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Another way to approach
this question would be to address the change
In ͚Making and Connecting͛ (2008), David Gauntlett proposes that the internet and in as a digital ͚revolution͛, which it certainly is, as
a revolution changes everything
particular Web 2.0 has led to a shift from a ͚sit back and be told͛, passive audience to an active
Its 2011, ie bang up to date
audience who are embracing a ͚making and doing culture͛. The internet has changed the means of research havea look here for an extract
production, distribution, marketing and exchange. It has affected the way institutions produce and
distribute their media and also how audiences receive and consume.

The introduction of the MP3 file in 1994 has made many of today͛s developments possible i 
excellent, you should use
these point in every essay on this topic,
as for the first time it allowed music to be condensed into a file format without having a hard copy whether or not they are mentioned in the
such as a CD. This is where the digital age began to change everything for the music industry. question
Although having a limited effect on the industry at this stage, the internet has changed the way i 
I think you need a link
music is produced; it has created vast opportunities for artists and institutions. For example, a more sentence here explaining that creativity and
digital developments have allowed the
diverse range of collaborations are now possible due to the Internet. An example of this would be internet to change everything, ie digital
the song ͚Airplanes͛ by B.o.B featuring Hayley Williams which was created via global innovation led to MP3- led to creativity -
making and connecting.
communications. The two artists had never met when this track was created, the used email and
other sharing technologies to send their parts of the songs which had been recorded separately, this
were then combined digitally. This was also the case for the production of the music video; each part
was filmed separately and then combined digitally. Collaborations such as this would never have
been possible without the internet which has enabled diverse genres of music to mix without taking
too much time. This therefore allows artists to collaborate with other even if they don͛t ever meet. i 
great eg, well done

Internet has also changed the way production works within the film industry. Audiences are i 
͚The internet͛
now able to view teasers and spoilers that are filmed during production and behind the scenes clips
via sites such as ͚Youtube͛, this is as a result of the impact of the Internet on this industry allowing
audiences to become involved with the film at an earlier stage that before. Nowadays more films are
produced digitally, there are many advantages such as time and cost for the institutions whilst also
benefitting the audiences as when the film comes to be distributed it is easier and cheaper to
distribute a digital film rather than a film reel. Therefore, films that are sent to cinemas digitally for
example via the Internet are able to reach a wider spread of cinemas in the country so therefore it
becomes more available to audiences. i 
you need examples for
these, eg Sherlock Holmes game on Facebook
Distribution, in my opinion is the stage that has been affected and changed the most due to before film came out, websites on trailers,
look at your research on trailers for up to date
the introduction of the Internet. The music industry changed forever in 2003 when Myspace was egs/
first introduced. ͚Myspace͛ allowed audiences to bypass the gatekeepers of the industry and upload, i 
Yes, really good to give your
share and download via the Internet. An example of this being a success would be the rise of singer own opinion.
Lily Allen who was founded on ͚Myspace͛. The singer began posting demos on the site in 2005 after
having been rejected from many record labels, and after uploading her demos she developed many
listeners and fans in this process. The success of her songs landed her a record deal and enabled her
to become as successful as she is today. For new acts it can be difficult to create a buzz around their
music; however the internet has allowed new artists to easily share their files via the Internet with
audiences. However, the artist Jessie J made impressive use of the social networking site ͚Twitter͛ in
establishing a rapport with an audience who later translated into a fan base upon the release of her
music. This conveys that artists are able to build a rapport with fans using social networking, this has
therefore changed the way audiences view music as they are now able to not only obtain the music
itself but also directly be involved with the artist who created it, this would not have been possible
without the internet. i 
Don͛t forget, you and
Poppy did a really good slideshow
Tony Wadsworth the chairman of the BPI In 2010, said ͞in a business where over a quarter presentation where you mentioned The
perfect storm, why haven͛t you incorporated
of sales are digital, we need a much broader combination of ways to make money͟. In 2010, the this into your response?
artist, Ellie Goulding worked with the brand ͚Nike͛ and through the social networking site ͚Facebook͛ i 
Great quote, up to date
she was able to invite a selected number of fans to run with her in different cities during her UK tour, and relevant, well done
this actively involved audiences in her music and created a buzz around her as an artist, her tour and
also her music, this conveys that with the introduction of the digital age broader combinations of
marketing and distributions will have to evolve to keep up with the pace of the forever changing
internet. Marie-Alicia Chang, co-founder of the artist tracking service, Musicmetric said ͞there is a
definite incentive for artists to accurately and quickly explore ways of finding out what really works
in building a fan base across social networks that become an authentic rapport. There is a knack to
understanding how these things pan out, however a lot of artists, managers and marketers are still
finding their feet͟. Musicmetric is a service which portrays that the activity present through sites
such as Facebook, Youtube and Twitter are a key factor in the success of music releases. Established
music artists will have a head start in the digital age such as Lady GaGa who has almost 33m
͚Facebook͛ fans and around 9.6m ͚Twitter͛ followers. i 
Yes, yes, fantastic work!

Peering has occurred due to the introduction of social networking sites. This allows
consumers to share music between them easily and in a digital format. As a result of this audiences
are now finding illegal alternatives to purchasing music, via streaming sites such as ͚Bittorent͛ and
͚Limewire͛ whereby files are able to be streamed freely and at no cost. However there are legal
options to download music via the internet, for example ͚Itunes͛ and ͚Spotify͛. Statistics from the US,
whereby the majority of music business trends begin, show that download sales haven͛t shown
much progression within the past year, showing that in 2010 there was just 1% in growth. It has
been a decade since piracy and the arrival of ͚Itunes͛, however the industry has not yet found
anything to repair the loss of CD sales. The industry͛s initial intention entering this digital age was
that digital sales would pick up the overall sales of music as the growth of ͚physical͛ sales had
levelled off. Billy Bragg, singer and activist explains how ͞there is no longer a record shop culture
which has proved so important at the start for many musicians͟. This explains how there is no longer
a physical connection between the audience and purchasing the music, as with the introduction of
sites such as ͚Youtube͛ and ͚Myspace͛ the record shop culture that Bragg refers to has been
diminished as there is no longer a need for it. In today͛s society, ͚digital natives͛ want to have access
to music faster and directly without having to physically purchase the music. i 
Great, yes, I would expect
digital natives to be mentioned
Sites such as ͚Spotify͛ are portraying that this is a changing and growing industry. ͚Spotify͛
has established a music subscription service, which is looking to generate meaningful types of
revenue for the industry. ͚Spotify͛ has 500,000 paying customers to its £9.99 ͚all-you-can-listen-to͛
service which therefore generates an income of £60m a year. However, set alongside the music
industry which is a $17bn business, this statistic is still modest. i 

͚Youtube͛ has a huge impact on the music industries and has greatly changed the way
audiences consume music. Anyone, anywhere, can now create music and have it heard. This
therefore has allowed unsigned bands/artists to have their music heard. Big artists within the
industry today such as Lady Gaga and Justin Bieber were founded on ͚Youtube͛ and today are
phenomenon͛s within the industry. GaGa has sold an estimated 15m albums worldwide and has
more than 1bn combined views of all her videos online. Sites such as ͚Youtube͛ allow the audience i 
Gaga is a great case study,
she is very cutting edge and has fully
to view the artist͛s music videos and comment and share the video with peers via social networking.
embraced the digital revolution
Lady GaGa͛s manager said ͞GaGa͛s videos include pre-roll and post-roll advertising͟ but said that
͞advertising isn͛t a large revenue source͟. The bulk of the money made from advertising goes to the
record label and the rest trickles down to the artist. The main income for the artist will come from
concerts and tours. ͚Party Rock Anthem͛ by LMFAO was a slow climber in the charts when it was first
released but was driven up the charts by a video that went viral a month after the single was
released. ͚Youtube͛ plays for the band increased tenfold with the video to nearly 740,000 leading to
a peak of 1.18m. However, there are downsides to artists uploading their music videos to ͚Youtube͛
as recent inventions such as ͚youtube2mp3͛ allow audiences to convert the file format of the music
video to an MP3 file in which they can share easily and store on devices such as iPods. This is also
the case for the film industry, as audiences are now actively able to change the file formats of films
that are posted online and also stream them illegally via sites such as ͚Limewire͛. Therefore there is
no longer a need for the audience to buy the film on DVD for example as there is a quick, easy and
free way to obtain the film maybe even before the release of the film on DVD itself.

A new innovation has been put in place to help prevent the amount of illegal downloads
within the music industry that will hopefully in the future achieve this. The on air/on sale revolution
allows music fans to purchase new tracks as soon as they are heard on the radio. Music Week
carried out research into participating labels in the first three months that this innovation had been
put into place. Universal had joined the independent labels in vowing to make their new releases
available for purchase at the same time as they are played on the radio. Music Week concluded that
the majority of labels are sticking to this method. The only major label that has not signed onto this
method is Warner Music. This is changing the way audiences download music as if they can obtain
the files legally first, this may deter them from illegally downloading it. Universal has reported that
the introduction of this new method has reduced the number of illegal downloads around new

Sites such as ͚Twitter͛ have also had a great effect upon the news industry. Social networking
sites such as these have no gate keeper, therefore any news can be spread without being diluted or i 
Try to link more smoothly,
modified in any way. For example, news related to celebrities in magazines and newspapers is often music artists can address their audiences
directly ʹ connecting, then you can write
bias and has been manipulated in some way, the audiences are being told how to receive certain about the news coverage
news by the media enhancing and modifying some stories to make them more newsworthy. With
sites such as ͚Twitter͛, audiences are able to gain direct news from the celebrity themselves with no
bias or modification involved as there is no gate keeping so the celebrity can say what they want. A
personal experience of ͚Twitter͛ being successful in the creation and distribution of news would be
that I first found out about major events such as the Japan Earthquake and the death of Osama Bin
Laden through the ͚trending topics͛ hash tag on ͚Twitter͛. This therefore means that so many people
worldwide were ͚tweeting͛ about these events that they became worldwide conversation topics that
other people could join. Online news such as on social networking sites and also the online
development of news websites allow audiences to be actively involved with the news and have their
say. This has changed the way audiences consume news as they no longer passively take in what
they are being told is news but they can also get involved and publish their opinions on the news and
also create their own news, they are now actively involved due to the introduction of web 2.0.
In 2010, music sales were down by 7% and in the USA they were down by 10%, this is the i 
Sales of what? CDs or
world͛s largest music market. Artists have to now embrace any form of internet marketing they think downloads? Be specific

is appropriate and record companies know they have to adapt. Digital niche marketing outperforms
mass marketing with the introduction of the internet. Chris Anderson͛s long tail theory explains how
the internet has provided a ͚online coffee shop͛ in which audiences can surf and choose a more i 
diverse range of music and films to purchase. Audiences are no longer open to the ͚bestsellers͛
which are on the shelves in shops they are able to buy more niche genres on the internet, the
internet has allowed this to occur.

Marketing within the film industry has drastically changed the ways audiences consume
films. The way a film is marketed has differed in the digital age. A whole brand is usually created
around a film to create a greater buzz. For example, teaser trailers and trailers will be created and
not only shown on TV between television programmes relevant to their target audiences but also
uploaded to sites on the internet such as ͚Youtube͛. Nowadays this is where a lot of people find out
about new releases within the industry. Films usually create websites which can actively involve the
audience in the film before it is released. For example, the website for ͚Doctor Who͛ included links to
͚Facebook͛ and ͚Twitter͛ and also games and competitions, this involves the audience in all aspects
of the film creating a buzz.

The introduction of internet has changed the ways audience consume media and also the i  
It hasn͛t ecxatly been
production, distribution, marketing and exchange of media in the industries. introduced, more developed
not only changed, but
An excellent response
Holly, full of up to date examples, reference to
theory and your own understanding. It could
be improved just by the structure and thinking
how to link from one topic to another but that
is really ͚nit picking͛. A solid ͚A͛ grade.

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