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Solutions Manual Engineering Optimization Theory and Practice Fourth Edition Singiresu S. Rao Professor and Chairman Department of Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering University of Miami, Coral Gables, Florida Chapter 1 Chapter 2 Chapter 3 Chapter 4 Chapter 5 Chapter 6 Chapter 7 Chapter 8 Chapter 9 Chapter 10 Chapter 11 Chapter 12 Chapter 13 Chapter 14 Contents Introduction to Optimization Classical Optimization Techniques Linear Programming I: Simplex Method Linear Programming II: Additional Topics and Extensions Nonlinear Programming I: One-Dimensional Minimization Methods Nonlinear Programming II: Unconstrained Optimization Techniques Nonlinear Programming ITI: Constrained Optimization Techniques Geometric Programming Dynamic Programming Integer Programming Stochastic Programming Optimal Control and Optimality Criteria Methods Modern Methods of Optimization Practical Aspects of Optimization © Singiresu S. Rao, March 2010 ( 247 292 334 413 492, 517 549 576 594 607 620 Chapter 1 Introduction to Optimization Ga) Let %, %—. Xe, %p denote the quantity of fertilizer A, B,C,D produced per week (tons) Let profit per ton of fertilizer é AsB,C,D) c+ Soh Ph * Spe Xp * Sch Keke) where P= selling preee of fertilizer’ per ton PC; = production cost of fertilizer ¢ per ton Cy = Cost of nitrates per ton = $ i500 Cope cost of phosphates per ton= $500 Cp, = cost of potash per ton = ¢ 1000 Soh = cost of inert chalk base= § loo pp; = tans of nitrate reguired for { ton of fertilizer t Ko, = tons of phosphates reguired for { ton of fertilizer 2 Xp, = tons of potash reguired for 1 ton of fertilizer t 4, = tons of inert chelie base veppired for | ton of Serlilizer é Pe 150-100 (ise0 40a #500 + ot + 1000 #108 + Ho» y= s50~i50- (I5e0 toe5 +500 ¥ 0:15 + 1000 HoH! +100 #0 leo Po = 450 - 200- (1500011 + 500 Ko.2 + (000 FoWl +100 *o-6) Py = 700- 250- (1509 #05 +500 ¥ 005 + 1000 HOF IS + 1004068) = 15 timimize Fe — profit = Ta Xq— Py Xp Fe Xe PX “$ = 3 %a-to XRt CO Xe +15 xy a) Availability constraints: C105 XA 4 0.05 KpzouX eros Xp» = 1000 (nitrates) @) On KA + ONE Ry +52 %e +or05 Xp < 2000 (phosphates) (3) O05 XA ON AG tor Ret ols Xs <= (S00 (potash) (4) Production veguirements ae te oost aimee odie ceo iar st aoe eS * Problem is defined by gs. (1) te (5), oF Objective functions ACO) = aphnaVire? Ape (weight) A(R) = PA Geet) Vie (deflection) BEE x) x2 Areg Behavior constraints: a(R) se GD SL UME tae) Mie LUM MUEpca tl (call Ram Aer * 7 Tea Ares side Constraints: ae ae Ws xs x! » ene Petes Be aon ksi, pe oes Wind, Px looove thy TJ 20000 pst ce > Areg = tine, Rp Re = ot, Ze, x ite (@) Fer given date, 100 in, " $,(2) = see uy eee o A(R) > Gee )diexh S.esessy (2) Se AD o Sd Ne eg cocoa a) ea OEE 2, oe age 28 (4) Graphical optimization shewn in the Optionm solutions oy _ See } peieers o-52521 Spe W = weight fpr & = deflection 25 00 025 O50 O73 100 125 180 175 200 225 x «&) Bn (B= 278s! Gents? die xt s) constraints are given by Bgs- (8) ond HY. Optimum solution: Rts 5 ag } * $,. = ovorszs as . (Graphical solution ic indicated in the above $igure). % xs y $= ft Sy ay wet Optionat Point (cs, 0.55521) feennd os Ky,=0 S*= 362258026 g 20 L ob eer x oe ead WS Lo = Ege i (ex 14 x; = see xp Qek y mauzesn Gent) Wiest xy en ) Constraints ave given by aps. (2), (3) ond (4). Optimum solution Eee ieses ao aun eed > §, = 36.2258926 (Graphical solution is indicated i the above figure). w Tobs Betty 10 Stations: jetstewn tps time reguiced for job = ty, — ty, 9 Fe G22 10 where tg; = time at which gob < is completed, tei = time of wbveh job U is started Let t= time at which olf gobs are completed to For station j, idle time = t;2 te- E yj te et where %2g “*: ig job Cis assigned tg station f 0 otherwise Total idle time = § = a) at station jy Key te: @) For gob cy peeae: tere tee te; 5 be bea 10 @) eee eae te minimize f given by subject to tes 2 tes > Beg = tee? tee tees tree tes? bee = tea > tape tes > tr? tee tes? treo tao ® tea > eae tee 7 Ene > ee with ts Divide the track length into Terrain, gle) Track, Ac) m intervals of egual fengtt at Mhoum on the figure: Design variables: _ a hos hisbarers Am F Oe eae with A (w= %2) 4 and L(Bx) 5 axe(L/m) bjective function: i ()- £@ | de atjective fumetions ga e J 20-409] wc lace hl at @) tee where ¢ is a proportionality constant. Constraints: slope: [4 eee | = fe ebeee met @ Rate of chamge of shpe: Aeera bier Seer ML lain = ahi t Ae ae ae eee Soar tn ces |i ce -| en? ae CE Oty erry I? G) second derivative of slope: fain — 2 hige + hee! hegp~ 2 hens + he } | er (ax)* AX eite dae see EEA - [Ae Sheng +3 bees eo pieetenmes eon? (> End conditions: 6) tone 5 tye b Problem defined by Eys-(1) te @) is an 0-C. problem Qt has serial structure). 7 Let x; = number of units produced in week ¢ (¢=1,2) Assume: (1) Every thing preduced is sold by end of second week. (2) More units can be produced in St week, + economical (G3) Total units in the tue weeks is 600. 2 Minimize fa xiCaxt) + x2 (4%2) +10 (1-298) ject eetege 200% x= 600 oe %2¢ G00 Xi +X2 = 600 Graphical solution: Contours of §$ are drawn as follows: f= 4x4 4 #2 4 lox1- 2000 =e = constant c= 6 x10% x. |0@ 200 300 400 s00 éoe Ky 530-1 5207 497 441 292 - c= 4 xto® Ke 100 2100 300 400 soo Hi 463 451 417 330292 CHaxwe: X2 (00 2100 300 400 500 %, 420 406 3634 222-4 ~368 c= 275 xi08: 2, (08 200 300 400 500 x, 407 393 346 168 383 CH2-25 x08 ™, (06 200 300 400 wm 380 364 Bos ee C= 25 x08: x2 (00 200 300 400 m1 375 258 239 217 500 400 300 200 100 F (oo 200 a) @) x ~ met Cotas Zt ete) @) oe Te plot the constraint on x, we rearrange fy. (i) as: (er ese)re a2 aye xe xy sink xh 2 ae Fe sine he Gam ese)? T* @) To plet te contours of %, ep. @y is yewritten ass (e+ xe smeys ete sin 20 or (# + %,w.sine) {7 Te plot the contours of % , &.(z> is rewritten as Gs) or Xo (% +e us cose Da xt os? cof 20 or 2 —_x/ w* us 20 peer ee eedeeereee C6) ee Constraints = 2S QBs Ss *, = 25 12 10 Kopp F— 408-28 Is.o81. ABCDA 11 ton 1032, f* 6 a ee Y B : za 3 \. a e \ a Me iy i : SN Bg SJ. Siete deere a epee ee er > t + 4 ° f = 7 7 7 2 i g 6 8 Feasible space rts Optimum selut Feasible space = ABCDA optimum selutron; "= 6.032, f*s 15-081 Hope = — 64 305 CFormulation: given in solution of Problem 1-7) 12 ne where (x2,42) is the center of disk <- eacie Minimize f= ab w(R+RE+ Ret Ry ) subject ts the constraints Germ "+ (F,- a) 2 OR +Re Vera e GEe RtR Bimzuy 4 (= Wye Rt RG Go- 30" 4 (¥,-93) Ret Re (x2- 4) + CK-MB Rot By (x3-%4)" + (Hea) = Ra + Ry exe; 2.34 be +Res t=a3,4 oe de Rp 3 f= 2,34 Vow Rio5 f= 4284 13 x= {Eh Volume of a mex br rf @) as Volume of cone cluteh: ke LS $(R)= a7 (RL BL) es os tam constraints: aC) = cane @ %(%) = R,- 2k, 20 @) A= RB (6> U(X )= R15 se (7D 9,(R)= Raze ce) 9(R) = Rene se @) Plotting feo? Ry oe ro 2-6 3-0 a5 410 4:5 SO Re 5.0 483 4697 3.65 316 256 LTT oro Contours of £ Cep-4) For $= S010: Ry 402 75 410 5:0 66 70 tore Re oo 28 332 46 7B OF for Fz Wworot Ry 281 40 45 50 8 Tle Re oro 207 38d A GB 14 for $= t4hgo: R427 445 50 5S 60 80 100 Re ove 2:34 86 445 BIG TE R73 for $ro0r0! Roe 20 418 S19 tov Ro 0 20 30 So loro Graphical solution : indicated in the figure. oe RY 21236 > Point A Optimum pain Feasible space = ABCDA 10.00 8.000 4.0009 2.000 Ry Cimeh) 15 (b) Constraints = same os is in part G) except that 9, changed te R\~ 28 f= 0m titese Detail of eal solution : shown in the figure. Ry Cineh) 16 (©) constraint egpetion for 9, thamges. Pee eee asta) ana with ee F TORP- RE) T 2 100 becomes 9, (%) = 30 Fz, - 100 2 0 Cre) Feasible space = ABCA : A7o+2 in Optimum point = B (6+67, 3+33) > 2.0004 6.000 Ry Cinch) 4.000 2.0004 0.000 7 0.600 3.000 @.000 3.000 2.00 7-00 Ry (inch) 17 Or weight s we wef (rPar) Oo) induced Stress = Ua Tle - a) 7 Randem variables: p,0, 5, 12, Ts bo F Peso, t, %, Fe = ovels 2 GL = Gs 02, GLa to, Tz = Seve Partial derivatives: Bee wh (eat) ae ows (eo) Bea reklam) a wel (eer) at = an/fm (nt ot} et. 4T a ten’ at. at Oe an Cre = ty Meam and standard deviations: PLR FH > = 47 —. = {HL} + - Ge ( i. i yo + 186,765 (x10 = fasera (¥*, =2 at ]2 +3553) 7, wns Fe | 47% 2732 #108 2 (ee eae mLyeey “Gay fone Recta Sree to eyes ero) (FT FT) 4103-7524 we To Optimization problem: Fra X= fh Te} &l 4 which minimizes $(®) subject to where i , OG, OZ amd F ane given by Fes (3), 4) > (6) amd (5), respectively - Graphical solution See figure on next page. Ye avid aH, the constraint is modigied too Raz; in the figure. Feasible space: apc> optimum solution: 275", = 3-30" 19 ol (ay eee ln $= a bnmy 43 bn a Os Ferhesh where Fate $, Y= Lewy amd Y= by x, @) fe x* 5 xr 0 bt x2 x 2 0% © so that tot? ® &-() cam, be separated new AX2= boyy, 20 bn Here tn (leg MD = d+ x2 cH > Y= x ete Clog 4) = be (a, 1) + [7 The desigo variables are D, L, dand Nand hence Xm 4 | Ly. ‘The objective function is given by Overall cost = cost of the tube + cost of the shell + cost of the floor space + cost of pumping cold fluid + cost of maintenance 2 Smeg Woh Dect Et a (fi + Het) ‘The constraint oa the total length of the tube is NLP ay ‘and the constraint on the thermal energy transferred can be expressed as Nee aire gay? ee ‘The restriction on the cross sectional area is given by Dt SP ne and the lower bounds on the design variables can be taken as Dpo a0 Leo Neo @) (a) eo e822 AAs the objective function, (£;), and the constraints, (E3) to (E,), are posynomials in D, d, L and N, the problem is a geometric programming problem. (4) G) Oe B= Ry. Rar Rs, Ry» Rs $7 ba minimize a. Ss Gadmax FEEL Br 5 Rp B05 Feber where cz is the voltage drep, <2 = RiTi- (nus)? variables %2j such tat oxypo1 if che weeks city j immediately ofter city i, amd 20 otherwise Design vector: X= {xj} ns Minimize $(%) = total Aistamee= BH dy 13 Constraints: peat. Each city must be visited once : 8 Bee ed for pe Gtr 2 amd if j she must leave every city: ” 1 for Lele Qee nr amd tf oo Gan? oe 22 Design variables: x acres of barley, Ap= acres ef oats x3 = acres of rice, Xys eeres of wheat x5 acres Leased certs per acre: Barley: labor + water + Gertilizer costs &(Zoe + 10000 F002 +100 #2) = ¢ 700 oats : (200 + Toe * 0-02 + 120 #2) = $580 Rice: $ (250 + 6008 # 02+ 160%2) = $ 699 Wheat: $( 360 + 9000 xo.024200%2) = #920 Totel forming cost = $ (oo x, + S80 Xr +620 %3 + 920 HH ‘3 ‘ 2 3 using Interest of 47 , totel cot i tio 4. (100 % + S80 H+ 690 %3 + 920%) Profits per acre Barley. $750, Gets: $600, Rice: $750, wheat: $ 800 Net return = (profits - costs) from creps + income $rom lease =[@s0~ 104 m 706) mi + Goon N04 * 580) x, + (750 ~ 0g #690) %3 + (S00 ~ bot #920) xy]+ 200 *5 = ano my a2 mat 320g %3 - BE-0 XH + 200-0 Xe (ty (Maximize) Constraints: Total acres: ait Xp Hy 4% t XE = 200 @) ilabl ee Available oon: 799 x, + 580%, + 670 %3 + 920 %q < 50,000 (3) Available water: 19000 x) + 7000 Xt S000 3+ Boe Xy <= 4x0” ) Nonnegativity repuirements: x20 3 £26234,5 &) Problem is defined by kgs. (1) &&). 23 Design variables fey F maf 4 site cis selectid Ser terget jb o otherwise constraints : 2 By at o pent minimize total cot: B= (4 mut Tart Crt 7X22) + (18 F % 23) £7 tye 2 ag) 4 (Ent Mat H+ HHD 24 +3 (ait ant %29 + X24) zs Ea x = See x5 Minimizes £(%) = power = k, NB x, %3 *s Constraints: Aivgap: Bt _ang—-2x_ = «Ver 7? em ure: cee Temperature: geen Sl sof of x ty m1 22 AT Lower limits: He POs Lats 118 rh t ah 4 stage stage pf stage Stage |» t 2 3 4 . fF t T T A 3B c > 62,3, 4 1 2.3,4 LUs4 Problem can be considered as a 4-stage discrete Variable 0.¢. problem Decision Ceontrel) varcables: A (one), B( Sour chorces), ¢ (four cherees), D (four ees, state variables: paths (fines) ABI, Brcy, Cy De, DEE Cost functions: $= cost of pipelime AB; 5, = cosk of pipeline Bey Fz = cost of pipeline Cj Dy fg = cost of pipelme DLE ©.¢. problem Find (32, Cj Ded 4 to minimize Fa sf; ist subject to the constraints : AB: 18 to be $ollowed by B; Cy Bicy is te be followed by oe oD, is to be Followed by DE 25 (118) weight = pLbd = (oHsopbdA =1s bd stress induced = Py shit _ 25, 2000 ba ba bd ba® Buculing stress = buceling load /area wrebd® wt (sone) ba? agi (bd) “Ae (0%) Cbd) = 2467-4126 47 optimization probl Fied B= fb dy” te minimize CR) = 15 b subject to G(%) = 25 + ar - 30000 <0 (yielding ) H(3) = 2F , 2000 a gea gine d® go (bucrling) ba bd? #(X)= b- 28 so UZ (X= os bso %(B)- -d se Feasible space: apca (see figure) optimum point: E*= 9.738”, a ” 4.08 Lb optimum 738, 0-368) 120) %= {¢} Antah end tm cath bar= P or pz W. pet 4 4 P ses Ww Minimize: $(%)2 a glrdt) (ber a™ Constraints Tee = P w [bt feld stress: x): = ED a 3.6 wat Arde) + 4 drat? vwhere t= 2% (4! — 0") = mC oe) Buckling : ie : di 9 (Rp: Pos Pen or wibhs $F < we (ee) ae 4 a tte) side constramts: ted, Azo, +20 (121) Optimization problem Xe (B Minimize $e Ce z (s Seb: a) oe ft a rabies te 2a,% t4 = time spent on math, design Mannizes 5(3)= 4 9.23% = + (BE) (4) Constraints: 12344 tm +f = 40 (maximum time ovaileble) ty zB tm (oF feast 75 minutes for design for every Go minutes for math) (24 brs to get ‘A” tn math) o< ta = 20° (20 brs fb get "A" in design) ecty S24 31 Beam | Beamz Pstoces = T, * x Beam3 Q. 5 & 2X5 = 1e-%— xy, or Xg * ye lm ey 4 Objective functions: &(%)= EC) @) $(®)= % CF) @) Constraints: Te 20s ThB0, Te2e (4) Ree, i244 G Analysis of system: Beam 3: Force egetltbrium: Te + Tp = P= locve «) Moment equelibream: Pixs —2%5 p= 0 @ Beam2: force eguilbrium: Te+Tp = Te (a) (Moment epuilibrium: Tt. x, Ty {10 - (ma4%3 +=} =e (9) Beam 4: Force eguilibrium: Ty4 Tg = Ty + Tp + Tr Ge) Moment equilibrium: 7. xe)4 Tp fio- (2+ %2)} 4+ Tp (Kit %qt2%5)- 10 Tye WD Solution of epuilibecum epuations : Spt): Pztocco= 2% 4 Tex S000 ae) ys-(6) amd (1a): 7, 5000 (13) eG): the Te %q Sooo %q D> cee eee = my Xa *3 to eka 3 Egs-(8) and (ly): soce xy je Ty HES oot erin en Pete tee peer By Cu: 10 TR = Te 1 + Tr (10- xp-%3) + Te (*1t Ky + 2X5) es {se0- Soo %4 ie re 4 (500 %4 to— Xa— 3 Egs: (te) amd (16): Ta= Te t+ To + TF - Te (te xa-%3) + Soe (12-%2) or ( aanet \ (0-2-8) - Soe (ie -%2) 19 — %)—%q—*3 Optimization problem: Find X te minimize the objective functions $,(%) omd $,°%) given by Bys (2) amd GD cla) Gs) (ts) (i7) subject to the constraints of Eps. (4) amd (5). 33 R= (F) (iin ) d major diameter | 4 | nut height 4 ( hength of screw minimize: $2 TS (2d*-2dp + p*) = volume of screw = at @-p)* = Fee’ bps a) constraints: screw should be 4elg-loexing: Thdm > fh @) where daz d- b= mean diameter and =n n=1 for single threads » , Ce for double threads ) Shear stress In serew thread (7): ee 2h 2 ost gy 6) wah Seep sriiciit where Fe load applied on Acrew FS. = Sector of safety Bearing stress in threads (o-): ee ierera meets ameter gl @) wh (dt dp) OFS where dp= d-p = minor diameter. Critical buckling load: 4 Fe - Sie bers ae @ 16 A where = Young's modulus. Optimization problem is defined by Eps. (1) & G). 34 (128) ee a) Minimize £ (2) = ph (x1 ean HX 4) = 34-08 (761% 2~ 73%) Constraints: @) deflection due te self weight amd Fy < 0-5 inch 5 uw, 14 Re weetwes ot @) 384 EIxy 48 E Ixx where w= selg weight per unit Length of beam =F (uy xn- 3% 4) = 0284 (1X2 — 5 Xe) (4) Tee= fh (a2) 704) ) Using Fy= 300, Le 120, E= genw’, and Eye (4) and (5) tn Ey-(2), we obtatn oGiozee (% ¥2~ %37%4) 4 a. 64 < (er? ~ 7%) ©) Ariel Load, P, should not cause buckling Assume: Interaction of selg weight oc Fy with P (during buckling) fs negligible. 2 Ps SS (t avoid buckling In yg- plane) (7) Pe ue (Te aveid buckling in xgz- plane) (#) where Tae 5 axe x: X4) ce) Tyy =e (* xP — xy %@ +) Ge) Es. (7) & (le) fead to: Aooce — 1713-481 (x, xP —%3 %)D <0 ay 46000 — 17181 481 (x2 xP — x4 3) <0 (2) 35 side constraints: x20, 624234 a3) a4) as x, — x, ze %.-% Fo Optimization problem: Find % to minimize §£(X) given by Eg. (2) subject te the constraints of Eps. (6), (1) .(2)> omd (13) & (15). (b) For a solid section, xy = x40: Problem becomes: Find = {7 t te minimize $(K)= 34:08 % %2 subject to o16l0262 , 864 a> Se + SSS ‘ z 7 OS *e m1 2 3 4,= 40000-1713, 481 x %2 5 0 Fz= 4o0ce ~ 1713-481 x2%*P <= Oo IyrsGe%e FO soe v2 Graphical s ni shown in the figure on next page. Feasible space: ABCDA Optimum solution: x = 202", xf = 20" $e tes 36 37 Design vector: me (outer radius of shell and trod z = ) well thickness of vessel =) ee a fength of Abell xy wall thickness of head Minimize $(Z) = volume of material =x faP (nay P+ AE hae (e149 3 subject te: eee 2 teu 9,(%) = 13 Cerna) + a (4 gellen = 230-9803 &) 3 x1- %4) — 4,619,606 £0 thickness constraints 4(@@= 4- tf _ «. Se +oap 302 ~m- Ecc Se +08 p side constraints: ep 20 5 t= 2,34 (250) vector: Xe fn. to, bs bP 2s Minimize: Seats (i) 5 $(R) = volume of material = subject to: om = Mes Bee teeny Aer: g = Moo Calne oeineniirasiioy, Ae t 7 where Tee rpt+h 5 Ma PRS ERR 3 Cee tye hs 38 on = (Minimize = ot) Xt er05773 xp subject te eng o184 64 2 me) me Re faseeiaenes MEG e227 Grophi Solution: Shown in the figure below. Feasible space: ABCDA optimum solution: x= 9.5, x © B te " NS ° 8 39 a soon (@) Stress due t& distributed load : Max. bending moment = Maye bL Se Mag tL where ¢ é % bets B Woh (07) wor 75 stress due %& concentrated Load: Max. bendi 7 o = fe ax. be ding moment = Mae re £ oe Man oF 2 -1 2 ae Fe @ 2 nme e where cpa3Pho 15 (1) (45) = ents x10 Total Mien = y= -t -2 é = Ut Gn = 0.90 2) Me (ie) stress comsbiamt: oF — 6; = Bm -mB 4° where 6% l= tan = 527983 x10 ———— 4 and (xp-%1) B= A & = 205.03 110° /Cxs eit) flection constraint: 9(X)= 8, - 8, <0 where Bye Bart Baz = [406 -03/(xd xt] C15") bjective function: $(X)s fyb | (x2 -*)> = 600831 (xi-x otter constraints (8) = x, — e205 G,( 3) = o-04 4 205 £0 -ozSo; F(K) = v0 —egso; G,(R)= x2 -0-20 50 ¢ Ig(K) = x, 0175x250 function problem 133 Ib=[0.04 0.06]sub=[0.12 0.20]; .10 0.15); 3j(x0):g0=gcons(x0); con(@obj,x0,[}[],[].[].1bub,@cons) fprintf's#e#0rereensve8Rosults Problem Sete eee: Sprin{(eteeeesesereeeeeeteneaeneseneetaenesessest eng! fprintf’ x0(1) x0(2)in); fprinti 968.4 %8 4b, xO(1),x02)); fprinti(eettntneeenneerseeetennestvencennensntaerine ttn), fprinti( £(0)\n'); fprinth %8.4Fn',f0); fprinti("**Honenanonesesantereesennnnnanennnne sed donueH fprintf g1(x0) £2(x0) e3(x0)in'); fprintf’ %84E — %8.4F —_%8.4fing0(1),20(2),g0)); fpring((#**Heeenesenaennennsanenenetenenenaseneehens aan fprintfx*(1) x#(2)in}; fprinti( %68.4¢ %8.Afin, xv(1)-xv(2)); fprinti(**F ror eeteesnnnilensscnnneneneesesnenseests ethinyl): 44 printf’ f(c*)\n!); fprintf(’ %8.4fin’fval): fprintiCersenenarenvovensnesneneasanananarsonenenssenenigy, fprintf(’ glox*) 2(x*) s3ex*)in'); fprinttt’ %8.4f %8AT %8.4Pn! gx(1),x(2).0x(3) end YUAN YAMANE function fobj(x) £60083.1*(x(2)"2-x(1)"2)5 end YMA ANNAN AWWA AAR function [c,ceq]=cons(x) ‘(1 )=(9424,0*(10-9))) "2X44 -74.30158"(10(-6)))/(x(2)"4-x(1)4)-15 (A )/x(2)-0.755 coq=0: end LS YSERA ALAL YRS AA ASSAYS function g=geons(xv); (1)=(9424.0°(10-9))*xv(2)/(xv(2)4-xv(1)°4)-15 2(2)=(74.30158*(10*-6))/xv@2)4-xv(1)°4)-15 2(3)-xv(1)ev(2)-15 end 15 Results x0(1} x0(2) 0.1000 0.1500 0) 751.0387 @1(x0) €2(x0) 83 (x0) 0.9965 08171-03333 45 x(a) x*2) 0.1188 0.1188 fo") 0.0000 Bi(x*) B2(x*) 63(x*) ~1423800248259.4729 -94525671071191.0620 0.0000 function problem 134 clear;ele; x0=[12 12}; f=obj(x0);g0~goons(x0); [xv,fval]=fmincon(@obj.x0.[],[].[].[,0,0-@cons); gx=goons(xv); sprintif(**** ** Results Problem1*****#\n!); fprintf(*eesennenneneensnerenaenuen nein fprintf’ x01) x0(2)\n); fprintf(’ %6AF %6.4fn', x0(1),x0(2)); fprinti(**e#eeevuneneenenatentennas tain’ Sprint g(x0) \n); fprintit’ %6.4f 6.40 %6.4fin’,20(1),20(2),20(3)); printiiesrereeeenetneceensenesesess sin) fprinti’ f(x0)\n'); fprint{(968.4fnf0); printer teens evevonensoraseness tig) fprinth x*(1)x*Q)in'); fprintfl’ %66.4f — %6.4fin’, xv(1).xv(2)); Gprint{('*Meeendenseontanenennennend ey’) printf’ f(x*)\n); printf’ %8.48n'fval); Sprinth('*teeeeenenecMnaohensesenssenain’) fprintf(’ a(x*) tn); fprint®’ %6.48 %64f %6.4fn',ex(1),2x(2),ex(3))s end 46 VAISS REC VEAAIA function f=obj(x); 0. 1¥x(1}+0.05773 (2); end UU constrain h%%% funotion [c,ceq]=cons(x); €(1)=0.6/x(1)+0.3464/x(2)-0.15 c2)6-x(Ds £3)=7-x(2): cegp end LUKAS AANA UARNWWKY value of constraint6%%%%% function g=gcons(xv); g(1)0.6/xv(1)+-0.3464/xv(2)-0.1; B2)-6-xv(1); 8G)Toxv(2); end Results x0{1) _ x0(2) 12,0000 12.0000 (x0) -0.0211 -6.0000 -5.0000 ftx0) 1.8928 xe(t) x2) 9.4639 9.4642 47

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