Test 2 Immunehemtology II

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1. Describe the aim of compatibility testing (3 Marks)

 Give every patient blood which will give them the maximum benefits from the
 Maximize survival rate of red blood cells.
 Safety for the patients.

2. Describe the purpose of the phases in compatibility test with example blood group involve (6
 To detect irregular antibodies in the recipient serum that are directed against the
donor’s cells.
 To detect errors in ABO blood grouping.
 To detect errors in labelling, recording, or identifying donor’s or recipient’s samples.
 To detect the presence of antibodies in the recipient against the red blood cells of

3. Discuss the purpose of emergency O in blood transfusion (5 Marks)

4. State TWO types of RBC blood component (2 Marks)

 Plasma
 Red blood cells
 Water

5. Explain the purpose of each type of RBC blood components (6 Marks)

 Plasma contains albumin responsible for maintaining water balance.
 Plasma play a role in regulating body temperature
 Plasma prevents blood clotting and maintain osmotic pressure.
 Red blood cells contain oxygen needed to produce energy and leaving carbon dioxide a
waste products.
 White blood cells responsible for against the body infection.
 Platelets help in blood clotting.
 Fresh frozen plasma to preserve clotting factors.

6. Describe the purpose if platelet blood component in blood transfusion (4 Marks)

 Platelet to prevent haemorrhage in patients with thrombocytopenia or platelet function
 Secrete vasoconstrictors which constrict blood vessels, causing vascular spasm in blood
 To stop bleeding.
 Dissolve blood clots when they are no longer needed.
 Secrete procoagulants to promote blood clotting.
7. Explain the pathophysiology of Hemolytic Disease of Newborn (HDN) (10 Marks)
 In a first pregnancy Rh sensitization is not likely. Usually it only becomes a problem in a
future pregnancy with another Rh positive baby.
 When the next pregnancy occur, the mother’s antibodies cross the placenta reacts with
red blood cells antigen to fight the Rh positive cells in the baby’s body that the baby has
inherited from the father, and foreign to the mother.
 The antigen-antibody interaction occurs.
 Sensitization of baby’s red blood cells by mother’s IgG antibody causes the baby’s red
blood cell to be destroyed.
 Antibody-coated red blood cells are removed from fetal circulation by the macrophages
of the spleen and liver.
 The severity of anemia depends on the amount of mother’s antibody, its specificity, its
avidity and others characteristics.
 Anemia will stimulate bone marrow to produce more red blood cells including
immature red blood cells, which is then released to fetus circulation. Also known as
erythroblast fetalis.

8. Define the transfusion reaction in blood transfusion (3 Marks)

 A transfusion reaction is any adverse event which occurs because of a blood
 Can take from an allergic reaction, a transfusion-related infection, hemolysis related to
an incompatible blood type or an alteration of the immune system related to the
 The risk of transfusion reaction must be always be balanced against the anticipated
benefit of a blood transfusion

9. Describe the types of haemolytic transfusion reaction (6 Marks)

 Acute haemolytic transfusion. Transfusion reaction occur immediately after blood
transfusion. antibodies against donor RBC antigens present in the recipient’s blood
Caused intravascular hemolysis occur inside the blood vessels.
 Delayed transfusion reaction. Transfusion reaction occur few days or weeks after the
blood transfusion. Caused extravascular hemolysis occur outside blood vessels such as

10. State FIVE the immunological Immediate Adverse Reaction in blood transfusion (5 Marks)
 Haemolytic
 Fevers, chills
 Allergic
 Anaphylatic shock

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