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Audrey Justine U.

Aras BSME 1A

Spanish Colonial Period American Colonial Period Japanese Colonial Period

1.  On early Spanish Colonial Period 1. The Filipinos were able to seize 1. The Japanese’s restriction for
control of the government and the Filipino 
 -  As a result, the conquerors were politics with the help of the US
P encouraged to explore the new globe,  - In exchange for the increase of
O including the Philippines, for the benefit  - The elected Filipino politicians other food crops such as rice and
L of the crown's incentives, and one and officials were trained by the tubers to feed the Japanese who
method they colonized the island was
I by bringing the crown to the people.
Americans so that they can hide are in the mainland as well as in
T the true interest and motives of their colonies.
the Americans to the Philippines 2. Buy and Sell
I 2. The Barangay 
and control the heads of these
C - As the Philippines became more
Christianized, some of the leaders, politicians for their benefit.  -Because the Japanese had full
A control over all aspects of the
notably on Luzon, moved from nativism
L or Islam to Christianity, changing the 2. Filipinos adopted America's economy, the Filipinos had little
colonial system of governance as the political party system. options during the occupation,
C people moved to their religion. therefore buying and selling was
H  - Allowing for more information, their primary activity.
A 3. Encomienda  ideas, and techniques to be
N applied to the government's  3. The high economic loss of
-The encomienda was established in apparatus and operations. the Philippines 
G the Philippines as the first
E administrative network tasked with 3. As intended, the Americans - The Japanese exploited the
S pacification and exploitation, but it developed in Filipinos a sense of Philippines' natural resources,
quickly evolved into a practice or form pride in their country's particularly its minerals, while
of slavery, related to how it was democracy. treating Filipino labor as slaves,
established in the Philippines as the first
lowering their productivity and
administrative network charged with the
 - The US launched Filipinization, services in other economic
duty with pacification and exploitation.
which distributes power and terms.
authority to the Filipinos in order
to prepare for independence and  
sovereignty with a democratic
government for the citizens.

1. Potential economic improvement. 1. To improve education, public 1. The Japanese’s restriction for
safety, and health awareness  the Filipino 
E  - When the Spaniards found the galleon
C trade and colonial government more  - The Americans taught the  - In exchange for the increase of
O profitable and more suited to their Filipinos about good safety and other food crops such as rice and
N inclinations and dignity as the masters of health, particularly individual tubers to feed the Japanese who
O the country, trade and artisanry quickly nourishment, through education. are in the mainland as well as in
became dominated and practically their colonies.
monopolized by the Chinese, by that, 2. Free Trade
through the natives buying and selling 2. Buy and Sell
activities, the Chinese became the solvent  -The Americans utilized the bell
of baranganic society.   operation to take advantage of -Because the Japanese had full
the economy, causing the control over all aspects of the
2. Galleon trade Philippines' financing to run out. economy, the Filipinos had little
A options during the occupation,
N  - This trade system has resulted in a therefore buying and selling was
E decrease in the rate of economic 3. Philippine manufactured their primary activity.
S development because Spain has made products and raw materials
quick gains at the expense of the
Audrey Justine U. Aras BSME 1A

Philippines' economic potential, primarily  - The Philippines, at its best, has  3. The high economic loss of
in agriculture. every imperialist and capitalist the Philippines 
requirement, particularly in terms
 3. The introduction of English into the of natural resources and - The Japanese exploited the
Philippines opened the country up to agricultural products, but the Philippines' natural resources,
worldwide trade for economic United States, now that it has the particularly its minerals, while
development. Philippines in its hands, continues treating Filipino labor as slaves,
to manipulate it for its own lowering their productivity and
- Because the English discovered the interests. services in other economic
Philippines' potential agricultural success, terms.
which they can benefit from as well, they
help to export goods worldwide with the  
1. The Spaniards conquest 1. Pensionado System 1. The loss of freedom of
S speech, expression and
O  - The conversion of some nativism beliefs,  - The Pensionado program government transparencies.
C Islam, and more most especially in Luzon boosted the construction of
I and Visayas divided the Philippines into a Filipino colonial education  -Because the Philippines was
O multicultural state.  transmission belts, and it was also under Japanese military control,
- utilized to influence Filipino elites they took over every Filipino
C 2. Catholicism to their side, as pensionados citizen's essential right to
became more entrenched in express themselves, subjecting
 – The Filipinos' awareness of Catholicism administrative and policy-making them to Japanese brutality and
grew stronger, and they eventually blended positions. propaganda obstructing their
it with their traditional ways of worship. transparency.
2. Public School-System. 
R 3. The rise of the middle class 
A 2. Japanese Educational
- One American approach to Program
L - The rise of the middle class in the Filipinize every Filipino is to teach
Philippines was one of the consequences of them in their own way, so that the  - Although the implementation
C economic transformation; they are also Philippines' trust, loyalty, and of a Japanese educational
H responsible for the rise of the large shadows of interests are program was intended to
A haciendas. preserved. eliminate anti-Japanese or anti-
Asian sentiments, it was not
G 3. English Language successful due to the outbreak
E of war.
S  - During the American Colonial
Period, the Filipinos were taught 3.The Golden Age for the
to speak and write English as part Philippine national language. 
of the educational system, and
sports such as basketball were
- The Japanese set Tagalog as the
significantly adapted by the
official language in the
Filipinos and become a part of
Philippines allowing Filipinos to
enrich it from the basis of
Philippine culture and tradition. 

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