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The most important 1000 words

The most important 1000 words

From the writer of

“ ও ”

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The most important 1000 words

The most important 1000 words
। ই ই- ।

ই ।
। ই

৪০ , ই

, ই ১০০০ , ,

, ।


Engr. Khaza Nizam Uddin

B.Sc. in CE (BUET), MPS (DU)
DU-UNFPA fellowship awarded
CEO – The English Car
MD – Logical Triangle
Cell: 01730-715316; 01554-356729

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The most important 1000 words

The most important 1000 words
Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning
Part 1: 1-100 Words- এর
1. Lockdown
, , ,

( ও P-1 ও
2. Message / ( , , ও, ও….)
3. Epidemic
4. WFH ও
5. Messenger
6. Selfie / /

7. Sale ই /
8. Job / / ও

9. Smart ,
10. Seasonal /
11. Beautiful
12. Amazing ই /
13. Fantastic
14. Awesome
15. Serial
16. Blockbuster / ই
17. Booking ( , , ,
, …)
18. Online ই
19. Offline ই
20. Better
21. Leave ই
22. Vacation ই /
23. Festival

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

24. Religious
25. Remittance /
26. Income ই
27. Manpower
28. Embassy
29. Appointment ,
30. Interview ই
31. Foreigner ’
32. Travel
33. Business
34. Transport ।
35. Restaurant - /
36. Invitation ই ই
37. Fast Food ও

38. Tasty
39. Delicious ’ /
40. Delivery ’ ’ /
41. Product /
42. Profit
43. Service
44. Door to door
45. Physical
46. Extra – marital
47. Divorce /
48. Break up ও
49. Relation
50. Ex
51. Boyfriend ,

52. Girlfriend ,

53. Hooked Up

54. Social Media
55. Abortion /

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

56. Affair ই /
57. Untruthful / /
58. Trust /
59. Betray /
60. Addiction ,
61. Drug ঔ ,
62. Admission
63. Amusement Park

64. Boring /
65. Exhaust /ed ই / /
66. Meditation ই
67. Yoga ই
68. Diet / ই
69. Overweight ও ও ই ও
70. Stroke
/ ও
71. Food Habit /
72. Mentor / /
73. Skills
74. Entrepreneur
75. SME ও

76. CV
77. Application ই
78. Migration ই / /
/ / ই
79. Hang Out /
80. Hurry Up
81. Cool /
82. Resort /
83. Interior ই ও
Decoration ই
84. Video ও
Conference ও

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The most important 1000 words

Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

85. Pandemic /

86. Innovation ই ই
87. Arranged ই /
88. Love Marriage /
89. Choosy /
90. Choice
91. Partner /
92. Expire /
93. Idea ই / /
94. Situation ই
95. Information ই ই
96. Patience ই
97. Broker
98. Corruption
99. Rumour ’
100. Confidence
Part 2: 101-200 Words- এর
101. Appreciate ই ,
102. Attractive ,
103. Caring
104. Figure , ,
105. Sexy /
106. Dating ই
107. Exciting ই ই , ,

108. Mistake ই
109. Tension
110. Environment ই ই
111. Pollution
112. Talented
113. DC
114. Intelligent ই /
115. Negotiate ই ,

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

116. Troll ,
117. Connections , – ই ই
118. Communication ই
119. OMG ও ই ও ই
Oh My Gosh
120. Necessity ই , ,
121. Bargaining ই ,
122. Separation ই , ,
123. Artificial
124. Outstanding , ,
125. Basement ই /
126. Entertainment ই ,
127. Exit ,
128. Underworld ও ,

129. Experience ই
130. Misunderstanding ,
131. Discipline ,
132. Investigation ই ই
133. Transfer ,
134. Concentration ই
135. Creative
136. Architecture
137. Treat , ও
138. Caution ’ ,
139. Treatment
140. Interrogation ই ই ( )
141. Identity ই
142. interesting ই , ,

143. Home made ই

144. Content , ,
145. Movement
146. Transparency
147. Differ ও , ও ,

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

148. Appraisal ই ,
149. Complexion ঙ,
150. Weed ই
151. Trauma ,

152. Courtesy / ’ ,
153. Mental health /
154. IQ Intelligent ই ,
Quotient ও
155. Support
156. Conversation ই
157. Conflict
158. Interest ই
159. Mutual ,
160. Virgin / ,
, ,
161. Techniques
162. Broke ,

163. Frustration ই , ও
164. Depression ,
165. Daring ,
166. Violence
167. Jealous ’ ,
168. Monotonous ,
169. Distance
170. Hospitality
171. Victory ,
172. Winner ই
173. Destruction
174. Construction
175. Cheers

176. Gorgeous ,
177. Execution
178. Give up
179. Profound

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

180. Evaluation ই ই
181. Whole sale ই ই
182. Retail price ই ই
183. Competitive ’
184. Surrounding
185. Silly , ,
186. Greeting ,
187. Character
188. CC ই ই
189. Brilliant
190. Culture
191. Respiration ’ ’ ই
192. Purification ই
193. Diagnosis
194. Growth
195. Infection ই ,
196. Expenditure ই
197. Manage , ,
198. Living cost ,
199. Effort ,
200. Justice ,
Part-3: 201-300 Words- এর
201. New Normal ই ,

, ই
ও , ,

202. Boost ,
203. Buffet ই/ ই , ই
ও ও
, , ও
204. Witness ই ,
205. Response ,
206. Vaccine ,

207. Bold , ,

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

208. Aristocrat ,

209. protest ,
210. Sanitizer ই , ,

211. License ই ,
212. Quality , ।
213. Marketing
214. Buyer
215. Deal , ,
, ।
216. Decision ই
217. Search ,
218. Research -
219. Method , ,
220. Multinational
221. Opinion , ,
222. Refugee
223. Tough , ,
224. Crisis ই
225. Condition , ,
226. Arrival ই ,
227. Departure ,
228. Shift ,
229. Background ১. , , ,

২. ,
230. Recipe ,
231. Right ই
232. Arrest , ,
233. Instant ই
234. Historical
235. Attention ’
236. Compensation ই ,
237. Supply ই
238. Meet ,
239. Annoy ’ ,
240. Propose ’ , /

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241. Hide ই , ,
242. Pretend ,
243. Fore cast ’
244. Prediction ’ ,
245. WPM ও Word Per Minute
246. Allocate ই ,
247. Promotion ’ ,
248. Limitation ই , ,
249. Survive ’ ই ,
250. Lifestyle ই ই ,
251. Latest ই
252. Crime ই
253. Report
254. Victim , ,
, ।
255. Rest Room
256. Procedure ’ ( ) ,

257. Subsidy
258. Several
259. Spam ১. ই

260. Schedule , ,
261. Investor ই
262. Virtual ই , ও

263. Features , ,
264. Procurement ’ , ।
265. Interfere ই ’ ( ) / , ।
266. Discount ,
267. Side effects ই ই
268. Clone ই

269. Show case ই

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270. Parenting ,

271. Passion , ,
272. Sharp ,
273. Average ,
274. Rejection , ও
275. Compare
276. Audience ঔ ,
277. Stream , ,ই

278. Access ই ,
279. Residence ,
280. Panic ,
281. Discussion
282. Administration ই

283. Edit
284. Priority ইও ,

285. Approval ,
286. Commitment ,
287. Campaign ই
288. Realize ই , ,

289. Extension ই
290. Founder
291. Vision ,
292. Generation ই ,
293. Comment ,
294. Wrap-up ,ই
295. Terminal ’ ,
296. Traditional , ,
297. Revenue
298. Purchase ’ ’
299. Rehabilitation ই
300 Inauguration ই ই

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Part-4: 301-400 Words- এর
301. Begin ’ , ।
302. Offer ,

303. Soft , ।
304. Clam ই ,
305. Asset
306. Society ই ,
307. Nature ই
308. Lap ,
309. Digest ই ও
310. Match maker ই , ই
311. Cute ,
312. Shortage ’ , , ,
313. Nutrition ,
314. Available ’ ই ও ।
315. Contract ,
316. Remove ,
317. Operation ’ ই , ও

318. Permission
319. Violation ই ই , , ,
320. High court ই
321. Murder ,
322. Remand ’
323. Routine , ,

324. Proper , , ,
325. Recover ’ , ও
326. Infection ই ( , )
327. Contagious ই
328. Production
329. Audit ও’
330. Supreme court
331. Ministry

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332. Supporter
333. Tycoon ই ,
334. Laundering

335. Saint ই ,
336. Goods ,
337. Hearing ও ,
338. Death Sentence
339. Parlour ( ) , ,
340. Boobs
341. Adulterate ই ( )
342. Disaster ,
343. Cyclone ই
344. Satellite ই , ,
345. Nation ই ,
346. Agreement , ,
347. Contractor ,
348. Dealership

349. Source
350. Exclusive ই , ,
351. Natural ,
352. Value ,
353. Expert , ,
354. Ego ,
355. Sense ,ই ,

356. Remember , ,
357. Honour ( ) ,
358. Garage /
359. Gang ঙ
360. Sea beach ই ,
361. Geography ’
362. Authentic ও’ , ,
363. Evidence ,
364. Participation ই
365. Address

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

366. Minister ’
367. Native ই , ,
368. Original , ,
369. Block , /

370. Lightning ই ঙ , ,
371. Nightmare ই ,
372. Lonely ঙ, , ,
373. Series ’ , ,
374. Share , , ও
375. Election ই
376. Newborn
377. Antiseptic
378. Conceive ’ , , ,
379. Deficit ,
380. Nomination ই
381. Smuggler
382. Life ই ই
383. Stigma
384. Work place ও ই ,
385. Fair ’ ,
386. Mute ,
387. Market
388. Coastal area
389. Hatchery
390. Adultery , , ,

391. Livelihoods ই
392. Slim , ,
393. Inspection ই , ,
394. Luck , ,
395. Conservation ই , ও
396. Switch ,
397. Poison ,
398. Decentralization

399. Facial ই

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

400. Frontline ই

Part-5: 401-500 Words- এর
401. Bestseller ’ ই ও
402. Keto diet ।

403. Follower , ,
404. Celebrity , , ও
405. Dengue ই
406. Reward ’ও , ,
407. Award ও ,
408. Forward ’ও ,
409. Mood , ,
410. Better half
411. Crash , ,
412. Update ই ,
413. Grill /
414. Teen Thirteen – Nineteen
415. Solar ’ ,
416. Change ই / , ,

417. Climate ই
418. Staff , ,
419. Objection ,
420. Parallel ,
421. Simultaneously ই ই ,
422. Superstore

423. Adolescent , ,
424. Piracy ই / ই
425. Slang ঙ ,

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

426. Prayer ’ /
427. Clash , ,
428. Flash , , ,
429. Tunnel
430. Waterlogged ও
431. BCC Behind the Carbon Copy
432. Reminder ই ,
433. Irritate ই ই , ,
434. Gathering , ,
435. Straight forward ই ,
436. Dust +bin
437. Chef
438. Graveyard ই ই ,
439. Low and order ই
440. Deteriorate ই
441. Kiss ও ,
442. Fly/Flying ই/ ই , ,
443. Mosquito ও
445. Dowry , , ও ও

446. Contest , ,
447. Spoiler , ,

448. Bullying ,
449. Ragging ,
450. Arrogant
451. Reproduction ’ ,
452. Google it ই
ই ।
ও ।
453. Population ই
454. Minority ই ’ ,
455. Majority
456. Coincidence ই ,
457. Doubt , ,
458. Acidity , ও
459. Palpitation ই , ও
460. Paternal

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

461. Maternal
462. Cleavage , , ,
463. Discovery ( )
464. Invention ই ( )
465. Hibernation ই ই
466. Hybrid ই , ই
467. Informer ই ’ ,
468. Category ,
469. Circular , ,
470. Imitation ই ই ,
471. Landslide ই ,
472. crazy ই , , ,
473. Wallet ও /
474. Propaganda ’ ,
475. Halal ই ই
476. Haram ই ই
477. Horror ’ , ,
478. Six-pack ১। ২।
479. Route/er ( ) ও ই ই

480. Sensitive , ,
481. Depot / , ,
482. Zero figure
৩১, ২৩ , ৩২ ই
483. Saturation ই ,
484. Boycott ,
485. Trash , / /ই
486. Animation ই , ,

487. Diversity ই ,
488. Copyright ই , ,
489. Uncertainty
490. Trouble shooter , ও ই

491. Injury ই ’ ও , ,
492. Marathon
493. Holymoly ও ই ই।

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

494. Swing(ler)
495. Trendy / ।
496. Hottie ১। ২।

497. Hubby /
498. Costume
499. AI ই

500. Tech Savvy

Part-6: 501-600 Words- এর
501. Viral ই ১।ই , ও

২। ই
502. IELTS International English Language Testing System
503. Congratulations
504. Feast ,
505. Mart , ,
506. Fact /
507. Refuse ’ ও ,
508. Vacancy ই , ,
509. Sweat
510. Turning ঙ
511. Immigration ই ই
512. Backpack , ই

513. Overflow ও ’ , ,

514. Web series ও ই ,
515. Recover ’ , ও
516. Relief ’ , , ,
517. Glamour , ,

518. Detective

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

519. Concern ১। ২। ৩।

520. Recommendation ’ ই
521. Performance
522. Excellent , ,
523. Achievement ,
524. Renew ’ ,
525. Assumption ,
526. Dressing ঙ ,

527. Share market

528. Strict , ,
529. Foresee , , ই

530. View ,
531. Repeat ’
532. Subscribe ’ ই ও , ,
533. Authority ও
534. Extreme ই , ,
535. Lease ই , ,
536. Deposit ’ ,
537. Fraud , ,
538. Insect ই ,
539. Stress , , ,
540. Household , ।
541. Initiative ই ,
542. Invitation ই ই , ,
543. Embarrassing ই ,
544. Harass ,
545. Eviction ই
546. Threat , , ,
547. Rhymes ই ,
548. Appear ও , ও
549. Volunteer ( ) , ই
550. Guidance ই , ,
551. Waste ও ই , ,
552. Mania ই , , ,
553. Haphazard ’ ,

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554. Decent ,
555. Wrinkle , /
556. Estimate /
557. Hostage ’
558. Instruction ই , ,
559. Convenient
560. Cotton ,
561. Neat , , , ,
562. Highway ইও , ,
563. Scan
564. Explanation ই ,
565. Distribution ,
566. Illegal ই’ , ই
567. Greed
568. Comprehensive ,
569. Guardian , ,
570. Nominee ’ , ,
571. VISA ও

572. Occasion ’ ই ,
573. Needy , , ,
574. Insult ই ’ ,
575. Poke one’s nose ও ’ ,

576. Trader ই ,
577. Bear , , , , ,
578. Hardship , , ,
579. Tear ( ), ( ) , / ,
580. Fear , , ও
581. Outbreak ই , ও
582. Intensive ই ’ , ,
583. Assistant ,
584. Short sighted ই ,
585. Disposable ,
586. Hypocrisy ’ ,
587. Preparation ’ ই ,
588. Unfortunate ,

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

589. Quicksand ই ,
590. Adventure ,
591. Legend ’ /
592. Swear
593. Mysterious ’
594. Venom ’ , ,
595. Extraordinary ই ও ,
596. Pioneer ই ,
597. Decentralization ই

598. Amendment ,
599. Variation ই ,
600. Foresighted ই , ,
Part-7: 601-700 Words- এর
601. Masterpiece ( ) , ,
602. Fasting ঙ
603. Brand
, ই
604. Absolutely , ই
605. Exactly ই , ,
606. Incredible ই , ,
607. DSLR Digital Single Lance
Reflex Camera DSLR-ও

608. Impressive ই , ,

609. Guarantee
610. Deadline ই
611. Appetite ই ই ,
612. Mash , , ,
613. Curry ।
614. Desert ’ ও , ই
615. Pillow
616. Refresh ’ , ,
617. Brave ই , ,

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Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

618. Martyr ( ) ,

619. Civilization ই
620. Athletic , , ও

621. Learn ,
622. Hotchpotch /
623. Tourist
624. Residence , ,
625. Range ই , , ই
626. Cope , ও ,
627. Sustainable ই
, , , ই
628. Development ’
629. Hug ,
630. Luxury
631. Model , , ,

632. Flirt , (
633. Pervert ,

634. Intercourse ই ’ , , ,

635. Menstruation ই ,
636. Duration ই ,
637. Kidding ,
638. Adjust ’ ,
639. Dirty ’ , ,
640 Spit ,
641. Fart ,
642. Herbal
643. Hygienic ই ,
644. System , ,
645. Implement ই ,
646. Tutorial

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647. Freelancer

648. Continue , ,
649. Coordination
650. Reservation ই , , ,
651. Registration ই
652. Semester ’ ( ) ২/৩/৪ ১
653. Resume ই / ই-
654. Accuracy ,
655. Level , , , ,
656. Ordinary ও’ , ,
657. Option ,
658. Hang ঙ , , , ,

659. Bother ’ ( ) , , ,

660. Bypass ই ,
661. Display ই , ,
662. Warranty ও ই Guaranty (repaired free cost, not
more refund )
663. Logo /
664. Phoenix ,
665. Wound ,
666. Mask , ,
667. Zone ’ ,
668. Watch ও , , , ,

669. Specs /
670. Band ,
, , ,
671. Side effect ই ই
672. Nostalgia ’ , ,
673. Accompany ,
674. Rehearsal ,
675. Middleman ,

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676. Grocery
677. Domestic ’ , , ,
678. Cow fattening
679. Poultry
680. Red meat , , (
681. Junk food ( ),

682. Tip(s) ,
683. Trick , ,
684. Utilize ই ই , ,
685. VC
686. Emergency ই’ , ই
687. Zigzag ,
688. Selection ’ ই, ,
689. Complex ,
690. Criminal
691. Suddenly ,
692. Bar B Q ,

693. Sculpture ( ) , ,
694. Replica ই ,
695. Old home ও
696. Orphanage ও’
697. Courage ’ ,
698. Never mind ই ,
699. Third gender
700. Master plan ,
Part-8: 701-800 Words- এর
701. Dismiss ’ , ,
702. Restart , ,

703. Life hack

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704. Reveal ’ , ,

705. Intimate ই ,
706. Recharge
, ও
707. Romantic , , ,
708. Wild ও ই ,
709. Odour ও ( ) , /
710. Surprise ’ ই , ,
711. Attempt , ,
712. Seduce ’ ,
713. Fake ই , , ,
714. Provoke ’ ’ , ,
715. Uncouth , , , ই
716. Layman ই , ,
717. Status ই , ,
718. Gesture ( ) ই ,
719. Posture , , ,
720. Inside ই ’ ই ,
721. Popular ( ) ,
722. Mutual
723. Dude , , slang

724. Buttocks ( ) ,
725. Fine ই , ,
726. Flaw ’ , ,
727. Couple ,
728. Title ই , ,
729. Principal , ,
730. Remove ’ , ,
731. Headline ই
732. Underwear ও
733. Collection ’
734. Folk ,
735. Religion ’ , ,
736. Temple ,
737. Alien ই , ,
738. Mock , ,

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739. Blame ই ,
740. Trace ই , , ,
741. Opposition ’ ,
742. Masturbation ই ,
743. Control /
744. Punishment ,
745. Rival ই
746. Suspend ’ , ,
747. Human chain ই
748. Toll ’ , , ই

749. Delete , , ,
750. Stainless ই , , ।
751. Dinner ( ) ,
752. Smell ই ,
753. Sewerage
754. Drawn , , ও ।
755. Description ’
756. Readymade ই (
757. Capture ( ) , ,

758. Margin , , ।
759. Sample ; , ।
760. Hash tag # ই ই

761. Tag , ,

762. Secret , ,
763. Diplomat ,
764. Agree ও , ও , ও
765. Regional
766. Criticize ই
767. Prize ই
768. Count , ,
769. Bumper , ,

770. Microcredit ই

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771. Capital , ,
772. Fluent ,
773. Fertile ’ ই ,
774. Fragile ই ,
775. Suggestion ,
776. Mosque
777. Earthquake ই
778. Awareness ও , ,
779. Distraction ,
ও , ও
780. Lift , ,
ও ও
781. Manner ( ) ,
782. Attitude
783. Recruitment ’ ,
784. Exploit ই ই ,
785. Defect , ,
786. Substitute ,
787. Ban ,
788. Postpone ’ ,
789. Quit ই , ,
790. Sort ই ই
791. Traveler ,
792. Topless ,
793. Sabotage ,
794. Riot ই , ,
795. Grab ,
796. Transit ,

797. Super duper ( ) , , ই
798. Controversial
799. Alternative ও’
800. Isolation ই ই , ,
Part-9: 801-900 Words- এর
801. Incentive ই ,
802. NID National Identity /

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The most important 1000 words

Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

803. Assemble

804. Out look , ,

805. Additional ও ,
806. Thrill
, ;
807. Cuisine ই

808. Choosy ,

809. Outing , ,

810. Consumer , , ,

811. Hangry Hungry+Angry – ,

- ই
812. Geeks ,

813. Appliances ,

814. Fascination ই , ,
, ।
815. Appeal ,

816. Formal , , ।
817. Allegation ই ,

818. Stamina ,
819. Scarcity , , ,
820. Discrimination ই , ,
821. Undermine ’ ই ,

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The most important 1000 words

Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning


822. Accommodation ’ ’ ই ও ও , ও ।
823. Downtown ও ,

824. Homebody , ই
825. Catch up ;
, ই
826. Encourage ই ,
827. Motivation ই , ,
828. Contradictory , ,
829. Outdated ই ,
830. Callous ,
831. Prank , ,
,ই /
832. Condemn ’ ,
833. Exposed ই ও , , ,

834. Escape ই ই ও , ও ।
835. Shoplifting
836. Frequently , , ই,
837. Buffering

838. Inventory ই ,
839. Parcel
840. Cash out
841. B2B Wholesaler to retailer-

842. Root cause ’ ,

843. Boycott , ,

844. Restriction
845. Fiancée ই
846. Footage ও
847. Accuse ,

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The most important 1000 words

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848. Grassroots ,
849. E-learing ই- ই

850. Netizen ই ,ই

851. Webinar ও ই /
852. Hype ই ও

853. Dire ই , , ,
854. Toxic ,

855. Meme
, ও - ই

856. Killjoy
857. Looser
858. Decline ই ও , ,
859. Dumped ,
/ , ,

860. Netiquette ই
, , ।
861. Navigation ই ও ই

862. Drive in ই ই
ই ও
863. Deep fake ই /
ও ও
864. E-waste ই , ই ই
ও , ই
865. Tribute
866. Patient zero ই

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The most important 1000 words

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867. Social distancing

868. Droplet
869. Transactions
870. Crypto currency ও ,
ই, ই

871. Unlock ,
872. Milestone ই ই ,ই

873. Critic
874. Usage ই , , ,
875. Celebration ই ,

876. Triumph ই , ,
877. Argument , ,
878. Blame/game ই , ,
879. Shortcoming , ,

880. Vulnerable , ,

881. Hotspot
, ,
882. Adapt ’ , ও ,

883. Declaration ই ,
884. Fall semester

885. Withdrawal ই ,
886. Encounter ই / ও ,
ও ,

887. Revive ই ও , ও ,

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The most important 1000 words

Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

888. Escalate ই , ,
889. Super cool ,

890. Destination ই
891. Influencer ই , ই

892. Pledge , , ,
893. Next tomorrow ’ /
894. Outfit ই

895. Trendsetter , ই

896. Vigilant ,
897. Sophisticate ই , ,

898. Grooming

899. CEO ইও /

900. Centenary ’
P-10: 901-1000
এ র র র র । খন র র এখ ন হ ন।
901. Destiny , , , ,
902 Glow ই ,
903 Early bird ই
, ই ,

904 Jabs /Fully jabbed

Fully jabbed

905 Makeshift ই ,

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The most important 1000 words

Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

906 Command , ,
907 Exceptional ই , ই ,
908 Game changer ই ই ,
909 Displacement ’ ই , ও
910 Divert ই
911 Ride-sharing ই

912 Devastation ই ,
913 Rescue , ,
914 Rapid , ,
915 Symptom ,
916 No way ও ই , ই
917 Call out
918 Forecast ’ ,
919 Curiosity ’
920 Ancestor , ,
921 Countdown
922 Snoop
923 Scandal
924 Revelations ' ই , ও ,

925 Move on ,

926 Dispute , , ,
927 Debut ই ,
928 Departed soul ;
929 Condolence
930 Bereaved family , ’
931 Funeral ,
932 Neighbour ই ,
933 Until my last ই
934 Fan base ই – ,
935 Confess , ,
936 Survivor ই ( ) ই

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, ও ও
ও ,
937 Extraction ই

938 Assassin , ,
939 Uprising ই ,
940 Shoot on sight ই
941 Soulful ’ ,
942 Eligible , ,
943 Suspect ,
944 Spare ( )
945 Affordable ’ , , , /

946 Back and forth ( ) ,

– ই
947 Replicate ই , ই
948 Temptation ’ ই
949 Transmission ,
950 Nepotism
951 Rhythm
952 Peer pressure , ই

953 Pretend , ,

954 Merchandise ই ,
955 Harmony , ,
956 Blacklist ,
957 Evacuate ই , ,
958 Symbol , , ,
959 Safeguard ই
960 Wildfire ও ই ই
961 Nuance ,
962 Subtle , ,
963 Last but not least ও ,

964 Lavish ,

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The most important 1000 words

Sl Word Pronunciation Meaning

965 Sneak peek , , ই
966 Damage , ,
967 Iota of Truth ইও /Iota
968 Complain ই ,
969 Roll out

970 Tranquilizer ই ই ঔ

971 Take a dig at ই , , , ,

972 Mandate ই ,

973 Messy , ,
974 Debris ই , ,
975 Expedite ই , ,
976 Contamination ই
977 Crucial

978 Relevant ’ ,
979 Wildlife ও ই ই
980 Surpass , ও
981 Sniper ই

982 Statement ই , ,
983 Impatient ই ই , ,
984 Impose ই ,
/ / /
985 Scale down ই ,
986 Boredom ’

987 Insecurity ই
988 Casualty ও

989 Consecutive ’ , ,
990 ICU ই /ই

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991 Horse shoe ,

992 Novice ,
993 Resilience ,

994 Judgmental
Too quick to criticize
995 Aviation Industry ই ই ও

996 Invasion ই ই ,
997 Inundation ই ই ,
998 Yes-man ই - , , ই
999 Show must go on ও,
ও , ও
1000 Hats off

ই- ও
। ।

। ।

, ।

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