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Student name:      Claudia Masnou Student ID number: 48091396Y

Programme: Bachelor in Public Relations Marketing and Advertising

Module: Internal Communication

Contribution to
Module code: FBMB5007 100%
Overall Module
Assessment (%):
Lecturer: Joaquín G.-Lavernia Internal Verifier:

Assignment Title: Ensayo sobre capítulo y/o Word count (or 4000
epígrafe de la materia equivalent):

Submission Return date of

deadline: provisional marks
& written feedback:

Submission Alternative submission method (if applicable):

Via e-mail or Classroom
Late submission of the assessment will result in a late penalty mark.
Penalties for late submission: Up to one week late, maximum mark of 40%. Over
one week late, 0%.

Academic Academic honesty is required. In the main body of your submission you must give
honesty / credit to authors on whose research and ideas your work is based. Append to your
referencing: submission a reference list that indicates the books, articles, etc. that you have
used, cited or quoted in order to complete this assessment.
Module Learning Outcomes
(from module syllabus)
• Get the ability to select and apply communication tools in a strategic and tactical
• Distinguish different techniques of internal Public Relations.
• To know the basic principale of the Protocol both Social with internal target group.
• To know the functions of the person responsible for the internal communication.

El trabajo fundamental de esta asignatura consiste en desarrollar un ensayo de no menos

de 4.000 palabras.

El ensayo debe ser una reflexión acerca del contenido de uno de los temas tratados en
clase. Puede centrarse en un epígrafe o en todo el conjunto del tema. Se valorará que la
reflexión busque un análisis que se aproxime a los objetivos del aprendizaje del módulo,
detallados anteriormente.

La libertad otorgada al estudiante implica responsabilizarse sobre la estructura del

ensayo, cuestión que también se valorará así como su creatividad.
The fundamental of this subject consists of working on developing an essay of no less than 4,000


The essay should be a reflection on the content of one of the topics covered in class. You can focus

on one heading or the entire topic. It will be valued that the reflection seeks an analysis that

approaches the learning objectives of the module, detailed above.

The freedom granted to the student implies taking responsibility for the structure of the essay, an

issue that will also be valued as well as their creativity.



NOTE: The guidance offered below is linked to the five generic assessment criteria

1. Engagement with Literature Skills

Your work must be informed and supported by scholarly material that is relevant to and
focused on the task(s) set. You should provide evidence that you have accessed an
appropriate range of sources, which may be academic, governmental and industrial; these
sources may include academic journal articles, textbooks, current news articles,
organisational documents, and websites. You should consider the credibility of your
sources; academic journals are normally highly credible sources while websites require
careful consideration/selection and should be used sparingly. Any sources you use
should be current and up-to-date, mostly published within the last five years or so, though
seminal/important works in the field may be older. You must provide evidence of your
research/own reading throughout your work, using a suitable referencing system, including
in-text citations in the main body of your work and a reference list at the end of your work.

Guidance specific to this assessment: The essay must contain a minimum of 15

bibliographic references, in order to familiarize the student with the correct use of
academic texts.
2. Knowledge and Understanding Skills
At level 5, you should be able to demonstrate: sound knowledge and critical understanding
of the well-established concepts and principles of the subject area and the way in which
those principles have developed; knowledge of the main methods of enquiry in the
discipline. Knowledge relates to the facts, information and skills you have acquired
through your learning. You demonstrate your understanding by interpreting the meaning
of the facts and information (knowledge). This means that you need to select and include
in your work the concepts, techniques, models, theories, etc. appropriate to the task(s) set.
You should be able to explain the theories, concepts, etc. meaningfully to show your
understanding. Your mark/grade will also depend upon the extent to which you
demonstrate your knowledge and understanding.

Guidance specific to this assessment: You should demonstrate a basic understanding

of the key aspects of internal communications. This involves selecting the right
information and tools to carry out the essay.

3. Cognitive and Intellectual Skills

You should be able to critically analyse information, and propose solutions to problems
arising from that analysis, including the critical evaluation of the appropriateness of
different approaches to solving problems. Your work must contain evidence of logical,
analytical thinking, evaluation and synthesis. For example, to examine and break
information down into parts, make inferences, compile, compare and contrast information.
This means not just describing what! But also justifying: Why? How? When? Who?
Where? At what cost? At all times, you must provide justification/evidence for your
arguments and judgements. Evidence that you have reflected upon the ideas of others
within the subject area is crucial to you providing a reasoned and informed debate within
your work. Furthermore, you should provide evidence that you are able to make sound
judgements and convincing arguments using data and concepts, with an understanding of
the limits of knowledge, and how this influences analyses and interpretations. Sound, valid
conclusions are necessary and must be derived from the content of your work. Where
relevant, alternative solutions and recommendations may be proposed.

Guidance specific to this assessment: You should be able to analyse the accumulated
information in order to carry out the work requested and draw logical conclusions. The
different parties must have coherence between them and be relevant to the completion of
the essay. The data used must be real and as close as possible to reality.

4. Practical Skills
At level 5, you should be able to use/deploy a range of established techniques within the
discipline, and apply underlying concepts and principles outside the context in which they
were first studied, including, where appropriate, the application of those principles in an
employment context. You should be able to demonstrate how the subject-related concepts
and ideas relate to real world situations and/or a particular context. How do they work in
practice? You will deploy models, methods, techniques, and/or theories, in that context, to
assess current situations, perhaps to formulate plans or solutions to solve problems, or to
create artefacts, some of which may be creative. This is likely to involve, for instance, the
use of real world artefacts, examples and cases, the application of a model within an
organisation and/or benchmarking one theory or organisation against others based on
stated criteria. You should show awareness of the limitations of concepts and theories
when applied in particular contexts.

Guidance specific to this assessment: The final result of the Work must have
consistency and benchmark a theory.

5. Transferable Skills for Life and Professional Practice

Your work must provide evidence of the qualities and transferable skills necessary for
employment requiring the exercise of personal responsibility and decision-making. This
includes demonstrating: professional development to advance existing skills and acquire
new competences that will enable you to assume significant responsibility within
organisations; that you can initiate and complete tasks and procedures, whether
individually and/or collaboratively; that you can use appropriate media to effectively
communicate information, arguments and analysis in a variety of forms to specialist and
non-specialist audiences; fluency of expression; clarity and effectiveness in presentation
and organisation. Work should be coherent and well-structured in presentation and

Guidance specific to this assessment: You should use a report of a recognised format.
It should include an executive summary, introduction, main findings and conclusions.
Recommendations are also required. All writing should be academic in style, formal,
focused, concise and subject specific.

This section details the extent to which the assessment criteria are demonstrated by you, which in
turn determines your mark. The marks available for each category of skill are shown. Lecturers will
use the space provided to comment on the achievement of the task(s), including those areas in
which you have performed well and areas that would benefit from development/improvement.

Marks available
Generic Assessment Criteria

1. Engagement with Literature Skills 20

2. Knowledge and Understanding Skills 20

3. Cognitive and Intellectual Skills 20

4. Practical Application Skills 20

5. Transferable Skills for Life and Professional Practice 20

Late Submission Penalties (tick if

Assessment Mark (Assessment marks are subject to ratification at the
Exam Board. These comments and marks are to give feedback on module work Up to 1 week late (40% Max) %
and are for guidance only until they are confirmed. )
Over 1 week late (0%)








This essay will be developed as follows: it will identify what is understood by internal
communication, the different ways of establishing an organization and what tools can be
used within the organization to ensure effective communication.
Among the different ways of defining internal communication, the one that in my opinion
best captures the spirit of it, is the one that defines it as communication directed to the
internal customer, that is to say, the employee. The objective of the company is to motivate,
retain the loyalty of its team and retain the best talent in a very competitive environment.
Source (Rafel Muñíz González, CEO and founder of RMG group)
That is to say, it is the basis on which the company's platforms must work, in order to
transmit all the training and informative messages to all the workers of the organization.
Internal communication is important for any organization, regardless of its size. Thanks to
this, we can increase the effectiveness of our employees, with greater integration and a
greater sense of belonging to the company. The integration and motivation of our
employees is attributed to keeping our team informed as a whole.
Internal communication in companies has two approaches:
The traditional approach, which does not differ too much from the way internal
communication was previously managed, where there was a department with
communication experts, who informed employees of everything related to the organization,
through remote means such as internal magazines (house organ).
The digital approach, emerged in the 90s, with the shift to digital media, with its
maximum exponent in the intranet of the companies. That allows any worker at the
beginning of his day, only to connect your computer immediately, the first impact on your
screen is the intranet.
With this tool, you will be able to see the news and updates that the company wants to
share with its employees on a daily basis.
You will be able to see the different training courses to which you can join, share projects
and experiences with all the colleagues of the company.
Likewise, you will receive an informative Feedbak with the human resources area with roll
tracking, vacancies and promotional opportunities, payroll, vacations, all in an interactive
In addition, this tool allows us to reduce operating costs with all the advantages of
digitalization. And it helps to foster teamwork, thus building a good organizational culture.
A good internal communication allows us to reduce the impacts referred to rumorology and
uncertainty that can reach the company's employees.

Once we clearly understand the concept of internal communication, it is necessary to
identify which is the best organizational model for an adequate internal communication to
To determine the different organizational structures, we must first clarify the concept. An
organizational structure is the hierarchical system that specifies the internal distribution of
roles within a company.
The well-known management theorist, Henry Mintzberg, developed his own model to
illustrate the organizational structure and become an example model.

Figure 1: Mintzberg Model

The fundamental elements for a good business organization:

1.The first element is the General Manager, who has a global vision of the organization.

2.The middle line, formed by the department managers, who act as a link between
administration and operation, and are in charge of managing the tasks that allow the
achievement of the general management's objectives.

3.Executor, which Mintzberg calls the executive core, made up of assistants, who are in
charge of production, distribution and delivery of products/services.

4.The technical structure, consisting of experts, who basically plan and organize the
company's activities. Its objective is to promote operations, and it is composed of the
support and consulting departments.

5.The support staff, the relationship between them and the product/service is indirect.
Mintzberg confirmed, which corresponds to the support department and belongs to a group
of outsourced personnel, who provide all non-core business work and services.

Once the different elements that the organization must have have have been determined, we
will elaborate the four most common organizational models.
By establishing the internal organizational structure of the company, the performance
process can be improved, so that all employees know their positions in the company and
control the results.
a. Linear structure, it is a vertical and descending structure.
The general manager or other members of the management are in charge of the
direct supervision of the subordinates.
This type of structure can be seen in SMEs, and also in large organizations.

In my opinion, it is not the most appropriate structure for the organization. Of

course, we cannot generalize, some companies will adopt this type of structure
depending on their activities.

But I personally believe that being a type of organization in which decisions are
made by a single person, the rest of the organization's participants may feel isolated
in the process.
This generates a demotivation that hinders the achievement of the established goals.
I also believe that the fact that a single manager has all the responsibility and
decision-making power, causes decisions to become a problem due to the
"bottleneck", and companies lose speed and efficiency in the face of market

Another major problem with this type of organizational model is that it limits the
professional development of managers and does not encourage talent and its
development, thus maximizing the risk of losing talent in the company.

Figure 2: Linear organizational model.

b) Functional structure, also vertical and top-down.

In this organizational model, the heads of each department are the decision makers
in their departments and their staff.
Responsibility does not belong exclusively to the top management of the company.
Depending on the activity or department, responsibilities are assigned to
intermediate positions.
In my opinion, this model has a number of advantages over the previous one, based
on the fact that decisions are stratified by area manager, depending on the strategic
and economic objectives set by the company.
In this way, we achieve greater speed in decision making and that these decisions
are shared among the entire management team.

Figure 3: Functional organizational model.

c) Matrix structure:
It is the organizational structure of a company in which work is done by project or
There is hierarchical dependence and functional dependence.
It is important to understand this organizational model well, so as not to create
unnecessary tensions.
As an example, we would say that the HR Director in Chile will have hierarchical
dependence on the General Director of Chile country, and functional dependence on
the corporate HR Director at the company's headquarters.
In my opinion, this structure guarantees security and good practices in companies
that have a worldwide presence.
Due to the high degree of specialization of the work, it helps to increase the
company's productivity.
Figure 4: Matrix organizational model.

D) In-line structure/Staff:
We could define it as the mixture or combination of functional and linear
organization, whose objective is to enhance the advantages of these two
organizational models. The organizational structure places the line area with
authority to decide on the important issues of the organization, while the staff area
does not have this authority and is only dedicated to the planning and advisory part.
The main functions of the staff area are consulting, services and control instruments.
These functions can exist at different levels of the organization.
The most representative characteristic of this organizational model is that the
hierarchical bodies are in charge of decision making, while the support/staff bodies
advise and counsel on decisions.
In my opinion, this organizational model aims to enhance, as we said before, the
best of the two organizational worlds, such as the linear and functional organization.
However, it turns the company into a much more complex organization.
Figure 5: Staff organizational model

Having analyzed these four organizational models, I understand that the functional and
matrix models are the ones that meet the best requirements for good internal
communication in the company. Because both facilitate the participation of all members of
the organization.

The objective of the research is to determine the effectiveness of the different internal
communication tools to achieve the proper functioning of the organization.
Once described three of the different existing organizational models.
We analyze which is the most common methodology and tools to facilitate internal
communication in companies.
We have selected 3 tools that facilitate the proper functioning of internal communication in
the company.

1. Welcome manual:

A welcome manual is the first document that a new employee should receive from
the company after signing his contract.
In the first part of this manual, there should be a "welcome" by the General
Manager, who uses this space to introduce himself to the new employees in a closer
The objective is to inform about the most important aspects of the company, its
functioning, its objectives, and its culture.
In a first section, it should include a short "Brief" of the company's history, with the
objective of generating identification with the company and a clear presentation of
the mission, vision and values of the company.
It is important to have a clear description of the company's culture that allows the
new employee to integrate more quickly and, above all, to adapt to the company's
internal procedures.
Secondly, a presentation on the structure of the organization. Where the
organizational chart of the company is detailed, the area or department where this
new position is incorporated, functions and tasks of the job, where we can include a
card with the job description. (DPT)
Likewise, it is important to know a description of the product/service that the
company produces, to understand well the activity of the company where it will be

The third aspect should include the company's internal processes, detailing how to
access management tools and applications, programs and access passwords, which
will allow us to carry out our work normally.

The document should incorporate:

o The company's work calendar.

o Company headquarters and delegations with the telephone and e-mail directory of
the different members and departments of the company.
o Procedures for the management of vacations, medical leaves, etc.
o In order to guarantee the worker's safety, the occupational risk prevention policy
(ORP) will be well defined.

Internal communication channels will also be defined, such as: newsletters, emails,
complaint mailboxes.
There are aspects within the organization that should also be known, such as the code of
conduct and dress code, corporate social responsibility and equality policies of the
The fourth point should be aimed at knowing what benefits the employee will have when
joining the new company.
These benefits should be detailed and may include aspects such as:
- Transportation routes for employees.
- Restaurant or company canteen tickets.
- Advantageous agreements with travel agencies and financial entities.
- Pension plans.
- Agreements with mutual health insurance companies.
- Company vehicles.
- Agreements with nearby gyms and kindergartens, which facilitate the conciliation
of workers.
Most companies, in their selection and hiring processes, always look for the most talented
and capable profiles for each vacancy. This process is always considered fundamental for
the candidate's success. However, an important part of the failures of these candidates
occurs during the first months of the incorporation to the company.
For all these reasons, it is so important that the new employee has a welcome plan for the
company with a complete manual that allows the employee to recognize all the relevant
aspects of the organization.
Therefore, a selection process in a company does not end until the employee has completed
his welcome plan and has been properly monitored during the first days or weeks.

For the welcome manual to be effective:

1. It must facilitate the employee's rapid integration into an environment that is still
unknown to him. In this way, he will quickly recognize the company's objectives,
identify his job position and clearly understand his position, avoiding false

2. Provide the newcomer with all the means to develop his work and encourage
communication among all members of the organization, especially those who are
part of his work environment.

3. It must be alive, it is understood as alive, because organizations change, evolve and

therefore this plan must be something dynamic, that allows all the modifications
that are necessary according to the changes that take place in the company.

4. Logistics and mentoring, it is essential for a quick integration in the workplace, the
reservation and preparation of the physical space where the new employee will
develop his activity. As well as, to have all the material means (computer,
telephone...), corporate e-mail, access codes to the company's own applications, etc.
Also, many companies choose to appoint a mentor who is presented through the
manual, which will help the new employee to solve the small daily doubts in their
first days of work.

5. Within the welcome plan, the human resources area must present the employee in a
more formal way to his/her direct superior, and also to the team with which he/she
will work, both colleagues and subordinates. The physical and direct presentation
facilitates the subsequent integration.

Main risks of an inadequate welcome manual:

- A company that does not have a welcome manual runs the risk of a higher failure
rate for new recruits and, as such, a cost overrun and delay in the selection process.

- The possible low productivity of the new employee due to insecurity and lack of
knowledge of the company's operations.

- The risk of new employees adapting, due to the lack of a welcome manual, can lead
to failures during the first months and, as a consequence, to their leaving the
company. This can affect the company's image, resulting in bad publicity due to the
high turnover rate.
Another of the classic tools of internal communication are newsletters or internal
magazines, which we will analyze to decide if they are an effective instrument to guarantee
the success of internal communication.
2. Internal magazines: To inform internal and external customers of new aspects
such as organizational changes in the company and projects and success stories of
the different activities that the company develops in any part of the world. Its main
objective is that employees, and in some cases external customers, recognize and
identify with the company.
One of the greatest difficulties in the continuous development of the house organ is
the periodic commitment to incorporate new content by all the company's
A House Organ has the function of notifying about the general news of the
organization, and also specifically about the daily work of the workers, (benefits,
entertainment activities, human resources procedures...).
It can also inform about the new organizational changes, and its new team members,
this allows to know the whole company's employees.
It is also used to present the new incorporations for positions of responsibility where all
the workers can see the CV, the trajectory and the personal aspects of the same ones.
In large companies such as the one we are analyzing, it also allows to inform workers of
financial aspects of the company and others of relevant importance such as the General
Meeting of Shareholders.

Sometimes, the internal magazine includes reports, stakeholder interviews, new projects
and may even include contests and games to motivate employees.

The house organ is an instrument that is characterized by being strictly unidirectional,

and only allows management in this case to transmit the messages it deems appropriate
without feedback from the organization, and therefore without the active participation
of workers.

In order to analyze a house organ, I have taken as an example an internal magazine of a

Spanish multinational company with presence in different countries and listed in the
Ibex 35.

Examples of Acciona's House Organ:

We understand that the company has decided to publish this magazine on a monthly
basis, and it talks about its strategic aspects with its business focus on sustainability,
as well as its activities and business in different countries, even with monographs on
specific countries, as in the case of Peru.
(Photo attached)

In many cases, the company's employees are unaware of some of the multiple
businesses that the company develops in some of its divisions.
The internal magazine allows us to explain cases such as the hotel services
management, which is shown in the attached photograph.
In this case we can also see how the company explains to employees the reason for a merger or
acquisition, in this case in the energy division of the company. This allows to reduce or minimize
the risk of rumors that are never good for any organization.

The internal magazine also allows employees to learn about the advertising and
promotional campaigns carried out by the company around the world, such as Acciona's
participation in the Paris-Dakar race. The aim was to convey to employees its message of a
sustainable company, being the first company to participate with a 100% electric car.

In the magazine, through an interview with the drivers, the experience of driving a 100%
electric car in the toughest rally in the world is shared.
In this article, we can see how one of the projects of one of Acciona's most unknown
divisions, APD (Acciona Producciones y Diseño), which produces museum projects,
events, fairs and conventions around the world, is presented. This information allows
workers to keep abreast of the projects that the company leads.

In conclusion, I believe that this tool has been very important in recent years, but since the
explosion of the digital world, most companies have chosen to develop a powerful tool such as the
intranet, in which all workers can access, from their terminal at their workplace, or can access from
any Smartphone with their passwords.
Finally, we want to analyze the effectiveness of the internal communication tool that in my opinion
is the most practical, as is the case of the Intranet.
In recent years, new information and communication technologies have advanced, and this progress
has helped to improve traditional communication techniques, which were more complex. The
traditional means of communication that were previously developed were much slower and in many
cases did not reach workers uniformly.
For this reason, with the emergence of new information and communication technologies (ICT),
which are still digital means of communication, have modified and improved the way of relating
between members of the organization, with them we ensure that the message we want to convey
reaches all members of the organization.

3. Intranet: It is a website, which is used internally within the organization. It can only be
accessed by members of the company, normally to access it, they must do so through the
company's own computers.
But nowadays, there are already many companies that allow workers to access it remotely
through other terminals with specific passwords for this purpose. This allows workers, even
during their vacation period or outside their working hours, to be informed up to the minute
of what may happen in the company or to communicate with the company in an agile and
immediate way.
The intranet is considered the most effective internal communication tool, since it gives us
the possibility of accessing the same internal documents, which were previously offered on
paper, and also allows communication between all members of the organization with the
support of blogs and internal chats.
Through this digital communication model, the company saves, compared to traditional
models, all the costs associated with printing documents, shipping and logistics, which
made it slow, cumbersome and expensive.

One of the important aspects of the intranet is that the company allows that much of the
documentation that the different departments need to use, is loaded on the platform and
always updated. So any employee anywhere in the world will always use the same
documents and always up to date.

Analyzing a practical case of an intranet of an Ibex 35 company,

We can see that it is divided into different areas of information.
1. THE COMPANY: In this section, the company informs employees of all
initiatives, organizational changes and new developments in the corporate area of
the company.

2. AREAS AND COMPANIES: In this part, the company talks in particular about
the different divisions and business areas, with the news associated with the
different subsidiaries around the world.

3. COLLABORATION AND KNOWLEDGE: In the area of collaboration and

knowledge, the company makes available to all workers, all the documentation
"know how" that are necessary for the development of their professional activity, in
an updated form.

4. SERVICES: Through this medium, workers can have visibility over all the service
areas of the company such as:
- Personnel transportation (modification of transportation routes,
schedules, etc.)
- Canteen services (menus and schedules)
- Travel (protocol for contracting travel and hotels for personal use).
- Medical services (control of annual check-ups)
- ICT services (resolves incidents with workstation terminals and cell
- Facility management services (attends to all the problems that a
worker may detect in an efficient maintenance of the facilities, or
cleaning problems).

5. PEOPLE: Through the "people" platform, you can access the personal aspects of
each of the company's employees. Here you can review:
a.Personal objectives for each year
b.Review the training courses that the company has and be able to
enroll in them.
c.Receive monthly paychecks.
d.Set the vacation plan with the work calendar.
e. Visibility and access to vacancies for potential stakeholders for
internal promotions.

En esta imagen se proyecta, como la empresa ofrece diferentes categorías para que los
trabajadores puedan formarse. Podemos observar que la compañía lo divide en dos apartados.

Destacados: En este punto, la compañía pone a disposición del trabajador, diferentes

cursos formativos para incrementar sus conocimientos, en este caso específicamente de
inglés. El trabajador podrá elegir cual es el curso ideal para su interés, e inscribirse y saber
cuándo empieza el curso.

Mi expediente: Aquí la compañía ofrece diferentes cursos enfocados en distintas

categorías, que le pueden ayudar a incrementar sus conocimientos.

Como observamos, hay diferentes cursos monográficos, como por ejemplo cursos de
productividad de Excel, bienestar laboral, protección de datos…etc.

Además, nos permite ver el estado del curso seleccionado, para saber si ya lo hemos
completado, o por lo contrario está incompleto.

Esta mecánica ayuda a los trabajadores a motivarlos en una continua formación, y también
nos permite ver como organización, si el trabajador es una persona con interés para seguir
aprendiendo, o por lo contrario es una persona conformista.
Otro de los aspectos que ofrece la Intranet, es el de
Aquí podemos observar, como bien se muestra en
la imagen adjunta, las diferentes noticas que
proporciona la compañía a los trabajadores.
Se divide en categorías, según los países de interés
dónde la compañía tiene participación.
Según la división de la compañía, es decir sus
diferentes líneas de negocios, y también según la
temática buscada.
También nos ofrece un buscador, donde
introduciendo palabras clave nos aparecen noticias
relacionadas con estas.
Podemos ver el título de la noticia y los
comentarios de los diferentes integrantes de la
organización, además de los “likes”, de esta manera
podremos ver la repercusión que ha tenido esta
noticia para la organización.

En este punto, podemos ver el acuerdo que

tiene la compañía con una universidad y les
hacen productos a medida. Para desarrollos de
programas directivos.

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