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Winners don’t do different things, they do things differently”

Who is not familiar with Shiv Khera’s ever-inspiring and motivating quote? Shiv Khera is an
educator, business consultant, and a renowned and sought-after speaker. He endeavors to
encourage and inform people, helping them realize their true potential and has taken his dynamic
message around the world.

Shiv Khera comes from a family of businessmen that used to own coal mines in Dhanbad in
Jharkhand. But due to the nationalization of coal mines, his grand father lost the business and
Shiv left India to start life over. He landed in the USA and did various things from washing cars
to selling life insurance. His struggling life took a winning direction when he attended a lecture
by Norman Vincent Peale. The motivational teachings of Norman Vincent changed his life
forever and he moved forward on his success path.

With 25 years of extensive research and understanding to his credit Shiv has helped people on
the path of personal growth and achievement. Over 20,000 people have attended and benefited
by his three-day dynamic workshops internationally and around one million people have heard
him as a Keynote Speaker.

Shiv Khera instituted Qualified Learning Systems, an initiative to incorporate his years of
experience as a motivator and to develop a core program known as the Blueprint for Success
(BPS). This program motivates people to identify their true potential and achieve success both in
their personal and professional spheres of life. He has developed several such programs that cater
to different levels of professional hierarchy. His programs, besides India, are quite popular in
Singapore and the USA.

He has authored several bestsellers that have an enthusiastic reader base not only in the country
but worldwide. His international best seller, “You Can Win”, was his first book, which came out
in 1998 and sold over a million copies worldwide in 8 languages. His second book “Living with
Honor” hit the stands in August 2003, which again pleased million book lovers across the world.
Then within a period of six months in February 2004, his third book “Freedom Is Not Free” was
on the stands. Though this book plunged into the controversy of plagiarism, it too turned into a
best seller.

His brilliance soon began to be acknowledged worldwide. He has been recognized as a “Louis
Marchesi Fellow” by the Round Table Foundation, an honor he shares with famous
humanitarians like Mother Teresa. Lions Club International has honored him with a "Lifetime
Achievement Award" for the cause of ‘Humanitarian Service to the Society’. He is also a
recipient of the Rotary Club’s "Centennial Vocational Award for Excellence." 

Shiv Khera always strived to help India and its people as well. Inspired by his attachment to
social causes, he fought parliamentary elections but unfortunately could not make it to the
parliament. Then, he founded a trust called “Country First Foundation” in order to serve his
country. The vision of this trust is “Respect and Dignity for every Indian" and the mission is “to
ensure freedom through education and justice”.

Shiv Khera is trying to establish the pride of our country in international forums. His objective is
to boost the morale of the common Indian and to eradicate social injustice through education.
Every true Indian should come forward to join his Country First Movement and contribute to the
nation’s development.

Chillibreeze's disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of the
author(s) and do not reflect the views of Chillibreeze as a company. Chillibreeze has a strict anti-
plagiarism policy. Please contact us to report any copyright issues related to this article.

2) Shiv Khera (Hindi: शिव खेड़ा) is an Indian motivational speaker, author of self-help books,
business consultant, activist and politician. While working in the United States, he was inspired
by a lecture delivered by Norman Vincent Peale, and followed his motivational teachings to
achieve success in his life. Khera began delivering motivational lectures, and built a successful
business around motivational speaking, which he has incorporated as Qualified Learning
Systems. He conducts motivational workshops such as Blueprint for Success, and has written
several books including the international bestseller You Can Win. He is also made famous by his
trademarked motivational quote, \"Winners don't do different things, they do things differently.\"
He has recently launched a movement against caste-based reservation in India, and has founded
an organization called Country First Foundation whose mission is \"to ensure freedom through
education and justice.\" He has also joined a political party as National President in India and
intends to contest the upcoming elections in Delhi.

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