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Term journal

Reflection on finishing form 5 and starting form 5

As of a new term and a new academic year after finishing form 4 and starting form 5. I realized that time
flew very quickly and in less than a year time I will be writing C.S.E.C examinations. Due to covid-19 the
students in my age group spent their entire form 4 academic year doing it online. This was both quite
easy and challenging since learning through an online platform was not as easy as it looks since you will
encounter several challenges such as unreliable WIFI connection and other technological problems. The
positive benefits of online school is that you gain more skill using your devices more regularly. During
this new term and academic year much more is needed to put out for me as I would have a lot more
work to get done in order to succeed in my CSEC examinations

Reflection #2

During the academic year of form 5 it was week two as schoolwork started coming in from each of my
teachers started pushing a lot of work. I managed to finish up with all my assignments very well and on
time. I, managed my time well as I kept up with my daily routine by balancing my time with my chores
leisure activities and school work. After doing my schoolwork, every day I would practice a little bit of
welding for one hour and exercise for a bit, relax and start my home work assignments. On other days
when I have extra time I use my time wisely to revise some school work as well as do some chores. I
sometimes visit the beach when I have some.

Reflection #3

As week 4 started the prime minister has announced that all vaccinated students from form 4 to 6 must
return to school by October 4 2021. Receiving this news I was both elated and anxious and unprepared
at the same time. Since the COVID 19 at that time was very bad and cases were skyrocketing cases and
deaths I was a bit scared to return to school as it can be easily spread. As it was one week before
physical school has started I decided to purchase my uniform and get ready for school the next week a I
was already fully vaccinated. I was excited to return to school as I would meet my friends and socialize. I
would also get physical teaching.

Reflection #4

It was the fifth week when I officially returned to school for after almost two years. I was very happy to
finally meet some of my friends who were vaccinated. Even though school has reopened it was fun but
the environment changed a lot as they were not many students as some were unvaccinated or some
were afraid to return to school because of their fear of getting and spreading the virus.

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