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toll: entice, draw in

lee: protection, shelter

team: progeny, fulfillment/good issue
straight (narrow passage): swire (also neck)
torch: blaze
very: full, right, sore
belike: probably
swith: strong, vehement
rage, fury: hest, gremth, swelm, wede (also madness)
insane: wode
insanity: madship
turn away, deviate: wry
fruit: ovet
growth, produce: blede, wastom (wassom?) a as in father
stathe: place, support? cf. staddle
able, dexterous: wieldy
lese: lose, destroy, forsake
gallant and such courtly words of frankish origin
orgul (orgle?): pride
gale: sing, enchant
glim: radiance, splendour
considered: holden
esteem, respect: aught1
aught 2: possessions, property
insult, scorn, derision: hoker
ridicule: bismer, adj: detestable, polluted?

κλύω, κλάζω, κελαδέω hlyd, hleothor, hlud, hlystan

κλέω hligan
κλέος hlisa
κλυτός, κλειτός alised

They experience no compunction in employing the most obscure and abstruse expressions from
the recondite recesses of exotic languages.

face, countenance: leer, lit?

faith: trow, leve
plate: dish

-th, etc.
eke, eche
wreak, wreck
lore, teach
deal, dole
tell, tale
thole: endure, suffer

yow: horse?
ea: water, river, law
folm: hand?
mound: protection, guardianship
rother: firmament, heavens
facn: deceit, crime, malice
gouth: war
hothem: darkness
ethem: breath, vapour
ithe: wave
snoter: sage
gome: man (poetic?); heroism: doughtiness
sutel: clear, manifest, evident cf. smeigh: subtle, crafty and thankel: acute
mere, merth: great, excellent, distinguished, famous; glory, fame
cave, cavern: shraf, OE den, earth-hole, earth-hall, hulster?
unity: oneness
simplicity, singleness: onefoldness
deal vs part
nithe, nithing
frome: beginningm origin?
be equivalent: forstand = stand for (also oppose, resist, defend, avail)
nim: take, seize, catch, capture, assume
catch: fang, latch
eady: blessed, prosperous, splendid, fortunate
letter: stave
rethe: fierce, ferocious, savage (as noun: glory/fame/triumph/honour ?)
rathe: quickly, early
suffocate: smother, smore
lise??; alised: fame/report/rumour/reputation; famed/reputed
liseful: famous
shrive, shrift
high: mind/thought in its internal aspect, i.e. disposition/intention highdyness: chastity
hight (n&v): hope, expectation
hogian> how (think out carefully/consider/resolve, to purpose/intend, heed, how about: be
concerned with)

threatness: tribulation??
yelp: pride, arrogance
maturity: douth, also comfortable?
example: byspel
establish: staddle
rue: regret, repentance, pity, compassion
style: wise
(a)wede: to enrage
rank: strong, powerful, vigorous, energetic, proud, haughty, arrogant
last: 1. v: perform/carry out; 2. n: burden/load/cargo
gouth: martial, warlike
sweer: heavy, lazy, indolent, reluctant, disinclined
relate smth/reveal: spell, kithe
human: gome, wer (also male, as in wer and wife)
conquer (trans. and intrans.): win
remain: belive
forego: abandon, relinquish
forshame: presume
forbear: restrain
forslack: delay, relax
forslow: delay, impede, hinder
forcouth: despised, scorned
thank: faculty of thinking, kindly regard/gratitude/favour/grace cf. thankel: acute
grace: thank?
refuse, deny: warn
queathe: command, declare, pronounce, affirm, address
pronounce (a word): ?
quethel? eloquent cf. thankel
breme: famous, violent
education: teaching, learning, lore?
educate, instruct: teach, lere
instructor: teacher, lerer
brief (n): writ
proceedings: gangings-on
toom: empty, vacuous, void, vacant
edit: bework, write
edit (n): bydraught?
epilogue: end-tale
count, enumerate: rime, tell (out)
occurrence, instance: byfall (verb: befall)
occasion: time, steven (also appointment), sele (positive), meal
steven: appoint?
occasion (v), cause: ?
cause (n): ?
situation: ?
abbreviation: forshortening
drite: defecate
cod: scrotum
pintle: penis
valet: theen, steward
jurisdiction: leedred? –red cf. rede (government, arrangement)
justice: right, righteousness
intend: think (to), mean, mint (older meaning, also: endeavour, attempt, presume)
purpose: sake, rede?, forsetness?
cause: sake
sake: strife, contention, dissension, sedition, dispute, distress, trouble, affliction, persecution,
crime, guilt, a contention at law, a suit, cause, action, quarrel
soothe: verify (reviving older ME? sense), placate, ease
andwork: matter, cause, material
trouble: care, teen, how (care, anxiety, sorrow), sake?, arveth? other words?
create: shape, work (wrought)
bide: remain, stay, wait, require
let bide: leave alone
appropriate: fitting
derive: stem from
fashion, form (v): hew
fashion, form (n):
splendour, resplendant: brightness, shime, leam, gleam; bright, shime
hesitate: wond (ME), dither, swither, tweag (by analogy with OE)
limp: pertain, befall, concern transitive?
limpsome: languid
satisfaction: filling (of a desire), queemness/queeming (from queem: please, satisfy, gratify,
gladden), boot
consideration: thought, marking, beholding
consider: bethink, behold, oversee (consider carefully)
reflection: thinking, bethinking
wit: cognizance
excellent: worthful, high, athel, as exclamation?
cust (ME): virtue/character (not generally, but in positive sense: “He has character.”)
custy: liberal, generous
custiness (ME): liberality, generosity
elder: maturity
detestable, disgusting, repulsive: wlatsome
athel: noble, famous, excellent, precious, fine
famous/illustrious: athel, breme, couth
lilt: song, rhythm, animation
fine: ?
footprint: last
active: ganging
action: deed
course, journey, guiding/guidance, leading: lode
direction: road
busy: occupy, employ
won: reside, dwell, haunt, inhabit?
wonner: inhabitant
wonning: dwelling, abode
exercise: wield, other words?
thole: suffer, endure tolerate
toleration: ?
endurance: ?
power, control, dominion, command: wald, other words?
powerful, flourishing: lusty
rule, reign: wield intransitive?
command/order: bid, hight; hest (noun), bidding?
notice, pay attention: heed, yeme (ME) also keep a command?
accident: hap, limp (coined), onfall (Douglas)
success: theedom (also activity, vigour, industry), other words
industry: worksomeness
industrious: worksome
incursion: raid, inroad; metaphorical? progress, renown
error, delusion, heresy: dwale
err: dwell?
delude, confound: bedwell?
confusion: (state, riot: reard)
demented: ?
illusory: ?
doubt, uncertainty, perplexity: tweag (attested dialectical), tween (ME) cf. how
haft, haftdom: captive/slave, captivity/slavery
boot: profit, advantage, equalizing payment/smth given in bargain, help/assistance/remedy
(revive OE sense)
beet: mend/repair, kindle a fire, supply a want/assist
fang: seize, receive
seizure: ?
reception: ?
acquire, obtain, incur: get, meet (with), win, strain (early ME; also means beget, procreate,
hold: retain/possess; manage/maintain; owe/be indebted to (transitive?)
behold: signify
hold at: persist
hold with: agree
hold in: restrain
holden-down: oppressed
strain: race, stock, generation
hight, behest: promise, vow
dangerous, risky: plightful, freaksome
danger, peril: plight, fear (fearful situation), freak
fearly: terrifying, terrible, strange, marvelous, sublime?
marvel: wonder, bizen
terrify, alarm: frighten, fear
freck (adj.): eager/ready, bold/lusty/strong/vigorous, greedy
freak: 1. caprice, fancy, whim, smth unusual; 2. danger (reviving OE sense); 3. strong, fighting
man (<freck)
courage, bravery: manship, mood, boldness, boldhead, more words?
courageous, brave: manly, moody, bold, freck, keen?
unreasonable: ?
perfection: ?
frail: ?
speer (ME): investigate, examine, ask about, search for, ~after/of: make inquiries
investigation/examination/research: speering, seeking, soke (reviving OE sense)
search; seek, n: seeking, soke
searcher/investigator: seeker, speerer
soke: frequentation, recourse to an activity (reviving ME sense),
search/investigation/research/examination (reviving OE sense)
astute: smeigh (also crafty, cunning, clever)
smeighness: wisdom, skill
can(n): cleverness, ability, knowledge
request (n): ask
inquiry/question: asking, speering, frain (reviving OE)
frain: inquire, learn by asking
question, matter: andwork?, sake?
augury: freight
test, assay: ?
suppose: ?
assume: ?
frequent (v):?
declaration: tale
lease: false, deceptive
give up, relinquish: yield
fraked, frakel: bad, vile, base?, wretched, worthless
ability: skill, craft, cann, cunning
able/capable: fear (cf. fare, fere)
companion, comrade: fere
forlet: abandon, disregard/neglect
pour: ponder/meditate/gaze intently, pour after, in, unto, upon
besee: scrutinize, take thought at, contemplate, pay attention
see: perceive, scrutinize, examine (<geseon)
survey: oversee
throughseek: examine, scrutinize, scour a place for someone or smth
test, attempt, endeavour (n&v): fand
perceive, experience: find, frede
perception, experience: finding, fredeness
frood (OE): wise, prudent, sage
jewel: gem
ornaments, decoration, finery: fretwork, etc?
adorn, decorate, embellish, trapping:? fay (also: make beautiful)
treasure: strain, mathom (also trinket)
space: room?
damage: harm, scathing, scathe (also misfortune), dere (also to injure, grieve)
dere: hurt, harm, injury
teen: injury, harm, suffering, misfortune, trouble
grievous, grievously: dear, dearly
grieve (trans&intrans): sorrow (<gesorgian), dere
grief: care, cf. chary, teen
chary: careful, sorrowful, pensive, wary, chary, anxious, grievous, dire
dismal: gloomy, bleak
gloam: twiglight

debase: ?
geld: tax, payment
glory: lofe (also praise, commendation, reputation, honour, fame?), worthmint?, wulder
glory in smth: ?
honour: aworthy
lofe (n): offer (at a price), choice/opportunity (particularly: to buy/sell), praise/commend
(revive OE sense)
appraise, value: lofe, other words?
worthmint: honour, worship, reverence, glory
memory, remembrance, recollection:?
foreign, alien, strange: fremd, outlandish, fearly (marvelous)
foreigner, alien, stranger: outlander
sundry: individual, diverse, distinct, separate, miscellaneous, various?
weird: fate, fortune, destiny
fateful: weird
fated: fey (also: condemned, doomed)
mood: 1. mind; 2. emotions/heart; 3. character/disposition/spirits; 4. courage/valour/spirit; 5.
will/intention (e.g. against his mood) 6. compounds, e.g. blithe-mood
disposition/intention/will: mood
moodyness: pride
equanimity: evenmoodness
foe (adj.): hostile
fow: variegated
dern: secret, concealed, verb: keep secret, conceal
dighel: secret, obscure
hele: hide, conceal
hurst: wood, grove, peak of hillock
host, crowd, multitude: threat, other words for host?
abundant, common: rife, fulsome
abundance: fulsomeness
common: mean, other words?
obstinancy: willfullship (ME)
est: grace, favour
favour (v): ?
inspire, encourage, console: hearten
attention: heed
voice: steven, reard
steven: voice, loud voice, shout, cry, noise, clamour, echo
noise: din
reard: voice, language (OE)
stefn vs. reord
language: tongue, speech, reard
loud: sound, noise, clamor
kire: choice, preference, selection, free will
silent, quiet, calm, tranquil, serene: still(y), soft, rooly, smooth, smolt (dialectical now only for
weather), queem, lithe
silence, quiet, calm, tranquility, serenity: stillness, softness, roo, smoothness, smoltness,
queemness, lithe (also lull, respite)
rest/peace/quietness/stillness, unrest: roo, unroo
lithe: alleviate, ease, calm (revive OE sense), lithe/lithen: thicken milk, soup with oatmeal
comfort, comfortable: lithy (dialectical), other words?
lith: limb, joint
lithy: flexible
gentle: mild, soft, lithe, queem?
gently: mildly softly, lithely queemly?
construction: building, bold? process?
tolerate: brook, abide?
hode/hoad: person, sex, condition, quality, rank, manner, form

couth: 1. pleasant/affable/loving, 2. keen, 3. known/renowned (older meaning)

pleasure, delight: lust, glee, bliss, winne, mirth, faindom, gladness/gladship,
queemness/queeming, liking, game (also festivity, amusement, sport, fun, joy,
laughter/laughingstock), blitheness, merriness, est (also: favour, grace, gratification), seel
please, delight: queem, like/belove to someone, list, lust
pleased: fain, queemed, liked, glad, happy, glathe
like of smth: approve
placate: queem, gladden
congratulate: fain?
pleasant/pleasing, delightful, enjoyable, agreeable: likesome, gladsome, winly, seelful, couth,
queem, lusty (also: spirited, vigorous, fruitful, attractive), faining
joy/enjoyment/rejoicing: glee, game, bliss, winne, mirth, faindom/faining, gladness/gladship,
gladding, liking, shirting, mirthing, blissing (<bliss early ME: gladden), seel, glathe
gay/cheerful/joyful/rejoicing/elate: glad, fain/faining, blithe, blissful, merry, gamely, gameful,
gamesome, gleeful, winsome, mirthful, seely, seelful
joyfully: gladly, winfully, gamely, blithely, merrily, happily, blissfully, gleefully
enjoy: like, fain, belove
enjoy oneself: like (with reflexive pronoun), shirt
rejoice, exult, delight in, revel: gladden, glee, game, bliss, blithe, fain
cheer: mood, mirth, winne, glee, game, bliss, merriness
entertainment, amusement: game, glee (also: sport, jest, mockery), shirting
entertain/amuse: game, glee, shirt oneself
entertaining/amusing: gamely, gleesome, shirtsome
game (at): mock
desire: fainness, liking, lust, yearning
desirous: yern, listing?
fainful, fainly, faining: affectionate, kind, fond
fainess: love, affection, fondness
fainsome: fond
glathe: gladness, joy
seel: season/opportune time, favourable occasion/happiness, prosperity?
seely: seasonable/opportune, happy/blessed/harmless cf. silly
prosperous: seely?
please: kindly, bid
chamber: bower?
ream: enlarge, extend
ream: cream, froth/foam
reme: cry out, shout, lament, grieve, mourn
neetsome (ME): fruitful (also lusty)
nut: use, useful, and verbal derivatives + brook
bower: peasant, farmer
hoar: ancient; n: antiquity
custom, habit: wone

wan-: bad e.g. wanhope, wanthriven, etc.

leve/lief?, trow: faith, confidence
silly: rustic, small, meager, happy, innocent, foolish
silly-bold: impertinent, impudent
fruit: apple?
teem, toom
build, bold
follow, fellow
glad, glade, glow, glathe
greave, groove, grove
find, fand
deaf, daff (fool)
seek, soke, sake?
leave, lave
snout, snot
snoter, snide, snithe
gloom, gloam
foul, filth
seek, sake
sprack, spring, sprout,

drain (n): lade?

prink, pry

price: fee, loving (also bargaining), cheap

value (v): lofe, worthy (OE sense)
expensive: dear
scour: comb, throughseek, waste (cf. devastate), cleanse, furbish, ferme/farm (ME)
feast/banquet: ferme/farm
extirpate: uproot, other words?
destroy: wastre, forlease??
comb: crest
bellow: enrage, provoke (early ME), adjective?
beak: neb
point: ord
flower: bloom, blossom
flour: meal
pork: swine
shrewd: satirical
acting, performance
teen: pain
forset: obstruct, oppress, intercept, hinder
forst (n): stratagem
move: stir, braid?
pursue: follow, etc.
form: shape, etc.
furtherhead: priority, superiority
lustihead: licentiousness
require, requirement
assail, assault
ding: dungeon?
beghast: amaze, enthuse, inspire
awe: reverence
part: deal
stint: stop, cease
siker: certain
geason: rare
enemy: fiend
warrow, warry: criminal
unite: one
conduct: bearing, behaviour

-th vs. –age, -ity?

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