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Name of the Student: MOHD ANAS

Year of study: 2021

College/University: Indian Institute of Petroleum and Energy

Email ID:

Mobile number: 6399103104


Date of the Lecture: 20/06/2021

Topic of the Lecture: Improve and Control Phase

Lecture by: Rajagopal Sir

Time & duration of the Lecture: 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM; 3 hr

In this lecture of improve and control phase we will take the corrective action or solution to the
root cause and find maximum 2 root causes such that they never appear again and again.

Improve Phase:
Major concepts and tools of improve phase are:
1. Brainstorming: A group technique to generate large number of creative and useful ideas
in short period of time. There are also some brainstorming rules which we need to
Steps for Brainstorming:
• Phrasing the statement: In the first step statement of issue needs to be framed carefully
and also it must be specific enough such that all participants clear about intent.
• Prepare the brainstorming session: This step is basically to decide number of
participants ideally it would be 6 to 8 and also contain at least 2 participants from
outside the issue.
• Introduce brainstorming session: In this step we need to explain the topic and
brainstorming rules to the participants.
• Warming up: Think widely out of the box.
• Brainstorming the issue: Ideally it will take 25-30 min. After discussing the
brainstorming issue we need to write all ideas that is coming from participants even it
is duplicate.
• Processing ideas: In this step we will combine all similar ideas, and also define the
criteria for evaluating ideas.
2. Poka Yoke: It means mistake proofing. It is the technique to eliminate the mistake even
by mistake:
Three rules of Poka Yoke:
➢ Do not wait for the perfect Poka Yoke. Do it now.
➢ Apply Poka Yoke if there is chance for 50% success.
➢ Do it now if there is room for improvement then improve it later.
3. Piloting: A test of proposed solution on small area or process in order to understand
weather our proposed solution will reduce the defects.
Benefits of Piloting: It lower the risk of failure and also provides the feedback before
full scale implementation of solution.
4. Design of Experiment (DoE): We can conduct experiment using Minitab or statistical
5. Solution Selection Matrix: Implementing a direct solution is not a good thing instead
of that we select the solution in which majority have agreed.

Control Phase:
Control Phase Concepts and Tools:
➢ Develop Control Plan: Prepare process control plan then implement.
➢ Statistically sustaining improvements is done by Control Charts.
Control Charts: In traditional quality control corrective action is taken when product does not
meet the specific limit. It is also known as traditional goal post approach, and also it is noted
that ±3σ is the point where our process needs control. Control charts is framed as tool to identify
the two reasons of variation, one is due to common cause and other is special cause.

Types of Control Charts:

• For variable type data: IMR (Individual Moving Range), Mean vs Standard Deviation
and Mean vs Range.
• For attribute type data: P Chart, NP Chart ,C Chart and U Chart.

This lecture has provided the complete overview of Improve and Control Phase, with some
major tools of these phases. We find out that the solution of two root causes to improved
through brainstorming and other tools and if it lie on the point of ±3σ it should be controlled.
To control the process ‘Control charts’ plays the important role according to the type of data.

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