the bottom first?
(a) solid cylinder (b) cant be determined without knowing their masses
(c) hollow cylinder (d) cant be determined without knowing their diameters
24.Three identical balls each of radius 10cm and mass 1kg each are placed
touching each other on a horizontal surface. Where is their C.M. located?
(a) At the centre of one ball. (b) On the horizontal surface. (c) At the point of
contact of any two spheres. (d) None of these.
25.When a torque acting on a system is zero, then which of the following should
not change?
(a) Linear velocity (b) Angular momentum (c) Angular displacemen
(d) Force acting on the body
26.The moment of inertia of a body does not depend upon
(a) the mass of the body (b) the axis of rotation of the body
(c) the distribution of the mass in the body (d) the angular velocity of the body
27.Two particles pf masses m1 and m2 (m1 > m2) attract each other with a force
inversely proportional to the square of the distance between them. The particles
are initially held at rest and then released. Then
(a) the C.M. moves towards m2 (b) the C.M. moves towards m1 (c) the C.M.
remains at rest (d) C.M. moves at right angle to the line joining m1 and m2
28. Without weighing how will you distinguish between the two identical balls of
same material, but one being solid and the other being hollow
(a) by spinning them by equal torque. (b) by rolling them down an inclined plane
in air. (c) by determining their M.I. about the centre. (d) all of the above.
29.When a dish containing mercury and water is rotated about a vertical axis, the
outer portion of the dish contains :
(a) Water (b) Mercury (c) Mixture of water and mercury (d) Nothing
30.In rotational motion of a rigid body "rotation about a fixed axis" can be
compared with ____ of translational motion.
a) a body at rest b) motion along a straight line with constant speed c) motion
along a curved path with constant speed d) motion with uniform acceleration
31.The centre of mass of a system of particles all lying along x-axis is located ____.
(a) on x-axis (b) on xy- plane (c) on z – axis (d) on yz – plane
32. The dimensions of____ is not ML2T−2.
(a) work (b) power (c) energy (d) Torque
33.When the reference frame is attached to the centre of mass, the motion of a
spinning cricket ball is ____
(a) Translational motion along a parabolic path (b) Translational motion along a
straight line path (c) pure rotational motion (d) Combination of translational and
rotational motion
34.When a car is in motion, the nature of motion of its wheels is ____
(a) Pure rotational (b) pure translational (c) Combination of translational and
rotational (d) combination of translational and oscillatory
35.____ is an example of a rigid body in pure translational motion.
(a) A spinning top (b) A sphere rolling over an inclined plane (c) A sphere sliding
over an inclined plane (d) A sphere rolling on a horizontal plane
36.____ is an example of a rigid body moving with angular acceleration.
(a) The earth rotating about its axis (b) An electron revolving around the nucleus
in circular orbit (c) The moon revolving around the earth in circular orbit
(d) A fan starts rotating on switching 'ON'
37.The angular momentum of a rigid body is conserved when ____.
(a) Net external force acting is zero (b) Total force acting is zero
(c) Total internal torque acting is zero (d) Total external torque acting is zero
38.For a car moving along a straight line with uniforms speed ____ is constant and
for the earth rotating about its own axis ____ about the axis is constant.
(a) linear momentum, linear momentum (b) linear momentum, angular
momentum (c) angular momentum, linear momentum (d) angular momentum,
39.The motion of the centre of mass depends on
(a) total external forces (b) total internal forces (c) None of these (d) Both
40.If the resultant of all external forces is zero, then velocity of centre of mass will
bea) zero b) neither (a) nor (b) c) constant d) either (a) or (b)
Assertion and Reasons Questions:
(a) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is a correct explanation for
(b) Assertion is correct, reason is correct; reason is not a correct explanation for
assertion(c) Assertion is correct, reason is incorrect
(d) Assertion is incorrect, reason is correct.
41.Assertion : The centre of mass of a body may lie where there is no mass.
Reason : Centre of mass of body is a point, where the whole mass of the body is
supposed to be concentrated.
42.Assertion : The earth is slowing down and as a result the moon is coming
nearer to it.
Reason : The angular momentum of the earth moon system is conserved.
43.Assertion : When you lean behind over the hind legs of the chair, the chair falls
back after a certain angle.
Reason : Centre of mass lying outside the system makes the system unstable.
44.Assertion: Centre of mass of a ring lies at its geometric centre though there is
no mass. Reason: Centre of mass is independent of mass.
45.Assertion : The centre of mass of an isolated system has a constant velocity.
Reason : If centre of mass of an isolated system is already at rest, it remains at
46. Assertion : The position of centre of mass of body depend upon shape and size
of the body.
Reason : Centre of mass of a body lies always at the centre of the body
47.Assertion: Torque is a vector quantity directed opposite to the applied force.
Reason: Torque τ = - r x F
48.Assertion : Torque is equal to rate of change of angular momentum.
Reason : Angular momentum depends on moment of inertia and
49.Assertion : If polar ice melts, days will be longer.
Reason : Moment of inertia decreases and thus angular velocity increases.
50.Assertion : Radius of gyration of body is a constant quantity.
Reason : The radius of gyration of a body about an axis of rotation may be
defined as the root mean square distance of the particle from the axis of rotation.

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