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Business Proposal for a Refuge Restaurant & Catering Enterprise

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1. Title Page

Table of Contents
Type chapter title (level 1) 1
Type chapter title (level 2) 2
Type chapter title (level 3) 3
Type chapter title (level 1) 4
Type chapter title (level 2) 5
Type chapter title (level 3) 6

2. Executive Summary
This social enterprise proposal will deal with a new upcoming very small business dealing in
the catering sector in Athens in the area of Chalandri Attica. The upcoming Enterprise will be
offering comprehensive combined Catering and restaurant services (Loannou, 2021). The
main goal as a social enterprise will combine recruiting the vulnerable people without income
around Chalandri to help them meet their basic needs and again donate daily a certain
percentage of cooked food to help organizations and associations of Attica like children
homes and others, which in turn distribute food to need and low-income families in the
neighboring area.

3. Table of Contents.

4. Introduction
The proposed social Enterprise will be in the catering sector and will be operating under
Refuge Restaurant and Catering. The Enterprise will aim to develop a proper system of Job
training and recruitment for disadvantaged people and meet needs for foods within and
neighboring areas of Chalandri Attica. The Restaurant will aim first at employing ten
operational staff for cooking delicious food that best competitively sells in the growing
catering market industry of Chalandri (Miller, 2021). Due to the growing market nature in
this city, the business within a few months of operation is estimated to have a turnover of 2
million Euros. The profit from that turnover will cater to the employees' remunerations and
other operating expenditures and still reach out to the need and poor within society by
donating a good percentage of the cooked food to help organizations and associations.
The proposal of Refuge Restaurant and Catering as a social enterprise will be vital for the
transformation of the Chalandri area since it will combine the resources of the growing
market and benefit the vulnerable people in the society. The report will be structured mainly
by researching secondary data materials and organizing necessary methodical tools to present
viable proofs for the feasibility of the proposed business. The research will capture the
market of new trends and comparative companies in this sector in terms of corporate social
responsibility in small and medium enterprises at the national and European levels (Ćirić,
Janković, and Kalenjuk, 2021).

5. Chapter 1 Background
Around the year 201 month of May demonstrations and riots became part of normal routine
in Greece streets, there were flames of fire ranging from petrol bombs, tourists were confused
as flights were crowded and protestants stormed acropolis down. The criticism went on for
several years, leading to the country tearing at the edge of bankruptcy (Biswas, Majumder,
Pamucar, and Dawn, 2021). Civil servants' pay was frozen, income taxes rose, public services
were cut too, and threatened pensions.
This situation continued for more than eight years, becoming the most severe economic
depression faced in Europe and even greater than the US depression of 1929-39. In 2013,
youth employment peaked at 50%, wage pay also dropped by 35%, and one-third of the
population was considered poor (Biswas, Majumder, Pamucar, and Dawn, 2021). An
Extended LBWA Framework in Picture Fuzzy Environment Using Actual Score Measures
Application in Social Enterprise Systems. International Journal of Enterprise Information
Systems. While this took place, people resorted to solidarity as a new way of doing business
and social economy concept. Some exchanged voluntary services for their resources; some
other developed clinics staff were volunteers and were funded by donations. Developments
have risen to today's youth's optimistic development of social enterprise groups (Borzaga,
Galera, Franchini, Chiomento, Nogales, and Carini, 2020).
Antonio Vorloou (pioneer post) development of social and solidarity economy become
government priority since is helping in economic development in combating unemployment
and democratization of work and production. The Greece Social and sodality report gave a
full picture of growing organizations while explaining the possible challenges and
a. Key findings of the report
Data analysis from official sources was able to examine other writing pieces via online
surveys, focus groups, and other interviews. The outcome of findings was as follows;
 There are close to one thousand six hundred social and solidarity groups in Greece.
 According to the government registry under transition, the groups comprise six
hundred active groups.
 Hundreds more organizations with different legal forms, which were are informally
constituted by the government, responded as follows:

 68% of them were established between 2013-2018.

 74 % of them had an annual turnover of less than $ 50,000
 Many of them operated at both local and regional levels.
 Close to 78% of them focus on combating employment.
 88% believe that the sector can grow both geographically and industry-
 Women lead 40%.
 41% of leaders have a postgraduate or doctoral level of education (Borzaga,
Galera, Franchini, Chiomento, Nogales, and Carini, 2020).

b. Key recommendations.
 There was a need to establish a national campaign supporting a social and solidarity
 A channel of communication and awareness was necessary to promote the movement.
 There was a need to provide seed capital through grants and loans to new and
emerging enterprises.
 Form an economic task force to work on identifying other sources of finance.
 Importation of cross-learning specialist programmers and models.
 Providing training in social impact measurements.

c. Economic game-changing.
In 2018, there was the launch of the 2018 OECD economic survey by Angel Gurrial, the
then secretary-general of the organization. There was a finding that Greek GDP was growing
at 1.3%.
However, Gurrial went on and noted huge challenges remained unsettled. Although the
poverty level was decreasing, it remained high in families with many children. Even though
more people were being employed, low payment remained a challenge, meaning many were
still in poverty. He concluded that more reforms were necessary, which needed to be focused
on the social wellbeing of the people and more suitable growth centered on human progress.
d. An alternative method of approach.
There have been social groups and solidity organizations even before the economic crisis. An
example of a well-known cooperative was the one of Dodecanese during the 1990s, well
known for the transformation of asylum. This city on the island of Loros is well known for
employing people with mental illness and issues to work in farms, sweet making, and honey
production. More detailed research showed that the growth of movements catalyzed the
economic crisis. There was an abrupt increase in numerous organizations, mostly in informal
areas outside the formal market sector. These included time banks, redistribution of food
schemes, vegetable gardens for urban community social centers, etc.
Alongside the above cooperatives, enterprises were increasingly seeking to create more job
opportunities as people sought to establish their source of livelihood. There is more desire to
grow tech-focused social innovation enterprises.

6. Chapter 2. Details of the Proposed Social

a. The social aim of the business

Refuge Restaurant & Catering is a social enterprise that will be established to solve social
problems in Chalandri, Attica. The business will majorly solve two social issues:
unemployment to vulnerable and risk groups of people and secondly assist poor people and
needy families by donating a certain percentage of basic food staff through partnering with
local basic help associations and organizations of Attica. The business will first utilize the

existing channels of associations and organizations to easily reach out to the target vulnerable
people and families (Neverauskiene and Pranskeviciute, 2018). The criteria will also be used
to identify the first benefit of the recruitment opportunities that Refuge Restaurant & Catering
offers. This social Enterprise's two agendas will transform entire areas and neighborhoods as
it expands gradually to undertaking more bulk projects and creating a big impact on society
and the world in the years to come.

b. Products and Services

Refuge Catering & Catering Enterprise will be dealing with all kinds of foodstuffs in
categories such as Traditional Greek Dishes, Mediterranean Taste & Pasta, Fresh Seafood
Dishes, BBQ, and Traditional Souvlaki, Appetizers & Side Dishes. The products will consist
of training the new employees and supplying services of reaching out to the community like
donating cooked food and organizing classes occasionally for youths to teach them
productive activities they ought to engage in (Tsigkou, Tsafrakidou, Athanasopoulou, Zafiri
and Kornaros, 2020).
c. The need for social Enterprise.
The Refuge Restaurant & Catering will be initiated and run to cater to the need of social
issues of unemployment and reach out to the poor and needy in the society. The business will
form because of the urgency needed to care for vulnerable members of society. The gap
between the vulnerable and well up developed the need to form this social Enterprise. The
Enterprise will reach out and improve living standards for less fortunate families through
income of employment opportunities and cutting down the costs of basic foodstuffs for the
vulnerable families, filling the gap between the rich and poor and creating a sustainable
society (Neverauskiene and Pranskeviciute, 2018).
The business will retain and reinvest the profit to benefit the economy locally. The social
business will create a sense of belonging to the community and neighborhood, creating a
sense of new identity of self-confidence in people, contributing to the culture of helping each
other as the business will be advocating. The business results will create a love culture and
reduce crimes (Apostolopoulos, Newbery, and Gkartzios, 2019).
d. Ways the social Enterprise will be established
The Refuge Restaurant & Catering will run primarily to reach out to society. Some structures
will be instituted to meet the need for social responsibility as the main goal. The Enterprise
will run making at least a minimum turnover of 2 million Euros of which re than a third of
the net profit will cater to running expenditures of employees' remunerations and overheads
costs. The estimated total operating expenses will be 25 percent of the net profits, and the rest
will meet the Enterprise's social objective. The estimated 75 percent of net profit will be used
to facilitate the programs of the social responsibilities as the main objective (Leung, Mo,
Ling, Chandra and Ho, 2019).
The business also will utilize the government and incorporate some programs like training
employees. The other possible means to get donors to boost the funds will be employees, and
the business will grow into a big organization getting reasonable returns and attracting more
donors to fund the organizations.

e. The Mission, Vision, and Values of the organization


I Mission Statement
The Refuge Restaurant & Catering statement will be ‘To Celebrate life by
inspiring healthier communities and eliminating poverty.

ii Vision Statement
The Refuge Restaurant & Catering statement will be 'We imagine the world with no hunger
in a balanced society.

iii The Core Values

The Refuge Restaurant & Catering statement will be; Love, Integrity, Self-confident,
Diligence, and Honesty.

f. The type of social Enterprise established

Refuge Restaurant & Catering Social Enterprise will be established as a social enterprise. The
business will be taking this social enterprise type because it will be an organization that runs
with a particular purpose of reaching out to the community and the same time trade
commercially in the restaurant and catering sector to facilitate the main goals of doing
responsible corporate services to the community (Poledrini, 2018). The business will be
community-based and focus on transforming the community as the main objective. The
trading part will be used to source and mobilize funds to carry out the main purpose. The
business will also cultivate the culture of training members from vulnerable families and
employ them to enhance the community's goal. The donation of cooked food also validates it
as a community organization because it incorporates society into its activities and every
g. The Organization key stakeholders
The key stakeholders of Refuge Restaurant & Catering Social Enterprise will consist of a
group of four stakeholders; customers, suppliers, employees, and investors.; a team of our
trusted customers who will be dining at the Restaurant they are the first people we will be
interacting with daily in the business and will be treated with respect and valued in the
operations daily. Suppliers will also be a key in dispatching to us the raw cooking products
and other services of technology according to our daily operations.
They are vital in the business since it would run without them supplying a continuous flow of
materials for continuous production of food and other services to serve customers better.
Another team consists of investors who will work closely with us to ensure that we will not
run out of funds (Salvati, 2019). The government support and donors will be essential
business stakeholders. The employee team will also be vital to carry out the vision and do the
business's mission will be very close in accomplishing the daily goals and objectives;
therefore, they have a stake in the business.

h. The Organization customers


The Refuge restaurant & Catering will target the middle to high-class people of Chalandri
town. The research shows a high potential market for our first products in this area. Our
quality services and food will attract potential customers and grow them rapidly within a
short duration. Our team will be skilled individuals with versatile knowledge and skills to
make a fantastic and delicious menu of food that will retain the customers and advertise
outside for others. The pool of customers is targeted to be growing daily with an increased
percentage of 5 %, and monthly teams will be able to attract (Salvati, 2019). The partners of
organizations and associations we will be working with who will interact daily are also
constituted as part of the customer team. The business customers will grow to attract senior
people in government and other big parastatals which will also constitute part of our
customers as they come to the premises.

i. Organizational competitors
The competitors of Refuge Restaurant & Catering Enterprise will consist of two sectors in
different industries or similar. The first competitor is the industries in the Restaurant and
Catering, and other groups are those major in social services enterprises in Chalandri, Attica.
The companies in social responsibility like Belu water social enterprise will be a close
competitor in raising funds to fund the Refuge Restaurant &Catering Enterprise. This
business will use the Aid program to raise adequate capital of touching the world easily,
resembling Belu’s strategy of donors aid to raise capital.
Other social industries will also share the help organizations and associations because they
will be sharing the ready market in Chandria. The customers will be going to the most
outstanding services and products. The severe competitor will be the Catering inter; therefore,
the Refuge Restaurant & Catering Enterprise will be unique in the produces and services to
be competitive enough to gain a large market share. The threat competitor will be famous
restaurants which include Coconut, El Greco Greek Restaurant, and Bella Maria Restaurant
in Greek city (Kwietniewska and Charzyński, 2020).
j. The legal structure and formation of the business
The Refuge Restaurant & Catering Enterprise will adopt various formal legal formalities in
its social enterprise structures. The business will use three main forms include limited
liability corporation and S corporation, because will be a social enterprise corporation is a
legal structure that will authorize the business to be taxed separated from the founder and
owners of the business corporation is the purpose for an organization like social enterprises
which meet the criteria of Internal Revenue Code requirements and it automatically allowed
to enjoy benefits of passing the income along with losses, credits and other deductions
directly to the shareholders and enjoy tax exceptions of called Federal corporation taxes
( Goodman, Patel and Saunders-Scott, 2019). Another benefit will be legal formation by
limited liabilities clause. It will cover the longevity nature of the business as it will be
established for a perpetual succession forever to serve the community around and people
internationally. It will also serve to protect the property of the current operating owners since,
in case of losses, their liability is limited to the value and capital they have invested in the
business (Defourny and Nyssens, 2008).

k. The key risks associated with the Enterprise and managed strategies

The key risks that will face Refuge Restaurant & Catering Enterprise as a social enterprise
will be obtaining the finances, Backlash of resisting people, and Inadequate growth in public
knowledge for marketing strategies. The business in its initial stage will face the hardship of
raising funds since most donors can only donate funds where they see the running business,
the challenge of raising funds to startup will be a great risk and will be tacked in presenting
this business proposal to various potential donors to fund this business and also continuous
research and approaching government of Athens Greece to fund the business since will
benefit the community (Yera, Arbelaitz, Jauregui and Muguerza, 2020). The Attica
administration will assist in raising the initial funds and put the business on the list of Aid to
be receiving Aid funds to boost the operations constantly.
The introduction of the business is not easy to be accepted to a community, especially this
dealing involving a lot of the people from the community. Therefore, the business starts at
high risk of being rejected by some people and undergoes a Backlash of resistance. The
business is prepared to manage resistance by launching a campaign using the trusted
members of Chandri to explain to them about the ideal business. Since most oppositions areas
the result of misunderstanding and mistaking the conmen with real good opportunities, the
ideal will prevail using the right protocols of authorities from highest to lowest (Yang, Elisa,
and Eliot, 2019).
The other risk will be the inadequate growth in public knowledge for marketing strategies
that will mostly use government authorities, especially the team used to introduce the
business to the community (Defourny and Nyssens, 2008). The official of government we
will begin with will help market the business to other government offices, and after
establishment, they will be part of the marketing team to liaise with every fund's opportunity
of the government fund.
l. What are the opportunities for growing the business internationally
The Refuge Restaurant & Catering Enterprise, being centered in the faster-growing market of
Chandri, has various opportunities to grow internationally. The business will utilize the
available foodstuff market to grow faster and establish outlet stores across the country and
later expand its operations into another country of the world. The partnering organizations
and associations will enhance the faster exposure to outside-the-country potential outlets.
Since the business targets the Chandria people and all the people around the world, it will
necessitate growth, therefore too many countries in Europe and other continents of the world
(Azim, Salman, and El Henawy, 2020).
7. Chapter 3. Sustainability Assessment and Policy
The Refuge Restaurant & Catering Enterprise will ensure sustainability as it is established for
a perpetual succession and will serve generations to come. Therefore, the business will adopt
various policies to ensure its sustainability, first of taking care of the environment, the
community around it and secondly maintain longevity in financial results level. in the
industry and the sector of Restaurant and Catering. The business will adopt a policy of
enhancing better public relations, Better marketing strategies, and maintaining a good
reputation to the community and neighborhood (Sparviero, 2019).
The growth will be ensured via growing connections with relevant donor funds to facilitate
the increase in capital to ensure expansion and accomplishing purpose to the community
without straining. The enhanced relationship with the authorities and government will also be
commanding good funds to the business and ensure the community is well taken care of by
increasing the percentage of donating food. The team of all stake orders will work hand in

hand with the growing marketing team of the business to advertise and publicize the business
activities (Azim, Salman, and El Henawy, 2020). especially the trading parts to increase sales
and donating part will attract better wishers to partner with business and improve the services
The noticeable positive change in the communities will earn the business a good reputation
and an image. The results will be building a brand image of Refuge Restaurant & Catering
Enterprise, which will be hard to get rid of from nearby communities worldwide. The
business will be loved by the community of the time and will be the song of everyone in the
community and around the globe (Olofsson, Hoveskog, and Halila, 2018). The brand name is
a key sustainer in the long run and is the best policy to be employed in the Refuge Restaurant
& Catering Enterprise.
8. Chapter 4 Corporate Social Responsibility and Ethical Business Policy
The Refuge Restaurant & Catering Enterprise will contain proper structure and policies of
corporate social responsibility to society and adopt admirable business ethical codes. The
business is intended first to impact the community as a social enterprise. Therefore it has
more responsibility to do than just normal business (Sparviero, 2019). It will have equipped
with high core values to enhance the good ethical code of business. The teams of employees
will first pass through a training that will equip them with core values of the business, when
incorporated, will produce honesty, a sense of value to the community.
The corporate social responsibility of the business as a mandate will make sure the poor and
needy families have allocated part of donated food. The organization will partner with other
help associations to ensure no life is celebrated everywhere with a hunger-free balanced
society. The transformation will grow gradually and will be felt all the community since the
business first will focus on vulnerable peoples and families. The initiative recruiting and
training vulnerable children from society is part of the CSR program (Olofsson, Hoveskog,
and Halila, 2018). Through the program, the business will eradicate unemployment since it
will partner with many organizations and associations and train many employees and
recommend them to various organizations.
The business will also be lodging various training for entire youth as part of the CSR
program. There will occasionally be scheduling teaching and training classes majorly on
youths to enhance productivity and uphold the core value of diligence to the community. The
training will enlighten and transform any youths registering positive impact to the community
(Olofsson, Hoveskog, and Halila, 2018). The classes will be with professional teachers of
various issues affecting the youth and change society by reaching these youths.
The staff will be role models to society; therefore, everyone in the community, especially
parents, will like their children to join our team. The high molarity of respect and diligence
portrayed by our staff will cause the community to love the organization hence the greater
impact of the business. The culture created of love will be impacted by our team gradually.
The community will change, crimes will reduce, and youths will become obedient to
authority. The change will be inevitable in the dress code and hygiene practice, all initiated
by our team (Sparviero, 2019).
9. Conclusion
The topic of our social Enterprise was the Refuge Restaurant & Catering Enterprise which
will be established in Athens, Greece, in the area of Chandria Attica. The business will be
dealing with social responsibility majoring on two objectives: recruiting employees from

vulnerable families and donating foodstuffs to the poor and needy families. The business will
begin small and grow internationally with a short period (Borzaga, Galera, Franchini,
Chiomento, Nogales and Carini, 2020).

The finding from the research proves that Chandria is a faster-growing city for restaurant and
catering businesses; therefore, Refuge Restaurant & Catering Enterprise is expanding to grow
faster. The community can support the right population for this kind of business proposal.
The business will transform the community easily, eradicate unemployment, and bring
balance to society as a whole. The business has a high potential of attracting government
funds and donors, which will facilitate faster growth. The CSR programs of the business are
admirable and multipurpose to the community will enhance good reputation and influence the
community with its core values easily.
The business proposal research many lessons of power of influence, leadership, and virtues of
life; diligence, honesty, and integrity, The lessons are practical as they influence the
community directly within a short period (Borzaga, Galera, Franchini, Chiomento, Nogales,
and Carini, 2020). The changes the proposed business is carrying the community are
inevitable, and the business proposal should be implemented immediately.

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