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3/24/2021 Turning on a HP DPS-750RB server power supply – MakeNotes.

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Turning on a HP DPS-750RB server power

Posted on 29.04.2020
by cf (

There are many tutorials and how-tos on the web, that use a resistor or wire to
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found this a little bit odd, since regularly, one needs to pull a certain pin to
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ground (GND), to turn on the power supply, like it is the case with ATX power
supplies (

So why this resistor? Some recommend 100 Ohm, others up to 1000 Ohm, some
say to just connect them with a wire. For my device, only lower values and a
simple wire would work.

I searched the web a while and found that there are others who have asked
themselves the same question (
hp-common-slot-power-supplies.html). I also found a interesting datasheet
(PDF) for another, third party power supply, which had a lot of useful
information on the “Common Slot” connection used for this (and many other)

Mains voltage is dangerous and can be lethal!

Always make sure to unplug the device when working on it!
Even when disconnected, the capacitor(s) of a DC power supply can
store a high voltage/current for a signi cant amount of time. Always
make sure to isolate or discharge these components rst!
If you’re unsure or feel uncomfortable working on such devices —
don’t do it!

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3/24/2021 Turning on a HP DPS-750RB server power supply –

1. Pull up the PRESENT pin #36 to 3.3 or 12 V using a resistor.

2. Pull down the PSON pin #33 to GND (the above mentioned datasheet calls
it “RTN”).

The four pins needed for turning on the power supply the “right” way.

This is why only pulling down PSON didn’t work for me: PRESENT needs to be
pulled up rst (or at the same time). This basically tells the power supply it is
now connected to a system (like it would be, when pushed into the slot it was
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3/24/2021 Turning on a HP DPS-750RB server power supply –

The single resistor is basically some kind of hardware hack, that seems, using
the right resistance value, does these two things with only one connection. I
don’t think this has a real downside, especially since most people do this and
seem to have no issues with it. But I’m not 100% sure and also was interested in
doing it the “right” way.


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3/24/2021 Turning on a HP DPS-750RB server power supply –

The “right” way seems to be to solder a 21 kOhm resistor from pin #36
(PRESENT) to the 12 V standby voltage (pin #37, 12VSB). I used a 22 kOhm
resistor, since I didn’t have that value and it worked ne for me.

A 22 kOhm 1/4 Watt resistor soldered between PRESENT and 12VSB and a solid wire between PSON
and GND.

After that, connecting pin #33 (PSON) to GND/RTN (big pad) did in fact turn on
the power supply for me. Of course, this can also be done by using a switch or a
transistor. If connected
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Some heat-shrink tubing and a drop of electronics silicone to isolate and protect the resistor.

By the way: It doesn’t matter if the device is in stock con guration or a

“ oating mod” has been applied to it (to connect multiple ones in series). In
every case, each power supply needs to be turned on separately.

Connecting status
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While we’re at it, it may be a good idea, to connect one or two LEDs, with a
resistor, to indicate the state the power supply is in. In my opinion, the best
solution, is to use the +12VSB (standby) and the actual +12V output for this.
The standby voltage is available, as soon as the device is connected to a live
mains socket. The +12V will obviously available, when the power supply is
actually turned on. There is already a LED on the backside, but it’s pretty dim
and you may want something brighter or on the other side of the device. For a
regular 5 mm LED a 1 kOhm resistor should be ne. To be sure, individually
calculate the resistance value (

 Electronics (, RC
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4 Replies to “Turning on a HP DPS-750RB server power


Pingback: Make a oating ground 12 V server power supply –

( oating-ground-12-v-server-power-

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Bruce Nguyen
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09.01.2021 at 18:52 (
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3/24/2021 Turning on a HP DPS-750RB server power supply –

i don’t understand, everybody else just bridges pin 33 and 36 together and it
works, why is your way necessary if everybody else does it the easier way and it
works? please explain

cf 

10.01.2021 at 11:43 (


I don’t think it is necessary. The simple way is probably perfectly ne,

especially since most people do it that way and do not have problems.
I was just curious to understand what exactly happens when the device gets
plugged into a server rack.

Bruce Nguyen
19.01.2021 at 23:46 (

CF, I found this explanation from a guy who designed systems that
used high output power supplies. Not sure if you saw it already but
here it is

In my
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verwendet a 22K
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um die between
Nutzbarkeit der Seite zupin 36 & Indem
verbessern. 12V Sie
Standby power
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37) is enough to make
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Ok action of the input,(Privacy this
policy)gives around 500uA of current.
( 8/10
3/24/2021 Turning on a HP DPS-750RB server power supply –

33 = Enable#

With the Present pin biased from 12VSB, pulling pin 33 directly to
ground causes the main 12V output to enable. Looking at the current,
open voltage and operation point, it looks like the pin is pulled up to
the PSU internal 3V3 bus via a 10K resistor, and is monitored via a
standard CMOS Schmitt trigger input gate.

I’ve not yet tried controlling the PSU over the PMBus, but PSU of this
type can typically be enabled either via the Enable# pin, or via
software control.

This splitting of 33 & 36, into a pulled up / clamped “present” signal,

and a simple pull to ground “enable#” signal (which can also be driven
over I2C) is much more consistent with other PSU I have worked with.

Given this understanding, you can see why the resistor between 33 &
36 works, because you are using the pull up on the Enable# input to
bias the Present signal, and that load is in turn pulling Enable# low
enough to is a fairly tight range of viable

However, in my own supply I will simply be going with a xed 22K

resistor from Present to 12VSB, and a separate switch between Gnd
and Enable#, as that leaves the possibility of software control over the

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