Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) Autism Statistics: Metadata File

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Mental Health Services Data Set (MHSDS) Autism Statistics

Metadata file

This document describes the technical construction of measures published as part of the Autism Statistics series, taken from the Mental Health Services Dataset (MHSDS).

What is included in the metadata file?

The document provides for each field in the Autism Statistics series:
• A reference number, name and description (data items in the NHS Data Dictionary are underlined for reference) for each measure;
• Cross references to data derivations used in the analysis;
• A construction describing the logic used in the analysis, referencing data items in providers’ and commissioners’ record-level MHSDS data extracts and any derivations produced by NHS Digital used in
the analysis;
• Descriptions of the derivations produced by NHS Digital to make the production of these measures more efficient, so that users of record-level MHSDS monthly data can apply the same logic to their
• Further notes to describe the status and uses of the measure.

Who is it intended for and how will it be used?

The primary use of this metadata is to provide clear descriptions of the measures presented in this file, which can be understood by key stakeholders. This information should be used in combination
advice on assessing the reliability of individual measures, which is provided in the Background Quality Report.

The metadata will also help people with access to record level MHSDS extracts from the Data Processing Service (DPS) who wish to reproduce these measures from record level MHSDS monthly data.

We welcome feedback on this document and any suggestions for improvement. Feedback can be provided by emailing quoting MHSDS in the email subject title.

Useful links
MHSDS Data specification
NHS Data Dictionary: MHSDS
Monthly Learning Disability Services Statistics
Mental Health Services Dataset (MHSDS)
Metadata file Version History

Version Date Issued Summary Of Changes

Version 1.0 14 Nov 2019 Original Version

Copyright © 2019, Health and Social Care Information Centre.

Monthly Submissions used
Description of measure
measure (Current Quarter only
Measure name IC derivation reference number (where possible measures are described in terms of the classes of Tables used Construction Notes Old monthly ID
reference AND/OR Subsequent
information defined in NHS Data Dictionary)
number months)

OrgCode ORGANISATION CODE of service provider

OrgName ORGANISATION NAME of service provider

The data grouping. This should be filtered depending on the analysis


Split The individual splits of each overall measure.

The period for each table is 3 months, the first period starting on

The following counts provide the basis for the measures in the file:


COUNT Distinct ( [UniqMHSDSPersID] and [UniqServReqID] )

ReferralRequestReceivedDate BETWEEN PERIOD Start and end
Count of the number of referrals at the end of the RP where the reason
IC_Use_Submission_Flag C MHS101Referral AND
for referral is 'suspected autism' and add to the referrals total.
[PrimReasonReferralMH] = '25'
[Record_End_Date] IS NULL

The selected data from these two tables is merged and

Patient count been referred within the RP
any duplicates removed to give the referals for each period

COUNT Distinct ( [UniqMHSDSPersID] and [UniqServReqID] )

Count of the number of Other referrals at the end of the RP where the
IC_Use_Submission_Flag C MHS103OtherReasonReferrall ReferralRequestReceivedDate BETWEEN PERIOD Start and end
reason for referral is 'suspected autism' and add to the referrals total.
[OtherReasonReferMH] = '25'
[Record_End_Date] IS NULL

COUNT Distinct ( [UniqMHSDSPersID] and [UniqServReqID] ) for REFERRAL IN PERIOD

[ConsMediumUsed] in ('01','03')
Patient count with care contact date after the Count of the number of referrals in the period receiving Care Contact on
IC_Use_Submission_Flag C+S MHS201CareContact AND
referral date. or after the referral.
[ReferralRequestReceivedDate] <= C.[CareContDate]
[AttendOrDNACode] in ('5','6')

The following measures are split by the counts above:

COUNT Distinct ( [UniqMHSDSPersID] and [UniqServReqID] ) for REFERRAL IN PERIOD

Referral count, seen before or equal to 13 The number of referrals that have contacts that have a care contact in WHERE
IC_Use_Submission_Flag C+S MHS103OtherReasonReferrall
weeks less than or equal to13 weeks. [CareContDate]
Is Less than or equal to 91 days after

COUNT Distinct ( [UniqMHSDSPersID] and [UniqServReqID] ) for REFERRAL IN PERIOD

The number of referrals that have contacts that have a care contact in WHERE
Referral count, seen after 13 weeks IC_Use_Submission_Flag C+S MHS103OtherReasonReferrall
more than 13 weeks. [CareContDate]
Is Greater than 91 days after

WHEN AgeRepPeriodEnd between 0 and 17 then 'Under 18'
WHEN AgeRepPeriodEnd between 18 and 34 then '18-24'
WHEN AgeRepPeriodEnd between 18 and 34 then '25-34'
WHEN AgeRepPeriodEnd between 35 and 64 then '35-44'
Age IC_Use_Submission_Flag Age, in years, as recorded at time of referral C MHS001MPI
WHEN AgeRepPeriodEnd between 35 and 64 then '45-54'
WHEN AgeRepPeriodEnd between 35 and 64 then '55-64'
WHEN AgeRepPeriodEnd > 64 then 'Over 65'
ELSE 'Unknown'

WHEN Gender = '1' then 'Male'
WHEN Gender = '2' then 'Female'
Gender IC_Use_Submission_Flag Person gender code recorded in submission C MHS001MPI
WHEN Gender = '9' then 'Not stated'
WHEN Gender in ('X','0') OR Gender IS null then 'Unknown'
WHEN Age_at_Ref between 0 and 17
THEN 'Under 18'
WHEN Age_at_Ref between 18 and 24
THEN '18 - 24'
WHEN Age_at_Ref between 25 and 34
THEN '25 - 34'
WHEN Age_at_Ref between 35 and 44
Ethnicity IC_Use_Submission_Flag Ethnic category recorded in submission C MHS101Referral THEN '35 - 44'
WHEN Age_at_Ref between 45 and 54
THEN '45 - 54'
WHEN Age_at_Ref between 55 and 64
THEN '55 - 64'
WHEN Age_at_Ref > 64
THEN '65 and Over'
ELSE 'Unknown'
END AS Age_Group


Provider IC_Use_Submission_Flag MHSDS Provider C+P WHERE

Copyright © 2019, Health and Social Care Information Centre.

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