@@@ Urine - Is - A - Highly - Cytotoxic - Agent - Does - I

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Urine Is a Highly Cytotoxic Agent: Does It Influence Stem Cell

Therapies in Urology?
J. Adamowicz, T. Kloskowski, J. Tworkiewicz, M. Pokrywczyńska, and T. Drewa

The state of art of stem cell therapies in urologic regenerative medicine is still under
development. There are still many issues before advances in tissue engineering can be
introduced for clinical application. The essential question is whether stem cells should be
seeded on the urinary tract lumen side. The present experiment, using Real-Time Cell
Analyzer (RTCA) DP (Dual Plate) of the xCellligence system (Roche Applied Science,
Mannheim, Germany), allowed us to monitor cellular events in real time. In this study we
examined the influence of urine on bone marrow– derived mesenchymal stem cells (MSC).
Cells were exposed to medium mixed with urine (1:1), medium mix with PBS (Phosphate
Buffered Saline) (1:1), only urine, and whole medium without cells as background. The cell
number was significantly lower in all groups exposed on medium mixed with urine and
urine alone. The results showed that urine is a highly cytotoxic agent whose role in urologic
regenerative medicine is underestimated.

UCCESS of the urinary bladder reconstruction based penicillin, and 10 ng/ml basic Fibroblast Growth Factor (bFGF).
S on tissue engineering methods depends on cellular
compartments within the neotissue. Stem cells are respon-
Cells were grown at 36°C in 5% CO2 with 95% humidity.

sible for tissue regeneration.1 However, only a small part of Cytotoxicity Assay
transplanted cells survive during graft remodeling.2 The
survival of transplanted stem cells is important to promote The experiment was performed using a Real-Time Cell Analyzer
(RTCA Roche, Mannheim, Germany) DP included in an xCelli-
regeneration of the muscle layer and prevent scarring.3
gence system (Roche Applied Science, Mannheim, Germany) to
Urine influences all structures used for tissue engineering monitor cellular events in real time without the incorporation of
of the urinary tract. Stem cells are exposed to urine until the labels. We used E-Plates 16 (Roche Applied Science) with cells
urothelial layer regenerates. Regeneration of urothelium (6.25 ⫻ 103 cells/cm2) cultured in DMEM and 10% ⫻ FBS (pH ⫽
takes about a week; by this time cell-seeded grafts have 7.4). Cells were exposed to medium mixed with urine (1:1),
absorbed urine. In this study we examined the influence of medium mixed with PBS (1:1), only urine, and whole medium
urine on bone marrow– derived mesenchymal stem cells without cells as a background. The experiment was planed for 105
(MSC), in a rat model. hours. Urine was added 24 hours after the cells had been seeded in
E-Plates. In each group consisting of 5 cultures there were the
METHODS following exposures: 1 hour, 12 hours, and 24 hours. A 1-day
Cell Isolation and Culture interval was used for culture recovery and cultures were exposed to
urine again.
MSC were isolated from the bone marrow of rat femurs. The rats
The urine (10 mL fresh) was obtained by single catherization of
were humanely killed with a ketamine overdose. The experiments
healthy Wistar rats. The technique of catherization has been
were performed with the approval of the local ethics commission.
extensively described by Oliveira et al.4
The femurs were cut on both ends and the bone core was flushed
with culture medium. The cell suspension was centrifuged for 2
minutes at 400g. The cell pellet suspended in PBS was centrifuged From the Department of Tissue Engineering (J.A., T.K., J.T.,
again for 10 minutes at 300g. After centrifugation the cell pellet M.P., T.D.), Nicolaus Copernicus University, Bydgoszcz, and
suspended in culture medium was seeded into culture bottles Department of Urology, City Hospital Toruń (T.D.), Poland.
(Nunc GmbH & Co. KG, Langenselbold, German; 25 cm2). MSC Address reprint requests to Jan Adamowicz, MD, Department
were cultured in DMEM (Dulbecco’s Modified Eagle Medium) of Tissue Engineering, Nicolaus Copernicus University, Karlow-
medium containing 10% fetal bovine serum (FBS), supplemented icza 24, str., 85-090 Bydgoszcz, Poland. E-mail: adamowicz.
with 5 ␮g/mL amphotericin B, 100 ␮g/mL streptomycin, 100 U/mL jz@gmail.com

© 2012 by Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved. 0041-1345/–see front matter

360 Park Avenue South, New York, NY 10010-1710 http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.transproceed.2012.01.128

Transplantation Proceedings, 44, 1439 –1441 (2012) 1439


The cell number was significantly lower among all groups
exposed to medium mixed with urine or urine alone (Fig 1A,
1B, 1C, and 1D). Twenty-four– hour incubation in medium
with urine was deadly for all cells in culture (Fig 1A). The
replacement of medium with a fresh one did not produced
recovery of the cultures. The number of cells decreased
quickly after the addition of urine to the medium; The stem
cells managed to survive for 1 hour and 12 hours of incubation
with urine mixed with medium (Fig 1B and 1C). The first
exposure to pure urine that lasted 1 hour was deadly for
almost all cells in culture. Nevertheless stem cells started to
regrow in fresh medium. All stem cells did not survive a
second exposure to pure urine (Fig 1D). Stem cell culture
recovery was observed after 1 hour and 12 hours exposure to
medium with urine (Fig 1B and 1C). In these cases stem cell
growth rates in fresh medium depended on the prior exposure
time. The culture recovery was slowest after 12 hours of
incubation with medium containing urine. In the last recovery
period the number of cells was approximately 50% lower than
at the beginning of the study.

Urinary tracts are characterized by poor self-regeneration
properties of the urothelium. Scarring is a dominant pro-
cess during urinary tract healing, even after slight trauma.5
Scarring of the reconstructed hollow organs of the urinary
tract, such as the ureter and urethra, is not acceptable from
the clinical point of view. The scar closes the lumen,
reducing urine passage leading to obstructive nephropathy.
Tissue engineering offers a technology that enables com-
plete regeneration of the ureter, urinary bladder, and urethra.6
Regenerative templates, composed of biodegradable material
and stem cells, have been proven to induce urinary tract
regeneration after implantation.7 Cells play a key role to
induce urinary tract regeneration.8 Severe fibrosis always
occurs after implantation of a decellularized graft, conse-
quently leading to graft contraction in a few weeks. MSC were
chosen to be the stem cell model in this study due to their
widespread use in experimental approaches of regenerative
medicine.9 Bioengineered grafts composed of biomaterials
and MSC have shown reliable, long-lasting regenerative ca-
pacities for porcine and canine bladder augmentation com-
pared with deceleularized matrices. MSC have been shown to
be effective to prevent graft contraction and to induce smooth
muscle regeneration. MSC stimulate urinary tract regenera-
tion by several mechanisms, including release of paracrine
signals and stimulation of endogenous regeneration by recruit-

Fig 1. The influence of urine on MSC proliferation rate depend-

ing on exposition time. (A, B, C) The cultures were exposed on
urine mixed with medium (1:1). (D) The cultures were exposed on
pure urine. The yellow arrow points to the time of addition of
urine. The black arrow points to the time of replacing the medium
with fresh one. The cell number is expressed as the cell index.

ing local resident stem cells. MSC may also modulate the undergo regeneration of a bladder previously removed due
concentrations of metaloproteinases that play important roles to cancer. In all other cases stem cells should be seeded only
in remodeling of extracellular matrix within the neo-tissue.10 on the external side of grafts used for urinary tract regen-
Fibrosis processes need to be limited during graft remodeling eration to reduce contact with urine during the first days
to guide ingrowth of regenerating smooth muscles cells into and weeks after transplantation.
the implanted scaffolds. The survival of MSC within a graft Patients with invasive urothelial cancer should undergo
after implantation is a major demand for successful regener- radical treatment that includes resection of most structures
ation.11 Urinary tracts are particularly unfavorable for trans- covered with urothelium. The urotheliual layer of artificial
planted cells, because they are exposed to damaging agents bladder wall replacements cannot be restored from autolo-
like urine. gus cells harvested from the host urinary tracts before
This study reports urine to be a highly cytotoxic agent whose treatment. The theory of urothelial cancer development
role in urologic tissue engineering has been underestimated. assumes an overall change in the urothelium with many
The observed cytotoxic effect was not specific for MSC. A transformed cells. The survival, proliferation, differentia-
study demonstrating urine cytotoxic effects on human urothe- tion, and phenotypic stability of these cells is affected by the
lial cells was published by Davis et al.12 These results provide disease. It may be improper after transplantation leading
evidence for a crucial role of urine in the etippathogenesis of even to carcinogenesis in the host.
interstistial cystitis (IC), a disease that manifests as recurrent Although stem cells provide successful regeneration with-
pain or discomfort in the bladder and the pelvic region that out any special protection, we must pay more attention to
surrounds it. The exact cause of IC remains unclear, however, the survival of the transplanted stem cells to optimize
its development inhibits bladder cell proliferation and renders cell-based therapies for clinical application to reorder costs
healing of cell layers much more difficult. reasonable for public health care.
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