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Student name: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Ánh Student ID number: 31211022292


Unit name: Business Communication Unit number: FOU105

Tutorial/Lecture: Lecture Class day and time: 5 January 2022
Lecturer or Tutor name: Michael Saram


Title: Learning Portfolio 1

Length: Due date: 16 January 2022 Date submitted: 16 January 2022


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Student’s signature: Nguyễn Ngọc Minh Ánh

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Learning Portfolio 1
I. Portfolio Questions
1. How do we recognize and differentiate business messages from other types of communication? Create a
table comparing a business message found in an email and in an advertisement, with informal writing found
in Facebook.

- To recognize business messages, first, we must understand that powerful business communications
agree to conventions of medium, format, style, and tone to meet audiences needs as successfully as
possible (K. Braun, K.O. Locker & S. K. Kaczmarek, 2016). The language utilized in business messages
must be comprehensible in order that the audiences do not misunderstand. In addition, the content
of the message should be based on verified facts and numbers and should not contain offensive
words. Moreover, an organization's honour and reputation depend on its business message.
Therefore, they must adhere to ethical principles. Overall, the above features are some of the
features that help you recognize your business message.

- Compared to other types of communication such as everyday conversation and interpersonal

communication, business messages are more formal, realistic, polite, and concise. Oral, non-verbal,
written business communication reaches both internal and external audiences and must reaches
these audiences, regardless of organization (K. Braun, K.O. Locker & S. K. Kaczmarek, 2016). The
main goal of business messaging is to build and manage profitable customer relationships, while the
other goals are solely for communication and information sharing. Also, in most cases, business
communication layouts are organized in a specific order, such as in chronological order or informed
methods. Unlike other forms of communication, business communication needs to be carefully
reviewed and revised prior to publication to avoid errors. In summary, these are several factors that
distinguish business messaging from other types of communication.

Table of comparison
Type of communi- Business messages in an Business messages in an Informal writing in
cation email advertisement Facebook
Purpose To inform business Promote organization's Tell individual's story or
information or services and products or event to express their
important notes, recruit employees personal feelings.
Audience - Internal audiences - External audiences - Facebook users

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+ Colleague + Customer
+ Staff
- External audiences
+ Co-ordinate
+ Partner
+ Customer
+ Press
Characteristic - Comprehensible - Comprehensible - Entertaining
- Direct - Direct - Direct or indirect
- Correct - Correct - Simple
- Attractive - Inaccurate

2. Describe a time when you experienced a breakdown in communication due to lack of clarity or
purposefulness of your, or someone else’s, verbal or nonverbal symbols. What did you learn from this

Three months ago, I encountered a breakdown in communication because of my teammate unclear

messages. I worked in a non-profit organization, and we were having a collab event with another
organization. We need to host a small minigame on Facebook and our Event team is responsible for the
content and the rules of the game. They then send the content to the Design team of our co-ordinate.
However, the message was unclear, they misunderstood it and publish the wrong product without the Event
team’s confirmation.

The mistake led to the consequence that we need to change the result of that minigame, and it decline our
impression toward other organizations. From that experience I learned that I need to present the message as
clear as possible that even the people outside the project or the team can understand it. Secondly, always
ask if there are any misunderstanding and a review after the products are finished.

II. Portfolio reflection

From the learning resources and portfolio questions in this section, I learned how to communicate
effectively, understand, and learn how to use communication and language skills in specific situations for
best results. For example, the clothes, emotions, facial expressions, hairstyles, and working styles are all
communicated, so to communicate effectively, I need to control my appearance and behaviour. Thanks to
the knowledge the class has given me, I can now deal with general communication situations. Use language
(linguistic and non-verbal), tones, and emotions accurately. To solve all communication situations, especially

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some annoying communication situations, I need practice my language skills, better control emotions and
tones, and respond to negative communication in the future.


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Braun, K., Locker, K. O., & Kaczmarek, S. K. (2016). Business communication: Building critical
skills (6th ed.). Mc Graw Hill Education.

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