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1: GO ON = happen

What’s going on?

2: PICK UP = get something or someone from a place

I picked up my brother from the airport.

3: COME BACK = return to a place (the speaker is in that place)

She came back around 10pm last night.

4: COME UP WITH = produce an idea

Julie came up with a great idea.

5: GO BACK = return to a place (the speaker isn’t in that place)

He finished his work and went back to his flat.

6: FIND OUT = get information

Can you find out what time the restaurant opens?

7: COME OUT = appear from a place

She came out of the kitchen.

8: GO OUT = go to an event / restaurant / pub / party

Let’s go out for dinner.

9: POINT OUT = show / mention

She pointed out the beautiful paintings on the walls.

10: GROW UP = become an adult

I grew up in Scotland.

11: SET UP = create / arrange

She’s decided to set up her own company.

13: GET OUT = leave a room / building / car

I need to get out of the house!

14: COME IN / INTO = enter (the speaker is in that place)

Please come in! It’s great to see you.

15: TAKE ON = to be responsible for

He’s going to take on the new project.

12: TURN OUT = in the end we discover

The maid turned out to have stolen the money.

Can you ________________________________________ (think of an idea) a better
She ________________________________________ (showed / mentioned) that the
shops would already be closed.
I wish I hadn’t ________________________________________ (become responsible
for) so much work!
I ________________________________________ (went to an event) for dinner with
my husband last night.
He ________________________________________ (entered a place where the
speaker is) the kitchen and made some tea.
6. Where did you ________________________________________ (become an adult)?
7. I’d love to ________________________________________ (arrange / create) my
own business.
I really want to ________________________________________ (leave a building)
of this office and go for a walk.
As I arrived, he ________________________________________ (appeared from a
place) of the door.
10. She ________________________________________ (got something from a place)
some dinner on the way home.
11. Could you ________________________________________ (get information) what
time we need to arrive?
12. I thought the conference was going to be boring but it
________________________________________ (in the end we discovered) to be
quite useful.
13. What time did you ________________________________________ (return to a
place where the speaker is) yesterday?
14. She ________________________________________ (appeared from a place) of the
café and put on her gloves.
15. A performance ________________________________________ (is happening) at
the moment.
16. He ________________________________________ (left a car) of the car.
17. He ________________________________________ (went to an event) a lot at the
weekend, so he’s tired today.
18. Can we ________________________________________ (arrange / create) a meeting
next week?
19. Would anybody like to ________________________________________ (become
responsible for) this new client?
20. He ________________________________________ (returned to a place where the
speaker is) before I left.
21. It’s lovely watching my children ________________________________________
(become adults).
22. She ________________________________________ (returned to a place where the
speaker is not) to school.
23. He ________________________________________ (showed / mention) the stars to
the children.
24. He ________________________________________ (returned to a place where the
speaker is not) to Poland last year.
25. He ________________________________________ (thought of an idea) a solution.
26. Please ________________________________________ (enter a place where the
speaker is)!
27. At the end of the film, it ________________________________________ (in the end
we discovered) that John was a good guy.
28. Could you ________________________________________ (get someone from a
place) Lucy later?
29. We need to ________________________________________ (get information) how
much it costs.
30. What ________________________________________ (’s happening)?

16. GIVE UP = stop having or doing

She has finally given up smoking.
I had to give up coffee when I was ill.
He gave up chocolate for a month.
17. MAKE UP = be the parts that form something (often used in the passive with ‘of’)
Women make up 46% of the employees here.
This class is made up entirely of boys.
People who can speak English make up a quarter of the world’s population.
18. END UP = finally do or be something, especially when you don’t expect it
We ended up going back home because it was raining so hard.
They ended up passing the last exam, even though they failed all the other exams.
Be careful! You’ll end up without a job if you are rude to your boss.
19. GET BACK = arrive somewhere again, especially your home (+ to + place)
She got back to Paris last night.
What time did you get back yesterday?
We got back very late because the train was delayed.
20. LOOK UP = raise your eyes
21. FIGURE OUT = think about until you understand / plan (more common in USA)
Let’s figure out how we can get to London very early in the morning.
She couldn’t figure out why he had left.
He finally figured out that the cat must have broken the plate.
22. SIT DOWN = change from standing to sitting
Do please sit down.
She sat down and took out her book.
The children sat down in rows and crossed their legs.
23. GET UP = change from lying or sitting to standing (more casual than ‘stand up’)
She got up when we arrived (= she was sitting and she stood up).
I don’t want to get up. It’s so comfortable sitting here.
What are you doing on the floor? Get up!
24. TAKE OUT = remove from a container (+ of before a noun)
She took the letter out of the envelope.
I’ll take the sweets out of the box and put them under the Christmas tree now.
He took his clothes out of the suitcase and put them away in the wardrobe.
25. COME ON = we say this to encourage someone to go faster or try harder
Come on! You’re going to be left behind.
26. GO DOWN = move to a lower place (+ to + place)
She started to go down the stairs.
We went down to the café and bought some coffee.
Let’s go down to the cellar and see if we can find those books.
27. SHOW UP = arrive at or come to an event / meeting (especially if there’s something
We all went to the party, but Lucy didn’t show up.
He showed up at the meeting two hours late. Julie was very angry.
28. TAKE OFF = remove clothes or jewellery
I took off my coat because it was very hot.
She always takes off all her rings before she goes to bed.
Is it okay to take off my shoes?
29. WORK OUT = think about until you understand / plan (more common in UK)
We need to work out how to get to the wedding.
She couldn’t work out how the bird had got into the living room.
I don’t know why the car won’t start but I’ll work it out.
30. STAND UP = change from lying or sitting to standing (less casual than ‘get up’)
Please stand up when the queen comes in.
She finished her coffee, stood up, and left the restaurant.

1. She ________________________________________ (arrived somewhere again) to London

last week.
2. David ________________________________________ (removed clothes or jewellery) his
gloves and put them in his pocket.
3. John ________________________________________ (changed from lying or sitting to
standing – not casual) and left the room without a word.
4. What time did John ________________________________________ (arrive somewhere
again) yesterday?
5. Please ________________________________________ (I am encouraging the person to go
faster or try harder)! We’re already miles behind the others.
6. She ________________________________________ (raised her eyes) from her laptop and
7. She ________________________________________ (stopped having or doing) coffee last
year but was so grumpy that she started drinking it again.
8. You should ________________________________________ (remove clothes or jewellery)
your hat inside.
9. People from other countries ________________________________________ (are the parts
that form something) about a third of the population of London.
10. He didn’t even ________________________________________ (raise his eyes) when she
came in. So rude!
11. We ________________________________________ (are moving to a lower place) to the
beach now. Would you like to come?
12. Lucy! ________________________________________ (change from lying or sitting to
standing – more casual) quick! The teacher is coming!
13. The children ________________________________________ (changed from lying or sitting
to standing – less casual) when the headmaster arrived.
14. She came into the room and ________________________________________ (changed from
standing to sitting).
15. She _________________ the bags __________________ (removed from a container) of the
car and put them in the hall.
16. ________________________________________ (I’m encouraging the person to go faster or
try harder)! You’re doing really well. Keep going!
17. She finally ________________________________________ (thought until she understood /
planned – more UK) the answers to the maths homework.
18. They ________________________________________ (moved to a lower place) to the
kitchen and made some tea.
19. Please ________________________________________ (change from standing to sitting).
You’re making me nervous!
20. She ________________________________________ (changed from lying or sitting to
standing – more casual) slowly and picked up her bag.
21. After a long day, we ________________________________________ (finally did or were
something, especially when you don’t expect it) getting a pizza and falling asleep on the sofa.
22. I can’t ________________________________________ (think about until I understand / plan
– more UK) why Andrew is so upset.
23. We’ll ________________________________________ (stop having or doing) chocolate
after the holidays!
24. I can’t ________________________________________ (think about until I understand / plan
more USA) how to do this exercise.
25. I couldn’t believe it! He didn’t ________________________________________ (arrive at or
come to an event / meeting - especially if there’s something surprising) until 11pm!
26. They ________________________________________ (thought about until they understood /
plan – more USA) that it must have been the toddler who put the milk in the oven.
27. She wanted to go travelling but she ________________________________________ (finally
did or was something, especially when you don’t expect it) working in a shop all summer.
28. I ______________the book ____________________ (removed from a container) of my bag
and gave it to him.
29. I think coffee and cakes ________________________________________ (are the parts that
form something) most of her diet!
30. We had a meeting yesterday but only a few people
________________________________________ (arrive at or come to an event / meeting -
especially if there’s something surprising).

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