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Sustainable Development and Inclusive Growth - Via

Streamlining Regulations of Residential Welfare Associations

(Minimum Government - Maximum Governance - Vocal For Local -Technology & Traditions -Transforming India - Self Reliant India)

Ensuring Water for All, Clean Air for All, Food for All, Health Care for All, Education for All
Ensuring Steady Rise in Economy & Employment, Transparency & Accountability
Ensuring Social Equality, Safety, Empowerment, Constitutional Democracy & Nationalism Prevail

Pradeep Kumar Kunche

Think Social Engineering Think Me tweet@pradeepkunche

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1. Mandatory proportionate representation in every RWA managing committee

2. Changing the designation of "President", Secretary of RWA to coordinator/service provider, etc
3. GOI Provide unique ID (QR Code/Bar Coded) for every house / sub house replacing complicated / confusing
door numbers/ house numbers
4. Every RWA collects and provides details of ownership of every property in the RWA territory on the Govt
website with unique ID and property owners Aadhar or PAN number
5. GOI ban use of the words like "Land Lord", "Owner" of any property, and change "Property Owner" / Land
Lord to ‘Property Right Holder" in all forms of communication (oral / written/ documented)
6. Mandatory every RWA collect details of all people who are staying in that RWA with new additions in the RWA
houses every time someone joins in the Govt data base, online real-time
7. Mandatory details of rental properties, rent received, rental agreement, etc be made available in the Govt
database, and all rental payments be routed through Govt.
8. GOI must create National registry of properties consolidated detailing of property right holders in India
9. Mandatory every person living in RWA must provide details govt-issued cards
10. Mandatory all property transactions be based on the online sale agreement, online registration, and online
rental agreements to ensure accountability, transparency, and reduce frauds
11. RWA must collect details of education of persons from every household from parents of the students where
their children are studying, the school/college details, the amount of fee paid by them
12. RWA should register employed and unemployed persons in every household.
13. Mandatory all the recruitment of RWA staff through exclusive GOI created employment exchange from the
nearby residents, following constitutional reservations
14. Every RWA must gather details of workers working in every household, RWA in association with Govt provides
biometric Unique ID for every worker working in RWA
15. Mandatory dress code for the workers working in the RWA
16. Mandatory all payments received/ made by RWA be online
17. Mandatory RWA should collect the appropriate amount that is sufficient for salaries and common facility
18. Mandatory RWA must open bank account only in the Nationalised banks
19. Mandatory entry and exit to RWA via biometrics (visiting any resident in the RWA by walk, vehicle) Online
real-time storage of data of visitors in Govt cloud with biometric entry and exit at every RWA
20. Mandatory RWA has to provide through-fare to other RWA if through fare reduces travel distance
21. GOI make a law making all roads in the RWA (whether bitumen, cemented, or plan) be the property of Govt
22. GOI must promote the concept of Shared assets in the RWA.
23. Regulation of CC camera's in the RWA for ensuring the privacy of all habitants
24. Mandatory all RWA internal communication be automatic translation in all Indian local languages
25. Mandatory every RWA or group of RWA must send residents or security staff for community policing in that
26. GOI Ban digital video recording of homes in the name of "home tours" by residents in RWA, posting/uploading
in the social media
27. Mandatory all houses in RWA be insured, mandatory for every household to declare their interior work done
in the Govt data base
28. Mandatory every person living in RWA (from the day of birth) possess health insurance and all persons aged
above 18 possess accidental insurance by default, GOI pay the premium
29. Mandatory for every RWA to report missing children, women, men and also report of orphans living in the
RWA or RWA vicinity.
30. Mandatory every household to inform Govt about any travel to outstation through RWA

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31. Mandatory every household to inform GOI about foreign travel through RWA with details about foreign visits,
studying / employment in a foreign country or their immediate family members staying in foreign country.
GOI provides unique ID for individual who wish to travel abroad
32. All RWA homes must gather data of people with disabilities, all RWA must be disabled people friendly
33. RWA must gather details of aged 60 years in every RWA and details of pensioners in every RWA, Govt/pension
issuing agencies must use RWA for obtaining life certificate for pensioners
34. Mandatory RWA to identify, inform govt about pregnant women in that RWA
35. Mandatory Duty of the residents to inform the RWA about if any of their family members are suffering from
any communicable health disorders
36. GOI must make it mandatory all doctors (allopathy, Ayurveda) use bar-coded prescription forms, and provide
a detailed note on the line of treatment
37. Mandatory all registered medical doctor, trained nurse, ASHA residing in RWA must put a nameplate issued
by Govt with registration number and + symbol for the doctor, nurse, and ASHA
38. Every RWA must possess basic health equipment
39. Mandatory every RWA/ group of RWA possess a blood sample collection and inhouse processing unit within
the RWA premises
40. GOI provide incentives for RWA or group of RWA to provide space for a medical shop selling English medicine
and AYUSH medicines in the RWA vicinity
41. GOI must bring green leafy vegetable revolution in India, Mandatory to the rise of kitchen garden in common
areas in RWA and exchange for barter system with other RWA
42. Mandatory rise of medicinal plants in every RWA or group of RWA
43. GOI must make moringa revolution, make moringa rice as part of mid-day meal
44. Mandatory rise of neem, eucalyptus, and papal trees in every RWA, / group of RWA, Mandatory the municipal
administration, gram panchayat administration must raise, fresh air, fruit bearing trees
45. Mandatory to employ a trained gardener / hire a gardener by a group of small RWA for terrace gardening for
the rise of leafy vegetables, vegetables where ever possible
46. Promotion of Vocal for Local GOI develop an App for door delivery of groceries from the nearest Kirana stores
in the RWA, GOI provide credit facility for Kiran Stores
47. Mandatory quality testing facility in every RWA for testing quality of milk, mandatory to sell milk in barcoded
sealed packs, barcode reading of every milk pack, mandatory commercial users of milk in sealed bulk cans
48. GOI must educate people identifying food adulteration, Mandatory every RWA/ group of RWA possess quality
testing facility for testing edible oils, Mandatory every RWA possess facility for oils extraction, grinding
49. GOI must make standards for processing/ sale of meat with mandatory permission from GOI for cutting any
animal for meat
50. Mandatory every RWA uses energy-saving inverter LED bulbs in entry, exit, and common areas
51. Making it mandatory every RWA uses non-conventional energy
52. Standard equipment in every RWA for common use by household as and when required, to reduce the burden
on every house
53. Mandatory periodic maintenance of all electronic and electric devices in every household in the RWA
54. Every RWA must declare to Govt the amenities
55. Every RWA should ensure piped gas (LPG) for their residents
56. GOI must ensure supply of piped Goobar gas for RWA in rural areas reaches maximum rural household
57. Mandatory every household should have a water heater in wash area in the kitchen or external wash area for
servant maids in areas/ locations where winter temperatures are below 20 degrees centigrade in night
58. Every household to provide a covered place for washing the utensils/ clothes in the external areas in the flats/
individual houses
59. RWA be used for conservation of water

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60. Ban on use of bulk mineral water boltless in RWA and ban on use of mini-RO water / imposing additional cost
for owning mini-RO water plants, mandatory installation and supply of RO water by RWA
61. RWA can be best used for containing vehicular pollution
62. GOI establish subsided ready to eat food stalls in every RWA or group of RWA premises, GOI Support for
establishing inhouse kitchen in RWA and for street food joints in RWA premises
63. Mandatory every RWA or group of RWA possess a creche/ playschool
64. RWA should provide photos of path holes, soiled roads, etc in the common app by the RWA in their territory
to the local govt authorities
65. Every RWA should collect segregated waste products, segregated at RWA
66. Mandatory every RWA possesses all religious photos/ symbols at the entrance of the RWA, ban religious
names/ caste names for the RWA
67. Every household must inform RWA about functions in their home
68. Every RWA/ group of RWA's must possess a common hall for functions to celebrate functions by residents.
69. Govt must ban loud music in the RWA for any occasion
70. Ban on RWA putting restrictions on the rise of pets or use of lift by the residents for taking pets out of the
flats/ high rise buildings
71. Ban on rising political flags / NGO flags, religious flags in the RWA premises, or individual houses.
72. Ban writing on the RWA walls or any individual household compound walls in the RWA premises
73. Ban on camp offices of elected representatives in the RWA premises, ban offices of Lawyers, astrologers, etc
74. Creation of arbitration centers in every mandal, exclusively to resolve disputes in the RWA
75. Every RWA must subscribe to new papers/magazines for the RWA office
76. Every RWA must have a Broadband connection
77. Large screens in RWA community halls
78. Creation of Smart office / "e Govt Door Step Service System" in every RWA
79. Value of property in RWA is based on sustainable development parameters and shared assets of RWA
80. GOI ensure one family cow for every household with a scheme like "Har Ghar Gau Mata" by providing Tax
Concession for digitally financing farmers for purchase & rise a cow on behalf of household/ RWA and RWA
financing farmers for cultivation of staple food.

Standard templets and App’s for Data Collection, Reporting by RWA to Govt.


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Sustained development and inclusive growth of all sections are bases for creating a new India which is self-reliant,
for which there is an acute need for systematic and synergised cooperation from every person, every family, and
every home which can be achieved through regulations of Residential Welfare Associations- RWA, as RWA are the
core centres from where desired change in every sector can be made a reality, whether it is conserving electricity
and producing eco-friendly solar power or conserving water with various measures like creation of rainwater storage
or recycling wastage water etc or reduce air pollution by ensuring every RWA possess an EV Shuttle vehicle to ferry
people from the RWA to the nearest point of mass mode transport, also ensuring need for use of personal vehicles
by residents for daily needs by ensuing maximum daily need services are available at RWA like barber, washerman,
mobile groceries shop in the RWA or group of RWA to pick up vegetables or other groceries etc, ensuring best health
for all people via kitchen gardening and medicinal plants in the RWA common areas and every household.

Also, mandatory periodic maintenance of home appliances, pipes, motors, water tanks, etc in every household
through RWA, segregation of waste products and collecting separately at every household by RWA and recycling will
create waste to wealth, create millions of direct and indirect employments in addition, improve the clean
environment to a great extent, as periodic maintenance improves the efficiency of machines, contain wastage/need
for use of excess water/power.

Also, the RWA can be used for data collection and authentication of people/products whether it is population census,
or data of students, skilled/ semi-skilled/ unskilled workforce data of education, educational institutes where
students are studying, data of unemployed/ employment, data of employees (manufacturing units, sales/services,)
data of married couples, live-in relations, data of foreign study/employment, etc this measure ensure accuracy of
data, contain the scope for corruption, every RWA members be part of community police will further enhance
security, safety, of residents, reduces crimes to a great extent.

Since the introduction of Constructional amendments 73 and 74 to decentralize governance aiming at direct
participation of citizens in governance, unfortunately, not much participation of people or development has taken
place due to various factors, especially lack of coordinated efforts from people and household. The best way Govt
ensure people to get involved directly in governance, development and environment protection is through
streamlining regulations of RWA, as RWA are foundation centers, can Transform India to Self-Reliant India, A dream
of every Indian Citizen.

By streamlining regulations of RWA GOI ensuring people discharge their duty as citizens individually and collectively
upholding the ethos of Constitution of India "of the people for the people by the people" in letter and spirit.

Making uniform standard guild lines and by-laws for RWA with default settings in the system ensure people’s
participation, ensure cooperative spirt prevail, which is need for Sustained Development and Inclusive Growth of all
sections of people and Nation.

This document "Sustainable development in India vis Regulation of Residential Welfare Associations" is an extension
Minimum Government - Maximum Governance, Vocal for Local -Technology & Traditions -Transforming India to a –
Self-reliant India i.e Atma Nirbhar Bharat. The same was shared with GOI.

Streamlining regulations of RWA’s with the uniform by-laws and regulations with default settings ensure water
conservation, reduction of vehicular pollution, reduction of carbon footprints, ensuring health care for all, making
digitalized financial transactions to a maximum extent, and digital governance for generating data and for identifying
the issues / reporting the issues and ensuring issues are resolved in a fixed time frame, improving the efficiency of

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devices and reduced consumption of resources (power, water, etc) and best use of resources by recycling waste, is a
real reflection of Smart Cities, this also whip out common confusion of people about smart cities means automation.

Streamlining regulations of RWA can be started immediately in the urban habitations, at bare minimum costs for
Govt, and an initial little burden on every household (having enormous lifelong benefits), to get desired results in
various sectors quickly. As per estimates in the next few decades, people living in urban areas rises to over 50% from
current levels, streamlining RWA will resolve many issues in a big way whether water or clean air or health issues via
creating default settings in the RWA system.

Since most of the urban areas RWA's are already in place (Real Estate bill 2016) it is easy to streamline existing RWA’s,
and ensure all new RWA follow them through default settings. GOI should create RWA's in rural areas across India in
villages by marking the territorial jurisdiction of RWA with a group of houses in the villages with several RWA be the
same village based on the number of houses so that the exiting fault lines and vulnerabilities in community living are
fixed permanently making living habits a happier and healthier place.

The boundaries of RWA (physical as well as virtual) be marked by govt with the creation of entry and exit points and
easy access to the public roads. (RWA in the rural areas/slums in urban areas) to ensure equality, upholding /
prevailing constitutional system. GOI must ban the creation of RWA in the name of caste/religion/gender and ban
RWA indulging in discrimination/ imposing particular thought processes violating constitutional rights of people by
promoting age-old varna system and pseudo-religious fundamentalism for personal and political gains.

Since GOI promoting Atma Nirbhar Bharat and Vocal for Local, this can be achieved by streamlining regulations of
RWA's ensuring services like gardeners for rising leafy vegetables locally within the RWA, ensuring Farmers directly
sell in every RWA or group of RWA, ensure people are healthy via eating healthy foods at low cost. Ensuring perfect
health of all residents through consuming natural fresh foods, plant extracts following the Naturopathy and Ayurveda
(available locally at RWA) ensure the wealth of individual, family, nation get enhanced, reduce people being at mercy
of doctors/hospitals (open secret due to lack of proper transparent and accountable system in Health care sector,
with exception to few percentage of good doctors / hospitals, majority of the doctors/nursing homes/corporate
hospitals indulging in using patients, especially poor patients, elderly patients as cash cows, line of treatment causes
side effects so that patients are made to go for diagnostic tests after tests, visit doctor/hospital again and again so
that they get perennial revenues, swindling public tax paid money given by Govt for poor for health care treatment,
and personal money of middleclass/higher class), relieve from using synthetic chemical-based allopathy drugs with
side effects (which are mostly made by corporate/MNC Pharma at high costs), relieve people from visiting doctors/
corporate hospitals, becoming a regular client for them. Natural fresh food at the doorstep is the first step of vocal
for local and transforming India, to Atma Nirbhar Bharat

India having 2/3 youth population, need for elderly care and children care is more in future, so reducing depending
on English medicines and their generic versions to avoid their side effects is need of the hour in the process of
ensuring cost-effective no side effects cure, which is essential for making people healthy, family live stress free, which
is essential for Sustained development and Inclusive growth of Nation, making India Self-reliant i.e Ama Nirbhar
Bharat, to make this a reality GOI should ensure the majority of people in India adopt food-based cure i.e Naturopathy
as a "primary option" to stay healthy always, if any health issues arise use home remedies for relief (24/7 tele
guidance of Ayush doctors regarding usage/dosage) and use English medicines/treatment as an "alternative option"
for emergency relief and for undergoing surgeries under unavoidable circumstances. GOI make naturopathy as part
of daily life in all sections of people through RWA, ensuring natural foods leafy vegetables, home remedy medicinal
plants are available to every household. This is true Nationalism, as Naturopathy is part of Indian culture, makes
people healthy naturally, people’s health is primary for Nation Building.

GOI must promote Naturopathy, Indian Traditional Medicine Ayurveda, and Ayurveda based Phyto Pharma/Akin to
Phyto Pharma (active compounds of food and plant-based medicines relieve most health disorders most effectively
with no or minor non-serious side effects, best safe medicines for children and elderly) in a targeted fixed time frame
educating people, making people adopt /follow these systems as part of their life, GOI must aim at Disease Free India-
DFI in a fixed time frame (like how GOI achieved ODF India) for healthy people, healthy India.

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Creation of basic Indian traditional food centers for daily eating/ mess/canteen in every Big RWA or group of RWA
for providing fresh quality nutritious breakfast for residents at the cost to cost and providing free for staff/workers
from RWA will not only make every resident/worker hunger-free but healthy, a real vocal for local.

Also, in the process of reassuring health periodic health check-ups, periodic blood tests for every person living in the
RWA at the RWA premises by establishing blood diagnostic equipment in every RWA or group of RWA ensuring
accurate results, will further ensure early diagnosis and taking preventive measures or early treatment ensuing better
and quicker cure for most health issues, rather than making people run to corporate diagnostic centers for simple
blood tests wasting time, money, and using vehicles, feeling stressed. This is real vocal for locals.

The vocal for local be used to create a mini pulverising / flour mills/ oil mills in every RWA or group of RWA to ensure
people get fresh powers like turmeric, chilli power, wheat flour, gram floor/chickpea flour, etc and also edible oils
like groundnut oil, sesame seed oil, mustard seed oil, sunflower seed oil, etc freshly and the issue of adulterated oils,
adulterated flours be avoided in case of buying from unbranded packed oils/flours, this measure contains buying the
packed oils/flours made by Gaint Corporate companies This measure is real vocal for local, providing health for
people in RWA, this measure creates millions of employments,

The vocal for local be used for establishing a barber facility in every RWA and employ a barber or make barber visit
will further reduces the need for travel for a haircut and ensure barber at door sept i.e at RWA premises from locally
available trained barbers at fixed costs, rather than promoting culture of MNC haircut shops spending huge sums for
haircut/shaving, traveling through vehicles causing pollution, increasing traffic density, etc. this true vocal for local.

Vocal for local be used to establish tailor shops in every RWA or group of RWA with the financial support of Govt
providing the latest sewing machines, especially for SHG for stitching the men and women clothing, reduces people,
especially women going out for shopping need visiting corporate brands or MNC Brands and clothes be stitched
within the RWA premises (people can create their own designs at low cost), reduces pollution, creates millions of
employments, a true vocal for local.

Taking forward Indian tradition of every household owing a holy cow by GOI promoting a scheme “Har Ghar Gau
Mata” enabling household/ RWA fund the farmer (anywhere in India) to buy cow and raise it on their behalf, and
the milk equivalent to their fund be given to the household anywhere through providing digital milk exchange
coupons, and small and marginal farmer get additional income, and also use the cow dung for natural farming, goober
gas providing health for all and environment, and in future the same method be used for funding farmers by RWA
to produce staple food like millets, rice, wheat and also vegetables and get anywhere in India through online
exchange system ad supplied by farmers association selling them in every RWA. This is game changer measure
promoting Traditions and technology, ensuring sustained development and inclusive growth-an Atma Nirbhar Bharat.

These kinds of measures create millions of direct employments in RWA and indirect employment in other sectors,
due to the rise of purchase power of millions of people employed directly in RWA and indirectly in other sectors help
in transforming India to New India which is Atma Nibhar Bharat.

The following are some of the salient reforms needed in streamlining Residential Welfare Associations- RWA, which
is otherwise mostly discussed in detail in my document "UNIFORM STANDARD BY-LAWS & REGULATIONS FOR ALL
year 2016.

The reforms ensure Water for all, food for all, health for all, education for all, energy efficiency, energy-saving,
segregation of waste, recycling waste to wealth, creation of millions of employment creation of cyclic economy, all
through ensuring equality democracy nationalism, and constitutional governance system prevails.

1) Mandatory proportionate representation in every RWA managing committee as per the percentage of the
population of caste, religion, gender, and fixed tenure and every household should become an RWA governing
member for a fixed tenure based on the total population of households

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2) Changing the designation of "President", Secretary of RWA to coordinator/service provider, etc to remind the
association governing committee members about their role to work for common good of all residents as a
common co habitant rather than behaving like head of the own private republic territory (RWA), having authority
to dictate terms to others creating by-laws according to the whims and fancies to help themselves at the cost of
others. GOI must make fixed tenure for governing body at RWA and keep changing RWA governing members
once in two years, by lottery system from among those who have not represented the governing body of the
RWA rather than doing so-called namesake/titular elections which are fixed by vested interests all the times, this
measure will further reduce favoritism, Nepotism, bias, corruption in RWA, beginning of inclusive growth

3) GOI Provide unique ID (QR Code/Bar Coded) for every house / sub house replacing complicated / confusing
door numbers/ house numbers, which has multiple advantages, also limiting maximum sub divisions in every
house especially in slums, and every person staying on rent will be easily identifiable, mandatory to declare
persons living in every household whether on rent or free, paying guest for paying for food etc Digital Bar
coding/QR coded address enable identification/ delivery of letters, parcels, e commerce groceries in the RWA
independent houses/ villas or at the entrance in the designated place in the apartments/ high rise buildings to
avoid delivery persons go to every house hold in apartments.

Since GOI initiated the SVAMITVA scheme for mapping properties in rural areas, the same can be used in urban
areas along with door-to-door data collection for giving the digital coded address for properties in urban areas.

The Unique ID for every house will ensure that Postal/ courier/ e-commerce goods are delivered to the correct
address, as the delivery person has to take the QR code scan in the location, for this the QR code is linked to GPS
so that the delivery is confirmed. This will also enable us to assess how many times the visitors/ e-commerce
delivery visits the house, and also the amount spends by the household on e-commerce. Installing CC cameras in
the apartments designated area or CC camera at security in the gated communities /independent houses all with
live view by the residents in their mobile from their home or anywhere, helpers deliver the same to the house
hold/ flat immediately or when they're available will relive both receivers, senders from staying in home, also
delivery persons from visiting several times.

Address verification by any Govt agency be can be done through RWA data on an automatic basis (like address
verification for the issue of passport etc), all Govt / private agencies where address is needed can use the Govt
RWA database along with linking Unique ID of residence along with unique od of the individual, whether it is a
bank account or unique id of the employee or any other unique ID.

4) Every RWA collects and provides details of ownership of every property in the RWA territory on the Govt
website with unique ID and property owners Aadhar or PAN number so that the National database of all
property owners be created. It should be mandatory for the owners of the property to provide if they are paying
income tax / possess pan number, property tax, details of electricity, water, property tax, etc for the property
they own. This will enable Govt to assess tax evasion, also enforces owners to pay taxes.

5) GOI ban use of the words like "Land Lord", "Owner" of any property, and change "Property Owner" / Land
Lord to ‘Property Right Holder" in all forms of communication (oral / written/ documented ) This measure is
necessary keep the people who acquired property live on the ground, behave like human beings, and reduce
ego/ arrogance / larger than life and some from becoming psychopaths, as it a common syndrome that those
who own the property by any means whether earned through illegal money earned via corruption or tax evasion
or through bank loan, or earned righteously, they feel proud and make them arrogant, because of the designation
owner/ land lord), The words owner/ Land Lord makes most property right holders ruthless, ethics less and
humanity less, think that all people who possess a property in the same RWA are righteous people and great/first
rated citizens and all others who live as tenants / working in RWA /household as second rated people born to be

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at the disposal of the so called owners/landlords, even when their property is still in loan and the title deeds are
with banks who funded them or who mortgaged the property and obtained loan (business/ personal loan etc)

GOI must make it mandatory every house hold display at the front door in standard size, standard font (English
and regional language) details of bank finance, in case purchased on loan/ if mortgaged for any kind of loan, with
Unique ID and barcode/QR Code of the house.

It is an open fact that the majority of the properties owned by people use cash portion which is unaccounted by
them or even if they are accounted pay to the builder in cash, which the builder makes it mostly unaccounted
evading tax, all this due to loopholes/ fault lines in system of governance. GOI must make it mandatory for every
property right holder to disclose the source of funding, and VDS swearing on the almighty they believe in that
they purchased with hard-earned tax paid money, did not give any unaccounted money, every builder must
disclose the same that he/ his staff did not demand/ accepted any cash for the sale of the property to anyone.

State Govt and GOI are indulging in writing on the vehicles and homes and even toilets with large letters that this
vehicle/ home/ toilet is funded/ subsidized to SC/ST/OBC/Minority people by the State Govt/ Central Govt, then
Govt changing designation, display of loan is very much justified after all banks give loans from public deposited
money. This measure induce equality in the majority of the property rights holders in the RWA and ensure
cooperative spirit/ team spirit prevail, rather than allowing property right holders to discriminate/denigrate
tenants exhibiting hegemony of ownership and treating tenants as lower class, and staff of RWA and other
workers working in the household as third-rated citizens

6) Mandatory every RWA collect details of all people who are staying in that RWA with new additions in the RWA
houses every time someone joins in the Govt data base, online real-time, along with details of Aadhar card,
mother tong/dialect, ability to read and write other languages, their native place. Mandatory for residents in
any RWA to inform the RWA about the new place/address of the RWA where they are shifting within the
city/district/state or other states, this will automatically update the address for communication after
confirmation from RWA for joining of a new people, reconfirming biometric details, this measure ensures all
addresses for communication in Govt issued cards/ certificates, etc be changed by default settings in the system.
Also this measure help in identifying foreigners living in India illegally. Als help in automatic issue of voter ID card
etc once the child become major crossing 18 years. This measure help in creating National Registry of Citizens.

7) Mandatory details of rental properties, rent received, rental agreement, etc be made available in the Govt
database, and all rental payments be routed through Govt. Also, it should be mandatory every house in RWA
must put details of property which they intended to give on rent / lease in the standard format on the Govt web
for rentals so that it will be easy for people who are seeking a house for rent.

Govt should marginalize the culture of rental broking service providers, for those who wish to use the services of
real estate broking services, GOI determine the fee for offering real estate / rental broking service, the amount
of fee be fixed amount per house/plot and GOI impose ban taking one-month rent / 15 days rent or percentage
of the rent as brokerage fees, as this leads to "do nothing and get free money for showing a house by brokers",
and hard-earned money of mostly middle-class employees who take on rent are suffer, all intermediates' fees be
paid digitally through RWA.

GOI must make it mandatory all rental income be linked to bank account of the property right holder where the
property loan was pending and EMI’s are due to make sure the first right of the rental income goes to house loan
EMI on the property from where the rent is received. All rental incomes must be deposited in Govt account with
automatic transfer to the bank account of the property right holder, this measure is will reduce loan defaults. In
case of property is given free for living then GOI must make rent of the property as money gifted and gift tax be

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paid by persons who are staying free, based on the income group of the person who is living free (only no
income/low-income group people like servant maids/ security be allowed to live free in others houses, all others
must pay market rent determined by Govt or pay gift tax)

GOI must make standards for fixing house rent in the RWA to ensure fair pricing based on local amenities and
response to the call given by Govt for sustained development like water conservation, electricity conservation
etc, instead of allowing the property owners to fix at whims and fancies, this measure reduces over pricing /
cartel of property right holders in RWA.

8) GOI must create National registry of properties consolidated detailing of property right holders in India by
consolidating data of all property right holders across India. Mandatory every doctor, hospital owners,
bureaucrats (Govt, PSU) and Elected representatives from GP to Parliaments) must disclose their family tree and
the details of properties owned by them and their immediate family members in RWA's (and all other
commercial/ agriculture properties, all property with Unique ID and details of ownership, relation) and the RWA
should confirm the same. This measure reduces corruption to a great extent, as most of the corrupt people own
residential plots/homes/farmhouses in their name or their immediate family members in their hometown/ place
of living, with money earned through corrupt means.

9) Mandatory every person living in RWA must provide details govt-issued cards, like Aadhar card, voter card, PDS
Ration card, passport, and part details of bank accounts, credit cards, loans, etc. the details be uploaded by the
resident of the RWA in the RWA special App, the details are stored in the Govt cloud directly, as soon as the
resident changes house from one RWA to other RWA anywhere in India, then change of address be automatically
updated and a new card be issued.

Mandatory the Unique ID of every household where the person is living (whether in own house or on rental
bases) be imposed on all cards issued by Govt or private so that the issue of the writing of address be eliminated
and, details of authorised persons scan the QR code/ bar code for address details be stored in the Govt cloud.
The banks and private lenders can get address updates from the govt database. All the recovery of loans be only
through automatic bank attachment. This measure reduces NPA's in credit cards or any loan defaulters. This
measure also helps in identifying leal foreigners staying in India, identifying illegal stay of foreigners in India.

The data of residents of every household in every RWA coupled with data of Govt issued ID cards like Voter ID
cards, Aadhar, Passport, Ration cards, etc will help in making a National database of Citizens of India.

10) Mandatory all property transactions be based on the online sale agreement, online registration, and online
rental agreements to ensure accountability, transparency, and reduce frauds, as online sale agreements (before
official registration of property to the buyer) will contain frauds selling the same property for various people by
fraud owners, reduce corruption at the land registration offices, online standard rental agreements will ensure
exact rent collected and who are about to stay in the house, and all payments for property traction whether
buying or selling or leasing be only through digital payments contain black money transactions.

11) RWA must collect details of education of persons from every household from parents of the students where
their children are studying, the school/college details, the amount of fee paid by them, will help in identifying
recognised/unrecognised educational institutions. Also, details of education of all others whether they are
educated, uneducated if educated from where they obtained their certificates like degree/ post-graduate, name
of the educational institute, city/ town year of study, year of passing, the certificate details (to be uploaded
directly to the digital locker of GOI via RWA app) this will eliminate fake/unrecognized educational institutions.
GOI should create a separate symbol for honorary doctorate holders, Ph.D. doctorate holders, medical doctors
(Ayush/ Allopathy) these measures help in identifying and closure of fake/unrecognised educational institutions.

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12) RWA should register employed and unemployed persons in every household. Mandatory for the household to
declare details of employment and source of earnings, RWA should collect details of employment of every
employee living in the RWA like the name of the organization, employment letter, employee id place of work,
nature of work, the person whom they are reporting, their contact details by RWA , details are stored directly in
the Govt cloud database, Also, mandatory every household must declare the source of income, whether business
or employment, if business what business, if employment where they are working, employers details. This can
be further ascertained through income deposited in the bank as a mark of earning, each profession wise and the
payments should reflect that the employee/service obtained from such a person, supported by bank statement.

The details are uploaded directly in the govt cloud without any record for the RWA to avoid any privacy issues.
This measure will further useful in containing non-registered organizations doing illegal business/ tax evasion,
identification & containing manufacturing /sale of spurious products, illegal prostitution/ drug peddling etc.
This measure provides accurate data of employed and unemployed, RWA data be used for assessment of various
types of organized/ unorganized employment and ensure uniform workload and uniform wages. This data can
be used for skilling and skill upgrading etc. this can be used for assessing the exact earnings of each profession-
wise and helps in redistribution of work so that where there exists more demand the skilled workers be provided
the necessary support for relocation to areas where demand exist. This will create more employment.

13) Mandatory all the recruitment of RWA staff through exclusive GOI created employment exchange from the
nearby residents, following constitutional reservations and standard number of employees in every RWA based
on the number of households, the extent of RWA area, etc (number of security staff, common road cleaning staff
the EV shuttle vehicles, electrician, plumber, gardener, etc), nepotism in the recruitment, reduces burden
(overburden) on staff. This is the beginning of reservation for SC ST OBC Women in private employment.

14) Every RWA must gather details of workers working in every household, RWA in association with Govt provides
biometric Unique ID for every worker working in RWA like servant maid, sweepers, Watchman/ Security staff,
etc, all salaries of workers working in a household in RWA be routed through Govt. all payments to be routed
through RWA maintenance or through Govt to ensure minimum payment be made. This measure contains
bonded labor culture and also ensures righteous payment for hard-working people.

15) Mandatory dress code for the workers working in the RWA whether they are security staff or maids or drivers,
gardener, barbers,' washermen, plumbers, electrician, etc and mandatory to provide winter protection sweaters
of standard material/ gauze/thread count/ make (like the same quality GOI providing for military/ armed forces)
and an umbrella, raincoat and water-resistant boots for the rainy season and an umbrella for summer heat). This
is a basic amenity that should be provided by every household / RWA to their employees. RWA to choose dress
code and color of dress from standard designs and neutral colour issued by govt (not reflecting colour of religious
or pollical party flags) is one way of promoting locally available dress materials and also local traditional dress /
respecting the culture in that region.

16) Mandatory all payments received/ made by RWA be online, for staff salaries/equipment/services etc,. also
monthly maintenance charges of every household be paid online, making maximum payments in the household
be routed through RWA maintenance charges to save time and reduce unnecessary trips by vendors/service
providers, the payments include the paper bill, milk bill, electricity bill, water bill, payment to servant maids,
periodic maintenance charges based on the equipment each household possess this measure is real DIGITAL
INDIA, reduces cash component increases more transparency

17) Mandatory RWA should collect the appropriate amount that is sufficient for salaries and common facility
charges like electricity for common lighting, common water, free food for RWA employees, free EV Shuttle for

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All residents. Etc plus a maximum of 10% additional to the basic costs, for use in any emergency. the number of
permeant employees or use of temporary employees and salary for permeant employees be determined by Govt

18) Mandatory RWA must open bank account only in the Nationalised banks, Mandatory for all RWA to provide a
detailed note on expenditure for all expenditure with every month bank statement of RWA be provided to every
resident including the tenants staying in the RWA, tenants too possess same rights as property rights holders.
Mandatory to audit all RWA by a qualified charted accountant.

GOI provide guarantee/insurance for the funds of every RWA. in case any RWA member fails to pay the monthly
maintenance charges, GOI may extent a small loan/ overdraft amount via bank to the RWA, the overdraft amount
be used only for payment of salaries and statutory payments like electricity and water, mandatory all money
collected from residents and payments made by 100% digital payments.

Ban on use of RWA funds for personal use or investment in shares/ cryptocurrency etc or any other investment
by the RWA. Standard design for parks in the RWS and avoid luxury for at least 10 years, the money be used for
the common good for health care, food, etc

Mandatory audit in big RWA's for laying/relaying of internal roads/ road repair works (works cost exceeding Rs
one lakh), all road, building works must be at CPWD rates, the contractor is chosen locally from te registered in
the Govt and the contractor is responsible for minimum guarantee period. Separate registration for contractors
for RWA each block-wise/ mandal wise and the contractors be chosen by lottery from among the applied else
GOI allocate contractor in case no one applies. This will avoid favoritism, nepotism, bias, the app for contractors
to bid in any RWA is centralized to ensure all contractors get the works in RW equally to avoid one control
becoming rich others with no work, ensure equal work distribution and equal earnings.

19) Mandatory entry and exit to RWA via biometrics (visiting any resident in the RWA by walk, vehicle) Online
real-time storage of data of visitors in Govt cloud with biometric entry and exit at every RWA, all residents
must inform RWA in case visitor staying overnight, and the relation of the visitor, like an immediate family
member, friend, colleague, acquittance, etc, and the details of visitor be loaded in RWA network to ascertain the
authenticity, record visit of the visitor in GOI data base.

Online real-time storage of data of visitors in Govt cloud with biometric entry and exit at every RWA, ensure data
privacy, data be made available only to law enforcement agencies only in case needed, this will eliminate writing
of phone numbers, name, etc of the visitors of every house, as till date the data be known to the security staff,
and the so-called governing members causing privacy threats.

Visitor's data of all RWA across India be shared online real-time with National CCTNS - Crime and Criminal
Tracking Network and Systems. This measure will eliminate criminals hiding in other places, easy to nab criminals,
reduce crime to a great extent.

Details of visitors of residents who are bachelors be shared with the parents, / guardians/family members of both
bachelor as well as visitor. This will relieve stress in parents, reduce illegitimate acts, non-registered live-in
relations. (GOI must bring law to make it mandatory to register live-in relations, and mandatory to provide stay
as a single couple in any RWA only after producing online marriage registration or live-in relation registration,
else can be treated as illegal stay out of marriage.

Limit the number of visitors per house in the RWA for any occasion/functions celebrated by individual households
like a birthday or any other gathering, functions above a certain number of visitors be done only in the RWA
common community hall rather than making use of the independent house or the flat lift several times by
hundreds of people choking the internal road/lift/ passage to the apartment.

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20) Mandatory RWA has to provide through-fare to other RWA if through fare reduces travel distance of neighbor
RWA by at least one kilometer. this measure will save millions of kilometers of travel of vehicles, reduce pollution
directly/indirectly, contribute to a green environment This through fare be only for residents and EV of RWA and
not for e-commerce delivery or any other visitors.

21) GOI make a law making all roads in the RWA (whether bitumen, cemented, or plan) be the property of the
Govt so that it allows power for Govt to alter its use in the larger interest, as the roads in the RWA are not
registered in individual household's name, only the extent of the property is registered in individual plot
households' name (even if developers/builders charging for common roads while selling plot/building), when GOI
mining laws are such what is under the earth is its property of Govt and several lakhs of crores of rupees mineral
wealth from tribals and Dalits habitats (the mineral wealth is otherwise God-given properties to indigenous
people, nature worshiper tribals and Dalits for protecting nature for centuries) The fact is the majority of the
mining activity in India whether iron ore, bauxite or gold or diamonds are in thick tribal/ Dalit habitats for
centuries, because of this GOI made most of the mining areas in India as reserved for ST/ SC in assembly/
parliament constituencies.

GOI declaring common roads of RWA as Govt property (to be allowed to use by RWA exclusively in general,
however when needed through fare be given only to other residents) will reflect the Govt’s commitment to
ensuring equality of all removing discrimination between SC ST and poor and other wealth holders who are
mostly upper caste/ upper echelons, also reflect Govt’s commitment towards reduction of carbon emissions, as
through-fare reduces millions of kilometres of travel by vehicles daily.

22) GOI must promote the concept of Shared assets in the RWA. In the process of ensuring facilitates as children
play, parks, gym, etc be available to all children /people, especially living in small, as small RWA may not be able
to create such amenities due to lack of space and financial burden due to a smaller number of households, GOI
introduce concept of shared assets by big RWA with such amenities to smaller neighbouring RWA, by providing
tax incentives to big RWA for sharing amenities, the amount of tax concession depends upon the number of users
of the facility by the neighboring RWA. GOI should ensure a fixed value of the property based for shared RWA,
to the value of the property determined based on greenery App for RWA's to share their roads parks, gym other
amenities with other RWA members. This measure enhances Cooperative Spirit.

23) Regulation of CC camera's in the RWA for ensuring the privacy of all habitants as it is a common syndrome that
most of the perverted minded neighbor / opposite house people place CC cameras in their premises in such a
manner that the CC camera record their neighbors or opposite house people to a maximum extent to create
mental harassment for their neighbors/ opposite house people, some people do it intentionally to monitor other
people illegally, especially on tenants by owners with the connivance of neighbor/ opposite house owners.

This unregulated CC Camera in RWA become a serious threat to the safety, and health of women, especially
single mothers or women whose family is out of station mostly due to work nature, they feel stressed and get
psychologically distracted if they see a camera of the opposite house or neighbors house focused on their home
main entrance or kitchen entrance, as most of such perverted neighbors who focus their CC camera on other
neighbors use high-end AI-Based CC Camera which will target only specific people and also can record more than
20 meters length and also record voices.

GOI issues standard guidelines for installation of CC cameras either by RWA or by individual households in the
RWA, Ideal GOI ban use of individual household CC cameras in gated community RWA like apartments, high rise
buildings, or villas, as the entry and exit and common roads/ corridors are monitored by RWA.

In RWA/ housing societies where individual houses are built are scattered such houses may keep additional
security CC cameras, GOI ensures CC cameras are fixed in the common roads covering all sides of the houses/
RWA/ society in such RWA where houses are scattered to ensure security, GOI creates a fixed entry and fixed

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exit for all such RWA and imposes fine for deviation for entry into RWA other than fixed entry/exit, all such RWA's
be monitored through GPS of the vehicles for finding deviation(GOI must make GPS in every vehicle) and persons
coming by a walk by trespassing into RWA / household be treated as theft / illegal and fine be imposed. This
measure improves safety and security.

24) Mandatory all RWA internal communication be automatic translation in all Indian local languages so that all
internal communication of RWA be made available to all RWA members in English as well as in all local languages,
which enables RWA members who know only their regional mother tong can understand the communication
(RWA’s are mini-India with all-state people live, aged people know the only regional language)

25) Mandatory every RWA or group of RWA must send residents or security staff for community policing in that
locality, Govt fix the territorial limits of group of RWA and Govt ensure High resolution CC cameras are fixed on
the streets in the RWA zones in the approach roads from the main roads, and mini command control rooms
should be established in every group of RWA/ in Govt designated place in every Residential zones, the designated
persons from RWA/ RWA security in community policing duty are trained to observe the large screen which are
linked to live feed of CC cameras in the approach roads, and access to Govt installed CC cameras. Based on need
RWA community police do physical patrolling in the RWA zone limits, all community police should wear ba
standard body jacket fitted with body camera to record their activity. this will contain crimes. RWA Community
police personal be used for initial search in case of police get any information on hideout of any accused/ criminal
on the run. This measure saves lot of time ensure safety and security of residents using technology.

26) GOI Ban digital video recording of homes in the name of "home tours" by residents in RWA, posting /uploading
in the social media, GOI must make automatic deletion for all exiting home tours in social media. As these home
tours are causing stress and jealously in the households and take away peace in the households by coming their
home with others, the home tours cause insecurity in people who watch home tours of friends/neighbours
curiously and feel that they do not possess such assets, as their family income/ spouse income may not sufficient
to get such assets. this may lead people to drift towards towards corruption/ illegal earnings to make their home
luxury and make their spouse/children feel happy and get pride/respect from them like how it was reflected in
others home tour, this may lead to illegal earnings in the household like prostitution, drugs, etc in future.

The home tours may lead to uncontrolled theft and dacoity in the future (despite community police, unnecessary
strain to community police and police, judiciary) Also there is every possibility that people may invest only in
acquiring luxury items by avoiding spending on food and health care (in the absence of provision debit card.
Which is 25% of earning fixed for purchase of groceries exclusively by every income earner/ family) so-called
home tour become a social distractor, make people depressed with psychologic disorders on the rise if not
stooped immediately this may lead to porn on the videos in future, so banning home tours by GOI to ensure all
sections of people live with what God has given happily within their resources and strive to earn honestly.

27) Mandatory all houses in RWA be insured, mandatory for every household to declare their interior work done
in the Govt data base GOI must create a sperate web portal for declaring interior work done by households in
the RWA, all new additions in their home from time to time with proof of bill be added to the data base. GOI
authorities may use RWA, for inspection of household, directing RWA to do a random / lotter bases 1/10 of
household a surprise inspection tour in the Govt App so that it will make household honest. This will bring
transparency and accountability in expenditure by household, contain corruption, tax evaded money to use in
creating the luxury interiors at home by all elite/ employees (Govt and Pvt) and business persons/ mediators)

Mandatory insurance premium of house be paid through RWA/ insurance details be submitted to RWA, ideal
renewal of insurance of vehicles and insurance of other household luxury items (including mobile phones,
laptops. Luxury items above Rs 20,000) done through RWA, it should be choice of the household to use the
services of any insurance provider. This measure ensures honest tax paid money be used for luxury in homes

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28) Mandatory every person living in RWA (from the day of birth) possess health insurance and all persons aged
above 18 possess accidental insurance by default, GOI pay the premium, it is up to individual’s for taking further
insurance according to their choice. This measure is necessary to ensure universal health care in India, and also
relive people from stress in case of accidental death. GOI should pay the premium amount insurance for health
care and accidental insurance as streamlining regulations of RWA drastically reduce Govt work load, costs and
RWA provide data of various nature, RWA providing millions of jobs, and additional tax in the form of enhanced
purchase power of millions, GOI should treat/consider paying premium for health insurance and accidental
insurance as investment for sustained development and inclusive growth.

29) Mandatory for every RWA to report missing children, women, men and also report of orphans living in the
RWA or RWA vicinity. This measure ensures easy identification of children who are missed from homes, who
are kidnapped etc, also easy identification of young couples who eloped and living in other persons homes as
live-in relation or married secretly without official registration, (whether both are unmarried or one of them
married and other is unmarried), this mandatory reporting of missed children, youth, men, women and reporting
of new entry in every RWA will further contain forced marriages/ so-called Love Jihads to a great extent, provide
safety to girls and women, as identification of people who are eloped will be easy (if anyone in love irrespective
of religion, caste, income they should apply online for pre-marriage registration and also inform police for
protection if they need protection from their family, the marriage pre-registration must have the facility for such
legally eligible couple who intended to marry at their will, no one in the world should stop their marriage, and if
the couple wish should file online FIR for police protection in pre marriage registration itself)

This measure makes it easy to identify aged / elderly men who are having dementia, who lost memory due to
accidents etc reliving the stress in their family/children by ensuring they are united with family.

This measure of mandatory reporting of missing young women, coupled with mandatory to inform if their
children are living in other places, etc will enable to identify the young women living separately or in others
houses as hostages / or as sex workers/ indulging in prostitution by force/ intentionally and managing the
prostitution rockets whereas informing their family that they are working in other big cities/ big companies etc
be contained to a great extent (GOI must ban position in all forms or legalize position under stringent conditions
to ensure women are not subjected to exploitation by criminals/ brothels, and if any women who have turned
major and attained minimum marriage age, it is up to her wish to use her body to make money, but women
should not be subjected to toucher/ exploitation- Ref my Doc Reforms inmarriage laws Year 2016)

GOI must impose and implement a ban on begging in streets/ at traffic islands/ at religious places like temples,
cheches, masjids, gurdwaras, or any other place, making it a criminal offense to use children.

RWA should be formed even in slums and juggi jopids and the details are made through voluntary help from
other RWA's in that nearby vicinity or by the local govt.

Mandatory every household whether in Slums or posh areas declare pregnancy, childbirth, if adopted children
then details of adoption, etc otherwise it should be treated as rising theft child and action be initiated starting
with DNA for child and their parents where the child is raised.

It should be a criminal office on the part of RWA / individual household for not reporting pregnancy, birth, death,
penalty for non-reporting by RWA should reduce the market value of property in that RWA in addition to the
imposition of a fine for RWA to be paid by all members of RWA equally as part of maintenance charges. CC
cameras located at the entrance of the RWA where the data is stored in the Govt cloud can be used to identify
the violations, more Surveillance in slums and other places where RWA administration is managed by others.

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Mandatory for All hospitals/ nursing homes, midwifes to report pregnancy, birth, and death with RWA details of
their parents/ persons, ban on home delivery of pregnant women, also midwives be registered and midwives are
used for caring only in an emergency at rural areas if delivery pains start prematurely before the due date given
by doctors. This measure marginalise for crimes makes children and women safe and secure to the maximum.

This measure reduces children, missing persons be used for medical purposes for medicinal drug testing or for
getting the organs (like kidney, leaver, heart, eyes), etc illegally to transplant, GOI must make it mandatory all
organ transplants be informed to GOI in standard format in advance with details of donors and recipients.

This measure of mandatory reporting of missing children along with mandatory reporting of pregnancy and
mandatory reporting of birth/death/ headcount in the RWA will contain stealing infants/children from hospitals,
houses and use for selling to illegal adoption centers or criminal use by the roadside begging/ at the traffic island,
rising children to use as traffics of narcotics/drugs or for organ extortion, this system enables easy identification
of infants/ children, anywhere in India, scientifically through DNA tests, every household/women in every RWA
should explain how they got the child. This measure contains missing infants/children to a great extent.

All the details of all RWA regarding the missed children, old aged men, and women are uploaded in the public
domain and visible for all other RWA for searching the database, whereas missing young men and women will be
in the database only accessible to the police CCTNS network on automatic bases, all missing persons and all
orphans data be in the CCTNS, police can check not only the RWA network but the entire hotels, resorts, hospitals,
nursing homes across India to identify the occupants and safely help them to reach their family.

30) Mandatory every household to inform Govt about any travel to outstation through RWA to enhance security
surveillance through Community police and CC camera surveillance this measure reduces thefts, dacoity and
reduces stress in people, enable the entire family to travel (like for pilgrimage, tourism, family functions).

31) Mandatory every household to inform GOI about foreign travel through RWA with details about foreign visits,
studying / employment in a foreign country or their immediate family members staying in foreign country.
GOI provides unique ID for individual who wish to travel abroad and same is shared with Indian embassies of
the foreign country. GOI must make it mandatory to quote the unique foreign travel id to purchase tickets for
travel from India to foreign and from foreign to India.

Mandatory to quote unique ID to receive or send money to foreign country where their family members are
staying will bring in transparency and accountability. Unique ID for every Indian who is traveling to a foreign
country will ensure spending by parents/ family members on foreign travel or education or what every they
receive from foreign countries are legitimate tax paid money.

Mandatory for RWA to collect details of residents who are traveling abroad or children studying/ settled in
abroad, mandatory every resident must provide details in the special App of GOI will reduce illegal travel by
Indians to a foreign country without a valid visa knowingly/ unknowingly, no Indian is subjected to cheating, body
shopping, or taken as bonded labor in the pretext of a marriage of young girls/ boys or staying after the expiry of
the visa in that foreign country illegally etc.

This measure enables easy identification of Indians studying abroad, doing employment/ business abroad,
settling in aboard with valid visa/ valid citizenship of that foreign country, and contain illegal stay of Indians in
any foreign country living like illegal immigrants. and also ensure to integrate people of same mother tong, same
state, same district, same village, etc in that foreign country for help each other, also help other Indians in India.

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32) All RWA homes must gather data of people with disabilities, all RWA must be disabled people friendly, the
details include people who need a wheelchair and people who need a hearing aid, etc so that the data can be
used by Govt to provide free of cost/ subsidized cost the aids for the poor/middle-income elders. GOI must
remove GST (zero tax) on the products for disability with mobility like wheelchairs, walking aids, etc.

Also this data can be used to identify the reason for disability, whether it is due to birth defect, or failure of poli
vaccine, or due to fluoride water/water pollution from industry or due to accident, or removed by surgery etc,
help in fixing the issues. Every RWA possesses ramps whether permanent or temporary set up which can be used
as and when needed and the ramps are of standard design and standard inclination and length, which enables
wheelchair-bound, stick support walking elders who are staying in the RWA or who are visiting the RWA can easy
to climb the few stairs placed at the entry/ exit of the house.

This measure is necessary as the aging population is growing in India as such all residential homes, apartments,
high rise buildings should be wheelchair friendly and RWA management must post the same on the govt website
with self-certification, also RWA should post the details of ramps in every individual house having aged people
or children with disability, all houses given on rent must have ramp facility before giving on rent.

Mandatory people with permanent mobility issues must stay on the ground floor every household with people
with mobility disability must give an affidavit declaring that their family member who has permanent mobility
issue due to birth/ accident, stay only on the ground floor, they do not make their family member live in upstairs.
Govt restrict giving rental to people with mobility issues only to ground floor in the individual houses without lift
facility (to avoid limited mobility people from climbing the staircase). Govt must provide additional support for
RWA employing persons with limited mobility in the desk jobs in the RWA.

33) RWA must gather details of aged 60 years in every RWA and details of pensioners in every RWA, Govt/pension
issuing agencies must use RWA for obtaining life certificate for pensioners, use RWA data of persons living,
death, so that pensioners running to the bank or their offices where they retired, etc, even though GOI initiated
video certification or post office/ bank certification still it is difficult for many elderly retired people, especially
those with mobility issues, those who are having neurological issues or those who are sick and taking medication
at home to use such facility. This will measure of RWA life certification will be easy for pensioners and accurate
information for pension issuing agencies, help in eliminate fake pensions.

34) Mandatory RWA to identify, inform govt about pregnant women in that RWA and ensure the pregnant women
get the medications and support from the Govt., mandatory for the household to ensure delivery at hospitals,
only in an emergency they can use registered, trained Midwives, especially in remote areas. RWA should help.

35) Mandatory Duty of the residents to inform the RWA about if any of their family members are suffering from
any communicable health disorders like dengue, malaria, cholera, plague, etc so that necessary
alert/precautions be taken by other residents in the RWA, failure to do so the RWA should impose fixed fine.
Also, it should be mandatory for diagnostic centers/hospitals/doctors where patients with communicable
diseases visit for treatment to report to Govt, impose fine for the household/ RWA for non-reporting for cases.

36) GOI must make it mandatory all doctors (allopathy, Ayurveda) use bar-coded prescription forms, and provide
a detailed note on the line of treatment, make the patients/ their attendants understand how the medicines
useful to patients in recovery and the side effects of the use of such medicines on the patient. GOI provides
Additional benefits/tax concessions for doctors visiting RWA to treat elderly patients. GOI must determine fixed
fees for treatment based on years of experience (in brackets 0-5 years', 6 to 10 years’ experience, etc) and also
the recovery of patients, this will contain irrational treatment and extortion by doctors in the name of treatment
and enjoy luxury life by them/ their family members at the cost of the suffering of people.

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Sale of all allopathy medicines based on barcoded doctor prescription or what's app/SMS from registered mobile
number of a doctor confirming patient details/ unique ID of patient, all payments to doctors, hospitals, pharmacy
through digital mode, a complete ban on cash receipts by doctors, hospitals or pharmacy retailers.
(Ref My Doc Simple and effective Reforms- )

37) Mandatory all registered medical doctor, trained nurse, ASHA residing in RWA must put a nameplate issued
by Govt with registration number and + symbol for the doctor, nurse, and ASHA. this measure eliminates fake
doctors/quacks, also ensure people are aware of doctors, nurses, ASHA in their RWA, and be approached in case
of emergency, this measure distinguishes between medical doctors, the person who obtained Ph.D. Doctorate
for education or Honorary doctorate from Educational Institutions.

38) Every RWA must possess basic health equipment BP reading machines, pulse oxy meters, basic ECG Equipment,
wheelchair, structure, basic emergency medical help equipment to shift people from home to ambulance or
hospital in case any individual living in the RWA met with an accident at home/ fall/ slip and get their leg/ spine
fractured and unable to walk, need to keep in a wheelchair to take them to the nearest hospital.

39) Mandatory every RWA/ group of RWA possess a blood sample collection and inhouse processing unit within
the RWA premises (ideal at least one blood sample collection/ processing unit for every 10,000 people) or RWA
has an exclusive permeant tie-up with blood sample collection and processing units established in the vicinity of
RWA will ensure required periodic blood tests for all residents, especially those aged above 40 years and more
specifically aged people above 60 years and people with diabetics, cancers, etc where blood samples need to be
checked regularly, as aged people traveling to diagnostic centers is a tedious job, elderly people need someone
i.e working couple to take leave from office to getting blood tests done, so in house blood sample collection and
processing is more convenient and cost-effective and reduces millions of man-hours as there is no need for any
working / studying family member accompany them to take out to the diagnostic centers for rests, as some tests
require fasting (before breakfast in the morning) after breakfast, elderly people can get home same collection
within the RWA and regular employee of the RWA will take the samples, they feel more comfortable relax rather
than every time some stranger visiting their home, all blood tests other than routine periodic blood tests be only
on the advice of any family doctor and they may be experienced or not. GOI must make 24/7 Ayurveda call
centers use blood reports from patients to give advice on natural remedies to people when contacted by patients,
people may use English medicine as an option.

GOI must create a system to ensure safe disposal of bio medical waste / processed blood in all blood testing
centres established in big RWA or group of RWA to contain spread of diseases. All regular commercial diagnostics
centers can offer other diagnostic services like MRI, CT, etc also ideal group of RWA can own a mobile X-ray unit.

40) GOI provide incentives for RWA or group of RWA to provide space for a medical shop selling English medicine
and AYUSH medicines in the RWA vicinity to ensure quick access to medicine, also possible to get door delivery
of medicines as and when needed based on barcoded medical prescription. The allocation of medical shop from
on a lottery basis from among the applicants via open invitation.

GOI must make it mandatory hence forth all medical shops must sell both English medicine as well as AYUSH
medicine with one trained AYUSH medicine pharmacist in every medical retail shop, Mandatory all medicines be
sold in the central pharmacy network, with details of manufacture, details of stock of medicine, sale of medicine
visible to public. (Suggested to GOI in 2011 in my doc Simple and effective Reforms Year 2011.) Apperceptions
for recent move of GOI for setting up of Dashboard for monitoring COVID19 mutated variant drugs.

41) GOI must bring green leafy vegetable revolution in India, Mandatory to the rise of kitchen garden in common
areas in RWA and exchange for barter system with other RWA, vegetable exchange between RWA's. Since

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digital India is on the rise and the average screen time is increasing day by day, online classless for children on
the rise, mobile usage on the rise, computer screen usage on the rise, average TV time on the rise, late-night bed
on the rise, less sleeping hours, stress due to various issues, air pollution, sound pollution on the rise, all this
leading to stressed eyes and eyesight is on the rise from child hold, GOI ensure every household has access to
home remedies to avoid eyesight, for children in future and reduce the power of eyesight in adults by ensuring
green leafy vegetables are available in the daily food through terrace gardening/common gardening in the RWA.

Govt must make it mandatory for every RWA to grow plants like curry leaves and other leafy vegetables like
spinach, coriander, mint, betel leaves, etc which are commonly eaten leafy veg in some of the veg households.

Govt should educate every household to consume the green leafy vegetables in some or other form in daily food
intake for children and the entire family, appropriate quantitates so that it will ensure perfect eyesight for
children and reduces the power of eyesight for exiting people and ensure better immunity, better metabolism,
etc and improves overall health, this small initiative in every RWA making green leafy vegetable revolution in
through RWA is a great step in ensuring healthy India and a true Atma Nirbahar Bharat, as eating daily green
leafy vegetables by every individual in the required quantitates makes them healthy and healthy persons can
contribute better for GDP, also green leafy India healthy India be slogan of New India.

RWA vegetable exchange mechanism (online trading) be developed between neighboring RWA's for distribution
of excess production will further ensure that no wastage occurs, in case of excess production like leafy vegetables,
etc, will ensure the efforts made to have fresh vegetables especially leafy vegetables will yield desired results.
RWA members than are allowed to trade within RWA or by the RWA on behalf of the individual household within
the RWA or within neighborhood RWA, all this trade be recorded online with digital payments preferably at the
cost to cost/fixed margin in every RWA across India.

Mandatory rise of kitchen gardening will not only ensure fresh Greenleaf vegetables and other vegetables are
available to the residents ensures clean nutritious food grown organically free from chemical residues.

Kitchen gardening reduces vehicular pollution by reducing the need for large trucks enter the city from outskirts
for transportation of these vegetables from the rural fields to the city, also this measure reduces the use of
personal vehicles going to market, reduces use and manufacture of chemical fertilizers for the rising of
vegetables, as home grown leafy vegetables are trained to grow organically/ based on natural farming principle,
by and large and without any contaminators of rising leafy vegetables in brackish waters.

Mandatory kitchen gardening at RWA provides additional millions of employments, create no less than 5 million
employments just for the position of gardeners, few thousand of employments indirectly for seed development
natural fertilizer development Jeeva Amrut by persons who raise cows, etc.

42) Mandatory rise of medicinal plants in every RWA or group of RWA (Ghar Ghar Mein Tulasi) like Tulasi, Alovera,
Punarnava (Boerhavia Diffusa), Giloy, AtIbala (Indian Mallow), GOI create an APP for use of the plants for various
health disorders as a home remedy, supported by GOI create 24/7 Ayurveda Health care multilingual call center.
GOI provides training to ASHA's and RWA members in the basics of naturopathy home treatment. To ensure
better health naturally, as immunity boosters, treatment based on the Aayush principles will naturally relieve
people of several health disorders. And there is an Exchange system between RWA with online availability of the
plants in the RWA so that as and when there are a need people in any RWA can use the plants, following Ayush
doctors’ directions online to use them to get relief from health disorders with home remedies.

GOI must create a 24/7 Nature cure & Ayurveda multi-lingual call center with a video call facility, GOI creates an
App for how to use the plants, and their raw extracts for various health disorders. This measure reduces reduce

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pressure on Allopathy doctors (as the ratio of doctors to population is less than 1.34 doctors per 1000 people in
India, Allopathy can be used by people if they wish as alternative medicine if the health disorders are not cured
naturally). this is real promotion of Indian Nationalism as AYURVEDA is born in India. Apperceptions or the recent
initiative of AYUSH Ministry GOI for raising and distribution of medicinal value plants GOI must distribute
moringa, neem tree for RWA and also Alvera, Tulasi plants, Stevia for every household

43) GOI must make moringa revolution, make moringa rice as part of mid-day meal for all students in all educational
institutions (Govt, Pvt educational institutions must provide mid-day meals to student from KG to PG) in
appropriate quantity Raising of moringa in every RWA / group of RWA or in the municipal roads will ensure all
nutrient-based super food available for all residents so that it will relive women and old aged from nutrition
deficiency to a great extent, as moringa is a superfood, powerhouse of natural nutrients.

44) Mandatory rise of neem, eucalyptus, and papal trees in every RWA, / group of RWA, Mandatory the municipal
administration, gram panchayat administration must raise, fresh air, fruit bearing trees, RWA rising fresh air
trees in the common area/ streets, also by municipal authorities in approach roads to RWA will ensure fresh air
with medicinal values also make the residents get relieved of the stress the neem leaves can be made to use
bathing every day to get relieved of skin diseases, used for various other health disorders in Aayush, as pest
control for kitchen gardening and common gardening in the RWA

Municipal administration, gram panchayat administration raising, fruit bearing trees like mango, gooseberry, etc
trees along the roadside ensures some basic fresh fruits are available to every person, especially to BPL families
free of cost in every season, this measure do not have much effect on regular farmers who are cultivating these
fruits. GOI should employ small farmers/ farm labor, provide training and use them as a gardener in the
municipality for caring for these plants. Govt must keep a CC camera along the roads, and the fruits are harvested
and given to all residents following standard guidelines in that locality.

45) Mandatory to employ a trained gardener / hire a gardener by a group of small RWA for terrace gardening for
the rise of leafy vegetables, vegetables where ever possible (determined by local horticulture experts based on
the geographical and environmental conditions) so that at last for a certain period in the year or throughout the
year depending up the availability of land/ open terrace area, water availability, etc, apperceptions to Govt for
providing subsidized pots, seeds and manure for terrace gardening. Some of the small farmers (landowner of
smallholding / landless/ in rain shadow areas) who wish to migrate to cities may be given first preference to be
gardeners in large RWA or group of RWA also farmers who are in the cultivation of leafy vegetables be given
priority while employing as gardener in RWA, this measure ensure with fixed earnings for tiny/small holding
farmers who left cultivation and becoming labour to become grader and earn much better than their
smallholding earning, and live playing a farmer again.

46) Promotion of Vocal for Local GOI develop an App for door delivery of groceries from the nearest Kirana stores
in the RWA, GOI provide credit facility for Kiran Stores so that it will reduce the use of vehicles, ensure mom
and pop stores survive, provide a livelihood for nearly 5 crore families running local mom and pop stores.

Govt credit support to local mom and pop stores (Kirana stores) for the purchase of goods so that Kirana shops,
in turn, to provide credit to the families in the local RWA based on trust, recovery from individuals by EMI in a
systematic manner by ensuing provision debit card purchase of all groceries with 25% of earnings mandatorily
through provision debit card for all income earners whether daily wage earners or MNC company and the amount
can be increased by cant decreased and can be unified in case of more than one family member is earning.. this
measure ensures "Vocal for Local" a reality rather than making MNC companies / big supermarkets thrive,
enforcing indirectly closure of millions of traditional mom and pop stores, which will affect general public as
mom-and-pop store provide credit.

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The credit facility by Kirana stores be streamlined ensuring credit is recorded digitally and the recovery be made
through EMI from provision debit card with bank attachment and the credit be made available facility only for
groceries using provision debit card for ensuring food is available, no one left hunger

This measure of App for mom-and-pop stores i.e Kirana stores by Govt and combination of provision debit card,
and streamlined credit facility for people for groceries through Kirana stores will ensure food for people and
reduce hunger index in India. Since all payments are in digital mode and certain income earned by people be
reserved for food, this will reduce malnutrition, etc. in addition the terrace gardening and cost-to-cost exchange
from one RWA to another RWA will ensure at least something to eat for every family. the mom-and-pop stores
can give credit for rice/ millets/ pulses, oil / etc with first preference for low-income earners and credit facility
rather than giving it for luxury items like soaps, beauty creams, etc, which are not necessary for basic living. (Ref
My Doc Year 2013 "Unorganised Employment to Organised Employment" detailing Provision Debit Card)

47) Mandatory quality testing facility in every RWA for testing quality of milk, mandatory to sell milk in barcoded
sealed packs, barcode reading of every milk pack, mandatory commercial users of milk in sealed bulk cans. In
the process of ensuring quality milk available to all sections of people, GOI must make it mandatory milk quality
testing facility in every RWA/ group of RWA. In order to contain sale of adulterated milk, synthetic milk made of
edible oils mixed with chemicals, GOI must make it mandatory milk is sold in packs with barcoding to identify the
seller and date of packing, whether pasteurised milk or milk directly sourced from cows and sold.

There should be standard facility in every RWA to read the barcode of the pack of milk every day before
distribution to the household in the RWA at the RWA entry, the milk distributor/delivery person must read the
bar code every time he distributes milk pack to household, and this App should be built in such a manner, the
details of time, date, location (GPS) of distribution should be confirmed to the household, the vendor, the
manufacturer. this will ensure manufacture /vendor get details of quantity of packaged milk distributed.
Mandatory all sale of milk by reading the bar code in shops/ super markets. This will also eliminate expiry date
milk being sold, mandatory for retailers of packed milk to handover the expiry date milk. Milk based products to
the manufacture or Govt for sae disposal. This will eliminate by and large adulterated milk, in order to further
contain adulterated milk, there should be random test for simple quality of milk in every RWA/ group of RWA
from Govt side as well as RWA side random batch of the milk, to contain adulteration of milk.

GOI must make it mandatory all milk dairy suppliers make bulk cans / bulk tins in different sizes with bar code
and seal for supply of milk to bulk users. Mandatory all commercial users or milk like tea sellers, coffee shops
canteens, mess, restaurants, sweet shops must use bulk can/ tin, and ban on use of packed milk. Every time they
open a bulk milk can/ tin, they should do simple quality testing under camera and report the same in the App. Or
there should be testing system like that on testing will automatically get updated the quality in the testing registry
of the bulk purchaser and also the manufacturer/ supplier. Mandatory all bulk users must provide details of
quantity of final output for every litre of milk and the comer value and show the sale of final product, in case of
wasted the details of waste. This measure will eliminate/contain distributing adulterated milk by delivery
vendors/ delivery boys and selling original milk packs at less than price of the packed milk to bulk users.

Milk adulteration is rampant, synthetic milk is sold / distrusted either from some manufacturers side or from the
distributors of banded milk in connivence with unlicenced local synthetic milk manufactures packing the milk
similar to the branded milk suppliers, so that neither the original manufacturer nor the household can identify
the fraud, some time even the without the knowledge of local distribution vendor the distribution boys indulge
in distrusting adulterated milk sourced from unlicenced synthetic ilk manufactures. The synthetic milk looks, like
same as natural milk, but may taste different while making tea/ coffee, and will be provide sicky curd. This causes
serious heath disorders on regular consumption.

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48) GOI must educate people identifying food adulteration, Mandatory every RWA/ group of RWA possess quality
testing facility for testing edible oils, Mandatory every RWA possess facility for oils extraction, grinding
machinery for making turmeric, chilli powder, wheat flour, basin flour etc GOI on a mission mode make every
household is aware of health issues due to adulterated foods and make people quality consciousness and make
sure that substandard/ adulterated food is not manufactured, sold, or used in India

GOI ban lose sale of edible oils, GOI impose additional tax for household buying packed oils after the RWA
establishes oil extraction machines in their RWA. This measure ensures people get fresh extracted un adulterated
oils. Also, GOI must make random quality testing of packed oils used in house hold in RWA or in commercial/ non-
commercial places like hotels or hostels for students or free foods distributed in religious places.

In the process of ensuring non adulterated oils, and non-adulterated pulverised powers like turmeric, chilli
powder, basin, wheat flour etc and also ensuring the semi processed foods (powers are at cost of the raw
products , as most of the readymade packed powers whether basin, or wheat or chilli powder or turmeric powder
is sold at higher cost than raw products as they have to include manufacturing cost, distribution cost and margin
for retailer, this can be eliminated, and also local brands doing adulteration to earn more profits, this can be
avoided by making products at RWA using the common facility. This is true vocal for local, as most of big
corporates are entering into these packaged powers business, putting higher costs, causing burden to people.
which can be eliminated with facility to make powers locally at RWA by household.

GOI must provide subsidy for purchase of pulverising machines by RWA or group of RWA so that people can get
fresh oils (ground nut, sesame seed, mustered, sunflower etc) fresh flours within their premises. This measure
not only provides health for all household in the RWA but also provides creates millions of direct employments
in the RWA for making these products.

49) GOI must make standards for processing/ sale of meat with mandatory permission from GOI for cutting any
animal for meat whether it is hen/goat for meat, and animal cutting be only in exclusive designated places and
mandatory for accountability of meat shops for meat sold, GOI put standard of waste from every animal whether
hen/goat based on age, weight and breed after cutting and semi processed for sale as meat, it should mandatory
for meat sellers (who are cutting animals) to handover the wastage to Govt for safe disposal, mandatory to report
death of animal and handover the dead animal (Cow, buffalo etc) to Govt for safe disposal, this measure
eliminates making oils from animal waste remains, which is otherwise rampant in India like a small-scale industry
doing illegal business unnoticed/uncontrolled. all meat selling by registered vendors with pre booking and pre
digital payment and ban on frozen meat.

50) Mandatory every RWA uses energy-saving inverter LED bulbs in entry, exit, and common areas like in the
elevators/ lift common corridors and cellar, basement parking, etc so that in case of power failure the lights will
glow automatically preventing accidents, theft, etc, GOI must make it mandatory every RWA distribute to use
inverter LED bulbs in the homes with children/ elderly and collect the same from the household to be ideally
used in rooms of elderly, children and bathrooms. GOI must make tax-free for such inverter LED bulbs sale for
the RWA to use in the RWA common areas and for distribution of RWA to each household maximum of three
bulbs and a minimum of two bulbs and recover the cost in the monthly maintenance. GOI must make tax-free
the sensor-based LED bulbs for use in homes with the elderly to ensure the safety of elderly people and energy
saving. Mandatory Every RWA provides one emergency light, fan in every household from the RWA side, and it
is up to the household to keep invertors of different capacities for their use. (Apperceptions for GOI for energy
saving through the distribution of energy conservation lights to household Ref My Doc Year 2013 the Manifesto"
detailing need for Energy saving bulbs distribution by GOI, to reduce peak energy load, how best the energy saved
to be used for other purposes such as industry, etc)

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51) Making it mandatory every RWA uses non-conventional energy like solar power, wind power to maximum
extent possible, with incentives for using maximum non-conventional energy for the common areas like parks,
street lights, corridor lighting, etc, lighting, pumping water to overhead tank/ gardening, etc, providing solar
power iron boxes to dobies /washermen in RWA / group of RWA with a complete ban on the use of fossil fuels
i.e coal-based ironing in the RWA premises. Every RWA promotes solar power-based iron/cloth press by funding
the cost to the local person which is doing pressing of clothes in the RWA or group of RWA.

52) Standard equipment in every RWA for common use by household as and when required, to reduce the burden
on every house like pressure cleaning equipment to save water lean the house, high-end vacuum cleaner, big
ladder, structure, etc Since most of the items are of sparingly used by household, buying them and storing them
is not viable, but they are essential for water conservation/ use, such items are purchased by RWA and made
available to members of RWA for use as and when needed return the same.

53) Mandatory periodic maintenance of all electronic and electric devices in every household in the RWA will
further improve the efficiency of the machines reduce electricity etc. this measure creates millions of
employments but also improves the environment directly and indirectly as the improved efficiency of electrical
items reduces power consumption, also reduces water usage, use of detergents, etc

54) Every RWA must declare to Govt the amenities like the source of water, like municipal, bore water, tanker water,
etc source of power, Solar, drainage lines are laid or not, approach roads, etc to enable govt to improve.

55) Every RWA should ensure piped gas (LPG) for their residents and GOI provides required support for safety audit
etc, so that carrying gas cylinders to every household, especially in the high-rise buildings be avoided for all
existing RWA and all new buildings mandatory to have a piped gas facility. Apperceptions for GOI for target supply
of piped gas (PNG, CNG) cities, till that, is achieved the LPG piped gas to be used.

56) GOI must ensure supply of piped Goobar gas for RWA in rural areas reaches maximum rural household, GOI
initiative of Kamadenu for establishing goober gas plants in rural area's needs appreciations, this will not only
save millions of tonnes of gas but also best use of a by-product of holy cow raising and the slurry be used for
natural farming. His reduces transport oof millions of kilometres/tips of as carrying tucks.

57) Mandatory every household should have a water heater in wash area in the kitchen or external wash area for
servant maids in areas/ locations where winter temperatures are below 20 degrees centigrade in night ;
Mandatory that all Apartments, high rise buildings Gated communities with common overhead tank; to ensure
the women in the household or the servant maids are nor subjected to cold working with cold water from
overhead tanks in the independent houses, also deploying electric water heater devices with temperature
control in the overhead tanks or underground tanks ensure water for utility is supplied at standard room
temperature (24 degrees centigrade) for all flats throughout the year (great use in winter and in rainy season)
this can avoid use of individual water heaters in kitchen and external wash areas by washing utensils or clothes
or doing room cleaning with wet cloth by hand spinning the cloth with hand to remove excess water several
times etc, it is up to the individuals to use separate water heaters in the bathrooms for bathing. This measure
saves millions of women and poor servant maids from several health disorders on account of exposure to cold
water for several hours damaging their health due to cold injuries (including hypothermia on permeant bases.

Also, mandatory every RWA ensure all apartments and high-rise buildings have thermal insulators for water
supply pipelines for wash use. To prevent overheating in summers and extreme cold/freezing in winters

58) Every household to provide a covered place for washing the utensils/ clothes in the external areas in the flats/
individual houses in the RWA ensuring the servant maids/women in the household are protected from exposure

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to excess sun radiation/ rain/ clod wave. This should be a legal right of workers and household women. Servant
maids are humans should not be subjected to stray animal treatment.

59) RWA be used for conservation of water in all possible manner, starting with mandatory periodic maintenance
of water storage and pipes carrying water, overflow alarm, and overflow be routed to the storage tank,
mandatory RWA install and supply RO water and RO wastewater is stored and used for gardening, common wash
etc, and also mandatory rainwater harvesting to replenish groundwater, mandatory to catch the rain and store
the rainwater for future use, mandatory to collect the Air conditioner generated exhaust water and use for
growing kitchen gardening, mandatory to collect and recycle the wastewater generated from washing machines
for flushing the toilets in the RWA with exclusive pipelines in the Apartments/ high rise apartments and
electronic/ automatic tap cut off when not in use further reduce waste of water and also making people pay
more for using more than average water per family/per household, water meters in every household and water
credits for RW, will ensure water is conserved to a great extent ensuring water for all. GOI should provide tax
concession for electronic sensor-based water dispensing taps in the households in the RWA, and the inventory/
use be assessed on mandatory periodic maintenance.

60) Ban on use of bulk mineral water boltless in RWA and ban on use of mini RO water / imposing additional cost
for owning mini RO water plants, mandatory installation and supply of RO water by RWA will have multiple
advantages, it saves lot of ground water from converting to big bottled mineral water, as most of the bulk bottle
water are unlicenced, and making bottle water waste water generation is high, transportation adds to air
pollution even when distributed by EV as it contributes to traffic density, also saves people from health disorders
as most of the bottled waters are substandard, and ban on mini RO water by house hold will ensure quality water
for residents, as people are not aware of quality of water as it is difficult to check the quality of the consumables,
also it appears there is gigantic sandals with thousands of crores of turnover happening in the service sale, repair
od mini RO water plants, cheating common public in the name of replacement of consumables/ motors of mini
RO water plants all this can be avoided by banning mini RO water plants in RWA and supply of RO water by
RWA, where TDS is more than 400, (following the recent directions of NGT) in case of individuals interested in
possessing mini RO water plant, they should pay additional tax. This measure saves billions of liters of
groundwater and also reduces contamination of soils best use of wastewater from RO plants

61) RWA can be best used for containing vehicular pollution, via mandatory census of vehicles, mandatory to note
down the kilometers done, everyday population and ownership of vehicles Collection of traffic violation challan
be done with RWA and ensuring mandatory periodic maintenance, else vehicle be not permitted to move out of
RWA, online real-time data of visitor vehicles of RWA Integrated with CCTNS will eliminate theft vehicles, reduces
crime, the introduction of vehicular carbon credits based on the number of kilometers travel using non-pollution
causing vehicles/ mass mode, compared to vehicular miles traveled – VMT per capita to encourage people to
use mass mode transport, mandatory every RWA possess an EV Shuttle vehicle to ferry people from RWA to the
common point of mass mode transport and from a common point to RWA where mass mode transport like a bus
(for education, office, etc) carry people instead of visiting every RWA. All neighboring RWA be made as watchdogs
for containing stubble burning or burning of garden waste, discharge of untreated greywater or unwanted things
that cause environmental pollution impacting the RWA's well as neighboring RWA

62) GOI establish subsided ready to eat food stalls in every RWA or group of RWA premises, GOI Support for
establishing inhouse kitchen in RWA and for street food joints in RWA premises for use by the RWA staff/people
working in RWA and even any common people this measure is a real boon for hard-working staff in the RWA
especially the security staff, sweeping staff, gardeners electricians, plumbers, and maidservants, and drivers, as
most of the staff working in the RWA in particular timings the subsided food provided by govt in the outlets in
the RWA will be of great use for these hardworking people. The amount for subsided food for RWA staff be

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collected from the RWA maintenance charges, whereas for those who are working in the household like
maidservants/drivers and the payments be charged from employers routed through the RWA

Govt should extend support for RWA or group of RWA for possessing an in-house kitchen for providing
tea/coffee/decoctions and breakfast/ lunch to residents (useful for bachelors and working couple) and RWA staff
and people working in household (security, sweeper, plumber, electrician, gardener, maidservants, drivers
working in the RWA), so the get near to home food.

Govt should extend support for RWA or group of RWA to provide a limited facility (place, water, electricity, dust
bin, piped gas connection) for establishing street food joints (following FSSAI hygene standards) in limited
number within RWA premises or adjacent to RWA premises based on the number of households exclusively for
use by the RWA members.

GOI should make law for removal of caste/religion named RWA and also public service like food courts/mess etc
in the name of caste/ religion. Also, ban on right to admission only for this caste/ this religion/ deny entry to
another caste/ religion as it is against constitutional secular principles and also denigration/ discrimination based
on caste/ religion. As most of the food courts are within the RWA for providing food for residents, mostly
bachelors like mess providing near to home food at affordable costs, but unfortunately, they are named of caste-
like this upper caste veg restaurant that upper caste non-veg restaurant, etc

63) Mandatory every RWA or group of RWA possess a creche/ playschool to ensure pre-schooling is done within
the RWA premises or two kilometers from their home and an App for a live view of the playschool in the RWA by
their parents at home or at work. This measure reduces the travel distance of budding kids, a great relief for
young parents, especially for working couples.

64) RWA should provide photos of path holes, soiled roads, etc in the common app by the RWA in their territory
to the local govt authorities, ensuring local govt authorities act immediately, app will alert all elected
representatives in the respective jurisdiction, all concerned Govt officials in the hierarchy to ensure swift action.

65) Every RWA should collect segregated waste products, segregated at RWA like used brooms, used foot ware,
used cloths, used plastics, etc deposited by house hold/ collected by RWA every week / fortnight/month. There
should be collection agencies from all RWA on fixed dates for recycling making swatch Bharat and wastage to
wealth is a reality via process/ recycle of segregated waste. This measure not only ensures cleanliness and
hygiene but also creates employment direct and indirect, reduces the cost of products due to recycled raw
materials, reduces resources like water, electricity. Apperceptions GOI for the initiative of Garbage free cities.
GOI streamlining RWA will ensure not only garbage-free but also create waste to wealth in the simplest manner.

66) Mandatory every RWA possesses all religious photos/ symbols at the entrance of the RWA, ban religious
names/ caste names for the RWA like Hindu colony, Muslim colony Buddhist colony, Christian colony, Parsi
colony, the, etc ban on restricting owning/ renting of house based on religion/ caste by RWA like the plots/
houses/ flats be sold/rented only to this religion/ that caste/ only vegetarians, etc. GOI make law ensuring part
of local taxes collected from the RWA's to fund local religious places like temples churches masjids etc, as the
majority of the visitors are local people.

67) Every household must inform RWA about functions in their home, especially the marriage new birth, death, etc
and RWA must inform the Govt., in case the household fails to apprise RWA in advance if any function happens
in their home, the RWA committee can ask for details in writing and case of no response, the RWA can inform
the police to find out details. This measure reduces child marriages, unreported birth/death in the household
within the RWA. This is necessary as the number of visitors in the home/ community hall usage be recorded,

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restricting the number of visitors to avoid pollution, parking issues, use of a lift several times, etc. GOI should
make it mandatory every Priest in all religions who fixes time and date i.e muhurta for marriage / who performs
marries/ who solemnizes marriage must be mandatory registered with Govt and inform the Govt. GOI may
monitor through RWA the houses of priests or priests visiting others' houses regarding the visitors to their houses
particularly if they solemnize marriages in their homes, particularly foreigners visiting their homes to prevent
child marriages and illegal contract marriages to foreigners.

68) Every RWA/ group of RWA's must possess a common hall for functions to celebrate functions by residents.
Since 2/3 of the population is young there is an acute need for marriage halls, function halls, etc. and the inhouse
RWA community hall be bet used to serve the purpose, also it should be mandatory that every RWA resident
must use the nearest public / private community hall for any functions in case of RWA or group of RWA unable
to provide required space for large functions in the nearest function hall or community hall. GOI must impose tax
on celebrating functions out of RWA by residents within the city / out station.

69) Govt must ban loud music in the RWA for any occasion, especially celebrations of religious prayers or festivals,
etc of any religion, ban blocking roads temporary/ permeant for any function/ festival the RWA or the roads
connecting other RWA or main roads by any religion. Govt must ban possession/Barats of any religion/marriage
by any individual or family/institutions in the RWA internal roads or main roads.

70) Ban on RWA putting restrictions on the rise of pets or use of lift by the residents for taking pets out of the
flats/ high rise buildings, there should be some arrangements for exclusive lift or exclusive timing for carrying
pets, etc to reduce inconvenient to non-pet residents Ban on imposing restrictions by RWA for using lift/elevator
for brining or taking away belongings while joining/vacating the flats or garbage collection garbage collectors
using the lift, however, all arrangements are made to ensure all flat owners/ high rise building residents they or
their representatives (family/ servant maids) bring the garbage bins daily / as per their convince and place it on
the designated garbage bin the ground floor to avoid the garbage pickup easy and do not use the lift for carrying/
pick up of garbage from every household. However, in case of any personal visit, the garbage lifters are to use
the lift, after proper washing f their hands maintaining hygiene, it is a common syndrome that some RWA's
managed by few psychopath mentality managing committee members impose restrictions, which will affect
tenants mostly, they impose restrictions on garbage lifters from using the lift or the residents from bringing the
garbage down using the lift, only thing is garbage be carried in sealed containers ensure no leaks, in case of
accidental leaks, lift be sanitized after garbage carrying in the lift.

71) Ban on rising political flags / NGO flags, religious flags in the RWA premises, or individual houses. Flags of any
political party etc are done on political party offices of the organization or individual office of office bearers or
members of the political party or registered supporters of the political party in their private offices, and not in
the RWA or their home. the only flag that should be flown/raised in RWA is National Flag and if any state flag
along with the National flag, following Flag India norms.

72) Ban writing on the RWA walls or any individual household compound walls in the RWA premises, only writing
mandatory in every RWA is non-religious motivational/ inspirational quotes/ constitutional rights, duties in the
inner compound wall of the RWA / walking area in the RWA and certainly not on the outer walls of the RWA or
the individual houses in the RWA only thing that is permitted / Govt provide incentives for writing/painting on
outer walls of RWA or individual household is tourism promotion/culture, art, the dance of the region/ India, all
writings on the Wall in any RWA must get online permission from the local municipal Govt.

73) Ban on camp offices of elected representatives in the RWA premises, ban offices of Lawyers, astrologers, etc
In the process of ensuring RWA are purely for residential purposes and ensure free movement of people who are
living in that RWA especially the girls and women, and reduce crowd, reduce pollution in the RWA Govt must ban

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Camp offices of elected representatives in the RWA, Ban on putting political party offices of the political party
organization or any member of the political party in RWA premises, all political leaders follow standard norms of
RWA (same for All RWA) also ban on starting political rallies, etc in the RWA, fix the limit of the number of visitors
per day per household in the RWA and even for family functions held in the RWA community hall by any resident,
govt must fix the number of people depending up the traffic density in the vicinity, parking space and area/space
of the function hall in the RWA.

Govt Fix the maximum number of people visiting any RWA for door-to-door campaigns for elections etc, political
parties/ elected representatives can use the RWA large screens by paying fixed rent for online video live
campaigns. Ban on starting rallies (padayatra/cycle/motorbike, auto, car rallies) from the RWA premises of
elected representatives (sitting/ex) or any office bearers/members of any pollical party / any individual.

It is a common syndrome that where elected representatives (sitting/ex at various levels)/ political party office
bearers live in the residential areas hundreds of visitors come to their home, especially when elections are
nearing (local, state/ central) or birthday of the leader or their party top leader, etc (Ex living in an apartment,
they use the lift hundreds of times, park their vehicles at will and wish if not in the RWA premises in the approach
road of the RWA. The case is the same for the gated communities or other independent houses in the RWA
causing great inconvenience) this needs to be contained for a peaceful living of common people.

74) Creation of arbitration centers in every mandal, exclusively to resolve disputes in the RWA, in the process of
ensuring justice for all, reducing the load on exiting judiciary and police, GOI must create arbitration
centers/courts in every mandal/ block, exclusively to resolve disputes among RWA or within the household with
retired judges at various courts and from among eminent lawyers in that district/city. GOI make it mandatory for
every RWA or household to first approach the arbitration court for dispute resolution, arbitration court must
provide its observation and solution within 90 days, and the judgment is considered legally binding if both parties
agree on the judgment of the arbitration court in writing, else both parties are free to approach regular, GOI
provides incentives for RWA or household for approaching the arbitration and accepting their judgment by both
parties. GOI must list out types of disputes which are eligible to approach mandatorily for arbitration courts,
however, people are free to approach arbitration courts for any kind of disputes if both parties agree.

75) Every RWA must subscribe to new papers/magazines for the RWA office, ensure every residents visit and read
the newspapers/ magazines in the RWA community room, instead of every household ordering a new paper/
magazine, which is impacting the environment for making paper, using new print inks, and not properly recycled,
and the utility is less, GOI must make it mandatory every print new paper / magazine must sell at production
without advertisement support, run on its own, and advertisement be bonus, as it is an open secret at present
cost of printing newspaper is more than the actual price of print, but to make people buy at affordable cost and
the newspaper / magazine makers are putting low cost and to make up loses they are heavily dependent on
advertisements from govt/ private, so mandatory RWA subscribing newspapers/ magazines at actual cost of
production, will enable newspapers/ magazines to operate without loss /looking for advertisement support or
printing semi naked /blurred nude photos/ sexual news /erotic film based news to make people buy such
newspapers/ magazines, which otherwise against original journalistic ethics and Indian tradition

This measure of mandatory every RWA procuring some newspapers/ magazines ensure residents are accessed
to several newspapers/ magazines, improves interactions between residents especially retired / elderly and
reduces stress in them, digital newspapers/magazines are not a solution for elderly people, and print newspapers
reduces eye stress by reducing blue screen/ reduces strain to the eyes. old magazines/ newspapers can be sent
for recycling after a certain period.

76) Every RWA must have a Broadband connection, use its used computers for digital literacy of the residents as
well as staff, RWA used computers to be used for refurbishment and distribution to SHG, poor for digital
education/ use, Ban on use of RWA person/ households' broadband for use of RWA common administration/ CC

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camera operation as it will lead to a privacy issue, and also mandatory all data of RWA except the Bio matric
attendance of RWA staff and workers working in households in the RWA all other data be stored in Govt cloud,
like all other visitors data with biometrics, all visitors vehicles data.

77) Large screens in RWA community halls to make residents aware of various AV programs on simple home
remedies, healthy cooking, simple yoga, connecting with local govt officials, local elected representatives, etc
permeant AV setup with high-speed internet at every RWA will have multiple advantages, like every other Govt
department that is dealing with the public be linked to this network. This reduces personal visits to offices every
service be made online with AV Calling from RWA for the staff in the govt in their jurisdiction to get the grievances
resolved or provide help from Govt.

78) Creation of Smart office / "e Govt Door Step Service System" in every RWA so that every RWA or household/
any person living in RWA can approach any of the local govt officials for any grievance/support virtually using
digital large screens in the RWA for live interaction and the computer system in the RWA can be used to fill the
forms etc, also the Grievances of RWA like a street light failure, water supply, waterlogging, etc be shared with
special App of all elected representatives holding the territorial jurisdiction (sarpanch/ward member to Mandal
/municipal councilor to MLA to MP and also the in-charge minister for the district/city), the same be shared by
the App on automatic default bases with the top two opposition political parties in the state/district/local govt
(as per vote share). This measure creates positive pressure on elected representatives to deal with Govt not only
members of RWA but also the workers working in the RWA or household in the RWA may belong can avail the
services through RWA, also measure of e Govt Seva at doorstep system drastically reduces people visiting govt
offices for any service, all services are at the doorstep. This is a real smart city and real digital India, technology
to save time, contain vehicular pollution for visiting govt offices by people.

79) Value of property in RWA is based on sustainable development parameters and shared assets of RWA like the
development of greenery, water conservation, electricity conservation human development index (excluding HNI
individuals in every RWA for calculation of per capita income raised in that area). SMVITA property cards are
issued to every household in RWA with market value raise based on the factors like reduction of pollution,
conserving water, greenery, etc will further improve the environment. GOI ensure value of the property get
enhanced by certain points if RWA share their assets like children play area, parks, gym with other neighbouring
small RWA, which lacks space. This measure ensures Sustained development and Inclusive growth.

80) GOI ensure one family cow for every household with a scheme like "Har Ghar Gau Mata" by providing Tax
Concession for digitally financing farmers for purchase & rise a cow on behalf of household/ RWA and RWA
financing farmers for cultivation of staple food. Since COW is considered as Gau Matha, in Indian tradition,
owning a cow is auspicious and consuming milk, the curd is essential for health as per AYURVEDA principles, and
COW is essential for natural farming, and getting finance for farmers is difficult, farmers are exploited by private
financers, if there exists a mechanism that individual household who consume milk daily fund digitally the farmer
to buy a cow on their behalf and provide the required maintenance cost of cow to the farmer and get the return
on investment in the form of milk at market rate and tax concession from Govt. This measure safeguard Indian
Traditions of owning a Holy Cow (remotely), at the same time help making India Self Reliant through Technology
and Cooperative spirit of all citizens. Individual household can get finance from banks for owning a cow, pay EMI’s
equivalent their monthly milk consumption.

GOI establish Urban community cow centers and rural community cow centers and milk be exchanged based on
the milk production of the cows. Cow dung is useful in natural farming whether in terrace gardening, gardening
at RWA, or cultivation in agriculture fields, used for goober gas production and distribution in rural areas by GOI.
GOI may initiate a scheme with tax concession for financing farmers to own a cow anywhere in India, raised
anywhere in India by any farmer, with a unique ID for cow, farmer, who financed the cow, all details to the Govt,
and milk be exchanged to the value of money financed to buy a cow/ rise a cow anywhere in India. The farmer

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gets additional income after providing equivalent milk through milk exchange to the financer, the financer
household may get milk from any dairy packed milk supplier across India who is supplying in that locality/RWA
by exchanging the digital coupons issued by milk exchange. This measure is useful for providing additional income
for the farmer. This measure is a great step in natural farming/ zero budget farming, as a cow is essential for
natural zero budget farming.

Also, in the future the same system of digitally financing farmers for cows by individual household be extended
to RWA finance a farmer/ group of farmers (VACA -Village Agriculture Cooperative Associations- Ref My Doc Food
for All Year 2012) for buying cows on their behalf, supply milk to the entire RWA, using milk exchange system.

GOI should create a system that RWA/ group of RWA financing farmers for cultivation of staple food like growing
millets, or wheat or rice in future to be supplied to RWA and farmers directly by the farmers or farmers exchange
i.e local farmers supply the quantities to the RWA where they are selling, which will eliminate middlemen, fresh
staple food and other vegetables at lower than the market cost for RWA people and farmers get reasonable profit
i.e MSP + profit, and relieve farmers from approaching private financers at a higher interest of paying to banks
at higher interest. GOI must ensure farm insurance for all farmers, GOI act as guarantor for RWA finance to
farmers, all RWA Financing farmers be done in a systematic transparent manner developed by GOI with default
settings and required safeguards ensuring WIN-WIN for farmers and RWA household.

These measures are perfect gamechanger measures to ensure Sustained Development and Inclusive growth via
Streamlining Regulations of RWA, making India Self-Reliant- Atma Nirbhar Bharat.

Standard templets and App’s for Data Collection, Reporting by RWA to Govt.

For achieving Sustained Development and Inclusive Growth for Self-Reliant India through Streamlining regulation of
RWA, GOI should create a standard templet with required data fields in the web to be filled by every RWA as part of
standard regulations whether small or big RWA, with few details online real-time, with data stored only in the Govt
cloud, Apps developed by GOI works with biometric of the user, every RWA must designate persons for recording
details, location /GPS and the time and date of use of the App by default.

Apps be totally under GOI control, (private may be used to develop the apps, but app’s operation and administrative
control be under GOI to avoid misuse of data by private for profit) be integrated into Govt web of various
departments for getting various types of data from RWA by delegating Govt authority to RWA to collect data directly
in the Govt App. This is a true Minimum Govt Maximum Governance, use of Technology for Transforming India.

All the Apps used by RWA should be under Minimum Government – Maximum Governance portal, which should be
under “Ministry of Coordination”-GOI or under Prime Minister’s Office- PMO for achieving desired results.

The Following data be collected through RWA by Govt, data stored directly in Govt cloud, accessible only to Govt,.

1) App for collection of data of owners of the household

2) App for collection of data of tenants with online rental agreements
3) App for collection of data of the number of people living in every household, permeant/guest.
4) App for recording details of senior citizens, pensioners.
5) App for providing life certificate for pensioner by the RWA, by taking a photo/video of the pensioner staying by
RWA in the Govt cloud, pension issuing agency (GOI, State Govt/ PSU) use data, renewal of pension.
6) App for recording Details of physically challenged, limited mobility
7) App for Details of Adolescent girls and pregnant women in the RWA
8) App for recording Details of the married couple live in relation couple, and details of marriage registration/ live
in registration in the Govt
9) Mandatory to inform RWA for any marriage within the RWA premises or outside RWA premises by the family
members of the persons who are getting married
10) RWA can be used for census enumeration and various other data collection that teachers are being used thus
reliving teaching staff from additional duties and making them focus only on education

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11) App for RWA collect the data of students, school details, school dropouts, where the children are doing working
with their parents or living as orphans, etc
12) App for RWA collecting the details of educational institutes of the students, all people living in RWA where they
educated, details of honorary doctorates, details of education doctorate holders (Ph.D.) etc
13) App for reporting Schools for special needs like deaf, dumb, of mobility issue
14) App for reporting literate / illiterate/ adult e-education. Digital education in the RWA premises
15) App for recording Details of educated, unemployed, self-employed, employed in Govt, Pvt, PSU, NGO Etc,
16) App for recording details of employees/employer, origination/ person/ place, nature of work, mode of payment,
data be correlated with database of all business/manufacturing units with statuary licensing authority data.
17) App for recording details of doing agriculture whether on land or leased land, details of the online lease
agreement for rental of cultivation
18) App for recording animals in the RWA Details of animals, vaccination of animals.
19) App for reporting stray dogs, stray cows/animals in the RWA / vicinity of the RWA / dead animals for removal
20) App for recording Details of the source of water, (supplied by Govt or groundwater or tanker water, etc) use of
water every household wise, water harvesting facility, storage of rainwater, etc
21) App for reporting total usage of water by the RWA common areas, cumulative total / individual user data of each
household the total quality per month.
22) App for Quality testing of water in the RWA and reporting periodic maintenance of underground storage and
overhead storage tanks and municipal waters to find the impurities/ bacteria/ hardness etc.
23) App for reporting overflow of drainage, waterlogging, leaks from pipelines, etc
24) App for details of earth dams to collect the rainwater to contain water logging in the low-lying areas
25) App for identifying the drainage manholes, septic tanks.
26) App for reporting the position of the transformer's location/height in the RWA.
27) App for Details of cable wires in the RWA whether they are underground or running across the streets.
28) App for reporting the road speed breakers, path holes, etc
29) App for recording Details fuel for cooking in every household, whether they possess LPG connection, stoves or
goober gas stoves or wood fire stoves or coal-based stoves or electric stoves or solar stoves, etc.
30) App for recording whether RWA possesses Piped gas facility in RWA for every house, methods of cooking
31) App for recording details of RO water facility in RWA with the supply of RO water by RWA to every household
32) App for recording Mass kitchen facility at RWA to provide idly. Roti etc for RWA members
33) App for mess/canteen facility by RWA/ group of RWA for providing breakfast for staff/ workers
34) App for the facility for Govt subsidized canteen facility in the RWA / group of RWA (Rs 5 /Rs 10 a meal)
35) App for recording Details of income group, details of income tax, PAN number, etc.
36) App for recording details of Ration cardholders, identifying people who are receiving the PDS
37) App for identifying the recipient of Govt welfare schemes, old-age pensions, etc
38) App for reporting Govt issued ID cards like Aadhar, passport, voter ID, ration card, etc
39) App for collection of data of vehicles owned by every household which were parked in that RWA, details of vehicle
– diesel, petrol or Electric vehicles, kilometers done
40) App for recording driving license holders in the RWA.
41) App for reporting EV - Shuttle vehicle of the RWA to ferry people from RWA to nearest mass mode transport
point, mandatory every RWA possess EV for last-mile connectivity.
42) App for the location of space in EV Charging stations in RWA to be used by non-RWA EV
43) App for reporting on roadside parking / no parking by public
44) App for recording daily kilometers done by every vehicle before stating in the day
45) App for reporting accidents/dents in the vehicle in the RWA which is parking in the RWA permanently or visiting
the details of accident vehicles be shared by default with police as well as insurance companies.
46) App for reporting traffic jams in the RWA vicinity.
47) App for reporting mandatory periodic maintenance of vehicles by the RWA and the same App be used by vehicle
service stations/ mechanic shops, mandatory for service stations to report if any vehicle comes for service/repair.
48) App for recording details of people working in an individual household in the RWA like maidservants, drivers, etc
ensure they possess Govt issued unique ID for every type of worker working in the household.

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49) App for recording working staff in RWA like security, helpers, of RWA common area sweeping, gardener, barber,
washermen, garbage lifting, etc
50) App for biometric entry and exit of the worker in the RWA, details stored in RWA hard disk for a certain period.
51) App for recording online real-time data of visitor vehicle in the RWA with biometric details shared with CCTNS
52) App for recording online real-time data of visitors for every household whether e-commerce or personal through
the biometric entry and a standard unique ID for every e-commerce service provider /Aadhar card.
53) App for recording details of monthly maintenance charges, total collected, spent by every RWA
54) App for RWA to provide details of layout/ building approvals / for the RWA (gated community/ apartment etc),
upload photos in the standard templet the front view, elevation, from the top, etc,
55) App for requesting Govt for facilitating through fare from one RWA to other RWA
56) App for reporting facilities in the RWA like a community hall, sports facility, etc,
57) App for sharing common facilities by RWA like children play area, parks, gym, etc with details of user RWA
58) App for recording details immediate neighborhood of the RWA like other RWA/commercial spaces etc with
photos, names of the neighbor RWA to identify unauthorized RWA / unauthorized constructions.
59) App for the municipal authorities to count the RWA ward wise and take a snap in the standard templet photo
app so that the AI system identifies the RWA authorized by the municipal authorities/ GOI and unauthorized
60) App for recording Details of Govt/ municipal roads, parks/ drainages to identify them encroachments
61) App for reporting RWA near lake beds, near Railway tracks to assess encroachments, etc
62) App for reporting firecracker burning in the RWA.
63) App for reporting minor or major fire accidents within the RWA limits
64) App for reporting garbage/ garden waste pile up/ burning in the RWA / approach roads to RWA.
65) App for reporting vehicles RWA premises, RWA vicinity, reporting accidents, accident vehicles in the RWA.
66) App for reporting debris dumping on-road/ construction material dumping on road
67) App for reporting street light failure by RWA limits / RWA members be given jurisdiction of municipal roads
68) App for reporting rooftop solar for RWA common areas and reporting Rooftop solar installed by individual house
or power generation, their capacity, total energy generated, used, net metering, solar water heaters.
69) App for reporting total usage of electricity by the RWA for common areas, water pumping, etc and individual
usage and cumulative usage of individuals household the conventional energy and the Solar/wind energy
70) App for reporting secular issues like reporting all religious symbols in the RWA premises.
71) App for reporting in violation of secular principles by putting notices/ advertisements that only those caste/
religion people be allowed to buy/rent property etc.
72) App for reporting of temporary pandals for the poojas / religious rituals in RWA / RWA territories jurisdiction.
73) App for reporting the religious places in the RWA premises or RWA limits
74) App for reporting the rise of any flags in the RWA
75) App for reporting the air condition / heaters, motors for pumping the water, diesel generators / stand by the
power supply, and high energy consumption equipment in the RWA or individual household
76) App for reporting energy audits in every RWA and every household.
77) App for reporting a violation of tobacco smoking in RWA premises, with a complete ban on tobacco
smoking/chewing in RWA common areas or the house in the RWA premises
78) App for reporting sale/ consuming alcohol in the RWA premises / RWA jurisdiction
79) App for reporting belt shops, liquor sale, drinking in the RWA premises or RWA vicinity
80) App for recording Health cards, medical insurance, accidental insurance of individuals in the RWA
81) App for reporting communicable diseases like dengue/ malaria etc cases in every RWA by individual household
to the RWA and RWA to the local Govt.
82) App for reporting by diagnostic center/ hospital/ doctor where patents with communicable diseases visit them
to trace such patients and treatment, impose fine for the household/ RWA for non-reporting for cases
83) App for identifying Blood collection and analysis facility in RWA/ group of RWA
84) App for reporting the Doctors residing in the RWA or clinics operating in the RWA premises or RWA territorial
jurisdiction, to ensure all doctors are qualified and help in the elimination of quacks.
85) App for guiding first aid for patients in a home emergency, 24/ video call for teleconsultation with GPS location
for emergency response and alert nursing staff/doctors in that RWA/nearby RWA for emergency medical help.

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86) App for 24/7 helpline with video calling from guiding Naturopathy – Ayush home remedies using food/ terrace
garden plants, for health ailments
87) App for collection of unused medicines having an expiry date, based on purchase from retail medical stores with
bill against bar coded prescription, validation from online real-time from Pharmacy retail network.
88) App for community police members in every RWA, group of RWA, duty allocation, reporting every day, RWA
Community police be used to serve physical summons to accused / criminal hiding in the RWA.
89) App for reporting suspicious actions in the RWA by any household like prostitution, drugs, terror hideout, etc by
the RWA management, to permit the community police in the RWA locality to search such premises.
90) App for reporting sexual harassment, domestic violence in RWA by household/ neighbours/staff/workers
91) App for serving Govt notices, serving warrants issued by police to individuals living in RWA through RWA.
92) App for reporting missing children, men, women, App for reporting orphans in the RWA, integrated to AI-based
face recognition police network, railway station, bus station CC camera network identifying missing persons.
93) App for reporting begging/ destitute persons in the RWA vicinity.
94) App for reporting birth/ death of a resident in any RWA or in the hospital or our site RWA
95) Reporting of cremation grounds for animals and humans and paying last rights with respect by the RWA.
96) App for reporting the terrace gardening, and App for medical value plants, their maintenance, use, etc
97) App for financing farmers by individual household / RWA for buying cows (Har Ghar Gau Matha) and in future
for cultivation of food grains
98) App for educating people to identify food adulteration and health issues.
99) App for quality testing of milk and other food products in every RWA/ group of RWA, reporting adulterated foods
100) App for permission for slaughter of birds & animals (hen, duck , goat) for meat.
101) App for reporting count of tree/ greenery in the RWA or Municipal territories, and fall of trees in the RWA.
102) App for reporting insurance details of every household in the RWA, including house, vehicles, all luxury items.
103) App for reporting people to belong to permeant RWA staying in other cities/ towns / other RWA for
education/ employment to ensure assessing the migration of workforce.
104) App for reporting my village my pride so that people living in cities belong to the village can contribute to the
development of villages
105) App for reporting structural audit of builds and heritage buildings/ old buildings etc.
106) App for collection and disposal of items of waste to wealth and provide credits for every household/ RWA
107) App for reporting discarding electric and electronic items and wood-based items by household to the RWA
and RWA for recycling.
108) App for waste disposal of various waste materials segregated for recycling generated in every RWA
109) App for reporting commercial Activities in the RWA like commercial offices including lawyers' offices, charted
accountants, Astrologers, palmistry, etc only women tailoring is allowed in RWA for empowering women
110) App for reporting broadband connection service providers, users in the RWA limits, in the RWA.
111) App for an online facility for parents for attending the parent-teacher meet for the Parents who are sick, not
able to travel, or especially single parents using the RWA large screens.
112) App for online interaction by household and also by RWA with local leaders/ elected representatives with
people i.e all issues /grievances of individual household/ RWA, using the RWA large screen
113) App for recording details of households whose families are working in armed forces or retired in armed forces
114) App for recording exclusive traditional artesian across India living in different RWA so that their art be made
to carry forward for future generations with govt support.
115) App for reporting sound pollution in the RWA premises, ban loudspeakers, loud music in RWA premises by
RWA or individual household, GOI fix maximum decibels in any RWA or individual household
116) App for reporting family members traveling abroad, for a tour, study, employment, etc.
117) Mandatory RWA possesses a standard specification smartphone/tablet PC with the standard camera
Mandatory every RWA download a standard app for snapping photo of the residents for headcount.
118) Single App used by various Govt departments for alerting the RWA for no supply of water, power cut, blocking
of traffic, traffic diversion, RWA will alert household /all people living in the RWA appropriately.

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Streamlining regulations of RWA ensuring mandatory proportionate representation in the RWA management
committees and standardisation of employment at RWA staff, salary of staff and other mandatory amenities cost in
every RWA be sourced from monthly maintenance charges collected from residents of that RWA, people contribute
from their earnings little (in the RWA with low-income groups lives GOI extend support) use of Indian Traditional
Medicine Ayurveda, naturopathy based health care with natural food and plant extracts available locally in every
household/RWA to make people healthy, relive people from health disorders instead of using English medicines,
mandatory free health card and, health insurance for all and free accidental insurance for all aged above 18 years
will ensure health and security for all, collecting data of people living in every RWA, their native place, mother tong
will help in forming National registry of Citizens, help in identifying foreigners living illegally, also collecting data of
students, where they are studying help in identifying unrecognized educational institutions, also data of employed,
unemployed, where they are working, details of employer, source of income will enable to identify and contain
unauthorized manufacturing, sale, illegal business/ prostitution. drug trade etc and able to contain, data of property
owners to make the National registrar of property owners will help in identifying who owns which property in India
by GOI, help identifying whether property earned honestly corruption, tax evasion, promotion of mom and pop
stores deliver goods to large population in RWA's through Govt created /supported online App-based delivery instead
of MNC gain online stores, promotion of Indian traditional food centres in the RWA, measures containing water born
diseases via ensuring RO water in every RWA and measures containing adulteration of milk, edible oils, powders used
in food and contain meat adulteration via educating people identifying adulteration and ensuring quality testing
facility in RWA and also ensuring every RWA possess mini machines for extraction of edible oils, and powders from
raw food products hep in ensuring all sections of people are healthy.

Mandatory to inform RWA and Govt for any travel by household help in safety & securing the houses, mandatory
data of education, employment with details of educational institutions where the children are studying, from where
they got their educational degrees etc and whether they are working, details of employer, source of earnings will
help in identifying non recognised educational institutions, contain illegal manufacturing and sales of products, saves
people from health disorders and also source of earnings will contain prostitution, drug trafficking etc, mandatory to
inform GOI through RWA about family members going abroad, settled in abroad for study, employment, business or
tourism with GOI issuing unique ID for every person who is traveling to a foreign country, will help in identifying
persons from India origin living in abroad legally, use of tax paid money for foreign journey/study, data of married
couples, pregnancy, children, data collection of new joins in RWA, data of orphans, data missing children, women,
persons of RWA help in identifying missing persons, reduce crimes and unite family.

Data collected by RWA’s on behalf of Govt in standard templets and data stored directly in Govt cloud via Govt
created Apps, this is making New India a reality with Min Govt, Max governance, vocal for local and digital technology-
driven smart cities/ smart villages. Financing by individual household/ RWA for buying a cow and for cultivation will
aid in natural farming /zero budget farming, sustained development and inclusive growth, a true self-reliant India.

Streamlining Regulations of Residential Welfare Associations-RWA's provides millions of permeant employments

directly, which will increase purchase power of millions to buy goods, this will enhance manufacturing, construction,
etc which will further enhance direct and indirect employment, this is cyclical, create inclusive growth and sustained
development, help in creating self-reliant India all this with cooperative support of every household, contributing a
little in monthly maintenance charges of housing society/RWA where they live, along with support from Govt in the
form of tax concession or development of software, etc at no major financial burden for household or for local,
state/central Govt. Nation-building by the people for the people is true democracy, a true reflection of Nationalism.


Jai Hind

Pradeep Kumar Kunche

Think Social Engineering Think Me

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