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Stop Teenage Pregnancy


Teenage pregnancy is common about this days teenager act like this is normal for

their age or what we call because this is normal in their generation but this should not

be normalized! Teens should be feeling butterflies in their stomachs not babies

kicking. Teenage pregnancy could destroy their life and future, and this is also some

reason of broken family.


To stop teenager from teenage pregnancy because they are too young for that and not

100 percent ready.


One of the most severe issues of the Philippines is teenage pregnancy. It has led to

numerous problems faced on a societal and individual level. In terms of the

disadvantages that it contributed to the community, teenage pregnancy is the reason

why some teenagers are left illiterate, must face social obligations at an early age, loss

of government revenue, may lack financial support, increases impoverishment in the

society, higher suicide rates, and a lot more.

Philippines has one of the highest teenage pregnancy rates among the ASEAN

Member States. Recent World Bank data shows that the Philippines has 47 births

annually per 1,000 women aged 15-19, higher than the average adolescent birth rates
of 44 globally and 33.5 in the ASEAN region.

Aside from the fact that it’s a threat to the economic growth of the country, teenage

pregnancy also brings mental health conditions to teenage moms. Such as baby blues,

depression and postpartum depression.

On an individual level, it’s already a huge responsibility to be a young parent,

especially when you’re unprepared. This may also contribute to higher health

complications such as anemia, STD, preeclampsia, premature delivery, and poor

mental health outcomes.

Taking responsibility for raising a child is a heavy burden, especially when you are

still a child yourself. This is why we must use education to not make the same

mistakes again and let the succeeding generations make liberated, healthy, and

informed decisions about their sexuality.


I hope you will support my opinion and idea about teenage pregnancy please share

what I have posted in my facebook account about stopping teenage pregnancy and I

hope teenage pregnancy in our country decreases


If you have any question about this idea please contact the following:

FB: Chelo Mae Rublico Laus

Globe: 09455272722

TNT: 09383272283

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