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Membrane Computing:

Power, Efficiency, Applications

(A Quick Introduction)

Gheorghe Păun
Romanian Academy, Bucharest,
RGNC, Sevilla University, Spain,

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 1


• generalities
• the basic idea
• examples
• classes of P systems
• types of results
• types of applications
– applications in biology
– modeling/simulating ecosystems
– Nishida’s membrane algorithms
– MC and economics; numerical P systems

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 2

Goal: abstracting computing models/ideas from the structure and
functioning of living cells (and from their organization in tissues,
organs, organisms)

hence not producing models for biologists (although, this is now a tendency)

• distributed, parallel computing model

• compartmentalization by means of membranes

• basic data structure: multisets (but also strings; recently, numerical variables)

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 3

– the cell exists! (challenge for mathematics)
– biology needs new models (discrete, algorithmic; system biology, the whole cell
– computer science can learn (e.g., parallelism, coordination, data structure,
architecture, operations, strategies)
– computing in vitro/in vivo (“the cell is the smallest computer”)
– distributed extension of molecular computing
– a posteriori: power, efficiency (“solving” NP-complete problems)
– a posteriori: applications in biology, computer graphics, linguistics, economics,
– nice mathematical/computer science problems

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 4


• Gh. Păun, Computing with Membranes. Journal of Computer and System

Sciences, 61, 1 (2000), 108–143, and Turku Center for Computer Science-
TUCS Report No 208, 1998 (
ISI: “fast breaking paper”, “emerging research front in CS” (2003)
• Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. An Introduction, Springer, 2002
• G. Ciobanu, Gh. Păun, M.J. Pérez-Jiménez, eds., Applications of Membrane
Computing, Springer, 2006
• forthcoming Handbook of Membrane Computing, OUP
• Website:
(Yearly events: BWMC (February), WMC (summer), TAPS/WAPS (fall))

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 5

SOFTWARE AND APPLICATIONS:∼marian/PSimulatorWeb/P Systems applications.htm – PSim2.X simulator

Verona (Vincenzo Manca:

Sheffield (Marian Gheorghe:

Sevilla (Mario Pérez-Jiménez:

Milano (Giancarlo Mauri:

Nottingham, Trento, Nagoya, Leiden, Vienna, Evry, Iaşi

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 6

FRAMEWORK: Natural computing

Biology Models Implementation

(in vivo/vitro) (in info)

Brain - Neural XX
computing XXX
 Electronic media
  (in silico)
- Evolutionary 
Evolution computing 


DNA - DNA(molecular)  - Bio-media

(molecules) computing
 (in vitro, in vivo?)




Cell computing

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 7

FRAMEWORK: Natural computing

Biology Models Implementation

(in vivo/vitro) (in info)

Brain - Neural XX
computing XXX
 Electronic media
  (in silico)
- Evolutionary 
Evolution computing 


DNA - DNA(molecular)  - Bio-media

(molecules) computing
 (in vitro, in vivo?)




- ?

Cell computing

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 8

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 9
WHAT IS A CELL? (for a mathematician)

• membranes, separating “inside” from “outside” (hence protected compartments,


• chemicals in solution (hence multisets)

• biochemistry (hence parallelism, nondeterminism, decentralization)

• enzymatic activity/control

• selective passage of chemicals across membranes

• etc.

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 10

Importance of membranes for biology:. . .

MARCUS: Life = DNA software + membrane hardware

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 11


skin membrane
1' $

2' $ membrane
4' $


" ! & %

& %

5'    $


& %
& %
& %

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 12

1' $

2' $
4' $

t b
3 $
t a
b b
& % & %

& %

5' $
' $
c 6

c & %
b & %
& %

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 13

1' $

a ab → ddoutein5
2' $

t→t 4' $

t → t′ δ t b
3 $
t a
b b
& % & %

& %
d → ain4 bout
ca → cb
5' $
' $
c 6

c & %
b & %
& %

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 14

Functioning (basic ingredients):

• nondeterministic choice of rules and objects

• maximal parallelism

• transition, computation, halting

• internal output, external output, traces

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 15


a → b 1 b2
cb1 → cb′1
b2 → b2ein|b1

2' $

& %
& %

Computing system: n −→ n2 (catalyst, promoter, determinism, internal output)

Input (in membrane 1): an

Output (in membrane 2): en

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 16

1' $

2' $

a → b1 b2
cb1 → cb′1
b2 → b 2 e
cb1 → cb′1δ
& %

b1 → b 1
e → eout
& %

The same function (n −→ n2), with catalyst, dissolution, nondeterminism, external


Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 17

Generative mode : {n2 | n ≥ 1}
0 af
1 $
1 ab′f f
2' $
... ...
3' $ m m
ab′ f 2
' $4 m≥0
af m+1 2m+1
m+1 b′ f δ
a → ab′
m+2 bm+1f 2
& %
a → b′ δ m+3 bm+1f 2 em+1
f → ff ... ... ...
& % 2m + 1 bm+1f 2 em+1
2m + 2 bm+1f em+1
b′ → b
b → bein4 2m + 3 bm+1aδ em+1
f f → f > f → aδ m + 1 times Z

& % Z 

& %
~ +

(m + 1) × (m + 1)
N (Π) = {n2 | n ≥ 1}

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 18


E = {ar | 1 ≤ r ≤ m} ∪ {l, l′, l′′, l′′′, liv | l ∈ B}

1' $

(l1, out; ar l2, in)
for l1 : (add(r), l2, l3)
(l1, out; ar l3, in)

(l1, out; l1′ l1′′, in) 

(l1′ ar , out; l1′′′, in)

(l1′′, out; l1iv , in) for l1 : (sub(r), l2, l3)
(liv l1′′′, out; l2, in)

(liv l1′ , out; l3, in)

& %

(lh, out)

Symport/antiport rules (of weight 2)

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 19

Types of rules:
u → v with targets in v
(possibly conditional: promoters or inhibitors)
particular cases: ca → cu (catalytic)
a → u (non-cooperative)

(ab, in), (ab, out) – symport (in general, (x, in), (x, out))
(a, in; b, out) – antiport (in general, (u, in; v, out))

u] iv → u′] iv ′ – boundary (Manca, Bernardini)

ab → atar1 btar2 – communication (Sosik)

ab → atar1 btar2 ccome
a → atar

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 20

a[ ] i → [b] i go in
[a] i → b[ ] i go out
[a] i → b membrane dissolution
a → [b] i membrane creation
[a] i → [b] j [c] k membrane division
[a] i[b] j → [c] k membrane merging
[a] i[ ] j → [[b] i] j endocytosis
[[a] i] j → [b] i[ ] j exocytosis
[u] i → [ ] i[u] @j gemmation
[Q] i → [O − Q] j [Q] k separation

and others

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 21

Basic classes of cell-like P systems: multiset rewriting P systems:

Π = (O, µ, w1, . . . , wm, R1, . . . , Rm, io),

• O = alphabet of objects
• µ = (labeled) membrane structure of degree m (represented by a string of
matching parentheses)
• wi = strings/multisets over O
• Ri = sets of evolution rules
typical form ab → (a, here)(c, in2)(c, out)
• io = the output membrane

Symport/antiport P systems:

Π = (O, µ, w1, . . . , wm, E, R1, . . . , Rm, io),

as above, with E ⊆ O the set of objects which appear in the environment in

arbitrarily many copies

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 22

A bird eye view to the MC jungle:
• cell-like, tissue-like, neural-like (spiking neural) systems
• symbols, strings, arrays, numerical variables, etc.
• multisets, sets, fuzzy
• multiset rewriting, symport/antiport, membrane evolving, combinations
• controls: priority, promoters, inhibitors, δ, τ , activators, etc.
• maximal, bounded, minimal parallelism, sequential/asynchronous, time-, clock-
• generating, accepting, computing/translating, dynamical system
• computing power, computing efficiency, others
• implementations/simulations
• applications: biology/medicine, economics, optimization, computer graphics,
linguistics, computer science, cryptography, etc.
• etc. (e.g., brane-membrane bridge, quantum-like)

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 23

• characterization of Turing computability (RE, N RE, P sRE)
Examples: by catalytic P systems (2 catalysts) [Sosik, Freund, Kari, Oswald]
by (small) symport/antiport P systems [many]
by spiking neural P systems [many]
• polynomial solutions to NP-complete problems (by using an exponential workspace
created in a “biological way”: membrane division, membrane creation, string
replication, etc) [Sevilla team], [Madras team], [Obtulowicz], [Alhazov, Pan] etc
even characterizations of PSPACE
• other types of mathematical results (normal forms, hierarchies, determinism versus
nondeterminism, complexity) [Ibarra group]
• connections with ambient calculus, Petri nets, X-machines, quantum computing,
lambda calculus, brane calculus, etc [many]
• simulations and implementations
• applications

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 24

Open problems, research topics:

Many: see the P page

• borderlines: universality/non-universality, efficiency/non-efficiency
(local problems: the power of 1 catalyst, the role of polarizations, dissolution, etc.
general problems: uniform versus semi-uniform, deterministic-confluent, pre-
computed resources)
• semantics (events, causality, etc.)
• neural-like systems (more biology, complexity, applications, etc.)
• user friendly, flexible, and efficient (!) software for bio-applications
• MC and economics
• implementations (electronics, bio-lab)
• finding a killer-app

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 25

• computing beyond Turing? (no, but ...acceleration)

• what kind of implementation? (none, but ...Adelaide, Madrid, Technion-Haifa)

• why so many variants?

• why so powerful? (RE = CS + erasing)

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 26

• biology, medicine, ecosystems (continuous versus discrete mathematics) [Sevilla,
Verona, Milano, Sheffield, etc.]

• computer science (computer graphics, sorting/ranking, 2D languages,

cryptography, general model of distributed-parallel computing) [many]

• linguistics (modeling framework, parsing) [Tarragona]

• optimization (membrane algorithms [Nishida, 2004], [many])

• economics ([Warsaw group], [R. Păun], [Vienna group])

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 27

A typical application in biology/medicine:

M.J. Pérez–Jiménez, F.J. Romero–Campero:

A Study of the Robustness of the EGFR Signalling Cascade Using Continuous
Membrane Systems.
In Mechanisms, Symbols, and Models Underlying Cognition. First International
Work-Conference on the Interplay between Natural and Artificial Computation,
IWINAC 2005 (J. Mira, J.R. Alvarez, eds.), LNCS 3561, Springer, Berlin, 2005,

• 60 proteins, 160 reactions/rules

• reaction rates from literature
• results as in experiments

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 28

Typical outputs:

Concentration (nM)









0.00 time (s)

0 10 20 30 40 50 60

The EGF receptor activation by auto-phosphorylation

(with a rapid decay after a high peak in the first 5 seconds)

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 29

Concentration (nM)

0 time (s)
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180

The evolution of the kinase MEK

(proving a surprising robustness of the signalling cascade)

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 30

Other bio-applications:
• photosynthesis [Nishida, 2002]
• Brusselator [Suzuki, Verona, Milano]
• quorum sensing in bacteria [Nottingham, Sheffield, Sevilla]
• circadian cycles [Verona]
• apoptosis [Ruston-Louisiana]
• signaling pathways in yeast [Milano]
• HIV infection [Edinburgh]
• peripheral proteins [Trento]
• others [Milano, Iaşi, Bucharest, Sevilla, Verona, etc.]

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 31

Modeling ecosystems

Y. Suzuki, H. Tanaka, Artificial life and P systems, WMC1, Curtea de Argeş, 2000
(herbivorous, carnivorous, volatiles)

Lotka-Voltera model (predator-prey) [Verona, Milano]

M. Cardona, M.A. Colomer, M.J. Perez-Jimenez, S. Danuy, A. Margalida,

A P system modeling an ecosystem related to the bearded vulture, 6BWMC

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 32

”Our model consists in the following probabilistic P system of degree 2 with two
electrical charges:
Π = (Γ, µ, M0, M1, R)
• In the alphabet Γ we represent the six species of the ecosystem (index i is
associated with the species and index j is associated with their age, and the
symbols X, Y and Z represent the same animal but in different state); it also
contains the auxiliary symbols B and C.

Γ = {Xij , Yij , Zij : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, 0 ≤ j ≤ ki,5} ∪ { B, C}

• In the membrane structure we represent two regions, the skin (where animals
reproduce) and an inner membrane (where animals feed and die): µ = [ [ ]1 ]0
(neutral polarization will be omitted)
• In M0 and M1 we specify the initial number of objects present in each regions
(encoding the initial population and the initial food).

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 33

– M0 = {Xijij : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, 0 ≤ j ≤ ki,}, where the multiplicity qij indicates the
number of animals, of species i whose age is j that are initially present in the
– M1 = {C B 18000}, where the object B represent 0.5 kg of bones, and 9000
kg is the external contribution of bones to the P system corresponding to the
33% of feeding that come from animals do not modeled in the P system.
• The set R of evolution rules consists of:
– Reproduction-rules
Adult males:
r0 ≡ [Xij −−−→ Yij ]0, 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, 0 ≤ j ≤ ki,4
Adult females that reproduce:
ki,5 ki,14
r1 ≡ [Xij −−−→ Yij Yi0]0, 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, ki,2 ≤ j < ki,3
Adult females that do not reproduce:
(1−ki,5 )ki,14
r2 ≡ [Xij −−−→ Yij ]0, 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, ki,2 ≤ j < ki,3

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 34

Young animals that do not reproduce:
r3 ≡ [Xij → Yij ]0, 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, ki,3 ≤ j < ki,2
– Young animals mortality rules:
Those which survive:
1−ki,7 −ki,8
r4 ≡ Yij [ ]1 −−−→ [Zij ]1 : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, 0 ≤ j < ki,1
Those which die and leaving bones:
r5 ≡ Yij [ ]1 −−−→[B ki,12 ]1 : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, 0 ≤ j < ki,1

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 35

Those which die and do not leave bones:
r6 ≡ Yij [ ]1 −−−→[ ]1 : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, 0 ≤ j < ki,1
– Adult animals mortality rules:
Those which survive:
1−ki,9 −ki,10
r7 ≡ Yij [ ]1 −−−→ [Zij ]1 : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, ki,1 ≤ j < ki,4
Those which die leaving bones:
r8 ≡ Yij [ ]1 −−−→[B ki,13 ]1 : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, ki,1 ≤ j < ki,4
Those which die and do not leave bones:
r9 ≡ Yij [ ]1 −−−→[ ]1 : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, ki,1 ≤ j < k1,4
Animals that die at an average life expectancy:
r10 ≡ Yij [ ]1 → [B ki,13·ki,11 ]1 : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, j = ki,4
– Feeding rules:
r11 ≡ [Zij B ki,16 ]1 → Xij+1[ ]+ 1 : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, 0 ≤ j ≤ ki,4

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 36

– Rules of mortality due to lack of food, and the elimination from the system of
bones that are not eaten by the Bearded Vulture:
Elimination of remaining bones:
r12 ≡ [B]+
1 → [ ]1
External contribution that represent the bones:
r13 ≡ [C]+
1 → [CB

Adult animals that die because they have not enough food:
r14 ≡ [Zij ]+
1 → [B ki,13 ·ki,11
]1 : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, ki,1 ≤ j ≤ ki,4
Young animals that die because they have not enough food:
r15 ≡ [Zij ]+
1 → [B
ki,12 ·ki,11
]1 : 1 ≤ i ≤ 7, j < ki,1

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 37

Figure 1 gives a schematic view of how the P system works.

Figure 1: Schema

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 38

Table 1: Number of animals, at the moment, in the Pyrenean Catalan
Species Number
Bearded Vulture 74
Chamois 12000
Red deer female 4400
Red deer male 1100
Fallow deer 900
Roe deer 10000
Sheep 200000

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 39

(Some) Results:
140 Bearded Vulture 70000 Chamois

Number animals

Number animals

Mortaliy- Feeding- Reproductivity 20000

Mortaliy- Feeding- Reproductivity
Reproductivity- Mortality- Feeding 10000
20 Reproductivity- Mortality- Feeding
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20

8000 Red Deer Fallow Deer

Number animals

Number animals
5000 2000
Mortaliy- Feeding- Reproductivity (Female)
4000 Reproductivity- Mortality- Feeding (Male) 1500
Mortaliy- Feeding- Reproductivity (Female)
3000 Reproductivity- Mortality- Feeding (Male) 1000
Mortaliy- Feeding- Reproductivity
500 Reproductivity- Mortality- Feeding
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Years Years

205000 Sheep
120000 Roe Deer

Number animals
Mortaliy- Feeding- Reproductivity
Number animals

80000 195000
Reproductivity- Mortality- Feeding
40000 Mortaliy- Feeding- Reproductivity
Reproductivity- Mortality- Feeding
0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
Years Years

Figure 2: Robustness of the ecosystem

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 40

Nishida’s membrane algorithms:
• candidate solutions in regions, processed locally (local sub-algorithms)
• better solutions go down
• static membrane structure – dynamical membrane structure
• two-phases algorithms

Excellent solutions for Travelling Salesman Problem (benchmark instances)

• rapid convergence
• good average and worst solutions (hence reliable method)
• in most cases, better solutions than simulated annealing

Still, many problems remains: check for other problems, compare with sub-
algorithms, more membrane computing features, parallel implementations (no free
lunch theorem)
Recent: L. Huang, N. Wang, J. Tao; G. Ciobanu, D. Zaharie; A. Leporati, D. Pagani;
M. Gheorghe et al. (quantum-membrane-algorithms)

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 41

Applications in economics:
• J. Bartosik, W. Korczynski, etc (accounting, human resource management, etc)
• Gh. Păun, R. Păun (general interpretation, paired rules: ([u → v] i; [u′ → v ′] j )
• Gh. Păun, R. Păun: Numerical P systems
• R. Păun: Modelling producer-retailer transactions

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 42

' $

Source of raw materials (a)


Producers (d) bn1 1 , bn2 2 , . . . , bk k

Retailers (match d with d) cm 1
, cm2 ml
1 2 , . . . , cl

Consumption (d) C
& %

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 43

Examples of rules:

1. S → SaN ±rg [prob(rg)] (no money)

p (t) p (t)
2. biui S a → diuSS (producers pay for a)

′ p (t)(M ±rg ) ′
3. C → C d¯M ±rg uCC [prob(rg ′)] (the general consumer introduces both
needs and money)

¯ j ps (t) ps (t)
4. cj du C → d¯j vj j (orders and money pass to retailers)

pp (t) pp (t)
5. did¯j vj i → bicj ui i [Rscorei,j (t)] (one copy of d is purchased by Rj from Pi,
paying for it the price pi(t) set by Pi)

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 44

Still more interesting: investments

uxi → bi – by producer i

vjy → cj – by retailer j

maybe in a bounded amount

fiuxi → bi

gj vjy → cj

with z copies of each fi and gj introduced in the initial configuration

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 45

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 46
Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 47
What about future? (at the edge of science-fiction)

• hard to predict the future...

• ...but the progresses should not be underestimated

• natural computing will pay-off (directly, or through by-products)

• e.g., through nano-technology

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 48

Every attempt to employ mathematical methods in the study of
biological questions must be considered profoundly irrational and
contrary to the spirit of biology.

If mathematical analysis should ever hold a prominent place in

biology - an aberration which is happily almost impossible - it would
occasion a rapid and widespread degeneration of that science.

Auguste Comte (full name: Isidore Marie Auguste Franois Xavier Comte; January
17, 1798 - September 5, 1857): Pilosophie Positive, 1830

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 49


• efficiency (through massive parallelism, nondeterminism)

• robust computers/algorithms

• adaptable, evolvable, learning, self-healing hardware/software

• nano-robots (for medicine)

• computing beyond Turing (stronger consequences than P = NP)

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 50

Do we dream too much?

• nature has different goals (and resources: time, materials, energy), is redundant,

• theoretical limits:
– Conrad theorems (programmability/universality, efficiency, learnability are
– Gandy principles for computing mechanisms (preventing the possibility to go
beyond Turing)

• for modeling/simulating intelligence and life, maybe something essentially new is

necessary (Mc Carthy, Brooks, etc.)

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 51

Thank you!

...and please do not forget:

(with mirrors in China:,

Gh. Păun, Membrane Computing. Power, Efficiency, Applications Bertinoro 2008 52

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