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The Thirty-Second AAAI Conference

on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-18)

AI Meets Chemistry

Akihiro Kishimoto, Beat Buesser, Adi Botea

IBM Research, Ireland

Abstract and Jurisica 2012). That way AI research focusing on chem-

istry as a target translates directly into benefits for society,
We argue that chemistry should be the next grand challenge much faster than research focused on games.
for Artificial Intelligence. The AI research community and In the past, researchers have attempted to develop expert
humanity would benefit tremendously from focusing AI re-
search on chemistry on a regular basis, as a benchmark as
systems and knowledge-reasoning systems to solve prob-
well as a real-world application domain. To support our po- lems in chemistry. Examples include the Dendral Project
sition, we review the importance of chemical compound dis- (Lindsay et al. 1980) and Project Halo (Friedland et al.
covery and synthesis planning and discuss the properties of 2004). However, despite its importance in practice and its
search spaces in a chemistry problem. Knowledge acquired difficulty in nature, over the last couple of years a relatively
in domains such as two-player board games or single-player small number of papers, such as (Duvenaud et al. 2015;
puzzles places the AI community in a good position to solve Jin et al. 2017; Savage et al. 2017), have been published at
critical problems in the chemistry domain. Yet, we show that premier computer science conferences.
searching in chemistry problems poses significant additional At the same time, automation of chemistry has been
challenges that will have to be addressed. Finally, we envision
an essential topic for chemists, e.g., (Dragone et al. 2017;
how several AI areas like Natural Language Processing, Ma-
chine Learning, planning and search, are relevant for chem- Peplow 2014), and papers particularly about employing Ma-
istry. chine Learning approaches have started to appear in chem-
istry journals (Gómez-Bombarelli et al. 2016; Segler and
Waller 2017a; 2017b; Coley et al. 2017).
Introduction Due to more powerful hardware resources and recent
significant advances in AI technologies including Machine
Artificial Intelligence research has generated multiple es- Learning, NLP, search and planning, we are convinced that
sential technologies, such as Natural Language Processing, with the maturity of AI research it is now the right time to
Machine Learning, planning, and search, with a wide range address chemistry on a much bigger scale than previously.
of applications. These fields have led to advances where AI
is already outperforming humans, for example the Chinook Research Motivation
Checkers-playing program (Schaeffer 2009), IBM’s Deep
Blue in chess (Campbell, Jr., and Hsu 2002) and Watson for A chemist developing a new drug molecule that cures a cer-
Jeopardy! (Ferrucci et al. 2010), and Google DeepMind’s tain disease typically needs to design the chemical structure
Alpha-Go in Go (Silver et al. 2016). However, there is still of the target compound, and plan a sequence of chemical
an uncountable number of unsolved challenges we can think reactions, similar to pathways or routes, to synthesize the
of. One of them is RoboCup (Kitano et al. 1997), where a target compound in an incredibly large combinatorial space
team of robots attempts to win against human soccer play- of possible chemical reactions. Most importantly, a chemist
ers. needs to experimentally validate each step of the process
In this paper we promote chemistry as an ideal domain for and finally use the gained insights to validate new knowl-
AI research, encouraging the AI community to use chem- edge and creatively think of new hypotheses about chem-
istry as a benchmark domain on a regular basis. Chemistry istry. Success depends on whether the products of each re-
has applications in many industries like pharmaceuticals, action step are synthesized as predicted in sufficient quan-
food and nutrition, and materials. The commercial impacts tity and on whether additional requirements like efficacy and
and effects on society of these industries are significant. For non-toxicity are fulfilled.
example, a single chemical compound named atorvastatin, Developing new drugs involves generating and evaluat-
better known as drug Lipitor R
, generated annual revenues of ing very large numbers of chemical compounds. Most com-
over 12 billion US dollars, before its patent expired (Heifets pounds turn out as negative samples, as they do not exhibit
the desired properties, such as being an effective drug. The
Copyright  c 2018, Association for the Advancement of Artificial development of one new drug typically takes over 10 years
Intelligence ( All rights reserved. and costs over one billion US dollars (Dickson and Gagnon

2004; Scannell et al. 2012). Most resources and time are to find the target compound to consider from the chemi-
spent during the research and development phase (typically cal compound space of 1060 . In a sense, this crucial task
5-7 years) and clinical trial stages (6 years). Therefore it in chemistry is compared to the task of finding and creat-
is most critical to find the best, most promising candidate ing an aesthetic chess problem. This boils down to finding a
molecule as quickly as possible, and we are convinced AI chess position (the problem) in the large space of all chess
can play a critical role here. positions, estimated to 1052 states, as said earlier. This is
For decades, discovering new compounds and planning typically performed by a human chess problem composer.
their chemical syntheses has been a scientific research chal- When it comes to AI-based chess problem creation, despite
lenge in organic chemistry and material science. Grand previous attempts, e.g., (Hirose, Matsubara, and Itoh 1997;
Challenge #2 defined by the US Department of Energy, Schlosser 1988), algorithms still are in an infant stage.
still unsolved, refers to designing and perfecting atom- and Additionally, games and puzzles, such as those mentioned
energy-efficient synthesis of revolutionary new forms of earlier, can be encoded as a search problem in a perfect
matter with tailored properties (Fleming and Ratner 2007). way, with no information loss. It is trivially easy to decide
This challenge may be considered to include chemical com- whether a given game position is a valid state (e.g., respect-
pound discovery and synthesis planning. ing the game rules), or whether it is a goal state. So is enu-
Databases such as ReaxSys1 and SciFinder2 allow to merating all the valid moves available in a state.
search through the literature for reactions discovered in the In contrast, in chemistry, even if a candidate of a target
past. Additionally, analyzing a large scale graph represent- compound is designed, deciding whether that candidate is a
ing existing chemical reactions in organic chemistry (Kowa- good target compound (a “goal state”) is difficult. Answer-
lik et al. 2012; Szymkuć et al. 2016) enables chemists to ing this may involve evaluating the toxicity, the effectiveness
find useful existing reaction pathways to synthesize exist- to the purpose (e.g., can it cure the disease?), and the manu-
ing compounds. However, discovering new compounds and facturing costs. Among the many compounds available, typ-
new reaction pathways remains largely a manual process, ically a very small number meet the “goal state” criteria. It
depending on the experience and the intuition of a human is often difficult to predict how a compound would behave
expert. in practice, unless an experiment is carried out.
Chemistry takes humans decades to master and it is excit- Evaluating a candidate sequence of reaction steps meant
ing to imagine an AI that can reach or exceed expert human to synthesize a given compound is equally difficult. In chem-
performance in this field. Such an AI would be very valu- ical synthesis planning, Szymkuć et al. (2016) discuss that,
able and significantly advance chemistry-related industries for a synthesis route with 30 steps, the number of possible
like pharmaceuticals, food, and materials. pathways to consider is estimated to be 1.2 × 1057 . Among
them, there are usually only a very small number of feasible
Why Is Chemistry Challenging? As said earlier, game and puzzles have clearly defined
At most a few hundred million chemical substances are cur- rules which enable to easily generate legal transitions from
rently known.3 On the other hand, in the chemistry research one state to another (moves in games). However, in chem-
community, there is a consensus that the number of candi- istry, the situation is much more difficult. A reaction rule is
date drug compounds which could theoretically exist is es- a pattern showing how a set of reactants could interact with
timated to be 1060 (Peplow 2014). This is larger than the each other, and what the result of a chemical product would
number of possible positions in chess, estimated to 1052 (Al- be. Checking whether a reaction rule is applicable or not
lis 1994), but smaller than the number of positions in Go, involves a step that boils down to solving a subgraph iso-
estimated to 10172 (Allis 1994). Upper bounds estimations morphism problem. This is an NP-complete problem, creat-
are also available for puzzle domains used as AI bench- ing a serious bottleneck when generating the successors of
marks. For example, 1025 for the 24-puzzle, 1019 for the a state. For example, the implementation of Heifets and Ju-
Rubik’s Cube, and 1098 for Sokoban (Junghanns and Scha- risica (2012) generates at most several tens of compounds
effer 2001). per second, as compared to millions of positions per second,
This size comparison, and the fact that state-of-the-art which can be achieved in a game like chess.
chess and Go programs outperform the best human play- Compared to typical games and puzzles, there would be
ers indicate that AI is mature enough for a major shift to- a much large number of choices (> 10, 000) for a one-step
wards chemistry. At the same time, chemistry poses addi- reaction in chemistry, depending on the structure of the com-
tional challenges to tackle, besides the size of its state space. pounds (Szymkuć et al. 2016).
First of all, in games, the root state of a search is ei- In chemistry, rules often are ambiguous or even incom-
ther the game start position or the position generated by plete, as the knowledge available is not always accurate.
the opponent’s response. That is, the root state is already
given to the game-playing program, when it searches for AI Technologies for Chemistry
the next move. On the other hand, in chemistry, AI needs We discuss essential AI technologies for tackling chemistry.
1 NLP and Chemical Image Processing
2 The vast literature available, including academic papers and
3 patents, contains many chemical reactions. Automatically

extracting these would lead to an extensive and valuable Deep Learning with features based on the changes of reac-
knowledge base available in a machine-readable format. tants and calculates the score of a generated product. Sav-
Molecule structures as well as reactions are typically il- age et al. (2017) employ graph-link-prediction-based recom-
lustrated as figures, with a textual description of details such mendation algorithms to predict reactants, given a product as
as yields and temperatures. Unlike typical text mining do- input.
mains, this clearly requires a combination of image process- In performing prediction tasks, such as predicting reac-
ing and NLP. In addition, unlike approaches that attempt tants, e.g., (Segler and Waller 2017b; Savage et al. 2017),
to extract only compound structures, reaction extraction is a chemical compound represented as a graph is often trans-
much more difficult, since it needs to detect relations be- formed into a fingerprint. A fingerprint is a fixed-size bit
tween compounds and reactants. vector that compactly represents structural information on
Lowe (2012) automatically extracts reactions by min- the compound as chemical features. There are a several
ing the relevant experimental sections. He extracts millions approaches to selecting features to include (Morgan 1965;
of chemical reactions from the US patent literature (Lowe Rogers and Hahn 2010), which do not always reflect the
2012) and makes these data publicly available.4 However, structural characteristics of the compound. The neural graph
there are still many important reactions whose reactants are fingerprints presented by Duvenaud et al. (2015) showed
incorrectly classified. Additionally, these extracted reactions great predictive performance.
do not have essential information on the conditions on the re- Another important task that could be addressed with Ma-
actions, which needs to be obtained by improved text mining chine Learning is the detection of active substructures in a
technologies. compound. A compound can consist of an active substruc-
ture, such as the part that fights a disease, and a supporting
Machine Learning part, that completes the compound as a stable structure.
Once we have data, Machine Learning is a promising ap-
proach to modeling characteristics of chemical compounds. Search and Planning
In particular, Deep Learning is a strong candidate due to its
Given a target compound, chemical synthesis planning is a
success in other domains.
well-known problem since the 1960s, and it still remains an
There are a few challenges for Machine Learning in
open problem today (Corey and Wipke 1969; Corey 1967;
chemistry. First of all, reaction data extracted with NLP and
Corey and Cheng 1995). Chemists typically solve the chem-
image processing might be noisy and contain erroneous in-
ical synthesis planning problem by performing a so-called
formation. Secondly, these data do not have any negative ex-
retrosynthetic analysis.
amples. That is, failed reactions are typically not publicly
available. Finally, these data do not always best represen- A reaction pathway is a sequence of one-step reaction
tative reactions. In fact, chemists typically do not employ rules. Retrosynthetic analysis attempts to systematically ex-
reactions as described in papers. To increase the yield of amine possible combinations of one-step reaction rules and
the target compound, they perform the reactions in different find a reaction pathway that leads to the target compound
conditions, such as temperatures and catalysts. These know- from a set of commercially available compounds (i.e., start
hows are rarely shared as public documents. Machine Learn- materials). Chemoinformatics researchers have employed a
ing algorithms need to be robust to such circumstances. At search-and-planning based approach to perform retrosyn-
the same time, the accuracy of prediction plays a crucial role thetic analysis, e.g., (Law et al. 2009). Challenges in chemi-
in chemistry, since a poor prediction could result in days or cal synthesis planning have been overviewed in the previous
weeks of wasted time and money. section. In addition, effective algorithms capable to perform
Machine Learning has started being employed in a so-called k-best first search are necessary to return several
chemistry-related tasks. For example, while quantum simu- reasonable solutions, so that an expert choose one or several.
lations are often used to screen out useless chemical com- Heifets and Jurisica (2012) have recently modeled ret-
pounds, they have an expensive computational overhead. rosynthetic analysis as a procedure of solving a position in
Gómez-Bombarelli et al. (2016) employ Deep Learning to two-player games such as chess and checkers. They also
avoid unnecessary calculations of quantum simulations. make benchmark problems publicly available.5 We argue
Predicting reactions can be addressed with Deep Learn- that chemical synthesis planning is an ideal domain where
ing. Segler and Waller (2017b) generalize existing reactions game researchers could export their knowledge and tech-
and one-step reaction rules that hold only essential substruc- nologies. For example, Heifets and Jurisica (2012) employ
tures of products and reactants. Then, with neural networks, proof-number search (PNS) (Allis, van der Meulen, and
Segler and Waller predict which reaction rules can be ap- van den Herik 1994), a well-known approach that con-
plied to return a product, given a reactant as input; and to re- tributed to solving the game of checkers (Schaeffer et al.
turn a reactant, given a product as input. Coley et al. (2017) 2007). Many algorithms related to PNS are a strong can-
attempt to model a product as a “true” product if that prod- didate for efficiently discovering pathways. Kishimoto et
uct is generated by a reaction recorded in the patent literature al. (2012) present a survey of PNS. Additionally, inspired
and as a “false” product otherwise. Their approach performs by AlphaGo (Silver et al. 2016), Segler, Preuß, and Waller
(2017b; 2017a) apply Monte Carlo Tree Search (MCTS)
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