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Name: ALLAH Yar Khan

Age: 55

Current occupation: Driver

Education level: FA

Religious affiliation: Muslim

Income range (optional): 50k or less

Regional affiliation: KPK.

Main qs 1 to be asked in interview:

On a scale of 1-10, how well do you think the current government is performing in comparison
to the previous one?

The current government has been worst as compare to the previous ones. It has been a
downward slope ever since they took the charge. The promises made have not been fulfilled
and the claims made are nowhere near completion.

 How well has the PTI government maintained its promises to the public?
They have not maintained any promise. All they are focusing on is NRO nahi mille ga. NRO has
nothing to do with poor’s life standard. They are all in the game just for the sake of money and

1- It’s no secret that economic conditions have been tragically unfavorable for the majority
of the population. Inflation rate was 4.15% in 2017. In 2021, it has jumped to 10.74%,
more than double. How do you think this reflects the efforts of the government towards
improving the economy?

We don’t really understand how the economy functions or how it is being run, but the fact of
the matter is that the poor is suffering a lot. The prices have gone sky high. Not to mention the
stagnancy of earnings and unemployment in COVID times.

2- The “Sugar Mafia” has been the topic of debate for quite some time now. Jahangir Tareen (a
person who is under investigation) received a 400 Arab ‘subsidy’ from the government
(what was achieved from it?)

These all are just a mere façade to engage public and show them that there is fairness in
treatment. There must be some dealing involved. If Jahangir Tareen pulls out, govt. will tumble.

3- The current government focused on corruption a lot during their election campaign. In 2016,
the Corruption Perceptions Index (CPI) ranked Pakistan at 116. In 2020, Pakistan’s position
has worsened to 124. Clearly, a dramatic rise in the level of corruption can be observed
during the current regime. Do you think the government should reflect on that fact instead
of mentioning the shortcomings of their predecessors so often?

All government is doing is mentioning how they have captivated their rivals but they can’t
answer that. This govt. has failed to keep their people in control, who are collection of other
parties’ leftover.

4- A bill has been passed punishing people who speak out against army. Don’t you think this is
limiting freedom of speech? How does this reflect on the claims by the opposition that
establishment has helped this government come into power?

The govt. has been brought up in the power because of army. Army is the boss in the country.
Whatever they want, they get it without any question. They are supreme and untouchables.
1- Imran Khan promised, on multiple occasions, the creation of a “Riyasat-e-Madina” (we can
assume this was done to win the support of religious factions in Pakistan). Yet now, there’s news
of a liquor factory being established in Balochistan and that the opening of a casino in Karachi is
being considered. What are your thoughts on that?

That was just done to catch the sympathy of religious groups. Riasat e Madina didn’t have that much
of inequality and lack of justice. The poor were taken care of really well. They were treated with
empathy. There is no such treatment of fairness and equality. Let alone these practices you’ve

2- Let’s talk about infrastructure. When Imran Khan came into office, he immediately halted the
work being done on metro Islamabad (along Kashmir Highway). Thousands of people would
have benefited from that route every day. I am a student of NUST Islamabad, if metro had been
completed, there’s a good chance I, along with numerous other students, would have used it to
commute to university. If it was budget-related, how come Metro Peshawar was more
expensive to build?
All they are doing is degrading the work of others and promoting theirs. All those in power try to
portray themselves the best.
3- Imran Khan recently undertook a “vote of confidence” in which he won by a majority. Do you
agree with this? Is the government still in control of the situation. Or was the outcome of the
vote a result of the PDM’s abandonment of the poll?(both sides)

1- Tax collection department is working very well. The govt has tried really hard to avoid being
blacklisted by FATF. Tax is being collected by all levels of the public. Is this not a positive work.
Does this not account to success of this government and its goal of a Naya Pakistan?
If the tax is collected, where is it being used? If it is really the case, why are the prices still
shooting up every day? It’s not about tax collection but about the burden on the poor.
2- It is true that covid and a weak economy has hit the general population hard. But initiatives like
panah gaaz are providing food and shelter to thousands. Should this step not be appreciated?
Also housing scheme for the poor has been launched and houses have been built as well(on
ground work is done). Is this not a positive step?
This is a good scheme but let’s wait for its success and the transparency. It is not yet being
implemented everywhere.
3- Value of remittances value increased from 19 million USD in 2016 to 22 million USD in 2019.
Should we not regard the govt for this?
Has it proven any better for the living standards? NO. Then there’s no use of such numbers.
4- It is true that growth is slow but the current government banned many imports, reducing others
as well. On the other hand, exports increased. Exports in 2016-$25.48 billion. Exports in 2019-
$28.15 billion. Fiscal deficit is being decreased like never before, is this not a step in the right
Forcefully doing it all means nothing. Either pass on this to the prices or it has no use.
5- Don’t you think the Kartarpur corridor was a successful move and a good step by the
government? Helped integrate Sikh minority, created better ties with the cross-border public,
and revenue will also be generated from here.
Sikhs have been a good friend in pre partition times. This is a good step.
6- Even in Nawaz hakoomat we saw shortages of food… and hiked prices as well…so isn’t it more of
a problem of a weak economy as a whole rather than being a failure of IK govt? we saw chheni
ki qeemat rise to 100rs/kg in 2016 as well. Chheni ka buhran Nawaz ki hakoomat mein bhi aya.
(bth sode ^1,2)
The hikes for momentarily there and were very controlled. The hike didn’t stab the poor. The
case in this era is different.
7- Cabint reshuffle hori hei but look at finance ministry. IK was condemeed and called failure for
reshuffling between asad umar , hafeez sheikh and hammad azhar, but look how today Rupee is
performing better. After taking its real position at 165 against $1. It is now contantly increasing
in value( both sides ^3)
That was bound to happen anyway. If it was the case then why were these people shuffled. This
is by chance not by competence.
8- It is true that electables are now with him which is why he won.. but do u think it was possible
to win otherwise? Do you really believe that the awaam mein itna shaoor hei ke they vote for
the people who actually stand for their rights?
Awaam ko haq hai apna leader chun’ne ka.
9- Handling of corona regarded by the world. Is this not a positive takeaway?
There was a luck factor included also in there. That’s not totally about govt. competence.

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