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/nttJmlll tmfJIY1Jl1 l11 m11,mt for rntm11gnmtmt. Exlflm1Jl 11naly11l1 I• 1;,,,,111,1 ""' /Jy m1t,/d11flJ
~uoll 011 cmt11tofl, bnnl<ortJ, dob11nturoliol1Jur, ond f!Ot/11mmnn1 no,mr:lm,.

110r1, ont ul (or Oy nurn ic) Anu lyoih

.1hi', ,1 11 ,dy•1 111 JH rn ;1d t· tr , r; •v i, ·w ,,r,d ,111;dy1, 1• firr,,111 1,; l ,,f:JJ ,•rn, r1h f1,r ,1 nu,,!,, r ,,f ,-,,n
II IH ,1 /(I/ /{' !1Crll'' i (IJ/1d1tii 1, . ii ,,Jir, wH I ,n n p,rn •,1,n ,if f1 1r,rn1 i,,J d.,f,J (,,r •,,t '1 1-r,11 '/' ,J('. ,j,,oJf,',f;;
dw1w11 l_,,1 ~ 1• y1·M. It i 1.i 1J:,dul f't, r 1/)n f~ l<·rrn lr1 •nd M1,i l y 1,1', ,md pl,m, ,n,,~ < ,,rrav,, ,,.,,, ;,,
C., lid• •ml'llf 1, <Jr <·omp.,ir;l1l vt' Jl1n ;,n , i,11 S1:t11 •1n1•nl 1, ,Jr,- ;,11 <·/,,rnpl, , ,if i11Jf! / <Jnl ,J I ,;r nl ,r ,,·,

vert ical ((Jr S totit.) An alyolr~

Tld f, J11,d y Hi 1 , j.., rna<J,, I{) n ·ViL'w and ,:1 n;1l y ½<· th,- (1n,111 r i,JI ·,1,il<·rrwnh ,,f <,rw y,·,) r ,,1·lj
l<,J!i o ;in,dy1, i•1 of lh C' fiiwnrial ~il1.lf( •rn1 •ril n·la!i ng I() a parl u ul ,H r:1t<1 J•Jnl1r ,,~ ; 1•,Jr ,', ,
(!-< tirni,l t· uf lhi c.. 'YI"'<,( ,Jn.t ly,, ,,,. ½ui h Mt ;1r,,JJ yf.ji1i , ,, 1J <, 1 •ful 1n <ornpMin,j th,· p,,rf,,rrn-Jr,,_,.
0 ( fWVt•r;d c(llllp:11111•, ,if 11 1(: <,,1rn1· lyp,· <,r cJ 1vi 1,i,,n c., <1 r rJ,,p,,rtrn,-n1 ,, rn 1, n1• r,nt, rpr1·,1·

Dynsmlc or Horizontal Analysis is a time serlea analysis. Static or V9rtlcal Analy1!1 I•

catrl9d out at ono particular point of time, generally when the accounts are clo•,;d.

It 'i.L
Wh at is Hori1 onta l Analy sis?
Wh a t is meant by Vertical Analysis?

Bo th Horizontal and Ve rti cal Analy ses are com ptem entar-y ,n n at u r~
Why Verti cal Analy sis is also known as St at ic A nalysis?
Ey, p l am .

Distincti on between Ho rizonta l Analysis and Vert ical Analy&i s

Basis Horizontal Ana/ys/1

Vertkol Analy1ls
1, Period It requires comparative financial statements It require'.l a statement o! ne p~m)d
of two or more accounting pertods.
✓. Components It deals with same item of different periods. It deal• with cfff • .
1- -
or Items > 1
' 1 erent 1t~ms o f sartl'.? pe:fod.

-;. Information It provi des information in ab sol ute and

, percentage terms. It provides infor~ ation in p,:-rcentag'? terms.
1. UsefuJness ; it is generally-used f;, time se ries analysi~.
It is generatty used for cro.-, ~ .,.. _1 ._
'· Comparl$0n · It is a pa rt of comparison.
- -- .. -- - -- - .. - --- --- - - It is a St€ p towards compan'5Qn
.,.,. .l'lo-'-~.JI"@ ann1;11~s.

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