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CENTRO DE BACHILLERATO TECNOLÓGICO, industrial y de servicios No. 43
Nombre del Plantel “Gral. Macario Gaxiola Urías”

SEC. DID. 3/3

Instrumento de registro de la Planeación Didáctica

d Institución: UEMSTIS Plantel: CBTis 43 C.C.T. 25DCT0203L
t Fecha de
i elaboración: Día Mes Año
instrumento: ALMADA
i Del 04 de Noviembre al
Período de la
c Asignatura o submódulo: Semestre: Carrera: 06 de Diciembre del
a 2019.
i INGLÉS 1 I Módulo Básico Duración en Horas 15
ó The basic disciplinary competence of communication is related to the student`s ability to
Campo disciplinar de la asignatura
n communicate effectively in Spanish and in a second language in different contexts, using distinct
COMUNICACIÓN means and instruments. The learners who have developed this competence can read critically,
communicate and support their own ideas in an effective way with clear speaking and writing. In
addition to these, they will use the information and communication technologies with a critical thinking
for different purposes.The competence of communication leads to analyze the nature of the language
and as a tool for logical thinking.

Propósito formativo del campo disciplinar

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
In the New Educational Model, the classification of the academic contents of the English subject have
a significant importance considering not only the comprehension processes and the key learning
points of the disciplinary fields, but the language skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. The
Socio-Emotional skills to the Common Curricular Framework in the New Educational Model for the
Technological High School are part of the design of the course plan.

The attributes expressed of the expected learning outcomes that allow an integral vision of two

Multidisciplinary: For all the subjects.

Transversalidad con otras asignaturas Interdisciplinary: That includes some of the subjects.

Specifically, the reading and writing competency should be applied to the needs of other subjects, for
example, when they are learning about language structures in the subject of LEOyE they can transfer
their acquired knowledge of parts of speech and language construction in English to Spanish.

Horizontal: It refers to the reactivation of learnings from the subjects of the same semester.
Reading, and Oral Written Expression, The use of parts of speech (noun, adjective, pronouns,
articles, verb, adverbs, preposition, and conjunction) in specific texts

Vertical: Logics. Portrayed in argumentations That students have Identified throughout their learning

Tema Transversal Reading, and Oral Written Comunication, Logic, Information and Communication Technologies.
Macroconcepto Comunication

Ámbitos del perfil de egreso en el que Learning a second language is essential in a globalized world. Currently, personal and
contribuye la asignatura impersonal communication in any country refers to elements of English such as words,
phrases, literature, informative or scientific texts; this interaction allows breaking the
communication barriers between people.
English as a foreign language will allow students to insert themselves in different educational
and work environments that will improve their quality of life, so this syllabus offers an overview
of the English I course at High School level considering the following aspects:
1. Prior knowledge in A1 English level according to the Common European Framework.
2. The general performance expectations stated by the level A2 of the Common
European Framework.
3. A special focus on writing and reading skills to enhance metacognitive abilities

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
4. The amount of time available to comply the objectives

The English I syllabus is designed to help students develop the four language skills (Reading,
writing, speaking and listening), based in topics stated by the level A1 of the Common
European Framework.
According to the new Educational Model, the level A1 goals have been divided to be part of the
English I course for the students to reactivate previous knowledge and obtain what they need
in order to express themselves using different elements of grammar, vocabulary, and specific
contents that will help them communicate in different situations.
The structural content will help teachers to develop the expected learning of the English level
A1 program. To achieve this goal it is necessary to systematize teacher planning. This
document contains the relevant information to achieve the objectives for the new Educational
Model of High School.

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
I At the end of the first semester, the students will use the elements of language to express the activities they are doing
n Propósito formativo de la now, in the past, and to share or request personal information from other people with simple phrases and tasks that
t require a simple and direct exchange of information of their environment and immediate needs. In addition, they will
e asignatura continue practicing the language skills to achieve an efficient interaction with students and to promote the
n collaborative work with others
i Microconcepto Prepositions of place, prepositions of movement, asking for and giving directios, can for ability, present preogressive,
o descriptions revew, comparatives and superlatives.
Apr The students express themselves clearly in English in oral and written form. They identify the main
end ideas in a text or in an oral speech, and infers conclusions from them, the students get and recognize
information and communicate efficiently. They communicate themselves fluently and naturally.
izaj Ejes disciplinarios Students will communicate, interact, and collaborate with others (transverse axis for all subjects from
F es Communication and Social Sciences as disciplinary fields Technology, information, communication and
o cla learning.
r ve Providing reasonable opinions from the point of making a text
m de Reading, writing, speaking and listening.
la Componente
t Reading, writing and oral production as learning sources and abilities practice.
v gna
a tur
Contenido central The importance of language and grammar role in it.
s a

Students read a tourist guide of a city and recognize the most important places to ask information about them.
Students use prepositions of movement to express how to get to some places. Students use questions and
directions to get to different public spaces. Students use vocabulary about the name of different places. Students
Aprendizaje esperado
use Wh questions to ask for directions on how to get to a place. Students work in teams to se verb to be in present
simple and adjectives to describe gadgets.Students write four sentences that help them to explain which gadgets
described is the one that best adapts to their needs.

In the New Educational Model, the classification of the academic contents of the English subject have a significant
importance considering not only the comprehension processes and the key learning points of the disciplinary fields,
Proceso de aprendizaje but the language skills of listening, reading, writing and speaking. The Socio-Emotional skills to the Common
Curricular Framework in the New Educational Model for the Technological High School are part of the design of the

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
course plan.

Contenidos específicos How many people are there in your family? What do they do? What do they usually have for
Habilidades ¿Pa’ que soy buen?
socioemocionales (HSE) a ConoceT / Relaciona T
desarrollar Autoconciencia, relación con los demás, autopercepción, asertividad.

4.- Listen to, interprets, and produce meangniful communication in diverse contexts through appropriate use of
semiotic codes, means, and tools.
Competencias Genéricas
y atributos 4.4 Communicates in a second language in everyday situations.

11. Communicates in another language through logical, oral or written discourse, congruent with communicative

profesionales No Aplica

Actividades de aprendizaje Apertura


Actividad del Docente Recursos utilizados Duración

1. - PREPOSITION OF PLACES. Pc and projector (if available) 3 Hrs.
The Teacher directs sudents attention to the poster on the board and a grammar box.
Point the picture and say this is clark steet. And wtite a vocabulary words on the board (city
Read the sentences in grammar box and ask ss to locate the places in the map as they hear it.

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
To make sure ss understand the meaning of each preposition put some items on the board and Board and markers (different
do a mimic of each one saying the preposition aloud. colors)
direct the ss in the grammar box again and have ss to repeat aloud.
Remaind ss to pronounce there’s as one sylabe.
Direc ss attention to the next activity.

Circle the correct word. Check your answer with a classmate.

Board and markers
1. There is / are a bank across from the newsstand.
2. There are / is two supermarkets in my town.
3. There is a gas station between / in the bank and the bookstore.
4. There are / is a park next to our school.
5. There are two hotels next to / beteween the park.
6. There is / are five bus stops on calle Hidalgo.
Software Access 2
Read the directions aloud and ask to ss to answer the exersice individually.
When most ss are finished, go over the answers with the whole class.
Direct ss attention to the next chart

Place Location
Teacher and Student book


Ask to ss to work in groups of 3, to complete the chart, one colmn for a place and the other
column for its location using a preposition.
Say ss when finish they have do draw a town map using the last location on a cardboard, and
present to the rest of the group.


The Teacher directs sudents attention to the grammar box. (preposition of movemen)

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
Say ss the preposition of movement are used to show movement from one place to another Library. Bilingual dictionary.
This prepisitions are used mostly with movement verbs and after the main verb.

Read the grammar sentences aloud, ask ss to listen and repeat.

Show ss some flash cards with preposition of movement pictures, ask ss to draw the pictures in Edmodo exercises.
the notebook and write the preposition under dhe picture.

Preposition of movenment
I go to school by bus * You get off the train at the next stop.*
To go to the bank walk across the street at We can get onto the buss here.*
the crosswalk * To go to the supermarket cross over the
He’s walking along the park.* bridge.*
To to the cinema drive around the city Walk past te theater on the right and tha
center* bank is on the left.*
I prefer to ride my biked own the hill.* Walk through the park to go to the
Bookstore is into the shop on the corner.* newsstand.*
Walk towards the see and turn left at the firs
Go up the street to go to the mall.*

Say ss to copy the next activity in their notebook and answer correctly using preposition of

He goes to the discoteca by taxy

To go to the park walk into the bridge
Walk down the street to the corner and turn left.
Walk across the street to go to the supermarket.
The newsstand is into the park.
To go to the mall walk around the bank.
You get off the taxy alt the next corner.
Walk toward the cofeeshoop and turn right.
Walk thougth the mall to go to the movies.
Walk along the Saragoza street and turn rigrh to the hidalgo street.
To go to the library cross over the street.
We past the school on the left and the bus stop is in the right.

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
Go up the morelos street and go to the circus.

Ask ss to work in pairs and use prepositions of movement to write 12 sentnces to go to diferent
places in the city.

 Ask to ss to do the exercise fron their studentbook.

 Ask ss to do the exercises from Edmodo.

Producto de aprendizaje
Actividad del estudiante Duración Tipo de evaluación Ponderación
1.- PREPOSITION OF PLACE 3Hrs. Diagnostic Assessment 15 %
Students pay attention to the grammar box in the Grammar and vocabulary
board and the vocabulary words and take notes in notes in the notebook.
their notebooks. Oral participation (guess
When teacher indicates ss locate the city places in the preposition)
the map. Notebook activity using
Ss have to say the prepositions aloud when teacher there is / there are and Formative Assessment
mimics the activity. prepositions of place.
In the notebook ss copy an activity with there is / Box with places and
there are grammar and prepositions of places to prepositions in the
practice their recently knowledge. notebook
Ss do a chart in the notebook with two columns one A city map practicing Summative Asessment
for places and one for locations and will work with a preposition of place
partner to complete the chart with own information, (teamwork)
when finish the chart ss draw a map in the card
board using the information in the chart.
Grammar and vocabulary
2.- PREPISITION OF MOVEMENT notes in the notebook. Coevaluation
Ss copy the grammar box in the notebook. Draw and write the
Ss have to listen and repeat the sentences aloud. vocabulary words
In the notebook ss have to draw and name all the Exercises correctly solved
prepositions from the grammar. in the notebook
Ss copy in the notebook an activity to practice their Sentences in the notebook
recently knowledge. using preposition of Hetero evaluation
Using the map in cardboard ss work in pairs to write movement.
12 sntences to go to 12 different places in the map
using prepositions of movement.

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
Exercises correctly solved
 Do the exercices in the students book
in the book
 Do the exercices in Edmodo.
Exercises correctly
solved on digital platforms.

Actividades de aprendizaje Desarrollo

Actividad del Docente Recursos utilizados Duración
Teacher directs ss attention to the video ( asking for and giving directions, easy English) about
asking and giving directions, when finish ask ss whats the video’s main idea and ss have to
participate rising hands.
Direc ss attention to the grammar box from the board. Flash carfds
Flyers and posters
Asking for and giving directions
Asking for Giving directions
Where is the post office? Turn left
Is there a pharmacy around here? Turn right

Can you help me? I’m looking for the theatre. Go straight on Library, Dictionary
How do I get to the bus station? Go across the street
What’s the best way to go to the church? On the corner 8 Hrs,
Where is the nearest gas station? Go along the street.
Go up the street
Go down the street Teacher and Student´s book

Read the questions aloud say ss have to listen and repeat.

Read the second column aloud ss have to listen and repeat. Audio, Teacher CD
Direct ss attention to the conversation abouw how ask and giving diretions, first read the
conversation alowd, ss have to listen.
Say ss work in pairs, fisrt read the conversation, and then they write a new conversation with
their own information asking for ans giving directions and practice the conversation.
Call volunteers to go to the board to present their work. Oral and written participation

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
Direct ss attention to the grammar box.
Say we use can to talk about ability. Say for example I can play guitar and I can’t sing.
Direct attention to the fisrt column, read the exampes alud, ask: who can make pizza? who can’t
play guitar? Ss have to rise their hands if they can or can. Student´s notebook
Direct ss attention to the second column, ask diferent ss the three yes / no questions. Ss have
to answer for their own information.
Read the wh question at the bottom of the second column and pount to a group of ss and elicit
the answer.
Audio, Teacher CD
Can for hability
I Can you sing?
You Yes I can / No I can’t
He can make pizza
She can’t play the guitar. Can he dance?
Markers. (different colors)
We Yes he can / no he can’t
Can she play the guitar?
Yes she can / no she can’t
Exercises to practice with
What can they do?
They can make pizza

Ask ss to do a list of 5 abilities they can do and 5 they can’t do. Plarforms:
Ss will write on the notebook sentences using can and can’t with the list.
Ask ss to write the next exercise in the notebook and solve.
1- Leticia and Juan can ride a bicycle. They can’t ride a motorcycle.
2- Gloria can drive a car. She can’t fly an airplane.
3- We can play volleyball. We can’t do karate.
4- I can sing. I can’t play the piano.
5- Matt can swim. He can’t skateboard. Library. Bilingual dictionary.
Say to ss to work with 3 clasmates and do a chart with the abilities they can and can’t do

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
They have to write all the sentence

Ability Student 1 Student 2 Student 3 Student 4

Ride a bike
Play guitar

Ask ss to wtrite sentences with the chart information.

Direct ss attention to the next exercise, and play the audio, ss have to underline the word they

1. Alejandro can / can’t dance

2. I can / can’t run fast.
3. We can / can’t sing.
4. Sylvia can / can’t ride a bicycle.
5. You can / can’t make sushi.


Direct ss attention to the conversation

Pedro: What are you doing?

Jessica: I’m reading about jobs at an airport. This is a flight attendant. She’s helping assengers.
Pedro: Oh, yeah. That’s a pilot. He’s flying the plane.
Jessica: Yeah. That’s a cool job!
Pedro: How about this guy? What’s he doing?
Jessica: He’s a driver. He’s waiting for the passengers.

Read the conversation aloud first, then ss have to listen and repeat.
Dicide the group in two and read line by line ss have to repeat the conversation one half read
pedro lines and the other Jessica lines aloud.

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
Say ss to circle the jobs in the conversation.
Ask ss to practice the conversation with a classmate and call volunteers to perform the activity.
Direc ss attention to the grammar box

Present progressive
I’m reading about jobs I’m not writing about jobs
He’s fixing the airplane He’s not flying the plane.
She’s listening to a song She’s not singing a song
We’re studyng English We’re not studyng French
They’re walking to school They’re not driving.

Direct ss to the ing ending rules.

1- If the verb ends in E we remove the E and add ING
2- If the verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant, we dobble the final consonant and
add ING
3- If a two-syllable verb ends in a consonant + vowel + consonant we DON’T double the
final consonant when the stress in in a first syllable.
4- We DON’T double the final consonant when verb ends in W, X or Y.
5- If the verb ends in IE we change it to YING
6- If the verbs ends in a stressed vowel + R, we double the final R and add ING
7- IF the verb ends in a unstressed vowel + R we DON’T double the final R and add ING.

Say ss how is formed the present consinuous: verb be + main verb + ing.
Direc ss attention to the pronoun + be contractions in the grammar box.
Ask ss to complete the nex sentences using present progressive form of the verb

1- I’m listening to the radio .(I / listen)

2- He’s eating dinner now. (He / eat)
3- They’re not walking to school. (They / not / walk)
4- She’s bringing food to people in the café. (she / bring)
5- You’re not studying chemistry. (You / not / study)
6- They’re exercising in the park. (They / exercise).

Direc ss attention to the grammar box. Point out that the yes / no questions are in column one
and the answers are in column two.
Read the sentences in the grammar box aloud, ss have to listean ad repeat.
Ask to ss to work in pairs to unscramble the next activity and write the questions correctly, the

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
ss have to say the questions to the partner and answer with own information.
1. Wearing / are / black / you / shoes _____________________
2. Shirts / we / wearing / white / are ______________________
3. Is / a book / reading / teacher / your ____________________
4. Friends / is / breakfast / your / eating ___________________
5. Watching / are / a movie / your / classmates _______________
6. An airplane / I / am / flying __________________________
Give ss to a little card with an activity, say they come to the front and act the activity and the rest
of the group have to gess what the cassmate is doing using present progressive sentences.and
the yes / no questions

Direc ss attention to some flash cards about physical appearance.
Ss have to listen and repeat the wocabulary words.
Direc ss to a flyer about some student in the school
Ask ss to write sentences to describe the physical appearance from all people in the picture in
their notebook.
Ask ss to write yes / no questions in present progressive about the activities the ss are doing in
the pictures, a classmate have to answer the questions using positive and negative form of the
present progressive.

¿Pa’ que soy buen?
ConoceT / Relaciona T
Autoconciencia, relación con los demás, autopercepción, asertividad.


Direc ss attention to flash cards pictures on the board ask who look stronger, the boxer or the
football player?
Continue asking a serie of question to elicit the use of comparatives in answers.
Trasition to superlative questions. Who’s the strongest person in these pictures?
Direc ss attention to the first grammar box. Say listen and repeat.
Read the comparative and superlative sentences aloud.

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
Comparatives and superlatives
Basketball players are Taller than Long – distance runners
Heavier than
More coordinated than
Better than
Worse than
Football players are The tallest Athletes.
Figure skaters are The heaviest
The worst
The most coordinated
The best

Rules for comparatives and superlatives

1- One syllable adjetives add ER for the comparative and EST for the superlative.
2- One syllable adjectives end in E only add R for comparative or ST fot uperlative
3- Two syllables wich end in Y change for I and add ER for comparative and EST for
4- Adjetives with three or more syllables more is used for compararative and most for
5- Irregular adjetives good, bad, far, little.

Ask ss to go to th library to do a list of superlatine and comparative adjectives.

ask ss to write the next exercise in the notebook

1. Soccer players / coordinated / runners.

2. Football players / heavy / basketball players.
3. Soccer / popular sport / in the world.
4. Jhonson / dangerous player / in the game.
5. Basketball / nice sport / for teenagers
6. I / bad / you.

Ask ss to write 10 sentences using comparativos and 10 using superlatives in the notebook
Say ss fot negative senteces have to add NOT

Verb be + not + comparative / superlative

Baseball players aren’t taller than basketball players

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
As to write 10 negative comparative sentences and 10 negative superlative sentences.

Direct ss attention to the board and rising hands ask students to say 10 wh questions to answer
with comparatives and superlatives, example:

Who is the strongest person in the classroom?

When finish to write the questions in the board ss have to copy and do the questions to the

 Ask to ss to do the exercise fron their studentbook.

 Ask ss to do the exercises from Edmodo.

Producto de aprendizaje
Actividad del estudiante Duración Tipo de evaluación Ponderación
Ss attention to the video (asking for and giving Oral participation (asking Formative Assessment
diretcions / easy English) and say what’s the video’s and giving directions
main idea (oral participation). video).
Ss pay attention to the grammar box and take notes Grammar notes in the
in the notebook, then have to listen and repeat the notebook. Summative Asessment
sentences from the box. Oral participation listen
Ss read a conversation about how to ask for and give and repeat grammar.
directions, underline the indications. Conversation about how
Ss have to write a new conversation with a partner, ask and give directions Coevaluation
asking and giving directions to go to different places, with a partner written and
practice the conversation and show the result to the oral participation.
rest of the class.
Hetero evaluation
Students pay attention to the grammar box and take
notes in the notebook, te teacher do some questions Grammar notes in the
about who can or can’t do some activities and ss notebook.
have to rise a hand to participate answering Oral participatation
questions. answering questions.

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
Ss write in the notebook a list of 5 abilities they have A lis of abilities in the
and 5 they do’t have and write sentecens with the notebook.
information. Exercise in the notebook
Ss copy the exercise in the notebook and answer answered correctly.
correctly. Chart with activities and
Work with 3 clasmates to complete a chart cheking th senteces with chart
activities they can do and crossing out the activitis information (individual and
they can’t do, then write setences using the teamwork)
information from the chart.
Ss have to listen and complete the exercise about
can / can’t correctly.

3.- PRESENT PROGRESSIVE Oral participation listen
Students pay attention to the conversation, when and repeat the
audio finish they liten the conversation again, now conversation (teamwork).
listen and repeat, divide the class into two groups, Oral participation
one men for pedro and women for Jessica and say performing pedro’s and
the lins aloud. jessica’s conversation
Ss circle the jobs in the conversation. (teamwork).
With a classmate practice and perform the Grammar notes in the
conversation in fron of the class. notebook.
Pay attention to the grammar box, read the Ing ending rules notes in
sentences and circle the verb be in all of them. the notebook.
Take notes in the notebook about ING ending rules. Notebook activity
Ss copy the activity in the notebook and answer answered correctly.
correctly. Yes / no questions
ss copy the yes / no questions grammar box in the grammar notes in the
notebook, have to listen and repeat notebook.
Copy the activity in the notebook and work in pairs to Notebook activity
answer the questions with partner own information. (teamwork).
Ss take a card with an ing verb on it, they have to Oral participation gessing
come to te front and mimic the activity, the rest of the the present progressive
class have to guess whats is the activity about. Have activity. (all the class).
tu use present progressive yes / no questions

Vocabulary words on the

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
Students watch some pictures in the board about Sentences describing
physical appearance and vocabulary words. people in the notebook.
Ss have to listen and repeat the vocabulary words. Present progressive yes /
Ss watch a flyer with some ss doing different no questions.
activities in a school, and wtite 10 sentences to Yes / no questions answer
describe people appearance in the poster. with a partner.
Ss have to write present progressive yes / no
questions and anwer the question with the
information in the poster.

Social-emotional skill application activity
¿Pa’ que soy buen?
ConoceT / Relaciona T Comparatives and
Autoconciencia, relación con los demás, superlatives vocabulary
autopercepción, asertividad. words and grammar notes
in the notebook.
Students pay attention to the pictures from the board answering teacher’s
and take notes in the notebook. question.
Ss have to listen and repeat vocabulary words Comparatives and
(athletes, sports) superlatives list in the
Ss have to rise a hand to answer the teacher notebook.
questions comparing athletes (oral participation) Exercise in the notebook
Ss have to pay attention to the grammar box and answered correctly.
take notes in the notebook, the have to listen and Comparative and
repeat. superlative sentences in
Take notes from the comparatives and superlatives the notebook.
rules in the notebook. Questions and answers in
Ss have to go to the library to do a list of more the notebook using
differents comparatives and superlatives to increase comparatives and
the vocabulary. superlatives grammar. (All
Copy the exercise from the board and answer the class participate).
Ss have to write in the notebook 10 psitive sentences
using comparatives, 10 pisitive sentences using
superlatives, 10 negative sentences using

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
comparative sentences and 10 negative sentences
using superlatives.
All the class participate to write 10 sentences in the
board about the class and classmate to do
comparations, they have to copy them in the Use of digital Plarforms:
notebook and ask the questions to a classmate,
answer the questions with partner own information.
 Do the exercices in the students book
 Do the exercices in Edmodo.

Actividades de aprendizaje Cierre


Actividades del Docente Recursos utilizados Duración

The teacher write on the board street names, and city places, ask ss to work in groups of 4 to
do a model, they have to include the streets and places from the board.
Ask to ss to present the model to the rest of the class.
Ask to ss to write a script about asking for and giving directions with their city model and present
to the rest of the class, say ss they have to use preposition of place and movement to give
directions. Flash cards


Ask ss to prepare a poster story using the present progressive grammar, tell ss the next
indications: Markers (different Colors)
First, choose the main character
Write the first paragraph, chek the grammar.
Write the second paragraph.

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
Choose the pictures to decotare the sroty
Write the resto of the story.
Ss have to share their work with the rest of the group.

Laptop and proyector

Ask ss to work in 3 some and write an interview using can, comparatives and superlatives
grammar, ss have to prepare a video doing the interview with the next indications:
First they imagine they are in the news on tv.
Choose the roleplays for each one, is the presenter, one is the interviewer and one is the
Chooste the subject of the interview.
Write the interview
Library. Bilingual dictionary
Choose the customes and scenary.

Producto de aprendizaje
Actividad del estudiante Duración Tipo de evaluación Ponderación

1. – ASKING FOR AND GIVING DIRECTIONS: A city model and script

PRODUCT. presentation asking for Formative Assessment 35%
Ss have to do a model of a city using the street and giving directions.
names and city places from the board, then they
have to write a script to ask and give directions
based on the model information and show their work Summative Asessment
to the rest of the class.


Students prepare a poster story using the present Coevaluation
progressive grammar, tell ss the next indications:
First, choose the main character 4 Hrs.
Write the first paragraph, chek the grammar. Poster story (present
Write the second paragraph. progressive grammar). Hetero evaluation
Choose the pictures to decotare the sroty
Write the resto of the story.
Ss have to share their work with the rest of the group.

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
Students work in 3 some and write an interview using
can, comparatives and superlatives grammar, have
An interview script and a
to prepare a video doing the interview with the next
new’s video, interviewing a
classmate. ( can /
First they imagine they are in the news on tv.
comparatives and
Choose the roleplays for each one, is the presenter,
superlatives grammar).
one is the interviewer and one is the interviewee.
Chooste the subject of the interview.
Write the interview
Choose the customes and scenary.

75% 66%
Reading, writing and The importance Students read
oral production as of language and
learning sources a tourist guide
grammar role in of a city and
and abilities
it. recognize the
practice. Expressing Construye T Collaborative work.
ideas. Talking most important program Context situation
Reading, writing, speaking Argumentative places to ask
about asking 15h application: application.
and listening. text. information
The importance of for and giving Social Awareness Practical problem
reading to writing directios. about them. RELACIONA-T. solution.
The text as Students use
The importance of resource prepositions of
reading to writing in information movement to
based argument. and new ideas express how to

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
get to some

Students use
questions and
directions to
get to different
public spaces.
Students use
about the
name of
Students use
Wh questions
to ask for
directions on
how to get to a
Students work
in teams to se
verb to be in
present simple
and adjectives
to describe
Use of technology
Technology, information, making
to enhance Learning and
Communication and learning. comparation. Students write
webbased learning. innovation.
. four sentences
that help them
to explain
which gadgets
described is
the one that
best adapts to
their needs.

CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
Recursos por utilizar

Materiales Equipo

Plumones, pintarrón, diccionario bilingüe, libreta, lápiz, borrador,

Computadora, Proyector y audio.
Libro de texto Horizons 5, Editorial Cambridge.


Bibliográficas Internet; otras fuentes


Communication.Technology High -school. ENGLISH V.
Clave 322205-17DE. Software: Access 1 y 2.

Habilidades Socioemocionales del programa Construye-T. Dimensión Relaciona-

T, Habilidad general: Establece relaciones constructivas con otras personas. Habilidad
CBTis 43 Conciencia
específica: Sec. Did.
Social1/3 Inglés
y la Técnica I Colaboración
didáctica: Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.
CBTis 43 Sec. Did. 1/3 Inglés I Semestre: Agosto 2019 – Enero 2020 Horas 25 P.A. del 26 de agosto al 01 de Noviembre de 2019.

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