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(Revision 2)


DOC. NO. KOC-M P-Q31 PART 2 Page 1 Of 38 REV. 2









DOC. NO. KOC-MP'()31 PART 2 I Page 2 0138 I REV. 2






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3111)3I! ! TF.MPI!!

Re<ssu&d "" KOC RP

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Senior Enyin.."
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"'nll '" SIond.nJs
DOC. NO. KOC-MP-031 PART 2 I Page 3 of 38 I REV. 2

Peno No,


3.1 Oel lolt lons
3.> Abbfevlatloos


' .1

' .3
List of Standards, Codes and Specifica tion s

Pro~ct Spocl fications


4.4 Order of Precedence 11




' .1

' .3
JOint Scaling and Integ,lty_Requ irements
Flange Fa ce Imperfections
Action of Bolts Compressive Forcu 13



10.1 General 14

10.2 Nonmeta llic Flat Type Gaskets 14

10.3 Meta llic Type Gaskets 15

10.4 Ins ulating Gaskets I Gaskel Sel 16


11.1 General and Specific Consldera1ions 17

11 .2 Maximum Operating lOeSlgn Pressuro d System

11.3 Mulmum Operating IOeslgn Tempe ratureof System ""

I' 1 11.4 Service FluidS
I' 1 11 .5 Flange Facings Types
12.1 Gasket Handing ""
12.2 Gasket Storage and Care
DOC. NO. KOC-MP-031 PART 2 I Page 4 of 38 I REV. 2


I' 1 13.1 General Requirements 22
13.2 Bolt Requirements
13.3 Alignment of Flanged Joints
13.4 Installation of Gaskets
13.5 Required Bolt Torque and Bolt Slress ""
18.1 Goneral 27
18.2 Dellverables 27


FIGURE.I : Legacy-Cross Pattern Tigh tening Sequence·For 12 Botts 28

FIGURE-2: Legacy-Cross Pattern TlghlMlng Sequence-For 48 Baits 29


TABLE·I: Legacy-C ross Pattern Tightening Procedure Using 30

Single Tool
TABLE-2: Legacy-C ross Patlcrn Tightening Procedure 31
Summary 0iTablo-1
TABLE-3: Legacy-Cross Pattern nghtenlng Sequence and 32
Bott Numbering System Using Single Too l
TABLE-4: Recommended Gasket Contact Surface Finish Fo r 33
Various Gasket Types
TABLE-S: Bolt-TorQUe For Low Alloy Steel Bolts Based On Target 34
Prestress 0150 KSI (Root Area)
TABLE-6: Bolt Stress Limit For ASTM A 105 Flanges 35
TABLE-1: Bolt Torque For ASTM A-lOS Weldneck Ranges, 36
ASTM A·193 B1 Bolts. and Spiral Wound Gasket
With Inner Ring

DOC. NO. KOC-MP-031 PART 2 I Page 5 0138 I REV. 2


This document "KOC Recommended Practice lor Gaskets lor Pipe Flanges: Selection
Criteria, Handling and Installation (KOC-MP-0 31 PART 2) " is inlended 10 prov ide
minimum tedlnical requirements and basic guidelines to the user (mainly KOC
maintenance. construction. and engineering) in selection cri teria. handling. storage. and
installation of Gaskets for standard flanged joints throughout KOC Facililles.

The Part 1 of th is ser ies of document KO C-MP-031 Part 1 covers "Types, Design, and
Materia ls 01 Gaskets for Pipe Flanges".

ThiS RP has been approved by the Standards Team. In consultat ion with the Standards
Technical Committee (STC) for use throughout the corporate engineeri ng and
operational facilities of Kuwait Oil Compa ny

Th iS RP sets out to achieve the following obJectiveS:

;.. To speci fy the minimum technica l requ irements lor selection crite ria. handling and
in stallation of gaskets for flanged joints thaI has vast and sign ifi cant applicability in
all KOC install ations and facil ities with a view to ach ieve quality. reliability,
efficieflcy & performance with cost effective appro ach.

;.. To cover the necessary aspects of selection criteria, handling & storage.
installation, bolt torque and bolt tightemng sequence requirements to accomplish
joints tha t are perfectly leak Iree so as to minimize the need lor tedlniCal
cla rifications and other disputes.

~ To maintai n the KOC requ irements of safety, re liability, and integrity of flanged
joints of pipelines. plant piping, plant equipment. tanks. pe rsonne l and
environment as established by KOC Fire and Safety Regul ation. Health, Sa fety
and EnVironment Management Syslem (HSEMS) and HSE Policy.

Feedba ck, comments or suggestions. derived from the application of this RP at any
stage of design, purchase. manufacture. field installation. opera tion. and main tenance
are encouraged. and shou ld be directed to ·

The Team Leader Standards

(Chairman. Standa rds Technical Committee)
Industrial Services Group. KOC
p O. Box 9758, Ahmadi 61008. State 01 Kuwait
DOC. NO. KOC -MP-031 PART 2 Page 6 o f 38 REV. 2

Task Force Responsibl e for This RP

The Standards Technical Committee (STC) has entrusted the reVISiOn of this KOC
Recommended Practice to the Task Force No. (TF·MP/l1) consis ting of the following:

1. Mr Mirza Mohsin Standards Team TF Leader/Author Ext. 613 71

2. Mr T V. Valsan Design Team Member Ext. 61659
3. Mr. Abdulla AI-Bairami Maint. Team-EK Member Ext. 22206
4. Mr Ali Sultan M. Yoones Main!. Team-WI< Member Ext. 20501
S. Mr. Mohd. AI-Ajmi Opns. Tech SVC$-WK Member Ext. 20336
6. Mr. An il Kumar Insp. & Corr. Team-S&E Member Ext. 61457
7. Mr. Al i A1-Za l ~a l ah Consumers Networks Member Ext. 68615

I' I

Ot$C:rip tion

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DOC. NO. KOC-MP-ol1 PART 2 I Page 7 of 38 I REV. 2


ThiS Recommended Practice (RP) descnbes the minimum technica l

requirements for ' Selection Criteria, Handling, and Installation of Gaskets for
Pipe Flanges".

This RP supplements technical requirements in addition to as described in

ASME B 1620, ASM E B 16.21 .

1.3 Any project specifiC requi rement sh all be further elaborated and desaibed in
detail in KOG Project Docum ents.

For "Types, Oesign, and Materi als of Gaskets for Pipe Flanges· refer to KOC
Standard " KOG-MP-031 Part 1".


2. 1 This RP describes basic guidelines for selection cliteri a. handling, storage,

and installation of gaskets. including othel" essenti al requ irements to achieve a
reliable and leak free Joint

The U5ef of this RP is referred to KOC Standard for Piping Malerial Classes:
KOG-MP-010 (which i$ ullder public;1Iioll alld will supersede 015-lH·1001) for
the type of gasket to be specified based on fluid . service and pressure I
temperature conditions of the system

23 The gaskets covered in this RP are Intended for liquid hydrocarbons (sweet or
sour). natural gas (sweet or sour). water (potable, non-potable, brackish, sea,
sail, fire fighting. hard, produced, effl uen t, and injection etc.). oil-water
emulsions, chemicals (gaskets must be compatible with intended chemicals).
plant air, instrument air etc.

2.4 The Gaskets covered in this RP are not intended for nonstandard connections
such as head to shell joints or shell to shell joints of pressure vessels, heat
exchangers, flush type doors, cleanout filtings of storage tanks. or nonstandard
man ways etc.

2.5 Any excep\Jons or deVia tions from this RP. along with their ments aoo
justifica tions, shall be bfought to the attention of KOC Controlling Team for
their review. consideration and amendment by Standards Team (if required)

2.6 Compliance with this RP does not of itself conler immuntly from legal or
statutory obligations.
DOC. NO. KO C-MP-031 PART 2 I Page 8 o f 38 I REV. 2


3.1 Def in itl ons

For the purpose of this RP Ihe following definitions sh all app ly.

3.1.1 Cnllcal Service Fluids (Critical Applications)

The service will be ctitical if the service fluid is either hydrocarbon (sweet or
sour). or to)(ic chemicals . injection water. effluent water . and/or produced
water (at any pressure / temperature) Moreover any piping system.
irrespective of service fluid or temperature . will be considered ctil icaJ If it is
operating at high pressure. requiring flange rating over Class 300.

3.1.2 Fla t Gasket

Gasket made of soft and non-metallic materi als. Th ese are either full-face
gaskets or nat_ring gaskets, Full face gaskets are intended for na t-lace
Hanges. and nat-ring gaskets are for raised face flanges .

3 1,3 Hard Gaskets

The metallic gaskets such as nng·lype joint (RTJ) g askets, grooved metal
gaSkets. corrugated metal gaskets, and solid metal-gaskets etc.

3.1.4 Jacketed Gasket

A type of gasket that is constructed in such a way that the filler matenal is
complete ly enc losed in a metallic Jacket.

3.1.5 KOC Controll ing Team

Any KOC Team authorized to initia te a request fo r procurement of material

andl or equipment for KOC, or any KOC Team that commands andlor
manages andlor controls andl or e)(ecutes a KOC project.

3.1.6 Ring-Joint Gasket

Gaskets of ring shape and of various cross-sections such as oval or octagonal

and are iden tified as Type R. Type RX and Type BX.

3. 1.7 Spiral Wound GaSket

Gaskets that cons ist of metal lic covering and non-metallic filler materials. The
metal prov ides the strength and the res ilience to the gasket whereas the non­
metallic filler component provides the conformable sealing to the nanged joint
DOC. ND. KDC ·MP'()31 PART 2 I Page 9 of 38 I REV. 2

3.2 Abbrov latlons

AS Alloy Steel

CS Carbon Steel

DP Design Pressure
HSE Health. Salety and Environment
HSEMS Health, Safety & Environment Management System
KOC Kuwait Oil Company (K.S C)
MAWP Maximum Allowable Working Pressure
MOP Maximum Opefating Pressure
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
RP Recommended PraclJce
RTJ Ring Type Joint
55 Stainless Steel
SWG Spiral Wound Gasket
TPI Thread s Per tnch

4 .1 Con fli cts

In the event of any conflict between this Recommended Practice and the
standards and codes CJ( specillcations referenCed herein. or the pu rchase
order, or the contractual requirements. the most stringent requirement shall
appty. tn case further ctarifications are required the subject shall be brought to
the attention of KOC Controlling Team for review. considera tion. and
resolution or amendment by KOC Standards Team, if required.

4.2 List of Standards, Codes and Spoc;il ications

The latest editi on of the following standards, codes and SpeClflCalJons shan

4,2.1 National/ln terna tionat Standards

AS ME B 16.1 Grey tron Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fitlings

Classes 25. 125. and 250

ASME B 16.5 Pipe Flanges and Flanged Fitting s NPS Y, Through


ASME B 16.20 Metallic Gaskets for Pipe Flanges: Ring Joint, Spiral
Wound and Jacketed

ASME 8 16.21 Nonmetallic Flat Gaskets for Pipe Flanges

ASME 8 16.47 Large Diameter Steel Flanges NPS 26 Through

ASME B 31,3 Process Piping

AS ME B 31,4 Pipeline Transportation System fCJ( liquid

Hydrocarbons and Other Liquids
DOC. NO. KOC-MP-031 PART 2 I Page 10 0138 I REV. 2

ASME 631 .8 Gas Transmission and Distribution Piping Systems

ASME 846.1 Surface Texture (Surface Roughness. Wav iness.

and Lay)
ASTM F36 Standard Test Methods for Compressibility and
Recovery 01 Gasket Materiat

ASTM F38 Standard Test Methods for Creep Re laxation of a

Gasket Material
ASTM F145 Standard Practice for Evaluating Flat·Faced
Gasketed Joint Assemblies

ASME PGC-1 Guidetines for Pressure Boundary Bolted Flange

Joint Assembly

ASME Section Vtll Div.l Boiler and Pressure Vessel Code

ISO 9000 Quality Management Systems - Fundamentals and


ISO 9001 Quality Management Systems - Requirements

NACE MR 01751 Petroleum and Natural Gas Industries. Materials

ISO 15156 Part 1-3 for Use in H2S·Containing En vironments in Oil and
Gas Production

OSHA STO 29 CFR OSHA Standards Prohib iting Occupational

Exposure To Asbestos

4.22 KOG Standards/RP

KOC-G-004 KOG Standard for Packing. Marki ng and


KOC-G-007 KOC Standard for Basic Design Data

KOC·G-009 KOC Standard for Spare Parts and Maintenance


KOG-MP·Ol 0 KOC Standard for Piping Material Classes

KOG-MP·031 Part 1 KOC Standard for Gaskets For Pipe Flanges:

Types. Design and Materia ls

KOC-HSE Document KOG Fire and Safety Regu lations (La test)
4.3 Project Specifications
In addition to KOC Stand ards and Recommended Practices as refe renced in
clause 4.2.2, the KOG Controlling Team if requ ired, should designate I specify
other relevant 015 series specifications in addition to as menUoned below.
DOC. NO, KO C'MP-031 PA RT 2 i Page 11 0138 REV, 2

015-IH·l001 Piping ConstructlOfl

015-I H.1002 Pipeline Design

015-LH·l002 PiPIng DeSign

4.4 Ord er 01 Precedence

In general the following sequence of precedence shall apply:

a) Kuwail Government's Rules and Regulations

b) KOC Project Data Sheet(l) and draWIngs.

c) KOC Purchase Order and Project Speafications

(1) This KOC RP (KOC·MP'{)31Part 2)

e) Manufacturer's I Vendor's standards alldlor speafications


The environmen tal conditionS In Kuwait are severe. Refer to KOC·G·OO7

"KOC Standard for Basic Design Data" which provides th e basic in formation
required for design such as the temperature, wind, environmental, site and
utility supply conditions prevailing throughout the KOC facilities


61 All applicable safety requirements 01 Occupatiooal Safety and Health

A(lfllInlstratton-OSHA Standards !hat Pfohiblt use 01 asbestos shall be adhered
to in !he selection. hand~rog and insta~ation aoouse of gaskets

6.2 This RP prohibits use of asbestos gaskets or asbestos containing gaskets

throughout KOC fa emlles and installations

63 The Contractor sh all comp ly With "KOC Fire and Sa fety Regulations " and
"KOC Health, Safety & Environment Management System (HSEMS)"
reqUIrements for the protec1ion of KOC personnel, adjacent eqUipment,
property, and the environment during material selection, material lUpply.
assembly, and installation as covered by this RP.
~OC. NO. KOC-MP-031 PART 2 I Page 12 0 1 38 I REV. 2


7.1 The gaskets act as a se al when placed and bolted tightly and accurately
between the faces of two fia nges. The appropriate gasket shol.lld therefore be
made of compressible material(s), Sl.lch that when correctly Installed it shou ld
fully prevent the passage Of leakage. or seep ag e of fil.lid across the face of

7.2 The gasket selection criteria should ensure that the selected gasket shal l be of
appropriate type aocl materials in order to meet or exceed the system s
requirements such as system 's maKimum operaUng pressu re / temperature.
resistance or compabbitity to sefVice fluid , m atching with the In tended fiange
type and size etc ..

7.3 The selected gasket, as a minimum should be:

a) Capable to perfectly seal the mating flanges

b) Resistant tolor compahble with the service/lluid

c) Capable to withstaocl deSign / maximlJlll operating pressu re and

temperature of the system.

d) Match with the type 01 Intended flange lacing.

e) Should con form to KOC Standard for Piping Materiat Classes KOC-MP­
010 which supersedes 015-lH-l 00l .

8.1 JOint Sealing and Integrity- Req uirem ents

8.1. 1 The sealing 01 the Join t i$ achieved by the force aChng upon the gasket
su rfa ce . This force should come from the appropriate tightening of the flange

8. 1.2 As a resl.Il! of this compressive bolt force , \he gasket should flow into the
nang e serra tions. and macro I micro imperfections.

8.1 .3 The combi nation of appropriate contact stress. generated by the applied force
between the gasket and the nange. as wel l as densilica tion of the gasket
material. should prevent the escape of the sys tem·s fluid from the flanged

8 14 The integrity of a gasKeted joint is a (I.Inclion of the following :

a) Gasket Com pressibility

b) Gasket Recovery
c) Flange aocl Gasket Dimensions
d) System's Pressure
DOC. NO. KOC·MP·031 PART 2 I Page 13 of 38 I REV. 2

8. 2 Flange Face Imperfections

8.2.1 The gasket should be capable of overcoming and fill ing the macro and micro
Imperfections of mating fa ces of tt'le flan ges.

82 2 Macro defects are imperfections such as flange distortions. non-parallelism,

scoring. and troughs; whereas micro imperfections are superficial and minor
scratches and minor scores on the flange mating faces.

8.3 Action 01 Bolts Compressive Forces

8,3.1 It Is essential tha t the gasket should maintain sealing of the Hanged joint
assembly throughout its life.

8.3.2 1\ is therefore essential th at appropriate and uniform bolt stress or boll load
must sustain to keep the gasket In place and preven t the leakage.

83.3 The load or stress in the flan90 bolts should therefore be grea ter than tho load
due to internal pressure acting against it to separate out the flanges of a Joint.


$1.1 The gaskets are generally classified based on their physical properties and
performance that In turn depends on basic material used and Its

$I 2 The physical properti es of a gasket should be carefully assessed In order to

select a gasket appropriate for the service fluid and design and operating
con ditions.

9.3 Gaskets have been classified Into the fo llowing types:

al Nonmetallic Flat Type Gaskets

i) Ftat Ring
iil Fuflface

b) Metaflic Type Gasl<.els

(MolaIIK: gllshl' 8,. furlhfl. S<Jb..diJ$Slf"IfI<IIIS follow s)

i) Spiral-Wound Gukets

ii) Ring-Joint Gaskets

iii) Jacketed Gaskets

c) Insulating Gasketsl Set

DOC. NO. KOC·MP..(I31 PART 2 Page 14 of 38 I REV. 2


10.1 Genoral

a) For guidance and informa lion on gasket contact surface finish of the
nange refer 10 Table 4 Appendix-II of this RP . The Manufacturer I
Vendor should also be consu lted l or cu rrent industry practices and to
follow the appropriate advice arid recommendations.

b) The selected gasket should as a minimum lulfil and satisfy the

requirements as specified in clause 7.3 01 this RP.

c) It should be ensured that a new gasket is always Installed in place 01 a

spent or used gasket wh enever a Hanged joint is unbolted I opened lor
any reason .

10.2 Nonmetallic Flat Type Gaskets

10.2. 1 Nonmetallic Flat Type gaskets are classified as:

a) fla t Ring Gasket

b) Full Face Gasket

10.22 The nonmetallic Flat Ring gaskets are intended for raised face nanges and
nonmetallic Full Face gaskets are intended lor flat lace nanges.

10.2.3 The nonmetallic lIat type gaskets shall not be used for flanges over
Class 300.

10.2.4 The nonmetallic nat type gasket should be sUitable to the service flUid,
pressure tempe rature r<l ti ng of the system and the class and facing of
intended lIange.

10.2.5 The nonmet<lllic lIal type gaskets may be used lor compatible non·toxiC or
non-huardous chemicals

10.2.6 The nonmetallic flat type gaskets should nol be used for cr itica l
appli cation such as sour I sweet hydrocarbons (liquid I gas), to;ll:lc and I
or hazardous Chemica ls etc.

10.2.7 The dimensions and lolerances 01 nonmetallic fl atlype gaskets shall be as per
ASME 816 21 .

10.2.8 The nonmetallic Hat gaskel s containing asbestos or asbestos fi bres shall not
be used 10 any service in KOC (Also see Note below)

II/u.s b.!c" eslabl~h~" by ro!scIJrch 11,,,//1,,, (JJMSlO$fibrts IJr~ C(JTcinogf" k I.t. WJXlblt of
cm" '''K I.VA'G Mila r "'," vi/ocr I MIII diu <lSel
DOC. NO. KOC_MP _031 PART 2 I Page 15 of 38 I REV. 2

10.3 Metall ic Type Gaskets

10.3.1 Spiral-wound Gaskets

a) The spiral-wound gasket should ha...e the aoility to recover under

...ariaole loads in Ofder to mainlain Joint seal perieclly under ...arying
operating conditions.

0) The spiral-wound gasket should be used with appropriale raised fa ce


c) Flange fa cings such as MaleJFemale, GroovefTongue, and

Ring Joint are not suitaole for splral·wound gaske ts.

d) The material of spiral wound gaskel should be suitaOie 10 the service

fi uid. and pressure temperature ratings of the system.

e) The material of spiral-wound gasket should comply with NACE MR0175

I 15015156 requirements when it is intended for sour hydrocaroons
(liquid I gas).

The dimenSions and tolerances of spiral·wound gaskets shall be in

accordance w~h ASME 616 20

g) The non-metallic component of spiral-wound gaskets shall not

contain asbestos or asbes tos fiores. Gaskets containing asbeslos and
lor asbestos fiores In any form are prohiMed for use in any service in

h) For colour coding of spiral wound gaskets refer to KOC-MP-031 Part 1

10.32 Ring-Joint Gaskets

a) The ring joint gasket should be used with appropriate flanges of ring­
loint type facings

bJ Flan ge faci ngs such as Male I Female, Groove I Tongue, are not
suitable for ring l oln t gaskets.

cJ The material of ring-gasket should comply with NACE MR0175 I

150151 56 requirements, when it is intended fOf the sour hydrocarbons
(liquid Igas).
DOC. NO. KOC -MP-031 PART 2 I Pag e 16 of 38 I REV. 2

d) The hardness of ring-joint gaskets shoutd be less than the hardness of

intended flange (preferabty IS 8HN lesser than the flange hardness) so
that the gasket Haws due to bolt load. For hardness requirements of
ring-joint gaskets refer to KOC-MP-031 Part 1.

e) The ma terial of ring-joint gaskets should be suitable to the service fluid

and pressure temperature ratings of the system.

The dimensions and tolerances of ring-joint gaskets shall comply with

dimensions and tolerances as given in A5ME 816.20.

10.3.3 Jacketed Gaskets

a) The Jacket th ickness should not be less than 0.4 mm (0.015 in.).

b) The filler material thickoess should nol be less than 1.5 mm (0.06 in.).

c) The jacketed gasket should be used with appropri ate Male/Female.

GroovelTongue flanges

d) Flanges with facings such as flat face, groove I tongue, mate I

fema le, an d ring-joint are not suitable for jacketed gaskets.

e) The ma terial of jacketed gasket should be suitabt e to the service

fluid , and pressure temperature ratings of the system.

The material of jacketed gasket should comply with NACE MROl75

115015156 requirements. when it is intended for sour hydrocarbons
(liquid I gas).

g) The Jacket material of the gasket should be co mpatible with intended

service chemical when used fOf chemical application.

h) The dimensions and tolerances of jacketed gaskets shall be in

accordance with ASME 816.20.

i) The jacketed gasket requires high bolt torques 101" proper seating
therefore they should not be typica lly used unless essentially required.

10.4 InsulatIng Gaskets I Gasket Set

10.4. 1 In any piping I pipeline sys tem. where the mating flanges are of dissimilar
me tallic materials. such as stainless steel and carbon steel. the anodic nange
in the presence of a conducti ve gasket becomes a soft target fOf cOfrosion due
to galvanic currents.

10.4.2 In such siluations, insulating gaskets (or insulating gasket set) of appropriate
material and type should be used to protecllhe Range (s) from corrosion due
to galvanic currents.
DOC. NO. KOC.MP.o31 PART 2 I Page 17 of38 I REV. 2

10.4.3 Insulating gasket I selS (including bolt sleeves, and washers) material should
be of high insula ling quality Ihat should in addition 10 protecting flanges from
corrosion, meel the pressure I temperature requirements of the system.
10.4.4 The ManufacturerNendor should also be consu lled for his recommendalions
and proper advice.

10.4.5 For raised face or Hat face flanges the insulating gasket should be full.face . II
should be of lhe same outside diameter as the flange and should have
precisely cut bolt hotes suitabte for inserting insulating bolt sleeve and Hange

10.4.6 A luU·face insulating gasket, washers, ami bolt sleeves should be used to
facilitate proper alignment of the gasket during installation and also to
preventing Ingress of foreign ma terial in the flange recess thaI could allow
current to fi nd a good path.

10.4.7 The bore of the insutating gasket should be equal to the PIpe bore. This will
prevent any service material from accumulati ng in the annular space between
the bore of the gasket and the bore of the pipe thus preventing formation 01
electrical bridge.

121 104 8 The Manufacturer I Vender sholJld be consulted for appropriate advice and
guidance regarding the design and type of insulating gasket (set), when it is
required to isolate a high pressure PIpeline system from a RT J Hanged Joint
(e g. Class 9(0) to prevent further now of impressed currenl


11 .1 General and Specific Considerations

121 11 .1.1 Refer to KOC Standard for Piping Material Classes KOC·Mp·Ol0 (which is
under publication ami will supersede 015-LH- l001) for selection of appropriate
gaskets. However in the absence of any document or speCification for
selection of gasket lor an existing system, variOUS factors should be
considered such as Iype of nange. service Huid. design I maximum operating
temperature and design I maximum operating J}fessure etc.

11. 1.2 As an important requirement, the gasket should have the ability to recover
under variable loads and collditions such as due 10 fluctuations in pressure
and temperature, the temperature difference across flange faces, flange
rotati on, bolt stress relaxation and creep etc. It is therefore essential that the
gasket should possess adequate flexibility wi th ability to recover in order to
maintain a seal under variable operating cond itions.

11 t .3 The selection of an apJ}fopriate and suitable gasket should there fore be based
Ofl basic consideratiOfl and essential requirements tha t should include, but not
limited to:
DOC. NO. KOC-MP'()31 PART 2 I Page 18 01 38 I REV. 2

a) Maximum Operating' Design Pressure of System.

b) Maximum Operating' Design Temperature of System.

c) Service Fluids of the Sys tem.

i) General Fluids

ii) Criti cal Fluids

11.2 Maximum Operatlngl Design Pressure of SYstem

11.2.1 The selected gasket should be able to withsta nd the design Imaxlmum
operating pressure of the system.

11,2,2 The selected gasket material (metallic Of nonmetallic) should not fail or
disintegrate due to des~n 'ma ximum operating pressure 01 system.

11.3 Maximum Operating I Design Temperature of System

11 .3.1 The selected glilsket should be able to endure the design Imaximum operating
temperature of the system.

11 .3.2 The gasket material (metallic or nonmetallic) should not fail or disintegra te due
to system·s maximum temperature.

121 11 .4 Service FI uids (Only ma!or fIttid Iyptt !ll'l1istttd Itere For!le!3ils!p1ot 10 KQC
Slam1!!ru' tw PIIJ!Q() MaI!trioJ Ch!s,m . Koc-MP=9!Q!

11.4.1 General Fluids

a) Potable Water Service

121 •• For selection of appropri ate gasket, refer to KOC Standard for
Piping Material Classes: KOC-MP·OIO, When the gasket is
intended lor potable water system. it should be ensured that it
shall not constitute toxic hazard. and/or support microbilill growth.
and f Of give rise to unpfeasant odour and f or taste to the
potable wa ter at any time during its lile

ii) The gasket shall not contain any material that has the tendency
to migra te into water if the gasket is intended for potable water

ill) The gasket shall not corrode or disintegrate as a result of

presence of very small amount of chlOrine used to disinfect the
potable watef.
DOC. NO. KOC ·MP.o31 PART 2 I Page 19 0138 I REV. 2

121 b) f ire Water. Brackish Water. Hard Water. Sea Waler etc

i) For selection 01 appropriate gasket. refer to KOC Standard for

Piping Material Cl asses: KOC·MP·OtO. However when gasket is
intended for the systems handling wa ter{s) other tha n potable
water, it should be ensured that the gasket should not co rrode .
degenerate. or disintegrate due to contact or effects of the
dissolved' suspended material{s) Of ingredients in the water.

ii) The gasket should be chemically inert to the action of dissolved I

suspended chemicals. constItuents. and ingredient present in
the wa ler.

iii) The gasket shou ld remain passive and inert throughout its lile to
the actio n of microbiological organisms such as bacteria, lungus.
and yeast th at may be present in the water and may accumulate
on the gaskets in large scale.

c) Instrument Air I Plant Air etc.

i) When gasket is Intended for the systems handling tnstrument Air

or Plant Air, it should be ensured that the gasket should not
corrode. degenerate, or dIsin tegrate due to contact or effects of
suspended partictes or oil or water vapours or their
agglomerates (In any percentage and proportions) that may be
pl"esent in the alf.

ii) The gasket should be chemiCally inert throoghoul its hfe 10 the
action of suspended particles. oil. water vapours . or their
agglomerates present in the air in any amount.

iii) The gasket should be passive and inert throoghoot its life to the
action of microbiological organisms such as bacteria. fungus,
and yeast and does not help them in their growth or
development tha t may be present in the service air.

d) Non·to ~ic non·flammable fluids/chemical s

i) When gasket is intended for the systems handling non·toxic and

harmless Ituids/chemlcals. II should not corrode, degenerate, or
dISIntegrate due to contact or eHects of the service fluid and/or
dlssolved/suspended Ingredients in the fluid.

ii) The gaskel should be chemically inert to the acl ion of seMCe
fluid and I or dissolved ingredients.

iii) The gasket should remain passive and inert through04.Jt its life to
the acti on of service fluid and it does not degenerate and loose
its basic Characteristics original properties.
DOC. NO. KOC-MP-031 PART 2 I Page 20 of 38 REV . 2

11.4.2. Hydrocarbon Service I Chemical Service

,) Sour Hydrocarbons (Liquid I Ga s)

1' 1 ;) For selection of appropriate gasket, refer to KOC Standard for

Piping Material Classes: KOC-MP-O l0.

ii) T he metallic material(s) of the spiral-woufld gasket handling sour

hydrocarbons shall comply with NACE MR0175 I 15015156
requ irements.

iii) The metallic cover of the gasket sha ll not corrode, give rise to
Hakes or oxidize or decay due to contact of sour hydrocarbons
(gas !liquid).

") The nonmetallic filler malerial shall 001 degenerate,

diSintegrate and should be suitable afld compatible with the "
sOIJr hydrocarbon service

,) The spi ra l-wound-ga sket intended for sour service shall

conta in copper or copper alloys in any form
b) Sweet Hydrocarbons (liqUId I Gas)

;) For selection of appropriate gasket. refer to KOC Standard for

Piping Material Classes: KOC-MP-Ol 0.

ii) The gasket shal l not corrod e. degenerate, or dISintegrate as a

result of conlacl effects of ,he hydrocarbons ~ its
constituents. "
iii) The ga sket shall not urldergo any chem ical ch ange du e to th e
action or reaction of hydrocarbons or its consU\uents.

0) Toxic or Hazardous Chemicats (LiguidslGases)

;) For selection of appropriate gasket. refer to KOC Standard for

Piping Mater ial Classes: KOC·M P-Ol0.

ii) The metallic co mponent of the gasket should be compa ti ble WIth
the service chemical.

ill) The metalliC part of the ga sket shall not corrode . give rise to
Hakes, or oxidize. or decay due to contact of toxic or corrosive

iv) The non-metallic fi ller ma terial of spiral-wound gasket should not

" disintegrate oed should be suitable
compa ti ble with toxic or haz ardous or corros ive fiu ids.
DOC. NO. KOC·MP-031 PART 2 Pago 21 0138 REV. 2

12 1 11.5 Flan ge Faci n gs Types

12 1 11 5 1 ASME 616.5 has specified and established the fol lowing nange facings.

a) Ra ised Face
b) Male and f emale f ace (Large or small type)
c) Groove and Tongue face (Large or small type)
d) Ring-Joint face
eJ f lat face

However in KOC the Raised face Iype, Ring-Jomt type. and flal Face Iype
fiang es are used as app licable.

, 1 ,5,2 Where a melallic Hange is 10 be coupled 10 a nOn·melallic Hange. both nanges

should have Hal-faces. For such flanged connection a fu ll face gaskel shouk!
be used

11.53 A male I female facing nanga and groove/tongue facing fiange are not
intended for flat ring . full face and spiral-wound gaskets.


12.1 Gask et Han dling

12. 1. 1 The gaskets are carefully manufactured and precisely machined to actweve a
smooth surface. It should therefore be handled with cafe in order to avoid any
scratch. dent, or damage to th e surface. othelWise it will not be able to seal l he
joint effectively.

12.1 2 It is recommended that the gasKets should be softty and carefully carried to
avoid any unnecessary strain and pressure to cause bend ing and bowing,

12.1.3 It is advised thallhe gasket should not be bent. waved, twisted or pressed to
cause indentallon Of CUf\'ature. Otherwise the evenness and lIal r\8ss of the
gasket surface will be damaged and as a result it 'MIl not be ab le 10 effectively
serve its purpose

12.1 .4 It should be ensured that the gasket does not come In contact WIth any
chemical Of fluid in order to avoid from Its injurious effects.

12,1.5 II is recommended Ihat lhe rough handling of the gaskets should be absolutely
DOC. NO. KOC-MP-031 PART 2 Page 22 of 38 REV. 2

12.2 Ga sket Storag e and Care

12.2.1 The gaskets are precision machined 10 achieve a smooth surface. TherefOfe it
shoutd be stored carefutly in a clean and dry environment to prOlect it from
fouling and surface unevenness.

12.2.2 It is recommended that the gaskets shou ld be stored in the original package \0
avoid surface wetting . or soaking of liquid.

12.2.3 If th is is not possible, then the gaskets should be at least protected with a
suitable covering impermeab le to water and othe r liquids in order to prevent
ingress of water, moisture, fOfeign material, dust. dirt and from any damaging
effects by crawting bugs I insects.

12.24 II is recommended tha t the gaskets should be slored indoor and not in open
area to avoid rain water and weather effects so as to avoid subsequent
corrosion, damage. or injurioos effecls.

12.2.5 It IS recommen ded tha t the gaskets should be stacked on a smoolh and level
su rface and shou ld not be hanged In order to keep its surface smooth and flat


1' 113.1 General Requirements

13.1 1 The flange seating surface ptaY' an important part in the joint integrity .
Therefore the faces of raised lace nange Of flat face flange should be within the
acceptable tolerance limits IOf the Iotlowing aspects.

.) Surface finish
0) Flatness
0) Paral lelism (Flange face profiles to be para llel)
d) Wav iness
.) Surface Imperfections

13.12 For the optimum performance of gasket, the flange surface fi nish for variO us
types of gaskets should be as given in Table-4, Append i)(-II of this RP.

13.1 3 To ach ieve proper , hom oge neo us and even compression o f the gasket,
the paralle lism (flange face pro file) s hould be w ithin :1:0.2 mm (0.00 8 in.).

13.1 4 The allowab le imperfections (dent) on flange surface should not e)(ceed the
depth of the surface finish groove.

13.1 5 There shall be no radial mark or cut on the flange gasket seating surface.
However for some reason . if there is any. it sha ll not be deeper than the depth
of the flange surface finish and shal l not be longer than 10% of length of the
gasket sealing surface width

13. 1.6 The Contractor shall systematically and appropriately assemble the bolted M ng e
joint in order to correctly install the gasket.
DOC. NO. KOC -MP-031 PART 2 I Page 23 o f 38 I REV. 2

12 113.1.7 The Contractor shatl follow the -legacy-Cross-Pal1em-Bolt-Tightening­

Procedure using single tool . which is recommended by the ASME . and has been
success fully applied throughout the industry as the standard 'Best Practices.

12 113.1.8 Th is procedure and the ti ghtening sequence is illustrated in Table-I . Table-2. and
Table-3. and Figure-1 8. Figure-2 of the Appendices of th is RP.

12113 1.9 This procedure is intended for the ring_type gaskets that lie within the nange bo lt
circle. However this procedure is not applicable to full-face gaskets that extend
beyond the nange boit holes.

12 1 13.1.10 It covers both types of ring -gaskels i.e. soft gaskets as well as hard gaskets.

12 1 13.1. 11 son gaskets Include such gaskets as spira l-WOund. PTFE, non·metallic O·ring.
compressed fibre and lIe_ible graphite sheet gaskets.

12 1 13.1.12 The hard gaskets consist of metallic ring-type joint (RT J) gaskets, grooved metal
gaskets, corrugated metal gaskets, and sol id melal-gaskelS elc.

12 1 13. 1. 13 The bolt tightening procedure ShOuld be adopted for all sizes of bolted flanged
joints especially where hydrocarbons and Cfitical fl uids are encountered

12 1 13 1,14 The Contractor shall nol adopt or apply alternative BoIt-TlQhtening Procedure(s)
without the wntten permission and approval of KOC

12 1 13.1. 15 The relationship used by ASME SEC. VII I Oiv. 1 and ASME PCC-l for the
determination of Bolt-Torque for any Dolted assembly is as given below:

.) ..... T........' Ift..., - tl<>ll !>I<e.. lo»I) . 1<>11 0i0. 1"'~ • 1<>11 Il001 "'e' (",',. Coel. of (,kllo"IIU
b) _ .I<.... s 1""1 • tG....., "'.M ~~I • G....I At. . ,,"' III ,tI.. of _ . . ...., . ­ .... I"")!

·'·OW_I; IkJwtf ,m abo,y ron-rill/;on, Ihe Boll Torqtle for ...,.;0Uf boll s;zn iJ tkl~""u.ed. OJ
.lto"" j" Table·5 of Ihls RI'. '<Illig bollSlnSJ of '0 h i ond COt:foffr;Clion 0 1 FIN'
ile/(,j/s "f CO<!ffid~1II ofjrkl;Oll r~fer 10 1>ole. ofr"h/"-j

121 13.1.16 The correlation given above for bolt torque . and bolt stress is interdependent. By
changing any one variable above e.g. the bolt stress. the gasket-stress and the
bolt-torque will change accordingly.

121 13.1.17 The minimum Gasket Stress depends on th e type and the design of the gasket
used. To determine the minimum value of gasket stress refer to ASME Section
VIti OIV 1. Appendlx-2
DOC. NO. KOC ·MP.(l31 PART 2 Page 24 01 38 REV. 2

12 113.1. 18 The bolt·stress (on which the resultant bolt· torque depends) should generate
enough load to make the gasket·stress exceed the (y·value) by a small margin
in order to allow IOf the rela){ati on in the bolted assembly as per ASME Sec.
VIII. Div. 1. Appendi){-2

12 1 13.1.19 The Contractor shall maintain a record (in Tabulated Form) 01 ~t·torque. bolt·
tightening·sequence and other nece$sary detaits lor each "anged·joints which
has bolt size one (1) inch and above and for all nange ratings (Class 150 and
above) and lor all services. and shall submit the record to KOC for review and
comments I approval.

12 1'3.1.20 The Contractor shal l appoint suitable flanged·joint·assemb lers exclusively and
adequately trained and well·experienced With torque·tools. tenslon·tools and
other bolt·!ighteningtools to carry out the bolt·tightenlng appropria tely

13.1.21 The Contractor shall adopt the measures as described below before starting the
bolt tightening procedure:

al Ensure the faces of matil'\Q flaoges are parallel and they touch the gasket
all around uniformly and evenly when loosely assembled before lightening
Of bolts.

b) Ensure that the gasket lies perfectly between the raised faces and is In full
cootact with the raised faces 01flanges in case of ra ised face flanges .

c) No compound Of paste shall be used or applied on the gasket or gasket

seating surface.

d) Bolt threads shall be free of 1000eign mailer such as rus!. sand 01' grit and
sh all be we ll lubricated with the recommended lubncant suitable 101' the
service and the systems' temperature.

e) All nuts should run·up fi nger tight be fore applying wrenCh .

/) Appropriate torque wrench (adjustable tension meter) shall be used to

achieve the required bolt torque as recommended .

g) The recommended ~t stress or torque shall be applied incrementally on

fla nge bolts in a Legacy·Cross·Pattern Sequence as illustrated in Figure­
I and Figure-2 and Table-1 , Table-2. and Table-3 of this RP

h) Appropriate pneumatic or hydrautic wrench (with tensionometer) shall

be used to tighten the flange bolts. The Contractor shall never use
Ofdinary wrenches or spanners or non·standard·tools fo r KOC work.

I) It shalt be ensured that pre·slress should not be more than 20-30% of

the liMI f targel boll stress. (Refer to Table-1 and Table-2 of this RP).

j) A final tightening of bolts in circular pallern shall be performed to

ensure that all bolts have been evenly and fully stressed.

k) II shall be ensured that flange axes are so arranged thaI the bolt holes
straddle the flange axes.
DOC. NO. KOC.MP·031 PART 2 I Page 2S of 38 I REV. 2

13.2 Bolts Req uirements

13.21 The Contractor sh all fully erlsure thai the stud bolls & flutS used for each flanged
joint are of appropria te material, type, si ze, and length.

13.22 Use of apprOprlate bolt is highly essential 10 tranSfer proper. uniform an d

required bolt load or exen pressure on the nange to seat th e gasket perfectly
and achieve a fully tight and leak-free joint

13.2.3 Using stud bolts of inappropnate size, type and material shall fall to transfer the
required load/pressure on the gaskels and as a result the jomt may leak any
time during the operation.

13.2.4 The Improper boils generally fai l from the th reads or elongate (extend) due to
applied torque I force combined with high operating temperature, and thus give
way to leakage.

13.3 Alignment of Flanged Joints

13.3 t Proper alignment of all jOint members is the essenti al requirements of Ilange
joint assembly.

13.3.2 It shall result in achiew-.g the maximum sealing surface COfIiaCt, and the
maximum possibili ty for uniform and designed gasket loading, and reduced
the friction between the nut and the Hange.

1 3.4 Installation of Gaskets

13 4.1 Place the new gasket prope rly in position aft er it has been determmed that the
unaccepta ble mark s such as imperfection s on gasket se ating surface. and
deviations of Halness from out-of to lerance of the flange sea ting surface are not

13 4.2 Reuse of a gasket is not acceptable.

13.4.3 Use of refurbished gaskets is not acceptable.

1 3.5 Requ ired Bolt Torque an d Bolt Stress

13.5.1 Appropria te torque shall be applied on all bolts equally and uniformly in
order to induce uniform pressure to properly seat the gasket

13.5.2 The bolt pressure trans ferred to the flange depends on several variables as
described below:
DOC. NO. KOC-MP-031 PART 2 I Page 26 of 38 I REV. 2

a) Diameter of the bolt.

b) Diameter of bolt at the root of threads.
cj Type and number of th reads on the bolt.
d) Materi al specifica tion of the bolt.
eJ Lubrication of bolt threads and nut bearing surface s.
135.3 The Conlfactor shall determine the correct Salt-Torques. and Stresses
required lor appropriate seating of the gasket to achieve a leak-free
joint. Refer Table-S to Table-7 of Appendix-II of this RP.
13.5.4 The Contractor shall use appropriate torque-wrench that should be capable to
produce the recommended I requ ired torque in the bolt. Acklltionally the
Contractor shall use "Ultrasonic-Stress-Meter{s)" to accura tely determine the
resultant torque I stress induced in the bolts.

135.5 The Manufacturer I Vendor may also be consulted for recommendations 01

bolt torque if deemed necessary,

Refer to KO C-MP-031 Part 1 "KOC Standard For Gaskets for Pipe Flanges:
Types. Design. and Materials· which covers the Guarantee & warranty.


Refer to KOC-MP-031 PAR T 1 "KOC Standard For Gaskets for Pipe Fl anges:
Types. Design. and Materials' which covers the Inspection and Testing


16.1 The ManufacturerNendor shall operate qualily systems to ensure that the
requirements of this RP are achieved. The quality systems shall be preferably
based on ISO 9000 series of Standards

16.2 The Manufacturer I Vendor shall demonstrate compliance by providing a copy

of the accredited Certificates and a copy their quality manual.

16.3 Verifi cation of Manufacturer's I Vendor's quality sys tem is nonnally part of the
pre-qualification procedures and is. therefore. not de ta ited in this RP.


17. 1 Packing. marking. and shipping documentation shall comply with the
requirements 01 KOC -G -004 ' KOC Standard for Pacl<.ing. Marking and
Oocumentallon' and all standards IRP's referenced herein.

172 The Manufacturer I Vendor shall ensure that the reqUired data is marked on
Gaskets in such a way Ihat the marking shall never be obliterated in service.
17.3 The Manufacturer I Vendor shall abide by Ihe requirements of ASME B 16.20
for markings on Gaskets.
DOC. NO. KOC-MP-031 PART 2 Page 27 of 38 REV. 2


18.1 Genoral

18. 1. 1 All correspOndence, instructions, data sheets, drawings, calculation or any

other written information shall be in English language, In case 01 dual
languages, one language shall be English,

18. 1.2 All dimenSIons, units 01 measurement. physical constants etc. sh all be In SI
unitS, unless otherwIse specified. (Gaskets, Flanges and Pipe sizes shall be
shown in inches).

18.1.3 In addition to hard copies, all final documents such as specifications, data
sheets, and drawings shall be provided in approved electronIc software
formats (Latest vers ions of Microsoft WOfd, Excel, and AutoCAD) Calculations
shall be submitted in wide ly used software forms agreed upon by KOC.

18. 2 Oolivorables

1821 Test Certificates and "as-built" drawings and Data Sheets wtlere applicable, of
Gaskets arid malerials as covered by thIS Standard shall be submitted to KOC
lor review and approval before packing and shipmen\.

18.2.2 The ManufacturerNendor shall submit to KOC for review and approval the
Manufacture(s Record BooI< (MRB) with all the test ceflificates and Data
Sheets (completely filled out) whefe applicable , tOf the Gaskets and its
component materials in accordance WIth this Standard


The Manu facturer I Vendor shall comp ly with the requirements 01 KOC·G-Q09
"KOC Sta ndard for Spare Parts and Maintenance Dat a".
DOC. NO . KOC·MP-031 PART 2 Page 28 o f 38 REV. 2


@ 0)
~nd Sl~n

1·' · 4· 10 _ 2.9-5-11 _ 3-9·6-12

t"!{; URt:- I : U:GACY'ClHlSS- I',\Tn: I~N TIGI ITENING SE Om:NO:
FOI~ 12110LT S

NOT.:, Rt/t'" /0 Toblt·J <>/Ihit Ri'sM"'ing Tsghlming SN/U.·,,,,," of hoIlJ (From 4.lx!lls II)
DO C. NO. KOC·MP'(}31 PART 2 Page 29 o f 38 REV. 2

APPEND IX·I .....Coold.



' ,1~"

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•• ,
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, ,•• ' 7-''''''~

•• 19_:10-:1 ' _>2

~ ,.

..-... ..
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-­ -.


.­ ./ "
\ 1-1.11
h _ _ .p

.. ,, _
• •
........... _ ''iI J,

, .

nc.\lH.:·2: U :GACY.CIH>SS·I' ,\Tn:nN TIGIITF:I\' INr. SF. Q IJ E N(: ~:


i""OT"~ 1 ; /ilIQI'gt sl: e j lw'},'<I. II", txJII hoi", "Ul)' tw grmqxd. as ,II(}'I;'II ,,/xm'. i" orocr
10 /klcrmmr II... ""..I I SIIbuq,,,,,,, bolt " -I,,le l'gl!/Cn;"g

NO....:-1; R~frr /0 Toblr-J of Ihi, RP . 1IuM-ing Tightening .~"~nn of boll. (Fron' ~·bolr. {O
DOC. NO. KOC·Mp ·031 PART 2 I Page 30 of 38 1 REV. 2


121 I ' ,
TAII U :· I: ,
: I ' •

SI. /'10. ig hlcnin~ SIC,,, '~rl[ll ion

H.nd Iit:ht,.., I....m IS 101m (10 fI ..) ' 0 )0 Nm (20 ft·lb) oppro. ima,<"Iy ("Ot to
... ~." 20. of Ta,se! '"""lit), CMc~ fla".., pp ......... d cin:uml..ence tOl
u"IIOImll1' If 'he I'P ",ou"" '''' cil'tumle,..,..,e is no! ,,..,on>b/y .... IOIm.....\e
tl>o OPll'opr\o'e adjunm..U. by oe!HlO"" hl""·Iit:h,,..,t,. briote p'oeeedinc '0
nOd "'p.

fighten , , ~ ll)!lj '0 3,", 01 TO'I'" l.,..q ..... ct...,:k " _ liP .'ou'"
<ircumf.....'e 10' unllo'ml'~. tf 11>0 I'P around ,1>0 <i,<uml"",n(~ i> no
I. ROO ND ! ,eo«m . 1> 1 unll()fm. m"t 'he app,op,i"C . diu"mon" bv >do<!~ 'lfIh,,..,I,.
Iooset\inl h~!OIe p<oeeed I"..

iVlten to ~ 10 ~ of 'a'«"t Torque. O\ec~ fl on&e I'P "OIJod <I«umf.,""",.

~Lunlfo,m~~. If ,,'" I'P around lIIe c;,cumfe'""", i> no, ' ...o" . bl ~ unifo rm,
•• ....\e !IIe IPprop'..t. adju ... ,.,.."u by <eIec,,,,,,
"lhI",,", I """"""1 before

r..,!.... 10 I~ of T.., ... T""", • . Ct...,:~ fl.~ lIP """""" <"'<umf.,."". fo,
,~ aPl"opr\tle ad)",I,.,.."" ~
I'StU",,"'S I Ioo!.e"orc ......
If Ih. "0 .,,"''''' lhe drcuml.,""", .. not , ...on.b'V uonIform. .... ~

Cont in ue lighte ni ", the bo lh. but on a ci,eula, ,Iockwlst pall .. " unl ~ no t~fllItr
nut rOlltion oe, "" ot Ihe Round 3 10'&0! lorqu. ..I.... , fo< I""""to< bo~l ...
IlfIht.., bolt! unlollhe In dicola , ,od ' ''',acHo" ,"""inl' 10' oil bolt' or. W~h,"
!he OJ)OCllltd ..,.•.

"" p..mII!in,· W.i, ~ minimum of 4 " ... """ repel! Rcuod.: this will re.Iorf

lie mofl·!erm tr~ rdo..tion/...,bed.....,! Ic,,~ . II ,he II' fllt I, . ubjec!fd !o •
ub$tQuent res' pr~l .. e toche< l!\:In 'I<
'aI'", rt mould toe '~l!fCI .f!.. !he
to! Is complt'lfll . ...rso round S ....y be ,~ned .ft", ,~e 'I'> ~ e m !\:I. n!ii..M
lie desortd [em perllu" inll'le <tfYice.
DOC. NO. KOC ·MP·031 PART 2 I Page 31 0138 I REV. 2


121 I.EGAn' ·CROSS. I'ATI.: I~i" T I(:J In :NIKG I' ROCE() URF­

S IJ~ I M A I {Y OI'"I" ~ I IU;" 1

S,r"s I n ~t~1I Round I Ruuml ! Ronnd J Ro und 4 R(lun tl 5 KUTES

, _ _ t<.... ~-

0 ••
~. , '"
.oJ1 Bolt>

0 ••
AlI~ h

0 ••
0 ••

..". "
"'" ,
A' .... #.5"' 1, m~
.,.".," ""'~ .,-bOy po"'""""
furt"'" I,,, _ '",cn.r"...

."",..~ ,",o>u iJIo>u'
indu"'v r....
Perce"'... of
f in.. To"",. ,­
llcht By ~. M. .M. .M . .M • 1"0.,, ,lyle>. ,n<!
~"CCI\Vl>Oi ,

DOC. NO. KOC -MP-031 PART 2 Page 32 of 38 REV. 2


121 T .\II L E-J: I .EG AC \ '-CROSS-P,\ r n m N T I("; IITENI N("; SEQUENCE

MW 1101." NIJi\mE I~ I NG SYSn ; i\l US ING SIN(;U: TO O l.

"IIW-ll I·ll lHI

HHHI ~ l ·tl-H,l.


.. II·U
, 1\·lfo.llIS -. 111.111• 1II10111).J

" 1 1H ~ 1~·16-11l8 ~ IlIHHt 11·nlt-40 _ ~..,.. ~ " 16J!J)~

1).1'1,·](1 • <1·</-4).0< - '10.11\1 _ ) H<) ~· lO _ 11nn1< _ .,._...1"
II 1 1)' ~ l'/-Jo.1HI -. 1I1>1 1 1. 'IH'H' _ ~NI • lll.II-"~
11-11-1,.;/0 _ 11-10"'''' _ !lll·n1' -. ' .- IG-~I·11 _ }'I-li-I1-l' ~

I. Il-}o ~ .... Jo.lIJ l _ 1l·I<Ha _ ' 1"}O !'" _ 11·11-11-11 _ l'HO-I I·lloJ
_ IH'I\-56 IT' 111910 _

, 111111-14 _ _ H Ollll
~~S's~ U·Jo-Jl" _ 19 1011 11 _ P-ll · ! ~I0~

NOTf-' , Th~ """,i:J.:rs .(lrQM''' abo"" rifer 10 boll '"'1""""" which ""al be /QIIOWffl jll c10chdu
uq'~I"'" whll~ fig/llm!II/; /)Q115
DOC. NO. KOC-MP'()31 PART 2 Page 33 o f 38 REV. 2


1' 1
T A BtE l :

AS.IIE rcc I(Appt"<hC' Tabk C. I) OItdASI/E" 16 j
Gas ket Contact 5~5~I(C Finis h
51. No.

G:lskcl Uesc rillli oll n 'rlM:)
, •. (!iN .\au_1

~ IR.

SilI••1Woutld 1.l-6.4 U~·l~

, fl" ",lid met.fslR TJI 1.6 m•• . 63 rIll .

, G<ooYed metal 1.6m •• , 6) rna<.

• SolI cut. '~Hlll11c ~ ...... ~1. 6 mmU/16in·1 l.2· U 1Z} · \00

, Sotl cut. ohftllhickroa. S 1.6mm 11/16 in I l.2· 6 . ~ U~ · 250

",,,,,·1: s"r/art fi~lJio<. Ii",,,"" "''<''''r<' 0"11 ,nJ/ruli... fJ'O'>', and app/ylO ~It"'. llot H''''~ '","""k '"
" " ",,,/ $pjrol fi"j,h "" ,lot ,,~,b' ''''''orr '.'/"'" <I'i>< JIG,,!!,
DOC. NO. KOC -MP-031 PART 2 Page 34 of 38 REV . 2


12 1

Boll Tu r ll"e
Nu mi 'ml (fl . l b)
SI. No. Uo ll Size I----------ic.:.c:.---------~
(in.) No n _C o~t~ d lIulis Co a ted Bu lls
(Su "'<M·I. 1. tMd J) (SN"''''''-1. 1. " J)

~: TItt 8o/1-T""I'" va/wSJIto>o·~ ...-,... "" baYd f/<J TarlI" P"$I"" t{ JO "1 (rool GU''') To
r~I<.I"" 1/oII-T""I'",or dlffi"'" T"'P' P"u..... " '.. ,odS.IIE 1'CC ., Sffol"" I) fJo<!"­
,-oJ",s air baud"" c_"·.A"iJds ",/tsp biIIl'l::' I I",,~ and J_IJ~r. IJIId "" 8-(11.d l/mod",Its
/« ""'1>;:.. I I 8/n andW-I"

TIw (Oaud /KN•. Il<rN "mi, btloln-rs as """..,oo"d fx>lrs '/11" liltl, ",,"/IIS Is IkJ"",~(1 ""'Ing ,Iwfi'"
"'" T7w g<Jh't",i<~d bellS gr""{)/I,, M .... ~Ig l>c, COi/f}1cl~'" t{" i<ll"" '~"n /1.. """I"",,~d /K>iu. ~nd ar
JIM;~ "qMin! "'gIot,
_q"" ,101m ,Iw r>(JNO<rff!d /KNIS

~ l.J.lxlrar;_ q(" _"",aI p=i::<!d bol,. ",••1" 1M cl)ltJ~k,,,lJIt ..d~'I"" in I" CC><f}1d",'
DOC. NO. KOC·MP'()31 PART 2 Page 35 of 38 REV. 2


BO I,T ST RF_'i..'i U M IT ,,'on AS1'i\I ,\ Ill." FLANGES
Ro/( Str~n' ill hi IS« N(){( /!tW'1
600 900 l SOO


t:!!!; F", . IIJi,i",,8I 1I""il' 'if~' ' 0 AS.III::" PeC·'. Ti e COlt'_'O' • • ",,14 'ife, '0 ASJllf N X-I .~d
AS,IIE S«. 1' 111 /HI>, I " pp<"tI/.<. ] ud "",.."dl<oS1M f"'I'Ud"'" _oJ"""",
'0 lkIt-,mi,,~ . "d
boJ"'0"lM~ "' "q~INd.
DOC. NO. KOC·MP-031 PART 2 Pag e 36 of 38 REV. 2



FOt' (K/d"lo-w/ del(.l'ls "".• II) ASMf: PCC· / TI,e COIII.",'or . houM refer 10 AS.IlE f'(.'C./ "",I
ASut: S« 1' 111 ON/ ''{If!'entllx·] ond Af'fX:I~/(t·s for {l'o{wh,," 10 ddaminc bolt.$lreS$ ond
bQI/oI""IW <If rc'q"I""

1M t:O<'ff"';~'" Qjftkil(H1 (of N,II) us<oJ for/lit' abo",' Is 0.2 me rorque JHOUlld.d "l' 10 """,",, 5fI·/1>
(A/fO SN N(JUf QjT,Ih/D.5)
DOC. NO. KOC·MP·OJ1 PART 2 I Page 37 o f 38 I REV. 2


This RP has been approved by th e Standards Technical Comm ittee (STC) comprising

of the following members:

Mr. Hamzah Ahmad TL Standards Team Chairmarl

Mr. MoM. Emam Irlsp. & Corr. Team (S&EK ) Dep uty Cha irmarl
Mr. S. Kumar Standards Team Secretary STC I Membe r
Mr. A. Unnikrishnarl Stand ards Team Member
Mr. N. Ramanathan Major Pfojects IV Member
Mr. Abdul R. AI-Shammari Insp. & Carr Team (N&WK) Member
Mr. Daniel Pine Utilities Team Member
M r . M ood. Aslam Imadi DeSign Team Member
Mr. G Unrlikrishnan Oesigrl Team Member
Mr. Hallhem Abougha ith Gerleral Projects Team Member
Mr. Gopal Murti Cpns Tech. Svcs (WK ) Member
Mr. Richard Arthur Irlfo System Plarlnlng Team Member
Mr. Fahad AJ·Qattarl HSe Systems Team Member
Mr. Abdulla AI·Yousel Project Mgmt Team (NK) Member

The draft of this Standard had been circulated to the KOC User Teams for review and the
responses were receilJed 'rom the follOWing


Team Leader Design Team Leader Fire


Team Leader Util iti es Team Leader Project Support

Team Leader Project Desigrl Team Leader Exp. Fac. Proj.


Team LeaderOpns , Te<:h , Svcs.(S&EK) Team Leader Gas Operations (S&EK)

OPERATION S GROUP ISK) Team Le ad er Gas Ope rations (N&WK)

Team Leadef Water Handling (S&E K)

DOC. NO. KOC -MP-031 PART 2 I Page 38 of 38 I REV. 2

This KOC Recommended Practice ~ Ga s kets for Pipe Flanges: Sel ecti on Crltorla,
Handling . and Ins tallation (KOC·MP·031 Part 2, Rev. 2) has been revised by the Tas k
Force (TF-MPll1) comprising of the following:

1. Mr. Mirza MOOsin Standards Team TF Le ad er/Au thor Ext. 61371

2. Mr. T. V . Valsan Design Team Member Ext. 61659
3. Mr. Abdulla AI-Bairami Maint. Team-EK Member Ext. 22206
4. Mr. Ali Sultan M. Younes Maint. Team-WI( Member Ext. 20501
5 Mr. MoM. AI·Ajmi Opns. Tech. Svcs-WK Member Ext. 20336
6. Mr. Anil Kuma r Insp. & Corr. Team-S&E Member Ext. 61457
7. Mr. Ali AI-Zal~al a h Com.umers Networks Member Ext. 68615

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