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CIS105 Final Exam

CIS 105 Final Exam – Review Sheet

Computer Concepts
Hardware vs. Software,
- CPU (aka processor, the chip, microprocessor)
o speed of microprocessor – architecture + internal clock speed
- System Unit, Motherboard, Buses, Expansion Cards (video card, sound card, Ethernet
card, etc.), Ports, Modem
- Input Devices
- Output Devices
bits and Bytes (KB, MB, GB, TB, etc.)
- machine language
Data transmission – bps (bits per second), uploading, downloading

4 Major Computer Functions (Input, Processing, Output, and Storage)

Primary Storage (all types of RAM, cache memory, etc.)

- characteristics as compared to secondary storage (active, temporary, volatile, faster,
less capacity)
Secondary Storage (Hard disk, SSD, CD-ROM, CD-R, CD-RW, DVDs, Flash drives)
- characteristics as compared to primary storage (passive, permanent, non-volatile,
slower, more capacity)
- System SW vs. Application SW
Systems Software
- User Interface
o GUI – Graphical User Interface
▪ supports WIMP – Windows, Menus, Icons, and Pointing Devices
- Operating System (Windows 10 or Unix or Linux or DOS, etc.)
o Booting your computer, ROM BIOS
o Functions – Processor Mgmt, Memory and File Mgmt, Hardware and Peripheral
Mgmt, etc.

WWW vs. Internet, Intranet, ISP, http vs. https (Encryption), Protocols
Networks (peer-to-peer, client-server)
- Network components
o Network adapter (NIC or wireless adapter)
o Network Operating System (NOS)
o Network Transmission Media
▪ Wired (fiber optic cable or coax cable, or telephone line) OR Wireless
o Network Navigation Devices
▪ Routers vs. switches

Security (firewalls, viruses, logic bomb vs. time bomb, worms, Trojan horses, spyware, etc.)

CIS105 Final Exam

Editing, formatting, word-wrap (soft return vs. hard return)
Format Painter, headers/footers
Selecting a word, a paragraph
Select-Then-Do Method
Tabs -Setting Tabs (tab stop, alignment, dot leader)
Viewing ruler - Know what tab(s) are set, where margins are, etc.
Hanging Indents

cell, formula, function
3 types of data entered into spreadsheets
AutoSum, AutoFill, Fill handle
##### -- what does this mean in a cell?
Charts (pie, column, bar)
Recognize when to use absolute vs. relative cell references
Cell ranges – what is it and how do you define (name) one?
IF, PMT, and VLOOKUP functions
Date functions (i.e., TODAY( ) )
Database functions (DSUM, DAVERAGE, DMIN, DMAX, etc.)
- Naming your database and criteria sections
PivotTables (how to create and update one) and PivotCharts
Macros – benefits of using a macro, recording a macro, running a macro
field, record, table, database
primary key, foreign key, relationships (1-to-many, 1-to-1, etc.)
field – name, data type, size, etc.
sort (ascending and descending)
Filter By Selection, Filter By Form
Relational Database
Referential Integrity
calculated fields
- Using functions
- Using the Expression Builder
Data Aggregates
- Total Row (on datasheet view) vs. Totals Query (uses Group By)
Purpose and types of macros in Access
Record Source for Forms and Reports
Visual Basic for Applications (VBA)
What is VBA? Comments and Keywords
Code window Decision Structures
Design time vs. run time - Relational operators
Procedures - If. . .Then. . . Else Statement
Declaring Variables and Constants

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