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You are on page 1of 2 Form28 Page | of 2 {HE COMPANIES (GENERAL PROVISIONS AND FORMS) REGULATIONS, 2018 [Section 17 and Regulation 8) 1.4. CUIN(neorperation umber) (01157 1.2 Name tthe Company MARINE AND AEROSPACE SYSTEMS (UNE) PRIVATE) Ll 413 Fee Payment Details 1.8.4 Chan Number fean2o-e80i7 1.32 Amount [1280.00 Uwe, he undersigned, have conned to ae a Director(s Chief Execute ofthe above namad company purauat to wetin ‘er of he Companies Ac, 2017, and certy that 1 We am ae nt ingle to become Directors) / Chit Executive under section 153 9 177 of te Companies Aci, 2017 here ne poten een lecepaton Ne qneavechoregn [Sine | fe - Panta do nerey solemn. an sincerely declare that he ifermation provided inthe frm (tide and correct othe beat of my knowledge, In conaonance wih the recerd 28 maintained by the Company and nothing hi (i) Perey reported ater complying wth and futiting al equrements under the relevant provisions of aw, rules, regulations, ‘rector, cular tnd notieaiane unienever is appieaDe 2:2 Name Atsd Or wth design Ataize amen [MUNAMUAD A BAF cd 33 signe leo slared by WURAMIRD A) 09/09/2020 Form28 Page 2 of 2 https://eservices.secp.gov_pk/eServices/EFormControllerServlet?action=open&dirnam... 09/09/2020

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