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Official Newspaper of Cheyenne County

5 _ For over fifty years The Telegraph

/ has led the local journalistic field. It
1 is now the leading newspaper of west-
f cm Nebraska.
V ^ Published Tuesdays and Fridays




The trial of John Victor Montour, Establishment of Sidney as the job­
Mexican torture slayer, of Wheatland,
Wyo„ who was captured here last
month, may not be held until Septem­
bing center for the Mona Motor Oil
company in this territory was announc­
ed yesterday by a district representa­
Judge Earl Meyer Will Be
Featured Speaker at the
ber, it lias been anonunced in papers of
Wyoming. Although no definite reason
for the delay has been given, it is un-'
derstood that considerable difficulty has
Golden Bears’ Representative warehouse
Is Enthusiastic After a . ,
tive, here to completely stock a local
with the Mona Motor lubri­
The warehouse of the
and Storage company is
Morning Services ben encountered in choosing an un­ Short Sidney Visit £eing employed by the company for the Particular Drive Will Be Made Against Motorists
prejudiced jury. present.
EEGION to d e c o r a t e The trial had originally been set to
start yesterday. Indignant citizens of
Present plans call for the erection of
filling station here in the near future Operating Cars While Intoxicated; Under
, GRAVES OF SOLDIERS Wheatland demanded immediate jus­
tice and the request was granted thru Following the visit Friday of William templates
which will give complete superservice
accommodations. The company con­
Age Drivers Also Are Object of Move
Sidney business houses have been re­ fear of mob violence if the Mxeican was Monahan, business manager of the 6uilding a station which will
quested to close all day Thursday in
fitting observance of Memorial day. A kept for several months in the Wheat-
land jail. California football team, it has been standpoint inof equipment.
rival any this section, from the
proclamation has been issued by Mayor
Schroeder designating the day as a lo­ Although it was thought th at Mon­
tour would plead guilty to the murder
Beans will
stop off
next fall has
was announced.
to operate the sta­

cal holiday. charges, press reports declare that he for a short practice session on their Shipments to western Nebraska, Colo­
T he American Legion and its auxil­ trip to Philadelphia for the annual Cal- Launching a drive against reckless drivers on the highways
iary have arranged a program in honor will attempt to dodge the noose thru ifornia-Penn. U. gridiron classic. It rado, Wyoming and the Black Hills
of th e fallen heroes of the past wars.
an insanity plea. He confessed the
murder to local officers and at that
country of South
is understood that the team will ar­ from this jobbing point, it was stated. Dakota will be made of Cheyenne County, Sheriff Nelson yesterday announced that
T h e observance will be simple, without time declared" he had been using mari­ rive in Sidney «October 14 and
spend three or four hours working out The
will stock carried here will be com­ hereafter all roads will be patrolled to free the county’s thor­
pom p or conspicuous ceremony but will juana excessively and was crazed be­ on the local field. plete in every detail in order to fill oughfares of motorists who endanger the lives of others with
be th e type which honors and respects cause he had been unable to procure Mr. Monahan’s arrival in Sidney was every need, according to M. R. Mills, excessive speed. The decision was made following a series of
those whose lives were sacrificed in the the weed for several days. not expected until Sunday but a sud­ who is working here in the interests of
.service of the nation. When returned to the Wheatland den shift in plans caused a change in stood that oMtorthe Mona concern. It is under­ accidents on the Lincoln highway which have perilously threat­
T he graves of G. A. R. members and jail however, he stated that a fall from dates, A committee representing the plete bulk storage center. Sidney will become a com­ ened the well being of several people. «-
of world war veterans in the jurisdic­ a milk wagon several years ago had left chamber of commerce escorted him The roads will particularly be patrolled on Saturday and
tion of Sidney Post No. 17 of the Amer­ him in a crazed condition. Officers were through the city and pointed out the headquarters The Mona Motor Oil company has
ican Legion will be decorated early that
morning by a committee appointed by
inclined to doubt the theory at the local athletic field. Mr. Monahan was it owns and operates radio station at Council Bluffs where Sunday evenings, following the dances, Nelson declared. Driv­
Commander Dilley, while the official
time. His conviction is expected re­
gardless of the plea. impressed with the railroad connection KOIL. According to Mr. Mills the lives of other ers under age or those who take'chances which threaten the
program will start at 9:30 In the morn­ Chief of Police C. J. Livoni and Nightfacilities and was enthusiastic
purity of the air and water here.
over the company will open an avertising cam­ drivers will be the particular objects of pursuit
ing a t the U. S. A. theatre.
T he program will be featured by
Watchman Arthur Kenfield of Sidney paign shortly to
Plans call for the California special this trade territory with the products acquaint residents of and will receive the maximum penalty, he declared.
received the $500 Wyoming reward “Accidents which have occured on .the roads after dances
Judge Earl Meyer, prominent Alliance train to arrive here early in the af­
ju rist and on influential member of ternoon. The train will be switched
iiqmedaitely to the siding adjoining the have convinced me that this county must patrol the highways
th e legion. Judge Meyer is regarded
¿is one of the most capable speakers in football field where the players will or loss of life will be the result,” Nelson said yesterday. “ We
th e state, according to local legion limber up It is probable that showers have not been particularly strict with motorists who make a
members. The program a t the thea­ will be provided. speedway of our public thoroughfares but necessity now de­
tre follows: The chamber of commerce has not
America, audience; vocal solo, Rob­ (Continued on page 8) mands that wo take immediate action.”
e rt Harper; address, Judge Earl Mey- "We will direct our most stringent at-
STATE LEGION MEETING SCOUT JAMBOREE WILL BE tack against those who drive while in­
(Continued on page 8) Sam Daniel Is Medalist of DATES AT HASTINGS SET Five of Twelve Attending From HELD TODAY AT BRIDGEPORT toxicated or show any evidence of
DISTRICT REBEKAHS IN-------------- — -Game-Flayed-in- F a c e -- The" 1929'' state convention " o7’~the~ - “ ^' •Here'- Will- Receive Thé scoüt' jamboree' to "be ‘held in the law will o-thoeer
dririklng. -T i might say that
be enforced to its maximum
AT DALTON LODGE HALL of Driving Wind American Legion will be held at Hast­ Diplomas Bridgeport will be staged today.
Telegraph incorrectly stated in a pre­ Iextent,
The without favoritism to anyone.
ings on August 26, 27 and 28. These have
vious issue that the meeting was to be sponsible for smash heard reports of youngsters re­
Ttebekahs of the 33rd district were POOR SCORES RESULT dates were set by the convention com­ ALL ARE ACTIVE IN held last Friday. Scout troops from ups or near
„ „ . crash-
in attendance at the annual convention mittee and accepted by the Hastings COLLEGIATE AFFAIRS all of western Nebraska will be on hand fs thorugh ioo»sl\ d)n vlne anc* \
staged in Dalton yesterday. The meet­ OF STRONG WIND post. for the events. Following is the pro­ tend to set my foot down on all driv­
ing was the 17th annual session. State Commander Wade Martin has gram for the day: ers under age. The laws of the state
The opening session began at 10:30 oldWith Five of the 12 students from Sidney
Sam Daniel, Sidney’s 17 year appointed the committee to arrange Nebraska Wesleyan university will First aid race, rescue race, Morse are made for enforcement and we can­
o’clock yesterday morning at the lodge Sidney golf wizard leading the attack, the for the convention and it will meet in at graduated this year. They are Lau­ signaling contest, semaphore signaling not endager the lives of sane drivels
hall where the convention was held. North Platte country club golf team defeated Hastings soon in conference with the be rence Davis, Bernice Foster, Mary Harr, contest, scout pace, dressing race, fire by permitting reckless drivers to go
A covered dish luncheon at noon mark­ day. Play was,by on the Platte course Sun­ Hastings post officials. On the com­ Frank Lally and Vern Livingston. Lau­ by friction, water boiling, Paul Revere free.
ed th e close of the morning activities. point being awarded the point system, one mittee are E. A. Peitzke and Frank rence Davis is a member of the Blue race, patrol antelope race, patrol sig­ “The county commissioners at one
T he afternoon wTas featured by inter­ nine holes and for the for each of the Arnde of Hastings, Talmadge Smith of Key, honorary society for men at Wes­ nal tower, troop drill, tent pitching, time requested th at I hire a special
esting and educational work, culmin­ Sidney was victorious by fiveholes total won. Grand Island, State adjutant C. W leyan, and of the physics club. He wall scaling, knot tying, message relay officer for the patroling of public
ating at six o’clock when a dinner Daniel shot a 78 in the 18 points. Conklin and Commander Mar.tin.
was served in the basement of the cop medalist honors for the day. holes to Arndt was general chairman of the con­ also sings in the mens glee club which race, obstacle race, tug of war, flap roads that
but the need was not pressing at
time. I do not have time to keep
Presbyterian church Conferring of a afternoon round was sensation, turn­ His vention in 1923 when Hastings enter­ makes a concert tour over the state jack contest, first aid, archery, axe a careful watch but will instruct dep­
every year and he belongs to the W throwing, fire by flint and steel.
degree by the Bridgeport staff was one ing in a 37. He had previously shot a tained the Legion that year.
uties to patrol the roads, especially af­
of the highlights of the meeting.
Officers of the district are as follows: 41 in the first round. Par on the
GRADUAfESFLOCK club. Bernice Foster is a member of
the girls varsity debate team. Mary


ter dances.”
Nelson pointed out that he was not

course is 72.
Elsie Ewing, Dalton, president; Eva A driving gade from the southeast in­ Harr is a member of the Purple Arkus, (Continued on page 8)
Goding, Dix, vice president; Mabel Mc- terfered with the best efforts of all honorary society for women at Wes­
leyan, and of the dramatic club. She
G riff, Gering, -warden; Flora Davison, players. Daniel had shot par in a belongs to the commerce club and the MARRIES GERTRUDE ERAN
Dalton, secretary, Bessie Taylor, Sid­ practice round Saturday afternoon and Wesleyan pep club. Frank Lally has
ney, treasurer: Bell Franklin, Bayard, wras expected to seriously threaten the acted as president of the athletic board W. L. Bates, prominent Kimball real
m arshal: Myrtle Gregory, Morrill, Con­ course record Sunday. Poor scores were and of Blue Key, honorary society. He estate dealer and favorably known in
ductor; Dottie Iddings, Bridgeport, the general order, the best North Festivities and Get-To-Gether is on the student council. Vern Liv­ “Beatimr the Sheriff to Farmer! Sidney, was married last week in Den-
chaplain; Maggie Brown, Minatare, in­ Platte
side guardian; Bessie Beckenridge, who took score being turned in by Tilley
an 83. Carson of North To Mark The Three ingston is also a member of the mens
glee club ana acts as vice president of Brown” is Title of the ¡ver to Gertrude Eran of Crete. Mr.
Bates and his bride will make their
Scottsbluff, outside guardian; Esther Platte placed third with an 84 and
Wilder, Mitchell, messenger. Day Celebration Theta Alpha Phi, dramatic'club. He Amusing Offering home in Kimball where the groom has
constructed a palatial residence. He is
T he lodges in the district are Bayard, (Continued on page 8) is a member of the chemistry club.
Vera Harr, a sophomer at Wesleyan, PROFESSOR NEILSON a graduate of Nebraska university and
Bridgeport, Bushnell, Dalton, Dix, Ger­ SECOND INSTALLMENT OF CAMPUS ACTIVITIES is a member of the commerce club and is now associated with the Ratbone
ing,® Mitchell, Mniatare, Morrill, Sid­
ney and Scottsbluff.
HISTORY IN THIS ISSUE TO FEATURE MEETING acts as reporter for the Wesleyan league IS DIRECTING EFFORT company, real estate brokers,
of women voters. Viola Foster is a
JIM M Y MURRAY, AIR MAIL The.second installment of the his­ Spring to most University of Nebras­ member of the publication board. Clif­ A one act play, “Beating the Sheriff NEBRASKA STOCK GKOWERS
PILOT WELL KNOWN HERE, torical articles being written by Law­ ka alumni means round up time, when ford Wait, sophomore, plays in the to Farmer Brown," will be staged by ON MAY 31 AND JUNE 1
HAS FLOWN 5,tM HOURS graph', rence Connell, founder of The Tele­ graduates flock round far and near Wesleyan orchestra. the boys of the vocational agriculture
appears in this issue. Mr. Con­ (back to the campus for the three day There are 91 candidates for degrees class of Sidney high school at the an­ 'The annual convention of the Ne­
More than 5000 hours in the air Is the nell in this writing briefly traces the • reunion. This year the round up and in addition certificates will be nual farmers picnic to be held about
record of J. P. Murray, who flies''the early history of Sidney before it claim­ i comes on May 30, 31 and June 1, Thurs­ granted to 52 persons graduating from June 15 at Krueger’s lake, it has been braska Stock Growers association will
m all over the mountains between Chey­ ed a newspaper and for the first time day, Friday and Saturday of this week. (Continued on page 8) anonunced by J. W. Nielsen, instructor day, Mayin 31 be held Valentine Friday and Satur­
enne and Salt Lake City. Five thou­ gives a press account of a brutal mur­ Tradition, so important in the life of of vocational agriculture at the school. 39th meeting and of
June 1. This is the
the organization and
sand hours’ in the air means a half der which occurred near here in 1872. a college and its graduates, plays a STERLING GIRL INJURED The boys who will take the parts of i the people of Valentine are preparing
million miles flown. The story is absolutely authentic and major part in the annual round up. It IN AUTO SMASH UP the characters in the play are now be­ to make it a memorable one. The ad­
Jam es Patrick Murray formerly an­ should prove interesting to every per­ is a matter of tradition that the May izabeth Kurr of Sterling was pain- ing chosen by Mr. Nielsen, and their dress of welcome is to be delivered
swered to the title professor. Grad­ son interested in the early days of this queen is crowned with regal pomp, that ly cut 'an d bruised Saturday night names will be announced shortly. The George Christopher, with responses by
uating from Trinity college in 1914, Jim city. The history will be contiuned Ih the senior honorary societies, the in­ en the car in which she was riding Blue Valley Creamery institute is co­ Thomas F. Arnold, Mayor James by
took his brand new degree to Hacken­ a future issue. nocents and mortar boards, choose their ,h three companions overturned in operating with the school in the stag­ Dahlman of Omaha and Robert Gra-C.
sack, N. J., and became science, math­ SIX CHURCHES JOIN IN new members solemnly and majestical­ : ditch five miles east of Sidney. ing of the play by furnishing the man­ rara, the latter president of the associa­
em atics and athletic instructor at the BIG PICNIC ON SUNDAY happens ly, that the ivy is planted. All this :ier occupants of the car escaped in- uscripts, the programs and the in­ tion.
N orm an school. on the first day, Thursday, of
W hen war was declared he joined the Members of six Evangelical Lutheran the reunion. But wltn the rest of the iy. rested The car hurled into the ditch structions “Beating
for putting the plan on.
the Sheriff to Farmer of The first day there will be reports
Royal Flying corps, August, 1917, train­ churches held services and an all day reunion tradition is relegated partly to upants being saved because the top on its top, the lives of the Brown” is described by Mr. Nielsen as ifficers and a discussion on market­
ed a t Toronto, Canada, and Salisbury a t Krueger’s lake Sunday. the background and returning alumni used to splinter. Miss Kurr was an instructive and amusing little dairy cipated in by atrepresentatives ing of cattle public markets, parti­
Plains, England: was British flying in­ picnic
Churches represented - were those of devote themselves to informal enjoy­ >ught to a local hospital, several play that provides enjoyable entertain­ great markets. J. E. Poole of
of all the
structor for a long, impatient year, and Potter, Dalton, Gurley, Chappell, Sid­ ment. ¡lies being required to close a gap- ment while it delivers a message of bet- will deliver an address on all phases of
th e n got over with the 110th squadron ney and the south divide. Friday, the second day of the round : wound in the leg. (Continued on page 8) the livestock industry, after which the
o f the Royal Aid force. A large crowd was in attendance and (Continued on page 8) meeting will adjourn to the state farm
He flew into Germany with the army a gala day was enjoyed. A picnic dinner IAHA GRAIN MAN ON SIDNEY GOLFERS PLAN where they will be a number of de­
o f occupation and liked it so well that followed the morning services. In the BRUMAGES LEAVE SIDNEY INSPECTION TOUR HERE TO PLAY AT CHEYENNE
his first postwar Job was to carry the afternoon the children gave a program TO LIVE IN LARAMIE, WYO. monstrations. Luncheon will be served
" .mail on a regular schedule between and a number of faces were held. Con­ Mr. and Mrs. H. D. Brumage and H. E. Teffany, grain man of Omaha, Cheyenne Several Sidney golfers will go to there.
Folks tone, Eng., and Cologne, Ger­ test games were played and a spirited children left yesterday for Laramie, s spent the past several days in Sid- country club’s Sunday for the Cheyenne Addresses will be delivered during
m any. y and surrounding territory inspect- golf tourney to be stag­ the afternoon by a number of men of
A 1st of the planes Murray has solo­ baseball game was staged. Wyo., wheer they will establish their j crop conditions. Mr. Tiffany de- ed Saturday afternoon and Sunday. national reputation on subjects of in­
ed reads like an airplane catalogue— CHICK IS DEALER FOR future residence. Mr. Brumage has ires that eastern Nebraska has pros- the winners. Medal play over 54 holes will determine terest to cattlemen, including trans­
•Cutis, Big AW, Avro, DH, Dolphin Bent­ been transferred to that city and will
NEW WHIPPET CARS hold a position similar to the one which cts for "the biggest wheat crop in Its portation, marketing of cattle, bank­
ley Camel, Sopwith, pups, Douglass, JOHN O'NEIL RETURNS ing and meat consumption. The an­
Boeing—he has piloted them all. C. F. Chick has taken the local he held in Sidney. AFTER CONVALESCENT PERIOD nual banquet will occur In the evening,
I n June, 1920, Murray started with agency for Whippet motor cars and in CIGARET CAUSES SMALL CHICAGO MAN COMES TO George Christopher acting as toastmas­
th e air mail, flying from New York to this issue of The Telegraph has an an­ BLAZE AT SNYDER’S STORE w o r k a t Cen tr a l m a r k e t Mr. and Mrs. John O’Neil returned ter. Speakers wil include Judge Janies
Cleveland. He is now with the Boeing nouncement ad together with the prices Dbert Burns of Chicago, an exper- they* Sunday from Tuscon, Arizona', where C. Quigley, Bruce McCullough, George
Air Transport, flying its Cheyenne- and down payments. The Whippet awning A cigaret carelessly flipped on the ed meat cutter, has moved to Sid- Mr. O’Neil had spent the past several weeks. For theE. second
Jackson, M. Brouse and C. N. Wright.
day there will be a
S alt Lake run westward from Chey­ comprises a full line of six and four day nightof started Snyder’s clothing store Fri­
a small blaze and re­ has been recuperating from
and is employed by the Central a long illness and reports that he Is series of addresses by some of the best
enne, a 475 mile hop over the Rockies cylinder car, embodying newest prin­ ket. Mr. Burns has been employed much improved. His many Sidney known stockmen and authorities on
an d western plains. ciples on the cars of the lower price sulted in a fire alarm being sounded. >ne of Chicao’s finest markets and friends who have shown intense inter­ livestock, not only in Nebraska, but in
H e never has had an accident, and class. No display rooms have been hir­ One comer of the awning was desroyed master at the business. He still est in his condition are delighted at his the United States. Officers will also
according to the reply to a request for ed as yet but the cars may be seen at but the blaze was checked before it her improves the capable staff of recovery.
his record, has participated in no out­ Mr. Chick’s second hand store on 9th could spread to the building. The awn­ ers now employed at the market. be elected.
standing flights. ' avenue. ing will have to be replaced.

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