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Smart Street lights


Mini Project Group No.30

Prathamesh Parit-93
Tarun Singh-138
Shweta SonaWane-140
Sneha Sonawane-141
What is Smart Street lights?

▪ Which Auromatically Turn On and off,without manual operation.

▪ Smart enough to use power efficiently,tends to consume less


▪ Which Can Communicate to Main Control room.

▪ Provides network between other Street Lights.

Why Smart Street Lights Are Needed
❑ Rebundant Wastage Of energy in street lights in india

(like Sometimes Lights are ON during daytime Also)

❑ Manpower decreases

❑ Ensures Safety During midNights

❑ Faults Can be spotted Easily Using IOT

• LDR Sensor – For detecting Sunlight intensity

•IR Sensors- For Detecting Moving Object

•Arduino- For Controllling All input And outputs

•ESP8266-For Communicating with main control room

•LEDs –To consume Less Power

Working Principle
❖ Using LDR we can sense artificially Natural Sunlight and based on
LDR sensor value Lights ON/OFF automatically

❖ Brightness Of LEDs Changes Accordingly Natural light intensity

❖ Using IR sensor moving vehicle is detected and for that instance

brightness of street lights will be increases

❖ At midnight Alternative lights are On only For Reducing Energy

Block Diagram Of Working system
IOT IN OUR Project

•Using IOT features We can Communicate Directly With

Individual Street Light

•In our Project We use ESP 8266 and Things server to collect
data from street lights and Monitor it

•Using That Data we can detect fault in our system

• Also Can Control Lights from Over a distance

IOT Components
•Hardware •Software
✔ Eps 8266 ✔ThingSpeak is an open
✔low-cost Wi-Fi microchip source cloud platform
mainly used by students for
their IoT projects. This is
place where a real-time
sensor data is uploaded.
Block Diagram Of IOT (using thingspeak and
Future Scope

We can use small secret camera on street light To

capture Images.
which can be used as a reference in future to ensure
the safety at nights.

This system can also be customized by upgrading

ordinary LED lights to the solar LED lights which are
new & renewable energy sources.
❑As a technology advances we need to improvised our
system,we have to use more sensible sensor which
gives us accurate value of natural lights
❑ Using Automatic system We literally saves tones of
kilo watts every year.
Thank you

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