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Research each question carefully and give yourself a rating according to the following

Rating Description
1 This statement does not apply to me
2 It sometimes (less than once a month) applies to me
3 It often (more than once a month) applies to me

1. I feel as if there isn’t enough time in each day to do all the things I need to do. ______
2. I tend to speak faster than other people, even finishing their sentences for them. ______
3. My spouse or friends say, or I believe, that I eat too quickly.
4. I tend to get very upset whenever I lose a game. ______
5. I am very competitive in work, sport, or games. ______
6. I tend to be bossy and dominate others. ______
7. I prefer to lead rather than follow. ______
8. I feel pressed for time even when I am not doing something important. ______
9. I become impatient when I have to wait. ______
10. I tend to make decisions quickly, even impulsively. ______
11. I regularly take on more than I can accomplish. ______
12. I become irritable (even angry) more often than most other people. ______
Total ______


Answer the questions listed below according to the following scale:

Rating Description
0 I do not experience this symptom at all
1 I sometimes (perhaps once a month) experience this symptom
2 I experience this symptom more than once a month, but not more than once a week.
3 I experience this symptom often (more than once a week)

1. Do you experience headaches of any sort? ______

2. Do you experience tension of stiffness in your neck, shoulders, jaw, arms, hands,
legs or stomach? ______
3. Do you have nervous tics, or do you tremble? ______
4. Do you feel your heart thumping or racing? ______
5. Do you get irregular heartbeats, or does your heart skip beats? ______
6. Do you have difficulty breathing at times? ______
7. Do you ever get dizzy or lightheaded? ______
8. Do you feel as though you have a lump in your throat or you have to clear? ______
9. Do you suffer from colds, the flu or hoarseness? ______
10. Are you bothered by indigestion, nausea, or discomfort in your stomach? ______
11. Do you have diarrhea or constipation? ______
12. Do you bite your nails? ______
13. Do you have difficulty falling or staying asleep? ______
14. Do you wake up feeling tired? ______
15. Are your hands or feet cold? ______
16. Do you grind or grit your teeth, or do your jaws ache? ______
17. Are you prone to excess perspiration? ______
18. Are you angry or irritable? ______
19. Do you feel a lot of generalized pain (back pain, stomach pain, head pain, muscle
pain, etc)? ______
20. Have you become aware of increased anxiety, worry, fidgitiness, or restlessness? ______
Total ______


Answer each question “yes” or “no”. Give yourself one point for each “no” answer on questions
to 5 and one point for each “yes” answer on questions 6 to 10.

1. Are you friendly toward all of your neighbours and work colleagues
(college mates)? ______
2. Do you, on a daily basis, enjoy your work (studies)? ______
3. Do you feel financially secure? ______
4. Does life seem meaningful most of the time? ______
5. Do you feel in control of your life? ______
6. Must you combine housekeeping with parenting (studying) with having to earn
a living? ______
7. Are you a single parent? ______
8. Do you feel angry toward someone or irritated by something at least once a day? ______
9. Do you often (more than once a week) have sleepless nights? ______
10. Are you frequently in a hurry? ______
Total ______

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